By: Ron McGatlin - Wolfgang Simson -David Orton - Marc A Dupont - Wade E Taylor - George H Warnock
BOOKS & ARTICLES by Ron McGatlin Note: If you have problems downloading books, try right clicking on the Free Download link and then click on "Save target as..." This should save the book file to you computer. However, if you still cannot download, we can mail you a CD of Ron's books in PDF files upon request.
Kingdom Growth Guides
(Maturing in the gospel of the kingdom)
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The 52 Kingdom Growth Guides are based on and updated from the books Overcoming Life On A Small Planet and The Seventh Millennium, They are focused on the current transition from religion to relationship and are useful for individual and small group transformation. (294 pages)
Overcoming Life On A Small Planet (Heaven Style Living For Earthlings)
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A lot of scripture about the kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God takes on a whole new practical reality of meaning in down to earth illustrated easy to understand language.This book is a good tool for helping to teach kingdom principles in a profound, simple and practical way. (149 pages, 8 1/2 X ll in.)
The Seventh Millennium (Restoration Of A Small Planet)
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This book is potent in revealing the gospel of the kingdom and presenting kingdom alternatives to some previously held church doctrinal errors. It builds upon the foundation of kingdom understanding in Overcoming Life On A Small Planet. (207 pages)
The Basileia Letters Volumes 1&2
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This book is a compilation of practical kingdom teaching letters originally sent to thousands by email from the years 1997 to 2000. Practical issues such as money, sex, business, competition, the changing church, holiness, family, revival are dealt with in light of the kingdom. (330 pages)
I Saw The Smithton Outpouring (Revival On A Small Planet)
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This is a first hand account of a powerful spiritual outpouring in a tiny Missouri farm town. Among corn fields in a town of 532 people with no gas station and not even a coke machine the fire of God fell in 1995. In 3 1/2 years over 250,000 attended the outpouring from all 50 states and over 60 foreign countries to experience the miraculous works of God. (168 pages)
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This is an encouraging prophetic eye-opening spiritual account of the intervention of God bringing the current transition and transformation of the church and the world from the church system age to the kingdom of God reality age, from the Pentecostal era to the Tabernacle era of the glory of God within and among His people. (68 pages)
A Modern-Day Parable Free Download Jesus spoke deep truths of the kingdom in simple stories about natural things with profound spiritual meaning. The people with “ears to hear” heard deep Spirit truth and revelation from His simple stories. This 35 page book, written in 2015, is a prophetic alegory that brings clear enlightenment about the events of today, how we have come to this place, and where things are going from here. A story of truth about the people of THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD.
ARTICLES by Ron McGatlin
Immediate immigration available
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VIDEOS, BOOKS & ARTICLES by Wolfgang Simson
Starfish Vision by Wolfgang Simson Its Reformation Time! God is bringing His house in order to see his purposes fulfilled.
Free VIDEO Series - Starfish Video Class (Highly Recommended)
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"THE STARFISH VISION" is a PDF file containing a free booklet by Wolfgang Simson outlining this present revolutionary Kingdomization initiative of God, including the recent apostolic and prophetic move of God that will not only see regional/city churches established in every garden of God and house churches spawned into every neighborhood on the planet, but a return to Kingdom economics and the subsequent release of something God has had to withhold for a very long time. His blessings
The City Church - Has God introduced a new chapter in church history? Imagine Christians meeting in your area or city again in two places, just like in New Testament days
Fifteen Theses towards a Re-Incarnation of Church God is changing the Church, and that, in turn, will change the world. Millions of Christians around the world are aware of an imminent reformation of global proportions. They say, in effect: “Church as we know it is preventing Church as God wants it.” A growing number of them are surprisingly hearing God say the very same things. There is a collective new awareness of age-old revelations, a corporate spiritual echo. In the following “15 Theses”
The House Church Book - At we are not in the book sales business. However, this book is so filled with practical wisdom and understanding from God that we heartily recommend that everyone interested in kingdom oriented house church read this book. It is not yet available for free download but can be purchased from Amazon.
Houses That Change The World - This 300 page book published in 1998 is a significant contribution if not a major foundational piece of the current reformation and the return of the house churches.
More> by Wolfgang Simson
Principles Book | House Church Book
The Scriptures declare that the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. This preaching and spreading of the Gospel will be done not by the ingenuity of men, but by the working of the Spirit of God. Do you want to be involved with God’s work at the end of the age? God uses the simple to confound the wise. His ways are not our ways. We need revival in our countries like what we see in the underground house Churches in China. May God teach, gather, and raise a remnant for His glory.
Learn the following from this volume: -Prepare for coming persecution in non-persecuted countries. -Learn Principles of how to gather as the Church from the Book of Acts and current underground Churches. -Access resources that will help your gathering or house Church meeting. -Experience personal revival and the Spirit’s empowerment.
Free* Principles Book and 3 other booklets (content from the principles book):
ARTICLES by David Orton
The New Reformation; It’s Spirit & Structure
What On Earth Is God Doing?
More> By David Orton
BOOKS by George H Warnock
Crowned With Oil Evening And Morning The Feast Of Tabernacles "Feed My Sheep" From Tent To Temple The Hyssop That Springeth Out Of The Wall Seven Lamps Of Fire Who Are You? Beauty For Ashes Series Part I - The Family Of God Part II - A Way Through The Wilderness Part III - Journey of the Bride Part IV - Chain Reaction In Realms Of The Spirit Part V - The Garden Of God
More> By George H Warnock
Deliverance from Religious Bondage
The Set of our Spirit
The Message of the Kingdom
Regaining Spiritual Authority
More> By Wade E Taylor
These two books by H. A. Baker are both treasures.
Vision Beyond the Veil in particular is a classic and a must-read—especially Ch. 1 & 7!
The autobiography is harder to find and much longer but well worth the time.
In these final years or days of America-as-we-have-known-it, these focus one’s attention on eternal realities in a way rarely matched. Each is definitely motivational in a practical sense and a deathblow to the lie of cessationism.
Visions Beyond the Veil H.A. Baker
Under His Wings (H. A. Baker, autobiography)
The Walk of the Spirit-The Walk of Power Book Author: Dave Roberson
THE WAR on FULLNESS Author: Mark Setch
Thy KIngdom Come Here and Now Author: Santos Garcia, Jr. Digest Usually weekly email digest of News & Views about what God is doing and Kingdom Apostolic Articles written and selected to give you the heart of what God is doing and saying.
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Unlimited permission to copy anything written by Ron McGatlin without altering text or profiteering is hereby granted subject to proper credits and inclusion of this web address: . However, if an item is not written by Ron McGatlin, you should contact the original publisher for permission to reproduce.
In order to limit governmental involvement, we chose not to incorporate as a 501c3. Therefore, gifts to or Ron McGatlin are not tax deductible. Thank you for your gifts and prayerful support. Ron & Barbara McGatlin