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Subject Topic: Digest November 28, 2013 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 11/28/2013 at 9:36am | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. The Love of God Is .....
2. Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria
3. Message Board
4. News Headlines


1. The Love of God Is ……

By Ron McGatlin

The mysteriously simple and yet profound love of God that comes unseen and unheard by the eyes and ears of natural man cannot be understood or even believed to exist apart from a supernatural work of Spirit God. Like the wind of the Spirit, pure love seems to come from nowhere and goes to an unknown somewhere. Yet like the natural wind, the results of God’s love are clearly experienced and can be seen.

For the maturing child of God, Father’s love is life, the source of all wellbeing and the substance of every breath and heartbeat.

Apart from the love of God there is only emptiness. Being separated from God is everlasting death. There is eventually only vast and dark emptiness in an existence on earth void of the experience of the manifest presence of the love of Father God. The life and love of God is within us in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

Love and worship are inseparable.

Worship is the expression of love. Our lives are consumed in worship. There is no real worship apart from being consumed in the supernatural love of God. Love and worship know no bounds or limits.

Spirit, soul, and body saturated in God’s love will worship Him with every breath and in every moment of life. Our reason for being is, at least in part, to worship God in a supernatural love relationship with Him. As recipients of His love, our consumed lives filled with his love are poured out to Him in worship and in service to His world.

Through our love relationship with our Heavenly Father, in Christ by the Spirit, we are supernaturally strengthened to become His life on earth from heaven. No longer as mere fallen men and women but restored to the same oneness with the living God that man had before the fall of Adam.

To the level that we are consumed by His love, we will walk in obedience and thereby are lifted to a supernatural life in the Spirit that is above the sufferings and disorder of life in a hostile world. Because of our love-filled abundant life, we are hated without cause by those that are aligned with the enemy of God. Their desperate, insane hatred leads to increasingly violent persecution and martyrdom.

Persecution for loving and worshiping God is not new.

Persecution for experiencing God’s love that leads to our obedience of worship began with the first offspring of Adam. Cain killed his brother Able because Able was obedient to God and brought true worship according to the desire of God. Cain was not obedient and brought his own independent form of worship according to his own way. When Cain saw that God was pleased with Able and was not pleased with him, he hated Able and murdered Him. This is the same persecution that is greatly increasing in our world in this day.

Where the intensity of God’s love is manifest there is no middle ground.

There are many people across the world today who have been consumed by the love of God and are pouring out their lives in worship through obedience and are greatly blessed of God as He receives the offering of their lives. As a direct result of there now being many maturing consumed lovers of God, hatred and persecution are greatly increasing from those who have come another way and worship other gods. False religious/political groups that are driven by other spirits sense the superiority of the pure love relationship with the true God and either turn to the true God or desperately hate the people of God.

Secularism’s false god

Secular governments, who unknowingly worship themselves in a form of humanism, hate the one true God and His people. They are filled with hatred and rage because God and His people express a life greater than their humanistic self-worship existence that requires ever increasing amounts of earthly pleasure to sustain their self-centered lives. This causes the secularist to be open to every false religion and every foul spirit of degradation of Babylonian self-seeking style of life.

False religions love secular democracy style governments.The false religionists know that they have an open door to set up their God-hating religious/political agenda in nations led by secular democratic governments. A democratic form of national government can only work among a people who maintain a strong majority of somewhat godly people.

I say somewhat godly because democracy works best when the somewhat godly people are not truly totally consumed God-loving worshipers of God. If a large number of the people become consumed lovers of God, the enemy will send an insurgence of radical false religionist to attack and persecute them. Even the somewhat godly people will then join in rejecting the consumed lovers of God that they will view as fanatical worshipers.

However, if the truly consumed lovers of God are a strong majority in a nation, the kingdom of God influence will cause the government to function with kingdom principles, and the favor of God will bring strength and prosperity upon the land.

The kingdom of God is NOT a democracy.It is a true spiritual kingdom functioning by the Spirit of God from heaven. The kingdom works by the love of God, and is held together in unity by love. People consumed by God’s love will be and do only that which is pleasing to the One who completely loves them and that they love.

The kingdom government is in the hearts of people.

Only when people walk by the Spirit in the life and ways of God is the kingdom of Heaven present within them to flow out to govern each person’s sphere of influence. The kingdom of heaven governing earth continues to advance in one person at the time until it eventually spreads to every part of the world. Jesus said that it was like yeast in dough; it fills the entire lump by one molecule influencing the one next to it. Jesus also said that the kingdom is like a small seed that grows into a large plant. The plant will then produce a multiplication of many seeds creating a rapidly multiplying increase of the kingdom of God covering the earth.

Seed must be scattered (sowed) to produce a bountiful crop.

Concentrating kingdom believers in large enclosed groups stops the process of multiplication; especially if a minister or ministry team assumes the responsibility of doing the spiritual work of worship, evangelism, and representing God to the large group. We are only in recent decades coming into the realization that small groups of kingdom-minded people consumed by the love of God is the way of kingdom multiplication into our world.

It is actually person to person in all daily activity where the seed of the kingdom is sown through love into the hearts of those next to us. People in intense love with God have a glow about them and a ready word in their mouths to joyfully tell of the great love that abides in them. Christ Jesus abiding in His people is the source of love and supernatural ministry gifts such as words of knowledge, words of wisdom and prophetic utterances that impact people with the reality that God is real and that He really loves and cares about them.

The secret army of God is the Spirit of Christ Jesus abiding in His peopleby the Spirit of Holiness sent from Father God to rule and reign in us as kings and priests bringing the world into the consuming love of God. The secret army of God has the power to bring to naught the kingdoms of the enemy and establish the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Kingdom Focus Even in Persecution

All of the first century Apostles of the Lamb faced severe persecution, and all but one died as martyrs. Only John whom they could not kill lived to be old. They were killed along with many other followers of Christ Jesus. Persecution and martyrdom of followers of Christ has been prevalent throughout the past two millennia and is now dramatically increasing.

To focus on the mistreatment and painful deaths of believers would be a grave mistake. God in His love has not abandoned His people, and His kingdom is coming forth through the sacrificial love of His people. There is no loss of life to the one consumed in His love. Life with God is now and will continue as we pass from this life. Physical death for the believer is only passing from this life to the next life in God. Though I do not fully understand it, the blood of every child of God absorbed by the earth is as the blood of Christ Jesus moving us toward the fullness of kingdom of heaven ruling on earth.

God is with us and will not leave us even in severe persecution.We are all a part, a link in the chain of God’s people bringing forth His love and forgiveness to transform the world to the kingdom of heaven. Supernatural spiritual reality exceeds natural reality and will see us through our part of the journey from where we were to the fullness of the glorious kingdom of His love ruling with peace on earth and good will toward mankind.

The glory ship of God is now landing on the shores of this life and will bring the treasures of heavenly life to all who are willing and ready to receive it. A great upsurge of supernatural loving angelic intervention is gliding into the shores of nations of the world destroying evil and establishing the goodness of righteousness, peace, and joy in the love of God. This is done by the Spirit of Holiness working in us and the many powerful angels working with us.

John 12:23-26: And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone: but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. If any man serves me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serves me, him will my Father honor.

Mat 10:39: Jesus said,“He who finds his life will lose it: and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.” We are already crucified with Christ and the life we now live is His life in us (Galatians 2:20). And it will be said of this coming generation, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Rev 12:11). - Amen! So be it, Father God.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit - Rom 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin

2. Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria'

Many do not realize that the fighting and the murder continue in Syria on Israel's northern border day after day. And along with the over 120,000 people killed in the past two years, are many Christians. We must intercede on behalf of the Syrian people and for sure the body of Messiah in the land of Syria. We cannot continue to sit while this carnage continues. And what is so very distressing is the USA and other western nations are arming, training and financing these so called rebels. I truly believe the Lord is watching us and looking to see how we as the body of Messiah react to this evil situation.

One of the worst Christian massacres—complete with mass graves, tortured-to-death women and children, and destroyed churches—recently took place in Syria, at the hands of theU.S.-supported jihadi “rebels”; and the U.S. government and its “mainstream media” mouthpiece are, as usual, silent (that is, when not actively trying to minimize matters).

The massacre took place in Sadad, an ancient Syriac Orthodox Christian habitation, so old as to be mentioned in the Old Testament. Most of the region’s inhabitants are poor, as Sadad is situated in the remote desert between Homs and Damascus (desert regions, till now, apparently the only places Syria’s Christians could feel secure; 600 Christian families had earlier fled there for sanctuary from the jihad, only to be followed by it).

In late October, the U.S-supported “opposition” invaded and occupied Sadad for over a week, till ousted by the nation’s military. Among other atrocities, 45 Christians—including women and children—were killed, several tortured to death; Sadat’s 14 churches, some ancient, were ransacked and destroyed; the bodies of six people from one family, ranging from ages 16 to 90, were found at the bottom of a well (an increasingly common fate for “subhuman” Christians).

The jihadis even made a graphic video (with English subtitles) of those whom they massacred, while shouting Islam’s victory-cry, “Allahu Akbar” (which John McCain equates to a Christian saying “thank God”). Another video, made after Sadad was liberated shows more graphic atrocities.

Here are the words of Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs and Hama (another detailed account, with pictures, appears here):

”What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half… 45 innocent civilians were martyred for no reason, and among them several women and children, many thrown into mass graves. Other civilians were threatened and terrorized. 30 were wounded and 10 are still missing. For one week, 1,500 families were held as hostages and human shields. Among them children, the elderly, the young, men and women…. All the houses of Sadad were robbed and property looted. The churches are damaged and desecrated, deprived of old books and precious furniture… What happened in Sadad is the largest massacre of Christians in Syria and the second in the Middle East, after the one in the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Iraq, in 2010.”


3. MESSAGE BOARD – Note: The list grows weekly as more people sign up to receive email addresses of people in their area seeking kingdom minded fellowship. They are widely scattered across the world. In December we will begin sending out email for each area where contacts are listed. You may have your email address added to the list at any time.

If you would like to locate kingdom minded believers in your area for fellowship, please send your email address and general location to

We will establish a private list at and send you an email of any potential contacts in your general area. They may or may not be near enough for regular visits. However, they may be of use for occasional visits or in email or Skype contacts.

Please be aware that we will not personally know all of the people on the list and exercise caution in making personal contacts. All of the people on the list have responded from the Digest publication or from the Forums.

All information on the list is stored only on my personal computer and a backup device. Individuals will only receive information of others who have signed up on the list in your general geographic area. None of the information on the list will be posted anywhere on the web. All information on the list will be deleted from my computer and backup device at some point in the future after it seems to have served its purpose.

Ron McGatlin

4. News Headlines

Evangelist Andrew Palau Joins with 500 Churches in Ethiopia
- 11/27/2013
Hundreds of local church leaders in Ethiopia invite Andrew Palau for a nationwide initiative, reaching more than 250,000 people in 7 cities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. In one of Africa’s most influential cities, Palau and 500 churches joined to foster unity and love, and reach out through Love Ethiopia, October 26 through November 17, 2013.

Honesty of Probation Officer when She Turns in Over $220,000 Astounds FOX News' Shepard Smith
- 11/27/2013
Luebke noticed the "huge ziplock bag" with "bundles of hundreds and twenties in it" sitting next to the curb as she drove by. She turned around and checked it out, then called the sheriff and waited for them to arrive. How the money got there was a mystery to Jessica and the police, until an armored car showed up asking if they'd seen a bag with money.

New edict raises red flags in Egypt
- 11/26/2013
On Sunday, a new edict went into effect that forbids gatherings larger than 10 people without government permission. "They're basically saying, 'If you want to have a protest, if you want to have a gathering, you need to come to a government office three days before that." The law imposes hefty fines and prison terms for violators.

After Retaking of Delga, Christians Terrorized in Other Towns in Egypt - Islamic extremists, criminals reappear after lull
- 11/27/2013
In several towns across Egypt, Muslim extremists and criminals have set up a cottage industry persecuting Christians for profit. “Extortionists using the threat of kidnapping, torture and murder are seizing money, land and other property from Christian’s throughout the southern part of the country but mainly in Minya and Assiut governorates.”

Iran: Right to Enrich Uranium 'Has Been Recognized'
- 11/27/2013
"Nothing in this deal requires the destruction of centrifuges," "They're going to be able to replace centrifuges. I don't see this movement in the direction of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon at all." Iran's president sees the right to enrich uranium as the keystone to this agreement. World powers have recognized and legitimized Iran's nuclear rights.

Israel's Netanyahu Warns of Iranian Deal 'Fallout'
- 11/27/2013
Netanyahu warned U.S. President Barack Obama about Iran's nuclear program. The phone call between Netanyahu and Obama took place on Sunday. "It's important to make a change in American policy. Current policy is liable to lead him to the same failure that the Americans absorbed in North Korea and Pakistan, and Iran could be next in line.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide
- 11/28/2013
Indonesia: Volcano causing highest alert - Children & the next generation - Knives found hidden under prison mats following Muslim gang war - Pakistan: Refugees from blasphemy laws - Denmark: 80 Danes have joined Syria fight - China: 20 lawyers to defend pastor - Conference hears ‘Australia at war with radical Islam’ - Iran: Construction at nuclear reactor site - More>

Religious Freedom Advocate Flees Sudan New constitution considered as Sharia looms
- 11/27/2013
A Christian lawyer helping to promote religious freedom in Sudan has fled the country after authorities threatened to kill him if he failed to report to them every day. As Sudan prepares to draft a new constitution the interim constitution upholds sharia (Islamic law) as a source of legislation, and the laws and policies of the government favor Islam.

Beijing House Church Raided
- 11/27/2013
In one case, more than 20 people, burst into a meeting of 25 believers. "They began breaking up the meeting, destroying installations in the room, and removing four or five cases of Bibles." They started removing computers, projector and stools from the room. Their director said that we were not welcome, and (they) took all our books, hymnals and Bibles.

Another threat is rising from the Philippines disaster - Trafficking
- 11/27/2013
Around 2 million children in the Philippines are at-risk of exploitation. As rescue and relief efforts transition to rehabilitation and development in the Philippines, one threat grows daily. The Philippine Island chain is an established source for sex and labor trafficking victims. Typhoon Haiyan's wrath is adding another layer of risk.

Obamacare Ads Encouraging Sexual Encounters
- 11/27/2013
The Obamacare national marketing campaign is costing $700 million. An ad is pitching birth control coverage for random sexual encounters. "Let's get physical," a young woman "easy" to get birth control with Obamacare, all she has to worry about is getting a guy "between the covers." Several other ads show young people involved in risky activities with kegs of beer.


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Edited by Moderator on 11/30/2013 at 6:05pm
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