What we define doctrinally as salvation is, in truth, the entrance and then expansion of Christ's presence within us. As we accept Him, Christ fills our imagination with Himself, drives out Satan and begins His transformational work, i. e., He begins to fill our imagination with the true images of God The Father. He then reveals truth to our minds and eliminates false truth, thus giving us insight into ourselves, other people and then filling our minds with the truth of God. He subsequently goes into our emotions and delivers us from all the hurts and pains that we have experienced from our past, as well as what we are experiencing now. He then fills our emotions with the true emotions of love, joy, hope and peace. He then goes into our memory and delivers us from all the false images we have stored in our memory that cause us so much emotional hurt and pain. Remember, in order to do all of this, He first has to drive Satan from our imagination and take his place there.
Our journey in Christ is, at the same time, His journey into us. We are His Promised Land! We can be assured that even though Satan is in our lives, though he may have humiliated us, will not humiliate Jesus. Jesus will conquer Satan, set us free from any humiliation and dwell in us forever! Amen!
To attain God's glory is the reason for our existence. Consequently The Lord is more concerned with our “full conversion” than our fleshly comfort. He seeks to establish in us true holiness rather than false happiness. He will even bring us through floods and fires if necessary “to scourge away our addiction” to the goals of Satan and men. The outcome of what might seem like harsh or severe dealings is that, having been delivered from the deception of Satan in our imagination, mind, emotions, and memory, the glory of God Himself through Jesus Christ becomes our shelter.
You are probably thinking right now, “How to I get rid of this fear and all the negative feeling it produces in me?” The answer is you cannot get rid of those feelings. You have to ask God to send Jesus to take the place of Satan in your imagination. Then Jesus can begin to fill your mind, emotions and memory with the love of God. No human has the power to deliver their imagination from the power of Satan. Satan’s power in your imagination came from Adam and Eve when they ate of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil. What they actually did without realizing it was to allow Satan to take over their imagination and to drive out Jesus from their imagination. Jesus came as a human, lived on the earth, died on a cross and rose from the dead in order to do away with what Adam and Eve decided to do in The Garden Of Eden. Jesus said it this way in John 14:6: KJV “ Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.’ ”
If you want to be free, here is the prayer that you can pray daily that will cause Jesus to rule and reign in your imagination. Jesus will then systematically deliver and cleanse your imagination, mind, emotions and memory from all the lies that Satan has put into you.
Father, I ask You to send Jesus into my imagination and drive Satan out of my imagination, as well as all of the false images Satan has placed in my imagination. I ask Jesus to fill my imagination with the true images of the kingdom of God.
Father, I ask You to send Jesus into my mind and deliver my mind from all the agreements that I have with the false images in my imagination
Father, I ask You to send Jesus into my emotions and deliver me from all the false emotions that I act out of based on the false images in my imagination, mind and memory.
Father, I ask You to send Jesus into my memory and deliver me from all the false memories that I have from my past. I choose to live in the true memories of the Kingdom of God.
Father, I ask You to send Jesus to deliver and heal my body from all of the sicknesses, diseases and infirmities that Satan has caused to come upon my body directly by Satan, or from anyone that Satan has caused to pray against me.
Father, I thank You for sending Jesus and The Holy Spirit to me so that I can continually be delivered and healed from all the things that Satan tries to put in me.
Father, I thank You for doing this for me now and until I come home to be with You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Amen and Amen!