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Fire and the Gold!

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:08pm

Topic: Fire and the Gold!

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Subject: Fire and the Gold!
Date Posted: 10/27/2011 at 1:57am

In my spirit today I kept hearing, buy the Gold and sell it not. I am bringing
forth Gold tried by the fire. Gold tried by the fire! I am counseling you to
buy Gold tried by the fire. You say you are rich and need of nothing, but I
say you are blind, pitiable and naked. I counsel you to buy Gold tried by the
Fire. “ The Fire of God is here to bring forth His people like Gold and Silver!

Gold often represent Godly Character and nature, a perfected mature state
of being in Christ. The streets of the heavenly city are gold to walk upon.
We walk by faith and not by sight. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by
the WORD OF GOD! Then I felt the Holy Spirit say, “Buy the Gold and sell it

The Holy Spirit then pointed out to me a word from John chapter 6 verses
26-35, Jesus answered them and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, you
seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves
and were filled. Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food
which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you,
because God the Father has set His seal on Him.”

Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of
God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you
believe in Him whom He sent.”

Therefore they said to Him, “What sign will You perform then, that we may
see it and believe You? What work will You do? 3Our fathers ate the manna
in the desert; as it is written, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’”

Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give
you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from
heaven. 33 For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and
gives life to the world.” Then they said to Him, “Lord, give us this bread
always.” And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to
Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

What is this Gold tried by the fire, the Lord is stirring in my Spirit? Another
scripture came to me, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of God.” But why is this “gold tried by the
fire?” That was I had to keep waiting upon the Lord about and then I began
to see that gold must past through the fire to gain it’s true value because
the dross or other mixed metals have to be taken out of it.

There are many types of quality gold you can by 10, 14, 18 and 24 carrot.
The greater the purity of the gold, the greater the softness of it. 10 carrot
gold is nice but it is very hard in relationship to 24 carrot gold. If the church
in Laodecia said they were rich and in need of nothing, they believed that
had the Word of God in abundance and in experience and they lacked
nothing. Is it any different in the Christian Church in America today?

We have Christian bookstores filled with the “word of God” taught,
expounded to read, so why are we not filled with the Glory and power of
God? Aren’t we not rich, we spread the gospel all over the world through
TV, ministries, radio and the internet? Don’t we have churches on every
corner? Yet how many peoples shadow is filled with the Glory of God to heal
people like Peter’s shadow? How many dead people are we rising up in the
power of God? We must find the gold tried by the fire and buy it if we are to
grow to maturity, but where do we get it?

The Word of God tells us that there are many teachers but not many
Fathers, and this is a very important point about where to buy the Gold tried
by the fire. In the church today most of the teaching to the Body of Christ is
on "what is God going go do next," end time prophetic events, prosperity,
evangelism, tithing, missions, being good people, and being happy. These
are truths from God’s word, but are they the real gold tried by the fire? Are
these teachings causing the church to grow to maturity doing the very
works Jesus did?

We cannot grow on a diet of this type of teaching, "how is God going to
bless and prosper me, or getting miracles, more power, greater anointing,
sowing $333 dollars to get a blessing." This type of teaching is actually
stifling our spiritual growth because the focus is upon "my needs" instead of
truly knowing God and meeting His needs. Why is this the food most
Christians get in the church today in the USA?

Why is making us feel good about ourselves the "hot word of God" being
preached in our churches today instead of the "meat of the Word of God?" 
Most believer's don't even know how to hear God's voice for themselves or
know Him as a person. Should we keep serving this diet of food that is
making good church goers that look nice to the world, but not true
disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ? Or should we be able to give them the
true Bread from Heaven, the Gold tried by the fire?

Is the Word of God being preached in our churches the Gold tried by the
fire? Is it the tongue of the learned Isaiah wrote about having morning by
morning a “word in due season to those that are weary? So how can we have
all this “word of God” in our nation, and not the WORD OF GOD as gold tried
by the fire? These are the questions the Holy Spirit is stirring in me to ask
with these statements. Will we buy the Gold and sell it not? Will we buy the
Gold tried by the fire?

Here is what I believe the Lord imparted to me about this spiritual
condition. Not many of today's modern preachers (not all of them) are
spending quality time waiting upon the Lord to renew their strength and to
get a "word in due season, for those that are weary." They are not eating the
solid food in which they grow by to intimately know God.

Many good men and women of God study hard intellectually, and get all
excited on the platform to bring forth their revelation from the word, but
the substance of that revelation or "word becoming flesh" in them has not
been worked in them. Why? Because they have not taken time to allow the
revelation of God’s word become their reality. They preach the revelation
but not the substance of the Word of God.

Because in America we don’t have time to spend quality time with the Lord
we only seek God until we get a revelation. We have not taught the ministers
to go past the point of the revelation into the very intimate presence with
the Lord of the revelation. Only when a preacher pursues knowing God as a
Person and desire to be known by God can" the revelation" they receive
become a spiritual substance in them that can change and effect the Body
of Christ spiritual growth to maturity.

We must not accept the premise anymore that revelation from God
WITHOUT being our life experience as real food to grow. This would be the
similar to us possessing fools gold and not the real thing. The revelation
the minister received may be "truth" but it is not "spirit and truth" from the
lack of truly being intimate with God and allowing the Word to be made
flesh in them or their lives experience.

That is why I heard in my spirit, buy the Gold and sell it not. In Matthew 25
the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. The foolish virgins asked the
wise for some of their oil. The wise said, we can’t give it to you, go to the
dealers and buy it for yourselves. Were the wise not being good Christians
and not be willing to share their oil with those in need? No Beloved that was
not the reason. The extra oil, or the gold tried by fire can not be given to
you, you have to purchase it. You purchase it from someone who has it, and
then you buy the amount you need.

For those of you who are truly hungry to know the Person of God, you must
look and find those ministers that have a spiritual substance that comes
from knowing God and being known of God. You buy the gold buy hearing
the “quickened word of God that has been experientially deposited in that
minister and then you allow it to become your lives experience. A revelation
from God alone does not make anyone mature or give you the gold. The
Word must become flesh and dwell within us as a spiritual possession and
not just a revelation.

Today I am very sorry to say, the louder the preacher shouts, and the more
the preacher run across the stage, or get all sweaty, or do the theatrics that
cause us to laugh at their funniness produces one result in their ministries,
an emotional hearing of God’s word. Their teachings stimulate the
emotional realm of the believer. It may cause a temporary change in the
believer as they mentally agree with the word they heard, but doesn't make
a lasting change in the believer's life.

So many times this type of teaching of the word produces in the people
emotionally stirred experiences. They jump at the revelation being
preached, they may yell, or run around in circles, (which can truly be
manifestations of the Spirit of God touching them.  Often this is only their
emotions being stimulated and it last only a short time.

When the Word of God is not worked in you, then you can only preach it
from your personality or person. That is why we have so many "personality"
preachers today. Many good men and women of God have stop developing
or never had personal intimacy with God or truly know Him as a person.
This only allows the minister to preach the "revelation" or "surface meaning"
of the Word, and can not preach the "substance" of the Word "made flesh" in
their personal experience in the power of the Holy Spirit. So there is little
power to bring forth God’s people to maturity.

(I want to write here, I have experienced Holy laughter, shaking by the
power of God, crying, goose bumps, fire from heaven and feeling like I have
been electricuted by God. I am not against any manifestation the Holy Spirit
produces. I am speaking of minister's that are preaching the word from the
revelation of the word, and not the experience of that word worked in

This means they preach the surface level of the Word of God that was
revealed to them that touches our emotional realm. The Word still works as
it effects our emotions and even desire to change, but it doesn't go down
deep enough to change us permanently into the image of Christ and grow
in the Lord!) I will say one more time, I am not against manifestations of the
Holy Spirit in His people! )

Many are receiving the revelation of God's word on the surface of their
emotions, and not in the depth of their being where it needs to become
food to grow by. The word presently being preached is not "fully developed"
in the preacher life that can impact the depth of the person hearing it to
cause a permanent growth. The word has "not become flesh within them!"
How can you tell? Because the message delivered was just that, a message
and eventually it falls by the wayside.

If the revelation being taught never has time to take root in the preacher to
become the preachers life experience it will touch us, but it won't change
us. The word of God can be preached from the "emotional realm of that
revelation" or surface level"where the word touches the emotions of the
hearer, but for a moment. That revelation of God's word will have no lasting
value to make permanent changes in the believer's lives.That is why in
Hebrews 5 Paul writes, "by the time you ought to be teachers." So many of
today's "got to go to conferences and meetings" are filled with this type of
preaching. They bless you, but they don't make a lasting change in you.

So many believer's have told me recently, "I can't go to these meetings
anymore or even watch a lot of what is on Christian TV anymore because
there is little substance to change their lives." The preaching can change the
unsaved perhaps and it may bring forth a little bit of milk, but to feed those
hungry it cannot do. The sad part is after these conferences or TV programs
many believer's leave unchanged or there is a change for a week only, and
then it is gone. Also gone is all your money you gave from the "hype" your
were to told on why you had to give so God can bless you for a $1000 seed.

I am not being critical, but God is having us separate the wheat from the
chaff by speaking the truth. Why you ask? So those hungry to truly know
God as a person can find those spiritual deep teachers who know God. The
remnant of God that he is bringing forth needs to be able to buy the Gold!
They need to be able to sell it not by having the Word of God dwell in them
richly. They need to find the teachers that are outside the "camp." These
seasoned teachers take us past the mentality of the present church age
teaching. They provide true spiritual substance (gold) for those who are
hungry the food to develop a deep abiding relationship with the Lord to
establish the Kingdom of God in their hearts.

These "substance" teachers take us past the surface teaching for the young,
and provide us with the spiritual substance of the Word of God worked in
their lives that we can eat from. They may not be known by the "Christian
circuit" but they are known by God, and God will lead those hungry to know
Him in reality to these "no name" teachers.

God will distinguish those have the "emotional revelation of the word",
verses the "substance of the revelation of the word" in them. Beloved, you
will be able to tell the difference between these two types of teachers
because when a teaching is brought forth from the "emotional revelation"
lacking it worked in the preacher's life the following will be seen. The
anointing will rest upon them for a meeting, and effect very little change in
believer's lives.

This "anointing upon them" will get many saved, and even filled with the
Holy Spirit, but it won't bring the "solid food for the mature." To truly know
God and be known by God, we must find those teachers with the "substance
of the Word" in them so we can grow. Most of what is in the church here in
America comes from the "anointing upon the Pastor or Teacher" for a
service or meeting and does not feed the spiritually hungry in many

Those that have the "substance of the revelation" worked as their lives
experience will have the "anointing coming from within them" and upon
them in power to go to the depth of the heart of the believer to feed them
with the "Spirit of Truth" to truly set free God's people and cause them to
grow to maturity.

These true "substance teachers" will point believer's to truly know God
intimately and be known by God for themselves. These "substance teachers"
have no desire to use those entrusted to them to build their name or
ministry. There only goal is to "feed the sheep" until the sheep grow when
they too can feed others. They will take the hungry one's hand lift it up to
God until that believer get a firm grip of the true knowledge of who God is,
and then let them go to grow in the true knowledge of God as a person.
This is quite a different type of ministry than what most believers
experience, but it is the vital ministry for God’s people to grow to maturity
and become a full grown son and bride of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please understand that I am not judging others or perpetuating one group
of teachers better than another, I am just telling the facts of where we are in
the Body of Christ, and how God has established a place for those who
desire more of God to find Him and be taught of the Lord. Hebrews
chapters 5:12-14 speaks of this very need in the Body of Christ.

 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to
teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have
come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of
milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid
food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of
use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The apostle continues this thought in Chapter 6: 1-2,  THEREFORE LET us
go on and get past the elementary stage in the teachings and doctrine of
Christ (the Messiah), advancing steadily toward the completeness and
perfection that belong to spiritual maturity. Let us not again be laying the
foundation of repentance and abandonment of dead works (dead
formalism) and of the faith [by which you turned] to God, With teachings
about purifying, the laying on of hands, the resurrection from the dead, and
eternal judgment and punishment. [These are all matters of which you
should have been fully aware long, long ago.]

Beloved the teachers who do not have this "substance" worked in them can
only take us so far. These "emotional revelation teachers" have "truth"
revealed to the by the Holy Spirit, but not "Spirit and Truth" of that word or
revelation worked in the their lives to become a spiritual substance for
others to eat and grow. The "word has not become flesh" in the minister's
lives experience so they have to preach it from the emotion realm or
surface, and not the place of deep substance or authority with power like
Peter or Paul of their times.

This requires a real dealing of the Lord in the minister's life and one who
spends quality time in the presence of the Lord knowing him like Moses. 
Only when you have the accurate knowledge of who God is as a person can
the "revelation (truth of God's word) become a "spiritual substance"in your

When you have that "spiritual substance" worked in you like Moses did for
40 years you will be prepared to see the "burning bush" (a deeper revelation
of God, then the God who lived on the mountain that Jethro knew.) God was
on that mountain, but it was not until Moses noticed the bush on fire that
wasn't consumed did God find a servant ready for the deeper relationship
with Him.

It was the deep relationship of the face to face with Moses that established
His authority with God. He was going to be sent to Egypt to "speak a word
in power," The revelation of God's word birthed in Moses on the mountain
top gave him power to "speak a word in season" to Pharaoh, LET MY PEOPLE

Like the Apostle Paul, Moses could say, "my words don't come with the
enticing wisdom of man, but in the demonstration and power of the Holy
Spirit, so your faith does not rest in the wisdom of man but in the power of
God."1st Corinthians 2:4. 

If you are truly desiring to buy the gold and sell it not, the Gold tried by the
fire than I pray God will send you to those servants that God has brought
forth through that fire where the Word of God has been made “flesh” reality
in their life to feed the cry of your heart.

Beloved minister of the Lord if you are reading this prophetic word and
teaching you have the power to change the depth of the hearer's heart by
allowing the substance of God’s word to work in your life before you preach
it. Allow the revelation you receive from God to go deep within you to do
it’s work and become your life then you will have a “word with substance” or
a “word in due season for those who are weary. The "Word must become
flesh within us!

Henry Falcone



Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 10/27/2011 at 10:46am

Yes, in part, the church in America has become fat on knowledge and the pursuit of, rather than liiving, walking with one another in a show and tell manner(the Life of Christ). disipleship costs you costs you, your life. although it is very much a responsibilty, the responsibility is carried, borne of Love. while it is given us to plant and water it is God alone Who gives the increase. that increase may be a hardening of heart or softening of heart to the quickened Word, which pierces through. either way, a hardening or softening, it never returns to Him void.

Christ in you(plural meaning: us) ..the Pure liquid/fluid the hope(full expectation) of glory. what is of His Kingdom will remain, what is not, is and will be removed. amen!

In His Love

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Date Posted: 10/27/2011 at 12:28pm

Yes indeed. One of my Fathers in the Lord taught me to much "word" you
dry up, to much "spirit" you blow up but with the right combination of the
Word and Spirit is reached you "go up."

Here is another thought or perhaps a better explanation of what I was

When the Word of God becomes our life experience we are then able to
impart a "word in due season" to those that are weary. That doesn't mean
we can't preach what God give us as revelation, but the revelation alone is
just that a revelation. I believe and I could be wrong about this, but
revelation is only profitable when it is mixed with correct understanding of
that revelation by the Wisdom of God.

Often this understanding or wisdom comes as God works that "word or
revelation in us "as practical experience," and if the heart is open to God it
will become a harvest when sown in good ground and continued to be
watered by our Father. This practical experience may be a further "digging
of that word that produces a greater wisdom and understanding and even
more how to "handle the word of God" correctly to expound the truth to
those it is for to grow spiritually.

This is in contrast to just "assuming" the revelation is to be preached or
delivered now without asking the Lord for true understanding of what it
means, when to deliver it, and to whom. Many just assume because they
heard it, they should speak it forth now.

Here is an example of what I have seen. In many cities in the USA many
prophetic and intercessory ministries are declaring and decreeing that "this
city is going to be the city that brings in the next revival in America." Then a
few weeks later these same voices say the same thing over another city."
Well which city is it? Is this a true word of the Lord? If it was who was it
delivered to and what did they do with that word?

I have seen that the church in that city excepts that Word and then begin to
"work that word into what they think that means. Often times what happens
is the largest church in that city "takes the mantle" of that word and with the
help of those who brought the Word establish themselves as the
"leadership" over that word "or move of God over the city." Are those words
coming forth form those who have the tongue of the learned?

First, was this a true revelation from the Lord over a city or region? If yes,
did the people it was brought to have the maturity to respond to that word
correctly. Did the prophetic people just speak a word, or a "word in due
season." There is a big difference between the two of these things.

When the Word or revelation from God becomes flesh it becomes a
"seasoned word." A word that is given in the correct timing and has the
correct understanding from the Lord and the authority to "accomplish what
God pleases." As an example, if that revelation for a city was given into
immature hands instead of the mature will it bring forth unity to the Body of
Christ or division. I have seen that with my own eyes. I say this with great
sorrow in
my heart.

If that revelation for that city was held a little longer by these traveling
ministries instead of brought forth at the moment they did, God could have
brought more clarity to it, the wisdom of what to do with such a word, and
where and to whom that word should have been delivered.

Many spiritual abortions happen because of lack of understanding, wisdom
and timing concerning the revelations we receive from the Lord. I think that
is why Isaiah said, "the Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned,
that I might speak a word in due season to those that are weary."

There is something about speaking just a word that is different than having
the tongue of the learned. I hope I am making sense here because I know
God has us speak His words, and teach His revelations, but a quickened
word that has become flesh within us comes with substance and Kingdom
power and anointing that comes forth for the Glory of God alone.

In my illustration, when that word that was brought forth for a city ends up
and brings glory to a large church, or glory to a specific city for what God
will do, and not to God alone, then it was a Word spoken perhaps by
revelation but not in wisdom or in due season. This is very harmful to the
Body of Christ.

This can do much harm to the Body of Christ though it may be a truth from
God but it is not spoken in wisdom or in the timing of God. When this is
done it gives the enemy time to twist the word to bring it from the Spirit to
the fleshly realm where men now try to work out that word in the flesh
instead of the Spirit because of their immaturity.

I am not speaking about those called by God to bring forth the milk of God
to His people because of the spiritual youngness of those they minister to.
There is a need for the milk to be given. I think this is why Paul wrote that
meat or solid food is for the mature.

So if we speak "a solid food" word of revelation to those who drink milk,
they can choke on it and be harmed by the very word that should cause
them to live.

I feel that those walking in the prophetic need to consider and train and
equip this arising army of prophetic warriors with the tools that will give the
the tongue of the learned.

Isaiah 50:4 The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I
should have a word in season to those that are weary. He awakens me
morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned.

In His love always.

Henry Falcone


Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 10/27/2011 at 12:35pm

Kathy Bippus wrote:

Yes, in part, the church in America has become fat on knowledge and the pursuit of, rather than liiving, walking with one another in a show and tell manner(the Life of Christ). disipleship costs you costs you, your life. although it is very much a responsibilty, the responsibility is carried, borne of Love. while it is given us to plant and water it is God alone Who gives the increase. that increase may be a hardening of heart or softening of heart to the quickened Word, which pierces through. either way, a hardening or softening, it never returns to Him void.

Christ in you(plural meaning: us) ..the Pure liquid/fluid the hope(full expectation) of glory. what is of His Kingdom will remain, what is not, is and will be removed. amen!

Love and Blessings!

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Date Posted: 10/27/2011 at 12:46pm

I believe those that God has been bringing through the fire of His Holiness
are learning to have the "gold tired by the fire" or the tongue of the learned
which is really needed now in this hour for His Bride to grow by. I think that
this website is proof and evidence of this wonderful work God is doing in
the church outside the camp sought of speak.

It doesn't make anyone better than another, it just brings forth the
shepherds that the lord instructs the Bride to be to find in the Song of
Solomon when she says, tell me where you tend your flocks? He directs her
to the shepherds I believe that have that "gold tried by fire." The gold that
will bring them to the Lord alone in intimate union and communion with
Him and point the way to His heart.

Many are taking the time to develop this "tongue of the learned." They will
have the gold tried by the fire for those who are seeking to understand the
heart and ways of God. They will truly have a word in due season for those
who are weary, this is contrast to the words being preached from the heart
of the Laodecian church that says, "I am rich and in need of nothing."

Henry Falcone


Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 10/28/2011 at 11:16am

Henry, Love you brother  i think you may have misunderstood what i wrote? and may need to read through again re discipleship, shepherd, fathering, etc.

i've shared this before but will share again..

Mount of God increasing

Earth shaken, His Releasing

Death unto Life

Surrendered will, broken

Word spoken, Father’s token

The etching of the heart


Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

Gone with the Wind

Wood, stubble, hay

Burning Fire, this is His Day


Kingdom increasing

Father’s releasing

Tried, Fired Gold

Divine Expression, His Impression

Inscribed Light enfolds

Ark of Covenant

Holy, Holy, Holy

six six six brought low

Boldly go where no flesh can go


Earth removed, Heaven remains

Unspeakable Riches foretold

Christ in you, Pure liquid Gold

New Wine pores forth, rended mould


Walls, barriers, separations

Running through, leaping over

Victorious, righteous indignation

Passions pursuit, removed desecration


Integration, union, oneness of Mind

Expressed in Son, Divine Vine

Holy Spirit Drink, Last Wine, New Wine

Daystar! Rises and shines


Mount of God increasing

His Glory releasing

Jubilee is ringing!

Heaven and earth are singing!


mega blessings,

In His Love

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Date Posted: 10/28/2011 at 11:43am

Hello Sister Kathy ,

I love what you wrote and your heart before the Lord. I wrote a few
additional comments because I was not sure if I had expressed in what I
wrote the first time clearly enough for the readers.

I thought perhaps without any further clarification what I wrote about would
be misunderstood. Sometimes you know what you are trying to say, but
when you write it someone else may read or hear it differently.

So I tried to add some additional explanations of what I was hearing about
the "gold tried by fire." The Laodecian church was counseled to buy and
where to buy it from and much of the church in America seems to be in the
spiritual condition mentioned to this church. So I felt the Word I had was for
those being drawn out of this to be with the Lord Himself.

The Gold tried by the fire most come from the Lord Himself, but I felt I
needed to make it more clear that God has brought forth "shepherds"
outside the camp that had experienced buying the Gold, and it had been
worked in their life so those seeking it could find the way up to God Himself
to get it as they had received it themselves.

This Gold having a deeper substance and weight in their words because it
came from the Word becoming Flesh within them. I hope that came across
and I didn't lose it in the writing from what I heard.

That is why I felt led to explain it a little more. What you wrote is beautiful
from the Lord and it proves His desire for us to have this "liquid Gold"
forgive me if what I wrote made you think otherwise.

You have a precious heart before the Lord and what He gives you is Liquid
Gold that I and many others appreciate.

God Bless you always and I am grateful for the work of God in your life!

Henry Falcone


Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 10/28/2011 at 12:57pm

i understood what you were saying the first time Henry  

i also understand why you may have felt to explain further, no worries

much Love,

In His Love

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Date Posted: 10/28/2011 at 12:59pm

I'm glad! I think perhaps with the additions it is more clear, at least I hope

What a great Lord we have!

May God continue to shower you in His abundant love and for you to
continue to be the trumpet of the Lord!

In His love,

Henry Falcone


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