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Topic: Digest January 20, 2011

Posted By: News Room
Subject: Digest January 20, 2011
Date Posted: 01/20/2011 at 1:42pm

Worldwide Kingdom Awakening News and Views




Published by Ron & Barbara McGatlin - Basileia Publishing

In This Issue
1. Kingdom Relational Gatherings
2. Embracing Our True Identity
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1. Kingdom Relational Gatherings

By Ron McGatlin
In a general sense it is time for many kingdom people to come together in larger relational gatherings from a broader geographical sphere in addition to the small living room size groups. God, by His Spirit, will lead groups of kingdom people to seek to host gatherings on a more regional or larger basis connecting more closely with other kingdom groups and individuals.
Barbara and I have observed that prior to a winter storm, we often see many birds gathered closely together on power lines. I have no idea why that seems to be the case. However, as I pondered what the Lord was saying about gathering, I was reminded of the birds gathering closely in large numbers before a storm.
At this point the fullness of what God desires for these gatherings is not given to me. However, there are some things being made clear at this time. God has in mind KINGDOM gatherings of kingdom builders and seekers under the headship of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. He desires gatherings in Christ bringing many parts together joined by the Spirit in love – bringing all the spiritual gifts and assets of each person and group into ligament type connections causing the strength of the conjoined gatherings to be greater than the sum of the strength of the individuals or small groups.
We are experiencing a new beginning - the beginning of the real body coming together. The many parts are NOT knit together through an apostle or an organization or any one person. The growing connecting or networking together is group-to-group or person-to-person led by the Sprit under the headship of Christ Jesus. These gathering are not the same thing as the highly promoted conferences gathered around personalities. These will be grassroots ground level gatherings between groups and individuals to connect with one another in Christ. These gatherings will not do the same work as the high impact, one-time prophetic and worship conferences but will establish personal spiritual connections and continuing relationships between kingdom people.
Many elders with apostolic gifting, along with elders with all the other grace gifts, will be involved by connecting with one another and connecting individuals and groups to one another. The gifted apostolic elders will not be connecting the people unto or under themselves or anyone or anything other than Christ Jesus and His kingdom. Every person is to be directly connected to the Head, Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit.
Many have tried in the past and will try again to connect improperly by some form of natural human or religious initiatives without the full leadership of the Sprit and will fail to achieve a living kingdom-of-Godexperience. God’s people and groups will seem to gather by the Spirit as naturally as the birds seem to gather before a snow storm.
Gifted elders will be moving about group-to-group within a region, village-to-village, and city-to-city. People of one group will be led to contact and connect with people in groups near them. Soon natural spirit-led relational networks will exist at ground level without a visible head. Grassroots levels of communication will carry fresh word from God and the news of what God is doing including news of gatherings. Communication will spread rapidly from person to person through multiplication as one tells two or three and each of them tells two or three more and so on. This will not be done by design but from the excitement and prompting of the Holy Spirit.
The great and powerful natural multiplication of human communication led by the Spirit will only be exceeded by the developing supernatural communication of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can at one time communicate instantly with every believer on earth who has ears to hear. As the spiritual body begins to function in Christ by the Holy Spirit, supernatural communication becomes more normal and natural to us. Spiritual impressions and clear directions will be felt or heard more clearly as we have our spiritual senses honed by exercise through experience.
God is building a spiritual kingdom to order a natural world. 
Christ Jesus is the author and finisher, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. 
Religion has for many centuries replaced Spirit order with natural human order. The systems, organizations, and structure of rituals and programs have sought to order spiritual things. Secularism or secular humanism is a powerful religion that replaces God with man and seeks to order the world with human reason apart from God. Western society and the current “Christian” religion are significantly infected with secular humanism.
God has called out and is calling out a people to be reformed into vessels suitable to carry the life of Christ Jesus, and to order the world under Christ Jesus. Like clay vessels being returned to the potters wheel, we have been and are being broken to pieces, re-moistened by the Holy Spirit, and pressed back together into a fresh lump of clay to be returned to the hands of God shaping us into clean fresh vessels of His design to carry the life of Christ to order the world to the kingdom of God.
From start to finish it is the work of Christ Jesus. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus. Christ in you is the earnest expectation of glory. The whole earth shall be full of His glory and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God.
“The LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!"

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin - -  
2. Embracing Our True Identity


The time of wilderness preparation and training that many have gone through in the last several years has served many purposes; but none so important as that of resolving of our identity. While we may have titles such as doctor, lawyer, teacher, pastor, politician, etc.; these are identifying titles that describe "function", or what we do rather then who we are. Many choose to base their identity upon what they do, but it falls short of the identity our Father desires us to embrace and live from; that is our identity as His sons.

After Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness of preparation He was tempted with the words, "If you are the Son of God! Tell these stone to be bread!" and, "If you are the Son of God throw yourself down!" Satan was trying to get Jesus to question His own identity as the Son of God by DOING something to prove it. Jesus had no need to prove His identity and knew full well God met all of His needs. His identity as God's Son was already resolved in intimate relationship to His Father. And out of that relationship came confidence in His identity. As the Son of God He went forth in power in the form of a servant.

The titles and positions of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor/teacher are terms which represent "functions" of service and are positions that are given to perform works of service. For too long men have taken titles that identify their "function" as a servant and made it an identity that gives them worth. If your identity is in your position or title, the changing or ceasing of your function jeopardizes your worth and identity. When function is the basis of your identity and it is threatened or questioned, you must prove your worth by preserving and defending your function. In Christ there is no need to defend your function or your identity as a son; you are secure before your Father.

In a dream Father spoke to me, "Stand with and before me with confidence!" I was facing condemnation and Father was giving me encouragement. I came to understand that there were two places I must continue to stand in faith. The most important place of standing is before Him as a son. As sons we are called to stand before our loving Father; adoring, obedient, and dependent upon Him for every necessity of life. In the intimate place of a beloved son He calls us to stand before Him in confidence and faith.

Another place of He has called us to stand is with Him before men as His representatives, performing the works of service He calls us to.  We were created to function in this place of serving with Him; expressing His Divine Nature and Divine Authority to others by the work/function He has given us.

The preeminent place we are called to is that of abiding in His presence as a son. There are those who have come to stand before the Lord as a son and have rightly abandoned their past identities found in title and position. It is of the Lord that we have been cleansed of the self serving desire to find our worth in how we function. But even as Jesus the Son of God laid aside His glory to become a servant, so He is calling us to stand with Him as servants with a function of service. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. Those who have found their identity before Him as sons can now without fear confidently stand with Him before men and perform the function of manifesting Him to the world.

In His Love
Kriston Couchey" target=_blank eudora="autourl - 3. Top News Headlines 

Crowned Miss America 2011 at Just 17, Teresa Scanlan—a Homeschooler and a Believer—admits she's Aiming for the White House - 1/20/2011
Last Saturday saw Nebraska's Teresa Scanlan—the youngest competitor since 1937—become Miss America 2011, and in the flurry of tears and applause that come with winning the crown, Teresa repeatedly lifted her eyes and hands to Heaven in thanksgiving. Scanlan was homeschooled through her junior year of high school. "I'm defined by what God has created me to be." Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184417/0/ -  

Australia: Christians Show The Way In Flood Relief Operations - 1/19/2011
Christians have been highly visible in the aid and recovery stage of Queenslands flood crisis. Churches have been at the forefront of organising teams to assist those who have suffered loss and in the provision of meals for the thousands of volunteers who have offered their time in helping those devestated by the floods. Prime Minister Julia Gillard honoured their work. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184418/0/ - Nearly 1 Million African Youth Have Made True Love Waits Commitment - 1/19/2011
"In a continent ravaged by AIDS, these African commitments literally have life-and-death consequences." April to October 2010, more than 70,000 young people in Africa committed to Biblical purity through True Love Waits International, bringing the total number of commitments to more than 959,000 since LifeWay Christian Resources launched its initiative there in summer 2007. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184419/0/ -
Missionary One of Thousands Who Lost Homes as Floods Devastate Sri Lanka - 1/18/2011
Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Anthony lost his home and everything in it as floodwaters washed through his village this week in Sri Lanka. Thankfully, he, his wife and children escaped injury as the house collapsed and they did lose all of their possessions. Hundreds of believers have lost their homes, their crops and they have nowhere to turn for help. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184420/0/ - Somali Mother of Four Slaughtered for her Faith - 1/18/2011
Compass Direct News (CDN) is reporting the shocking news that a mother of four was killed for her Christian faith on Friday, January 7, 2011 on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Somalia by Muslims from al Shabaab militia. "She is survived by her children - ages 12, 8, 6 and 4 - and her husband, who was not home at the time she was apprehended has fled to an unknown location." Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184421/0/ -
Sarah Palin Explains 'Blood Libel' Remark - 1/18/2011
Some have blamed 'heated political rhetoric' for contributing to the tragedy in Arizona. Many have pointed the finger at Sarah Palin. "A group of people being falsely accused of having blood on their hands is what blood libel means. And two days before my statement, an editorial in the Wall Street Journal had that term in its title and that phrase has been used for eons," Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184422/0/ -" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184435/0/ - Muslim Gunman Get's Death Sentence for Egyptian Church Shooting - 1/17/2011
It's suspected Mohammed Ahmed Hassanein was given death, rather than a lighter sentence, because Christians have been complaining about a lack of justice in such cases. Hassanein's trial has lasted 11 months, but everyone's still thinking about a suicide bombing at another Egyptian church early this year. Two of the man's co-defendants could receive up to 25 years each. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184423/0/ -

Christian Counselor May Lose Accreditation for Trying to Help Gay Man Become Straight - 1/17/2011
Have you ever heard someone say he doesn't want to become a Christian because of hypocrisy inside the church? Well, here's a case an unbeliever's hypocrisy targeted against a Christian. Patrick Strudwick approached therapist Lesley Pilkington asking for help in leaving the gay lifestyle. Now he's filed a complaint accusing her of forcing her beliefs on him. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184424/0/ -

Florida Pastor Who Threatened to Burn the Koran Plans a Mock Trial - 1/16/2011
While some are trying to advance the Kingdom through the seeker sensitive approach, Pastor Terry Jones is using a diametrically opposite method. He's challenging Muslims to defend the Koran at a mock trial at his church on March 20th. If they lose, Mohammed's book will either be burned, drowned, shredded or put in front of a firing squad. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184425/0/ - http://www.openheaven." target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184426/0/ - - 1/16/2011
It all goes back to a 1997 agreement between Tarrant Baptist Association and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The association gets to use a building on campus, but must remain in "theological harmony" with the seminary. At least one church in the association has a more liberal attitude toward homosexuality — Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184426/0/ -" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184427/0/ - - 1/16/2011
Should a street preacher be banned from approaching students at a bus stop? Judge Jeannine Turgeon is weighing that question regarding Stephen Garisto, who says he has a constitutional right to evangelize the students. The school district wants a permanent injunction to keep Garisto away from the children. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184427/0/ -" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184428/0/ - Public Face of Ground Zero Mosque Replaced by New Imam - 1/16/2011
Feisal Abdul Rauf was about to leave on a US speaking tour when he heard the announcement that he would no longer be raising money for the Ground Zero Mosque. Another imam from Manhattan is taking his place at Friday Services. Rauf will continue on the board. According to "The New York Times," the mosque project has raised little money. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184428/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184429/0/ - Court Sides with Pro-Life Young Women Who Were Shackled and Strip Searched - 1/15/2011
This clears the way for a jury trial to proceed in Baltimore after a deposition this month. It all goes back to August 2008 when 18 pro-lifers were arrested while demonstrating in Bel Air, Maryland. Three young women were eventually shackled and strip searched. Recordings show officers commenting “…they can sit in a cell for an hour … or three or four and rot.” Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184429/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184430/0/ - Rick Warren Turns to New Age Doctors to Develop "The Daniel Plan" Diet - 1/15/2011
Rick Warren's new diet plan is named after a Biblical prophet, but the way he came up with it bears little resemblance to how Daniel did. All three celebrity doctors who helped are deep into New Age-related beliefs. TV's Dr. Oz admits his connection with Swedenborgism. Dr. Daniel Amen teaches the energy-based practice of Reiki. Dr. Mark Hyman promotes Buddhist meditation. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184430/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184431/0/ - Hezbollah Causes Collapse of Lebanese Gov't - 1/15/2011
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but a day after a pro-life advocacy group filed a complaint with federal officials, Vanderbilt University emailed a "clarification" to a controversial policy. Previously the school had required nursing residents specializing in women's health to help with abortions. The new wording provided an exception for religious and moral convictions. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184431/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184432/0/ - Police Chief: Take Hope To the Streets and Pray - 1/15/2011
That’s the message to churches from Matt Baggott, who oversees officers in Northern Ireland. Baggott was speaking at Europe's biggest men's conference when student riots first hit London. He foresees a great transformation as people pray for and get to know their police. The chief especially wants prayer for their protection and that policing makes a huge difference. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184432/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184433/0/ - Ground Zero Mosque to Be Delayed? - 1/14/2011
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's delays in answering Freedom of Information requests may put the Ground Zero Mosque project on  hold. Firefighter Timothy Brown is asking for an injunction to block demolition, pending resolution of a lawsuit. He feels the mayor's cozy relationship with developers kept the site from becoming a protected landmark. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184433/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184434/0/ - Why the West Won't Hear About Persecution - 1/14/2011
Hundreds of millions of Christians have suffered discrimination and persecution in lands as diverse as China and India, but mostly where Islam is the top religion. Still, persecution of Christians is one topic Americans do not hear much about. One possible reason — an anti-Christian bias among Western elites who often control the media and educational institutions. Read On:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184434/0/ - mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

For More Top News Headlines," target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184438/0/ - Go Here:" target=_blank originalattribute="href" originalpath=" 184439/0/ - Unlimited permission to copy and post or reprint without altering text or profiteering is hereby granted subject to proper credits and inclusion of this web address: http:/// - - . However, if an item not written by Ron McGatlin is marked Copyright, you should contact the original publisher for permission to reproduce.

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