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Subject Topic: Ever Been Stabbed in The Back? by Kevin Dyck Post Reply Post New Topic
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Kathy Bippus
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Posted: 10/23/2006 at 8:45am | IP Logged Quote Kathy Bippus

         Ever Been Stabbed in The Back?

                  By Kevin Dyck


Hey ya'll, have you ever been stabbed in the back before?  Get a load of this, I had a vision a while back and it messed me up, so maybe it will mess you up too....for God's Glory that is.

         Here I was studying during a class that my pastors were putting on, called the "Forerunner School of Ministry".  I was sitting minding the Holy Spirit and paying attention very intently on what He was trying to say to me.  I kinda zoned out during the class, I apologize to my pastors I was paying attention, its just the Holy Spirit comes first.

      It was a vision, short and very quick but I caught it.  I didn't know what it meant until the next day when the Holy Spirit revealed it to me, and it exploded from there. 

 What I saw was a middle aged women, very neat, looked like she had it together, looked educated not arrogant but somewhat confident.  You could tell by her face something might be troubling her, but none the less she looked fine.  I saw her in a large dark room and I saw her except Jesus into her heart and Jesus entered her large room, from far on the other side behind her, almost a football feild length from her and there was light coming off his body.  The vision  fast-forwarded and I saw her face contort as Jesus was walking towards her and then she turned around to see what it was that she was sensing.  What I saw next was very graphic, please bear with me. 

 As she turned around I saw something on her back. You know when something unfamiliar catches your eye and you cannot quite place it until you get full view of what it is? That was what that was.  When she turned fully around I saw, coming out of her back, knives, every size and shape of knife you could think of.  Machettes, butcher knives and then little daggers and long daggers, hunting knives, etc., you get the picture.  And I saw Jesus walking towards her.  And that was all I saw, until the next day the Lord let me see the whole thing.

          Please hear this with your Spirit ears, this messed me up.  This goes for everyone man or women, we have all been stabbed in the back  before by someone talking behind our backs but, now this picture is a grim reality of what happens to our spirit man our souls over a lifetime of abuse, let downs by close friends and family and so on.  I am not trying to preach anything.This brought healing to me, and many of my friends who the Lord gave me opportunity to share with.  Please hear from a peer who wants nothing but God's Fullness for you.

This is what I saw the next day when I asked the Lord what it meant.  I saw this women much like some women I know, who were born into this world into a dysfunctional home.  I saw a fast-forward version of her whole life and I saw every abuse, every neglected rejected moment, I saw the first love and then the first rejection at their break-up.  I saw at everyone of these moments a knife go into her back. Where she wanted the acceptance of her parents, I saw rejection slash wide open wounds down her back at the negative words spoken by her parents rejecting her gifts. I saw little blades sink deeply into her back and stay there,  many times I saw her try and reach for these knives and try to pull them out herself by trying to seek God and seek help through church and friends, but to no avail.  They didn't know how to help her, and she couldn't help but push them back in.  Man ,this was an aweful sight people.  I saw the dejection on her face and the cry from her heart for help but no one there to help her.  I saw her then start giving over to looking for Love...(you've heard the song before) all the wrong places.  For more attnetion from men she would give up more of her body, until very soon she was raped and beat up. 

  You get the picture, fast-forward to her as a middle-aged women. Had to fend for herself as a single mom and so on and so on.  Now in her back were all these knives, what she has done now that the pain has been there for so long, she finds comfort in the pain, because this is all she knows.  She goes to meetings looking for help but hese places only show a form of Godliness and don't give the healing that she really needs.  Don't get me wrong many of these places are good for getting the little blades out but don't know how to get to the really deep inner core pain and deal with the root of these pains. 

There is a root, you know how I know.  Why do we keep going back to the same old mess, time after time, different person same situation.  Married again and another abusive guy who cannot handle his temper.  Another place another bar, another woman and the same wife at home.  Another needle, another smoke, another bottle, another porn website, etc. 

And the same feeling of why can't I break this? why can't I stop?  Can't someone help me?............Am I close folks,  can I get an amen or something.   I know I have been there too.

    So what I saw next, was the fullness of what we are all looking for, the fullness of what we truly seek, what God has promised to us right from the beginning.  Here goes.

I saw Jesus coming toward her and I saw her face contort.  What was happening was Jesus's presence was starting to heal her back, even from so far away.  And she was feeling it, well she has never before experienced True Love before (cause True Love Heals).  So Jesus's Love was so strong it was starting to heal even before she asked for it.  Well this threw her off cause it started to hurt.  The knives were actually starting to come out as Jesus was coming closer.  But this was unfamiliar for her and uncomfortable and wanted it to stop.  So she put two and two together and realized it was Jesus coming closer that was doing it, so if he stopped the pain wouldn't be so bad.

      See when Love comes in the room, everything is exposed.  Where are you in this?  Would you be willing to go through some pain in order to walk into the fullness of your healing.  The first thing you are faced with when you seek True Love is Agony, Agony of your past, so you can go into your future/destiny.

  To be continued.

  Prepare your heart for your healing, God will , but it will hurt.  You think you can't make it.  All you went through, that abuse in the past, this will be a cake walk compared to that!  Take your healing it's yours to have.......Not earned.


In His Love

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Kathy Bippus
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Posted: 10/23/2006 at 8:58am | IP Logged Quote Kathy Bippus

Alright my friends, let me finish now what the Lord showed me in that vision. 

That will give you a better knowledge of what I am writing about now. So here goes.

   It was a very disturbing scene, being in a place like a fly on a wall and seeing the gruesomeness of it all.  Could you imagine seeing a women walking around with a lifetime of knives sticking out of her back.  But isn't that just an amazing physical portrayal of what happens to us in the spirit. 

    I do not want to take anything away from this vision in any way at all.  I desire for people to grasp this with both hands and realize that we are in that place of that woman, and that Jesus has entered our life to bring healing.  We do not have to cope with it, we don't have to bear it, we don't have to receive anything else from the enemy.  That is hell on earth,.

 When Jesus taught us to pray He pointed out very clearly, "on earth as it is in Heaven". What does that mean? What's in heaven?  There is no pain in heaven so does that mean I can live that way on earth right now?  These are just a few of the questions I asked.  I am speaking to your soul, and also stirring up your spirit man to rise to receive your healing that God has for you, with no strings attached and no conditions other than you give Him your heart so He can mend it.

     As you read the rest of this your spirit will be strengthened and step forward to receive your healing.  This is your will we are talking about, we have to understand that it is the Lord's will that you have your healing.  Isaiah 53:5 says, "He was bruised for my iniquities and the chastisment of my peace was upon Him and BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED."  This is His will that we be free from pain.  Ok, please hear from your heart what happens to this lady next.

       This lady was now standing against a wall and had nowhere to go, and now she was standing there looking at Jesus.  In her mind the pain is unbearable, and she is associating Jesus with the Pain and she wants Him to stop coming closer, cause it hurts. 

 Our built in protection system in our body tells us to run from pain, so you can understand why she wants Him to stop.  But think about this a little. All her life all she has ever known is this rejection and abandonment and so on and so on.  She has found comfort now in what has hurt her the most.  Sounds so bad. But why do people have a heart for their abusers, why do women go back to the men that just about killed them?  This is all they know and find a sense of safety there, cause they know what is going to happen.  So when people come in to their world and try and save them from what we know is going to eventually kill them, they reject it; cause they don't know what to do.  So here now you have a foundation of where this woman is and possibly where you might be right now.

      See it is in our innate nature as a child to seek Love, it is not until a child is trained more or less, to not look for it. There is so much to this vision, it explains so much.    Here she is, up against a wall and what she has always wanted stands in front of her, in flesh. But this takes another risk though, this is another man who wants a relationship,an intimate relationship. But you have been, she has been let down and hurt and stabbed by so many other men/women, that she doesn't want to open up ever again.  So Jesus steps forward, now He only takes what she allows Him. He is never going to force anything and never going to take, so He only steps as she allows. 

    I look at her and she is scared you can tell. She's cowering against the wall like a scared animal.  She is even threatening him, "I will hurt you if you come any closer," but His Presence is so strong that it is breaking through the hardness of her heart, and she is giving Him more ground in her spirit, but her soul is fighting like mad. Well you would to if you had that many demons.  And not that she is possessed, she came into agreement with these spirits as she made vows, like "I will never trust again, I hate them/him/her."  They don't want to leave, cause they are comfortable too.  Well her spirit gives Him a little more and He steps forward.

      I look up at Jesus at this point and am totally mesmirized. In His eyes I see the kindest and the most passionate concern for her.  He wants nothing more than to bring the fullness of His healing and Love to her and take care of every need.  And He hasn't even said a word yet.  I saw His arms outstretched to her, and I heard Him saying, `it's going to be Ok little one, it's going to be ok. I got you, I am coming, just let me in, let me hold you."

It was beautiful. So beautiful to see that concern and pasion for her.  I turned back to her and here she was half crouched and making these threats to him, "I will hurt you if you come any closer, you come any closer there is no telling what I am going to do."  But you could see the scream for help coming from her eyes, she wanted to be held, she wanted to be told, it will be ok, she wanted to believe it, but you could tell she was so scared.

      He took half a step forward, and I saw her reach behind her back, she had actually grabbed a hold of a knife that was sticking out of her back with a firm grip.  Boy was she scared.

The best part is coming.

  Are you holding on to anything that you're not letting Jesus come in and heal?  Where are you in this picture?  Have you made vows, I will hurt you before you hurt me?  You know, it's ok, Jesus is right there and it can be a whole lot easier than this. 

Edited by Kathy Bippus on 10/23/2006 at 9:44am

In His Love

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Posted: 10/23/2006 at 9:25am | IP Logged Quote Guests

Kathy, here I thought I was holding myself together rather well today then I come to this and I am in tears for I see where Im at in this story......This is how I feel.....I walk around and appear to look altogether, I carry my smile and soforth, but Im sure my eyes tell it all, for Im walking around with many knives in my back........from sexual abuse. physical abuse, rape, rejection, and so on......

And just as you have shared....I feel Jesus comming closer and I want  to be closer to Him, and I want to be held by Him and told that everything will be okay, and I want to believe it, but I too am scared......

The closer He gets, the more pain that I too feel......

He is bringing others to help me......and just as this woman, its like I too am reaching back and grabing one of those knives......cause Im scared!! All my life all that I ever wanted was to feel accepted, feel loved!! Thats all I wanted, but what did I get, REJECTION! ANOTHER KNIFE PUT IN MY BACK!! I want to feel loved and I want to feel accepted and when others tell me that I am, I dont know how to respond, I want to believe them but Im too afraid.....waiting for another knife to be thrown at me.....!

This story soooooo is who and where Im me....

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Kathy Bippus
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Posted: 10/23/2006 at 9:31am | IP Logged Quote Kathy Bippus

What a sight this was, seeing a grown woman backed into a corner and absolute fear written all over her face.  But Jesus stepping forward in absolute compassion and Love, yearning to bring relief to her.  But her not accepting it. 

     Well the Jesus I know is forever persistant. Who never gives up, never sleeps and never fails.  Well as I said in the last portion, here this woman is backed right up against the wall with no where to go.  She has allowed Jesus to come this far and wants Him to come closer but she also wants the pain to stop.  But her association with Him is pain.  The closer He gets the more these hurts (knives) come to the surface. The closer He gets the more of her failures are exposed (more knives), the closer He gets to her, the wrong reactions and wrong decisions she made to help the pain are brought to her mind (and more knives).

    Who takes a clean car to the car wash?  Really, this is where we must let Him in so, that He can clean us up and mend us the right way. Not just a temporary patch, or just a little surface covering band-aid.

  This woman was now threatening and yelling and doing everything in her power to deter Jesus from coming forward another step.  The picture of a cornered beast, nothing more to rely on but instinct.  He took half a step and then she snapped, she pulled that knife out of her back and she stabbed Him, slashed Him bad across the chest, and then again. With her other hand she grabbed another out of her back and used it to stab Him. 

At this point there was no turning back and no stopping. She grabbed and she flayed, grabbing knife after knife from her own back to lash out at Him. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't watching what she was doing. At this point in her life she had nothing left, and she was going to protect herself at any cost from what she didn't know.  She slashed and stabbed and swiped at Him with all she had, and she was crying, she was sobbing, she was screaming, "nnnnooooooo, it hurts, don't come any closer."

  Pretty soon every knife that had imbedded in her back at any time in her life had been pulled and ripped from her back and stuck in Him.  I looked at Him at this point and it was grusome. Cuts across the face and chest, knife butts and handles sticking out everywhere, and bleeding, He was bleeding bad.  You know a little cut on your thumb gets all over your cloths and stuff, well you can well imagine what He looked like with all those cuts.  I looked again and I saw His face.....Do you know He was still smiling. Still had His arms out to hold her, to let her come in His arms, and that same look in His eyes of the greatest concern for her. He was crying for her. He felt her pain, and He was saying, "it's going to be ok, I'm here, let it all out little one, it's going to be ok."  How powerful.  No concern for Himself, only concern for her, and what she was going through.

   I looked back at her and as she took the last knife out of her body. Eyes still closed, sobbing now cause she had no energy, she dropped the knife and collapsed.  Just before she hit the ground, Jesus bent over real quick and scooped her up into His arms and pulled her close.  He brought her head to rest on His bleeding and open wounded chest, not a care for himself, not one bit.  All His attention was on her. He held her for such a very long time, held her tight, held her firm.  You know those hugs you get when you haven't seen someone you Love for a long time.  And you try to make up for all those missed hugs in that one hug.  It was like that, but Jesus was hugging her for the life time of missed hugs, the hugs that she never got. 

   My attention was now drawn to the blood that was everywhere, it seemed to move on its own.  It went everywhere, and quickly.  It covered everything. It literally covered every spot of her and Him where you couldn't see them anymore, not a dry spot at all.  Well as I continued watching I started to see a clear spot on the top of His head, not a balled spot, it was the blood, it started to fade. 

 There was a gash across His face where a lot of the blood came from. Well it started to close up, and the further down the blood started to fade healing started to take place.  Not just on Him but her too.  Slowly the blood started to fade down the rest of their bodies and the wounds disappeared. The ones in her back where they were the most infected, were gone. The big gapeing wounds she had for so many years were disappearing and leaving behind just a little scar.

  The knives that stuck out of Jesus dissappeared as well. Nothing left of them. Pretty soon all the blood faded. Out from underneath all that blood came the most stunning woman. I knew it was the same woman, but she had changed. Where she had alright hair before, she had the most gorgeous head of hair I ever seen. She wore the most sleek, unwrinkled, beautiful  white dress, and her complexion was glowing.  Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.  Stunning really, and do you know the whole time Jesus did not take His attention off of her. 

 I watched and I saw her kinda wake up from a sleep.  Her eyes opened and she registered at that moment as to where she was.  He helped her stand to her feet. He had been holding her this whole time.  She stood up, looked around a little and then saw Him. She looked at Him and started to cry and fell right back in His arms. This time she was hugging Him back.  Praise God, Praise God for His awesomeness!!

     You know this gives me two pictures;  One, this shows me how we need to be healed, and how powerful Jesus's blood really is.  We need to face the pain and really come to embrace it (Jesus).  His first sign of Love is to connect us to the agony of the past.  In order for us to walk in His future that He has for us we need our past to connect with our present so we can move into that future.

    Secondly, this is a picture of who we are after we receive this healing,  In 1John 4:17 it says "Here in is our Love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because As He is, so are we in this world." 

 This shows me how we need to bear the burdens with others, this shows me how to do it.  You know we hang out with our family and friends for so long and something happens and they lash out at us, and we wonder why they lash out. You and I know that we didn't do anything wrong.  So we then take offense cause they hurt us. Then we lashout back at them, hurting them again. 

This relationship with Jesus that we have convicts others and shines the light on some of their inadequacies.  Of course they are going to lash out, they are supposed to and it is not because of you or anything you did or said it's Jesus' presence that exposes, and makes people uncomfortable.  Man this is deep, but get this in your spirit.  If you need healing then God wants to bring healing more than you want it, as you have seen in this vision.  Let Him do it, it's going to be ok, and you will be better for it.  But if you have gone through healing already and wonder why you get the raw end of the deal all the time; think about what is happening and you'll see that it is God's Presence in you that is making others uncomfortable and they lash out at you.  Take that knife, take it to God and let Him heal you as you pray and intercede and have relationship with that person or people.  You know if you are a safe person for them to come to where they can remove the knives in their back, you are speeding up the healing process for them.  You don't have to bear it either and keep it, you right away bless them by taking them and their concern to God, NOT GOSSIP ABOUT THEM, and watch God move on their behalf and bring healing to their lives.

       I hope you received something from this and understand a little more of your role here on earth and understand the healing process you might have to go through.  Bless you and just ask God, for this healing, He will be Faithful to perform it.

         May God's Peace fill your heart and heal your soul.  If you have any questions and or want prayer for this.  E-mail me here and I will get back to you a.s.a.p.   It is so important that you ask Jesus into your life for this to happen.  It cannot happen other-wise.

                 Kevin Dyck



In His Love

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Posted: 10/23/2006 at 10:12am | IP Logged Quote Guests

I couldnt hold back or stop the tears if I wanted too at this point....
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Ann Doupont
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Posted: 10/23/2006 at 11:21am | IP Logged Quote Ann Doupont


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Posted: 10/24/2006 at 6:13am | IP Logged Quote Larry Silverman


Thanks for posting these articles on being back stabbed.  Unfortunately this is all too common today.  Last week, in some meetings in New York State, a Sister felt to pray for me, and as she did she began to pull out the knives that she saw in the Spirit. 

Just last night a ministry friend of mine shared how yesterday someone "flamed" him on the Internet. 

Some are very tender to these wounds and when they occur often get into a depression, etc.  Others, like me, have been wounded so many times, that we're seasoned veterans of this, and we often are not aware of the knives as we have hardened ourselves to these attacks.  Both can be bad situations!

The Holy Spirit does bring truth and healing in these areas! 

In counseling sessions we bring people back to their memories of life.  In these memories we ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the enemy's lies that are embedded in these memories, once revealed, God's truth soon can dispel them allowing His healing to take place.

Thank the Lord for the wonderful Gifts of the Spirit (I Cor. 12), that are just as viable today as ever before.  Oh how we need Him!

Thanks Kathy!

Kingdom blessings ~ Larry



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.
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Posted: 11/06/2006 at 5:58pm | IP Logged Quote Pamela Helmick

wow, I feel I have been back stabbed before.  I want Jesus to hold me and heal me.  I miss having a husband but I am afraid to trust again.

Faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.

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Tonia Delvalle
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Posted: 11/15/2011 at 7:32am | IP Logged Quote Tonia Delvalle

Kathy Bippus wrote:

Alright my friends, let me finish now what the Lord showed me in that vision. 

That will give you a better knowledge of what I am writing about now. So here goes.

   It was a very disturbing scene, being in a place like a fly on a wall and seeing the gruesomeness of it all.  Could you imagine seeing a women walking around with a lifetime of knives sticking out of her back.  But isn't that just an amazing physical portrayal of what happens to us in the spirit. 

    I do not want to take anything away from this vision in any way at all.  I desire for people to grasp this with both hands and realize that we are in that place of that woman, and that Jesus has entered our life to bring healing.  We do not have to cope with it, we don't have to bear it, we don't have to receive anything else from the enemy.  That is hell on earth,.

 When Jesus taught us to pray He pointed out very clearly, "on earth as it is in Heaven". What does that mean? What's in heaven?  There is no pain in heaven so does that mean I can live that way on earth right now?  These are just a few of the questions I asked.  I am speaking to your soul, and also stirring up your spirit man to rise to receive your healing that God has for you, with no strings attached and no conditions other than you give Him your heart so He can mend it.

     As you read the rest of this your spirit will be strengthened and step forward to receive your healing.  This is your will we are talking about, we have to understand that it is the Lord's will that you have your healing.  Isaiah 53:5 says, "He was bruised for my iniquities and the chastisment of my peace was upon Him and BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED."  This is His will that we be free from pain.  Ok, please hear from your heart what happens to this lady next.

       This lady was now standing against a wall and had nowhere to go, and now she was standing there looking at Jesus.  In her mind the pain is unbearable, and she is associating Jesus with the Pain and she wants Him to stop coming closer, cause it hurts. 

 Our built in protection system in our body tells us to run from pain, so you can understand why she wants Him to stop.  But think about this a little. All her life all she has ever known is this rejection and abandonment and so on and so on.  She has found comfort now in what has hurt her the most.  Sounds so bad. But why do people have a heart for their abusers, why do women go back to the men that just about killed them?  This is all they know and find a sense of safety there, cause they know what is going to happen.  So when people come in to their world and try and save them from what we know is going to eventually kill them, they reject it; cause they don't know what to do.  So here now you have a foundation of where this woman is and possibly where you might be right now.

      See it is in our innate nature as a child to seek Love, it is not until a child is trained more or less, to not look for it. There is so much to this vision, it explains so much.    Here she is, up against a wall and what she has always wanted stands in front of her, in flesh. But this takes another risk though, this is another man who wants a relationship,an intimate relationship. But you have been, she has been let down and hurt and stabbed by so many other men/women, that she doesn't want to open up ever again.  So Jesus steps forward, now He only takes what she allows Him. He is never going to force anything and never going to take, so He only steps as she allows. 

    I look at her and she is scared you can tell. She's cowering against the wall like a scared animal.  She is even threatening him, "I will hurt you if you come any closer," but His Presence is so strong that it is breaking through the hardness of her heart, and she is giving Him more ground in her spirit, but her soul is fighting like mad. Well you would to if you had that many demons.  And not that she is possessed, she came into agreement with these spirits as she made vows, like "I will never trust again, I hate them/him/her."  They don't want to leave, cause they are comfortable too.  Well her spirit gives Him a little more and He steps forward.

      I look up at Jesus at this point and am totally mesmirized. In His eyes I see the kindest and the most passionate concern for her.  He wants nothing more than to bring the fullness of His healing and Love to her and take care of every need.  And He hasn't even said a word yet.  I saw His arms outstretched to her, and I heard Him saying, `it's going to be Ok little one, it's going to be ok. I got you, I am coming, just let me in, let me hold you."

It was beautiful. So beautiful to see that concern and pasion for her.  I turned back to her and here she was half crouched and making these threats to him, "I will hurt you if you come any closer, you come any closer there is no telling what I am going to do."  But you could see the scream for help coming from her eyes, she wanted to be held, she wanted to be told, it will be ok, she wanted to believe it, but you could tell she was so scared.

      He took half a step forward, and I saw her reach behind her back, she had actually grabbed a hold of a knife that was sticking out of her back with a firm grip.  Boy was she scared.

The best part is coming.

  Are you holding on to anything that you're not letting Jesus come in and heal?  Where are you in this picture?  Have you made vows, I will hurt you before you hurt me?  You know, it's ok, Jesus is right there and it can be a whole lot easier than this. 

(((long missed hugs Kathy))) This story still touches me just as much as it did the very first time I read it when you first posted it a few yrs. ago and one that has stayed with me since I first read it..had to find it and read it again as it speaks so much of my life.

((hugs to you))

Edited by Tonia Delvalle on 11/15/2011 at 7:33am
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Kathy Bippus
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Posted: 11/15/2011 at 5:50pm | IP Logged Quote Kathy Bippus

(((((hugs Tonia))))

In His Love

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Lyn McSweeney
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Posted: 11/16/2011 at 1:03pm | IP Logged Quote Lyn McSweeney

Love and Blessings!
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Mandy Gay
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Posted: 11/17/2011 at 12:00pm | IP Logged Quote Mandy Gay

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Posted: 04/05/2012 at 3:46pm | IP Logged Quote vicmccourt

Brethren,     When I saw the post have you ever been stabbed in the back it drew me in.  I have been stabbed myself over the years many times (the Holy Spirit has shown me when it has happened to me) and have ministered to others that have suffered such attacks, also.  This is what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit.  The knowledge of the type of weapon that was used in the attack is very important.  The amount of and size of the knife or hatchet, etc indicates the depth of the attack, also color.  The bigger or darker the weapons the more serious the damage that has been done and healing that is needed.  It is usually words that have been spoken but could be deeds done against a person.  The damage is done "behind one's back", so- You need to pray for the weapon to be removed and damage to be healed, but it is also very important to ask if the Holy Spirit will tell you who or what put it there.  This is so you can be as wise as a serpent, but as harmless as a dove and aware that you need to watch yourself when coming in contact or dealing with that person. Until the Holy Spirit lets you know that person has repented and are no longer a threat to you.  The person He shows you may be someone who you thought was a good friend, so be prepared.  "Friendly fire" is the worst kind, because it comes from someone you thought was trustworthy and have shared your heart with.  No matter who caused the damage, they do not put anything over on our God.  He will protect you, but you need to listen to His counsel.  So no matter who it is He shows you it has come from, they have evil in their heart toward you (it is spiritually based) then you need to listen to Him.  Do Not approach them with what the Lord showed you, let Him tell you how to handle yourself around them. He knows exactly how to take care of you and deal with them too.  He is the only one that we can truly trust with all our heart and do not be afraid to approach Him, He is Love.  Always walk in Love.     

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Mandy Gay
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Posted: 04/06/2012 at 8:04am | IP Logged Quote Mandy Gay

Bless you Vic... and in continuing to respond to His
drawing we find that we have a deep love and compassion for
those who have stabbed us in the back.

Ron has just posted an article... in it are these words:
"By love, we have compassion and sincerely care for those
who persecute us and spitefully use us."

Here's a link to the article:  KINGDOM LOVE LIFE

Edited by Kathy Bippus on 04/06/2012 at 10:04am

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