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Topic: Digest November 19, 2010

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest November 19, 2010
Date Posted: 11/19/2010 at 5:56pm

Worldwide Kingdom Awakening News and Views




Published by Ron & Barbara McGatlin - Basileia Publishing

In This Issue
1. Boldness of Love 
2. Current Books That Ron Recommends
Top News Headlines nheaven - to Digest

1. Boldness of Love

By Ron McGatlin
An increasing number of followers of Christ are sensing an inner heavenly unction and hunger to experience a full-out worldwide fire of God revival. We are longing for an outpouring of people turning to God with passion that ignites the world with the pure holy presence of God – a flood of the liquid fire of God’s love flowing from within God’s people consuming the foolishness of a sin-sick world and replacing it with the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. All that is needed is now available by the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Christ Jesus in all who live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit.
All the systems of life on Planet Earth are languishing in desperate straits of degradation. Life is fading from the people and systems of the world. The world suffers from continuous decline of life gradually eroding into death as the substance of life oozes out and away from mankind.
The love of God is the substance of life. With God’s love all life prospers and all systems of life increase and improve. Evil fades away as love grows and intensifies. The fire of God is the passion of His love. The passionate love of God is setting our hearts on fire with His passion in us. The weak become strong in the boldness of His passionate love. Human reason and fears are devoured in the passionate fire of God’s love.
A small frail mother will arise and fiercely attack a large strong man who is threatening her small child. A father will run through flames into a burning building to save his precious son. An old man will dive from a bridge into a deep cold river to save his drowning grandson. Human love is powerful; how much more powerful is the spiritual love of God?
How much more is the passionate love of God in our hearts consuming our fear and human reasons for restraining ourselves from rising up to bring life to those around us and stop the flow of death in our world? Father God in His passionate love is sending fire from heaven. Can you feel it? Can you sense the call to explode with the fire of God like lightning from heaven, thus beginning an outpouring of a deluge of the liquid fire of God’s love?
We are like the old man standing on the dry safe bridge peering down into the cold murky flowing water of the large river that is carrying away our posterity of the generations that has fallen or jumped from the safe dry bridge into the deadly water. There is no time to think or prepare, only time to shout “HELP!” at the top of our voices in hopes that someone will hear as we jump over the banister in the hope of grabbing the child before he is carried too far away by the current or submerged into the depths.
Personally I believe Father God and Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit are ready to make an all out move to leap into our personal and world situation to save the drowning posterity of His creation on Planet Earth. Further, I believe God is calling for his frail and humble people to arise and shout for help as we leap from our safe dry place into the passionate flow of redemption and transformation. God is looking for sons and daughters who will present their bodies as living sacrifices.
I hear a religious voice of denial saying something like, “God will have to do this in His timing when He is ready. I am certainly willing to be a part whenever He decides to send such a move. He has all the power and is in control and can do this thing. I can only wait until He does it. I sure don’t want to get in the flesh and try to make it happen. I am willing whenever He does it. And we all know we must be careful for it might be Satan doing a counterfeit thing.”
This sounds good and certainly is not all untrue. We sure don’t want the flesh or the devil involved. However, there is nothing wrong and everything right with doing something by the Spirit. Pray, hear, and obey is our part.
The above excuses are usually made from false humility probably coming from religious training. The effect of these words is to quench the fire of God. We will not jump in carrying our weights of religion. There is an abandoning of secular and religious weights involved. God is not going to do this by Himself apart from His sons and daughters, His Body on earth. He will do all the empowering and supply all the needs and direction for the leap into the activity of the Spirit, but He will not do it without His people.    
We must break through our religious shells and leave them behind. Like a chick forming and growing inside a protective eggshell, we must exert the strength to break through the “eggshellto experience life in the Spirit. Until that breakthrough the chick’s world consists of only what is inside that shell. It was a good place for a miracle of life to begin and be formed into a living being. However, it is not a place to grow up and experience life in a much larger realm.
If for some strange reason a natural chick decides to not peck his way out of the shell, it would live a very limited short life in the shell. The chick will never experience the far greater life growing up in the big world. If for some reason the chick does not develop enough strength to peck through the shell and breakout, he will soon die. The mother hen cannot help the chick to break through the shell. The will and effort must come from within the chick. The same is true of the butterfly, fashioned by the hand of God from a caterpillar while in the womb of cocoon. The butterfly gains needed strength in the exercise needed to break through.
When I lived on a homestead type farm, I had a large incubator and hatched a couple of hundred chicks each year. On occasion I would discover a chick that was having difficulty trying to hatch. I discovered that if I helped the chick, most of the time he would not be strong enough to survive. I had provided the right temperature and humidity and turned the eggs twice daily for the 21 days or so in the incubator. I had done all that could be done, but the chick had to do the hatching on his own.

The truth can be proclaimed and prophesied and the environment made right for hatching through our religion. However, only we can decide we will break out of our religious shell and leave it behind.

With the natural chick, not one particle of the old shell can remain on the chick. If it does it will stick tight and require some help to safely remove it. The other chicks may peck it off and do some damage to the skin. I found that I could help in removing the shell by moistening the stuck piece of shell and gently removing it.
So it is in the Spirit. We must within ourselves make a clean break from our shell of religion. If we get free and are walking around with a bit of religion still stuck on us, we can help one another by gently removing the piece with the moisture of the Holy Spirit. However, we still have a part by submitting to the ministry of another and remaining still while the piece is removed from us. There may still be some pain in its removal, and the tendency is to lash out toward the one helping us when it hurts a bit.
God send your fire.
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin - - - -

2. Current Books That Ron Recommends

At we are not in the book sales business. We lean toward free download books where possible.

Admin Group - New! - Don Atkin - In my opinion, this is probably the most significant apostolic writing done to date. This large book can open big doors of pure biblical revelation of "Christ in you the hope of glory" and the the apostolic ministry of Christ in this season of transition toward the kingdom of God. This book is not available for free download but can be purchased on Don's website - .

Admin Group -  - Wolfgang Simson - This book is filled with practical spiritual wisdom and kingdom understanding from God framed in Wolfgang's extensive first-hand experience in worldwide house church planting. We heartily recommend that everyone interested in kingdom oriented house church read this book. It is not yet available for free download but can be purchased from Amazon.

Admin Group - -  Ron McGatlin - We sincerely believe this to be the most overall, all-inclusive and extensive kingdom of God resource currently available. Although certainly not exhaustive, it is foundational and written in simple language. Many books could be and perhaps will be written on the many principles of kingdom of God living presented in seed form in the 52 loaded chapters of this book. Excellent for group experience and growth in kingdom of God reality individually and in groups. It is available for free download both in - .

4 stars - - Myles Monroe - This book will defy almost every concept you have about religion as it shifts the focus away from religion towards the ultimate issue---the Kingdom of God. You'll explore the keys that make the Kingdom function in your life, why governments and world leaders continue to fail us, and why religion can never fulfill your deepest desire.

4 stars - Houses That Change The World - Wolfgang Simson - This 300 page book published in 1998 is a significant contribution if not a major foundational piece of the current reformation and the return of the house churches. ( - )

4 stars - - Kriston Couchey - We have passed a threshold in time. The age of the church is ending, and we have entered the age in which the Kingdom of God will be established. This book is about the transition of the ages, and changes we will see. The religious mold of the past that has defined and confined the church has cracked. This book seeks to break religious mindsets and further move the church on into its destiny.

4 stars - - David Orton - This book casts a biblical vision of the church's kingdom-revival future and addresses the hindrances to its fulfillment. This book asks some penetrating questions about the current state of the western Church.

3 stars - – Frank Viola and George Barna – A great amount of research exposes the non biblical origins of many practices and systems that are valued church traditions. Reading this may be difficult for many. However, it is a needed step to breaking from the past systems that have led to marginalized powerless religious systems. -

  3 stars - Visions Beyond the Veil H.A. Baker   - - Under His Wings (H. A. Baker, autobiography)   
Free Download PDF - These two books by H. A. Baker are both treasures Vision Beyond the Veil in particular is a classic and a must-read—especially Ch. 1 & 7! The autobiography is much longer but well worth the time.In these final years or days of America-as-we-have-known-it, these focus one’s attention on eternal realities in a way rarely matched.  Each is definitely motivational in a practical sense and a deathblow to the lie of cessationism.

Book Ratings
Excellent   Admin Group 
Very Good 4 stars
Good        3 stars

3. Top News Headlines 

Cuba is seeing one of the fastest church growth rates in the world - 11/17/2010
There just aren't enough churches to hold all the believers. Within the last 20 years, a church-planting movement began sweeping the island nation. Today, according to the IMB, the number of Cuban Baptist traditional churches, missions, and house churches exceeds 6,200. Music helps the church. It's a big part of life in Cuba. Many musicians are coming to Christ. Read On: -

400,000! Attend Final Day -Thousands from darkness to light. - Ogbomosho, Nigeria CfaN Crusade - 11/16/2010
Tonight, I'm sure that all of Heaven was focused on the massive harvest that took place in Ogbomosho, Nigeria. We were amazed to see that the crowd had grown so dramatically over yesterday to 400,000! The response was overwhelming and thousands passed from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Read On: - -
Al Qaeda Training in Sahara for New Attacks - 11/18/2010
From Pakistan to Iraq to Yemen, the U.S. has turned up the heat on al Qaeda. The pressure has led the terror Group to seek out new safe havens. They've found one in a remote area of the Sahara Desert known as the Islamic Maghreb. "A wide open desert; a series of failed states with very weak militaries. It's the perfect breeding ground for al Qaeda." Read On: -

Iranian Pastor Accused of ‘Thought Crimes’ Sentenced to Die by Hanging - 11/15/2010
Youcef Nadarkhani's wife and young sons are probably praying like never before. Just a few weeks ago it looked like a verbal death sentence against him might never be carried out. Officials were afraid of bad publicity. But since then the sentence has been confirmed in writing. The house church pastor has less than three weeks to appeal. He faced similar charges in 2006. Read On: -

Calls Rise to Probe Capitol Hill Muslim Prayer Sessions - 11/17/2010
Calls are increasing for the Justice Department to investigate a weekly Muslim prayer session on Capitol Hill attended by congressional staffers. Muslims with terrorist ties have been participating in the session. revealed that the notorious al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was among the controversial figures who has attended the weekly Friday jummah prayer. Read On: -

Welfare State: Europe's Economic Armageddon - 11/17/2010
For decades, France has been running a welfare state it can't afford. And now, aging demographics have doomed it. Economists say it's only a matter of "when" and not "if" the system collapses. In the streets of Europe, it's been open warfare over welfare as striking workers fight with police over slashed benefits. Perhaps this is evident nowhere more so than in France. Read On: -

Federal Reserve "Quick Fix" Eats Away at Missionary Budgets - 11/15/2010
Baptist Haiti Mission has already felt the pinch. Spokesman Rob Baker says, "The valuation of the US dollar is on the decrease in Haiti. That means less money to work with." The private Federal Reserve is buying back billions in debt, supposedly to bring down interest rates and encourage spending. Many believe that drives inflation, increasing costs. Ask a missionary. Read On: -

Far Fewer Gays In Britain than Parliament Previously Told - 11/15/2010
Could it be that Parliament has been favoring the gay minority way out of proportion to its size in the population? A new study by the Office of National Statistics estimates homosexuals comprise one-point-five percent of Britain's population. Back in 2005, when civil partnership legislation was introduced, the most commonly cited estimate was six percent. Read On: -   

World's Largest Church Splits to Reach More People - 11/15/2010
The rationale is that pruning produces growth. Yoido Full Gospel Church in South Korea lost over half its members last January. That's when it released 20 satellite churches into independence. And get this. The mother church reports more than one thousand converts being added per month after the "split." The daughter churches are also experiencing revival. Read On: - - High Court Considers Barring Christian Foster Parents - 11/13/2010
Testimony has already been heard in Owen and Eunice John's case in the UK. Now they're waiting for the decision. The main issue is the couple's refusal to tell a child the homosexual lifestyle is acceptable. Also, attending church twice on Sundays would "limit" available time for childcare. The archbishop of Canterbury is praying that common sense and justice prevail. Read On: - - - 11/13/2010
Students at a Chicago high school recently learned tolerance is two-way. That's just as long as you don't hand letter the shirts yourself. Three students showed up with professionally lettered 'Straight Pride' T-shirts during a week set aside for gay issues. The school supported their right, but not the rights of two others with similar messages that were hand-lettered. Read On: - - - 11/13/2010
Obscene language on primetime TV is on a meteoric rise in both frequency and intensity. One of the most offensive words is being spoken or bleeped 25 times as often as it was five years ago. A study by the Parents Television Council, compares primetime programming from the nation's top broadcast networks in the first two weeks of the 2010 and 2005 fall seasons. Read On: - - - 11/13/2010
New Zealand has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world. But Phil Nitschke would like to see the number of self-inflicted deaths increase. The government is letting Dr. Death, as he's known there, take his message to TV. Could it be a classic case of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing? The government is spending millions on suicide prevention. Read On: -  

For More Top News Headlines, - -

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Posted By: Kathy DesVoigne
Date Posted: 11/20/2010 at 8:40am

Dear Ron,

I just began reading the book, Visions Beyond the Veil, free ~ online. A story of a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (that's putting it mildly)  The INTRODUCTION blew me away.. I could feel tears welling up in me as I read, because this is what God put in my heart several years ago! 

"They Believed in God, Trusted in the Blood of Christ~ prayed for the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  They sought Christ.  He alone was sought and magnified, throughout all the Holy Spirit's outpouring. They singleheartedly prayed and praised the Lord Jesus. It was not something that was "worked up" ~ It was not the result of character building by man, ~ this outpouring was clearly a Gift of Grace" "apart from works" or personal merit".

The Lord has recently been speaking to me again about the Simplicity in Christ, ~  Just Jesus.  In Christ Alone..

We don't need to attend the latest Conferences to hear the latest & greatest speakers, be highly educated, have supersonic revelations & giftings.. Just Fall in Love with Jesus.

Thank you for sharing this book.  The Lord really ministered to me as I read.

Love, Kathy





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