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Whoa Carpet Time Needed - Vaughn Clark

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Topic: Whoa Carpet Time Needed - Vaughn Clark

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Whoa Carpet Time Needed - Vaughn Clark
Date Posted: 07/27/2010 at 9:22am

Whoa Carpet Time Needed

By Vaughn Clark


I began this letter after our Wednesday night service—it is now Saturday night:

This is an opportune moment to plan and to draw near to the Lord.  We had a wonderful service tonight at our home church, The Sanctuary of Dublin.

Afterwards a gully washer of a storm hit—of course my wife and I were at the grocery store: what a sight I was with my shoes in hand and pants rolled up, and laughing at myself with strangers, all of us soaked.

Such lightning, all so intense, so wet, so sudden, so quickly passed—so shall be many times and seasons just ahead of us, both good and bad.

I have been really tired today and expected to fall to sleep, but here I am and have been dealt with by the Lord to announce a caravan….the looting of this nation is increasing.  God is not limited by these things, but a global frenzy is taking place and trillions of dollars are disappearing from our economy. Our nation is being stripped.

Trillions and trillions of dollars are being secreted out of America.

I have done everything to try to avoid this tonight, even stooping to cleaning out an email back log of 1300 letters, but this won’t go away. An all out global effort is being made by world-wide financial interests to make the plans to hobble American sovereignty and prosperity look good.  For a brief time, perhaps a few weeks, months, perhaps a year, government takeovers of the private sector will be buoyed up, and it will appear to be working, and in the eyes of most, the specter of insolvency, which by the way is not preventable in some form, will be glossed over.


During this time, so much political and financial blackmail will occur—we are in the season of scapegoating, name calling, and such foolish and cruel impulsive acts which can only bring sorrow to all. If there is a spate of “suicides” among public figure, you will know that a purge is underway.

 You will see a strange thing happen in this interim.  A lot of “funny money” will flow from our wonderful Moslem and Chinese handlers.  People who have worked hard their whole lives will lose everything and those who have done nothing will prosper—it will be like a hijacking of the Titanic, and luxury party on the deck.  People with money will flaunt their new riches with the total collapse of our system on the horizon of the dawning day.

Perhaps like the Poseidon, in the movie, “The Poseidon Adventure," a great wave of snowballing dominoes will roll it over upsidedown

I know that one of two extremes will take place with our present administration—either President Obama and his administration, the capstone of our failed  fifty year old utopian, anti-christian social experiment, will be ousted by mounting pressure and expose’ or will enter into political savagery and manipulation, and impose ruthless tyranny on any opposition.  Our president has been chosen as the figurehead in this nation of a great push to establish one-world government, cleverly packaged to entice our emotional and social aspirations. 

This was plainly stated by Henry Kissinger in a late 2008 interview with CNBC.  Kissinger was asked what was the most important thing for President Obama to accomplish in his administration, to which he answered,

“I think his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a “New World Order” can be created. It’s a great opportunity. It is not such a crisis.”


Do not forget that George Bush, Sr. stood in front of the United Nations with his New Age advisor, Brent Snowcroft in 1988 and said,

“We are declaring the beginning of the New World Order!”

President Obama is not the author of this horror story (and should not be vilified as such), but a participant—I do so pray those who have invented such treachery will be exposed for what they are.  How sorry I do feel for him and how wrong it will prove to be to have prostituted the noblest aspirations of the Civil Rights Movement for social planning, global governance, and political cronyism. How clever Satan is to make good look evil and evil look good.  When you see the living presidents of this nation standing together in public, you are seeing evil, and not good, being deployed.

 As I was fighting God not to write this, I had a vision of moving vans, even u-hauls, in Washington, D.C.—political and business leaders were secreting away our national treasures, resources, and finances for their own gain and future.  This was so evil that even the vans and trucks were painted black.

We must prepare our hearts to see a stripping take place—we will live through it.  I was assured tonight that America will stand, and we will triumph, but this system is collapsing and system change is being forced, frenziedly, hurriedly that will impose incredible hardship, but will not stand for long. Taxes will go sky high, God will provide, and some sanity will be restored after reality hits—I only ponder what price we will have to pay, and what subsequent deception fueled by desperation has been prepared?

I know now that Americans will worship man. God help that man, in ministry or in government, that takes God’s glory and allows himself to be worshiped,

“So on a set day Herod arrayed  in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave oration to them. And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man!”

Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give the glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.


Do not be dismayed. You must find a quiet place in the Lord and dwell there with Him.  It is time to enter into His Rest and to take His burden and His yoke.

“Come ,My people, enter your chambers, and shut the doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
For behold the Lord comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her blood,
And will no more cover her slain.”—Isaiah 26: 20-21

I want to announce the beginning of a chain of created crises and a clampdown on honest criticism of those who are doing weird stuff under the auspices of government and business. This foolishness in the Gulf of Mexico is a drop in the bucket of government and business being in bed with one another.  Get real and investigate environmental disaster cover-ups.  The push to strip us of true freedom of speech, and to create emergencies to bring us into a police state will soon be apparent. Do not fear, it is for a season.


For the record, the hysterical need to invoke racism at every turn is nauseating. For the record, I have listened to Shirley Sherrod’s wonderful and honest speech, a testimony of how she came to terms with her own racism personally.  I am ashamed of the press for pulling a portion of this speech to make her look bigoted against whites, when they knew better.

This kind of yellow journalism is so common and we are dumb enough as people to take it and run. She has to be a Christian, she has been so broken and gracious.  God bless her for her honesty and transparency in a personal professional struggle and deal with those who have so blatantly misrepresented her, manipulated, and lied. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!

The other unsavory facet of this fiasco, which I find even less palatable than the overt racism that was “exposed”—is that this was a calculated release of a sound bite of controlled information to defer attention from more pressing issues.  Any thing is possible in the Machiavellian smoke screen of misinformation.  Whatever the course, this is the prostitution of racism and continual re-infecting of wounds that should have long been healed.

How can the Church expect racial healing to come through a fallen world and a system that hates Jesus Christ?

I AM SICK TO MY HEART with the whole racist rant. I was raised by good black people and owe a good bit of what sanity I have to them.  I am real tired of stupid white people who hate black people and of black folks who seem to refuse to take responsibility. I think I speak for many.

We are messed up people.

Get ready for more of the same, except change on steroids—it will be angry, frenzied, and hysterical.

Draw close to God, let Him take you to the huge altar of cleansing and repentance He has prepared for us, and get ready to bloom where you are planted, even in cruel days.

I asked the Lord last Summer what would happen to us when the economy really fell.  I did not expect the response,

“ I have deep pockets. Even if this nation had a total collapse, the residue of America is greater than the blessing of other nations, and I will provide for My people.”

There is a grandeur of Presence, of position, of the Awe and Fear of God coming upon us.

Find your peace in Jesus and prepare,

“Come to Me, all  you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt 11: 28-30.

Believe this is the key:

1.  Be stable

2.  Believe that all the pieces of your life will fit together.

3.  Believe that God will do the impossible, beyond what you can see or think.

Jesus is for you, not against you. Trust Him in your troubles—the rain has come and the miracles have begun. A true revival of repentance and salvation is coming in the face of this present darkness, which we have lived in our whole lives.  Face the fact that we have been asleep in the bosom of an anti-christian monster since Jesus was officially forced out of our educational system in the early 60’s.

Pray for discernment against propaganda, pray for believers to be strong.

Today while outside I had another vision of a huge storm with hail stones as big as baseballs striking metropolitan areas.  People were running for cover. I do not live by visions, but have had them my whole life. They are increasing in these days. I am human and subject to error, but I have felt such an urgent need to sound the trumpet.

These days are CRUCIAL for separation and preparation.  Only God can change or stop the tyranny that is planned. My advice to you is to depart from spiritual confusion. Do whatever the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. For some of you it will mean life altering change, perhaps geographic relocation.

ASK God in Jesus Name to pour His Holy fire on everything binding your soul to what opposed the will of God in your life. 

PRAY for repentance—it is a gift that must be asked for and sought.  Repentance is not just sorrow and tears, it is change of heart and focus. Repentance is an altar which stands before us, waiting for our response while everything in us emotionally, physically, culturally, even religiously, is opposing a deeper place in Jesus and possessed by the Holy Spirit.

INTERCEDE for this nation…..great wickedness is afoot beyond what people with conscience can comprehend man to be capable of:  this is how great evil flourishes.  Normal people with natural affection can not fathom the chasm of apostasy in which the reasoning of a God-created human soul that has forsaken the Truth has been replaced and empowered by darkness that is earthly, sensual, and demonic.

NORMAL?????- what greater deception could grip a people when we cry over dogs, persecute those who abuse them brutally, call those who rescue animals national heroes, and deny the HORRENDOUS genocide of over 50,000,000 of our own people through abortion?  We even call those who protest abortion and rescue babies strange?


Demonism takes many forms, the denial of devilish deception and existence of such darkness the most subtle.  Religious spirits will accommodate us all in whatever mode our flesh is most comfortable, whatever self-assurance the easiest.  Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, is rising up to fulfill the Plan for the Age—don’t accept substitutes, for there are many.  I know the parable of the dragnet is on.  There will be many deceivers and false christs. Jesus said so Himself.

Spiritual seduction is the most subtle of the enemy’s tactics for the Last Days.  People will be afraid and desperate and will flock to anyone or anything representing security and stability, be it God or Satan masquerading as an angel of light.  Many of you have been sheltered from the realities of the streets, but humans will prostitute themselves physically for food to eat and a corner in which to sleep. People sell their children for drugs. What has been for sale in your life?


There is safety and provision in Jesus.  I believe a special anointing is on this hour for those who turn their hearts wholly to Him. Yes, this system is terminal—it has hated God, turned generations of little children to hell, and has rebelled against all that is holy and good.  But the Promises of God are yes and amen, and His Eye is not dimmed, nor His Arm shortened by the folly of man.

Something is about to take place in this country we have never seen before. During the Million Man March, I was driving up the East Coast.  I wept openly before God because I saw and discerned the demon spirit behind that march. Louis Farrakhan was born less than fifty miles from where I live. I have watched his tapes—he is evil incarnate and a devious nut.  I grieved until I was nearly sick, and on the third day of travel, God spoke to me,

“Wait until you see what I do!  Ten million Christians will march on Washington. The whole city will be paralyzed. The fear of God will strike the city and many will repent!”

Tonight I was with my family. I sort of went away and was very distant. I had a vision of the Great Mall in Washington, D.C. with the backdrop of the Washington Monument. I saw the Mall in three different conditions.

The first part of the vision, the Mall was completely empty; in the second part, it was filled with more people than could be counted as far as the eye could see.  In the third part of the vision, the Mall was filled with people laying on the ground in physical distress—it looked like a war zone open air hospital.

Right now it, on the surface, it is business as usual in America.  Soon a great spiritual activation, both light and darkness will emerge into the open—Light is greater than darkness.  The backbone and foundation of this nation will arise. Revival will come, retaliation against the brakes put on our culture by revival will follow.  Then the weight of our iniquity will fall upon us for a season. In wrath, in the midst of the years, God remember mercy!

These, my beloved brethren, are days of great valor, great love, great opportunity, great activation.  Believers are reporting to me, in the midst of their own personal struggles, the Holy Spirit is coming upon them to minister to people in public places.  Healings are becoming commonplace again as individual believers realize it is Christ in them, the Hope of Glory, and that Jesus in them is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Confrontations are becoming commonplace again for the reason—as His Light shines, darkness is exposed. Men hate the Light because their deeds are evil, and they love the darkness rather than the Light. Can you not see why this country demands a false gospel that validates the darkness rather than expose it?

These are days the Holy Spirit will gird us up with spiritual intestinal fortitude if we ask Him to and adhere to Him.  There are sounds of rejoicing over the good that will come and those who will enter the Kingdom and sounds of mourning for a lifestyle lost and those who have sold their souls for a moment in eternity.

I do not mean to be presumptuous, but a healing anointing and a call to repentance are going out through this letter, with great encouragement and conviction in Jesus Name.  People with lupus, Crohn’s disease, internal and intestinal rupture and disease, as well of afflictions associated with the blood are being healed in Jesus name.

Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, now in Jesus Name.  Every bit of gangrene, bitter dispute, offense, bondage will be smitten by the fire of God’s Presence.  It is time to expect more from Him and give more of ourselves!  Whole households and family lines where this message is sent will be delivered, come to salvation, and be visited by the Lord and His protection. Those with atheists and backsliders in their families will see them broken and returned. More than the hem of His garment is being thrown over us now—the Lord is arising as Boaz to cover us with His robe.


God bless and keep all of you.  The Gospel is still the Good News!  Jesus still destroys the works of the enemy—the wages of sin will always be death, but the gift of God will always be eternal life through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.

All is not lost, beloved.  This is a time to gain the Kingdom and lose bondage.  Trust.

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age, looking for the blessed hope and  glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His Own special people, zealous for good works.

Speak these things, exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.” —Titus 2: 11-15

Vaughn Clark - Glorious Light Ministries -


Posted By: Dean Gibson
Date Posted: 07/27/2010 at 11:06am

Jesus said I speak what I hear the Father speak,I do what I see the Father do. His people have been hearing,but have not waited to see the specific steps to accomplish what they are hearing.We are reaping the results of this action.Hearing without seeing produces man leading instead of God. We have seen plenty of this in this generation which is why we are in such disaray. WE have to Hear and See in the spirit,to make the correct steps for the kingdom age order God is bringing to light. WE WILL MAKE IT THRU THIS TIME OF CORRECTION and it will be Awesome when completed.   Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!  Your vision and writing are profound. Thx for being obedient for posting what I am sure was difficult for you to write. Will be lifting you up my bro!!

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 07/27/2010 at 11:07am

I had written the article below yesterday before weading this post today.

The Shocking Jolt

By Ron McGatlin

The thunder rolls out from the distance rumbling across the land. An eerie calm stills the trees. The brightness of daylight fades as skies begin to darken. Everyone knows that a storm is approaching. Even the animals seem to know. It is time to leave the gardening and begin to close the windows in preparation. But I really want to finish this project that is almost done. This is something that has some importance to me and my family in the scope of our lives. Our lives are filled with activities of home, school, business, and many pleasurable and productive responsibilities. I don’t have much time to do the gardening things and need to get finished. Besides, maybe the storm will go around and not come here and it may not be severe.

As we busy ourselves with the gardening of our lives we don’t really notice the darkening greenish gray sky that is beginning to move over us. Suddenly we have this strange feeling and all the hair on our body stands up. Instantly we are knocked to the ground as an unbelievably powerful surge of energy explodes from the sky. In an instant everything changes. We realize we are still alive and mostly unharmed and lift ourselves up to see the big oak tree only a few yards away ripped apart and still smoldering from the massive lightening strike.

The garden project is no longer a priority. We leave our tools and run for the house. Inside we check on others and rush about securing doors and windows. However, even before we are finished the howling winds begin smashing against the house. The electrical power goes off and we hear things hitting against the house. We gather the family and run to get into the basement. Nestled in a secure corner and wrapped in quilts we hear the roaring wind and crashing and smashing above us. Suddenly, our number one focus is God. Prayer is urgent and with great emotion. We desperately need to feel close to God and know He is close to us.

After only minutes that seem like hours the storm passes and we emerge to find our house and all that was in it is now scattered piles of debris drenched with water. All of our hard work and all of our possessions are destroyed. Not even a change of cloths is left. We have nothing. Our priorities are now completely shifted. Some things that seemed very important to us only minutes ago mean almost nothing now.

We are all here and unharmed. We hold tightly to one another our hearts are filled with love and praise to God. Giving thanks to God is the number one thing in our hearts. Our spontaneous prayer is: “Thank you God that we are all alive.” The peace and joy of the Lord begin to fill our hearts. Tears fill our eyes as we realize that we have been too busy to commune with our loving God who is our only solid rock in this temporal life. We have missed living in this place of real peace and joy in intimate oneness with our Lord. Soon the family begins to repent to one another for our shortness and contempt with each other while we were so busy with the “good things” of this life. Soon neighbors and others come to help us and we are so thankful that they are alright. We also become very thankful for the basic things of life that they share with us. We thank God for the things we took for granted until a few hours ago.

Again we repent for always wanting more or better than we had in the past and not being thankful to God for what we had. We feel God’s love flowing through our neighbors as we give thanks to God for His provision. Truly we are gushing with love for God and for our neighbors as well as each other in our little family.

How could we have missed this wonderful life? How could we have drifted away from the really important things and embraced emptiness?

Our lives had been very busy with many things that seemed so important that we had missed life. When we thought we were rich we had been truly impoverished.

Hours later we learned that the factory where we were employed with good pay for many years was severely damaged. The factory had been struggling in the poor economy and the strong competition from manufacturers who had moved their factories to other countries where there was less labor cost and fewer taxes. It is probably not going to be possible for the factory to rebuild and reopen.

Our prayer becomes thank you God that we have you and that we are all alive and well. We wonder if the Lord allowed the sudden storm of destruction to jolt us from our foolish life and turn us back to Him.

As I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to His people, I received the above in a vision like a dream while awake. I believe it speaks clearly of the current situation of many of His people, families, tribes and nations.

For many a shocking jolt of destructive power will in one day change life as it was known before causing many to turn back to God. A series of destructive events are already occurring as signs or a foretaste of what is to come to shake all things that can be shaken.

At the same time that the thickening dark clouds are releasing their destructive power, a mighty surge of supernatural empowerment will come upon the sons of God to preach and demonstrate with great boldness the pure gospel of the kingdom of God to the entire world.

The fire of God will roll across the land dissolving all that is not of God.

A child shall speak to a nation.

A whisper shall become a mighty shout as thunder from God.

Natural will be swallowed up in supernatural and restored as a garden of life.

Nothing shall stand before the Son of God manifesting Himself into the world. Every person yet alive on earth will worship the Lord God Almighty. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Christ Jesus is Lord. The whole earth will be filled with His glory.

This kingdom of God is now, always was and forever shall be.

It shall be fully manifested in the earth as it is in heaven.

Considering all these things what manner of person ought we to be?

Father God we bow before Your Majesty. Jesus you are Lord of all and King over all the earth. Fill us, oh Lord, with Your strength, Your courage, Your boldness, Your love and Your wisdom. Explode Your life in us that exceeds all that is in the world. Let the lightening of Your loving presence be a shocking jolt to blast us out of our mundane life of self concerns and into Your heavenly supernatural life in the Spirit. Open our mouths, oh Lord, to speak Your heavenly words and proclaim Your magnificent glory into the world. Fill us, oh Lord, with Your boldness that flows from purity of holiness and Your strength that flows from pure love. Let Your supernatural life rise up in Your people. We open our hearts and empty ourselves fill us Lord. Let us lose our life to find it. You are worthy oh Lord.  Amen

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin - -


Posted By: Jeffrey Stewart
Date Posted: 07/27/2010 at 11:19am


The thunder rolls out from the distance rumbling across the land. An eerie calm stills the trees. The brightness of daylight fades as skies begin to darken. Everyone knows that a storm is approaching. Even the animals seem to know. It is time to leave the gardening and begin to close the windows in preparation. But I really want to finish this project that is almost done. This is something that has some importance to me and my family in the scope of our lives. Our lives are filled with activities of home, school, business, and many pleasurable and productive responsibilities. I don’t have much time to do the gardening things and need to get finished. Besides, maybe the storm will go around and not come here and it may not be severe.

As we busy ourselves with the gardening of our lives we don’t really notice the darkening greenish gray sky that is beginning to move over us. Suddenly we have this strange feeling and all the hair on our body stands up. Instantly we are knocked to the ground as an unbelievably powerful surge of energy explodes from the sky. In an instant everything changes. We realize we are still alive and mostly unharmed and lift ourselves up to see the big oak tree only a few yards away ripped apart and still smoldering from the massive lightening strike.


As I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to His people, I received the above in a vision like a dream while awake. I believe it speaks clearly of the current situation of many of His people, families, tribes and nations.

For many a shocking jolt of destructive power will in one day change life as it was known before causing many to turn back to God. A series of destructive events are already occurring as signs or a foretaste of what is to come to shake all things that can be shaken.

At the same time that the thickening dark clouds are releasing their destructive power, a mighty surge of supernatural empowerment will come upon the sons of God to preach and demonstrate with great boldness the pure gospel of the kingdom of God to the entire world.

The fire of God will roll across the land dissolving all that is not of God.

A whisper shall become a mighty shout as thunder from God.

Yes, this pretty much sums it up.  Everything will be shaken, both inside the church and outside the church.  That which is of man, both inside the church and outside the church, will fall.  The things man has depended on for security THAT IS NOT GOD will be taken away.   He will have His Bride.  He will save this Nation.  And ALL will hear the Gospel throughout the whole earth, before He returns

------------- - My Home Page

The secret of great faith is being fully convinced of His great faithfulness to keep His Word.

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 07/27/2010 at 11:43am

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!~ Pure Living Word straight from our Father's Heart~ thank You Father! Righteousness, peace and joy like a Mighty Rushing River flowing here ..Glory to God!

 ~fallen Babylon.." Rejoice over her, you heaven and you holy apostles and prophets; for God has avenged you on her" Rev.18;20

In His Love

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 07/27/2010 at 4:50pm

Love and Blessings!

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 07/28/2010 at 5:46pm

And some folks think Glenn Beck is crazy! I don't think so. He's involved with the 9/12 Project on 8/28 in DC. It's not a political affair/event. He's been asking folks to prepare for 40 days before this event by praying on their knees daily, not lying at all (not even little white lies) and to spend more time with their families and then to come to DC. On his program he is encouraging folks not to look to the G-O-V but to G-O-D. I believe that there will be thousands that show up on that day in DC. Wouldn't that be too sweet of God to cause a revival to happen on the Mall through the efforts of Glenn Beck! How hilarious would that be?! I would absolutely love it because I really think he is a patriot and a good man that loves God even though his theology seems to be a little dicey sometimes. One day he talked about the snake coming to Eve in the Garden of Gethsemane. Funny like Madea in her latest movie!!! I'm gonna have to ask God to be real clear about how our family is to prepare.

Posted By: Larry Denton
Date Posted: 07/30/2010 at 12:53pm


At the same time that the thickening dark clouds are releasing their destructive power, a mighty surge of supernatural empowerment will come upon the sons of God to preach and demonstrate with great boldness the pure gospel of the kingdom of God to the entire world.

The fire of God will roll across the land dissolving all that is not of God.

A child shall speak to a nation.

I think so....

The Dreams…The first was a huge black tornado coming through, followed by stormy weather. What I can only describe as, globally. I stood and watched as mass pandemonium broke out, but there was nothing (any power) in the tornado, or the following storm.


 The fear was in the hearts of men, everywhere. This fear drove them to trying to flee, but having no direction as to where to go or what to do. Even children wanting to die…Those around me, I pointed to and took them into the foundation of a house. There was lots of room, more than enough room, for everyone. But some, being so filled with fear and given to, could not see or hear the foundational message.

Whether I stood within (taking others into) or without the house (pointing to), there was perfect peace. And it was this peace; I was taking and pointing to. End of first dream.

The Second Dream…

The second dream: I stood in Who Jesus is, Word, Kingdom, Love, Truth, Life, Light... all that He is. Whole, Complete. The only way I know to explain this is. All that He is, I was. This is and always has been the Living Reality, His intention for man and earth from before the beginning of. End of dream

Taking "IN" so to speak the spirit of what all is shared above, I can envision folks , seeing the storms,  and some will use wisdom and  "head for the house'...

 And because of like of revelation, some will stand out side and "just" watch...

But , what we watch here is somtheing that can proceed and/or follow the storms,and it kill at the speed of light and is manifested as light.

We seem to be able to account for the structue of the storm and it path, but who among the spiritual weather men can post dictate where ,when, and how this fire will come?

2Sa 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.

2Sa 22:8 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.

2Sa 22:9 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

2Sa 22:10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.

2Sa 22:11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.

2Sa 22:12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.

2Sa 22:13 Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.

2Sa 22:14 The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice.

 Sa 22:15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them; lightning, and discomfited them.

2Sa 22:16 And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.

2Sa 22:17 He sent from above, he took me; he drew me out of many waters;

2Sa 22:18 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.

2Sa 22:19 They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.

2Sa 22:20 He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

Think this "large place might just be the Kingdom?

2Sa 22:21 The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.

 I can still hear my grandmothers call in spirit , get to the house Larry,and  that not to the dog house! Which seemed great laying in there with a couple of hounds.

But now , I think it is time to consider which house we need to run to an I have this feeling and seeing think , it being a matter of revealtion, that the House we are to run into is not made with hands!



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