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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:18pm


Posted By: Henry Falcone
Date Posted: 07/19/2012 at 11:08pm

Tonight I am in Northern Colorado for 3 nights of Deeper Life Meetings and two days of workshop on Access Way Prayer with God. I am very tired because of some real trials these past few weeks and getting ready to head home from sitting alone in Perkins Restaurant when the Lord quickened in me the words: RADICAL DEPARTURE!

As I wait upon the Lord, I said, Lord what does this mean? Immediately the following scriptures were burned in my spirit. So let's read them together: Matthew 3:7-12:

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee and escape from the wrath and indignation [of God against disobedience] that is coming?

Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance [let your lives prove your change of heart];And do not presume to say to yourselves, We have Abraham for our forefather; for I tell you, God is able to raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones!

10 And already the ax is lying at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.11 I indeed baptize you [ version=AMP#fen-AMP-23204c" title="See footnote c - c ]in (with) water [ version=AMP#fen-AMP-23204d" title="See footnote d - d ]because of repentance [that is, because of your [ version=AMP#fen-AMP-23204e" title="See footnote e - e ]changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

12 His winnowing fan (shovel, fork) is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear out and clean His threshing floor and gather and store His wheat in His barn, but the chaff He will burn up with fire that cannot be put out.

When the Lord spoke to me back in 2011 to start doing Deeper Life Meetings, He said to me, "I want you to gather my wheat and bring it into my barn. This word came months after what God did with us in 2009-2010. In those years God called to San Diego California area and other places and he came and "burned like an oven." He took those who were willing behind the Veil torn in two. and we watched God's glory change people instantly and cause them to grow into wheat.

Sadly, many of the churches we went to accepted the Word of God and His fire until it got to hot. Until the youth from 4-19 rose up as Prophets of God calling Pastors to repentance. In one church the Pastor's son cried out after an hour and half of travailing prayer (7 years old.) Lord, "we are stuck, bring us into the promise land. The Pastor's don't know where to go, they are stuck. Jesus Lead us! Then a 13 year old boy rebuked the Pastors at this meeting.

He said, "why are you leading them?" Do you see where you people are now. They are in the Holy of Hollies with God. Why aren't you leading them. He said, "you used to have a lot of money, and you served God for money, but now where are you? He then spoke to the people in the power of God.

That is when the fire became to hot for the Pastors and they rejected the Word of the Lord, us, and the young people, and would not have us come back. It broke my heart and I said to the Lord, "Lord I can't go back out there unless you go deeper in me. Lord change me, help me to go lower so you can increase so Pastor's won't stop the fire of God when it comes.

I set the first 4 months of 2011 alone with God and wasn't moving until God told me to. That is when I got the word to do Deeper Life Meetings where the focus would be on gathering the wheat of God from the chaff that is in God's house by providing a place for the "wheat of God to gather and be with Him."

I am writing this to give you some context into what I believe I am hearing from the Lord. You can pray and discern if this is accurate. But for those of in the American church or even the Western church God is warning us that WE MUST CHANGE NOW! It is time to make A RADICAL DEPARTURE.

Will you do this for me says the Lord? I am He that searches the heart, the intentions and the motives of the heart. I am the One with eyes like fire, and I am searching you now with the 7 spirits of God and eye all around. I am looking for those who are ready to depart from this outer world so I can establish the Kingdom of God within them.

You look all around waiting for the Kingdom to come outwardly, when I said, "My kingdom does not come by observation, my Kingdom is not mean or drink, but My Kingdom is within you and it is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Don't you know that greater am I that is in you than He who is in the world. For I have freed you from the law of sin and death by giving you the Law of the Spirit of Life in my Son Jesus Christ.

You must believe the time has come that you no longer live as one with this world in my house, but come out from among them my people and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you.

I am about to draw those who have given the entity of their being to Me into a new place in Me. I am going to give them the secrets and mysteries of the Kingdom and it's keys to those who have prepared themselves as a Bride for the Bridegroom.

I have to release the power of My Kingdom in and through you so the world will believe that I have loved you as I loved my Son Jesus. That the world will believe that I have sent you as I have sent Him. I am about to bring the reality of "oneness" of the Bride and Bridegroom into full display. 

The time is short and now a "RADICAL DEPARTURE" has come. For the next 6 months I have decreed a "turning point", and I am about to fully finish the separation of the wheat from the chaff in my house. The separation of the sheep and the goats, and the fat sheep from the lean sheep. I am going to burn up the counterfeit in my house. Judgement begins in the House of the Lord.

I do not want you near that judgement my love. That is why you must come away with me and rise up to the place of the "Come up here: so I can show you the things that are about to come."

I am so pleased you have not jumped out of the fire of my purification. Though it was painful and you lost much of what the world would say was valuable, you gained a far more exceeding weight of glory in you. Now the time has come to surely gather you into my barn and keep you safe from what is about to try the world.

You my man/child, my bride, my overcomer, are about to be lifted up into a new place with me as found in Revelation 12. It is a RADICAL DEPARTURE from your roots being in this world to your roots now being rooted deep in me in those heavenly places where you will be seated with me.

You will begin to walk in a new dimension of my invisible glory realm and great miracles are about to come forth that will show the world My Kingdom is at hand.

Do not be afraid to abandon everything and run after me says the Lord. That is what I am waiting for. It is time for you to come out and meet the Bridegroom. Can you hear the music? Did you hear the shout at the midnight hour? Did you hear the call, Come all things are now ready?

For those who have and obeyed and separated yourselves, the time of gathering as one people into my barn has come. My fire will empower you, but the same fire will burn up all the chaff on my threshing floor.

I have tried to reach my church leaders but many won't listen so I say to them in America, "who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come, you brood of vipers." You who suck my people dry. You who kill and destroy my very life in those I have saved. You who teach them to desire the things of this world more than the things of God!

Who has warned you hierlings to flee from the wrath to come? I say to you leaders in America: BRING FORTH FRUIT WORTHY OF REPENTANCE AND TURN TO ME BEFORE IT IS TO LATE. I hate your meetings. I hate you assemblies. I say to you, when you lift up your hands to me, I will not hear you, your hands are full of blood.

Do not say to yourselves we have Abraham as our Father or I grew up in my church or base your worth on what others have done. I am speaking to you.  I can make descendants of Abraham from these very stones. Your doctrine is not what I was after. What you built in "my name" is not what I was after. I WAS AFTER YOU TO KNOW ME! MY WILL! MY PLANS not yours!

You still have time to repent, but not much, for surely I am about to strike you false shepherds and scatter the sheep, and I have raised up shepherds after my own heat like David who will lead my sheep to me, so where I am they also will be.

My dearest ones, my wheat. I do not want you near the judgment that is about to come first in my house then upon the world. I want you safe in me. I want to protect you in the Goshen that I have kept for you so you would be my light in the midst of great darkness and my judgments. So that the rest of my wheat can find there way to me.

So don't hold unto anything of this world. Remember to be a friend of this world is to be my enemy. You are not of this world. Your kingdom is not of this world, so I have drawn you out. Now I must draw you up to that "hidden place" in Me so that my Kingdom can be manifested fully in your life. Are you ready? Are you excited yet? For this is what you have been waiting for so long. This is why the suffering you experienced was so strong, so I could bring you forth as Gold tried by the fire.

The time is here. The time has come. The hour is now being revealed. It time for your RADICAL DEPARTURE. Not the "great escape" the church is looking for. But for you to be ready to see the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our God in Christ.

For you my love, my bride, are to be the first fruits of the miracle Jesus did on the 3rd day wedding at Cana. For the cup was filled with water on the way to the master when a "radical departure came" it changed from water to wine. This is what I am about to do in my bride in the midst of the church.

I love you so much be ready the time to "depart radically" is upon you! Do you hear me my love? Do you hear me Church leaders? The RADICAL DEPARTURE IS AT HAND, what you to depart to will be by the choices you are about to make. Choices that lead to life or choices that lead to spiritual death.

Which will it be? For I have come to bring the fullness of the Baptism of Fire in your midst and my winnowing fork is in my hand to finish the divine separation of the wheat from the chaff. 

The time of RADICAL DEPARTURE is here!

Henry Falcone



Posted By: Michele Hay
Date Posted: 07/21/2012 at 8:58pm


My heart longs and faints for your courts...

Posted By: shawn ferguson
Date Posted: 08/13/2012 at 5:56am

Speaking the word of the Lord isn't always pleasant words, but neccesary. The word of God is a two edged sword. Swords cut both ways. You can cut away things that are not needed. I think of surgery, when they cut away a tumor. Painful but neccesary. The fires of God cause a purging of the slag in our lives, then all that is left is Gold. Only He can do this wonderous thing.  He loves you and is well pleased with you, says the Lord.  God bless you!   His love never fails.

Posted By: Sherry Mohr
Date Posted: 08/16/2012 at 1:29pm

Hi Henry,

This is a very encouraging word. God is good.

God bless you abundantly


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