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Subject Topic: Digest August 07, 2014 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 08/08/2014 at 6:53am | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. “Let Me Love You into Kingdom Fullness” - Part 1
2. The Healing Power of Jesus Enters the Emergency Room
3. Judgment is an Act of Grace
News Headlines


“Let Me Love You into Kingdom Fullness” - Part 1

By Ron McGatlin

God’s desire and plan for heaven and earth involves relationship between God and man, a relationship of pure holy love.

God is looking for those who will open themselves and remove their religious or secular shields and allow the Spirit of God to penetrate their hearts with His pure love.

Love is the substance that purifies, cleanses, heals, orders, and establishes His kingdom in His people on His earth. Pure holy love is the most powerful force, the most significant cleansing agent, and the gateway to the greatest wisdom. There is nothing that comes close to equaling the love of God in His people. Strength beyond understanding awaits the nation that will open themselves to the fullness of the love of God. The kingdom of God is created, ordered, and sustained by love, the powerful pure holy love of God.

God’s order of life is His kingdom of love.

All creation emanated from God and each part or portion presents aspects of Himself. Who He is in magnificence, intelligence, wisdom, power, and glory beyond all of our human imagination and understanding is portrayed in His great creation in the heavens and on the earth.

All things spiritual and physical emanated directly from God through and for Christ Jesus. Mankind as created beings along with the angels are an important and powerful part of God’s creation in heaven and on earth. Man is a unique living spirit given to live on earth in natural earthly bodies for a season known as our lifetime on earth.

All of God’s creation has purpose in His great design. All is ordered by God and perfectly works together in precise dynamic design and function. Major principles or universal laws set all things in order with limitations or boundaries which automatically corrects itself if any part seeks to move beyond its boundaries or out of line with the design of God. Self-destruction is built into every part of creation that moves out of God’s perfect order.

One biblical example of a universal law is sowing and reaping.

Isaac Newton said, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Good actions produce good return or reaction. Bad actions produce a bad return or reaction. Good actions are those that align with the order of God. Bad actions are those that do not align with the order of God. All of God’s order flows from His absolute and perfect love.

There is also a law of increase involved in the universal law of sowing and reaping of either good or bad actions. Human beings, as managers of the part of God’s kingdom that is on earth, are given a portion by God to manage for Him. When they do well with what they are given, more comes to them to manage. When they do badly with the portion given them, they will have less to manage and may have their portion taken away and given to another who will manage it more perfectly in accordance with God’s order.

Every action or movement in creation that moves in line with the order of God’s design flows peacefully and has a positive productive effect on creation around it. Said another way, it leads to life.

Every action or movement that is not aligned with God’s order faces correction or annihilation. In other words it leads to death.

This is built into creation by God. God is in ultimate control of all creation; He is the KING of all of His kingdom. The rule of God over all creation is the universal kingdom of heaven / kingdom of God. Only God can change the universal laws of creation, and they are the same for all mankind and all of Planet Earth. Science is man’s study of God’s universal laws as far as man can see them. Every branch of science carried to its deepest depth disappears into the spirit realm of God and can only be seen further by spiritual revelation.

The kingdom of God always was, is now, and forever shall be, and of its increase there is no end.

The portion of the universal kingdom of heaven known as the kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven on earth involving mankind began with the creation of Adam.

The book of Genesis records the beginning of the management of the kingdom of God on earth by mankind according to God’s instruction and guidance.

Adam was created by God in the image and likeness of God, and the life-giving Spirit of God was breathed into his body. Thus man became a living spirit being in an earthly body. God specifically assigned the task of managing the fresh new creation on Planet Earth to Adam. Thus mankind was given the authority of dominion on earth. God walked with Adam regularly and gave him instruction and guidance so that the care and management of the kingdom on earth was kept in order according to God’s desire. It is good to note here that God did not give Adam dominion over other human beings.

Everything functioned well as Adam and Eve did a good and obedient work to care for the portion of creation given to them to manage for God. However, that all changed when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and caused a change in the relationship of mankind with God. The plan for mankind to bring forth the order of God on Planet Earth was foiled by a very bad action that brought the entrance of death and disordered the world.

The authority to manage the kingdom of God on earth was handed over to Satan by mankind (Adam). Thus death, disorder, and devastation was loosed into the world. It was as if the kingdom of heaven on earth had been taken captive by an enemy ruler.

The attempt for mankind to rule through his newly acquired knowledge of good and evil apart from the close relationship and guidance of God had to be played out or experienced for thousands of years until man had tried every conceivable way to rule on Planet Earth without God. Every attempt by man to rule the earth without intimate connection to God and His love ended in total failure.

Finally God saw that a portion of mankind was ready to give up trying to rule according to his own limited knowledge without God and were ready to receive the good news of the return of the kingdom of God to rule on earth.

Kingdom of Love Restored to Man in Christ Jesus

God became a man as Christ Jesus left His throne in heaven and came to earth to redeem and restore the kingdom of heaven / kingdom of God to full order on Planet Earth. John the Baptist came as a forerunner announcing the return of the kingdom of God in the Son of God. Christ Jesus came as a pure and holy second and last Adam who would bring forth a whole new generation of godly people to restore the kingdom on earth. Christ Jesus is bringing forth many sons. Sons that, in the restored intimate relationship with God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit within them, are bringing forth the restoration of the kingdom of God on earth.

The evil debt and curse of death and destruction brought about by the first Adam giving away the authority of dominion on the planet to Satan was fully redeemed in the crucifixion of the Son of God on the cross. The cross is finished and fulfilled by Christ Jesus in His resurrection, ascension, and return as a life giving Spirit of Christ at Pentecost to indwell His people and empower them to repossess and fulfill the plan of God for the rule of the kingdom of heaven on earth.

In Christ and Christ in Us

Every son or daughter of God now has the potential in Christ and Christ in them to fully experience the pure holy love of God within that transforms us into the full manifestation of the love of God ruling and reigning first in our lives and then into our world.

IN CHRIST we are seated in heaven with access to the ultimate experience of God’s love.

By CHRIST IN US we have opportunity to flow His pure holy love out to the world bringing the order of God to transform our world back to the practical reality of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

God is loving us back into His kingdom.

Ron McGatlin

(Part 2, next week.)

2. The Healing Power of Jesus Enters the Emergency Room

July 19, 2014 by prayingmedic - My guest blogger today is Troy Anthony Smith. This article was originally posted on his blog here.


Yesterday we decided to take the power of a healing God to a sick and dying hospital. The results were truly amazing. We arrived at the LAC USC Medical Center around 6:30 with a group of around 6 people. This hospital has a large pharmacy/waiting room that leads into the larger emergency room where people wait to see someone to treat them. After a few moments chatting among ourselves we made our way into the emergency room.


My partner and I (he spoke Spanish) entered into the room first and it was like all you could sense was hopelessness. A room full of people who did not know about the Jesus who came to deliver. Now if anyone has ever gone out to minister healing in public the first thing you probably notice is the lack of people who need healing. You might come across one or two people at a mall after a few hours. Someone might have crutches or a bandage, but not an overflow of people who need the healing power of God. So when we walked into the room where almost everyone needed healing, my eyes got really big like a hungry kid at a buffet table.


There was about 40 people in the room. My partner and I just went up to the people and laid hands on them up and down the rows of chairs. The first encounter was a man with severe kidney pain. He spoke very little English so I didn’t go into detail asking him how long he had the pain, and what caused the pain (I’m not a doctor and not there to diagnose). I just laid my left hand on his side and commanded the pain to go. Then my partner did the same thing. The pain slowly went away. His wife was standing next to him, embracing him. When we laid hands on her husband she said, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I felt that go through my body!”


After he was healed we went right down the line. We then went to a guy who had done something with his finger and it was wrapped and bandaged. He was a little hesitant to let us pray for his finger. He later let us, and after the pain went away, he smiled in disbelief, trying to figure out what had just happened. He just encountered Jesus.


Out of the corner of my eye, I then saw a man with a sling on his arm. So I walked over to him (he was in the corner of the room) and asked if I could pray for his arm. With anger he looked at me and said I could not heal him, and started to curse at me. I was so full of the love of God I just smiled at him, told him God loves him, and moved right to the next person. By this point I said, who wants to receive prayer?


Now everyone had seen the previous results, so everyone wanted to be next. We approached a lady with really bad arthritis in her knees and pain in her back. She was healed and began to walk around the room with joy. Several people realized they were really healed and walked out of the emergency room. Next we came across a lady who did not speak any English but pointed to her knee. (She was sitting down with her crutches next to her). She was healed and walked out of the emergency room.


It was an amazing night, as many people were healed. After my partner and I laid hands on basically the whole room, another group of about 8 people (from our team) came in to lay hands on the sick. We kinda laughed and said they were too late. We later spread out to the other parts of the hospital to see where we could demonstrate the gospel.


Sadly however, there are many people, homeless people, who live there at the emergency room/waiting room. They do not really have anything physically wrong with them it is just a warm place they can stay. I think the man who cursed at me was in this situation. This is why you must go into these situations with the love of God. Just love the people, the people are starving for love and want to know someone cares about them. We spent about 15 minutes just talking and encouraging a lady there who didn’t have a home and was in the ER with all of her belongings.


Everyone we laid hands on received the healing power of God. It is not so much about anything that we did, but just that we were willing to go. Once we were willing to go, the Holy Spirit is unleashed to heal the people.


Just be willing to go…

Troy Anthony Smith is a Pastor, author, and founder of Demonstrate It, an organization that believes in healings, signs, and wonders. Troy currently resides in Los Angeles, where he can be found at the grocery stores, malls, and street corners, laying hands on the sick, casting out demons, and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God.

3. Judgment is an Act of Grace

By Lisa Great

There is a side of God's love that is not comfortable, it does not feel good to the flesh, but it is love nonetheless. We are about to experience this love of God which will deal with our sin, especially the hidden sin of idolatry. Leaders have twisted the word of God to say what they want and they have taught the people to do the same thing.

The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed after the cross; Annanias and Sapphira were killed for lying to the Holy Spirit, after the cross. This is not an Old Testament warning, this is a grace warning for the time of judgment is drawing near. God's judgment of sin is an act of love, it is actually His grace, for He desires that none should perish, but all should come to repentance and experience eternal life. If God leaves us I our sin, we will hear on the last day, Matthew 7, away from me, I never knew you.

God is about to deal with sin, now, so we still have time to repent. It will be an act of mercy, so we do not perish forever. But, know this, there is going to be a widespread identity crisis, for many have only known their idols of ministry, money, their job, and power/control. When all that is stripped away, they will not know who they are, they will be just as lost and disillusioned as the unbeliever.

This is where those who have been invisible will become visible. The mature sons and daughters of God who have been practicing the presence in the secret place; who have been working on root systems; who have learned they are sons and daughters, who have a Father; who have not let church, money or ministry define them; who hear His voice and obey, no matter what the personal cost to them; who have their identity as a son or daughter of God; they will be used to gather in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen. They will help restore the lost sheep of Israel to the Father; they will rescue the unbeliever from fire (Jude 22-23); they will stand with the Father and rejoice with all those who were lost, but are now found.

Lisa Great

4. News Headlines

Family of 8 Shot in Faces With Bible Open on Couch - Horrific Conditions in Iraq: "It's as if Hell Has Broken Out Here and Nobody Cares" - 8/7/2014
Today's pictures are too awful to show. A family of 8 all shot through the face laying in a pool of blood with their Bible open on the couch. They would not convert it cost them their life. It is just too awful to show to anybody. This is Iraq today. The only hope and consolation is that all these dear people are now all with Yeshua in Glory.

French reporter who ran after Hamas rocket launched next to him CHANGES HIS TUNE, exposes Hamas using human shields - 8/7/2014
A great example of how reality can affect reporting. The other day we brought you the video of a French reporter running for cover after Hamas launched a rocket right next to his position. Now he is exposing these rockets, giving proof to Israel’s claim that Hamas indeed does fire rockets from densely populated areas. Watch these videos.

Gaza Bishop: Hamas Used Church to Fire Rockets - 8/7/2014
The 72-hour ceasefire appears to be holding for now. Hamas is not only using mosques to launch attacks against Israelis. It has also used a church compound. The estimated 1,500 Arab Christians who live in the Gaza Strip walk a fine line trying to stay alive. Since Hamas' 2007 takeover of Gaza, residents say it's imposed strict Taliban-style Islamic laws on the people.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 8/7/2014
Amazing miracle in Wales - Digital Bible platform surpasses 200 million users - Bishops urge David Cameron to grant asylum to Iraqi Christians - New Stonewall chief plans to target under-fives - East Ukraine danger increasing, warns UN - West Africa: Ebola enters Nigeria as World Bank pledges financial support - Nigeria: Kidnapped girls – trauma rises - Much More>

Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control' - Watch Video> - 8/7/2014
William Binney worked for the National Security Agency for more than 30 years. He resigned in late 2001. Binney said the NSA took one of the programs he built, known as ThinThread, and started using the program and members of his team to spy on virtually every U.S. citizen. Speaking at a conference Binney said the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.

Women Ordered To Stop Praying Inside Mall... in AMERICA?! - 8/7/2014
"The security guard came running toward us and said, 'You are not allowed to pray at the mall. That's against the policy.'" a mall in Georgia may have one of the most unusual rules—they won't let shoppers pray—not even over their meals. they weren't trying to convert anybody—they were just trying to pray. "You can't hear us unless you are in the circle"

'See You In New York': Jihadists' Plans for America - 8/7/2014
Before Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became what the world's most powerful terrorist, he was in U.S. custody. U.S. forces released hun from an Iraqi prison in 2009 after four years. His parting words to American troops? "I'll see you guys in New York." He now leads a terrorist army known as ISIS or the Islamic State, that has conquered vast amounts of territory in Iraq and Syria.

Jesus Film statistics continue to climb - 8/7/2014
On average every eight seconds, somewhere in the world another person indicates a decision to follow Christ after watching the JESUS film. That’s 10,800 people per day, 324,000 per month, and more than 3.8 million per year! Since 1979, more than 200 million men, women, and children worldwide have indicated decisions to follow Jesus after viewing the film.

Thailand talks of repatriating Karen refugees - 8/7/2014
Imagine living as a refugee, no home or hope. Then, the country hosting you talks about sending you back to the place that threatened your life. That’s happening to the Karen refugees living in Thailand. We should send them home, right? And the answer is: ‘WRONG,’ there’s nothing to go back to but land mines, destroyed villages and an ongoing 62-year-old war.”

CAR Christians hopeful, cautious about ceasefire - 8/7/2014
What follows is an unedited update from World Watch Monitor on the latest in the Central African Republic conflict: Armed groups in the (CAR) have reached a ceasefire deal aimed at putting an end to the violence that has engulfed the country since March 2013. The ceasefire is a step toward a resolution. Interfaith Platform, formed of Christian and Muslim leaders.

Boko Haram violence surges in Cameroon - 8/7/2014
Boko Haram continues its rampage across Northern in the border area with Cameroon. At least 25 people were killed in Cameroon. In Kolofata, the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister and her maid were kidnapped. World Mission personally: “In Northern Cameroon, where Boko Haram is also very active, one of the pastors that we’ve worked with was just kidnapped, and killed.”


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 08/08/2014 at 6:59am
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Kathy DesVoigne
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Posted: 08/08/2014 at 7:49am | IP Logged Quote Kathy DesVoigne

Great Message. Lisa! People, (not only leaders) are
twisting the word of God to say what they want, and they
are teaching other people to do the same thing.. This is so
Prevalent ..I'm experiencing this on Facebook, and even in
our local friends.. People are being led astray.. falling
away, falling off the deep end.. People I know, who used to
be Pastors are getting deep into new age stuff.. and
leading others astray~ Having no discernment at all.
Thanks for sharing this!

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