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Subject Topic: Digest July 03, 2014 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 07/03/2014 at 6:00pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
2. Time Connects Us to Appointed Purpose
3. My Journey from Christendom to the Kingdom
4. News Headlines



By Ron McGatlin

Probably most godly thinking people today look at the world condition and its many serious predicaments and think something like, “somebody ought to do something.” So much injustice as Christian people are being slaughtered and driven from their homes and lives like cattle. Christians are now being grossly persecuted in much of the world. Godly and good people are progressively being seen as mean and bad fit only to be destroyed by an increasing number of the world’s people. Terrorism is a constant threat and is now threatening to become terror armies rushing upon nations to kill all who will not bow to them and their gods.

Bringing it down to our own home town areas, the changing is obvious in the places where we each live and have a level of personal familiarity. In America where I live, it is clear that things are not as they ought to be. Families, marriages, children, work situations, educational situations, the economy, the government, and even many churches appear to be infected with some form of godless erosion.

Somebody ought to do something!

If you can see and understand the things written in these first two paragraphs, you probably think that most everyone sees these things at least somewhat like you do. Wrong! A portion of the world’s people actually think these things are great and that they are finally freeing the world of Christian religion’s tyrannous influence over their lives. Leaders of some nations are glad to see the erosion of the once powerful God influenced Christian nations of the world, some because of greed and others because of their religious beliefs.

However, there are some valid reasons for the erosion and decline of America and other western nations. Reducing this to its core for understanding, it is obvious to us that God has much more than enough power and ability to protect and keep the powerful western nations that He raised up and blessed in the past. However, it is also obvious that He is not doing so in this season of faltering nations that are rotting at their cores. The very rudimental and obvious reality is that the nations have turned their backs on God, ignored and even ridiculed His word, and chosen to turn to false gods.

So somebody ought to do something. But what!?

God has offered an alternative all along. The alternative is for the people of God within the nations to humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways; then God would hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I am not at all sure that this alternative is now open to save the nations. However, it is and will be open to heal the land. I am also equally certain that the time of great trouble will not be avoided. The reason is simply because His people have proven beyond a doubt that they are not yet willing to humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and truly seek His face with their whole hearts.

The intention of the enemy antichrist armies is to destroy God from the planet. However, God will use this evil for good to cleanse the earth and purge His people. After the onslaught of antichrist propaganda and terror-related oppression has done its work of causing the remaining people of God to be fully willing to truly humble themselves, pray, and seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways, then God will heal the land. God’s kingdom from heaven will then have freedom to fully reign upon the land.

Whether you can believe it or not, God has prepared and is preparing a people who are experiencing His kingdom reality now within their being and in their lives. These maturing sons are to help the people turning to God and His kingdom reality to survive and prosper in the time of great oppression. Across the world sons of God are quietly awakening to an extreme desire to see the love and works of God in their area of influence. In the Spirit I see many places in spots across the land where God’s presence will tabernacle with His people to sustain and guide them through the adverse times.

These groups of people being trained and led of God to “do something” are YOU and me. Yes, if you can hear and believe these things, you are one being prepared for this purpose. God is planting burning desires of love in you to “do something” and now is the time for it to begin.

God has already planted His seed in you to be something, a son of God manifested into the world. He has planted into you His desire for your spot or part of the world. Literally cities, portions of cities, counties, areas of your familiarity wait before you and others to rise up and obey what God has put within you to be and to do.

God has done and is doing His part in planting His love and life in your heart to be and do His will on earth as it is in heaven. Yet many who are called by His name sit and wait for God to do something by Himself or through somebody else. They are waiting for God to do something more than He has already done in giving them His leadership and His empowerment through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

While the Holy Spirit pours out in them strong desires to be and do, they continue to sit and wait to be sure it is God. Some want a full plan laid out before them before they will take the first step. God has given them the first step and will give them the next step when they take the first. God is not angry with these people, and in His love He is closing in the things around them pressing in on them so that they must decide to take that first step into the reality of living as Christ in this world by the Spirit of God.

Yes, YOU are the ONE who can do something. You can do something about your area and everyone doing something in their area will have an effect on all. Lead those around you into the pure holy love that God will pour into them. By His love they will be cleansed of false gods and made ready to lead others through this time of tribulation as they flourish in the light under the dome of the kingdom of God reality now.

This is all the work of God to will and to do His good pleasure in His people. As you abide in Him and He abides in you, He will plant His vision in you, His desire for you and your area. Not for you to do it in your strength or with your ability apart from Him. But so that your belief can cause all the natural earth to begin to supernaturally adjust to bring about God’s desire on earth as it is in heaven. Our area or part has to do with both the nature of service or ministry that we are to provide and the geographical area or areas in which we are to serve or minister. Your vision from God may be a part of a vison or word given to someone else and it will always fit together with other God given visions.

Our part is to receive the vision through our intimate relationship with God and believe what God has said to us or is showing us. Then pray that vision back to him. Visually take the vision in your hands and lift it back to Him and ask Him to bring it forth from heaven in the earth. As you pray and believe His vision, it begins a supernatural process of things in the natural beginning to line up to bring forth the plan of God from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. This is the first step of the will of God from heaven coming forth on earth.

This is not a quick pray and receive type of thing. A seed that is planted takes time to grow into place. If it is God’s vision and you receive it, then it is your part to hold on to the vision. It will come in its time, if you do not loose heart and faint. Many God given visions have been lost because the people got side tracked or grew weary and abandoned the yet unborn vision. This is a kind of spiritual abortion.

As you continue to pray the vision back to God let yourself see it happening in your mind. Get familiar with it and feel how it will feel. You will find God will tweak the vision, and it will change a bit as more detail and clarity comes forth. Watch for the things to come forth in the natural that are needed to form the vision. You will begin at some point to share the vision with others who will receive it and agree in prayer for it. Others will begin to see parts of the vision in more detail. Powerful holy angels will be released into the world to help carry out the word or vision of God.

The enemy may send in well-meaning people with other ideas for you to seek after that would take you away from the vision or word God has given for you and your area. It will be easy to prioritize the words, thoughts, and ideas that are brought to you. If they do not lead toward the word, vision, or goal that God has given you, then they are not for you. They may be a part of what God is doing but not a part for you to give room in your heart to be planted.

The heart of man is God’s creation center on earth. Whatever living seed is planted with faith in the heart of man can grow forth into the world. This is God’s plan for man ruling and reigning on earth with God. This was Adam’s original job in the Garden of Eden. He walked with God and managed the Garden according to God’s leadership. Consider how much more affective it is for God Himself to tabernacle in and with us to lead and empower us to bring forth His will and work by the faith and life of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” - Jesus

Ron McGatlin

2. Time Connects Us to Appointed Purpose

By Clay Sikes

As I arose in prayer this Saturday morning (June 27th, 2014), I again sensed strongly the passing of an 'old order,' and a new season arising - Church Age to Kingdom Age. We are entering the 'time' of the Book of Revelation (the part John saw coming). Many sense an 'awakening' within themselves, like a second coming. This is not a local occurrence, but rather a worldwide phenomenon.

Men and women who have walked with Christ for many years are sensing His presence 'within' as never before. A previous unattainable purity and oneness has come (without the merits of man). The Book of Revelation is 'suddenly' opening up! Christ is coming into His Body - His presence is tangible. Could it be that this 'forming Body,' inextricably connected to the Head, is a form of the 'second coming' of Christ? Could it be that the many 'Divine Connections' now taking place (not bound by geography) ARE THE BODY FORMING? The dry bones coming together?

I am prompted to believe that our previous attempts to 'Gather as a Body' were as with other aspects of our progressive growth in God - an attempt that was more flesh than spirit. Why? Ishmael seemingly always precedes Isaac. However, the internet is a tool of genuine connection (for His purpose) that will one day launch a 'Gathering' of Woodstock proportion: A 'Gathering' of the true Church, His true Body, who will cry out in earnest expectation for the Kingdom's presence on earth!

Perhaps Pentecost lacks the ‘spiritual’ energy that only Tabernacles can produce (the transformative enabling power to change us within). A first fruits company purified by fire is sensing a work within that ONLY God can perform. Idols falling, hearing clear, purpose released for just such a time as this! The fullness of Tabernacles is a form of completeness; one that was unattainable during any other spiritual era. There is no mixture in this move. It isn’t God and man; it is just God!

No man can stop this inevitable time and ultimate move of God, though many with the heart of Saul DENOUNCE it as heresy and man contrived. The vast numbers flowing in this ‘River of Life’ should be evidence enough for even the gravest of religious skeptics. To them I say, “COME ON IN, THE WATER IS FINE!”

Clay Sikes

3. My Journey from Christendom to the Kingdom

By Lisa Great

About two months ago, while I was in prayer, I sensed I was moved from one world to another. As I was meditating on this “feeling” I was having, the Lord spoke to me and said you just went through the narrow gate which leads to life. I immediately got out my Bible and looked up this verse, I found it in Matthew 7:13-14, which says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” What the Lord highlighted to me is that this was a gate, it was a place to pass through and that I had so narrowed my life, by being obedient to His voice in both big and small matters that I had now entered into life. In this experience, I pictured myself going through this very narrow gate and once through, I was in this other world, but my back was against the gate, for everything was new to me.

2-3 weeks into this new realm of existence, I began to “feel” like I don’t fit anywhere, anymore. I would go to church, but things they said did not resonate with this new existence; I would listen to friends talk and I felt like I was an alien; I would go to work and my heart would break for people like never before. This was all brand new to me, then I heard a sermon by TD Jakes while at the gym and he said, when you enter a new realm, don’t speak about things you know nothing about, listen, learn and let others lead you. So, I did not try to figure out what I was doing or what was going on, all I knew is that I had entered LIFE.

Now 5-6 weeks into this, listening, learning, loving, I called my friend Prophet Ron McGatlin and told him what I was experiencing and asked him what he thought was going on with me. He said I had joined the ranks of those who had crossed over into the kingdom age. He went on to share about the love of God that is so pure and unadulterated; he spoke of loving people; losing the desire for position, preaching and promotions; he spoke about others who have crossed over, entered in, were experiencing the same thing. My heart was burning, I knew this was God, I knew this was what had happened to me, but I knew I was struggling to trust God. My back was still against the wall of this gate, I was in, but I was not operating, flowing, and enjoying what was hearing. It was like I was watching it all happen around me, but God was inviting me to join in. As I shared this with Ron, he said, yes someone else we both know was struggling with the same thing. I then went on to tell him, I feel like I am on the edge of a cliff and every time the Lord says, 1…2…3… I back away, afraid to jump. He said, yes, but know perfect love casts out all fear, His love is perfect, and there is nothing to fear.

I got off the phone with Ron and I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to reveal to me what was holding me back, why was I afraid to jump. The Lord said, Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” There it was again, that word trust. I thought I had trusted God, I thought since being a Christian for 25 years that I trusted Him, but He kept saying, this is a trust issue. Then as I allowed the love of God to penetrate my inner most being, He unearthed the truth, that I did not trust Him. He said to me, “I wouldn’t say it, if I wasn’t going to do it.” Immediately, I remembered the verse in Numbers 23:19 that says, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” When I saw that I did not trust the One I loved so much, and heard Him speak these words, my heart melted in His presence, I wept and wept and got up and jumped off that cliff.

I have never experienced peace like this, love like this, joy like this, courage like this, it is almost hard to describe. There is an ease with which things happen, there is no rush, it is a rest like I have never known. As I watch the birds fly in the sky, I now understand the ease with which they soar, allowing the wind to carry them here and there; when I listen to the sound of the river flowing over the rocks, I now understand the strength of creation; and when I sit in the silence of the evening hours or the early daybreak, I now comprehend what it felt like to walk with God in the garden of Eden. Scripture has taken on a whole new light for me, life has been put in perspective, and there is only one pursuit I have, to know Him more.

I am 2 months into this journey and walking on water is my new normal. I have so much more to share, but there is time to do that on another post. Today, I just wanted you to know what happened to me, I was not wrong in what I believed before, I’ve just entered into more and so can you. Thank you Prophet Ron McGatlin, you have been saying it for many years and now it is here.

Lisa Great

4. News Headlines

Billy Graham’s daughter warns America: Judgment is coming - 7/2/2014
The second daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, Anne Graham-Lotz, is blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm, following in the footsteps of her father and with the impassioned spirit of the prophet Joel. In obedience, I am blowing the trumpet…sounding the alarm…issuing a national prayer initiative entitled “7 7 7: An Urgent Call to Prayer.”

'Respect the Rules' - Immigrant Backlash Spreads - 7/2/2014
The illegal immigrant crisis along the U.S.- Mexico border is fueling outrage in some towns across the United States. In Murietta, California, residents are angry with President Barack Obama for allowing an immigrant invasion along America's southern. An estimated 52,000 children have crossed the border since October. And 80,000 more will cross the border this year."

Trojan Horse: UK Fears Islamic Takeover of Schools - 7/2/2014
The British government has announced that schools will be required to teach "British values." The news comes after Islamists took over several schools in the UK. The plot is to turn British faith-based schools into Muslim training academies. "Individuals with a religious motivation have taken public money and basically created religious schools that promote intolerance.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 7/3/2014
Brazil: The evangelical revolution - NHS worker who 'bullied’ Muslim by praying for her - Back to the Bible, forward to the world - Call for an end to Christian assemblies in schools - Ukraine president ends ceasefire with rebels - Nigeria: Dozens of church-goers killed in Boko Haram attacks - Nigeria: Dozens reported killed by car bomb - More

Victory for Religious Freedom: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Hobby Lobby, 'Closely Held Corporations,' Making Them Exempt from Contraceptive Mandate - 7/2/2014
"All Americans can be thankful that the Court reaffirmed that freedom of conscience is a long-held American tradition and that the government cannot impose a law on men and women that forces them to violate their beliefs in order to hold a job, own a business, or purchase health insurance." "one of the most significant victories for religious freedom in our generation.

Islamic state declared in Iraq, Syria - 7/2/2014
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, shortened their name to Islamic State over the weekend, declaring victory. “They have now declared a Caliphate across this region. They have declared the leader of ISIS as the new Caliph, who essentially is taking the title as the leader of the world’s Muslim people.” They also demanded worldwide Muslim allegiance.

'A New Era of Jihad:' ISIS Declares Caliphate - 7/2/2014
On Sunday, they called on the world's Muslims to pledge obedience to their leader, or "caliph," Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.In the meantime, Iraqi's military is stepping up its defense against ISIS with the help of the United States. "Clearly, I see ISIS as a direct threat to the United States," "They have the capacity and I believe they have the intent."

Five Assyrians, Including Two Nuns, Missing in Mosul, Iraq - 7/2/2014
Nearly all of Mosul’s Christians have fled the city since it fell to ISIS on June 10. ISIS members bombed an Armenian church and looted The Church of the Holy Spirit. On June 21, AINA said, ISIS members raped a mother and daughter and killed four women for not wearing the veil.

Power of Camp: Helping Kids Awaken to Faith - 7/2/2014
Summertime is here and as the season arrives so does the sun, swimming, and the spirit of camping for many teens. Technology fuels much of the inactivity. But CCCA gets kids out of their normal environment and enables them to focus on their faith without distractions. God is using camp to transform lives.


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 07/03/2014 at 6:04pm
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