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Subject Topic: Digest March 20, 2014 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 03/20/2014 at 4:38pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Invasion of Love and Truth
2. Transitional Mantel - Divine Positioning
3. News Headlines


1. Invasion of Love and Truth

By Ron McGatlin

As people of God come together, they may be coming from different places of service and activity as well as different geographical locations and cultural situations. They may be at different levels of spiritual growth in moving toward becoming mature sons of God. Yet, they can all become as of one Spirit and one mind as the Holy Spirit comes into the gathering like a bright fog and settles upon the gathering releasing the all-consuming love of God’s presence filling every heart from within and saturating every person from without in pure holy love.

Hearts melt in the love of His manifest presence. Love flowing into all the wounded and damaged places of the soul brings healing. Pain is turned into love. Rock fences of religious boundaries and theological positions melt away in the pure love of God’s presence with us. Agendas that were created by fear, pride, mistrust, and doubt among brethren are dissolved.

God’s perfect kingdom order is imparted among and within the group. Christ Jesus is manifest in the lives of the people. The Spirit of Christ begins to move among the people expressing the love gifts of the Spirit of God to implant the will and purposes of God within the people. Fresh life and clear specific direction can be imparted into the hearts of the people. Connections occur as the Spirit causes a joining together of the people to one another in perfect order.

The kingdom of heaven on earth is established and ordered by the Holy Spirit as each member of the Body is perfectly joined to the one Head, Christ Jesus. Literally the resurrected life of Christ Jesus flows into and abides in the hearts and lives of the people. Direct personal communication with Christ at the throne of God through the Christ within His people becomes the life of God in us doing the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. Pure and holy supernatural reality becomes the norm for our lives, and all things are possible as we simply believe what Christ within us is revealing from the throne room of God. We will do nothing apart from the instruction and empowerment of Christ within us by the Holy Spirit.

Truth is manifest through love.

It is not possible for the truth of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit and the manifest presence of God among us to be received or understood by the natural mind apart from the Holy Spirit. Spiritual things must be spiritually discerned. Even many Christians do not receive and experience the fullness of the reality of the manifest presence of God joining us in love to Christ and one another. Intellectually they may know the facts of this and may believe that they are walking in the fullness of it. The experience of becoming one with Christ and one with one another is clearly taught in the Bible. Yet the reality of experiencing the process of receiving and properly responding to this and other layers of revealed truth may not yet be real for them.

God has restored layers of truth that was lost to the church during the falling away during the dark ages. Over the past 500 years or so, layer after layer of truth has been restored to the church. As each layer is restored there is an experiential learning curve of people adjusting to the newly re-revealed truth. Like children with new toys, they do not fully understand the new toys, and there may be lots of misuses and abuses of the toys by the excited child.

With the restoration of the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit only just over a hundred years ago, there were lots of things that happened as the children of God began a learning season of life in the Holy Spirit.

Strong reactions against the restored truth are not uncommon with each restored layer. This was and is very true with the restoration of the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit.

Well-meaning teachers have maligned the true works of the Holy Spirit by failing to recognize the immaturity of the children of God attempting to move in the reality of the works of the Holy Spirit. A gross and dark picture can be painted by pointedly presenting the faults, mistakes, and childish abuses of the people seeking to move in the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit without presenting the great value and truth of the reality of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. The strong teachings against the work of the Holy Spirit and the watered-down teachings presented by some have mentally locked many Christians out of the valuable reality of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit and the mighty works of God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.

This is not necessarily a permanent failure.

The current undercover invasion of the Holy Spirit is bringing change in the hearts of some as they experience the work of Holy Spirit seemingly just appearing in their hearts as their previous mind-set melts in the powerful presence of the love of God.

Many strong blockages that have separated people of God both from the fullness of becoming one with Christ and with one another are being melted as people of God are being transformed in His presence.

Many may be set apart for a season to deal with the sense of death they feel within, caused by separation from the fullness of Christ in the Holy Ghost and separation from parts of the Body. Like a disjoined branch from the vine, a disjoined soul from the manifest life of Christ in the presence of God by the Holy Spirit experiences a death process. That is not necessarily totally a bad thing in the end.

The death of who we were and the strong beliefs that have separated us are a vital part of entering into the greater fullness of the resurrection life of Christ that is only available fully connected into the vine of Christ by the Spirit of God.

All that we experience of Christ Jesus in this life is by the Holy Spirit.

The life of Christ is brought to us and manifest in and around our lives by the Holy Ghost. The experience of hearing and obeying God is by the Holy Spirit. The grace of God flowing the love, power, and wisdom of Christ in us is by the Holy Spirit.

Christ is alive today and doing the same works that He did in His natural incarnate body. The kingdom that He announced in His natural body before the cross is now being formed on earth by Christ in His many membered body.

The existing Babylonian lifestyle is coming down. The Babylonian lifestyle that was planted and has thrived in the darkness of the lack of the manifest presence of God is being destroyed before our eyes. Babylon must be destroyed before New Jerusalem can rule in this world.

The New Jerusalem lifestyle is the life of God with His people. It is coming down from heaven now to earth by the Holy Spirit of God. Literally it is being formed in the hearts and lives of His maturing kingdom people.

As the undercover work of the Holy Spirit continues to bring the manifest presence of God to transform His people individually and in small clusters the New Jerusalem, life of God with His people is becoming reality under the cover of gross darkness in the world. The gross darkness is covering the masses while the light of God is arising upon His people filled and saturated with the life of Christ by the Holy Ghost in the loving presence of God.

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you (Isaiah 60:1-1).

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin

2. A Transitional Mantle - Divine Positioning

By Henry Falcone

The Holy Spirit invasion is doing the very work the "teaching and preaching" of the Kingdom of God of which He has testified. It is bringing forth the reality of all the teaching as established in the hearts of those God has prepared.

Matthew 24 says, "The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached AS A WITNESS in every nation and then the end will come.” There is a transformation - transfiguration happening in those who have surrendered the totality of their being to God that cannot be seen with the natural eye or even fully discerned by those God may be working it in. It is a deep hidden work of God that is coming in "under the radar" to the world and much of the church to bring forth the kingdom of God life in the maturing "sons of God."

The Lord is causing our hearts to burn within us as He unfolds the secrets and the mysteries of His kingdom and Kingdom life to those who are willing to receive it. This "burning Word of God" is transforming our life into being fully adapted and knitted with His life and with one another. He is bringing us forth like Gold and Silver, and makes us a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation in living reality.

There is such an inner "secret work" being done by this Holy Spirit Invasion that is transforming our hearts to burn with love for God and for one another. This is the "hour" that is now dawning for all of us to see.

There is a transitional mantle that God has given the pioneers of the kingdom of God message that God is now asking them to pass on to a new generation of "pioneers" to carry the flame of God’s Kingdom message to become reality in the nations. As the seasoned pioneers lay down what was precious to them God is going to bring them into a new place in Him as "watchman on the walls of the New Jerusalem city gates" in a way we have never seen or heard before.

A new "functioning" in the life of the original pioneers will be to help guide the "new breed of Kingdom pioneers" to walk in the mantle God has given them to pass on as Elisha received the mantle from Elijah. (I am not sharing this from the 2nd day church system understanding of mantles, office or position seeking people), but from the 3rd day "glory covering mantle" that will be seen upon His Bride and fully cover her as a Bride all adorned in white that nations will arise and go to.

As the original pioneers lay down what they have been given as the greatest blessing from the Lord, the Lord will release His new mantle of kingdom authority to the pioneers to go forth in a new dimension of His burning love and glory that will help bring forth a deeper maturity of the generations after them.

This is the season that the original pioneering generation of the Kingdom message will now release that mantle in reality to the next generation of Kingdom pioneers. All the kingdom of God generations together will be lifted up to a new deeper level in the Lord for the next events and purposes of God to unfold.

This new generation of Kingdom pioneers that is arising in our midst are the ones that have been kept in secret hidden ones from the world and the church that are going to declare and manifest the very Kingdom of God AS A WITNESS. Thin new breed of kingdom pioneers have experienced this Holy Spirit fire "under the radar” to prepare them not do witnessing, but bare witness of kingdom of God as the Testimony of Jesus Christ on the earth today.

They will operate under the Spirit of Prophecy which is the testimony of Jesus Christ. They will be filled with power of the Spirit from the 7 fold Spirit of God found in the Book of Revelation chapter 4 verse 5, "Out from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder, and in front of the throne seven blazing torches burned, which are the seven Spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit].”

This, we have never seen before, and that is why there are no blueprints and roads from the past to follow.

God spoke to me and said, "This new pioneering generation would be called a "new breed," in comparison to the church age leadership. They will be a new breed of kingdom pioneers that will love and understand the emerging Omega warriors and Generals who will be mostly under 30 years of age.

These "new breed kingdom pioneers" will truly guide this Omega Generation to the Lord Himself and know how to do it without building a name, a ministry or a church. This "new breed Kingdom pioneers" will train the Omega Generation to know the Lord as the "generation that will seek Him." Psalm 24:6 "This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek your face, O Jacob. Selah."

This "new breed of Kingdom pioneers” wearing this "transitional mantle" will not talk or build like the church system leadership. They will follow the cloud and the pillar of fire as it moves. This "new breed" is being formed into what Ezekiel saw as a "wheel within a wheel."

The "new breed of pioneers" will not Lord over, nor will they even try to build anything accept establish the kingdom of God in men's heart with the "present word of the Lord" on their lips in power of the word of God with consequences.

Together with the "Omega Generation, this "new breed of Kingdom pioneers" will be made into a wheel within a wheel as Ezekiel saw in his vision. Inside that wheel is a wheel made up of the "fire brand Omega Generation of mostly under 30" who are unlike anything we have seen before, in their love, passion and devotion to Christ and His will, or that we will ever see again.

They are truly a David's mighty men company of believers, but far more glorious and power filled than even them. They are the fire bringers, a brand plucked out of the fire as found in Zechariah chapter 3, and glory of God will be upon them as God sends them forth to fill the earth with His glory.

They will be a "wheel" inside a wheel" with both generations functioning as one, and the "elders (original pioneers) taking their place in the New Jerusalem city gates to bring forth the understanding of the voice of "many waters" found in the book of Revelation as God unfolds His end time purposes. They will unfold the blueprints and plans, the secrets and mysteries waiting to be revealed in this hour to come.

As the next two generations function together, God will begin to transform the original pioneers into becoming His New Jerusalem City pillars. They will function as "3rd or 7th day watchmen/elders" for the city in a brand new dimension of power, glory and authority like never seen or given before.

The original pioneers will now be positioned spiritually before the throne of God and before the sea of glass to help bring the transparent purposes of God to both generations in clear view. As they begin to function in this new transitional mantle they are being formed into "true elders in the New Jerusalem City Gates to help guide and direct the armies of God on the earth as it is in heaven."

Together with the "new breed" and the "fire brand Omega Generation" a mighty wheel within a wheel is going to move on earth exactly as God moves in heaven in every nation of this world and the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached and demonstrated until every kingdom of this world becomes the Kingdom of our God in Christ with Christ Jesus the King over all.

I believe that is why the "transitional mantles" that the Holy Ghost "Invasion" is bringing is causing us to let go of everything as we have known it to be and lay it at the Master's feet as a living sacrifice." Like others, I do not want one thing of the "old or even the new" if it keeps me from what God has for us to come. I truly believe that a "new revelation of Jesus” is in our midst.

This is an edited version of the article. For the full article: Click Here.

Henry Falcone

3. News Headlines

Spirit Breakout: Unexpectedly Encountering God at an Academic Conference - 3/20/2014
I felt the power of God in that room. Both men and women were stripped of all titles, letters, positions and prejudices. God’s heavy, weighty presence caused us to become vulnerable together. In this moment, this community of “scholars dedicated to all academic disciplines as a spiritual service to the kingdom of God” was transformed into a family.

I Need Your Undivided Attention - 3/20/2014
“I want you to come to Me with no other agenda…not any petitions, not any questions, not any Scriptures, not any music. Come with nothing but yourself and your heart.” I am captured by His glory and I MUST have it. It draws on my spirit like a magnet. I yearn for it because there is nothing else like it. His glory is better than any time I have spent in His presence…ever!

Russian church liquidated - 3/19/2014
While the world watches Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the country continues putting pressure on churches. Harvest Church of Saint Petersburg, Russia, is devastated. The church was stripped of its legal registration.” Now church members have no right to meet for worship and call themselves a church. There are varying amounts of religious freedom across Russia.

Prophetic Words Point to Move of Spirit in Ukraine - 3/19/2014
It may appear to be only a political struggle. Having spent many weeks over a seven-year period ministering in Ukraine in both the eastern and western regions, the real battle is about underlying spiritual realities. Ukraine is a spiritual stealth torpedo in the arsenal of the Lord, a weapon of power that the enemy of our soul has not seen coming until now.

'Duck Dynasty' Stars Promote Faith in 'God's Not Dead' - 3/19/2014
The Robertson family from A&E's "Duck Dynasty" recently took home the Faith and Freedom Award for their hit reality television series. Now, two members of the family are about to hit the big screen in a new film called "God's Not Dead." The family's faith is at the heart of their show and it's front and center in this new film. Watch the video.

Franklin Graham: Putin Is Better on Gay Issues Than Obama - 3/19/2014
Franklin Graham is praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggressive crackdown on homosexuality, saying his record on protecting children from gay “propaganda” is better than President Obama’s “shameful” embrace of gay rights. “In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues.” “He has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the gay and lesbian agenda.”

Actor Angus T. Jones: ’I was a paid hypocrite’ - Former Two and a Half Men child star - 3/19/2014
Actor Angus T Jones, known for playing the role of Jake Harper in the popular CBS series Two and a Half Men, now speaks at churches talking about his new-found faith in the Bible, God and Christianity. Jones, 20, left the popular CBS series last year, where he was paid $350,000 an episode. He called the program 'filth.' Jones’ net worth is estimated at $15 million.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 3/20/2014
A worldwide call to children and youth to pray and praise! - Christian turns tables on hotel - wins settlement - Islamic schools condemned by David Cameron receive state funding - Christian disability activist questions Belgian child euthanasia policy - Central African Republic: Facts not in media - Nigeria: Weekend violence - Much More>

Genesis Project Transforming Strip Club into a Sanctuary - 3/19/2014
Aaron Bekkela was in that spot 15 years ago, helping his dad run their erotic dance club in Fort Collins, Colo. “The conversion of a strip club into a church devoted to restoring families is something every believer should celebrate." “We felt compelled to support this kingdom initiative, and look forward to the countless testimonies that will result.”

New Heartbreak for Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian Woman on Death Row since 2010, As Her Appeal Hearing Has Been Postponed - 3/19/2014
A date for a new hearing has not yet been decided. Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian mother of five remains on death row in an isolation cell at a women's prison. The Christian woman was sentenced to death without evidence on the basis of the country’s infamous blasphemy law. Asia Bibi was arrested in 2009 on false charges of insulting Muhammad.

South Sudan refugees the forgotten of the forgotten - 3/19/2014
Some 77,000 South Sudanese civilians hiding in United Nations peacekeeper bases over the last three months are to be moved to new camps. Over 705,800 people have been displaced. Brutal fighting broke out in December with massacres and targeted ethnic killings. Over 930,000 have fled their homes including over quarter of million leaving for neighboring countries.



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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 03/20/2014 at 4:41pm
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