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The Key To Running The Race Of Endurance

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:25pm

Topic: The Key To Running The Race Of Endurance

Posted By: Becky Porter
Subject: The Key To Running The Race Of Endurance
Date Posted: 07/25/2011 at 9:28am

The Key To Running The Race Of Endurance

By Becky Porter


I see a person with running shoes in their hands, and I see a line of athletes all lined up and ready to run the race.  I see a gun being fired - the race has begun. Everyone takes off at a very fast pace, and around the track they go.  Each person has been designated to run a specific amount of laps, and the length of each person's journey is different.  Some that have had to run a longer race (a race of endurance), struggle at times when they see those that have shorter, easier races because they wonder when they will finish their own race and receive their own trophy/reward.  As they run around and around the track they are looking for the person that will relieve them in their relay race, but they don't know when the person will show up or who they are, they only know the expected person will suddenly be in their lane, running in front of them with their hand out, waiting for the baton to be passed to them.  Those that have had to run the race of endurance have built a stamina that those running the shorter races do not have.  The advantage the endurance racers have are many, and because they have endured much they will be entrusted with much - God will bestow many rewards and blessings upon these faithful ones. 


For those of you who have been running a race of endurance, be encouraged because an end is in sight.  I know it has been a long hard road, but God's rewards will far outweigh the tribulations and trials you have had to endure.  I see a vision of God placing crowns on the heads of those who have been obedient and finished their race - those who have put their hand to the plow and not looked back - those who continued to obey the Lord, even when every muscle in their body screamed out in pain, and even when fatigue, weariness, and discouragement tried to take over, but still they pressed in and still they forged ahead, taking the Word of God and speaking it to themselves - personalizing it:


“Lord, you give me power when I am weak; and when I have no might You increase my strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary and young men shall fall, but because I wait upon You Lord, You renew my strength.  I mount up with wings as eagles.  I run and I do not grow weary, and I walk and I do not faint.”  (Isaiah 40:29-31)


"My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, therefore I will not be anxious because I know He will never fail me, nor let me down." (Philippians 4:19)


“I let the peace of God rule in my heart and I refuse to worry about anything, because my God is able and my God is faithful, and my God will see me through.” (Colossians 3:15)


As they run they can be heard singing, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness, oh Lord, great is Thy faithfulness."  


They have a good attitude and they continue to trust the Lord in spite of all that they have had to walk through and all that they have had to endure. 


I see that there are some who are faltering and slowing in their race.  It is as if they have run out of energy and their batteries are dead. I am reminded of an Energizer Bunny commercial - I see that many people have slowed, and then stopped in their tracks, (those without the Holy Ghost fuel, renewal, and empowerment), but those who are daily spending time with the Lord are zooming around the track like a very fast race car driver, or an Energizer Bunny that cannot be stopped!  When you look at the racers that are going fast and strong, you can see that they have a connection with heaven - you can see a golden light and energy flowing from heaven to earth that is empowering them - much like a bumper car at an amusement park that is connected overhead to electricity by a metal pole, and without that connection the car would quickly stop.


Those that have run out of fuel and stopped altogether, begin to watch those who are zooming around the track because they long to know what their secret is, and they soon discover the key is to maintain a constant connection with the Lord, and as soon as they, too begin to spend time with Him, their engines start up once again and they begin to pick up speed, and soon they can also be seen zooming around the track at top speed.  It is not an every now and then hook up with the Lord we need to have to be able to run in tip top condition and maintain our speed, no, it is a constant connection and communion with Him that must be maintained on a daily basis.


I see that some people are swimming in frigid, iceberg-laden waters, like one would see in Alaska or in a similarly cold climate.  I am reminded of an Iron Man contest where people must swim, bike, and run, and the contest is very physically demanding. These have been some of the more difficult assignments, and these people will be entrusted with more.  


I see that many are carrying heavy weights and burdens on their backs, and some are so loaded down they can barely walk, and sometimes when they try to take a step forward, the weight on their backs is such that it causes them to fall forward – face first.  I see Jesus come alongside of them and begin to offload some of their burdens and carry them Himself, and I hear Him say, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light."


Matthew 11:28-30 NLV


Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." 


There is an anointing coming - there is a rhythm in the Spirit that God is going to release to you where you will be synchronized with Him - you will be in step, in tune, and in one accord with Him, and you will flow with Him as never before.  I also see that things are going to suddenly pick up speed - we are going to be able to accomplish things more quickly and with less effort, not just in ministry, but also in our every days lives with whatever daily tasks and responsibilities we have.  God is releasing His grace, His favor, His peace and rest, and His yoke destroying and bondage breaking anointing to us.  Things that have held you captive for what seems a lifetime, will suddenly no longer have any power over you - you will suddenly find release from those things.  I see shackles suddenly opening up off of people’s wrists and ankles and dropping to the ground.  Those things that you've been crying out to God and asking Him to bring to pass in your life and in the lives of your loved ones, will suddenly come to pass.  


We are entering into a season of suddenlies. This is an anointed and appointed season we are entering into.  Don't take it lightly, but take this season very seriously and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity God is presenting before you.


I hear the song, "Arise shine, for your light has come." (Isaiah 60:1)


Press into God and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Do not grow weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap a bountiful harvest of blessings if you faint not.


Galatians 6:9 KJV


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


I am reminded of when Esther went before the king and he held out his royal scepter to her.  Jesus is holding out His Royal Scepter and bidding us to come to Him, and He is asking us what it is we desire. We need to ask wisely, and we need to carefully weigh our requests because sometimes we ask for things we never should have asked for and once we get those things we realize we made a mistake. And sometimes He brings gifts into our lives that we do not at first recognize as a gift because of the way they are "wrapped" - their beauty is not readily seen until they are unwrapped and revealed, and some of the very things we never would have asked Him for, sometimes turn out to be the very things we are the most thankful for.  Again, I sense He is cautioning us to ask wisely and to weigh the cost.


Luke 14:27-33 NLV


And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.  But don’t begin until you count the cost.  For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?  Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you.  They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!’ Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss whether his army of 10,000 could defeat the 20,000 soldiers marching against him?  And if he can’t, he will send a delegation to discuss terms of peace while the enemy is still far away.  So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.


Psalm 37:3-5 NKJV


Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.  Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

Proverbs 3:1-6 NKJV


My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.  Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.  Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.


Becky Porter


Posted By: Brenda Teal
Date Posted: 07/25/2011 at 9:42am

Thank you.There is much encouragement in this. I would
appreciate your prayers in a desperate situation. Love in
Jesus Brenda

Brenda Teal

Posted By: Becky Porter
Date Posted: 07/25/2011 at 9:52am

Hi Brenda,

I am so glad the Lord has encouraged you through this Word!  I would be happy to pray for you Brenda, and if you feel comfortable sending me an e-mail with specifics, please feel free to do so - either way I will be praying for you. 

You are precious to God and you are precious to me! 

Much love,


Posted By: Alexa T Heyns
Date Posted: 07/25/2011 at 10:21am

"We are entering into a season of suddenlies. This is an anointed and appointed season we are entering into. Don't take it lightly, but take this season very seriously and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity God is presenting before you.

I hear the song, "Arise shine, for your light has come." (Isaiah 60:1)

Press into God and He will give you the desires of your heart. Do not grow weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap a bountiful harvest of blessings if you faint not."

A timely word for me as I was feeling disheartened today. What is wrong with us human beings that we can have a time where we feel on top of the world and nothing no-one can throw at us will knock us down but the next thing you are in the valley of I won't say despair but with that sense of 'oh no I'm so tired, can't this just be over now'?

I am eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of God's promise. I am faint with longing for my 'bountiful harvest'.

Posted By: Becky Porter
Date Posted: 07/25/2011 at 10:45am

Hi Alexa,

I am so glad this was a timely word for you!  You are right - sometimes we can be so full of faith one moment and in the depths of despair the next, but I am so very thankful that God loves us so much and is so very patient with us!  Psalm 103:14 comes to mind about how He knows our frame - He knows how weak we are - He remembers we are only dust!

We are all waiting together to see the fulfillment of God's promises in our lives, and though we all get discouraged at times - we truly can help encourage one another to keep running the race and to keep holding on and to not let go.  The following scripture comes to mind:

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

 9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Thank you so much for sharing Alexa - I always love to hear what you have to say - God always ministers through you mightily every single time you make a comment on a post.  Thank you for always giving of yourself  - you are truly a blessing!  You are definitely not alone - we all stand with you, (and we hold each other's arms up), and together, we will all overcome!

God bless you Alexa!


Posted By: Alexa T Heyns
Date Posted: 07/25/2011 at 11:17pm

Thank you so much for your encouraging words Becky, they were as much of an encouragement as your prophetic word was. People greatly underestimate the power of acceptance, encouragement and a kind word. We serve a God who IS love, whose mercy and loving-kindness follows us all of our days. We receive so much goodness from God, all entirely undeserved, and yet we find it so hard to give a kind word here, or there. And all it takes is one minute. We need to manifest the qualities of our God to the world and each other. Jesus said 'That which you have received, freely give.'

Thank you for doing that Becky.

Posted By: Becky Porter
Date Posted: 07/26/2011 at 7:09am

You are so welcome Alexa - it was truly my pleasure!    You always encourage with your words too, and I thank the Lord for you!

I agree with you that there is much power in simple words of encouragement - taking a moment to speak a kind word to someone, and to let them know how much you value and appreciate them.  Words of encouragement can literally change the course of someon's life, and at times even stop someone from taking their own life.  It is so easy to get caught up in our busy routines and forget to take a moment to encourage and lift up those around us, but it is of vital importance to do so - we ALL need to be encouraged.

I hope you have a phenomenal day today! 


Posted By: Stacey Yerian
Date Posted: 07/26/2011 at 7:50am

Thank you for your encouraging word Becky. 

I loved this exchange between you and Alexa also:

Alexa Heyns wrote:
People greatly underestimate the power of acceptance, encouragement and a kind word. We serve a God who IS love, whose mercy and loving-kindness follows us all of our days. We receive so much goodness from God, all entirely undeserved, and yet we find it so hard to give a kind word here, or there. And all it takes is one minute. We need to manifest the qualities of our God to the world and each other. Jesus said 'That which you have received, freely give.'

Becky Porter wrote:
I agree with you that there is much power in simple words of encouragement - taking a moment to speak a kind word to someone, and to let them know how much you value and appreciate them.  Words of encouragement can literally change the course of someon's life, and at times even stop someone from taking their own life.  It is so easy to get caught up in our busy routines and forget to take a moment to encourage and lift up those around us, but it is of vital importance to do so - we ALL need to be encouraged.

From glory to glory,
Anastasia Lee

Posted By: Becky Porter
Date Posted: 07/26/2011 at 8:56am

Thank you Stacey, I am so glad you highlighted those portions about encouragement because in my heart I felt God was highlighting them also and He wants us to focus on the importance of taking the time to speak those encouraging words to one another, and even to strangers.  I truly feel in many cases that there is much that hangs in the balance, not only as we mentioned that someone could be contemplating suicide, but also when we get discouraged it causes us to back off from the place that God desires us to walk in our giftings, and when we back off then we will not be in proper position and alignment to do whatever it is that He has called us to do - whether it is to speak forth His words prophetically or preach or teach or dance or sing, etc., and so it can cause a domino affect that can prevent others from not receiving what they need because we, ourselves are in a place of discouragement and need to be encouraged. 

Many years ago God began to open my eyes to the needs of others around me and He showed me how one little compliment could completely change a person's countenance and day, and sometimes even their outlook on life, and the presence of a compliment acts like wind coming along and filling up a person's "sails", and it can then carry them quite far.  I have also noticed that for the people in the body of Christ who are encouragers and are always encouraging others, they don't seem to receive encouragement very much by others and are often in dire need themselves.  I feel God is saying that He would like us to be in tune with Him and with those around us and to be looking for people we can bless, and He will certainly provide them, for they are all around us!  My pastor once said that encouragement is so very necessary in the body of Christ, because one of the very first things the enemy tries to do is to get us to open the door to discouragement, because once we let discouragement in, many other negative thoughts and feelings are quick to follow, and then it is a downward spiral from there.  He also mentioned how very needed encouragers are in the body of Christ, and also how much the encouragers need to be encouraged themselves so they can continue to encourage others. 

God bless you Stacey, I truly appreciate the ministry God has given you - you are a great blessing to the body of Christ, and you are truly making a difference in the lives of many!


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