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“Breaking Through The Lull Of Transition”

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:27pm

Topic: “Breaking Through The Lull Of Transition”

Posted By: LonnieMackley
Subject: “Breaking Through The Lull Of Transition”
Date Posted: 03/23/2016 at 12:07pm

“Breaking Through The Lull Of Transition”

by Lonnie Mackley  March 23rd, 2016

While in prayer I saw a person in a dark ditch trying to make their way forward by feeling around because it was so dark, but finally they had to just sit down and wait. Everything in their life seemed like it was dead and they were just waiting for the inevitable end that was surely to come. Then as they waited and trusted God a great peace came upon them even in what seemed like nothing but darkness and gloom, and they raised their hands and worshiped with tears of thanks running down their eyes. At that moment what looked like the dawn began to break and spread, and the ditch that they thought they were in was actually a train track and a bright and glorious light was coming down the track toward this person. As the light neared the person they could see that it was Jesus Himself coming towards them, and when He arrived He hugged them and motioned for them to get on the train. On the side of the train was the name “Glory!”. Onboard the train, were others like them who had been waiting and trusting in God, and together they crossed over into a new and glorious land.

LK 1:80 And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel.

The Lord wants you to know this day that you have done everything that you were supposed to do, and now you are actually waiting in a time of lull just between the wilderness and the new promised land ministry that you are about to begin. Although your life may feel dead right now, it is because you are done with things of the past and you are about to begin things of the future that God talked to you about and promised you long ago. You are about to see that what He told you about long ago was true, and right now He just wants you to fully trust Him, and to remain at peace no matter how things may look or feel. You are breaking through, and you are so close now that you can almost touch it! There are angels gathering around you in preparation for your soon coming forward and being revealed to the world, and the Lord Jesus Himself is going to be revealing more and more of Himself to you until you actually see Him face to face soon. The Head is coming to the Body, and you are the body! So take hope, and know that you are breaking through the lull of transition now.

ISA 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

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