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What You Do Matters

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:00pm

Topic: What You Do Matters

Posted By: Yolanda Ballard
Subject: What You Do Matters
Date Posted: 10/03/2012 at 10:47am

Blessings! I felt the urgency to share something with you. I am sure not
everyone has been tempted in the following area, but for the few that
have been, including me, this is an admonition for you, and I believe it is
from the Lord.

Concerning the coming election, and what is at stake for our nation
concerning it, I believe the following words are of great importance to us!
Okay, what is our greatest force against the enemy? Yes, it is love! And is
it true that the Lord can get our attention through anyone, even our

Yes, it is true! We hear several people calling each other "haters", and you
see people denying it, but you can tell by the fruit displayed who you are
serving in your words, attitudes, and actions!!!!!

I believe if we completely die out to our flesh and our ideals of how things
should be changed, God can work powerfully in any situation, because
God's ways are not our ways. They are much higher. The way we think
can solve a problem is usually what can make it much worse!!!

So I believe that we need to cry out for the compassion of the Lord these
coming days, and pray for our leaders, and not curse them. Even if things
turn out the opposite of what we would love to happen, we need to do
things God's way, and pray and bless and not curse. We need to stand on
God's promises, and die out, not look at the circumstances no matter how
bad they get, and allow His love to flow out like a mighty river!!!!! That is
the only force that can truly repel the enemy and thwart his plans!!!

Yes, and also God is going to put us through the ultimate test to see who
is truly His in these coming days!!! He is going to put us through the fire
of His love to purge everything out of us that isn't of Him, and there is a
lot, including deception, rebellion, selfishness, pridefulness, and yes,
hate!!! Are we willing to be cleaned out so that we will be that vessel fit
for the King's use?
Well, I've talked enough. I am writing this under a powerful anointing.
God is truly speaking to me and through me right now. And yes, Lord, I
will yield to Your perfect work in me and Your perfect plan! The following
word from the Lord really is important to the pulling down of strongholds,
and to build up His kingdom, and not tear down. We need to do things
God's way and die out!!!!

You know I love you!

At The Father's Feet



Word submitted for your edification
by Yolanda Ballard

Every day there is a battle transpiring between the kingdom of darkness
and the kingdom of My dear Son. When you finally realize this, you will
make sure that the decisions you make in life build up the kingdom that
you are a part of and not tear down. For these are the days of the end of
the age, and everything you do does make a major effect upon the
kingdom that you are a part of. So make sure that you make your election
sure, and don't take it lightly that you have a major call upon your life to
build up and not tear down the kingdom of My Son.

For there is a price to pay to have life and not death, blessings and not
curses, healing and not sickness, prosperity and not lack in every area of
your life. For I am calling you out of the kingdom of darkness, and
revealing to you areas of your life where you have been a part of the plan
and purpose of the enemy to build up and not tear down his kingdom by
the words that you say, your attitudes of your heart, and your actions. For
if you have not been motivated by My love in all your words and deeds,
then you have participated in his plan and purpose and not Mine.

For I am calling you out, and setting you free this very hour, and I am
taking the blinders away from your eyes and revealing the very motivation
of your heart, for you have been crying out why things are the same as
always where prosperity and victory and abundance have not been a way
of life for you. You have cried out because there has been a lack of the
fruit of My spirit, and also why My gifts have not flowed through you.
Many have been plain burned-out and anxious, have had no peace, and
especially no joy which is My strength in you.

For now is the hour I will pour out My power, and through you if you
would make yourself available, and bow down before My feet so I can set
you free, once and for all, to be the people I called you to be. To be the
people where My radiance of glory will actually blind the enemy, and by
your actions motivated by My love will actually confuse the enemy's plans.

So choose this day who you will serve in these end times when everything
that you do will have a major effect on My kingdom. Yes, every thought,
word, and deed matters. You are so important to Me, and each has a
major call to fulfill in My plan and purpose by just being who is
full of My glory and light, allowing My love to flow, which is the highest
calling of all.

Be a vessel of My light, allowing My truth to flow, and above all allow My
grace to flow to all that you meet. For yes, this is the end of the age, and
what you do alone matters!



At The Father's Feet


Posted By: Michele Hay
Date Posted: 10/04/2012 at 10:31pm

thank you Yolanda! ...beautiful reminder from the Lord for us!


My heart longs and faints for your courts...

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