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Power of the Spoken Word - Bob Jones

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 1:25pm

Topic: Power of the Spoken Word - Bob Jones

Posted By: Wayne Mitchell
Subject: Power of the Spoken Word - Bob Jones
Date Posted: 12/03/2009 at 2:56pm

December 3, 2009

Recently the Lord said “We must take an aggressive stand against spoken words.”  It gives the enemy permission to act on their behalf.  We must cancel the power and authority of the spoken word!  

As He spoke this, I saw words swirling over the earth like a vortex or tornado looking for an opening or place to land.  Any place that we leave an opening the enemy will use it to his advantage.  Words have power to bless or curse.
For example; I believe there are people who would like to see Bob fall and have expressed this verbally.  So the words begin swirling as soon as they were spoken.  Several months ago while Bob was out taking his daily walk, he lost his footing and fell.  The result was three broken ribs. He was in great pain for five weeks; it was a major setback for him.  I believe the intention was for Bob to fall from ministry however the enemy took advantage of the opening.

We must cancel the power and authority of any spoken word that is not lined up with God’s divine will and purpose for our destiny in the kingdom of God.  I pray daily for our families; cancelling the power and authority of spoken words that are contrary to God’s divine will and purpose for our destiny in Him. Then I release blessings and favor for it is God’s will for us to prosper in all things both spiritual and natural.

The enemy does not know our thoughts; only God does. However the enemy provokes our thoughts to get us off track and agree with him or simply “buy the lie.”  He’ll provoke us to remember things that we’ve already repented of and bring condemnation.  He will play with our thoughts and get us to question “truth” and operate in doubt and unbelief instead of faith.  And he’ll twist words so that we hear the opposite of what is spoken and become prey to the accuser.  Once we fall prey to the enemy’s tactics and allow our thoughts to form spoken words, we become the devil’s advocate.  Our words begin swirling looking for a place to land. Psalm 34:13 Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.  

The key words in this are AGGRESSIVE STAND and PERMISSION.  We must take our every thought captive and bring it into the obedience of Jesus Christ by standing on the word of God in a place of God like faith.  Otherwise we give the enemy permission to use them against us.  We allow him to do his will according to our free will or the choice we make.

Often times we speak words against ourselves.  We know our own pitfalls – so does the enemy.  When we hear the lie in our conscience we must cast them down immediately and not agree with them by speaking them out. We are the prophet of our own life; speak blessings not curses.

We must bridle our tongues.  James 3:3-4 says a bit is set in the horses’ mouths to make them obey; it will turn their whole body.  Large ships driven by rough winds are steered by a very small rudder at the impulse of the helmsman’s determination.

Every day I begin prayer for the United States by cancelling the power and authority of all words spoken by anyone in political power (including news media) that are contrary to the will of God for this Nation.  Our nation has a destiny in God.  I ask for the Spirit of Truth to be revealed and preside over our Nation.




Posted By: Pieter Mesu
Date Posted: 12/03/2009 at 3:46pm

Very encouraging to read Mitchel, may God bless America!

Lord, through all the generations you have been our home!

Posted By: Jeffrey Stewart
Date Posted: 12/03/2009 at 4:19pm

One of the enemy's goals is to pervert our words because spoken words have power.  His chief goal is to get us to repetitively say negative words, just like the Lord wants us to repeat His Word.  The enemy periodically inserts phrases into our common vernacular such as:

"I'm scare to death"
"I'm dying to know"

A fairly recent one is "sick"

As in "that's sick", etc

Words go to work when they are spoken because we are made in the Image of God, By speaking these words, we release them to work in the world.  The world was made by words and responds to words.  The world was made when God, who is Spirit, spoke.

So it is important to watch the words coming out of our mouths.  The Lord showed me several powerful examples of words working negatively.

The cartoonist Charles Schulz, of Peanuts fame, said he would die when he retired from drawing the comic strip.  He said this during several interviews.  A month or two after he retired from drawing the comic strip, he died.

Buddy Holly's greatest hit, "That'll be the day" repeats over and over, "That'll be the day that I die" over and over.  He died at a young age.

Patsy Cline had been in two very bad car accidents.  A week before the third one that killed her, a friend of hers, Ray Walker, remembered her saying "The third one will either be a charm or it'll kill me."

Shortly before James Dean's fatal crash, during an interview, He meant to say "The life you save may be your own" but instead ad libbed "The life you save may be mine"

President John F Kennedy's favorite poem was "I have a rendezvous with Death" rence+Desk/I+Have+a+Rendezvous+with+Death.htm

The lines are interesting in that one says he had a rendezvous with death at a barricade, which is what the Secret Service erects to protect the president from the public.

There are many, many other examples of how people have died early deaths that were proceeded with them speaking death related words.

That is why it is so important for us to keep words of LIFE in our mouths.  The Word says "The power of Life and Death is in the tongue"

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The secret of great faith is being fully convinced of His great faithfulness to keep His Word.

Posted By: Katie Hacker
Date Posted: 12/03/2009 at 4:25pm

How interesting. I have been feeling the need to watch my words and have also been encouraging others to do the same, pointing out what scripture tells us about the tongue. It is a little member but it has a lot of power!
Blessings. Katie
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