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A Proven Identity

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:14pm

Topic: A Proven Identity

Posted By: Yolanda Ballard
Subject: A Proven Identity
Date Posted: 02/23/2011 at 12:41pm


Submitted for your discernment

by Yolanda Ballard

Marked By The One I Love

Examine your heart once and for all to see if you are truly one of the King's chosen ones. We need to know beyond the shadow of doubt if we are to be one that the Master has called to take a stand for the land. Yes, there is going to be a final battle, and one must know Whose side he is on.

One must be faithful unto death no matter what might come your way. You must be ready to stand fully armed against the wages of sin which is death. Do not take the pleasures that last for a moment and jeopardize your whole future. Resist the enemy and he will flee.

A good solder must be equipped to fight at all times standing guard. So we must watch and pray and not let our guard down. Remember when there is greatest victory is when the enemy is ready to attack.

I want you to be ready, My people, and I want you to know that you have a proven identity for I gave My life for you and sealed you with My very own blood. And yes, I have marked you that you will stand out in the darkness with My glory streaming out in all directions. Yes, you are like a diamond in My crown, and I love you deeply.

And I have called you to march out as My victorious ones for I trust you to invest your life in that which is highly favored before the Father. Yes, you are a camp that is highly favored, and I will do great exploits through you. Yes, I promised that I would do greater works and through My remnant bride.

I can trust you with the keys of My kingdom. I can trust you with My power and glory. I can trust you that I can live My life through you.

Yes, this is the time for war, and I want you to do it through worship. I want you to take the land and on your knees. I will let out through you a mighty roar, and the walls that have held My people in bondage will come down. Yes, those walls that have kept My people divided will crumble and fall. And as you let out My decrees, the enemy will scatter in your midst of pride and deception.

This is the day to rejoice and celebrate the victory for My bride is made pure and is coming together as one new man. Yes, this third day church will arise and shine for the Light has come to take over. He is the King of Glory, the Faithful One.

And we must stand in our ranks, esteeming one over the other, serving without grumbling and complaining through our hardships. For through much tribulation do you enter in and are made strong and purified.

This is truly the day the Lord has made. We must rejoice and be glad and take our stand. Be ready, for the Light has come, and we will win! The price has been paid. The decrees are let out. It has been prophesied. It has been written. It has been sealed. It is done!

At The Father's Feet


Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 02/23/2011 at 4:16pm

YEAH GOD!!!  TY JESUS!!! (((IT IS FINISHED)))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

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