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Topic: Digest December 30, 2014

Posted By: Moderator
Subject: Digest December 30, 2014
Date Posted: 12/30/2014 at 6:00am Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Ultimate Connections
2. 2015 - An Appointed Hour!
3. Heavenly Courtroom
News Headlines nheaven - - Digest

1. Ultimate Connections

By Ron McGatlin

Many of you reading this have in the recent past entered into a higher level of spiritual reality and realization of dynamics of life in the Spirit realm. The sometimes frightening and always awesome relationship with the most powerful magnificent and glorious SPIRIT BEING, the FATHER of all creation, the LORD of all life, the Ancient of Days, is beyond word description. Neither the greatest words of human beings nor the most magnificent paintings of the greatest artist can describe the reality of the glory and majesty of ALMIGHTY GOD.

Some others of you reading this are on the edge of a cliff of “solid rock” belief in a distant God and Savior and are leaning forward to peer into what seems to be nebulous and unreal, too good to be true, spiritual air.

Our spirits may long to step off the cliff into the Spirit of God realm of that which is beyond supernatural, a “Spirit-natural” realm of heaven resting fully in our hearts, producing the life of God in us in this world now. However, our souls cry out to remain on the solid ground of the hard rock cliff of human understanding. What may not be seen is that the “solid rock” is not really solid at all. The strong religious and secular humanistic teachings and practical worldly experiences that have formed strong limitations and firm boundaries in us are being shaken and are crumbling. They are melting away in the glorious presence of God in and among His people.

We are now in 2015 entering into a season of endings and beginnings, of shaking of all that can be shaken (things which are made by man), and the establishment of the greater kingdom of God that cannot be shaken.

Since the tower of Babel, mankind has attempted to build a high edifice of bricks (manmade clay rocks) to reach high enough to attain heavenly atmosphere while keeping our feet upon the “solid rocks” (literally clay) of Spirit-limiting, natural human understanding.

One of the primary and strongest efforts of man has been to establish connections in groups and organizations for strength to build the edifices of man’s desire and design. Both religious and secular organizations and structures have been established as corporate functions to build the kingdoms of men.

These corporate structures become power centers for affecting the control or governing of the people within its influence. The people are connected by common goals and the fulfillment of personal needs or desires. Hierarchy of rule develops among the strongest willed people who relate to one another primarily for the personal benefit that can be gained through the connection. In short the structures are based upon need and greed. These natural human structures of power are a part of the “solid-rock cliff” that is crumbling away in this season.

Spiritual gatherings are establishing kingdom order of relationships.

For decades God has been very actively preparing a people individually, often in a sort of wilderness apart from involvement in the systems or structures of religious and secular connections. Largely the people in wilderness preparation have been without close human connections of any sort. This was needful so that the people would be able to invest their entire being in relating to God in the Spirit realm.

In very recent years God has been bringing some of these people together in small groups. This has been greatly satisfying and encouraging to become connected to a few precious people in pure holy love of the Spirit. In this atmosphere the precious gospel of the kingdom has been and is now being restored in small groups.

In the year of 2015, there is a move of God to connect some of these small groups or clusters in love connections with other similar groups. This is entirely a work of the Spirit of God through supernatural or more accurately “Spirit-natural” love for one another. Spirit connections are made among the people as they come together and are often surprised at the unexplainable pure holy love that they experience for one another. Almost instantly there is a bond of love between them to the depth that they will lay down their lives for one another.

There is no one seeking to build or establish themselves or their position among the group or groups. Only those who have come into that deep intimate relationship connection with ALMIGHTY GOD in the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD through Christ Jesus can fully enter into the perfect union of the group or groups. Christ Jesus is within and among them in the Holy Spirit, and there is no need for another head. There is not even need for “delegated authority of headship” in the group. Christ Jesus is resident in the people and is fully present to head up and guide the group or groups. The only leadership that is present is the Spirit of God in His people. There are no hierarchies of rule in the real kingdom of God.

The leadership for every situation is the Spirit touching or tagging the individual or individuals who are willing and available to respond to the Spirit’s touch upon them. Those who are more mature in walking in the Spirit and presenting what Christ Jesus is doing and saying, humbly function in steering or leading those who are less mature.

There is no need for, and must not be, any of the normal false fronts and masks presented in natural human social and religious relationships. Political and religious correctness has no place or part in the kingdom of God. Veils that are worn to protect one’s self from exposure to the unloving people of natural connections are not necessary and are unacceptable. Veils and false fronts of insincere politeness and niceness that always work the lie of hiding true feelings and needs are a serious block to real communication. There can be no oneness with God and with one another without humility and transparency.

We are naked (without false coverings) and unashamed before God and one another in the fullness of the presence of Almighty, all loving God. Humility totally replaces the hypocrisy of the pretending that was required in the past humanistic ungodly connections.

God is love. He is holy, completely righteousness, and never lies. Nice is not a good word in speaking of the characteristics of Almighty God. Nice implies being socially acceptable and polite, etc. God is full of loving kindness which is far greater and much deeper than niceness. Christ in us and us in Him is all loving, forgiving, and merciful but not socially and politically correct or nice in that sense.

Love is the primary means by which we are being changed. Often love is brought to the fore front and more fully realized as we endure lingering pain within ourselves or our loved ones. Even fiery trials can be used to break us down to the pure holy love of God.

As we become ONE WITH GOD through abiding in Him and Him in us, our old life is replaced with His life. Our will becomes His will. His ways become the ways of the life we live. It is no longer ourselves that live in us but Christ Jesus who lives where we once lived.

Our spirit has become filled and saturated with His Spirit. His Spirit is much more powerful and becomes the dominant Spirit of our lives. Christ living in us is the hope of glory, the fulfillment of maturity as sons of God bringing forth the ways of heaven on earth.

How beggarly and weak are the ways of the natural life of humanistic social and political order in comparison to the heavenly reality of His kingdom life and order. Kingdom life is coming forth in the love of God in His people loving and serving Him by serving one another with the strength and power of God Almighty.

Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in the gatherings of the clusters or groups and nothing that defiles will enter in. The New Jerusalem reality of God is coming down from heaven and being formed in the people of God on earth now in this new season.

A new year, a new season, a new level of life in God in preparation for not only enduring the great and terrible season of worldwide cleansing judgments but for living the fully established kingdom of God life now in the undercover groups of God’s kingdom people.   

In 2015, the Lord is not speaking to us about refining our lives. He is calling for a complete ending of our past secular and religious ways and the beginning of a whole new replacement life, the life of Christ Jesus.

There is not time to procrastinate. If you can hear the call now, the time is now to fully and completely respond. Jesus once told a man to go and sell all that he had and give to the poor and then come and follow Me. The call now is to empty your life, to truly become one with Christ Jesus, and follow only Him through the journey ahead of us.

In every situation, before you speak and respond as you usually do from habit, stop and allow the Spirit to change you and help you to remove all veils and false faces which work a pretentious lie. Speak the truth in love. Let your smile be sincere and your word be true. Walk in the Spirit, and allow Christ to fully live in you. He will live in you to love your enemies and bless those who curse you.

Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts. God is love, and His gift to you is Himself.

Much love and blessings,

Ron McGatlin - -

2. 2015 - An Appointed Hour!

By Clay Sikes

Another year, another time – Spiritual Eras have changed; first felt by a first fruits company, now evidenced by much of the Body. To those aligned with Kingdom government the era produces fresh air, as those out of line sense discomfort and disjointedness. A unique compelling calls us into alignment, as the ways of men weaken to the ways of God. 2015 will birth Kingdom alignment, as God’s light will direct our path to the ways of God. This unique change will be most subtle and almost unnoticed until natural things (blessing and favor) come flowing like water from a broken dam.

The traditions of men will weaken during this era, as men recognize ‘the legless podium’ behind which they stand - the light of the Kingdom exposing weakness based upon man dependence, while pointing us to God dependence (the highest Kingdom principle). This is a year to “Seek first the Kingdom,” as all who do will see unparalleled signs and evidence of God’s protection and favor. Never has the Father been so willing to receive His sons and daughters, as He welcomes us with open arms; contrasting light from darkness.

We have entered a time of supernatural occurrences – a time of noticeable favor. In the words of an old friend, “Begin to get excited!” The times of the Kingdom are here, and God chose us to be part of an incredibly significant period in spiritual history (Acts 17:26). Watch now as old traditional mindsets die within, while awakening us to newness of life comforted by peace. Flow with the ‘River of Life’ now flowing from heaven into earth – flow with it, not against it! The traditions of men will be costly to those who will not release them, as they will surely be “kicking against the goads.” Let go and let God has never meant so much – to die is to live!

Join the corporate move of God, a uniting Body, flowing in purpose, unity, and destiny. Spiritual spontaneity, once thought reckless, will initiate moves of God throughout the earth; freeing God to use us as He will. This chorus of blended harmony in the Body will move men and women to attend to the Father’s business (without a second thought). The power and authority of God will be seen throughout the earth as His seated Body takes its rightful position. Arise Corporate Body of Christ; your appointed time has come!

Clay Sikes -

3. Heavenly Courtroom

By Amanda Leonard

I have heard about the courtrooms in heaven, but was it true that I could actually go there? I have heard some teachings on the courtroom and people going there and the things that would happen as they went and pleaded their case before the Father, with Jesus as their mediator. I agreed that God is our Judge, Jesus is our advocate (or lawyer) who pleads our case and covers us with His blood, and that the courtroom was rigged in my favor. I understood these things to be true. Even in the bible, there are the stories of Joshua standing in filthy rags being made clean and God rebuked the Accuser (Zechariah 3) and Job who in Job 13:18 says, "now I have prepared my case, I know that I will be vindicated." These words are obviously courtroom lingo. This subject about the courtroom just continued to come up in my spirit and I felt there was more to it that the Lord wanted to show me.

To be honest though, I thought it all sounded too complicated and didn't know if it was for me. I knew very little about courtroom proceeding in the natural. This wasn't something that I sought out, it seemed that even while listening to some of the teachings I pondered why I was listening to them. I thought it sounded like some kind of formula, as a basis of works that I had to do to get God to move on my behalf. That is religion but He was trying to show me this through relationship, there's definitely a difference. It's about intimacy and relationship with Him first and foremost. We can turn anything into religion if it's not based upon relationship and intimacy with Him.

I have since then repented for these beliefs and have come to realize it's not based on religious works (we can make it that way but that's not what the Lord intends) but it's because of the blood of Jesus and it is meant to be appropriated. The accuser is a legalist and we have given him way too many rights in our lives. So, Holy Spirit began to do His work in me and show me His truths.

So, one morning, several months ago now, I asked the Lord to show me His truths regarding His courtroom. By faith, I stepped in. Immediately, I was in the spirit and Jesus began to show me the courtroom. I knew that I had been there before but what He showed me, stirred something deep within me, something that is hard to put into human words. Jesus took my hand and led me into this enormous room. On my left hand side I saw all these files, from floor to ceiling as far as the eye could see. Jesus told me with a saddened tone in His voice, "These are files full of the enemy’s lies that he brings before the Father day and night, against the children of God." I just knew by the spirit that these were lies that we had held onto and believed about ourselves or others. These were words we had said that the enemy had used against us and there were tons and tons of them!!! Billions of documents lined the walls where the children of God have given the enemy legal rights to places and things in their lives. Many of the documents were used against them because of their thoughts towards God or the lies we have believed about Him, or hurts and wounds that have been embedded within their souls due to hurtful things and events that have happened in their lives.

Then, Jesus showed me the other side of the room. It had just as many files from floor to ceiling, as far as the eye could see. These were the truths that the Father says about us, they were words that declared the goodness of God towards His children. They were all the promises of God, destinies, Truths, and purposes for His children. I then saw Jesus take out one of the pieces of paper and at the bottom was His signature in His blood. It was already signed! Jesus said, "My children don't understand the power of My blood. Because of My blood, you stand before Me clean. My children have listened to the lies of the enemy for far too long. It's time to appropriate My blood."

I began to weep, as I was realizing the significance of His blood and the importance of His courtroom. There is power in His blood, even at the mention of His blood the angels can't help but to lean in to hear about it. They understand the power of His blood and I see that Jesus wants us to understand the power of His blood as well. So, the document was already signed in His blood. The courtroom is rigged, 'Not guilty" is heard throughout the room. His judgment is always good. By faith, I have been stepping in and operating in the heavenly courtroom, being trained by Holy Spirit for several months now, and I have seen things drastically change in my life personally and I believe He is training those who will change and shape nations.

Heaven is waiting for us to step into the authority that God has established within us. Jesus is waiting for us, His children, to appropriate His blood and that power that is within it. Jesus is waiting for us to take our place in the courtroom and rule and reign with Him. All this is done by faith and in His rest. Much is accomplished in His rest. We fight not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit.

Holy Spirit is teaching His kids to know how to be victorious as they approach His throne humbly yet confident in the blood of Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross.

1 John 2:1 "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, they have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. "

Colossians 1:19-20 "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell. 20 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross."

The children of God are receiving their documents signed in His blood and asking for divorce papers from all these lies that they have believed for so long. In this place, healing takes place, transformation begins and the Truth is implanted as a seed in fertile soil and the fruit is on it's way!

I truly believe that this year the children of God are going to cast away all distractions, all hindrances and walk in the authority of the Kingdom government upon the earth as Priests and Kings of an unshakable Kingdom! This will be done in the unseen realm and will manifest in the natural. These who operate in the faith of the Son of God will bring forth the "substance" of these things hoped for and it will become evidence upon the earth, "On earth as it is in Heaven."

I sense that it's time to get serious. No more playing games! I'm not using that as a scare tactic but there is an urgency in the atmosphere to let go of all the petty things that have held us back thus far and surrender to the King. Although I sense the urgency, I also sense some major excitement for what is taking place!!

As we, the body of Christ, repent and turn to Him, His blood will cover every place of hurt in our flesh and in our souls. I believe that even people who are reading this now, that Holy Spirit will bring some things up in your spirit that needs to go. Don't dwell on it, turn to Him with your whole heart, sincerely repent and let Him transform your whole being. Let Holy Spirit guide you and show you all truth. If that means in His courtroom, let Him show you and teach you....He will.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Honor the Lord and worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. Don't be afraid to approach Him. Run to Him and allow Him to expose every lie even from generations past and let His blood saturate every cell of your human DNA to transform it into His. Allow His blood to saturate your blood lines from generations past. Let's prepare a case and rend the heavens so that the enemy won't have anything to use against us. Vindication is ours through the blood! Let's rise up and declare restoration of everything the enemy has stolen thus far....7 times or more what he's stolen! It's time to take back your life, your family, your workplace, your community, the nations for the glory of God!!! It's ALL His!!! 2015 is a time to be excited about!!! Arise and shine for you are His glory!!!

Matthew 4:17: From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Revelation 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Wrapped in His Mercy and Love,

Amanda Leonard - 4. News Headlines

Islamic State will conquer Europe, militants tell embedded German journalist - 12/30/2014
“We will conquer Europe one day.” “It is not a question of IF just a matter of when. But it is certain. For us, there is no such thing as borders. There are only front lines. Our expansion will be perpetual. When we come with our weapons, those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed.” “I don’t see anyone who has a real chance to stop them.”

Unbroken movie: hope, despair, redemption - 12/29/2014
When Louie Zamperini boarded a World War II bomber in 1943, dangers awaited the Olympic runner and war hero. He later said he'd prefer suicide to repeating his castaway and POW ordeal. Zamperini, who died last July at age 97, became close friends with director and co-producer Jolie, who emphasized her "huge responsibility to get the film right because I love him so much."

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association To Release New Documentary Film About Unbroken’s Louis Zamperini - 12/29/2014
Hot on the heels of the Universal Pictures’ movie ‘Unbroken’ the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will release a new documentary film called ‘Louis Zamperini: Captured by Grace.’ A compelling, documentary-style film on his journey – from Olympic runner to WWII prisoner of war – and encounter with Jesus Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade in Los Angeles in 1949.

Sex ed: ‘Parents sidelined in favour of named persons’ - 12/29/2014
Parents are being marginalised by Scottish sex education guidance that encourages teachers to speak to a child’s named person about any wellbeing concerns. Under the Named Person scheme all children in Scotland will be given a state guardian to monitor their wellbeing. “If there is judged to be a risk to the child’s wellbeing, staff should inform the child’s Named Person.”

Bereaved Israeli and Palestinian parents work together for reconciliation - 12/29/2014
Although Israeli-Palestinian relations are probably best known for conflict, a group of parents from both sides has spent 20 years working for reconciliation, inspired and united by the common experience of bereavement. More than 600 families belong to the Parents’ Circle brought together by the pain they share through losing a close family member in the ongoing conflict.

Russia’s economic implosion opens doors for Ukraine peace - 12/29/2014
Many economists say Russia is on the brink of economic collapse. The tail-spin of the ruble against foreign currencies plus the 50% decline in oil prices–key to Russia’s economy, means Russia’s political machine is focusing on recovery, not invasion. Some suggest this economic surprise could mean Russia will be forced into a deal to secure a Ukraine peace.

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Bring Hundreds Of Jewish Refugees From War-torn Ukraine to Israel - 12/29/2014
As an effort to support the embattled Jewish community of eastern Ukraine, has led to widespread violence and chaos Fellowship organized a flight to Israel for 226 new olim (immigrants). This flight is the first of many which will bring thousands of Jews to Israel in the future, and is being organized in conjunction with Israel's Ministry of Immigration and Absorption.

Welcome to Their Toilet - 12/29/2014
Janya and her family, along with almost everyone else in their village, had no toilet at home. That made it necessary for the villagers to find faraway places to relieve themselves. The lack of toilets in Janya’s village was a safety risk and it was a health risk. Children often relieved themselves in the farm fields. Many people grew ill with serious health conditions.

ISIS violence backfires despite growth - 12/29/2014
They began with crucifixions and beheadings. Now, they’re turning churches into torture chambers and selling ancient Christian artifacts. “ISIS has a stated goal to wipe out Christianity,” According to E3, more Muslims have become followers of Jesus in the last decade than in the past 14 centuries of Islam. ISIS violence is causing many Muslims to re-think their faith. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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