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Mini-Words From God About Going Forward Soon

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:35pm

Topic: Mini-Words From God About Going Forward Soon

Posted By: LonnieMackley
Subject: Mini-Words From God About Going Forward Soon
Date Posted: 08/26/2015 at 9:30am

Mini-Words From God About Going Forward Soon

by Lonnie Mackley   August 26th, 2015

Yesterday while going about my daily business and praying in the Spirit I began to receive a flow of what I call, “mini-words”, or shorts bursts of revelation about what the Lord is going to start doing in His church to move His people forward from Wilderness transition into full-blown harvest very soon. So I have listed what I received below along with a short explanation of what I believe I was seeing and hearing. May these words give you fresh light and manna in order to encourage you right now.

1. I saw an old car that had been sitting in a garage like it had been stored there for many years. I saw Jesus pull the cover off of it and this was no junker; it was a mint-condition collector’s classic. Then as He started it, it struggled, but finally roared to life and sounded good as new. The Lord is about to pull you out of storage and restore you, and even though you have felt hidden and unused for many years, He is going to refurbish you where you will look, feel, and function better than ever!

2. I saw someone in a sailboat sailing on the open sea. Jesus was steering the boat and guiding it on its course, but the passenger kept trying to correct the sails and adjust the course. You are about to start a new leg of your journey, but you must allow the Lord to guide this process without trying to control or alter things to your preference. Jesus knows the course to set in this phase of your life, so trust Him to guide you in the way that you should go even if you are afraid or uncomfortable with it.

3. I heard a word from the Lord where He said; “You are about to develop a new social skill-set and experience a sharp learning curve socially.” As the power of God begins to flow through your life soon things will become very socially challenging for you, so you will need to lean upon the Holy Spirit for wisdom and direction in order to navigate through the needs and warfare that you may be experiencing soon. Trust that you can do all things through Christ ahead, but not though yourself.

4. I saw someone from the Wilderness coming out of their tent in the morning expecting to collect manna and see the pillar of cloud to guide them, but they were not there anymore so they panicked. You are in a transition financially and directionally right now where you may feel like the Lord has abandoned you, but He has not. So resist the fear and trauma from past warfare and know that God is still bigger than your needs and problems. Fresh finances and direction are coming very soon.

So know that the Lord is still with you, and that you will make it through this last hurdle. Allow your warfare to push you closer to God, and not away from Him. Repent of sin and stay clean in order to remain in real-time constant fellowship with Jesus. It’s time for us all to return to our First Love, and to begin doing the things we once did to stay spiritually healthy and close to Him. You were born for this time to bring God’s light and power into this world, so keep your hope and trust in Him alone.

LA 3:25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; 26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. -



Posted By: Anita Jones
Date Posted: 08/26/2015 at 8:25pm

Thank you Lonnie! Thank you Jesus. Lonnie from the bottom of my
heart to you and your ministry mean so much to me for the way you
have blessed me and given me so much hope. Until I discovered your
ministry I had no understanding about the wilderness experience. I
just praise the Lord so much for leading me to your ministry because
until that time I could not understand what was happening in my life.
Nothing made sense. I had never heard anything about this and I
didn't know anyone else who was experiencing it. I discovered you
on the Internet in late 2013 and your ministry was like a light going
on and suddenly the Lord revealed to me what was happening &
why, I finally had a name for it ..the wilderness experience! He had
spoken things to me and I was sure of that.. but yet my life was
???...but then it all made sense and I knew that this was indeed a God
thing... and with all your teachings it became clearer finally! it's still
very hard sometimes , but I can believe & am encouraged and I
know that I am not alone. with that revelation I was able to find open
heaven online & daily growing stronger in hope now. praise the Lord !
and I am so grateful to you for your obedience & ministry. You are
remembered often in my prayers Thank you for this new word. So
encouraging! God bless Lonnie & all who are in the wilderness.

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