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CROSSOVER WEEK!!!! by Lana Vawser

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 12:45pm

Topic: CROSSOVER WEEK!!!! by Lana Vawser

Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Subject: CROSSOVER WEEK!!!! by Lana Vawser
Date Posted: 04/27/2015 at 6:36pm

I have had the words on my heart all morning "This is a
crossover week". I had an excitement in my spirit thinking
about this week, the atmosphere has felt pregnant all
morning. So I went before the Lord about what I was

I saw the enemy and he was working so hard attempting to
build fortresses around the people of God to keep them
"stayed". I saw him building furiously and looking around
anxiously because he saw what was coming. He was using
circumstances around the people of God to build them in

Many have felt "boxed" in and intense amounts of stress and
pressure the last few months as the "boxing in" has seemed
to intensify. Friends, the enemy is scared of what you are
about to step into. He is working furiously to build
fortresses around the people of God to keep them hidden,
caged and unable to move forward. As the "boxing in"
"pressure feeling" was intensifying I saw the people of God
continuing to stand despite the hardship. In the midst of
all the pressure I saw Jesus standing with the people of
God and He was placing His hand on them and fire was being
released from His hand. Even IN the "boxing in" that the
enemy was attempting the Lord was using it to purify His
people, heal His people, strengthen His people and they
were SHINING like gold the more and more fire was placed
upon their lives.

But in the fire they were not burnt. While they looked at
Him and not at the fire or at the fortress the enemy was
attempting to build they were being filled with joy and
peace and a strength to stand like I have never seen. A
strength anchored in Jesus, that they would not be shaken.


I then saw Jesus place His hand on the hearts of His people
one by one and He smiled and said "It’s time to crossover".
As they took His hand and started to walk towards the wall
of the fortress the enemy was building it began to shake
violently and it crumbled and FELL ON TOP OF HIM (the

I then saw the Lord speak:

"The enemy’s plans are being foiled as you hold My hand.
This week will be a week of DIVINE REVERSAL as you hold My
hand, My beautiful people. Hold My hand. You are crossing
over the fortress the enemy has attempted to build, a shift
taking place, where you are moving into the land of
REPAYMENT. Things are going to SUDDENLY REVERSE this week
as the people of God press in and reaffirm their trust in


I then saw an EFTPOS machine where you place your credit
card in to pay for something and on the screen was the
display "PROCESSING" and that word seemed to stay there for
what seemed like forever. Then SUDDENLY it changed to the
words "APPROVED" (when funds have been cleared).

I felt the Lord saying that this week is going to signal
moving from the process of "PROCESSING" to "APPROVED" –
Fulfilment, divine shifts, what many have been sowing in
faith according to His Word, the heavenly withdrawal will
take place this week for many. MANIFESTATION! SEEN with the


I then saw the Lord say "This week, again, I will show My
people APPROVED". I sensed this is a HUGE week for pressing
in for ANY areas of identity and belief systems in hearts
where your heart has believed lies and not seen yourself as
HE does. Press in this week, for encounters await this week
SPECIFICALLY targeting the area of healing identity. He is
going to show you again how APPROVED OF you are by Him! He
is recalibrating hearts this week to see the TRUTH of who
they are and what HE thinks of them."


I also saw such an increase of favour being released this
week and leading into May. HUGE amounts of favour, that
will leave the people of God AWESTRUCK at HIM and the kiss
of heaven over their lives. In little ways and big ways
this week there is a release of favour that will show the
world around you how approved of you and loved you are by
God. Doors of favour will swing wide open this week moving
His people into new opportunities and networks.


I released a word recently about weariness stealing the pen
of ready writers and felt many have been delayed in their
‘call’ to write. I heard the Lord say "This is a week to
write again." This is a week of alignment for ‘writers’ in
the Kingdom. Take some time and "come away" with your
Beloved as there is an anointing being released this week
specifically over writers that is taking them to the next
level of revelation. I saw books, blogs, screenplays, radio
scripts, teaching manuals, devotionals, song lyrics FLOWING
with such great ease, accuracy, prophetic insight and
acceleration this week as the writers of God sit under the
increase He is releasing over writers this week. "Missing
pieces" in manuscripts and "themes" of books will come
together this week as the writers position themselves.
Blueprints and outlines that could have taken years to ‘put
into words’ are going to flow suddenly this week –
blueprints and outlines being released in acceleration.
Prophetic words released with greater accuracy and clarity
that is going to release BREAKTHROUGH on corporate levels."

It’s KEY to press in this week. This is a CROSS OVER week!
There is such heavenly oil over this week. A turning point
week. He is calling His people to really press deeper this
week for there is GREAT RELEASE in this week.

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