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The Amazing Islamization of the West

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Forum Name: TOP NEWS - Worldwide Kingdom/Revival NEWS
Forum Discription: Daily News of What God is Doing Worldwide - Read and Comment
Printed Date: 01/18/2017 at 12:34am

Topic: The Amazing Islamization of the West

Posted By: News Room
Subject: The Amazing Islamization of the West
Date Posted: 04/16/2013 at 7:18pm

The Amazing Islamization of the West

Cliff Pash

I returned to Uganda about 3 weeks ago after a wonderful time in the United States. It is good to return to the place where God has taken me, the deep Islamic villages of Eastern Uganda (Basoga Tribe). The 4 churches of ATK are doing well, the attendance is constant and the people who have joined with me here are also doing great. So many vilagers receive Christ, so many are delivered from the variety of afflictions that control the lives of the people here.


I stand amazed at the Islamization of the United States, as Shariah (Islamic/Arabic) law continues to find a foothold, establishing legal precedent on a case by case basis. The process is slow and tedious, but they have unlimited monies and they win more cases than they lose. Our legal system is based on precedent, so once established, it is difficult to change. Shariah will be integrated into our legal system unless Americans decide it will not. As of today, very few are too concerned.

I cannot understand how this Arabic culture can be found acceptable by the woman’s groups and by the so called “progressives” in our political system. How can it be that our “free” press refuses to report on these issues that will change our country forever as we proceed into the future? What is the fascination of Islam? There are times I believe the hatred of Jesus Christ is so intense that their eyes are blinded to the truth. To them, perhaps Islam will put Christianity down; but then Islam will put them down.

Islamization is the importation of an Arabic culture that is very much opposed to “Western” values. During the 600’s, the Arabic tribes conquered most of the Middle East, including Iran and North Africa. They conquered Spain and were in France. These amalgamated Arabic tribes developed a religion that was used to manage or rule the diverse territories and diverse tribes that they had conquered. Over time, the amalgamated tribes fought for supremacy and the Umayyads became supreme. Most of the Islamic way of life was developed in the 700’s during a fight for control of the empire between two dynasties (Umayyads and the Abbasids).

This Arabic Culture is perhaps the most effective way of ruling a conquered people that the world has ever seen. Consider this: today, the Persians are called Arabic, the Egyptians are called Arabic, the Syrians are called Arabic – yet each people have a very distinct history! Yet, their national identity as a separate and distinct people with a rich diverse history has been chopped, and they are now lumped together with the words – The Arabic States or the Arabic Peoples. YES! They have become Arabic through the imposition of the Arabic Culture we call Islam. Islam is NOT a religion.

Western thinking must be considering ways to interact with this Arabic Culture without surrendering our the Western Values that our forefathers developed over the last 2000 years. Our foundations in Roman Law, our Cultural values developed over thousands of years have come from the Hebrew/Jewish people and developed through 2000 years of Christianity, especially the radical transformation that occurred in Europe during the Reformation. Our economic system was developed through the discovery of the Americas, learning from the Native Peoples about something called Democracy, obtaining unheard of amounts of capital from the gold and silver from the “New” World; so much capital was taken from the gold and silver mines of Peru; enough to fund the Industrialization of the Western Nations.

Now, it is the “Arabic Nations” that have unlimited capital through the oil reserves.

Western Nations must find a way to approach Islam and defeat the extremism. In the 1200’s, St Francis of Assisi went to the Muslim commander while the Crusaders were at war. He had an approach using the approach of Jesus Christ. Whether he was successful or not, it is difficult to say. BUT, we now have a pope who is shaping the papacy along the beliefs of St. Francis of Assisi. Perhaps we shall have some innovative approaches being birthed from the Vatican. wlmailhtml:05C96971-100B-42E4-9878-5C3E6D95571Bmid://0000014 4/!x-usc: 3/72/ -

Perhaps missionaries around the world will choose to understand this fight that is only beginning and will last more than one or two hundred years. Perhaps the missionaries will develop a hundred approaches to reaching the Islamic/Arabic peoples with a message of Jesus Christ that transcends our Roman Catholic and Reformation Religions. Our religions are wholly and completely European and American in their cultural approach.

Our Christianity was birthed with Hebrew/Jewish Roots in a Middle Eastern Culture. Perhaps we Western peoples, with our “logical” minds can find a way to communicate Jesus to the Islamic/Arabic peoples. Jesus is in the Koran – He is called the “Word sent from Allah”. He had no earthly father. The Koran tells the Muslims (those submitted) to “fear Allah and obey Issa (Jesus). Perhaps this can be a beginning point to draw peoples together and to destroy the evil spirits controlling so many of these peoples.

When the opportunity came to enter into the 99% Islamic villages of Bugweri County, Nawansega Village, I wondered if I was being prepared to coach/teach others about an approach developed through ministry in our Islamic villages. As of this date, what I have learned seems not to be in demand. I invite others to minister to Islamic peoples and maybe we can come together and share what we have learned.

The world is changing rapidly. We can no longer refuse to interact with them, they are everywhere. If we stay in our small communities of faith, we can avoid them, but our children interact with them every day. They will marry your daughters, and many of your daughters will be heartbroken when the husband marries other wives.

Islam is a supremacist culture/religion. Christianity has already begun to bow before them in order to appease them. The bowing has just begun, the appeasing will know no end. Yet there must be a way. We, the Christian, must think different, must act different, must consider the consequences if we fail. This is not an option. I pray you understand.

Jesus was a revolutionary. Fisherman and Tax Collectors began to preach the message of the Kingdom, and they healed the sick. They reported that even the demons submitted to the Name of Jesus. The Religious Establishment was furious. They were the ones who held the keys of knowledge, but their system and their schools and their discipleship produced nobody who could do what the disciples of Jesus were doing. He represented a violent assault on their entrenched power and they wanted him to be dead.

We believe so much in the Priesthood of the Believer. Many a church treats this message in the same way as the Pharisees did in that day. Ordinary people were not to do supernatural things. They are not trained properly!Reporting From Uganda

Cliff Pash

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