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Subject Topic: News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 07/09/2015 at 4:29pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide

Praise Reports - CLICK to return to Top of Bulletin

Christians launch 'sin-free Facebook alternative’

Brazilian Evangelical Christians have launched a new site that intends to be a ‘sin-free’ alternative to Facebook. The site, called Facegloria, attracted over 100,000 users in its first month of operation. The Christian Post reports that Facegloria will not allow curse words, nor about 600 other banned words. Violent content is prohibited, in addition to sexual content, whether gay or straight. Web designer Atilla Barros said, ‘On Facebook there is a lot of violence and pornography, so we thought we'd start a network where we could talk about God, love and share the word.’ Barros also said that the company aims to be ‘morally and technically better than Facebook. We want all Brazilian Evangelicals to shift to Facegloria.’ The creators of Facegloria hope to see ten million users on the site in the next two years. Facegloria offers Christian differences, including an ‘Amen’ button instead of ‘Like.’


God for this encouraging and up-to-date means of communicating faith-filled facts. (Heb.11:1)


British student prevented from committing acts of terrorism

Syed Choudhury, a Cardiff student whose family are from Bradford, trawled the internet for terrorist material and told friends he 'would do anything' to get to Syria. The 19-year-old researched flights to the IS-controlled region last February. Choudhury downloaded a video of a mass execution and had accessed websites called '10 reasons to join IS' and 'Turkey travel, Jihadist highway’. He was arrested last November after being spotted by a local anti-terror officer. When in custody, he spoke about bringing Sharia law to the UK and said he dreamed of dying fighting for IS. Choudhury pleaded guilty to preparing for acts of terrorism under section 5 of the Terrorism Act and was sentenced to three years and four months in a young offenders institution.


God that this youth was stopped before he fulfilled his vision to commit serious harm. (Is.5:20)


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British Isles and Ireland - CLICK to return to Top of Bulletin

IS has declared war on Britain

On BBC Radio Four's Today programme David Cameron said that IS had declared war on us; we are being attacked at home and abroad whether we like it or not, and there are people in Iraq and Syria who are plotting to carry out terrible acts in Britain and elsewhere. He said it wasn't enough to ‘destroy them at source’ - we have to deal with the radical narrative taking over the minds of young people. Clifford Hill in Prophecy Today said we cannot defeat an ideology by weapons of war, it can only be successfully tackled with a more powerful and compelling counter-ideology. He reminds us that the Qu’ran 5:37 says that those who cause corruption in the land should be killed or crucified. However, Jesus said, ‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’(Matthew 5:43). (See article 2 below)


for Qu’ranic and Biblical scholars to come together, examine their Scriptures and reject statements such as ‘we all worship the same God’. (1 Jn.2:15,16)


Outreach to Muslims

Horizons International, Frontiers, Mahabba and Marathana are just four of the many organisations God is using to develop Christian outreach initiatives into Muslim communities in the UK. God wants all the nations to know Christ, and He has brought thousands upon thousands of Muslims from a variety of nations to our doorstep in recent years. Now Christians are learning to interact and share their faith through friendship evangelism with these immigrants. Christians are learning through various teaching models how to empower their witness to Muslim neighbours, work colleagues, and fellow-students in schools. See also


that as people learn about the history and culture of Islam and the move of God among Muslims, they will be inspired to reach out to their neighbours through prayer and action. (Ro.10:14)


Keeping Sunday special - back on the agenda

George Osborne has announced an 'Enterprise bill' for the autumn which will include provisions for handing over decisions about Sunday trading rules to local mayors and councils. It's out for consultation. Our society still has one day when families can have more time together on a day that's theirs, instead of one of them having to work, and when law acknowledges ‘profit isn't everything’. Currently large stores can only open on Sundays for six hours (a concession won by campaigners against the liberalisation of Sunday trading laws in 1994). This means small family-run shops have some protection against the march of the megastores. It means that for those who have to work, days can be shorter. It means that communities in busy shopping districts have time to recover and to breathe before they're hit by waves of consumers again. See also THE MILL GATHERING STATEMENT


for family not to be sacrificed on the altar of profit. (1Jn.2:15,16)


Number of young homeless is 'more than three times the official figures'

The true number of young people who are homeless far exceeds government figures, according to a major new study by housing experts at Cambridge University being released on Monday. Some 83,000 homeless young people have had to rely on councils and charities for a roof over their heads during the past year - more than three times the 26,852 young people recorded in homeless figures released by the Department for Communities and Local Government. There are 35,000 young people in homeless accommodation at any one time across Britain. The research said, ‘The worryingly high levels of young people using homelessness services across Britain is a minimum estimate, and it is likely that in reality there are more homeless young people accessing support across the UK’. The study was commissioned by Centrepoint and comes amid warnings that Britain is heading for a housing crisis.


for the Government to look seriously at this research and begin to address the scandal of so many young people sleeping rough, staying in hostels and ‘sofa-surfing’. (Mt.25:34)


Scotland’s Sunday school survey

The Free Church of Scotland’s Youth Committee has published a report from the denomination’s largest-ever Sunday school survey. Entitled ‘Pointing to Jesus’, the committee wants to help Sunday schools and other youth groups point children to Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. The report intends to equip teachers with new ideas to connect the never-changing message of the Bible to the ever-changing world in which the children of this generation are growing up. Every Sunday there are over 1,100 children attending, with numbers virtually the same over the past five years (nominally up). The Mission Board chairman said, ‘Transitioning children from Sunday school attenders to those who are part of the worshipping congregation is absolutely vital. The last thing we want is for children to reach the end of their time in Sunday school with an inability, through lack of exposure, to sit through church services.’


that this report will achieve all it sets out to do, and that learning God’s truth will meet Scottish children’s needs through every stage of their development. (Pr.22:6)


Northern Ireland takes further steps to tackle obesity

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for many long-term health conditions and there are too many Northern Ireland people whose weight may contribute towards their ill health. On Monday Health Minister Simon Hamilton pledged to tackle obesity in Northern Ireland following the updated publication of 'A Fitter Future for All 2012-2022'. The steering group of the ten-year strategy for addressing obesity reviewed the outcomes after the first three years. Government departments, agencies, and partners will now promote the following: a) Child carers' attendance at ‘Nutrition Matters for the Early Years’ training will be a requirement for registration. b) Councils must have a play and leisure policy and action plans in place. c) Increased opportunities for play / physical activity for the young must be provided, particularly in deprived areas, and also workplace physical activity schemes.


for the strategies to be adhered to and for an improvement in the health of young and old. (Pr.8:33)


‘Freedom of religion should be a cornerstone of the West’

National newspaper columnist Tim Montgomerie has criticised Britain’s increasingly secular society. Writing in The Times he said, ‘I want less vacuous talk of fairness, tolerance and generosity from our politicians. Let’s start getting specific about what we mean by ‘British values’. Freedom of religion should be a cornerstone of western belief and it must stand as a contrast to the many Islamic states where apostasy is punishable by death. Also do we really want to be a society that seems indifferent to 200,000 abortions every year but can’t find room for faith schools? Or a popular culture that celebrates getting blind drunk on the weekend but wants to compel a church charity to employ non-believers?’ Montgomerie pointed to John Newton: ‘Few people in history can have had a greater appreciation of the power of God’s forgiveness than John Newton, who wrote ‘Amazing Grace’ and encouraged Wilberforce to end the slave trade, not to leave politics after becoming a Christian. See also THE MILL GATHERING STATEMENT


for our politicians to focus on moral priorities, with ‘Amazing Grace’. (Jn.8:32)


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Europe - CLICK to return to Top of Bulletin

Greek Orthodox Church opposes atheist Prime Minister

Greeks voted to decide whether they should stay in the eurozone, risking severe austerity in return for an international bailout. Leaders of the influential Orthodox Church urged a ‘yes’ vote, going against the nation's first openly atheist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Greece has closed its banks and failed to repay the IMF after the end of its bailout programme. Analysts say, ‘If Greece quits the eurozone they could face a major financial crisis’. The head of the Orthodox Church said, ‘The times we are living in are the most crucial ones since World War Two.’ The Church, which has helped Greek society at the time of suffering due to the austerity measures in the recent years, also fears that an exit will worsen the humanitarian crisis.


for the church and other NGOs as they struggle to support so many needy people. (Lk.6:38)


Church planting throughout Europe

European Christian Mission (ECM) has a mission to plant and develop churches throughout Europe because only through loving communities can Europe really experience transformational change.For centuries the centre of Christendom has been in Europe but now Europe is the only continent where Christianity is in decline. Many years of secularisation, immigration and rising standards of living have replaced faith in God with a multiplicity of different beliefs and lifestyles. Europe has become a complex, multicultural and multireligious continent, a continent full of challenges. However, God continues to work through these challenges, and His light still shines in Europe. ECM believes that church planting is the strategy to transform Europe. God has chosen the Church as His instrument to reach the whole world with His Gospel of salvation.


that God will use ECM and other mission agencies throughout Europe, and that we will see loving Christian communities birthed and propagated. (Mk.16:15)


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Worldwide - CLICK to return to Top of Bulletin

Israel: IS threatens Christians in Jerusalem

Arabic leaflets have appeared in Jerusalem, issued by an IS-aligned group, telling Christians they must flee Jerusalem by the end of Ramadan (18 July) - or they will be slaughtered. The threat comes as IS and Hamas engage in a struggle for the allegiance of Palestinian Muslims. Religious tensions are rising across Israel, and Christians are being attacked by Jewish ultra-nationalists and radicalised Muslims. Some are wondering if Christians have a future in Israel. The Israeli government has condemned the violence against Christians as 'an attack on us all' and affirmed Israel's commitment to religious liberty and the rule of law. Please pray for Israel and its Christians. Please pray that God will guide and assist the Israeli government and security forces, that they will protect Christians from Jewish ultra-nationalists and the far more dangerous IS-incited and organised militant Muslims. For the full story click the ‘more’ button below.


for God to guide, assist, deliver and protect Christians in Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter, East Jerusalem and throughout the Palestinian-administered Territories. (Jn.17:15)


Sudan: Pastors face trumped-up charges of espionage

A Sudanese and a South Sudanese pastor face impossible deadlines in their trial on 14 July for espionage. On 2 July, the Sudanese judge ordered the trial of the Presbyterian pastors, giving their defence attorney only 12 days to prepare and only 15 minutes to confer with his clients before their hearing. Pastor Yat Michael was arrested after delivering a sermon at the Evangelical Church in Khartoum. Pastor Yen was arrested when he delivered a letter to the Religious Affairs office asking about Michael's arrest. Both men are facing trumped-up charges by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). Amnesty International say the NISS is an agency ‘above the law.’ Sudan's constitution guarantees freedom of expression and religion, but in reality these rights do not exist. Pastor Michael and his wife were in Sudan seeking medical attention for their child when he was asked to speak at the church. If found guilty, Pastors Michael and Yen will be executed.


for a public outcry from Christians across the globe and for people power to convict Sudan of disregarding their own constitution. (Am.5:24)


Pakistan: Front-line workers

The group of Pakistani Christian men knew the risks when they entered an Islamic festival where fanatical Muslim leaders preached jihad and attendees renewed their religious zeal. Quietly, they initiated conversations about Jesus, who is considered a holy prophet in Islam. By the end of the evening, they had distributed several hundred flyers telling about Jesus Christ and had exchanged phone numbers with people who wanted to learn more. These men are a few of the more than 30,000 front-line workers supported by Voice Of the Martyrs. They are sharing the gospel in hostile and restricted nations at great risk. As they minister in these difficult places, they need our prayers. Will you commit to stand with them in prayer as they share Christ? See also


for God to empower and protect Pakistan’s believers who are fulfilling the Great Commission. (Heb.13:3)


China: Confusion in finances

The turmoil in China’s stock market is so bad that 700 companies have halted trading to ‘self-preserve’, thus preventing investors from selling their shares. That means about a quarter of the companies listed on China’s two big exchanges are no longer trading. The government has taken extraordinary steps to try to prevent further damage and over 20 of China’s top brokerage firms publicly pledged to buy back stocks and funds in an effort to slow the downfall. It did not work and investors aren’t convinced. By Wednesday 8 July China’s stock markets had lost $3.25 trillion (that’s more than the size of France’s stock market and twice the size of India’s). Those in the know are saying China’s $28 trillion debt is a threat to the global economy. See also


that China’s mismanagement of its finances will be contained. (Is.3:14)


Canada: Action on climate change

Gregor Robertson, the mayor of Vancouver, says he plans to encourage the Pope to ramp up pressure on national governments across the globe to take action on climate change when he meets with the Catholic leader later this month. Mr Robertson will be the only Canadian to join 30 representatives of cities in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas for a two-day visit with Pope Francis in Vatican City on 21 July. Meanwhile on Wednesday and Thursday this week hundreds of delegates have attended a two-day Climate Summit of the Americas in Toronto. Former Mexican president Felipe Calderon, former US vice-president Al Gore and California Governor Jerry Brown were among the delegates. The summit emphasised the role that provinces, states and other sub-national governments can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. World leaders will also meet later this year in Paris for the UN Climate Change Conference. See also


for Gregor Robertson as he speaks out on climate action and poverty; pray also for the Climate Summit delegates as they implement action against climate challenges. (Heb.13:17a)


Vietnam: Persecution of Christians is 'state policy'

The persecution of religious minorities is now official Vietnamese state policy after Human Rights Watch released a June report revealing that Vietnam’s government intends to persecute any ethnic Montagnards who follow ‘unauthorised’ Christianity (Montagnards are the indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands of Vietnam - the term Montagnard means ‘mountain people’). This latest threat to Montagnards is causing many to flee into Cambodia where they hope to worship Christ freely; but many are deported back to Vietnam. Last year Cambodia returned 54 Montagnards without allowing them opportunity to seek refugee status. Formerly animists, ethnic Montagnards began converting to Christianity in the 1950s and are now a Christian group. In addition to being persecuted for their Christianity they are being targeted by the Vietnamese government because of their past allegiance to the US during its war in Vietnam.


for God to protect these peaceful hill people who have a great respect for their land, other people and have extensive agriculture skills. (Is.38:14)


Nigeria: Another bomb blast kills 25

A suspected suicide bomber targeted civil servants at a government building in Zaria city, killing 25 and wounding 32. Boko Haram, which often targets northern Nigeria, has stepped up attacks since President Buhari took office in May. The group has not yet commented on the latest attack, which came a day after police chief Solomon Arase announced new measures to curb the rise in bombings. The measures include banning street trading and hawking in Abuja, and strengthening security at all mosques and churches countrywide. Witnesses in Zaria said people including primary school teachers had been queuing up seeking employment under Mr Buhari's administration when the bomb was detonated. Kaduna state governor Nasir El-Rufa'i said citizens were to be vigilant and avoid crowded places like markets, mosques, churches and motor parks in the next few weeks.


for the government and security agencies to end the wave of militant attacks in the country. Pray also for the families of more than 200 people killed by Boko Haram attacks last week. (Ps.29:11)


Edited by Ron McGatlin on 07/09/2015 at 4:30pm
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