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Subject Topic: Digest January 23, 2014 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 01/23/2014 at 2:46pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Holy Ghost Invasion
2. News Headlines


1. Holy Ghost Invasion

By Ron McGatlin

A unique move of God is now invading the United States of America. It is unlike any previous move in America. It is not revival or renewal as we have seen in recent decades.

Awakenings, revivals, renewals, and outpourings have impacted America and many other nations of the world. Yet something different, something much deeper is bringing more change to the nations than anything has in the last one hundred years.

This move is unseen and undetected by people with natural minds and natural eyes. Natural eyes will not see, nor will our natural ears hear, nor will it enter the hearts of natural minded men, the things that God is bringing forth. However, God is now revealing them to those who have laid down their natural lives to worship Him in the true beauty of holiness - to live and walk in His Spirit. This work of God is imparted through His Holy Spirit.

This extreme world-changing move of God will not be on the national news media. For the most part the traditional church systems and large denominations will not be aware of this mostly unseen mighty move of God. Unlike previous moves it will not be recognized as a separate identity or stream or denomination but will flow unseen to affect every heart of every person who is willing and obedient to let their lives become worship in the beauty of holiness.

The Ghost Ship

Several weeks ago I was in the Sprit and was given a powerful spiritual vision. In the vision I knew that I was looking out over the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of North Carolina. It was a very dark night, and the ocean was calm and the surface almost undistinguishable in the darkness of the night. In the distance I saw an ancient style sailing vessel that was aglow with a fire but not like with blazes of flame. It was like a golden glow of fire. I could see several masts and lots of rigging all aglow, but no sails were hoisted to drive the ship.

The ship seemed to be supernaturally gliding rapidly toward the shore line of the outer banks of the east coast of America. I could not even tell for sure that the ship was in the water or gliding above the surface since it moved so swiftly in the darkness without any visible wave action at all.

(At this point I need to let you know that I am originally from Texas and knew almost nothing of the legends or folk lore of the coastal area regarding the many stories of sunken ships, pirates, and tales of ghost ships including one of a flaming sailing vessel. I was completely unfamiliar with legends of ghost ships, etc.)

Back to the vision – As the ship glided closer I could see what looked like glowing beings, like people or angels leaning out over the sides of the ship as if excitedly looking ahead at the shore line they were approaching. I spoke out, “God, what is this thing that looks like a ghost of a ship?” I heard in reply, “It is a HOLY GHOST SHIP.”

I was made aware that there is a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit invading the United States coming in under the cover of darkness to the outer banks of the east coast and moving inland and swiftly across the nation.

In the vision I was then lifted up and saw much of the shoreline. The shore line took on a golden color but not as bright as the ship had been. It was a more metallic golden look as it invaded the coves, peninsulas, and islands of the outer banks and moved on westward. I was aware that the coming of great justice into the land was involved in this move. Places where there had been great historical injustices and atrocities were first to receive the powerful transforming work of the Holy Ghost.

I customarily have used the term Holy Spirit instead of the term Holy Ghost. Since this vision it is in my spirit to return to using the older term of Holy Ghost. I became mildly interested in what the difference might be if any. As we have used the names, there is not a significant difference. Taking a look in the English dictionary at the words “spirit” and “ghost,” there is some difference there. The word “ghost” is defined as a disembodied spirit usually of a departed person. The word “spirit” can refer to many types of spirits. For me now the term Holy Ghost has to do with the Spirit of Christ Jesus coming to abide in His Body on earth. Selah.

The Body of Christ is a place for the Spirit of Christ Jesus and the Father to abide and finish the work of redemption and restoration of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Selah.

The light of the fire of God is gliding into our lives, under the cover of the dark night of this world.

This sovereign move is unseen and undetected in the natural because it is an inner move of God coming in through the darkness of this age. A precious inner working of the fire and light of God filling our hearts and lives with pure holy love, peace, and joy is transforming the intent and the abundance of the heart of those being transfigured by this move. Worship becomes as natural and as vital to life as breathing. Holiness becomes as effortless and refreshing as drinking clean clear cool water. God’s righteousness is imparted into us as the light pours the life-giving Spirit of Christ Jesus into our hearts.

People who have suffered serious injustice in the past are receiving an invasion of God’s healing love and great joy of the Lord. Healing of the spirit, soul, and body is as natural and easy as taking a walk in a well-kept garden at sunrise. God’s love is both peaceful and stimulating drawing us to one another with intense desire to serve and bless one another.

Without effort we truly love God with intense passion and love one another. In this pure holy experience of the invasion of the Holy Ghost into our beings, almost nothing remains the same as it was in the past. Every good thing we have received from God in the past is increased and intensified. One of the most valuable characteristics of the invasion of the Spirit is that the enduring mixtures of religion and secularism are simply vanishing from our being.

Assignments and Alignments are Being Changed

There is not retirement in the kingdom of God. There is instead Holy Ghost’s ”re-fire-ment” for a whole new assignment in the new kingdom of God order of life. Our previous assignments may have been productive and rewarding in our past life in dealing with religion and secularism mixed with true Spirit-led ministry and life in the mercy of God for the past season of transitioning. Many of God’s people are finding their past assignments are being canceled and new assignments are being made by the Holy Ghost.

The new assignments are always LOVE-based instead of based on need or religious order. God’s LOVE in us is the order. What we could not make work with church system order even based on biblical word, will supernaturally flow into order by the pure holy love of God in and among His people.

Our lives may be tested as our souls resist the change and seek to challenge us in adjusting to the new assignment.For some of us the changes may seem abrupt and harsh to our old mind sets. Our nature may be to resist change. Our soul may want to know all the circumstance and details and remain in charge by approving or disapproving the change. We simply must allow the gracious mercy of God to encourage us in His love to fully surrender to that which God is doing. It becomes easy, because the grace of God will make us miserable in our old unchanged situation.

Changes of alignments will come with the change of assignments.It may happen that suddenly places where we were fruitfully connected simply disappear. Relationships that were productive and good seem to suddenly be gone. There may or may not be problems or human disorder, yet the relationship suddenly is just not as it was. At the same time intense love and desire to closely connect with other people or groups or situations arise within us by the Holy Ghost.

Some may have been feeling dissatisfaction in a place of relationship and service. By the Holy Ghost, those feelings will either turn into fresh love and peace, or they will suddenly seem smothering and unbearable until we are realigned in our new situations.

Our new assignments and alignments by the Holy Ghost invasion are part of the preparation for the most significant move of world-cleansing cataclysmic events in recorded history. At the same time the covert invasion of the Holy Ghost is bringing the beauty of holiness in the lives of God’s people, there is an overt power move of God destroying the pride and loftiness of man. Everything that lifts itself against God will be brought down as the natural world is shaken beyond measure.

Living a long comfortable life is not the first priority of our hearts. Living in oneness with God through the Holy Ghost will cause our first priority to be that of fully accomplishing the purposes for which we were sent to this earth.

There is no doubt that we live in a major season of the work of God transforming the world to the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. All of our assignments and alignments in some way relate to our purpose of life on Planet Earth. The purpose for each of our lives is in some way related to the glory of worshipping God in the beauty of holiness.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit - Gal 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin

2. News Headlines

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide
- 1/23/2014
Set free to work for Christ - Guns for Bibles' exchange initiative - Russia: Islamist group threatens Sochi Olympics - Ukraine protests: Two people killed in Kiev clashes - Afghanistan: Warnings of civil war - Syria: Renewed prayer during and after Geneva II - Nigeria: 60 Christians helped, 80 waiting for prosthetics - Phillipines: Hit by new typhoon - Much More>

National church shutdown underway
- 1/23/2014
International leaders praised Iran for closing down some of its nuclear program. The U.S. and EU are both reportedly easing some economic sanctions. A nationwide church shutdown is also underway. “It’s basically illegal to even go to a church.” Believers began meeting in houses instead, even then they weren’t safe. “Anything that draws a crowd to a home brings attention.”

Israel's Security Forces Foil Al Qaeda Attack Plan on US Embassy in Tel Aviv
- 1/23/2014
There were planned explosive attacks on a Jerusalem conference center, and the US Embassy in Tel Aviv. It's not yet known to what extent the plan had progressed. Israel's internal security agency reportedly arrested several Palestinians who were accused of plotting attacks. The arrested men were "recruited by an operative…who worked for Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri."

Ukraine's Youth Protesting Police State-Like Laws
- 1/23/2014
Ukraine is entering its violent clashes between anti-government protesters and riot police. Two months of largely peaceful protests in the capital city of Kiev turned violent. Demonstrators are defying new laws penalizing participation in protests. The opposition says the harsh anti-protest laws are invalid and widely seen as an attempt to quash demonstrations.

It’s a tough world out there - “Recently, female students that didn’t veil themselves had acid thrown in their face.”
- 1/23/2014
A Christian is killed, kidnapped, or abused every two or three days in Iraq. Raja* a young Iraqi, recently shared her story. Iraq’s society places great significance on the covering of women’s faces. “I always try not to provoke.” “When they told us to veil at the university, I did. “Recently, female students that didn’t veil themselves had acid thrown in their face.”

Gospel is gaining ground despite persecution - 1/23/2014
Christian Aid Mission supports the work of an underground church-planting ministry in North Korea. This ministry trains Christian leaders and encourages North Korean believers to remain committed to their faith, despite ever-present persecution. Since 2008, the ministry has reached, trained, and sent out more than 180 North Koreans as Gospel workers.

Race car driver survived horrible crash, made a comeback with God
- 1/23/2014
Davey Hamilton finished his sixth Indy 500 race and then went to compete in the Texas 500. At at over 200 miles per hour another car caused a crash that changed his life. Suddenly Hamilton’s car was spinning toward the wall and went airborne. “I went above the wall and the poles that hold the chain link fencing sheared the front of my car off, leaving my legs exposed.”

Sharing the Gospel in Sochi
- 1/23/2014
Athletes will soon converge in Sochi, Russia, for the 22nd Olympic Winter Games, and millions across the globe will gather around their TVs to watch. This is an opportunity to share the Gospel, not only at the games but within their own communities. The Games are one of few reoccurring events that cause people from around the globe to put their differences aside and unite.

Imprisoned Pastor Saeed Needs Surgery from Injuries
- 1/23/2014
American Pastor Saeed Abedini has been transferred from the murderer ward to a political prisoner ward in Iran's deadliest prison Rajai Shahr. Concerns about his deteriorating health condition are growing. Saeed's Iranian family, who was able to visit him recently for the first time in six weeks, said he is getting better meals but is experiencing severe abdominal pain.

"Duck Dynasty" Inspiring Lunch Prayers in Schools
- 1/15/2014
The Duck Dynasty juggernaut continues to confound America's media establishment with its ability to impact society with a Christian perspective. Who would have ever thought that a little ol' family company in America's rural south could cause such a stir? But then, God seems to enjoy using ragtag groups of "out-of-the-box" to stir things up in His "Out-of-the-Box" Kingdom.


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 04/02/2014 at 10:04am
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