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Subject Topic: Digest February 14, 2013 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 02/14/2013 at 3:19pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin

Worldwide Kingdom Awakening News and Views

Published by Ron & Barbara McGatlin - Basileia Publishing

In This Issue
1. Hear in Secret, and Shout It from the House Top
2. The Mountain and the Seven Hills
3. Top News Headlines

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1. Hear in Secret, and Shout it from the House Top

By Ron McGatlin

Passion from the Spirit of God consumes my heart with an urgent warning and a proclamation of great grace for His people.

There are no natural solutions to our world situation. There are no human abilities that will save us from the atrocities of the desolation and the end of life in this world as we have known it.

The final snares are set in place and the scenario is planned out for the death of America and the western world. This part of the world is the primary target in the crosshairs of the weapons of destruction only because of its past and potential Jesus culture lifestyle.


Call it revival, outpouring, move of God, awakening, visitation of God, or whatever, and say it is supernatural, spiritual, heavenly, mystical, or whatever term you can understand. The reality is that it is a way that we as twentieth and twenty first century believers have for the most part not walked before.

Yet, it is the ONLY way of true life in the very near future in the season of tribulation upon all the earth. All human efforts toward resisting or surviving the atrocities of this cataclysmic season will be less than fruitful. All preparation for natural war against it will lead to misery on earth and possibly a premature departure.


The deepest riverof God is flowing from the throne of God and has begun surging forth to radically impart life in those who will come to the waters of God and drink deeply of His Spirit – opening the way for souls that are filled and saturated to enter a realm of life above and beyond the natural. This life of truly living and walking in the Spirit sets us apart from the torment of the tribulations of natural life.

Jesus’ church has not more than two to three years of this season of great grace empowerment that is pouring out in preparation for the season of severe cleansing judgment upon the world. To miss this outpouring of supernatural grace empowerment would leave us defenseless and unable to rise above the tribulation of grave destruction of all that is not in the supernatural spiritual ark of life in the Spirit realm.

Now is the day for those who are already dead to this world through having gone through personal wilderness and loss of natural living to ARISE and call upon God for clear word and instruction in speaking forth the now word of God with holy boldness. The passion of grace empowerment will fill our hearts and mouths with the pure word of supernatural kingdom revival reality that will penetrate directly into the hearts of people and release the miracle of God’s love and grace exploding in hearts and pouring out of the people to the world around them.

The harvest is probably not what you think.

The empowered word of God flowing from us will bring a great harvest of people moving from natural life to pure holy supernatural spiritual life. This will not build the old church structures that have fulfilled their time. However, it will fill the ground-level Jesus-church of millions of believers moving about delivering the supernatural love and power of God to willing people across the world. This gospel of the kingdom will be preached to every nation and every tribe under God spreading from person to person and family to family. True spiritual multiplication will happen across the world as Spirit-empowered Spirit-led saints of God move without natural limitations across the land.

The imparted love of God will manifest among the people.

The experience of the pain and suffering of the loss of past life will break the hardness in the hearts of the people of God. The many needs of past life without real love had led to human gratification filling the place where real love ought to be. The loss of the things used for self-gratification will be painful. However, it will lead to the reality of receiving pure love from God and giving it out without expecting anything in return.

Even now before the big crash, fresh Spirit life is coming into us. It is well to let go of even that which we yet have of the “good life” of the past in exchange for the fresh outpouring of supernatural life in the Spirit.

Releasing the passion of the Spirit to the people around us and those with whom we gather will be as a wind-blown fire upon a dry land. The JOY of the Spirit of the Lord will burst forth new life like the fresh spring rains bring forth the miraculous growth of budding new life.

Miraculous Spiritual Growth

Unlike the natural realm that always requires a certain slow rate of sprouting and growing, in the Spirit realm there can be rapid change and growth as supernatural Spirit God pours life into our beings. Even as a word is being spoken, even as a prayer is being formed on the lips, it can be done and completed in the Spirit.

Our spirit man can adjust to the Spirit realm as we consciously release our previous naturalized view of spiritual things. Entering the narrow gate into the wide world of kingdom living is not possible with intellectual thinking from our old world souls trained in doubt and unbelief of spiritual things. God abiding in His people by Christ Jesus in His yielded and willing people will renew and retrain our souls to follow the Spirit.

Hear the word of the Lord and believe as a child without intervening with the old natural mind and the gates of heaven will open to you and flow the life of Father God and Son by the Holy Spirit into your heart, lifting you from the natural realm into the heavenly supernatural spiritual realm of kingdom of heaven living now and forever.

Spirit Head Joining the Body

There is no end to the expanding kingdom of God that rests upon the shoulders of the body of Christ Jesus the head that is now joining firmly to the willing prepared body.

This reality is alive and well among the yielded people of Jesus’ church, His body of which He is the only all wise, all knowing, all powerful all loving head. He is Lord and God of all that is and all that shall be in this time and the time to come. Worship Him, love Him in this new season of maturing sons with abandon of the past life and all that was in it.

Forget the past and look to the new life that is coming. We have no need to resist the past things of the church, governments, or any other parts of the past world. The New World is on the way. The New Jerusalem is coming down. Christ Jesus has come in the Spirit from Spirit God the Father in Spirit Heaven to indwell us, His people, and live His life where we once lived. To rule as Head all that we once ruled as head of our lives.

In the past our old pattern was seeking to serve God while ruling our own lives as our own head. We established churches and religions truly seeking to serve God but set up ourselves and other men as heads of the church. That was a despicable scenario that God allowed and even used among the people. However, it is now coming to an end. It will be seen even by the natural eye as the great Christian religions of the past with men set in as head will pass away before our eyes.

Forget the things of the past, and stop despising or defending them. Open your Spirit eyes and look to that which is coming now. The past is PAST, and the future is now manifesting in plain view in the Spirit and in partial view even in the natural. The superior light from heaven, the brightness of God in Christ is shining into the darkness revealing the coming kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

I do not know what exactly this means to you, but I do know that this is not a time to hold back. This is a time to connect fully into the passion of the Spirit and receive His grace empowerment to be released in His wisdom and timing. Truly as we hear and believe now in this season of pouring out of great grace for our preparation, ANYTHING THAT HE SAYS IS POSSIBLE NOW!

Sense the weak becoming alive with His might moving in the quickened life of the Holy Spirit speaking in the authority of Christ in them,

See the meek speaking with boldness powerful words of God,

Hear the sounds of children singing with angelic harmony the powerful words of God’s love and grace,

The voice of God coming forth in His people as the voice of many waters roaring His will into the earth,

The joy of the Lord filling families and groups as light fills a room even in the midst of severe darkness,

Masses of people from many nations and tribes standing with many angels worshiping God on earth,

Piles of rubble of discarded treasures of past life that were idols to the people,

Much weeping with tears of joy as many are being reunited into the love of our Father,

The wiping away of all the past as we return and are rejoined as one in God.

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

2. The Mountain and the Seven Hills

By Kriston Couchey

Continued from the prophetic article: Instruments of Judgment

For who are you, O great mountain [of human obstacles]? Before Zerubbabel [who with Joshua had led the return of the exiles from Babylon and was undertaking the rebuilding of the temple, before him] you shall become a plain [a mere molehill]! Zechariah4:7

The Seven Hills

Father responded to my question concerning the seven hills on the plain, “Son, those are the hills referred to by many as the seven mountains. They are spheres of influence among men that affect the life, culture, society, and future of mankind. From man’s perspective they are mountains. But, from My perspective they are only hills.

I am placing My throne in the midst of the plain of humanity upon those seven hills. Even now My Holy City is descending out of heaven to take Her place as the ruling city over all the earth enthroned upon those seven hills. My people are that city, which is the New Jerusalem, the bride made ready for her groom dwelling in oneness with Him for eternity. That plain and the hills upon it are your inheritance as joint heirs with Jesus Christ. In this transition of ages you, the City, has already begun to descend and expand His rule.

My eyes quickly turned again to the plain of churning humanity spreading out below the mountain. In the midst of this sea of humanity was that large city already enthroned upon seven hills; Babylon. There were skirmishes breaking out for the control of those seven hills as diverse groups of every distinction had interest in controlling them. But, it was the dark spirits that inhabited Babylon that determined who controlled the hills. These spirits positioned people on the hills to speak lies and deception into the world’s politics, religion, economics, education, entertainment, etc. As people came under the influence of these puppets of evil, the dark hazy fog hanging over the plain became thicker and darker; clouding men’s vision. And now the dark spirits pushed their subjects with a fury, for they could see the light on the mountaintop had begun to expand and descend.

Fear, Anger, and Offense

As I observed the valley falling into greater darkness, fear seemed to spread out over my head and fall down around my shoulders like a blanket. I began to wonder if anything could stop the fury of the evil one and the people who gave themselves over as instruments of wickedness and deception. Then a rage over the unfairness and wrongness of it all came mixing with the fear. The thought screamed in my mind, “Something MUST be done!” Fear of the schemes of the devil and rage over what was being done to creation began to war with the Rest of God within me. In desperation I turned to Him in the place of peace within and cried “Father, help me!” The peace and joy of My Father burst forth and the fear and rage dissipated like a cloud of mist blown away by a strong wind.

He spoke, “Son, when you focus upon the evil works of the enemy and what he is doing you become vulnerable to the dark fog of fear and anger. If you allow the fear and anger to find a place in you, you will be compromised and your rest in Me will turn to warring. You cannot remain on this mountaintop while in that state of unrest.Moses allowed man’s fear and wrath to overtake him and its offense kept him from entering the Promised Land. Man’s wrath CANNOT accomplish My purposes. Do not be offended by the world and its wickedness, for if you do so you leave MY mountaintop. Keep trusting in Me and do not allow the offense of wickedness to take you captive.

Many of My own have taken offense at the world and have in their fear, anger, offense, and presumption taken up the weapons of the world to fight for those hills of influence. Look again with faith.”I turned my eyes to the plain again and to my surprise spotted a constant stream of warriors carrying weapons marching from the side of the mountain of the Lord to engage in battle for control of the hills. Father continued, “Some of My children have determined to ascend those hills and take control of them in their own strength, and by extension control the whole earth. They will not succeed this time.

At one time Christianity took control of these hills and plunged much of the earth into the Dark Ages. At that time many left My Mountaintop for the lure of Babylon and the control of life on earth. Later on, the reformation marked a time when blood stained those hills as those who claimed to be Mine killed each other to be king of those hills. The resulting offense and mixture of the world in the church caused men to build the dwellings of Babylon on the side of this mountain you see today; exchanging the authority of heaven for a place of power over men. But, I never called My children to control those hills. I have a better plan; My Mountain upon which My city rests is coming to the plain. The authority of heaven is coming to all the earth.

The Basis of Authority

Control is the basis of the power the world wields. In contrast, the basis of authority on My Mountain flows from My Love.I have told you before; in My kingdom the measure of your love is the measure of your authority. Before the foundations of the world the Lamb was slain; in this sacrifice of love, Jesus Christ established His authority over all creation. The basis of the authority of Babylon enthroned upon these hills is the power of control, and comes from man's wisdom and strength. But, the foolishness of the cross is wiser than men's wisdom, and the weakness of the cross is stronger than men's strength.

Sons Revealed

In the same manner I sent Jesus to reveal Me to My people, so I send My sons to My own house to reveal Me as I am to them. I have not sent you to judge men, but to be a resting place of My presence which shines the light of who I am in darkness. It is this light of My presence in you that reveals the hearts of men and scatters darkness. I am sending you to the plain of humanity in the same way; revealing Myself in My sons to all creation. It is the light of My goodness and love revealed in and through you that will drive away the dark clouds of wickedness. The wicked City that sits enthroned upon the hills will fall with a mighty crash; but not at the hand of man, but at the glory of My presence in you.And upon those hills My city will shine the light of My ever increasing kingdom without end.

I have shown you these things that you might have faith in the face of this offending darkness and encourage your brothers and sisters when men full of wickedness prosper and enforce their will upon the peoples of the earth. You cannot fight a battle against these with the weapons and wisdom of men or you will be soundly defeated. But with me ALL things are possible. I go before you and every place you set your feet I have given you. Do not fear, trust in Me! Jesus the Christ has already overcome the world.

In His Love

Kriston Couchey

3. Top News Headlines

Congress Presses Kerry to Seek US Pastor's Release- 2/14/2013
Congress is calling on Secretary of State John Kerry to seek the immediate release of an American Pastor imprisoned in Iran. Pastor Saeed Abedini is facing a lengthy prison sentence for his Christian faith. Thursday, more than 80 bipartisan members sent a letter urging Kerry to "exhaust every option." Abedini deserves every diplomatic tool as an American citizen. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

North Korea: exposing the terrors of the gulag
- 2/14/2013
It is a serious crime to be a Christian in North Korea. Three generations of a criminal's family are incarcerated in the gulag where starvation and gross cruelty ensure the death rate remains high. Possession of a Bible is a capital offence. It is almost unbelievable that this horrific reality has lasted more than 60 years. 200,000 Koreans are incarcerated. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

'Made in the USA' Making a Comeback?
- 2/14/2013
In cities and towns across America, buildings that used to house thriving factories producing furniture, textiles -- you name it -- now sit empty. "When you create manufacturing jobs you're also creating jobs for other sectors -- so it has a positive effect on communities all across the country even if they don't necessarily have a factory in their town." Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide
- 2/14/2013
Spreading the Gospel across the capital - Somalia: Strictly Islamic state - UK sees rise in suicides - Egypt: 'Christian Winter' - America: Working against nuclear threats - Radical Islam surging in Balkans - NIGERIA: North Korean doctors and evangelists killed - North Korea: Captured defectors punishment has intensified - Iraq: Displaced children - Much More> Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

North Korea defiant with nuclear tests Posted: 13 February, 2013
- 2/13/2013
North Korea said Tuesday that it had conducted a new, more powerful underground nuclear test. "North Korea again defied world opinion and UN resolutions. They threatened the United States, and they also are threatening to go even farther in the future." North Korea not only refused to shut down nuclear development, but also ignored the warnings of its close ally China. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

'Secret Believers' Fight Spiritual War on Islamic Grounds
- 2/13/2013
Southern Russia -- While radical Russian Muslims are fighting to take over Dagestan for Islam there are secret Christians engaging in a different type of war, a spiritual one. They are risking their own lives. Muslims fight Russian forces almost daily to take over the province for Islam. Yet, away from the front lines, a small band of Christians secretly shares the gospel. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

The Silent Exodus of Syria's Christians
- 2/12/2013
"We are witnessing another Arab country losing its 2 million Christian minority. When it happened in Iraq nobody believed Syria's turn would come. Christian Assyrians are fleeing massively from threats, kidnappings, rapes and murders. Behind the daily reporting about bombs there is an ethno-religious cleansing taking place, and soon Syria will be emptied of its Christians. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Jews and Arabs Preaching Jesus in Tel Aviv
- 2/12/2013
Amid all the arguments over how and if Jewish and Arab Believers must "reconcile" to one another, some Jewish and Arab Believers are simply joining forces to preach Yeshua. Tel Aviv-based Messianic leader Jacob Damkani took to the streets to share his faith with fellow Israelis. But this time, he did so with some special partners—Arab Christians from Nazareth. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Dr. Carson Prayer Breakfast Speech Generates Buzz
- 2/12/2013
The speech world-renowned neurosurgeon and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Benjamin Carson gave at this year's National Prayer Breakfast is generating unexpected buzz. Dr. Carson also talked about how a hyper-political correctness is muzzling national dialogue on important issues. "The PC police are out in force at all times…" Read On: Prayer-Breakfast-Speech-Generates-Buzz/

More Nigerian 'Brethren' die in violent attacks, US work campers return home safely
- 2/12/2013
Samunaka church on the outskirts of the city of Mubi was attacked twice in four days. At least 15 people were killed in the attacks, including eight members of the congregation, one member sustained gunshot wounds said an EYN report. During the attacks, the Samunaka church building and the pastor's office were burned down, along with some houses belonging to Christians. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Understanding the Threat to Israel's Biblical Heartland
- 2/12/2013
The West Bank. But the 350,000-plus Israelis living here use the region's biblical name: Judea and Samaria. International law calls for Israel to evacuate all existing settlements and dismantle Jewish communities in the eastern half of Jerusalem. The U.N. considers all the neighborhoods in Judea and Samaria "illegal" settlements that will one day be a Palestinian state. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

The Passing of Richard Leo Twiss, Taoyate Obnajin "He Stands with his People"
- 2/10/2013
As of Saturday, February 9, 2013, Richard Leo Twiss, Lakota, co-founder and President of Wiconi International, passed into the eternal Kingdom of the Creator, as he took up the journey of life on the other side, to be with the Lord whom he loved and served so diligently on this side of life. Richard walked the good road with Jesus from 1974, and continues his walk now. Read On: mp;PN=1&TPN=1

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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 02/14/2013 at 6:22pm
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