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My Time Is Upon You by Carrie Gandhi

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 1:08pm

Topic: My Time Is Upon You by Carrie Gandhi

Posted By: Carrie Gandhi
Subject: My Time Is Upon You by Carrie Gandhi
Date Posted: 02/01/2012 at 10:59am

2 Chronicles 28: 22 -23

22 In his time of trouble King Ahaz became even more unfaithful to the LORD.

23 He offered sacrifices to the gods of Damascus, who had defeated him; for he thought, 'Since the gods of the kings of Aram have helped them, I will sacrifice to them so they will help me.' But they were his downfall and the downfall of all Israel.

Beloved, it is during hard times that the troubles seem to press down with more forces and pressure. It is then that those of My children that do not know Me and My deep love for them seek other avenues to release and escape the pain of their trouble. They turn every way looking for a way to get out from under the circumstances.


Their perspective of the situation is wrong because they look at it through their flesh. It cause pain, it is uncomfortable and they want out. These circumstances are meant to get their attention, but it is at that crucial moment that they have the opportunity to turn to Me. I am the one in control of their destiny. It is I who brings calamity upon them. It is I that use ALL circumstances for My own good.


Beloved, it truly breaks My heart each time I see one turn away from choosing Me, choosing life. I have every resource and all power available to help My children, but it is up to each individual to choose Me.  I choose them, but they do not all choose Me.  I am for each one of them, but they are not all for Me. I love them and I have an amazing plan for their life, but they do not choose Me. They cannot see the love I have for them. Their eyes are blind by their own desires, fears and inabilities. They look to the world to help them only to realize that all the promises of the world are in vain, like sand slipping through their fingers, so goes their hopes and dreams.


Beloved, I know that in times of trouble that the circumstances seek to cloud or overshadow Me. I know how difficult it is to choose Me, especially when everything that surrounds you appears to shout the opposite of what I am saying. I say 'Wait', your flesh screams 'Go'. I say 'Trust' and your flesh screams 'I cannot'. I know every obstacle and every barrier that comes against your faith, but it is in these most trying moments that a pure heart is born. It is in these moments that the fires of affliction and the refiner’s fire burn the hottest with the most intense flames. It is then that all that flesh, all that doubt and all that humanness is burned off. It is then that I am the most pleased with My children.


Beloved, I do not ask for them to find a way out or to manufacturer faith to believe Me. No, it is in those moments that I ask My children to lay EVERYTHING that is before them at My feet, to surrender, to give everything over to Me to work My plan of deliverance in their lives.


I have great plans for My children, IF only they would trust Me, if only they would allow Me to work on their behalf. So many are struggling and fighting against Me , all the while they profess to believe. Faith or belief in Me and My abilities as your God is not just lip service, but it is in the impossible moments standing firm on My Rock to hold fast to the possible. It is having confidence in My love for you and My ability to bring about what I feel is the best for each of My children through these circumstances. It is knowing that despite not seeing a way out or beyond the situation, I have a plan and I will deliver you. Beloved, it is this that I require of My children. It is this that I desire to build and establish in each of My Beloved’s lives.


The enemy has stolen victory from so many of My children. Yes, they are Mine and they have accepted the sacrifice and salvation of their Lord Jesus Christ. They even believed at one time that all the promises in Him were yes for their lives, but when the enemy came to tempt and test that faith, they shrunk back. They resorted to their old ways of thinking and acting. They bought the lie that they were no different because in that moment they acted no different. They could no longer see the hope of Jesus Christ for victory and deliverance for their lives.


They now live this shell of Christianity, in which outwardly they have accepted and believed for eternal salvation, but inwardly there is no substance of Jesus Christ in their lives giving them daily victory and changing them from glory to glory. They do not know the love of their Father and the true power of His resurrection. They have been lied to and they believe the lie. The enemy has stolen their hope and the promise of their future. They are paralyzed in his web of deceit.


It is because of these circumstances that I am coming to My Beloveds. I am coming with ALL Power and Victory. There is a remnant that has remained faithful and devoted solely unto Me. Each one of these has been tested by fire and flood and it is those that have come forth pure as gold that I will use to gather My flock. It is those that have sought My heart in the most trying of circumstances that I will use. It is those that have believed in hope against all hope that will see, for these are the ones that truly know My heart. They truly know their God.


No longer can I sit back and watch the enemy’s destruction tear at My children. I have heard the cries of the faithful and I am fast approaching. (Psalm 12:5) I am here in your midst. I have come with deliverance and power. No longer will My children be subject to this taskmaster and his lies. No longer will I allow his evil to be disseminated among My own and no longer will I allow him to dominate over My own. It is My time of deliverance and My time of reward. It is time that I will separate the goats from the sheep. I will gather My own unto Me and I will reward all those who have remained steadfast and faithful to their Lord.


All lies and falsities are about to be uncovered in the Light and Glory of God. Truth will reign supreme and all of those that draw their hearts unto it will see their God and Lord as He truly is. Beloved, this is My desire and this is My time. You are a part of this plan and that is why you have had to experience such pain and sorrow in your life. So much has been stripped away from you, but it was so that I could be your One True God. I could be the Captain of your Salvation and I could be your One True Love.


Beloved, you are truly Mine and I am and always have been yours. It is in your heart and mind that I am well pleased. You have weathered the storm and you have made Me your Refuge. You have not sought another, but you have trusted Me and placed every confidence in My ability to bring to pass what I have promised you. Beloved, this is the greatest gift of faith that one can possess and this has pleased the heart of your Father and your King. It is through this process of testing that I have come to be your Everything. It is through this sorrow that joy your joy has become complete.


I know your heart to the deepest fibre. I know its beat and it is in sync with Mine. You love and seek Me with all your being. You desire to please Me above all else. Your heart glows in the light of My Presence. Beloved child, you know My voice and you heed to it. You are quick to receive conviction and heed to My instructions. This is a heart after My own. This is My Beloved.


Beloved, I have given you My word and solemn promise that  your time is now, that your time is upon Us. Do not shrink back from this promise and do not waver in any unbelief. It is your time, the time of reward and recompense for a job well done. You have shown your heart to be above reproach and it is a thing of beauty before your Lord. I am well pleased and I beam with love and satisfaction over My own.


 I have spoken to many, many times about this being the appointed time. I have prepared you for My coming and My reward. Beloved, it is upon you. It is before you. Everything is ready and you have been prepared. My glory is before you and it is being unveiled at this moment. Everything is before you, every promise, every hope and every dream in Me. Beloved, your time is here and you have made ready to step out in My glory. Lift your head up and believe that this is your appointed time, this is your moment. Believe Beloved, for it is upon you.


Posted By: Werner Woop
Date Posted: 02/01/2012 at 11:19am

Yes, it is the appointed time for HIS REMNANT!

God bless you for your readiness to give this very clear message!


Posted By: Carrie Gandhi
Date Posted: 02/01/2012 at 1:24pm

Hi Werner,

Thank you so  much for your confirmation about the appointed time.

This is my first post to the website and I appreciate your words of encouragement.

Many blessings to you


Posted By: Colleen Philip
Date Posted: 02/01/2012 at 1:51pm

Hi Carrie, I just had one of those weekends...I wanted to be able to follow along with others who were starting their own businesses.  It would provide extra income, I was ready & I wanted to so badly.  But no matter how I presented the positives, the internal answer was still 'no, don't do it'.   We are all aware I'm sure of the reality that "others may, but I can't" in our called out walk with God.  This was certainly one of those times.  Of course, in the end, there was no other option but to say 'no' also...there is no good thing that can come from following after mens' ways when our Father isn't leading there. 

I am so thankful that you posted this at this time.  I knew I did right, but my flesh was so loud during this weekend that even when I said 'no' & closed the door I couldn't readily hear His pleasure.  I'm taking your posting as His thankfulness for my actions & I am back to waiting for His Goodness to arrive & lead me forward into His way & provision.


Blessings, Colleen

Owe no man anything but love, carry no offences as Jesus did, & live righteously by giving generously with no strings!
"In Him we live, move, & have our being"...Amen!

Posted By: John Lawler
Date Posted: 02/01/2012 at 1:59pm


This word is truly spoken from the heart of God and I hope that all will see it as such. Yes Lord, I believe it is my time.

Thank you for sharing this word with us for it is truly a now word from the heart of God for those who have an ear to hear.

God bless you,


John S. Lawler Sr.

Posted By: Carrie Gandhi
Date Posted: 02/01/2012 at 4:52pm

 Hi Colleen and John,

Firstly Colleen,

As I read your post tears continuously welled up in my eyes and I could feel how pleased that the Lord was with your sacrifice and your obedience to His leading.
Colleen, He loves you sooo much and He has GREAT plans for you. Trust Him and believe that when everything is in its perfect place, He WILL lead you in paths of righteousness.

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. The Lord truly overwhelmed me this morning with His word. He pressed upon my spirit that it was for so many that had been faithful and obedient to Him. It is His time and He is so well pleased with His Beloved!!! Receive. 

Many Blessings to you both,


Posted By: Colleen Philip
Date Posted: 02/02/2012 at 7:59am

Thank you Carrie for your response.  I was being overwhelmed by critical thinking that went something like this:  'yes, you listened, but you still put up so much of a fight...why didn't you just surrender right you gave in. well you only did what you were supposed to do." 

Even in facing defeat, the enemy of our souls still had to try to steal away Father's pleaseure!  Thank you for mirroring His heart in your response to me.  Sometimes it's in seeing the emotions of others, especially when they are making plain His own, that we are able to contact our own & certainly those of Our Father more clearly.

Your tender & responsive heart is surely a blessing to Him & to the rest of His body...blessings to you Carrie!


Blessings, Colleen

Owe no man anything but love, carry no offences as Jesus did, & live righteously by giving generously with no strings!
"In Him we live, move, & have our being"...Amen!

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