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Those that don’t come out of the harlot shall take the mark.

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:12pm

Topic: Those that don’t come out of the harlot shall take the mark.

Posted By: Kevin Barrett
Subject: Those that don’t come out of the harlot shall take the mark.
Date Posted: 05/15/2013 at 3:09pm

In my time with the Lord today, He said these words to me:  Son, tell My people that I am a God that is near and not afar off.


Word from the Father:


Oh, My people.  I come to you this day to express My love to you all and to warn.  Yes, the days ahead will grow darker as gross darkness covers the land and people.  But hear Me, My children.  I do not want My own walking in darkness.  It is not My desire for any of My children to perish.  But because of the powerful force of this coming darkness, many of My children will lose their lives.  Yes, there is martyrdom, My children.  But I do not speak of this now.


Many of you believe that you are right with Me because of the false teachings of man.  The truth of My word has been defamed among men and religions.  Grace is NOT what has been taught in the churches of man.  My true grace empowers My children to walk uprightly before Me.  It is NOT My overlooking your sin as taught by the false teachers.


Lies, My children.  The churches of man are filled with lies.  And many of My children love to have it this way.  But I tell you now, these lies shall not protect anyone in the coming days.  For surely My coming fire shall test all of man’s works to see if they are of Me.  And for those that have their works burned up, even though they may save their own soul, the saving of the soul does not necessarily mean the saving of one’s life on earth.


Oh, My children, hear Me well this day.  You do not know or understand the powerful force that this coming gross darkness shall bear.  Many, I say MANY of even My own children shall succumb to this darkness.  Do not be offended at these words of Mine.  For because of the lies told by the false teachers and prophets, many of you have not followed the truth of My word that would have prepared many of you for this day.  And for those that have followed after the churches of man, I say come out now.  It is not too late.  For I am about arise within My remnant and speak to My children declaring My truth.  And many shall come to this light of Mine.   But even many more shall reject it.  For My people have fattened themselves with lies of comfort and ease.  Therefore, many shall reject the light of My teachings of the cross and call it “works of the old law”.


Oh, My children, I do not desire that evil befall any of you.  But can you not hear My heart crying unto you all to come out from that harlot church?  No one that goes in to her in these last days shall be spared.  For her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.  And spirits of darkness shall be released upon her to chain all her simple ones to death.


Oh, My children, hear My heart crying to you all to come out of her now before it will be too late for you.  There is still time, My little ones.  But not for long.  For soon, I tell you, that lawless one will take over and even force My people to worship her.  Here’s wisdom, My little ones.  Do not take the mark.  And what is the mark, many of you ask.  Well I tell you now that if you have to ask what the mark is, then you are already in danger of taking it without even knowing.


Oh, My children.  I cannot tell you plainly what the mark is.  For it is known by understanding and knowledge of the Spirit.  But I do tell you this.  Those that are seeking it in the natural will not recognize it when it comes.


Oh, My children, again I cry to you all to come out from among her.  Come out of all religions and false doctrines of man and follow My Son, the ONLY living begotten of the Father.  I love you all, My dear little ones.  And I come to you this day to warn and to save.  Do not take My words lightly, My children.  Time is too short.  Drop all that I have not given you to do and get alone with Me in the secret chambers. 


Soon, My children, this gross darkness shall cover the land and people.  Then where shall you go?  To whom shall you turn?  It will not be Me if you do not come out of that harlot.  For I tell you again, you do not know the powerful force of this coming gross darkness.  Many shall give their allegiance to the lawless one thinking they are giving obedience to Me. 


Oh, My children, do not believe the many books and movies on the lawless one and the taking of the mark of the beast.  They’re all lies constructed from the wisdom of man.  Seek Me, My children and I shall show you the truth. 


I love you all, My dear ones.  So heed Me this day and pray to be found worthy to escape the things to come.


Pro 7:26-27  For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.  Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

Kevin Barrett


Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Date Posted: 05/15/2013 at 5:07pm

Wow, a very sober word indeed.

Oh, precious God, let those with ears to hear take heed. Let people who are not of this forum pass by and see and take heed as well. Cause us to be ready, to have our lamps filled with oil and to hear the voice of the bridegroom. Draw us with Your Spirit to those quiet times of communion with you. Purify our hearts. Let us be used as instruments for you. Purify your church, Lord!

Posted By: Karen Samford
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 6:50am

I have been listening to Terry Bennett. He talks about
coming out of Babylon and being separated unto God.God
always has a remnant that will obey him. -

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 8:04am

I can tell you what the mark is, it is an external sign of an internal condition. The hand represesents mans work, the head represents man's wisdom. If you live by the works and wisdom of man you will not be able to resist any external force because it is your nature to operate in this manner.


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: marlene kuhn
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 8:52am

Christians are not "under the law" (Romans 6:14) and this means that obeying God's laws will not justify us.  Obedience will not make us righteous.  It is through the law that we become conscious of sin (Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7).

However, Christians are not "above the law" and this means that we have to obey God's laws such as "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37).  The New Testament is full of God's commands and they are meant to be obeyed.  I John 5:3 says "This is love for God: to obey His commands.  And His commands are not burdensome". 

If Christians fail to obey God's laws, they need to acknowledge that they have sinned and they need to repent.  I John 1:8-10 says "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives". 

Many Christians quote Romans 6:6-7 which says "For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed from sin".  They think that this means that Christians will not sin at all.  But Romans 6:6-7 means that we will not be slaves to sin.  The power and penalty of sin died with Christ on the cross.  We no longer live under sin's power.  We were once slaves to our sinful nature, but now we are slaves to righteousness.  We choose to live for Christ. Those who have been saved are not hell-bound because of their sin.  God's discipline will be on our lives until we repent.  His discipline is His judgment on us now so that we won't be condemned with the world (I Cor. 11:32).

I John 3:6 says "No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning.  No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him".  This means that we will REPENT when we have sinned.  When the Holy Spirit convicts us, we will REPENT and there will be fruit to our repentance .  We won't ignore the conviction and continue to sin.

2 Corinthians 7:10 tells us what to do when we have sinned:  "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death". 

Godly sorrow - true remorse for sin
Worldly sorrow - sorry because you were caught in your sin

Repentance - choose to rely on God to break the power of that sin in your life; choose to have Him turn you away from that sin

Salvation - Jesus delivers us from the guilt and power of that sin. Psalm 103:12 says that the sin is removed from us as "far as the east is from the west".

Please ask Holy Spirit (He is our teacher) to reveal the truth about the scriptures quoted above.  He reveals the truth regardless of the Bible translation (KJV, NKJV, NIV and etc.).  We have to be "doers of the Word of God and not just hearers".  The Word of God has to be firmly established in us and we have to live it. 

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 10:00am

Yea Kriston, it's simply the unrenewed mind and it's thought producing ways, rather than the mind of Christ and His thought producing ways. Praise God for the Spirit of Grace Who daily transforms our minds to His. It's a beautiful, wonder-full! journey with our Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit : ))
There is a real awakening taking place to the Living Reality of Grace and "it's finished." woot! It's def. raw and radical and offensive to the 'religious' mind which is very 'first adam'..natural, carnal, self-righteous, self-abasing, self-conscious, sin conscious, do's and don'ts and ya better take notes type thing, ect. ect..
We recognize that the 'mark,' the beast, anti-christ exists within the unrenewed soul. Praise God, Jesus Christ (last adam) dethroned him on the cross, death, burial and resurrection! The veil has been torn and we are growing, going from glory to Glory..transformed mind, mind renewed, restored, born anew while in our earth suits lol.. flesh.  The great exchange. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! He's Faithful and True and the good work He began within us will complete it. Not by power, nor by might but by My Spirit says the Lord. yay! : ))

In His Love

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 10:03am

Yes Kathy,

I have a sense of excitement and anticipation as to many things, I have become totally reformatted as it were to begin to see the glory of God rather then the weakness of men.


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 10:24am

Me too! Excited and have been and being reformatted.  Christ in you the hope(full expectation) of Glory..woohoo! Focus, focus, focus. What's the saying for Real Estate? ..location, location, location haha  : ))

In His Love

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 11:02am

Yea Kris... what does it say about to the pure everything
being pure but to the corrupt everything being corrupt.
Reformatted and being reformatted ha ha. Excited and
anticipatin' great things with ya... and Kathy
too :)))

Ha ha Kathy... we've got a tv program over here called
Relocation, Relocation, Relocation... ha ha we've been
relocated alright!!!


Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 11:13am

Yes,"formatted" could be the process, but I've been taken to the mat, so to speak, as I have come out of Babylon and the process of getting Babylon out of me is ongoing,,,truth that only Father God knows our individual heart...if you'd ask me if I had some of these 'things' I'm being delivered from (seems like on a daily basis) I'd say, "no, not me, none of 'that stuff' in me"... And then the 'refining fire' heats up and the 'fuller's soap' starts to scrub 'harder'-I'm gaining spiritual awareness on a daily basis,,,much is comin' clear, more of the glory of God and less of the negativity that use to 'hang' around!!! Excitement is building and more of Jesus I see, & less of me showin' up & out...HALLELUJAH AMEN! YEAH GOD! TY JESUS! Love you ALL

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Karen Samford
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 11:34am -

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 12:42pm

 We have indeed been relocated Mandy and we sure didn't get their in our own strength, or by works, wisdom, understanding or knowledge ect. He began this and He will complete it : )) Just need to feast rather than fast lol ahh true! Feast on the Lamb <3

Gayle, that's exactly right. Right when you think, nuhuh it's not in me but you can see it in everyone else, or point it out in everyone else and then along with that comes the comparing ourselves among ourselves and a whole bunch of other junk. Oh, but when we see Christ and the image of God and His Likeness within every person, creation, that's Who we'll draw upon, so to speak and speak Life too, in it's dormancy. The shell breaks open and the Life of the Seed springsforth. Demons run, darkness flees, healing and wholeness is manifest.

Karen, one of my fav. video's..i have a lot of favs. : ))

In His Love

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 12:47pm

Lift up your heads!!!!

One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 1:14pm

Yeah Kathy... as it says...

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in
mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in
transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

...And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him
in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus!!!


Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 2:03pm

Kriston, "lift up your heads" yea! Salvation is here! woohoo!!

Mandy, yea, in, of, by and through Christ and Christ alone..woot! : ))

In His Love

Posted By: Karen Samford
Date Posted: 05/20/2013 at 2:09pm

Kevin I did not understand what you meant when you
said,"For I tell you again, you do not know the powerful
force of this coming gross darkness.  Many shall give
their allegiance to the lawless one thinking they are
giving obedience to Me."Also when you said,"For soon, I
tell you, that lawless one will take over and even force
My people to worship her."  I believe it's those who
don't want the laws wrote on their hearts.I read this
today and your prophecy made more since to me.
There is not much time left the door is
about to shut and a strong delusion will take over the
minds of the people still in the harlot.

Posted By: Kevin Barrett
Date Posted: 05/20/2013 at 7:14pm

Hello Karen,

Yes, you are right.  I don't know the exact details of it all, but those that will not allow Him to write His laws on their hearts like you mention will be part of the last day harlot riding the beast all the while thinking they are His true bride.

In the last days the lawless one will make all that are of the harlot worship the image (religion made in the image of beastly nature of man) of the beast is what the prophecy is speaking about.  This could also be the one world religion that is coming.

You're also right that the door is about to shut and the strong delusion will come, which many have already been prepared  by the enemy to accept the strong delusion.

Kevin Barrett

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/22/2013 at 2:30am

Hi Kevin and all,

Yes, the work of bringing us out of the harlot is all done
by Him and His workmanship. We firstly see it going on
outwardly and then we are given eyes to see it as an inward
thing going on in us. We need not fear though... we are
safe in His hands.

It is all done through Grace. .. we are HIS workmanship :)


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/23/2013 at 2:56am

The degree to which this word (or any other word)
resonates with us is the degree to which it is referring
to US. With the measure you use it will be measured unto

I have prayed that your faith may not fail. We can be
sure that whatever the Son has prayed will be done :)))

Fear not little flock... the Father is pleased to give
you the kingdom!

The revealing of the kingdom he has given us is all in
His hands... it is ALL being revealed through His

In this revealing He proves to us that our help was not
required. He did it all on His own... ha ha This causes
astonishment. The more deceived we've been in believing
that we had anything to do with it, the more shocking the
revelation... but then... overwhelming joy!!!


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