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Angels of Uncovering

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:09pm

Topic: Angels of Uncovering

Posted By: Sharon Luzzi
Subject: Angels of Uncovering
Date Posted: 11/23/2016 at 2:37pm

On November 17, 2016, I had an open vision of the following.

     I live in Southern California and was given this.

I saw Angels in Los Angeles and asked God to bring them closer so I could
see what they looked like and what I needed to know. When He brought
them closer I saw that they were evenly spaced and standing on defeated
foe. They were being supported by the presence of God.(It looked like a
pool under there feet ) These Angels were they very bright and shiny
variety. They were linked and were surrounding the entire Southern
California area. East, North, South and West.
     These Angels were making a clean sweep of these boundaries(within
and without) to make sure they are clean.
     Next I saw a net being thrown out over this entire region of Southern
California.( to secure it and for protection)
In the middle of this activity, I saw the ancient demons of various things
walking around as if in a daze, coming out of a stupor. I recognize them and
have the understanding that they are being awakened by all the activity
because soon the Great War will start. These demons were not only walking
the land they are fighting in the air with the Angels assigned to this region.
    These demons were vomiting a flood of slime to further their deception.
Some of them had names such as Divorce, Depression and so forth.
On the land, there is a torch of fire being lit to burn up the enemy. The
enemy will not see it coming.
I saw seed demons trying to advance and the larger Angels being brought in
to diffuse them.

I saw the larger angels trumpeting(there were five all together at one point).
I also saw the myriads of angels being used as a barrier and ready for war
instructions. I then saw a very large angel trumpeting to open up the
heavens because it is time.

After watching this for awhile, I saw five more angels trumpeting releasing
Truth and Grace.

This is a season of no striving. Worship is the key. Keeping focused on God.
Worship fires need to be maintained to accomplish what needs to be done
for the love of many.
His presence always brings the breakthrough coupled with obedience.
This also brings peace. Perfect peace (shalom)is the complete wholeness.
Healing of the whole person.

Truth will uncover the darkness and grace will make the way to remove the
darkness from the heart of those who need God's light to heal them.

The old ways will no longer work.

1 John 4:18     



Posted By: Rose Cooper
Date Posted: 11/23/2016 at 8:31pm

This is a season of no striving. Worship is the key. Keeping focused on God. Worship fires need to be maintained to accomplish
what needs to be done for the love of many. His presence always brings the breakthrough coupled with obedience. This also brings
peace. Perfect peace (shalom)is the complete wholeness. Healing of the whole person.

Truth will uncover the darkness and grace will make the way to remove the darkness from the heart of those who need God's light to
heal them.

The old ways will no longer work.

completely 100% agree.

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