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Subject Topic: Digest July 07, 2010 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 07/07/2010 at 3:18pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin

Worldwide Kingdom Awakening News and Views




Published by Ron & Barbara McGatlin - Basileia Publishing

In This Issue

1. God’s Spoken Word
2. Occasional miracles, or a miraculous Lifestyle?
3. Top News Headlines

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1. God’s Spoken Word
By Ron McGatlin
Hearing God speak is sometimes as much feeling as hearing. Intimately relating to God in the Spirit involves all of our inner senses. Our entire being – spirit, soul, and body are quickened from deep within by His presence. God is love. He always speaks in love even when he speaks strong corrective words. To commune with God is highly exciting and beyond pleasant in a deep rich atmosphere of life and joy. We are encompassed with peace beyond understanding and filled with life as His life permeates our being.
We know that God never leaves or forsakes His children. However, there are seasons or experiences of His intimate presence that fill our lives with purposeful life and great joy. For many it is not a matter of God not being present but rather a matter of our being somewhere else doing busy things and therefore not fully available to Him.
Relating to a loving father is pictured for us in natural life. For a young child one of the most natural things is to be joyful and excited when daddy comes home. His presence changes the whole atmosphere in the house. The child wants to be hugged and tell him their exciting news. When he looks into the eyes of his child and speaks to them, the words mean much more than all other voices. The words of a natural father to his child are powerful and have a great impact on forming the life of the child. Like seeds planted in the soil of a child’s heart, a father’s words can grow into fruition in the life of a child forming the perimeters and fabric of future life. As it is in the natural, so is it in the spiritual.
The words of our heavenly Father are the most powerful things in existence. The words of God spoke all creation into being. He spoke life and order to earth, and what he said came into being. The earth was void, without form and in darkness, and God said, “let there be light,” and there was light. Father God spoke the creation of living things and the order of all things on earth; except God did not just speak man into existence. From the dust of the ground, God formed man with His hands into His own image and likeness. God gave man the special place of ruling and reigning on earth with Him according to His will and design.
God’s spoken words are the source of creation. All order and systems of earth came into being by God’s spoken words. All creation exists and consists in order by the words coming from God. All creation is formed by and subject to the spoken words of God. However, only human beings have the potential to intimately relate to God and hear clearly His spoken words and speak them forth with His authority into the world and thereby produce movement of change toward God’s order in the world.
The breakaway from the order of God flowing through mankind occurred when the first Adam moved into rebellion against God. Disorder entered the world because man became separated from intimate relationship of hearing and obeying the spoken words from God on a daily basis as he walked with God.
Will the peaceful and perfect order of God ever fully return to Planet Earth?
Please be patient with me here as I seek with my whole heart to accurately relate the love and truth God is speaking to all who have ears to hear. Before going on we need to know what this IS NOT SAYING. It is NOT saying that there is no heaven and no hope of heaven when we die. It is NOT saying that Christ Jesus is not going to bodily return in the future.
I am thankful for the great hope that has sustained a mostly powerless church through many centuries. In our desperate struggles of life in the limitations of our religious mindsets of the past that were handed down to us by the patriarchal theologians of our religious faith, two great hopes for the future gave us hope to keep going.
One great hope was for us and the other was for the world.
The personal hope was that we would be with Jesus and experience the perfect order of God after we died and went to heaven. There was little or no hope for this life to ever be fully in God’s order.
Our great hope for the world was that at any time Jesus would bodily return to earth and then bring everything back into the order of God. There was little or no hope for the world to be in God’s desired order until Jesus bodily returned.
We truly thank God for the sustaining effect of these hopes that have allowed our forefathers and some of us older ones to survive the wiles of uncertain disordered life in the world. We also thank God that limitations of these hopes that have restrained the practical reality of the at-hand kingdom of God in the past are being removed from many in this season.
The good news is that God is implanting even greater hope as we intimately relate to Christ Jesus and the Father in Him by the Spirit. Through this intimate spiritual connection in relationship with Christ Jesus and the Father, the clear voice of God is again being clearly heard within God’s people on earth in whom Christ Jesus dwells. An avalanche of revelation of glorious truth is flowing life from heaven upon the mountain of God on earth.
Revelation is not some new thing. It is the uncovering of what has been there all along. When we are given eyes to see and ears to hear the lid comes off, and what we could not see before is revealed. The written word is unchanging but it is alive when the Holy Spirit reveals more from the same word we may have read many times before.
Fresh revelation does not come from chasing after new revelation. Nor does revelation come from doing religious things or even reading and studying the Bible over and over without abiding in Him and Him in us by the Spirit. It comes from so closely abiding with God that by his presence we are further purified from our selfish nature and our religious beliefs. This clears the land of our hearts to receive more of the word of the kingdom (Mat 13:19-23).
The most significant life we can live in this world involves hearing and obeying the spoken words of God released into our inner being by Spirit God. The strength of love, wisdom, and power of God will speak into us the deep hidden mysteries of life that are hidden from the natural man and natural thinking.
This is a very satisfying life completely free of frustrations due to unmet needs. Jesus becomes completely sufficient for our every desire. God promises to give us the desires of our hearts as we abide in Him (John 15:7). Plainly spoken, in Him we have everything we want or need and can do anything He says for us to do (Psa 37:4). When He speaks, the empowerment to carry out what He says in within the words He speaks. The desires of our hearts become only what He desires. Our will becomes His will. We want or need nothing apart from His desire and His provision (Psa 37:25-26).
Whether we live or die we are the Lord’s and He is with us to will and to do His good pleasure (Rom 14:8) (Phil 2:13). His spoken words – His presence with us will see us through the most difficult times and the most prosperous times (Phil 4:11-13). Whether we have little or much, we are completely satisfied in His presence. The devil and all evil forces in the world are powerless against us in His presence (1 John 4:4).
Psa 91:7-9: A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place.
For more on hearing God see Kingdom Growth Guide (#001)
For more on the deep hidden mysteries of the kingdom of God see Kingdom Growth Guides: (#025) (#027) (#028) (#029) (#030)
Kingdom Growth Guides are available as a free download on the website.

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin



2. Occasional miracles, or a miraculous Lifestyle?
By Marc A. Dupont
Paul asked the rhetorical question of the Christians in Galatia; “does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?” Paul’s question was to specifically call the church back to an emphasis on grace and intimacy with God and deemphasize their focus on the law- their performance. For the contemporary church (and contemporary leaders) we need to ask ourselves why Paul’s underlying presumption is not current for most of the church today, in the western world. Where are the miracles, which should be the norm rather than the exception?
I have witnessed first hand over almost 30 years of international ministry how many churches and ministries have grabbed hold of Paul’s teaching in Ephesians regarding the true purpose of the “ascension gifts”. They are not simply for performing ministry, but rather, for training and equipping the body of Christ as a family to move into mature, fruit bearing lives as each seeks to imitate Christ Jesus. This “releasing” of ministry to every day people has, indeed, brought about a wholesale increase of healings and, even, miracles, to many, many, churches. However, we are at a point where, I believe, God wants to take many into the next level of break through. And that is going from experiencing miracles occasionally to experiencing miracles as a lifestyle.
Duel citizenship in the land of the always possible!
Anyone who has truly surrendered his or her life to Christ Jesus while still in this world is no longer of it. They have been born into the Kingdom of God. In effect, we have dual citizenship. We have the legal rights of our home nation and, more importantly, we now have supernatural rights due to our citizenship in heaven.
With the Kingdom of God, the things that are often impossible for man are always possible for God. I like to say when the Kingdom of God is moving on earth ‘the realm of the always possible is invading the realm of the often impossible’. Hence Paul’s rhetorical question to the saints in Galatia.
If you are a follower of Christ, you actually began life with a miracle- you supernaturally entered into both the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus! (Romans 6.3) So as we seek first the Kingdom of God to manifest and spread on earth, as it is in heaven, there should be a consistent manifestation of God’s nature- compassion and grace, expressed supernaturally, i.e. miracles!
When discussing a Kingdom lifestyle, however, we must make sure we are not shortchanging miracles to only those of physical healings. A true miraculous Kingdom lifestyle is one in which we experience God multiplying resources (as Jesus did) and restoring lost relationships (as Jesus did). After all, the Kingdom of God is first and last about relationships- that is the only context in which Biblical love can be fully realized. And the Kingdom of God is about seeking to give, nor merely seeking to get. That is love in action.
To make some simple observations regarding miracles let’s observe a few simple facts regarding the feeding of the multitude, as related in Matthew 14.15-21:
1)  Jesus directed the disciples to miraculously provide for the hungry multitude (well over 5,000 counting women & children) even though they did not even have enough even for themselves.
2) Jesus (always our model) took what they gave him and thanked the Father for it.
3)  He then instructed the disciples to have the people sit down. In other words to be in a place of rest.
4)  He then instructed the disciples to begin giving.
5)  No one went away hungry. In fact, they had 12 basketfuls left over.
A few simple observations:
1)    Right where you are at, no matter how absurd the need of the moment, there is the possibility of the ‘realm of always possible invading the realm of the often impossible’.
2)    Always give thanks for God’s provision, even (and especially) if it is by faith in what He will do to meet the need.
3)    Striving is the opposite of faith for grace, hence Paul’s rebuke of Galatians 3.5. It is important to live in God’s rest, even when there is turmoil all around you. Isaiah 30.15 reads: “In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.”
4)    A true Kingdom lifestyle is one of seeking to give, not to get. God does not desire to take you from poverty to prosperity, but rather, from poverty to generosity. (2nd Corinthians 9.6-11) *
5)    When you give out of God’s miraculous provision there will always be an incredible return to you.
The Key: What, or Whom, are you focused on?
The first generation out of Egypt certainly experienced miracle, signs and wonders. However, they failed to go from their initial experiences of God’s supernatural grace to a miraculous lifestyle because their eyes were focused on the natural problems, as opposed to their supernatural Father. When the spies came back with the report of the fierce and giant enemies they chose to focus more on the enemy than on the person of God. In contrast, Jesus, when taking the 5 loaves and 2 fish from the disciples then lifted His eyes to the Father and gave thanks rather than focus on the seemingly inadequate resources and the hungry multitude.
God is calling many of us to learn to stop focusing on the giants of famine, recession, and being seemingly underfinanced for the vision He has given called us to. When Peter asked Jesus if he could do what Jesus was doing- walk in the miraculous (walk on water), Jesus said, “Come”. When, and where, Peter got in trouble was when he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the size of the waves and the increase of the wind. If you are floundering at this point due to stepping out into the miraculous be encouraged. God will get you back into the boat to complete the journey. His heart, as it was towards Peter, is to give you the desires of your heart, as you adapt yourself to Him and His will for your life. Our job is to keep our eyes on Him as He leads us in a way we have never gone before!
A Final note: God is all about relationship
A final encouragement I would like to leave you with concerns trusting in relationship. While God often releases the supernatural directly by His Holy Spirit, much of the time the Holy Spirit utilizes others in Christ (the body of Christ) to release His amazing grace. This is a lesson I have been dramatically relearning the last few months. In facing some of the giants I am being confronted with God has been doing amazing miracles in many different areas. How ever, He has been doing them as I have reached out to others I am in relationship with. Let us remember: Jesus never said wherever two, or more, are gathered I will be “on him, or her” but rather I will be “in their midst”!
Marc A. Dupont
* I highly recommend Terry Appel’s excellent book “The Father’s Financial Favor”.

3. Top News Headlines

Florida School District Sued for Bible Ban - 7/2/2010
Public schools in Colier County, Florida allow the Little League, Humane Society and 4-H to distribute material. So why can't World Changes pass out Bibles on Religious Freedom Day? The school system claims it's because the Bibles contain "no educational benefit." But doesn't the banning of Bibles say something about the district's respect for religious freedom? Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Long-Time Baptist Sues DC Church Over Gay Wedding - 7/2/2010
Can a member make a church pay back previously given tithes when it departs from scriptural behavior? We may never know the legal answer to that question. Yvonne Moore sued Covenant Baptist Church after it hosted a gay wedding. She has since dropped the suit and is going to church somewhere else. The pastor's effort at inclusiveness has driven off half the congregation.
Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

US Gets Tough on Border Security When Christian Musician from Australia Shows Up - 7/2/2010
US officials detained Ray Naingollan for seven hours at San Francisco airport, asking him hundreds of questions. It all apparently comes down to a technicality about his type of visa. The former Hillsong artist had flown to America to promote a new album. Now Naingollan is back in Australia, trying to get together enough money for a new plane ticket and a different visa. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

UK Students Failing in Faith? - 7/3/2010
Schools in England have taught core values of the Christian faith for years. Yet, a new report reveals students in the United Kingdom are confused and even ignorant about their Christian heritage. The Transforming Religious Education report found that greater attention was being paid to the religious experiences of children of other faiths besides Christianity. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Under Fire, Kyrgystan Judge Stands for Righteousness - 7/4/2010
Judge Anarkul Toksobayeva once read her Bible aloud, and prayed in front of her unbelieving colleagues, for 40 minutes. That apparently led to officials planting money in her office and accusing her of taking a bribe. A four-year legal battle followed. Toksobayeva was finally exonerated after a revolution that ended a corrupt government. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Christmas Censor Principals Humbled by Court Ruling - 7/4/2010
The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals says Lynn Swanson and Jackie Bomchill were wrong in stopping distribution of Christian material by students. Swanson and Bomchill are principals in Plano, Texas. The ruling cites Supreme Court precedent that elementary school students do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Presbyterian Church USA Elects Pro-Gay Moderator - 7/5/2010
Six candidates were running for moderator of the Presbyterian Church USA. Only one, Cynthia Bolbach, expressed unqualified support for same-sex marriage. But she was the winner. Bolbach says, "We fail to satisfy the Gospel imperative of inclusiveness as we continue to exclude gays and lesbians from leadership in our church." John Knox would disagree if he were still alive. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Indonesian Muslims Call for Halt to 'Christianization' - 7/6/2010
Muslim organizations in Bekasi, West Java declared their intention to establish paramilitary units in local mosques and a "mission center" to oppose "ongoing attempts to convert people to Christianity." Bekasi Islamic Congress agreed to establish a mission center to halt "Christianization," and push for the implementation of sharia (Islamic law). Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Next Generation Christian leaders at Ukraine festival commit to live and serve God - 7/6/2010
Young Next Generation Christian leaders celebrated God's faithfulness, and re-dedicated their lives to be servants of God at the first ever international School Without Walls festival in Ukraine. With the theme of 'A Time to Live - A Time to Serve', 520 + participants from the U.S., Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and even India, gathered. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Indonesia: Fitna and apostaphobia in Bekasi. - 7/6/2010
Bekasi, located in the outskirts of Jakarta, West Java, is a culturally and religiously diverse city. However, converging trends of migration, urbanisation, Islamic radicalisation, and rapid development in residential and industrial zones has turned Bekasi into a hot-spot for religious tension rooted in Islamic apostaphobia (fear of converts and conversions). Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

ORU Sells Former Presidential Compound - 7/2/2010
Roger and Brian Broach are not well-known to the Christian world. But they are the brothers who just bought the former presidential compound at ORU for $1.55 million. The nine acres come with six houses, including the ones where Richard and Oral Roberts once lived. The Broachs say they will lease out the property until the real estate market turns around. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Scripture in heart languages is causing revival wherever it's heard - 7/1/2010
In response to hearing God's Word in their own language for the first time, millions of people are coming to Christ around the world. Faith Comes By Hearing is making this possible by recording dramatized New Testaments on Proclaimers--digital and solar devices that make audio Scripture easily accessible to anyone, no matter how remote their village. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

For More Top News Headlines, Go Here:

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