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Topic: Digest September 03, 2015

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest September 03, 2015
Date Posted: 09/03/2015 at 11:17am Digest Publication

In This Issue
A Modern-day Parable
2. America and Antichrist 
3. Where are our Children?
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1. A Modern-day Parable

By Ron McGatlin

In a land not so very far away and in a time of signs and wonders lived a people of great mystery.

A number of generations back in their history, life was simpler and moved at a slower pace. In the mostly agricultural-based culture, many young men and women did well with only a third grade to a sixth grade education. Generally life was lived in a more limited sphere of social and family relationships.

However, a few of the young men and women were much more highly gifted mentally. Though they lacked the brawn to be truly great at farming or forestry, they were intellectually far brighter than all the other people. Therefore, they grew to seek much higher places of ruling over what they considered were the common simple people. They had been given their exceptional mental gifts to bless and help the people of God. However, something else happened.

They began to consider themselves as elite human beings. The elite few were easily able to out-smart the population of the nations and thereby gain much wealth and power. These elite ones began to function as gods within themselves in a relatively small collective group, as they covertly manipulated the people toward goals and objectives that kept them in control but were designed to look like programs favoring the people.

However, it did not always work out for the elite. Many of the common people in the nations had a strong faith in the true God and His Son, Christ Jesus. Not only did the commoners’ faith in their God sustain them and protect them from being taken over, they also spread their faith to much of the rest of the world.

Because of all this the elite despised the God of the people. They had trusted in their mentality as their god, and it was often challenged and defeated by the Spirit God of the commoners. The elite became aligned with another spirit god that had the same disrespect for the God of the people that they did. This union greatly increased their power to conquer the people as it added dark spirit power to their intellectual power.

Through their manipulation nations were pitted against one another in an effort to take control and defeat the God of the commoners. Among some nations elite leaders who hated the people of God arose with fierce military strength empowered by evil spirits to attempt to defeat and annihilate the people of God from the earth. In spite of all they could do, the God of the common people proved again and again to be superior and stronger than their gods of spiritual evil and intellectual brilliance.

It became obvious to the elite that the people of God could never be defeated as long as their faith in their God was strong. Living in the order and ways of their God caused the people and families to be strong and unified working together in the righteousness and power of their God. The elite people along with their evil spirit god devised cunning but relatively simple plans to conquer the nations that yet were not under their control. Particularly one most powerful nation that stood to strongly influence many other nations had to be conquered.

Their plan was to first separate the common people from their God, and then they could take them over and conquer them. Their plan would require several generations to complete but was sure to work.

As the elite, they had full access to the higher schools of learning and began to take up positions of teaching and authority in the training of the people who would be in responsible positions of teaching and guiding the next generations. They knew to take it slowly, step by step. They could not immediately turn the people away from their faith in their God. They had to devise alternate belief systems for the people to get them to turn away from their one true powerful God.

Through the educational systems they began planting secularism and humanism in the minds of those who would be teaching and leading the people. The students were trained to question the ways of the past with intellectual understanding and were challenged in their faith. Most of the students, both the elite and the common, were convinced after years of indoctrination that the beliefs of the past generations were antiquated and irrelevant to modern scientific understanding.

The elite anti-God spirit also infiltrated the religious training institutions with the alternate belief systems and it quickly spread into the religious church systems creating decades of lukewarm mostly dead religion. The future leaders of the next generations were trained to turn away from dependency upon the God of their fathers who had defeated all the attempts of the elite antis to take control of their nations.

Soon there was little respect for the ways of God and other ways were implanted. All of the natural human temptations were ignited through all avenues of training of young people. Every place they looked there was the implanting of alternate ideas and ways that were against the ways of the God of the common people who had enabled the nations to abide in freedom and to be productive and prosperous.

The pride of life and desire for riches and fame were encouraged. The lust of the natural fleshly desires were inflamed through constant inputs from all avenues of training. The next generations of people began to believe that the old-fashioned God of their fathers was a false limitation to the fun and pleasure of their now self-centered pleasure-seeking lives.

Their strong personal lives and the strong family units were breaking down and the nations were weakening.

Yet, in one most powerful nation, there remained a strength in governmental leadership that still fostered and allowed faith in the God of the people to remain somewhat strong in the nation. Many people would not yet accept another religion that honored not the God of the people but honored the anti spirit of the elite. New top level leadership was needed to weaken the strong militaries and open the way for an anti-God religion to be implanted in the strong nation. A suitable candidate for such a leader was not found among the people of the nation. And the people would never accept a foreigner from another nation and another religion to lead them in the highest office in the land.

A leader had to be found that was part of the elite anti-camp from a foreign nation but who could convince the people that he was one of them while he gradually removed the old leadership from the militaries and governing headships of the nation and replaced them with those aligned with the elite antis’ plan.

The perfect man for the job was found and put into place as head of the powerful nation. He was groomed and coached by the elite antis to trick the common people into believing he was one of their own kind and hide his true religious beliefs and his agreement with the plans of the elite antis. The grand deception worked very well as governmental power linked to the strong media and educational systems along with the failing faith of the common people in the true God, made room for deadly decisions and actions to alter the nation and affect the world.

The many decisions that the leader made that were against the wellbeing of the nation caused many people to believe that he was incompetent and bungling. This masquerading elite anti leader was far from dumb as they supposed. He was simply a part of a brilliant plan of the elite antis to open the door to programs against the God of the common people to bring down the powerful influential nation, thus destroying the major resistance to the takeover of the world under the control of the elites.

Lavish spending on programs that provide for the common people that which had previously been provided by their God would lead to massive debt and eventually the collapse of the nation’s economy.

In order to reduce the population of the common people that could stand against the takeover of the nations, the people were convinced to kill millions of their babies before they were born. Through economic and other pressures the common people were driven and enticed to birth fewer babies. Soon the original population was in significant decline. Hundreds of thousands of people who followed other gods were invited in to replace the population. Immigrants from other nations already ruled by the elite antis’ powerful religion rapidly multiplied after being invited in and funded by the masquerading leader to infiltrate the nation.

The common people had left their God who had been their strength, and the powers of evil were released over the people. The government had been seized, and all that remained was the final militant takeover and the annihilation of the remaining dissenting people who still followed the one true God. Thus the nation of God that could not be taken over by military force had been defeated from within.

At a certain time planned by the elite antis, certain financial tactics were enacted by the elite that completed the collapse of the once strong nation’s economy and created great suffering and disorder in the nation. Other nations were similarly affected, and much of the world was suddenly in chaos. The military of the once strong nation and all law enforcement agencies were called into action to try to control the masses of common people uprising across the land against the masquerading leader and all the leaders that he had put in place to rule over the people. Powerful foreign armies were brought in to stop the uprising and control the people.

The millions of common people in the uprising were no match for the well-armed fighting machine of the immigrant elite anti-God people and the foreign armies equipped with the finest weapons and equipment provided by the same nation that it was attacking.

Almost the whole world was in chaos, and it seemed that every person who followed the true God would be wiped from the earth. It seemed that the elite anti-God people were winning their quest to rule the entire world.


Many people who worshiped and trusted in the one true God went underground and were miraculously kept by the supernatural provision of their God. All of the pretenders who had only halfway sought to follow the true God were either killed, or they turned fully to God and were purified of all the contamination of the past training of the elite antis. All of God’s people who survived through the years of the oppression of the foreign anti-God armies were purified and became totally holy and walked in the Spirit of their God continuously.

When the purified holy remnant of people cried out to their God in one accord, holy angels were sent to confuse their enemies, and they destroyed themselves.


However, it all worked out in the end. The purified holy people of God arose as precious jewels of their God to a land of ashes. They were the holy seed to replenish the land with people of the one true God. Their God gave them beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. The mountain of God ruled over all of the people and over all the earth. All praised the living God and His glory covered the entire earth.

The world was restored to the original plan of the one true God.

Ron McGatlin - -

2. America and Antichrist

By Scott Lively

This is an updated version of an article originally published in October 2013.

Ask the average American Christian what the worst sin is and you’ll get any number of answers, but chances are they will fall in the category of the Second Great Commandment, sins against our fellow man: murder, rape, child abuse, genocide, and so on. But to God the greatest sin of all is to violate the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me.” We human beings are required above all else to “love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength” (Matt 22:37).

America’s troubles as a nation really began when we dethroned God in the 1947 Supreme Court case of Everson v Board of Education, which elevated secularism above belief in God. Rebellion against the first commandment became the official policy of the United States of America that day. Torcaso v Watkins in 1961 affirmed and hardened that rebellion, the first fruits being the criminalization of prayer in the public schools in 1963. The infrastructure of Christian civilization has been eroding at an ever increasing pace ever since as God‘s blessing has been replaced with His curse (Deuteronomy 28).

What we now call “religious pluralism” and “benevolent neutrality toward religion” — ideas that have come to represent for secularists the highest values of enlightened democracies — are nothing less than the sin of Antichrist, the worst of all possible sins.

To assume for oneself the power to arbitrate and equalize the claims of competing deities is, literally, “to exalt oneself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that one sets oneself up in God’s temple [as it were], proclaiming oneself to be God.” This is the very language of the Bible which describes the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:3-4). (Our Founders had no such delusion, but set our nation firmly on a Biblical foundation –with reasonable tolerance for other faiths — where it rested securely until Justice Hugo Black, writing for the majority, knocked it off in Everson).

The 2 Thessalonians 2 passage continues with the following warning: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and employ all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing” (v.9-10).

The “ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing” will not be introduced at some future time. They are the very forms of deceit that people are already falling for: evolution, communism, “gay theology,” and, yes, “religious pluralism.”

When you stop to think about it, the Antichrist’s “Abomination of Desolation” could be something as seemingly innocuous as a “Proclamation of the Equality of All Religions,” posted like a “cease and desist” order in the place where God was being worshipped until the Antichrist’s intervention (Daniel 11:31-32, Matthew 24:15).

Indeed, the Daniel 11 model of the Antichrist, the Greek King Antiochus IV Epiphanies, was motivated by this very goal when he attempted to subjugate the Jewish people in the time of the Maccabees. His efforts to outlaw Judaism was intended to stop Jews from violating the pluralistic religious ideal he had imposed upon all the countries in his empire.
However, I do not share the belief that the "holy place" of Matthew 24:15 must necessarily be the completed Third Temple. Based on the precedent of Ezra 3:1-6 (cited above) the "holy place" may simply be an altar of sacrifice, and indeed that would seem to be more likely in the time-frame of this scenario.

I happen to believe that a global elite is preparing a new one-world government and economic system to replace the current one.

As many are now aware, the next Biblical Jubilee year starts on Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015 at the end of a series of six lunar and solar eclipses precisely on the Biblical feast days, in a display of celestial signs unique in human history.
This new world economy would be a simple system, but require universal participation. Everyone would need to receive membership identification in a form that could not be used or appropriated by others (perhaps a mark or chip in the hand or forehead). Only members could buy or sell and have access to the emergency supplies and welfare services to which every member is entitled for life. (It is the ultimate socialist regime.)

But there is a condition. You must sign the pledge to reject sectarianism, and embrace religious pluralism and non-discrimination.

Americans have been conditioned to accept these values for decades, but there is added incentive to adopt such policies in that the social chaos of the preceding months will have been marked by appalling ethnic and sectarian massacres around the world. People will be ready to trade their former freedoms for greater security.

In all of this, Bible-believing Christians and Jews would have a problem. We could not renounce the Sovereign God by joining up and taking the Mark. There would be serious consequences though, because people who refuse to join would be considered black-marketers and blamed for messing up the program for everyone else. There would arise an increasing hostility toward those who resist, leading to severe persecution.

I’m probably wrong on numerous points since this is all purely speculative. But I’m not wrong on the central thesis of this article: America’s rulers have set themselves above God and prepared the way for the Antichrist in the hearts and minds of its people. And to the extent we follow their lead in embracing “religious pluralism” instead of honoring Almighty God, we are equally responsible for the judgment unfolding all around us.

This is only an edited excerpt of this article. To read the full 2013 article GO HERE: / - - /

Scott Lively - -

3. Where are our Children?

By Duane Stewart 

While humankind, for the most part, has failed God, we can be thankful that God remains faithful to that which He has purposed. The words that God spoke, even from the beginning, shall happen as God’s judgments are manifest. These judgments shall become the “redeeming factor” that shall become salvation to our individual households and the household of God. God’s house of today had its beginning on that great day of Pentecost some 2000 years ago. Yes, God birthed His church on that day in the upper-room, with the order needed and included for its continual growth, that is, the order of reproduction, with every seed intended to bring forth after its own kind from generation to generation. Generations that were to grow until the Christ returned fully as the head of a body of people, a many member body. A body of people that would manifest the nature of God, covering the earth as the kingdom of God establishes its reign.

For this cause, we are seeing many events taking place before our eyes. The great day of the Lord is upon us, which results in the greatest time of separation the world shall ever see. A separation, which is causing two distinct camps to manifest in the earth, while one camp enters into the household of God, the other camp enters into the time of God’s wrath. Why is such a time upon us and why is it necessary? Could it be because there are those of the Christian community that have not followed the order in which God established for His church to follow? Gods order is that every seed shall bring forth after its own kind. But, the church, likened unto the children of Israel, have broken that order, they have allowed themselves to play the harlot, they have transgressed against God while allowing the seed to mix itself with the humanistic orders of the carnal world which makes themselves their own god. Consumed with a desire for success, much of the Christian community has patterned their order, their ministries, after the orders of what the world sees as being successful and then they call it God. Nevertheless, which god is it? Jeremiah 2:21 states, “Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before me into the degenerate plant of an alien vine”?

Conditions now exist that have affected the lineage of the church and its offspring. What has happen to our children and where are they? In answering the question we find it necessary to ask another question, where are the fathers? In looking at the condition of the fathers, it becomes necessary to consider not only the natural fathers but also the spiritual fathers that are set in to be leaders for the children, the offspring of God into the spiritual things of God....

(This is only a small portion of this article. For the full article mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - : mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - )

Duane Stewart -

4. News Headlines

We are pleased to bring you Prayer Alert, which for this week is focused on Europe. Our team is being represented at the European Trumpet Call in Timosoara, Romania, where many people are gathering to pray for Europe. There are many issues affecting Europe - migration, people trafficking, corruption, struggling economies, hostilities, ISIS and antisemitism to name a few.

Some 105,000 People Gather at Angel Stadium Over Weekend for 26th Annual SoCal Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie - 9/3/2015
10,759 People Make Decisions of Faith During 2015 SoCal Harvest. August 28 – 30, 2015. 105,000 people gathered at the stadium to hear music from top Christian artists like Phil Wickham, THIRD DAY, Citizens & Saints, Lacey Sturm and Jeremy Camp, as well as a message of hope from local pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie. “Life’s going to come to an end, the soul lives on."

Senate Hands Obama Big Victory on Iran Deal - 9/3/2015
As Iran hardliners continue to chant "death to America," Senate Democrats managed to muster up the 34 votes needed to advance President Barack Obama's controversial Iranian nuclear agreement. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., joined Sens. Chris Coons, D-Del., and Bob Case, D-Pa., in their support for the accord. Congress has till September 17 to vote for or against it.

Savage Enemy: How ISIS Wants to Start Armageddon - Understanding ISIS - Very Enlightening Video> - 9/3/2015
ISIS, or the Islamic State, is in the news every day. Despite all that we do know about ISIS, the terror group remains shrouded in mystery. Who are they? What do they believe? Why do they hate America? Robert Spencer, a leading terror expert, answers these questions and more while exposing the blood-drenched history and mysterious inner workings of the Islamic State.

Islam's Civil War: What It Means for America - 9/3/2015
One side chants "Death to America" and calls the United States "The Great Satan." The other beheads American journalists and calls on Muslims to attack the U.S. homeland. Iran's leaders and ISIS have much in common: hatred for Israel and the West and a desire to spread extremist Islam worldwide through violent jihad -- top the list. "But they really don't like each other."

A Nigerian pastor says Boko Haram terrorists have killed 8,000 members, 70 percent, of his church. - 9/3/2015
President of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria Told journalists the terror group has destroyed church facilities in Adamawa, Yobe, and Borno states, leaving most of his pastors without jobs. He also said 176 of the 276 Chibok girls kidnapped last year were from his church. Earlier this month, Boko Haram slit the throats of 16 Christian fishermen in three villages.

A lost generation in Yemen - the death toll to nearly 4,500 in recent months. 400 children and 600 more injured - 9/3/2015
“One [side] is led by the Saudi Arabian government coalition with other countries, including the U.S. And often Muslim extremists are linked in with this group,” “Yemen, after five months looks, like Syria after five years.” Air strikes have blown up homes, churches, and schools. creating a lost generation of children.” Christians in the country stand as a lost generation.

Shepherds in the Wilderness - They lost everything: their homes, livestock, their way of life. - 9/3/2015
Like thousands of others in 2013, Pastors James and Peter fled ethnic violence in their area, taking only their families. Even as they struggled to care for themselves and their loved ones, the pastors joined forces to shepherd their flocks through the wilderness to the safety of Ethiopian border. Every family lost loved ones, homes, cattle, now love their enemies.

ISIS shows ‘proof’ of Palmyra ruins blast. The UN calls it a ‘war crime’ - 2,000-year-old historic ruin - 9/3/2015
Demolition of the temple less than a week after ISIS militants publicly beheaded the 82 former general manager for antiquities and museums in Palmyra. Islamic fighters have executed at least 400 people in Palmyra since May by systematic decapitations, bodies strewn across blood-filled streets, whole families, medical and then government officials with their entire families.

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: SHOULD IT BE A CIVIL-RIGHT? A Biblical View - David Orton - 9/3/2015
In view of the current shifts, particularly in the English speaking western nations, in regard to same-sex marriage we have felt a constraint to release a paper that might resource Christians in thinking the thoughts of God after him in this regard. Be warned though, it is a necessarily comprehensive response – and some – to the main arguments of the pro-homosexual apology. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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