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Topic: Digest October 09, 2014

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Subject: Digest October 09, 2014
Date Posted: 10/09/2014 at 2:38pm Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. What can God accomplish with my life?
2. News Headlines nheaven - - Digest

What can God accomplish with my life?

By Ron McGatlin

God is lifting His chosen people up out of the natural into the heavenly realm of the Spirit to rule and reign with Him on earth.

His chosen people are those who are called and who RESPONDED TO HIS CALL WITH THEIR WHOLE HEARTS. “Many are called but few are chosen” (Mat 22:14). The chosen are those who willingly and properly respond to His call.

All people may have been created equal. However, all people are NOT equal in all matters. Some are chosen, and some are not chosen. All may be called, but not all have RESPONDED TO GOD WITH THEIR WHOLE HEARTS.

God has not limited us. All of His promises and gifts are available to all mankind in Christ Jesus. The devil cannot stop the promises and gifts of God from manifesting in our lives. The enemy cannot limit our lives in God without our allowing it in some way. Only mankind has the authority from God to either release or to limit the promised gifts and works of God in our lives.

Christ Jesus is the Potential

The good news of the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus brought is probably much greater news than most of us have yet realized. We have the potential in Christ and Christ in us by the Holy Spirit to accomplish anything in this life that God desires and directs us to become or to do. Supernatural Holy Spirit power from heaven can work in and through His chosen people to set creational powers into motion to reorder creation in this world to align with His plan and purposes.

Faith is a work of God in us. Faith is both a gift of the Spirit and a fruit of the Spirit. Faith is believing.

Focusing on God with intensity is our part in believing or having faith.

Responding with our whole hearts means, in part, turning our faces toward Spirit God so that our eyes see spiritual heavenly things, our ears hear God, and our soul becomes filled with the things of God.

The Spirit of the living God will come to abide within and upon those who are intensely focused upon Him and His heavenly kingdom.

All things are possible to those who believe. As you believe so it will be unto you.

All of the great men and women of God in history who led the people of God into extraordinary exploits with God, including Jesus, were men and women of faith who were intensely focused on God above all else. Most of them were ordinary people who were called and responded with their whole hearts.

I know that many of you reading this are, like myself, ordinary men and women with a call on your life. What can God do with us? If we are intensely focused on God, we will be able to see and hear clearly the magnitude of what God has for us to become and to accomplish in this life. Our hearing that leads to faith comes in that place of spiritual closeness with God that comes from seeking God and His kingdom above all else in this life.

Faith is effortless. When we see and hear clearly what God is doing, faith comes. A direct word of instruction from God by the Holy Spirit carries with it the gift of faith to accomplish the fulfillment of the spoken word of God.

Love Produces Obedience

Knowing of the love of God is a wonderful thing. However, experiencing the pure holy love of God in His manifest presence changes everything. Our hearts are melted in His presence. It is possibly the most humbling and yet uplifting experience in life, to sense His beautiful life-giving, over-whelming, all-consuming love flooding our souls and submersing us into the warmth of peace and glory in His love. Oh, the glory of the reality that a mortal soul can experience His perfect love.

Our hearts are so overcome with the intense euphoric ecstasy of becoming one with Him in His love that we gladly give our lives to Him. We will do anything that pleases Him. We are slaves of His love and nothing is too much to give or do for our loving God. This love that is beyond all love abides in us and will flow from us to others. This is what causes our willing and total obedience to His instructions and desires.

In this pure and holy love connection, the character and nature of God becomes more and more who we are. His gifts of supernatural power, wisdom. and understanding empower us to be and do anything that He instructs or desires.

No longer do natural limitations or any other form of resistance stop the power of God in us from accomplishing the will of God. No persecution or suffering will stop His chosen people who are abiding in the fullness of His love. The unstoppable life of love and power from heaven flowing through His chosen people can lead the world into the reality of His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

There is no God like our God. Nothing can stand in the way of the army of God coming forth on earth riding upon the wind of the Spirit wielding the sword of His word with power like lightning destroying all evil and filling the earth with the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Death has no power over us.

Abiding in the ecstasy of His love in His manifest presence is life abundant in which death has no part. In this euphoric state of His love, death cannot touch us. Though ten thousand fall at our side, it will not come near us. We are abiding in eternal life that will never die. We cannot experience hell in this life or in the afterlife while abiding in Him. We will at some point transition from this earthly body but will never die. We will abide in the love of His presence now and forever.

Abiding in God’s manifest presence within our hearts and among us is heaven come to earth. It is the kingdom of heaven come to earth within us in whom the Lord fully dwells by His Holy Ghost.

Our Holy Ghost ship has come in and is filling the land of those who are focused upon things above and not on things on this earth. Expect to be invaded by the Holy Ghost bringing a flood of the pure holy love and power of God.

Col 3:1-3: If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Ron McGatlin - -

2. News Headlines

Korea: North and South to resume talks - the obstacles seem insurmountable, but the LORD is GOD - 10/9/2014
On Saturday 4 October a top-level delegation from North Korea visited South Korea and had lunch with their South Korean counterparts. The visit has been described by experts as 'unprecedented'. Further talks are being organised for late October or early November. North Korean regime knows its situation is unsustainable as the trend towards openness is unstoppable.

Has Kim Jong-Un Lost Control of North Korea? Pyongyang is on lockdown and nation’s former intelligence officer says Kim has ALREADY been overthrown - 10/9/2014
A former North Korean counter-intelligence officer is claiming that Kim Jong-Un is no longer in control of the nation and is now just a “puppet leader.” Jang Jin-sung, who used to be an influential officer in Kim Jong-il's propaganda division, made the claim at a September conference in Holland attended by several elite exiles.

Runaway Train? Nations Race to Stop Ebola Pandemic - 10/9/2014
The international community has "failed miserably" to stop the Ebola virus. That's the dire warning from the president of the World Bank as nations everywhere are scrambling to prevent a global pandemic. Thomas Eric Duncan, the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S. was remembered at a memorial in Dallas. A sheriff's deputy is being kept in isolation after flu-like.

Missionaries evacuated due to Ebola outbreak - 10/9/2014
In Sierra Leone, burial teams went on strike over delays in hazard pay this week, meaning the bodies of Ebola victims were left in the streets. The highly-infectious virus remains active in the bodies of those who have died from it. Ebolo has already killed more than 600 people in that country. Sierra Leone is one of three West African countries.

Christians in Egypt press on - 10/9/2014
Churches in Egypt damaged by last year’s Muslim Brotherhood attacks are entering the final stages of reconstruction. Construction should be finished in June 2015. By the time the violence ebbed, 65 churches and monasteries, 22 buildings associated with Christian ministries, and more than 100 Christian shops and houses had come under attack.

ISIS Raises Flags over Key City Near Turkey's Border - 10/9/2014
Syrian Kurds are making an urgent appeal for help to save their border city of Kobani from the Islamic State. ISIS fighters are closing in, and are now poised to capture the city. Islamic militants raised black ISIS flags over parts of the town. A growing number of U.S. military and defense analysts say military airstrikes are not enough to stop the ISIS advance.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 10/9/2014
British hostage David Bolam freed in Libya - Cracks found at reactor at nuclear power station - euthanasia rate in the Netherlands soars - Ukraine: 'What truce? say residents where battles continue - Deaths in Kurdish protests across Turkey - Syria: Jihadist rebels abduct Franciscan friar - Uzbekistan: Police raid Christian homes - Russia's role in the fight against IS - More>

Survey shows vast numbers of Christian men addicted to porn and having affairs - 10/9/2014
The 2014 survey was commissioned by Proven Men Ministries and conducted by Barna Group among adult men who identified themselves as Christians. The statistics for Christian men between the ages of 18-30 are striking: Some 77% view pornography at least monthly; 36% view pornography at least daily, and 32% admit their addiction to porn (another 12% think they may be).

Enterovirus Spread by Illegal Immigrant Children? - 10/9/2014
The CDC is still trying to find out why Enterovirus D-68 has affected so many children this year. At least five died. Some people are raising the question of it being spread by the tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children who came to the U.S. There are significant numbers of illegal immigrant children in both cities where the outbreak was first identified.

Look out the Window - Storm is Approaching - Word from Yerushalaim - 10/2/2014
I truly believe the Lord is allowing these crisis to come, because He loves the people of this earth to much to let them die in their sin. People are content. The Lord allowed the enemies of Israel to become more fierce to the point the people cried out to God to rescue. I strongly feel the Lord is saying get ready, great crisis is coming to America, Canada and Europe.

God’s powerful answer to prayer among the Taliban’s people group in Afghanistan - Man praying for Pashtun miraculously healed of HIV - 10/9/2014
Last year the U.S. Center for World Mission began equipping thousands of churches in Latin America to pray for the Pashtun, one of the biggest least-reached people groups in the world. The Pashtun number over 30 million and the Taliban are included within this ethnic group in Afghanistan. “If you are wondering whether prayer really makes a difference, we have the proof.”

Counting Her Days - 10/9/2014
Kalpana just could not understand why her skin felt as though it were burning. It was unbearable. The only time relief came was when she was sitting in a water tank. Her fingers and toes started to bleed—they tried taking her to witch doctors. For four years, her life included large amounts of medicine from hospitals. But still nothing changed. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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