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Subject Topic: Digest October 31, 2013 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Posted: 10/31/2013 at 11:57am | IP Logged Quote News Room
 Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Next Step into Practical Kingdom
2. Stepping into Identity Reality
3. Incline Your Ear
4. News Headlines


1. Next Step into Practical Kingdom Reality

By Ron McGatlin

Spiritually transitioning from the church system way of life into kingdom reality is a work of the Spirit that has been accomplished, at least in part, in a forerunner group of willing volunteers in many parts of the world.

A larger and more practical transition of practical daily life and function is before us. Many believers are currently sensing in their spirits that life is changing in many facets. They also sense that the fresh new kingdom way of life from heaven is becoming tangible in their spirits.

However, the big question is, how does this fresh life of inner love, righteousness, peace, and joy that is in us by the Holy Spirit become practical daily life?

What is the kingdom way of job or business – how do relationships and worship gatherings function – how are things of our lives affected such as finances, education, child rearing, entertainment, transportation, and other more basic things like food, water, clothing, shelter, transportation – and what about rapidly increasing severe persecution of Christians and rapidly increasing tyrannical governments and oppressive police states?

In this major transition toward kingdom reality in an unstable world, how do we function today and in the future – how or what should we change or do this week and this month and the next months and years: 2014 through 2020 and beyond? One thing seems absolutely certain: there are major changes now happening that will continue to increase in intensity in the near future.

To attempt to fully define and describe all of the practical answers to these questions would be mind-boggling if not impossible. These are highly complex situations with many facets, much too complicated for human minds to consider. However, the entire sum of the complex issues boiled down to their deepest roots and origin are profoundly simple.    

Mankind has largely left the one true God and His way of life on Planet Earth. This situation must be corrected and is now in the process of being corrected.

Knowing the basic rudimental facts of what is going on can help us fit into what God is doing more circumspectly. However, there is only one source of direction that will enable us to specifically know our part in what is happening in our world. For decades the Spirit of God has been calling for His people to move into a position to hear His direction more clearly and move more quickly to align with what God is speaking to each of us. We may have heard God’s trumpeters proclaiming this word and may have, to some degree, made some effort to reposition ourselves to hear and obey the Holy Spirit’s leading. We simply must be in position to hear and move quickly with God’s personal leading for our lives.

Following religious patterns or someone else’s God-given pattern for themselves might not be the way for each of us to go. We need to live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit to hear clearly and obey God’s leading for ourselves. As we all do this, things seem to just fall into place. When the need comes the provision is there. It is like floating down a peaceful stream, no need to do a lot of paddling. We just steer the boat as we are carried by the current. When we come to a place of need, whatever is needed appears on the bank and we simply steer over to it and receive it. This is opposed to furiously paddling upstream against the current of God’s flow and striving to meet needs in our lives that soon become desperate and cause serious frustration.

If we yet lack the spiritual life maturity to hear God but are truly seeking to grow up in Him, God will provide someone who does hear well for us to temporarily follow as a mentor or leader. For our confirmation while growing in hearing God for ourselves, God may provide others with prophetic gifting to help in confirming what God is speaking to us.

There is such wonderful agreement as we flow together side by side each hearing and obeying the same Spirit that coordinates all the activity of the Body. It is the furthest thing from each person going his own way according to his own mind. Every member fits in its place and does its part as directed and empowered by the Head, Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

Knowing biblical kingdom principles and observing spiritual trends of what God is doing in general give us roads to hear on and some general direction. However, we each know our part and where to connect with others by communing with God and following His direction.

Some Observable Current General Trends

Over the past century or so and especially in recent decades God has been restoring to His people more of what the first century disciples experienced with Jesus, along with an increased hunger for more intimate relationship with God, Spirit to spirit, He has restored works of the Holy Spirit and an increased awareness of His presence among and within His people.

For the most part, the church systems that have served to bring many people to Christ Jesus as Savior and have preserved the Bible for centuries have not been able to flow with the changing depth of personal intimacy with God. This has hindered personal spiritual growth of individuals in hearing and obeying the leadership of God by the Holy Spirit for themselves. The religious patterns and structures that were useful in the past became a hindrance and inadvertently may have blocked many as they were seeking to move into the restored place of intimately communing with God and being led and empowered by God through His Holy Spirit.

Many people just did not fit the patterns any longer and could not continue trying to walk in them. Large numbers of people have felt as if they were in a wilderness situation apart from the past church system relationships that they once so enjoyed. Many were left to only have intimate fellowship with God in the Spirit and to only connect with others of like mind long distance through the internet. was and is a part of connecting and encouraging kingdom people through the internet. Throughout this season there have been strong desires in many of the people to connect and fellowship with people like themselves in their own area. That has been limited in the past either in quantity or quality simply because there have been so few people with a depth of kingdom of God experience and walk.

More Kingdom People

In the past several years the number of people moving into a greater depth of kingdom of God experience and understanding has greatly increased. Small clusters of kingdom-seeking people have developed, and more are developing. They are mostly meeting in homes without hired professional leadership and expensive building costs.

Now the small clusters are beginning to connect regionally as individuals travel to other groups within a day’s drive. This brings great encouragement and increased opportunity for serving one another with the spiritual gifts that are within each cluster.

God is raising up apostolically gifted men to assist in encouraging local clusters and connecting them with other clusters regionally. (These gifted workers are not establishing the clusters under themselves or as their network.) They are simply part of the Spirit-led function of encouraging and connecting the kingdom of God people. As long as the internet is available to us, it will be a part of this work. When it is no longer available, these mobile apostolically gifted servants connecting clusters will be even more vital as a means of connecting the clusters of kingdom people.

Everyone in the kingdom is at the same level with God. There are no elite or class levels; all have a part in the kingdom. There are those who are more mature and those who are less mature, but there are no hierarchies of men ruling over men. Leaders are simply further down the road or gifted for serving by supplying spiritual oversight.

This informal and ground level Spirit connection of clusters of kingdom brothers and sisters will prove extremely valuable in the unstable environment of failing economies, corrupt governments, general chaos and lack through the world-cleansing judgment period. Each kingdom person, family, and cluster will hear and obey their specific direction for supplying their part to the cluster and between clusters.

The kingdom of God people will arise after the cleansing judgments to rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom. The mostly hidden clusters will produce the surviving kingdom of God people that will arise after the cleansing judgments are finished to replenish the earth in the brightness of the glorious kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 13:36-43: Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.”

He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Brethren, we are alive in this season and part of this scripture being fulfilled. The good seeds (sons of the kingdom) are planted and growing rapidly. The tares (sons of the wicked one) are also planted in the same field and growing very rapidly. The gathering of the tares and the burning fire (cleansing judgment) is beginning. After the fire, then the sons of the kingdom will shine forth in brightness of the kingdom of our Father.

Hear and obey.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit - Rom 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin

2. Stepping Into Identity Reality

By Lana Holder

It's not about being a good person. We can never be "good" enough, we can never "do" enough. It's about love. It's about falling in love with Jesus and His love transforming our hearts, transforming our lives. It's through this love that we become the person we were created to be - not just a good person, but His - a child of the King, son of the most high God...HIS.

Finding out who we were purposed to be is just the beginning. The door that was always in front of us is now, not just cracked open, it's open wide! There's no space between us and heaven (Eph. 2:6 "For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.") and the possibilities are limitless. God's love is limitless. Everything our Father has is ours. Every desire of our heart is within reach! The awesome part is that His desires become our desires.

The more we love the more we become like our Father. He becomes our identity and through this we can begin to see through His eyes, a new picture of the world. This new picture looks like "...righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Romans 14:17) In this picture the blind can see, the deaf can hear, the lame can walk, the fatherless have a Father, the hungry are full, the poor have an abundance, broken hearts are healed, and the captives are free. This new picture looks like the kingdom of God.

The kingdom is here. The kingdom is now. Our enemy would like nothing more than for us to never find out who we are. He would love for us to continue on our Christian walk, never realizing the power of our Father we carry inside, never finding out that not only do we carry His power, we have the authority of Jesus to use it!

It all starts with love. The love of Jesus is wrecking hearts all over the world. This unconditional love is transforming lives and miracles are taking place. An army is rising...sons and daughters that have found their identity. Will you join us?

Lana Holder

3. Incline Your Ear

By Amanda Leonard

Incline your ear, My overcomers. My Spirit is calling you into a deeper intimacy with Me. Many have felt like they have been walking all alone. Many of My children have felt like they are living in a dry and weary land where there is no water; yet they don’t realize that I, the living bubbling well lives within them. I have told My children they will never thirst again, for I AM in them. Trust My words to you, My beloved. Listen to My truth and not what your emotions want to feel, untie your soul from your spirit with My word, which is like a sword. (Hebrews 4:12).

Many have been walking in the valley, in what they thought was darkness. Their eyes and mind have been focused on the circumstances and situations of this life, not realizing that My shadow, the Mountain, has been covering them like a canopy. My children are under the shadow of My wing and I am teaching them to live in the Spirit, going from glory to glory. I have been their cloud by day and fire by night. Those who have ears shall hear My mysteries. Incline your ear. Do not give up, I have given you the endurance to finish the race. Do not grow faint or weary but come closer still, come closer still and I will renew your strength. Set your gaze on Me and I will give you peace.

Isaiah 40:31: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Your works will never be enough, come to the realization it’s already done, through Jesus Christ, My Son. Do not get entangled again in what Christ has set you free from, the bondage of religion. It is a yoke I want to break off of you. Christ has set you free and there’s liberty in My Spirit. (Gal 5:1) Now, there is nothing that you cannot overcome, My beloved one. It’s time to appropriate everything My Son has done. This is NOT a future event, My Kingdom is now. I have given you the Kingdom Now. My Kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). My grace is here for you to overcome, to walk in My Spirit as one. So incline your ear, My overcoming ones. Now walk in the power of My Kingdom sons.

I see in the heavens and every door is open unto you. A long hallway and every door is wide open, flung open wide. Open. I hear the Lord saying, “Everything I have is yours. Everything I have, I give to you.” He has made us a new creation in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. We are co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), that we also will be glorified together. So what are we waiting for? Yes, I said, “Open Doors!!! EVERYTHING I have is yours!!!”

Now get ready for My fire. Will you yield to My flames? Will you present your body as a living sacrifice upon My altar, bringing glory to My name? Watch as all the dross is burned by My holy purifying fire. Don’t resist My flames. Be holy as I AM holy, this is My desire. (1 Peter 1:16)

Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

1Peter 1:6: In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ..”.

My sons will walk in holiness and purity. They will not be concerned with the lights or fame, titles or recognition, fancy cars or material things, but their only concern is but one thing; giving glory to the King of Kings. Only one name will be upon their lips…..that name is Jesus.

I see people around the globe holding hands and they have erupted into flames, burning torches of fiery passionate light and love, united as one. One body holding hands stretched from east to west, north to south. There’s a connection between heaven and earth, the spirit and natural, the seen and the unseen. Get ready to see, hear, taste, smell, and touch more of the unseen. With Me anything is possible, those who live in the Spirit also walk in the Spirit. Their character will reflect mine, as they are truly one with Me. These sons and daughters have decided to become intimate with Me, like a husband and wife, the Lamb and the bride. These burning ones will understand the Kingdom because it will not be mere words upon a page but a living, moving, walking, talking, demonstration upon the earth. So come in close, incline your ear, for I have given My Sons an ear to hear….no more fear, no more slumber, I have created you as an overcomer!

Colossians 3:3: “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.”

Colossians 3:12-15: “12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

I no longer live but Christ lives in me.

Amanda Leonard

4. News Headlines

Syrian Christians turning to Russia for protection - 10/30/2013
About 50,000 Syrian Christians want to apply for Russian citizenship. In a letter to the Russian Foreign Ministry, they said that they were not planning to flee Syria, but if threatened with physical elimination, they would pin their hopes on Russia as the guarantor of their survival. Analysts think that despite the difficulties their request won’t go unheeded.

185 believers arrested in raid as UN calls attention to Eritrea - 10/31/2013
"The current human rights picture is very bleak," Around 3,000 people flee Eritrea every month, despite a "shoot to kill" policy targeting escapees. Earlier this month, two boats carrying refugees sank off the coast of Italy. One was carrying 500 people, mostly from Eritrea and Somalia. 7,500 Eritreans arrived on Italy's coastline between January and the end of September.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 10/31/2013
Egypt: Turning to Christ amid violence - 6000 Churches of African ex-Muslims - Atheist ‘church’ in bid to raise £500,000 - New report highlights war trauma among young soldiers - Belgium to vote on extending euthanasia to children - Global: Anti-Semitism - Iran: 80 lashes for drinking communion wine - Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood trial judges resign - More>

Muslims in Pakistan Arrested on Forcible Conversion Charges Assailants beat three Christians, shoot at house, police say - 10/30/2013
Morning Star News is reporting that police in Islamabad have arrested three Muslims for pistol-whipping a Christian and his teenage nephews after they refused to convert to Islam. The assailants left him and his two young nephews lying on the road, bleeding profusely.

Thousands gather to honor life of Pastor Chuck Smith - 10/30/2013
A capacity crowd at The Pond in Anaheim paid tribute tonight to the life and ministry of one of the 20th Century’s most significant American pastors and one of God’s great servants – Pastor Chuck Smith. Uncounted multitudes watched and listened around the world via radio and the Internet. “It is not often that a man comes around who impacts the lives of so many people,”

Promise Keepers closes 2013 season at Daytona Beach, hundreds saved, thousands of warriors awakened - 10/30/2013
An estimated 3,000 men and boys from around Florida, the Southeast and the Caribbean came to the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Fla. to celebrate and explore authentic Christian faith and practice at “Promise Keepers: Awakening the Warrior.” Attendees posted their reactions to social media with the hashtag #PKDaytona.

Refugee children fear they are being forgotten while the crisis inSyria worsens - 10/30/2013
The crisis in Syria continues to escalate: and your support is needed more than ever. I want to tell you about my recent trip to Jordan, where I visited with a few of the thousands of Syrian refugee families and children. While there, I heard stories of heartbreak and desperation — stories that you would never imagine coming from children.

Christian Confronts Purse Thief; Pays for His Groceries - 10/30/2013
A man sneaked up behind her in the grocery store and stole her wallet. As she boldly tracked down the man in the store, she thought of the Lord's admonition to the turn the other cheek. "I'm going to give you a choice. You can either give me my wallet and I'll forgive you right now, and I'll even take you to the front and pay for your groceries." Or I will call the police....

Fresh Fighting Erupts Between Mozambique Forces, Renamo - 10/30/2013
Fresh fighting has erupted in Mozambique between government troops and members of Renamo, a former rebel group that recently withdrew from a peace deal. The fighting broke out Tuesday in Karamaja Napome, a town about 30 kilometers from the northern city of Nampula. Renamo is Mozambique's main opposition party.

FBI Breaks Up Trafficking Ring in Texas - 10/30/2013
The risks to youth are real. The need for prevention education is critical. Two weeks ago, the FBI in Houston busted an alleged sex trafficking ring. Federal prosecutors claim the ring operated out of several Houston bars and brothels and the suspects charged "premium prices" for sex with underage girls. The girls were kept locked in a second-story room above a bar.

More News Headlines

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Edited by News Room on 10/31/2013 at 1:45pm
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