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Subject Topic: Digest April 03, 2014 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 04/03/2014 at 5:55pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Pure Holy Love and the World
2. Carrying Precious Cargo
3. News Headlines


(Note: Watch for a Special Edition of Digest coming out this weekend with more articles and reports on the current Holy Ghost Invasion gatherings.)

1. Pure Holy Love and the World

By Ron McGatlin

The Holy Ghost is invading the innermost being of kingdom of God seeking men and women with a spiritual presence imparting His pure holy love. This undercover supernatural spiritual invasion is out of sight to those who are still blinded by the darkness that is upon the world.

We were blessed over the past two weekends to have been a part of two different gatherings where there was a corporate expression of the reality of the Holy Ghost invasion of love. In the gathering this past weekend, there was a somewhat mixed group. Some had heard but had not yet experienced the reality of the current Holy Spirit love invasion coming into the hearts of people today.

Some who were at the gathering were seeing the failing of the cultures and subsequently the nations and their governments and were truly seeking answers. Some desired to see and experience the inner work of the invading Holy Spirit that they had been reading about. Answers came from around the room in the form of prophetic words of wisdom and spiritual understanding.

There were also a few bumps in the Saturday morning and afternoon portions of the gathering. This is not uncommon when fresh spiritual depth is being poured out among the people.

Jesus served the best wine last.

The evening portion of the gathering was one of the most glorious times of the presence of God that I have experienced in this fresh season of the new day of God. Pure prophetic words of encouragement and strengthening flowed around the room, releasing strong confirmation in perfect accuracy as testified by those receiving.

Near the end of the gathering, the presence of God was so resting upon us and the impartation of the pure holy love so filling us that perfect peace seemed to reign over and around us as well as within us. I heard the voice of God speak clearly in my spirit, “This is what the Holy Ghost invasion looks like, and this is what it feels like.” I knew that I was to speak that out loud into the silence of the room.

Some who are reading this may yet be thinking and wondering, Is this really real? Is it really happening? Is this really the emerging of a new day of the kingdom of God from heaven coming forth on earth? Let me share with you one way that we can and will know if we are experiencing this everlasting and never-ending move of the Spirit of God imparting pure holy love changing the people from the inside out. Not only will the glory manifest and the tangible spiritual presence of love rest within and around, there will also be another sure sign: there will be testing. The enemy will come quickly to test the reality.

Love is not truly perfected (mature) until it is tested. The magnitude of the test will be in proportion to the impartation of pure holy love received. If there is no testing and tempting to seek to draw us away or cause us to push back against the source of the testing, then there probably was little or no fresh impartation of pure holy love. After an experience of a glorious encounter in a gathering, the tester will probably meet us in the hallway on our way out to test the reality of the impartation. If we pass that first test, then probably by the second morning he will be knocking at our door or ringing our cell phone.

One purpose for the test is to prove the love impartation. By the fresh holy love within, we quickly forgive and both feel and express the love of God for the person or people sent to deliver the test, then we know the love is real. In addition the love grows both stronger and deeper through the testing.

There is probably not maximum strength in the testing if the substance of the test does not involve either people who we love or the very core of our most treasured spiritual gifts from God. Yes, those near us who we love and have sought to serve and the most beautiful gifts and revelations from God will be the source or substance of the testing. The tests are most effective when the good people in our life bring the offense toward the works of God in us and are betraying us and even seeking to destroy what God is doing in and with us. All the while they may actually believe that they are trying to help us.

The test is completed when we move right through the circumstances without any ill feelings toward the person or people involved in the test – when the peace and joy of the Lord is not disturbed in us at all. The loving presence of God is so much more than any person or spirit can come up with. The slanderous or incriminating words roll right off our backs like water off a ducks back. Honestly, sometimes it may take me overnight to fully get past the issue, but most times it is finished before I lay down to sleep. These are times when a precious brother or sister can be of the most value with an encouraging word.

Pure holy love is the most powerful substance in the world.

Often the lost and poor of the world are drawn by both the pure holy love and the power of God to meet their need. Even most animals of the world will respond to the gentleness of the pure love of God. Even bears, lions, and tigers have been known to respond to the presence of the love and gentleness of God and have literally become tame and affectionate.

It is through love that power and wisdom flow into the hearts of the “poor in spirit.” Those who are of a prideful haughty spirit cannot perceive the pure holy love of God and will usually interpret it as something else. Often leaders with a religious pharisaical spirit may fear the person filled with the pure holy love of God. They may see them as a threat to their position or to their religious doctrines and rules. Pure holy love can even be perceived by them as rebellion against them and an attempt to take over their place of authority because the people are drawn to the love and may tend to gather around the person carrying love.

God’s pure holy love is not like the human type of love that is a socially and religiously correct desiring of one another to fill our own needs or programs. The game is to be kind and giving enough to get the relationship, money, or affection needed to satisfy my need and my wants. It is a giving to get type of pseudo love. Religious and business people understand this type of human false love. However, they may not understand pure holy love that requires nothing in response but remains alive and passionate even in the midst of persecution or serious injustices. This is the love of God that is being imparted by the Holy Spirit.

Freely you have received, freely give.

The Holy Spirit filling of pure love cannot be bought. However, we must willingly come into a position of seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Our hearts must be open and available to receive the work of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. I was recently asked what would enable a person to be available to receive the fullness of the work of the Holy Spirit. In practical experience it seems to me that most often it requires coming into a place of brokenness – a place of having the veils of religion and self-sufficiency of our hearts torn usually by traumatic experiences.

To a degree the love is contagious. Associating closely with people who are infected by the Holy Spirit love tends to spread it like a virus. However, it is always a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit.

The love of God flows freely from us as it flowed freely into us. Mostly we just get out of the way and let God love those who have made themselves to be as our enemies. There is no fear in love. Perfect (mature) love casts out all fear.

No one person or group has exclusivity on the pure holy love from God. There is no elite class of people. There is no special spot on earth that one must go to receive it. This love cannot be taught or produced by a formula. This is not new; it has been around since Pentecost. However, there is a fresh spiritual flood of ministering spirits (holy angels) releasing the fire of God in this season. The fire of God seems very near and ready to move in and among God’s people very smoothly and quickly.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin

2. Carrying Precious Cargo

By Amanda Leonard

Today 4-1-2014 I heard the Lord clearly say to me, "My children are carrying precious cargo." I began to think about the Holy Ghost ship that Ron McGatlin had seen about 6 weeks before our trip to the Outer Banks this January. Here's a link to the writing for those who haven't read it, Go Here. I began to think about this Holy Ghost ship and the invasion that is taking place.

This is more than a 'move of God'. I truly believe this is an invasion of the heart, a Holy Ghost invasion of our hearts. I believe that as the Holy Ghost invades our hearts with His love, that He is transforming us.

So how will we know the true work of the Spirit of God, the true reality of the Kingdom? We hear the words Kingdom, walking in the spirit, and manifestation of the sons of God etc. – but how will we truly know the truth? We can read good writings from people and those who have eloquent words but how will we really know the intent of the heart?

If these were not reasonable questions then it would not have been mentioned in the word about being deceived, about those who don't have eyes to see or ears to hear. I believe I heard in my spirit, "You will know them by their love. They will know Love Himself." The truth is in Him, in His word, in His love. If there's not love, the pure love of God in operation, then it's like clashing cymbals.

1 John 4:8: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

1 Corinthians 13:1: "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."

Have you ever experienced when someone is speaking to you and you know that their words are saying one thing but you know the intent of their heart is "saying" something else?

I believe that those who will truly surrender to this inner working of the Spirit, those who will surrender all of their self and let Him burn away everything that is not of Him will experience this invasion of love within their hearts.

Have you ever tried to love someone that your flesh didn't really want to love? There is a supernatural love invasion that is here. With this love transformation, there's no trying to love but loving because of the One who first loved us (1 John 4:19), no matter what. This love isn't based on circumstance, or condition, or acceptance or 'being right' but it is because we have truly fell in love with Love Himself!

This is a matter of the heart. Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." There are those who will have words of flattery, they will honor the Lord with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. (Isaiah 29:13). The Lord wants to rend our hearts with an invasion of the Holy Ghost's pure love.

The pure in heart will see God. How do our hearts become pure? I believe it's when we let Him invade every part of our heart and surrender to His burning, that His heart invades and transforms our heart. It's a Holy Ghost invasion of love. This is the precious cargo that we carry, His love etched within our hearts. Right now, He is invading our hearts with pure, holy love that only comes from the Lord by the Spirit. Are we willing to carry this precious cargo? Are we willing to give it away?

If we realize this precious cargo, Christ in us the hope of glory, then we will see people the way Jesus sees them and we will help them deliver their precious cargo safely. It reminds me of the signs that parents put on cars that say, "Baby on board"....they are carrying precious cargo. Can you imagine the precious cargo that Mary carried? It was the cargo that saved the world, for the sake of love. This package of love she carried in her womb would change creation as we knew it. I believe that the precious cargo that the Father has planted within each of us is coming to full term! We could ignore this precious cargo, we could be irresponsible and let the precious cargo die within us but that is not God's plan.

God wants us as His children to realize the precious cargo that He has placed within each of us, His Spirit, His love, His glory that is covering the earth. Many will not understand this precious cargo that you carry, this love package, but those who abide in the vine will understand because they will know love Himself.

Romans 8:38: "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

This precious cargo of love is coming forth by the Holy Spirit as we surrender to His work of heart surgery within us. Search our hearts oh Lord and create in us a clean heart of pure, holy love, Your love manifested in and through us. Thank You Lord that Your love never fails and never gives up but transforms us into Your hands, Your feet, Your heart of love for this world.

Precious Cargo Carrier,

Amanda Leonard

3. News Headlines

Incredible Sight as a Quarter MILLION turn out in Peru March for Life - 4/3/2014
Incredible Sight as a Quarter MILLION turn out in Peru March for Life recognized Day of the Unborn Child. "We all have a child within us," was the slogan for this year’s March for Life in Peru - 250,000 people in Lima alone. The turnout more than doubled that from last year and broke the record in Latin-American as the biggest pro-life demonstration ever.

Naghmeh Abedini: Pastor Saeed ‘Doing Better’ - 4/3/2014
Pastor Saeed Abedini’s wife says he's doing better now that he’s getting some medical treatment. The American pastor has been jailed in Iran for 18 months. He was recently transferred to an Iranian hospital to be treated for injuries he has suffered in Iran's deadliest prison Rajai Shahr. He is finally being given decent meals and pain medication. But still needs surgery.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 4/3/2014
Street preacher held by police for 19 hours gets £13,000 - David Cameron orders review of Muslim Brotherhood - Nearly 50% of workers earn less than the living wage - Ukraine’s street children lost amid political turmoil - South Africa: Police ‘National Prayer Day’ - Saudi Arabia: Deportation of 250,000 migrants - Venezuela: Anti-government protests - More>

Christians Live In Fear Of Muslim Blasphemy Law - 4/3/2014
Christians living in Muslim dominated societies find themselves in constant fear that they may one day be accused of blasphemy - a crime that is punishable by death in some countries. The latest victim of such accusations is 27-year-old father of three a Christian sanitation worker. Sawan was sentenced to death by hanging last week, accused by a friend.

The Great Gay Deception - 4/3/2014
Make no mistake about it: Gay activists will not be satisfied until Christians across the nation believe Moses and Jesus and Paul would affirm same-sex marriage. This battle is coming to a church or denomination near you. There is not only a war on heterosexism. There is also a war on gender—on male-female distinctives and on the male-female dichotomy.

Soviet Sweden? Model Nation Sliding to Third World - 4/3/2014
When President Barack Obama visited Sweden last year, he expressed his deep admiration for the Swedish model. But that should make Americans nervous. One U.N. report says Sweden will be a third-world nation in about 15 years, below Libya and Bulgaria. Many Jews now live in fear of attacks by Muslim immigrants and are leaving.

Upcoming India elections stir fear, prayer - 4/3/2014
India elections are a month-long call to prayer for believers in the West. From April 7 to May 12, over 814 million people will cast their ballots for a new Prime Minister and Cabinet. “There is deep concern over this election because of the strength of this candidate, and the party he represents.” Hindutva is an ideology that defines culture. “To be Indian is to be Hindu.

Critical Elections in India and Indonesia - 4/3/2014
INDIA: STORM CLOUDS GATHER OVER INDIAN CHURCH Voting for India's 16th Lok Sabha (House of the People, parliament) will be held in nine phases between 7 April and 12 May. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) -- the political wing of the Hindutva forces (collectively known as the Sangh Parivar) -- is poised for a landslide win.

Jesus appeared in dream to suicidal Buddhist woman, brought hope and peace - 4/3/2014
Filled with despair, a Russian Buddhist woman attempted to take her own life. But Jesus appeared to her in a dream offering new hope and peace, and the beginning of a new life in Christ. Yulia was raised by educated Buddhist parents living in Russia. Although her father was an engineer and her mother a biochemist, Yulia failed to get an education and did not enjoy her job.


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 04/03/2014 at 5:57pm
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