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Topic: Digest June 27, 2014

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest June 27, 2014
Date Posted: 06/27/2014 at 8:22am Digest Publication

In This Issue

3. The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!"
News Headlines nheaven - - Digest


By Ron McGatlin

Many of God’s prophetic people have been led to speak mostly of the glorious season of the kingdom. Probably most all know that the kingdom age could not manifest in the now passing age of the church as a major world influence. The Christian church has been the most significant good influence upon world governance and life. The British Empire carried the influence of Christianity to the world in its day of power. The United States of America carried the Christian influence to the world in its day of power. The history and success of both Britain and America, along with other nations, rested heavily upon Christianity and its biblical morality, judicial governance, and culture of life.

The age of Christianity was blessed of God and was known by some scholars as the dispensation of grace. Actually it was more mercy than grace, because God often used immature and impure Christians to spread the gospel of salvation and the baptism of the Spirit. The grace of God implies His empowerment to live holy lives. Christianity is not synonymous with kingdom and never was, though it was a part of preparation for the coming of the now emerging kingdom age.

We are now in the time of great and terrible transition from one age to another. The Bible speaks of it as great tribulation and describes cataclysmic events as characteristic of the season the world is entering. In our past many of us have endured extreme situations and the dissolving of much of our past lives along with seasons of wandering in a wilderness of uncertainty of direction and purpose. For many this has been a path of preparation for enduring the traumatic time of transformation to the kingdom age ruling and reigning in this world. However, only God can fully prepare us for the extreme times just ahead of the entire world.

We simply cannot expect the ways of life that we have known to continue into this time of world tribulation. Human nature is to do as the ostrich is said to do and stick our heads in the sand and hope the threat will go away. That may give us a false sense of peace for a very brief moment. However, it probably will not have good results. Only God can prepare us for the season of tribulation that is a part of this world transformation. However, we do have a part in willingly abiding, hearing, and obeying.

How do we prepare for the traumatic end of the age and the glorious kingdom age to rule and reign on earth?  

First, it is good to remember that we are only a link in a very long chain of saints of God moving toward the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Many have already given their lives and suffered on this journey of redemption of mankind and Planet Earth along with all that is on it.

A part of the transformation of the earth to the rule of the kingdom is the elimination of all that stands against God. Everything that lifts itself against the kingdom of God will be changed or destroyed. All of the old ways that did not come from God and are not of the kingdom of God must be dissolved.

Much mixture that was allowed or tolerated during the past age will not enter the kingdom age. The day of religion is past. The Christian religion along with all other religions will not rule in the next age. All man-devised and man-centered mixture of worship of many false gods must be purged from the earth. Every person who enters the kingdom age will have been cleansed of all allegiance to any other gods. No one will survive holding on to their false gods.

How is all of this possible? 

Only as the people truly experience and see the magnificent one pure holy true loving and all powerful God will they abandon their false gods.

Encountering the reality of the love and power of the manifest presence of God will cause the people to turn to Him with their whole hearts. The past religious things could not do it. For the most part the way we have been will not do it. Only the manifest presence of God will do it.

The survival of many good people in and out of churches depends on the manifest Sons of God arising and demonstrating the love and power of the King and His kingdom.


It is imperative that we abandon our doubts, our lax and lazy spiritual habits.

Do not be entrapped in the thing of waiting for God to do it, while He is telling us and showing us in the Spirit to MOVE OUT NOW and become who God has made us and called us to be.

Do not listen to the voice that says you are just doing this in your own flesh and you are trying to build your own kingdom. When we know what God is saying to us we must not be swayed by what others say.

A New Generation

How are we training the children of God? There is not time to train our young people to serve the same things we served in our past and then try to change them as we have had to be changed. If we are modeling for people basically the same stuff that was put into many of us, then they will be like we were.

If we will step up and step out into the spiritual reality of love and power of Christ Jesus and simply turn from our ways of the past unto the ways written in the Bible and offered now to all who will come to Him with their whole hearts, then there will be many who will survive the great and terrible transformation to stand in the full glory of the light of the glorious kingdom of God filling the whole earth.

There will be a generation of kingdom people on fire with the passion of God’s love for this groaning creation. The powerful angels from heaven will work with the new generation of love and power-filled kingdom people.

There is at least one thing that God will not do. God will not fail to keep His word. God’s promises may be the most solid reality in all creation. He has set you and me in this world to rule and reign with Him. He has chosen to work in and through mankind. We are His tools on earth to serve Him in perfect obedience to His leading and by His empowerment. We will not listen to our own understanding or any other voice.

The children of Israel came to the place of entrance into the Promised Land but listened to another voice. God told them to enter in and possess the land. However, they chose to listen to the voice that said they could not do it. A short time later they relented and said we will obey, now we will go in. However, it was too late the opportunity had passed and all who had refused to go in died in the wilderness. Only when a new generation arose did they go in and possess the land.

This is our time to arise and obey the Lord and step out in extreme life of pure holy love and power moving in all confidence that what God has said, He will do. This is the season of powerful humility, but it is NOT the season for timidity.

Hear and Obey

Powerful change will be required on our parts as we allow God to have full reign in our lives. Old habits and ways of doing and being must be changed to His ways. This will only come as we encounter God in His presence with us and experience His love doing away with who we were and the life of Christ arising within us. We are not our own. We are His, and are bought with a price. The “Christ in us” life that we are entering is far greater and far more life than the best we ever had in the past.

Being in love with Him and watching His life change us and the one in front of us is like being a spectator and watching the mighty works of God. All of the reasons why we cannot do what God has said are dissolved by His life in us doing it as we watch it happen. As willing volunteers we move and speak and do, yet it is not us but Christ in us doing the will of the Father.

Abide, Hear and Obey,

Ron McGatlin - -


By Amanda Leonard

Yesterday, June 19th 2014, I heard in my spirit, "I am sending a SHOCK WAVE that will shake the earth. This shaking will not be measured on an earthly scale. This wave will be felt by all and will sweep across the world in gigantic proportion. There will be shaking of everything that can be shaken and only those whose foundation is the Lord will stand. "

Hebrews 12:26: At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."

I saw Jesus with a massive defibrillator in His hands. He was sending "Shock Waves" to restart the heart and awaken His bride from her slumber. This shock wave will gain the attention of everyone around the world. I felt that the Spirit of the fear of the Lord is going to be released upon the land and people will tremble at His every word.

Isaiah 66:2: "Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being,” declares the Lord. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word."

I watched as Jesus knelt down and some people were lying on the ground, dead in their sin and Jesus took this defibrillator and placed it upon their hearts and they were jolted with the reality of His life. His love and glory surged through them and the most beautiful display of Spiritual life and reality coursed through their very being.

This shock wave was felt by everyone on the earth and in the heavens. I watched as some people felt this shock, yet they ignored the shaking, ignored the love and life of Jesus. Some were sitting at tables eating, some driving fast cars, some just doing their daily activities. These people felt the shaking, they felt the wave, yet they ignored it. They remained lifeless, without love, without hope or joy in our Lord; perishing, dead. The only life we have is in Jesus and they denied His chasing after them. They denied His attempt to revive them. I saw as tears would fill His eyes for those who had made their decision to turn away from Him.

Then there were the ones who created a resting place for Him to dwell, a tabernacle for the manifest presence of Jesus to stay.

Ezekiel 37:27-28: "My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God and they will be my people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the Lord make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever."

The ones who accepted this shock wave were supernaturally lifted up. They were being raised up as a might army, destroying the works of darkness across the land. The Lord is sending supernatural re-enforcement, holy angels are coming and waiting in great anticipation to accompany this rising army upon the earth. The light of Jesus Christ and His amazing love flowed from these ones who were awakened by His love. A light of blinding magnitude emitted from these holy ones whose only agenda is to spread the love and glory of God from one end of the globe to another. A city on a hill, a light that cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5:14). Their hearts are on fire for the one who is altogether worthy. Burning, burning, burning, arising, arising, arising, shaken to the core by His fiery love.

I also had a dream the same night. There were many people in an open room. A young man began to sing with the most angelic voice. He was singing something very simple, yet extremely powerful. All of a sudden, everyone felt this shock wave and all God's children were looking around the room and each person knew what to do and what the other was to do. There was such oneness in the Spirit, such unity. The guy continued to sing as others were declaring His truths, some were prophesying, some were reading the word, all done in unity. Healings began to take place all over the room as the glory of God was so tangible, no one even had to 'pray' over anyone, His presence just dwelled and things began to happen. I kept hearing as I was waking, "This is an assembly, this is what My assembling together looks like, do not forsake the assembling together." (Hebrews 10:25)

As I meditated on these two things that the Lord showed me, I knew they went together. Test this word and see if it bears witness in your spirit, but I believe that this "SHOCK WAVE" is awakening each of us to the reality of His Kingdom and the outpouring of His love. This supernatural love jolt is changing our hearts, actually synchronizing our heartbeat with the heartbeat of Heaven. New life is here and with this shock wave and shaking there will be a revealing of the intent of our hearts.

Every idol and false god is coming down, some will try to rebuild Babylon and some will allow the New Jerusalem to come down and invade their hearts and lives.

The Lord is wanting to fully purify our hearts to reveal His magnificent pure light shining through His sons. As the shaking (SHOCK WAVE) begins, those who surrender will arise and shine with the light of Christ in them and through them. (Isaiah 60:1) He is bringing together, these pure vessels to "assemble" together as one bride, pure and spotless. His glory will cover the earth as the water covers the seas.

Lord, I pray for each person reading this word. Some will feel this is a harsh word but others will see the love of the Father behind it. Lord let them see Your love and be revived by Your Heavenly defibrillator, jolt us with the reality of Your life and Your Kingdom within us. Strip away every hindrance that is keeping us from walking in Your complete reality. Reveal Your pure light and love shining from our very being. Your word says that everything that can be shaken will be shaken, we surrender to your shaking, to your shock waves....let them come Lord. Thank You for raising us up in this time to be a mighty army of light across this nation, across this globe. Awaken us, Your bride to the glory of Your face, to the glory of Your love and life. Thank You precious Jesus for all You are. Thank You for Your love. In Your most beautiful name, Jesus we pray. Amen.

In the light of His love,

Amanda Leonard -


3. The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!"

Clay Sikes         The Third Third - By Arthur Burt – from his book, No Ebb
“On the third day He will raise us up...”Every move of God has finished with an ebb, a denomination. Men like A. A. Allen, Oral Roberts, whoever, they’ve all fulfilled the word of God: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” That’s the ultimate, the glory of God. We all “fall short of the glory of God.” And to this day, the Church is in two-thirds. The Church is in Pentecost, meeting man’s need instead of moving into Tabernacles and meeting God’s glory. God is governed by one thing, His glory. Pentecost brought us to two-thirds. But we’re entering into the fullness of times.

One, Two, Three. Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles. The underlying principle is Tabernacles, the third third. God will fulfill and fill full in Tabernacles. Tabernacles is for the glory of God. If God has dictated three, then two will never do the job. Pentecost introduced it but did not have the power to produce it. Only the third third can do it. Very few know what we are talking about when we’re talking about the third third. It’s joy, fullness of joy! Tabernacles... Fullness! What is the third third? I don’t know anything higher than the love of God. Break it down to simple everyday loving. Would I walk in love? It’s new wine, it’s joy. It produces fruit. The little bud, the bloom, the blossom — then comes the fruit! But even after the fruit is developing, unless it comes to fullness, you’ve got nothing.

One, two, three. We’ve entered into that season, the third third, the third day. Most people never get beyond souls. “Oh if I could only get this soul saved!” But the ultimate is that God requires His glory and if souls are not operating to the glory of God, they better not operate at all. That’s the goal! His glory..."
No Ebb - Arthur Burt - -

The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!"

By Clay Sikes

God has created (for us) a time of oneness; a time of return - Him to us, us to Him. He has sent the angel of His Presence to awaken us - Revelation 22:16. He is reconciling us 'back' unto Himself. He wants us to come up higher, and as we do, He comes down and dwells with us - communion with our God, the creator of heaven and earth. The City of Lights is coming down, the New Jerusalem, The Kingdom, Tabernacles. God is bringing us 'back' into the Garden, as the flaming sword grants entry to any who hold no idols, whose heart is clean and pure before the Father.

"Blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the City. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Revelation 22: 14, 15. This is the time to put away idols, to put oil in our lamps, and like the prodigal, run into the arms of our loving Father.

What is the call the watchman now hear from heaven? This is the call; hear it and hear it well!

"The Spirit and the bride say Come! And let him who hears say Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free water of life...He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon. Amen, Come Lord Jesus. The grace of The Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen" - Revelation 22: 17-21.

"I will be your God and you shall be my people."

Within this return there is more than a union; a reunion - God with us, us with Him; one mind, one accord. The Head and the Body flowing and functioning as one (on earth).

Clay Sikes -


The U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously voted to limit President Barack Obama’s authority to bypass Congress and make recess appointments to high-level government positions. - 6/26/2014
"The Supreme Court unanimously rebuked the Obama administration for its lawlessness." Obama had invoked the Constitution's provision giving the president the power to make temporary appointments when the Senate is in recess. But the Senate was not actually in a formal recess when Obama made those labor appointments.

Iraq falling apart, Christians are pawns - 6/26/2014
The battle between the Kurd, Sunni, and Shiite factions for control of Iraq continues. Sunni militants from the (ISIS) have carved out new boundaries in Iraq. This is causing great difficulty for all but especially Christians. “Women must be veiled. Families have to convert to Islam or pay the jizya tax: you either convert, you’re killed, or you pay the tax.”

Iraqi: “I saw People Without Heads On the Street.” - 6/26/2014
“I saw people without heads on the street and people who have been killed in the streets,” “I saw this with my own eyes,” “When they (the jihadists) got into Nineveh, they entered the houses and killed whole families. This means they don't care about the ages or the humanity.” That carnage drove these people to take shelter in refugee camps.

ISIS in Mosul ‘Orders’ Unmarried Women to ’Jihad By Sex’ - 6/26/2014
ISIS issued a decree ordering people to send their unmarried women to “jihad by sex.” “...people of this state to offer their unmarried women so that they can fulfill their duty of jihad by sex to their brotherly mujahideen. Failure to comply will result in enforcing the laws of Sharia upon them. “induction of 150 girls 18-25 into the ‘Sex Jihad Corps’."

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 6/26/2014
Iraq: 20 facts you need to know to understand the crisis - Schools 'burying’ Christian values - UK boys 'lured to Syria to fight' - UK law is 'intolerant' towards Christians - Spanish police break up alleged jihadist recruitment network - USA: Don’t talk about faith, Christian student told - Nigeria: Sixty more schoolgirls and women kidnapped, plus 31 boys - More>

Franklin Graham: Praying for the Next Great Awakening - 6/26/2014
Hardly a day passes that I don't hear someone say, "We are losing our country; we are losing our churches." There have been several Great Awakenings in our nation's history. Our hope and and our prayer is to stir up followers of Jesus Christ to pray and ask for a great awakening of the church. Just last year, multiplied thousands of souls were won to Jesus Christ,

Sixty more Nigerian schoolgirls and women kidnapped, plus 31 boys - 6/26/2014
More than 91 people – including 60 schoolgirls and young women, plus 31 schoolboys – were kidnapped last week by Boko Haram Muslims, two months after the same group kidnapped more than 300 schoolgirls in northeastern Nigeria. They were also abducted from villages in northeastern Nigeria, an area where such attacks have been happening almost daily.

No Small Work’: Refugees and Terrorists Coming to Christ in Northern Nigeria - 6/26/2014
Families displaced by violent attacks on their villages are pouring into crowded displacement camps or crossing the border into adjoining countries. Christian Aid Mission is delivering supplies to some of the refugees. Travel to the camps is becoming difficult and dangerous. “The killing continues this week alone at least six villages were invaded and burned down."

Conflicting Reports About Meriam Ibrahim's Freedom - 6/26/2014
There are conflicting reports on the freedom of Meriam Ibrahim and her family. She's the Sudanese mother condemned to die for refusing to renounce her Christian faith. CBN News that Meriam and her family are back in prison. She says Merian is charged with falsifying documents to travel. The family has since been released from prison on bail.

Malaysia: no change on use of word Allah - 6/26/2014 - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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