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Subject Topic: Digest September 03, 2010 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 09/02/2010 at 2:52pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin

Worldwide Kingdom Awakening News and Views




Published by Ron & Barbara McGatlin - Basileia Publishing

In This Issue
1. Urgent Beyond Understanding
2. Threshold Revival
3. You Are a Trumpet!

4. Top News Headlines

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1. Urgent Beyond Understanding

By Ron McGatlin
The prevailing winds of the Spirit are shifting and intensifying. Our dissatisfaction with the status quo has become an unbearable longing that is consuming us.
We are like children who desperately love our daddy. For a child daddy’s return from work brightens our day and makes everything good. But now there has been a much longer absence of his joyful presence. We don’t understand why He had to go away so long. Mommy says he is serving our country and keeping us safe, but we still cry ourselves to sleep just from the longing for his life-giving presence with us. So many things that daddy could always fix when he got home now remain unfixed. With tears everyday the child asks mommy, “Is daddy coming home today?” And every time mommy replies, “Soon, my child, soon, but we don’t know just when - maybe tomorrow.” “But mommy, I want to see his face and hug him today.”
Like the child watching the driveway from the front window, we have gathered at meetings and watched and waited for Him to come only to go back home dissatisfied and longing for His presence. Like the child’s mommy we tell ourselves, “maybe tomorrow,” and go to sleep still longing for our Husband to be with us.
Awakening to Our Lord
Some of you have already in the recent past begun to awaken from our long darkness of spiritual slumber. What a joy to find that our reality of life has been only a bad dream. Our hearts are becoming elated with love and joy as we awaken to find He is right here beside us. However, we were missing it all – all of the life-giving presence filled with love and assurance - all the exciting joyful activities and productive projects working with Him. We missed it not because He was gone but because we were not aware that He was here. WE DID NOT BELIEVE HE WAS HERE.
God is Spirit. We are spirit beings living in an earthly body. In Adam we were created spiritually awake and fully experiencing our Father’s presence. After the fall of Adam and our spiritual death, we were separated from our Father’s intimate presence. We needed redemption to be reconnected. In the fullness of time, Christ Jesus came to redeem mankind and all that was lost. He endured the cross, was resurrected, ascended back to Father in heaven, and returned as a “life-giving Spirit” to abide with redeemed human/spirit beings in the Holy Spirit of God. God is with us. Christ Jesus is with us.
We now have full access into the heavenly spiritual realm, to our heavenly Father, and our Husband Christ Jesus. Through His cross, His shed blood, His resurrection,and His coming in the Holy Spirit, He has made us potentially awakened and aware of His loving presence with us and us with Him.
I say potentially because we have a required part in being awakened to Him. We must believe.
It is faith working by love that opens the awakened life in the Spirit in us. We know faith comes by hearing by the word of God. A word from God is a living seed with DNA of God to create the life of Christ Jesus within our being. A word not from God is a seed from the enemy that is of his DNA that produces death to the potential awakening to God with us.
A word and hearing as it is used here is more than audible or written speech. It is a communication that can involve all of our senses. It may come through the natural senses or directly through our spiritual senses. However it comes to us, our spirit is involved in the planting of it in our hearts.
We become what we hear and believe. Spiritual believing is the point at which we allow the seed to be planted in the fertile soil of our hearts. Whatever we allow to be planted in our hearts will grow. Either seed from God or seed from the enemy will sprout and grow within us, if we allow it to be planted. We cannot believe (have faith) without hearing. We can wish or hope to believe differently, but we will in the final state believe what we allow to be planted in our hearts by communication. We cannot change our lives by our own effort. However, we can choose what we hear and see, and that will change us and our destiny.
In my lifetime there have been several notable moves of God among various groups. We called these occurrences moves of the Spirit, revivals, outpourings, moves of God, or awakenings. We need a new word to identify this “wake up to Christ Jesus with us” reality happening now (John 14:21).
Whatever they were called many people missed them and received nothing of the life being poured out as groups found access into the heavenly spiritual realm of the awareness of the presence of God with them.
What we are coming into now far exceeds the limited and sometimes soul-driven activities that sometimes came about in past meetings when the presence lifted. Many are set to miss the presence of God with us today because they choose to NOT HEAR and not allow the WORD to be planted in their hearts.
With what I believe is God-given technology, it is possible to experience the word of the dawning of the day, of awakening to God with us anywhere in the world where there is internet access. Wherever there is internet connection, the awakening to God’s presence message can be received. Faithful messengers can then carry the word (DNA communication) into the bush after receiving it by internet. This only works as the Holy Spirit uses the natural distribution of word and sight. It is always a work of the Spirit that carries the word to those who will hear and believe. Of course, the Holy Spirit can implant the word directly in those with spiritual ears to hear and in spiritual dreams or visions as well. Messengers as sent ones, either human or angels, can deliver the revelation of the reality of God with us and we with Him now.
This dawning will occur anywhere among any people who will hear and believe. It will not be limited to any culture or any form of presentation. It will not be limited to big gatherings or small groups. None will be denied where the DNA of the awakening word is heard and believed. DO NOT rule out the big conference meetings or the few gathered in a home or in a remote cabin in Alaska or under a tree in Africa and anything in between. It will be advantageous for some to gather in larger meetings, but it is for whosoever has the good soil in their hearts and will receive the dawning word of becoming aware of the heavenly spiritual reality of Christ Jesus now with us.
God’s presence with us is often accompanied by miracles, just as it was when Jesus was present in His first incarnation on earth.
I am including below a link to a video of a documented miracle of healing from a few days ago. There are many other verifiable supernatural works taking place now. This is a reality of signs following the word. This is a video of a pastor and his wife receiving prayer. The evangelist prays for the pastor and then turns to the wife and begins to pray for her. The pastor and his wife being prayed for are well-known to the pastor where the meetings are held (not the evangelist praying). The lady being prayed for was in a very bad automobile accident in 1987 and has been paralyzed from her waist down ever since. For 23 years she had not walked nor had any feeling or movement in her legs. This is just one verifiable sign and wonder among many that are resulting from the awakening to Christ Jesus with us.
Some people will refuse to believe the miraculous healing or the many works that are taking place in this fresh new dawning day of awareness of living in the supernatural heavenly spiritual realm and in the natural earthly realm at the same time. They will not believe, because they will not listen to or hear and believe the word coming to them. 
I am not sending this to suggest you run to that place or any other place. Run to your prayer place and repent for your unbelief and cry out to be awakened to know that your Husband is right there with you. Access comes by awareness, and awareness comes by faith, and faith comes by hearing. Keep on hearing, keep on planting the truth of God in your heart, and cast away the old seeds of religious unbelief that have grown in our hearts from the past. Here is the link.
The dawn is here and the day star, Jesus, has arisen in our hearts and is shining forth filling our sky with faith, hope and love.
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

2. Threshold Revival

By Esther Seaton Dummer, July 30, 2010

Revelation 22:1

And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

Ezekiel 47:1-12; Rev 22:1-3
God was gracious and generous to answer the desperate cries and prayers for revival a number of years ago.  That cry did not come from just one place, but began to reach the throne of God from the nations of the world. 

I know for myself, sitting week after week in our church in Clatskanie, Oregon, I became totally dissatisfied with the level of movement that was taking place.  It was the same Sunday after Sunday; the people of God had gotten into the rut of religious duty and service, creating stagnancy in all of us.  And also sin had entered the House of God through compromise with the world.  I began to speak of my dissatisfaction to my pastor husband again and again, saying, I am so bored with what church has become; there has to be more.  I was surprised to discover later that it was the exact same cry and the exact same words coming from the mouth of others just like me.  God put a holy dissatisfaction into the hearts of the people of the nations

It wasn’t that multitudes heard about a revival that had broken out in some place and became hungry; it was that multitudes were hungry for more of the Lord and heard of revival breaking out in some places. 

Hunger for something more than what we had become gripped many, many people all over the world.   When we heard God was moving, it was like a magnet to our soul.  We were inexplicably drawn by the Spirit of God.  So many others did not understand the quest that captured us to go until we found that breakthrough place in God we were longing for.
We had to leave our shallow waters and find the depths of God’s river.
In spite of naysayers who felt it was a lot of emotionalism or a lot of to-do about nothing, I became immune to the concerns and accusations around me.  I became smitten by God in my spirit, so smitten that I could not help but go.  So, I went and I found what my hungry soul was longing for a place to repent, to refresh and revive.  It was life to me and countless people who found an altar where Gods glory was moving. 

Folks, Gods glory was not moving in every church in such a wave of revival as was occurring in other places.

But, we found such a place and it was glorious!

God came to breathe life back into His Church by a work of His Holy Spirit and He came to bring the sword of His Word upon the flesh of His people.  He did a quick and decisive work in multitudes all around the nations of the world, as people ran to the altars of repentance and consecration.
         And yes, the power of God was very real in the altars wherever a people set their hearts to seek Him. 

         And yes, there were manifestations of His Spirit as God began to exercise the power of the sword by the Spirit of God. 

People shook with conviction and shook with deliverance and yes, people danced with joy as they were set free.  The religious world mocked it, but God was doing a great work in people’s lives.
We all knew it was more than outward manifestations as God dealt with us in the core of our hearts.
But today, as the wind is once again beginning to stir, there is a different kind of urgency in my heart.  It’s just as valid as my early quest for more of the Lord in my life. 

But it is different this time.

Yes, we need another refilling of the Holy Ghost, but it is for Holy Boldness [Acts 4:29] in a changing world of great turmoil, opposition and harvest. It is for the preaching of the gospel when you’ve been told to shut up.

This is only a brief portion of this article. For much more about what is different this time, read the full article Go Here: mp;a mp;PN=1

3. You Are a Trumpet!
By John Belt
God has given us powerful weapons of warfare that are mighty through His Spirit. He made us with the power to speak, shout and make sound that tears down the powers of darkness. When our lives are lived with pure hearts in His presence there is nothing that can stand against the glory of God released through us.
Creative Power
Everything God has made in creation is original and diverse in its own way. We can look at everything He made and see the beauty in it, both individually and as a whole. If all the things He made looked the same it would be a very boring picture. But God knows what He is doing. He is the Author and Creator of life making all things good by the power of voice. The voice of the Lord is powerful, bringing all things into existence.
Being created in the image of God, we too have creative power. We hold the ability to transform atmospheres, speak things into existence and cause life to come forth by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Our tongue is one of the most powerful forces that we have in our human make-up.
James 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by Hell.
The human tongue is a "world of iniquity." But we know that was not the case with Jesus. When Jesus spoke it was releasing the "world of glory." When Jesus spoke, the glory realm of God was released and caused life to come forth in every place He spoke. Our tongue is a powerful force the devil has no ability to contradict. Just as John states, "When God spoke light was released and the darkness could not comprehend it." The powers of darkness cannot compete with the "world of glory" that is released through abandoned vessels of the Kingdom of God! He who is in us is much, much greater than he who is in this world. The power of the glory of God wipes out every resistance and leaves the enemy whimpering on the floor.
Clean Vessels
Understanding the power of our tongue, we need to realize how important it is for us to be in alignment with the right kingdom. If God's people are speaking foolishness, gossip and talking about others behind their backs, they are empowering darkness and are in sin, as well as bringing themselves into bondage. The goal of the enemy is to bring division in the Body of Christ. There is no excuse for speaking about others in a negative manner. Our call is to honor others. This does not mean we agree on everything, but we need to have enough decency to keep our mouths silent.
If anyone has been caught in this trespass, then the cure is "be quick to repent." Repentance is more powerful than apology. We can say we are sorry all day long. It is better to just change directions. This is the fruit of our repentance. We are to be in line with Jesus who ever lives to intercede for all the saints.
Hebrews 7:25 Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
The Priestly Life
It is our priestly responsibility to stay pure without compromise before the Lord. We are a kingdom of priests that must wear the golden band across our minds that says, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD." It has not changed. It is this dedication, commitment and integrity that will cause the substance of His power to be released in us and through us.
It is His grace that makes us His priests. It is our purity that enables us to carry His glory and release that glory of His presence in the longevity of time. We must go higher and deeper. A tree will only last so long if it grows high and its roots are shallow. That tree will come falling down dead. It is the same way with His glory. If our roots don't go deeper into Him while our experiences take us into the heavens, we will come crashing down. Integrity, purity and selfless devotion are not an option for us. They are mandatory. Jesus could do nothing apart from the Father. His devotion to Him was pure and lacked nothing.
You Are a Trumpet!
Numbers 10:8-9 And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations. And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.
The priests were commanded to blow the trumpets in battle. Through this the Lord would grant them victory. There is power in the priestly life where we can release our voice like a trumpet and see the Lord wipe out our enemies. Our bodies are created much like a speaker cabinet. We have a bass woofer and a tweeter. The power comes from the bass woofer, the belly and chest area. The tweeter is our nasal area. Not a lot of power in the nasals. Still, a little goes a long way and it is needed. But from deep within our spirit we can release a sound that breaks the power of darkness.
Psalm 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.
Lifting the high praise is like blowing the trumpet of your being. When our hearts and motives are pure, there is a glorious release that can occur as we lift our voices like trumpets! See your enemy, see your resistance, see the thing that you need to overcome, see the breakthrough that you need and begin to lift your voice as a trumpet in praise to God over these things!
Live Loud For God Without Apology!
John Belt
Live In His Presence Ministries

4. Top News Headlines 

Woman Walks for First Time in 22 Years During Alabama Revival Meeting - 9/2/2010
Delia Knox had been paralyzed since a car accident on Christmas Day 1987. But a video shot during a revival service Friday shows Knox telling British evangelist Nathan Morris that she can feel his hands on her legs. As he and other ministers continue to pray for her, she stands up from her wheelchair walks across the platform as the crowd leaps and screams. (Watch video.) Read On: mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Church Changes a Country and Saves Lives Along the Way - 9/2/2010
I sat mesmerized by the story Dr. Erickson was telling me. I couldn't help but thank God that he uses men such as Dr. Reid and Pastor Tom Deuschle to mobilize care for the African people in a cholera crisis. Likewise, I was humbled by Celebration Church's effort in the name of Christian charity, their yearning to bless their community, their city, and their country. Read On: mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West - 9/1/2010
A hidden camera shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim worshippers and enforced by a private security force. This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene. A French citizen who has been watching the Islamization of Paris decided that the world needed to see. Read On: -Paris-a-Warning-to-the-West/

Indonesia Christians Suffer for Religious Freedom - 9/1/2010
While most Americans feel a mosque shouldn't be built near where the 9/11 attacks killed 3,000 people, others say the mosque is a matter of religious freedom. But what about religious liberty in the world's largest Muslim nation of Indonesia? Christians are finding it increasingly difficult just to gather for worship. Muslim incite mob violence and force churches to close. Read On: mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Taliban murders aid workers - 9/1/2010
The bodies of three Christian aid workers have been found in Pakistan. Authorities recovered the bodies of the three workers on Wednesday, not long after threats had been issued against workers trying to provide aid. The trio had been kidnapped and killed by members of the Pakistani Taliban in the flood-ravaged country. Other relief workers have been threatened. Read On: mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Christian Convert in Bangladesh Falsely Accused of Theft by Muslims - 9/1/2010
Muslims said to use mistaken identity to stop activities of Christian. A Christian convert from Islam was falsely arrested for cattle theft last weekend in a bid by influential Muslims to stop his Christian activities. Christian villagers told Compass that Hossen was the victim of "dirty tricks" by influential Muslims. Muslims have been harassing him since his conversion. Read On: mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Federal Court Halts Obama Administration’s Embryonic Stem Cell Policy - 8/30/2010
At issue is a law prohibiting federal funds from being used on research that involves the destruction of human embryos. The court order prevents the Obama administration from carrying on its embryonic stem cell research policy while a lawsuit against it proceeds. Studies are showing promising health benefits with non-embryonic stem cells. Read On: mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 02/04/2011 at 8:16pm
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