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DECREE regarding DIRE STRAITS in Jerusalem tomorrow - Laura Gagnon

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
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Topic: DECREE regarding DIRE STRAITS in Jerusalem tomorrow - Laura Gagnon

Posted By: JaneGreenstein
Subject: DECREE regarding DIRE STRAITS in Jerusalem tomorrow - Laura Gagnon
Date Posted: 07/22/2016 at 9:50am

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 ound.html - Declare the Turning Around!! vo/KnZ78UCK8342NOolgANwJ7XNku4IxOWQACLcB/s1600/Turn-Around-S ign-300x196.jpg" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
Do you feel like the world has just gone mad? It seems like every time we check our social media, scroll through the news or turn on the TV, there are more reports of terrorist activity, police officers being ambushed and lawlessness is getting more out of control. We MUST do something to reign it in! 

 See below:  Bein Hametzrim (Dire Straits) July 23 – August 14

We must keep our eyes on the Lord and remember what God's word tells us. He is not moved by what is taking place on the earth!

"He who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord holds them in derision." Psalm 2:4

"Your hand will find out all Your enemies. Your right hand will find out all those that hate You." Psalm 21:8

Our responsibility is to declare His word so that we give Holy Spirit the promise to be carried out. It's like giving marching orders to His angels! The following declarations are made to proclaim a 'turning around' of those that are going the wrong direction and running towards destruction. Feel free to personalize them over loved ones of those you are praying for specifically. Will you join me in declaring God's word? In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I return Your word to You, for it is written in Isaiah 55:11 that Your word will not return to You void. It will accomplish exactly what You have purposed. Therefore, 

I declare  people are departing from evil and turning their efforts to do good. They are pursuing peace according to Psalm 34:14.

I declare that people everywhere are turning their feet away from evil according to Proverbs 4:27.

I declare that people will watch their way in order to preserve their life; they are departing from evil and walking on the highway of holiness according to Proverbs 16:17.

I declare that people are turning away from their evil ways and forsaking their evil deeds according to Jeremiah 25:5.

I declare that people will not be wise in their own eyes but they will fear the Lord and turn away from evil according to Proverbs 3:7.

I declare that people will turn away from evil and move past it according to Proverbs 4:15.

I declare that Holy Spirit is poured out upon the earth and people will hear the words of God. They will respond to the reproofs of God by turning back to Him according to Proverbs 1:23.

I declare that people are listening and turning away from their evil ways so that the Lord will relent from the calamities that are occurring upon the earth according to Jeremiah 26:3.

I declare that many lives are saved because people have turned away from their transgressions, according to Ezekiel 18:27,28.

I declare that people are repenting and turning away from their sins so that their sins may be wiped away according to Acts 3:19. 

I declare that people everywhere are repenting and being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, according to Acts 2:38. 

I declare the hand of the Lord is upon the body of Christ, enabling them to evangelize and preach with power, and a great number of people believed the gospel of Jesus Christ, according to Acts 11:21.

I declare the Lord opens the eyes of the blind according to Psalm 146:8.

I declare the Holy Spirit has opened people's eyes in order to turn them from darkness to light; and from the power of Satan to God, so they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ, according to Acts 26:18.

I declare the eyes of the blind are opened and the ears of the deaf are unstopped, according to Isaiah 35:5.

I declare that You, O God, have led the blind by a way that they do not know, and in paths that they do not know. You have made darkness into light before them according to Isaiah 42:16. 

I declare that You have opened blind eyes and brought Satan's prisoners out of the dungeon. Those who dwell in the prison of darkness have been delivered according to Isaiah 42:7.

I declare that this is the day that was written about in Isaiah 29:18 where the deaf hear the words of God's laws. 

I declare the God's Holy Spirit has opened the understanding of many nations so that they may understand the scriptures, according to Luke 24:45.

I declare a release of light into the eyes of people's understanding so that they may understand the hope of their calling in Christ Jesus, according to Ephesians 1:17.

I declare that people who have dwelt in darkness have seen a great light, the light of Christ, according to Isaiah 9:2.

I declare people are running to Jesus to be saved and delivered just as the demoniac ran to Jesus in Mark 5:6.

I declare that people have been transported out of darkness and they will no longer be conformed to this world, but they will be transformed by the renewing of their minds, according to Romans 12:2, and that they will discern the good and acceptable will of God. 

I declare that people will receive the truth about Jesus Christ and believe unto salvation, becoming children of God, according to John 1:12.

I declare that people will understand that there is no other name under heaven by which they may be saved according to Acts 4:12.

I declare that people will produce fruit worthy of repentance according to Luke 3:8.

I declare that people will believe in their heart and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus and be saved according to Romans 10:9,10.

I declare that people will put off their former way of life and be renewed in the spirit of their minds.They will put on their true and new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness, according to Ephesians 4:20-24.

I declare that people are sanctified in the truth of the Word of God according to John 17:17.

I declare that people will present themselves to God in true worship, in spirit and in truth, according to Romans 12:1.

I declare that people will know the truth and the truth will set them free according to John 8:32.

I declare the Book of the Law will not depart from people's mouths but they will meditate in it day and night and find good success, according to Joshua 1:8-9.

I declare people will have the mind of Christ Jesus operating in them according to Philippians 2:5

I declare that people will have a revelation of the good plans You have for them, and they will have hope for their future according to Jeremiah 29:11.

I thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers and declarations and sending out Your angels on assignment to carry out Your word. may Your word run swiftly to accomplish all Your will and purpose. Thank You, Father, for intervening in the lives of those I have lifted up to You. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would over shadow them and interrupt plans of evil on assignment against those that I have prayed for. Lord Jesus, present them with divine experiences, dreams, visions, and other God encounters. Reveal Yourself to them. Destroy the works of evil in their lives so that the direction and course of their lives may be corrected to come into alignment with Your plans and purposes for them. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Laura Gagnon

Posted by Kelly Tuller:

Bein Hametzrim (Dire Straits) July 23 – August 14: Special Update

  • July 21, 2016
  • The Arch of Titus located in Rome (photo below) proudly depicts the Romans’ destruction of the Second Temple on Tammuz 17, 70 AD, falling this year on July 23.

    Tammuz 17 marks the beginning of a 3 week period of spiritual and natural warfare called “Between the Straits” or ‘Dire Straits” (Bein ha Metzarim). Through history, devastating calamities have recurrently struck the Jewish people during Bein ha Metzarim. This period of tribulation culminates on Av 9 (Tisha b’Av), another day of notorious destructions.

    According to tradition, Moses broke the tablets on which the 10 Commandments were written on the 17th of Tammuz. Years later, the walls surrounding the First and Second Temples were both breached that date same – followed by other disastrous attacks through history. This year, a major luciferian festival is scheduled to occur in Jerusalem on July 23, with a citywide gay parade preceding it today. (Read and weep – then exalt the overcoming, omnipotent One in faith and joy.) Prayer points for this critical event in view of Bein Ha Metzarim are included below.

    Bein ha Metzarim is observed by repentant prayer and fasting. The period of mourning culminates on Tisha b’Av, falling this year on August 13-14. During this time the book of Lamentations is highlighted and studied.

    Bein ha Metzarim is referenced in Zechariah 8:19 – “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘The fasts of the … fifth … months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and peace.'” So while weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning. Blessed be YHVH who redeems what the enemy intends for evil into good. Because of His great mercies we are not destroyed altogether! (Lamentations 3:22).

    UPDATED PRAYER-HIGH ALERT: Jerusalem Sponsoring Globalist Luciferian Festival on “Dire Straits” July 23, 2016:

    Please join us in sober prayer and fasting this Friday, July 22. On July 23 (Tammuz 17), the day inaugurating “Dire Straits”, a huge luciferian-witchcraft festival called “UNITE -Tomorrowland” is scheduled in Jerusalem and other cities around the world. A stated goal of the event is to prepare the way for a supernatural leader of global peace. See our June 16 post below for more information. For the significance of Tammuz 17 (July 23) see" data-saferedirecturl=" = p;source=gmail&ust=1469292355454000&usg=AFQjCNE-MLFH m24JktyTBv-qDhzW1dCZdw - .

    This updated prayer post summarizes points suggested by our good friend, co-worker and respected prayer leader in Jerusalem, Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel/Jerusalem Praise.

    1. DIVISION – Although Satan uses this weapon against God’s people, Yeshua (Jesus) taught it was something we are to use against demonic powers and those controlled by them. “If Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.” (Mark 3:26)

    After declaring the protection of the blood of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah over ourselves and our families, declare division over this effort to “UNITE” these gateway cities and their youth in demonic covenants. May there be division in their relationships, communications, and technical attempts to “UNITE”.

    2. DISRUPTION – In 2006, I was part of a group of Jerusalem ministry leaders who were led to proclaim in unity that the gates to our city be closed to a large, world-wide event that was to bring over 100,000 gays together for days of “revelry” in Jerusalem. This also was to be around the 17th of Tammuz. But Hezbollah started firing missiles into Israel, and the army announced all large events had to be cancelled, as they did not have the capacity to provide security for them. Pray there will be major disruptions of this event in Jerusalem [my note: not necessarily war!] and the other cities scheduled. May the Lord of the Armies of Heaven release His mighty arsenal to disrupt and stop this event from reaching its goals.

    3. DELAY – We are called to delay the enemy’s plans when he attempts to accelerate events ahead of the Lord’s timing. In Revelation 10:6 an angel declares before an outpouring of judgment, “There will be no more delay!” This implies there had been prior delays in the mercy of God. There are times when we as intercessors are to proclaim: “Let there be delay”. I believe this is one such moment, when a generation of young people in Israel and around the world is ripe for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. Pray for this delay, that this generation not be unknowingly swept by unholy worship music into making covenants with the spirits of death, but freed from the power of demonic sounds to hear the sound of the Lord.

    4. DECLARE HIS PRAISES – Demonic beings understand the power of music to open hearts to spiritual realms. As they seek to deceive and capture the souls of youth through their demonically anointed music, we need to release the far greater power of anointed worship music to sing songs of deliverance over a generation and over Jerusalem. About 25 years ago, we received an assignment from the Lord to counter a 2,000-year-old altar to Baal located on property of the Royal family in Belgium. When they kindly allowed an employee to guide us to this altar in the forest, we found a stack of large, flat stones. We felt the Lord guided us to not pray a thing, but simply to worship, and we sang: “For Thou O Lord, are high above all the gods. We exalt Thee”. When another team went there just six months later, the employee was shocked to find the 2,000-year-old stack of stones had crumbled into small pebbles strewn on the ground!

    5. DISCLOSURE – Pray that this event will not stay hidden but get exposed and revealed, especially to spiritual leaders/gatekeepers and intercessors of the cities/countries targeted.

    Pray that this generation in Israel will not be deceived into “marrying the Land to Baal”, but the revelation of Isaiah 62:4b,5a: “To Him your Land will be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so your sons will marry you.”

    “I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.” (Isaiah 49:25)

    My note: As some Israeli intercessors pray on site in faith against this false unity/peace movement, please release divine protection over them. Thank you! Every blessing to you in the Lord Yeshua our King!

    Jane Greenstein


    Posted By: kelly Tuller
    Date Posted: 07/23/2016 at 1:05am -

    original post come from light of zion

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