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Topic: Digest January 29, 2015

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest January 29, 2015
Date Posted: 01/28/2015 at 1:31pm Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Experiencing the Pure Holy Love of God
2. 2015 - An Appointed Hour!
3. All Heaven Is About To Break Loose!
News Headlines nheaven - - Digest

1. Experiencing the Pure Holy Love of God

By Ron McGatlin

Experiencing the pure holy love of God is the substance of Spirit life that supersedes and changes natural life.

All that has gone before in our lives, whether we would consider it good or bad, was for the purpose of moving us toward the continuing life experience of the fullness of the love of God.

The expression of the love of God from heaven flowing in and through us is for the purpose of establishing God’s kingdom of love on earth as it is in heaven.

Every written word from God, every created thing and happening, whether positive or negative, has as its rudimental purpose and function to move mankind toward the fullness of love experience with God and to sustain us in His eternal love. The purpose in all this is to order the earth and all that is on it to His heavenly pattern of pure holy love for the glory of God.

Natural physical existence is a parallel expression of Spirit God for the glory of God. It is an example to mankind and all of creation. It is an example of the unseen and far greater Spirit reality of God of all creation, the Father from which all creation and life emanates.

Because natural life is a parallel of Spirit life, we, like Jesus, can teach the reality of Spirit kingdom with parables of natural life. God’s design of a love relationship between a man and a woman is a parallel of the love relationship between God and His Bride. Perhaps it will help some who are seeking the continuous full-time love experience with God to consider the intense reality of the love relationship between a natural bride and groom.

(The following is an excerpt from Kingdom Growth Guides #025)
The number of those who really know the love of God in a personal, intimate experience is increasing. Many may be heard to voice a desire to know God and to know Him better. To know God is to know love. God is love.

The spiritual union and intimacy of knowing (experiencing) the love of God is the greatest fulfillment in life. Earthly accomplishments and human desires all fade into the distance. Life’s highest highs pale in the rapture of experiencing God’s love. There is nothing one would not do, nothing one would not give, to please Him. The only fear is the fear of disappointing Him. The heart’s greatest desire is to hear His voice, to do His bidding, and to be pleasing in His sight.

The intense love between a man and a woman is a natural parallel to the love of God. In the Bible, the Song of Solomon is an expression of spiritual love in natural terms. Anyone who has truly been in love with someone knows to some degree the feelings of loving God. A man in love will do anything to be with the woman he loves. When they are apart, a deep aching and longing fills his chest. Only embracing her and pressing her against his chest will stop the ache and fill the longing. Her every characteristic, even her flaws, seem intensely beautiful and desirable to him. He will look deep into her eyes and say, “I will change the whole world for you. I will climb the highest mountain, defeat the fiercest enemy for you.” They kiss and she melts in his arms and replies, “I am yours forever. I will serve you with my whole heart; only, please, never leave me nor forsake me.” He promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

The world may have difficulty understanding why one in love with God will leave the activities and things of the world to be with Jesus. Religious people, with their rules and strife, may demand for the person in love with Jesus to be more involved with their religious activity. They may never understand why their ceremonies mean so little to the one who is personally experiencing the loving presence of God.

End of excerpt. To read Kingdom Growth Guide #025 mp;PN=1 - - Go Here: mp;PN=1 - - mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;PN=1   

As beautiful and intense as the experience of love between a man and woman in love can be, the experience of pure holy love between God’s mature pure-hearted people and God is of a much greater magnitude in every way. I am not saying here that natural love experience between a man and woman is equal to our love relationship with God. This parable is only a means of understanding more about the real love relationship with God and a bit about its life-changing intense inner all-consuming power.

It is a very good thing to know that God loves us. As in the natural, it would be a good thing to receive a written letter from someone telling us they loved us. It is far and away greater thing to come together and experience a deep love relationship with the one we are in love with. There is a difference in loving God and being in love with God. Reading the Bible, our love letter from God, is wonderful yet the actual experience of the pure holy love relationship by the Spirit of God is the far greater fulfillment of the promise of the written love letter.

This is the best that I can do to express the absolute love, peace, joy, and purification of being completely consumed in the reality of experiencing being in love with God and becoming one with Him in His manifest presence on earth continually.

Becoming one with God opens the doors of heaven’s store house. There is inheritance and our stored treasure in the bank of heaven. The power of our perfect obedience that exists in our love relationship with God creates the laying up of all we shall ever need in our account in the bank of heaven. As true Sons of God our treasure source is in heaven to be brought down and used to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth.

We are fully satisfied lacking nothing. It does not matter whether we have much or little, it is always enough. All fear and every work of the enemy cannot touch us no matter whether we are persecuted or lovingly received. In whatever state we find ourselves, His continual love experience is sufficient for us. If we are lifted up and given great position and recognition as kings, there is no sorrow with it. We are not tempted and our heads are not turned by any of it because of the continuing intense perfect all-consuming and all-sufficient love abiding in and around us. We know we can call ten thousand angels to our aid. However, we will not do one thing to save ourselves without the full agreement with the One who loves us and guides us in all matters.

Trust in God is unending, and faith is fulfilled in His love. We know we have whatever we ask, but we only ask for His perfect will and plan to be done. Great mysteries of God are opened to us in unfathomable spiritual sight into heavenly things as Wisdom and Truth abide within us always.

We have come to the mountain of God and been elevated up the mountain by the pure holy power of His love. Our view from the mountain upon the valleys of earth is that of a loving overseer from which Christ Jesus within us will administrate the words and thoughts of Father God to the earth, and all who receive will be blessed in the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Having died to self-life and made alive in His life and not our own, we are completely humbled by His love. There is not even a touch of pride but a great humility to abide in His presence and He in us in a pure holy love relationship.

The life and nature of Christ Jesus is fully released in His mature sons to carry the love of God to change the world. Eventually, love will reign on earth bringing peaceful order to all life. In time every aspect of planet earth will be brought into the perfect order of God in response to the all-powerful love of God.

Eventually the world will become perfectly ordered under the kingship of Christ Jesus abiding in all people on earth. War and strife will cease. Violent storms will moderate. Wild animals will abide in peace with man without fear. Everyone will seek the well-being of others as their own bodies. The land will become increasingly fruitful. There will be plenty of everything for everyone as love brings order to Planet Earth. Sickness and disease will moderate. God will be praised and worshiped in sincere love across the entire world. There will be peace on earth in the rule of the kingdom of God as it is in heaven. There will nothing enter that will defile.

Now is the time in the midst of our enemies to follow our great Shepherd and be guided in all things by His great love in us. We can now walk in the reality of the kingdom fullness within our own hearts and lives and among those who are walking in His pure holy love by His Spirit. The joy of the Lord and His kingdom is now fully functioning in our hearts and lives in the continuing experience of love in His presence.

Today He prepares a bountiful table before us in the presence of our enemies. We have no fear as His love leads us through the valley of the shadow of death. His love flows through His rod and staff of protection, correction, and direction.  He guides us to fresh green pastures and cool fresh water in meadows sprinkled with flowers. His love causes His goodness and tender mercy to be with us always, even as thousands may fall at our side yet it will not come near us.

Walking in His love even in the valley of the shadow of death in the presence of enemies is the now reality and foretaste of the beautiful kingdom of God filling the earth as all enemies are being removed through the extreme time of cleansing judgment now very soon coming upon Planet Earth.

Never has there been a time like this which is very soon upon us, and never shall there be such a time again. The fulfillment of the ages has begun, and the love is poured out among those who loved not their lives to the death to overcome evil by the blood of the Lamb and their life testimony of the never-ending kingdom of His never failing love.

Brothers and sisters, you have lived to see the move of God upon the earth that shall have no end and shall never be lessened. The move that no man can capture or no evil can infiltrate. The full experience and manifestation of the pure holy love of God is the final move of the earth’s redemption to the unspeakable glory of God Almighty to whom is the power and the glory forever without end. And you are here in this time.

His Love Never Fails and His Kingdom Never Ends,

Ron McGatlin - -


2. 2015 - An Appointed Hour!

By Clay Sikes

Another year, another time – Spiritual Eras have changed; first felt by a first fruits company, now evidenced by much of the Body. To those aligned with Kingdom government the era produces fresh air, as those out of line sense discomfort and disjointedness. A unique compelling calls us into alignment, as the ways of men weaken to the ways of God. 2015 will birth Kingdom alignment, as God’s light will direct our path to the ways of God. This unique change will be subtle and almost unnoticed until natural things (blessing and favor) come flowing like water from a broken dam.

The traditions of men will weaken during this era, as men recognize ‘the legless podium’ behind which they stand - the light of the Kingdom exposing weakness based upon man dependence, while pointing us to God dependence (the highest Kingdom principle). This is a year to “Seek first the Kingdom,” as all who do will see unparalleled signs and evidence of God’s protection and favor. Never has the Father been so willing to receive His sons and daughters, as He welcomes us with open arms; contrasting light from darkness.

We have entered a time of supernatural occurrences – a time of noticeable favor (Daniel 7:27). In the words of an old friend, “Begin to get excited!” The times of the Kingdom are here, and God has chosen us to be part of an incredibly significant period in spiritual history (Acts 17:26). Watch now as old traditions die within, awakening us to newness of life, comforted by peace and unmeasurable love. Flow with the ‘River of Life’ now flowing from heaven into earth – flow with it, not against it! The traditions of men will be costly to those who will not release them, as they will surely be “kicking against the goads.” Let go and let God has never meant so much – to die is to live!

Join the corporate move of God, a uniting Body, flowing in purpose, unity, and destiny. Spiritual spontaneity, once thought reckless, will initiate moves of God throughout the earth; freeing God to use us as He will. This chorus of blended harmony in the Body will move men and women to attend to the Father’s business (without a second thought). The power and authority of God will be seen throughout the earth as His seated Body takes its rightful position. Arise Corporate Body of Christ; your appointed time has come!

Many bound to institutional religion are sensing a restlessness never felt before. They recognize something is wrong, but automatically blame themselves. Initially they think "I'll work harder at church, volunteer for more programs and service;" but after a while, even this leads to more emptiness. Soon the focus shifts, maybe it is the pastor, the programs, the music......and then, all too soon, the realization hits - it is the system, the systems of men! They begin an earnest search for the City of God, the New Jerusalem, the Kingdom; nothing of man can satisfy. This hunger is what shapes the new wineskin, as man seeks the face of God rather than His hand. In the Second Day it was about God meeting our need; in the Third Day it is about us meeting God’s need.

This seeking (Matthew 6:33) results in finding; a oneness, as man and his God, his Father, become one. In the 'Church Age' it was man and God; in the Kingdom Age it is just God as man and God become one..."it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me, the hope of glory." This oneness produces a life we have never before lived, as death has no sting, fear non-existent, and purpose becomes the central focus of each hour on earth. It is here that the 'great exchange' has taken place, our life for His. The River of Life is flowing from heaven into earth, changing the dynamic of those who live here. 2015 will usher in great evidence of God's Presence Upon The Earth, as men abandon the 'ways of men' in search of the 'ways of God' - the Kingdom. The old ways will no longer work: Church as we have known it is over. Kingdom 'justice' is flowing as "the river of life" is transitioning the ways of men to the ways of God. (Spiritual) Ignorance often comes disguised as tradition, yet the river of life awakens us to the form and substance of the new wineskin. Let the river take us where it may, as 'church tradition' is washed from our very souls.

Convergence! A Kingdom Evidence

Yes indeed, an invisible Kingdom is arising in His own; as the divisive kingdoms of men take note of the hour. Hell is breaking loose, but so is the Kingdom! An eruption is happening, the likes of which the world has never seen. Soon, and very soon, these points of Kingdom light will 'converge' making the light brighter - the true Body joining and ...connecting, such that function and purpose are released in the earth. The Body, connected to the Head, functioning as the Bride - evidence of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The Lord is birthing a 'convergence,' pulling together His people, as all types - young, old, mature, immature, all five folds of ministry, all denominations, cultures, races, and nationalities are joining and connecting. The boundaries of denominationalism, walls of separation within the Body are falling, as 'truth' invades the hearts of God's people.

Those who are flowing into this "converging flow" do so without prejudice, preconceived notions, or stout traditions - just love! God is amassing the most awesome assembly in the history of the world, as the Body is taking shape right before our very eyes! Those who resist the tug in their heart, based upon 'limiting conditions' such as associating ONLY with those who look, act, and think like them, will find the cloud has moved and ‘they didn't!' How sad, but very true today. The traditions of men often make God's spoken word to no effect. Bias (tradition) is the grandest form of deception, as the lie has great food to feed the hunger (preconceived notions). Those most in danger of missing this move are those most bound to their personal spiritual traditions.

Awaken to the converging - the bringing together of individual parts 'called' to be connected. They are there; just look for them. Those who realize 'connection' is a precondition to God-appointed purpose are searching the horizon and listening to the call (to connect). Those in the initial flow of this pattern of 'convergence' are those whose primary life-purpose, at the expense of all else, is serving the Father. Their love overshadows any differences with others, as they look for something to agree upon rather than disagree (as is so common in Christian circles). Watch, as God's Love draws us into the greatest move of God ever – The Kingdom!

Heaven's Government on Earth (as it is in heaven)

The Kingdom is at hand; therefore accessing it from earth is by Kingdom design. Being and bringing the "Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven," is the responsibility of those who have ears to hear. We are not of this world - we are foreigners and strangers here. We are spirits who happen to be housed in a temporary body on a planet called earth. We are here on assignment, yet must break humanity's hold to venture beyond the 'known' realm. What is seen (with natural eyes) is temporary; what is unseen (with natural eyes) is eternal. Getting beyond natural understanding is to enter the heavenly realm where our earthly assignments are given.

To enter this realm is to develop friendship with the Father - a place of trust and true intimate relationship. Legislative authority can only come from the government of God - the Kingdom is His desired Government "on earth as it is in heaven." Are you an appointed legislator to bring heaven's government to earth? Don't let any man or religion talk you out of it! I have taken this journey, and have a testimony of its existence. My life will never ever be the same, as my assignment is to share with others who have similar designed destinies. 2015 is igniting a lighted path to the portals of His presence - into the heavenlies. For those who have ears to hear, let them enter the Kingdom of heaven that their earthly destiny begin.

The "River of Life" is flowing from heaven into earth, as God's own sense His presence as never before. The living water is flowing, bringing change to all it touches. The 'change agents' who've been in the river's flow are now 'becoming' the river. They flow, carving and cutting new territory for the presence of God. Revelation and impartation is available to any who have ears to hear - those with an insatiable hunger for God! Eat His flesh and drink His blood - communion with God is to become one with Him. He lives through His own - Jesus with skin.

The river has become 'those with understanding' - an understanding that says, "It is not I who lives, but Christ in me, the hope of glory." "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." Those who have 'connected' to the "greater one within them" have reached new levels of "the Kingdom coming upon earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." They are seeing heaven manifest upon the earth within the spheres of their Kingdom influence; grounded by His boundless love, exuding intimacy that only (being in) His presence can produce.

Watch out! The river is flowing, changing all it touches in 2015 and beyond - building to an eventual flood that will change the kingdoms of men into the Kingdoms of God!

Clay Sikes -

3. All Heaven Is About To Break Loose!

By Clay Sikes

When the alignment of Divine connection finds its order, "all Heaven will break loose!"

God is inhabiting His people again corporately. What was available individually is now available corporately - the end of the beast kingdom's reign on earth (Daniel 7:27) sets into motion a requirement to know our corporate Kingdom responsibility. It is no longer about us individually, but us as an Army, a family, the Bride of Christ. As we begin to see our part, our fit and connection in God's proper alignment, supernatural response will come from heaven. Why? Because it is the time set by the Father.

The Kingdom family is aligning for Kingdom purpose. In His Kingdom love, mountains are being scaled to 'reveal' the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. What mountain of Kingdom authority have you been assigned? If you read this with understanding you probably already know - if not, seek and find your assignment. We are in the 'time' of Kingdom assignments; a time of 'knowing' our path.

As we flow together as one (with Him), He will contrast us as His - and what an open spectacle He will reveal. The kingdoms of men are bowing to the Kingdom of God.

Our authority stems from the place of our 'season on the cross.' Overcoming testimony is the Kingdom Age 'demonstration' replacing Church Age 'preaching,' as demonstration is what the whole creation groans for. Jesus is coming back for 'A TESTIMONY!

As we access the courts of Universal Justice, obtain a verdict from the Most High, declare that verdict in heaven, it will manifest on earth.

Pray, "Lord, let your Kingdom come in my/our lives on earth as it is in heaven. We declare it so this day!"

Clay Sikes -

4. News Headlines mp;PN=1 - - 1/28/2015
Worship and prayer as thousands joined together on the campus of LSU for a weekend prayer gathering. The event, led by Gov. Bobby Jindal, was designed for Christians to come together and seek spiritual revival for America. "We're praying that the prayers of today are going to spread to our nation." A hundred or so protesters marched against the rally. mp;PN=1&TPN=1 -
- 1/28/2015
"We need to stand up with Chief Cochran and others when they are persecuted," -Franklin Graham. Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran says he was fired because he wrote a book expressing his Christian faith, according to a discrimination complaint filed Jan. 19 with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. mp;PN=1 - - Some Good News out of Kobani, Syria? What These Kurdish Fighters, many of them women, Have Done... - 1/28/2015
Kurdish fighters now control at least 90% of the embattled Syrian city of Kobani. The battle at times seemed all but lost, but Kurdish fighters, combined with airstrikes, have gained control of at least 90 percent of the city. The Kurdish makeshift army has thousands of young volunteers, many of them women. Sometimes there have even been all-female units on the front line. mp;PN=1 - - 1/28/2015
"'s not enough just to remember; we have to make sure that this never happens again." Fifteen Auschwitz survivors, aged 80-94, returned on Monday, January 26, to the infamous death camp, Auschwitz, some for the first time. Ahead of the 70th anniversary celebration of the Auschwitz liberation on January 27. The survivors and their offspring came from across the world. mp;PN=1 - mp;PN=1 - - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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