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Subject Topic: Digest December 16, 2014 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Posted: 12/16/2014 at 6:29am | IP Logged Quote News Room Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. This Thing Called FAITH
2. What is happening to the virtues of our society?
News Headlines


1. This Thing Called FAITH

By Ron McGatlin

Most if not all of us reading this are fully aware that the world is going through increasingly rapid major change, a transition through great turbulence culminating in a new world fully redeemed and governed by God – Christ Jesus, Lord and King with all the power of heaven ruling on earth in and with His holy people, the mature people of the kingdom of heaven on earth. LOVE from God and for God and for one another is the predominant characteristic of the rule of God’s kingdom on earth. The second most powerful and dominant characteristic of the kingdom is FAITH in GOD.

Not all faith is FAITH in GOD.   

Faith can also be in self, humanity, the devil, a person, a church system, even faith in faith or any other thing that becomes and idol or idols in whom people trust and believe.

The power of faith now rules in the world. The collective faith within mankind rules the world now and has ruled or governed the world since the day Adam was created.

The key to changing the entire world is faith. Faith is a thing – a thing or substance that can make the world heaven on earth or hell on earth. Faith is a major key that unlocks the governance of the world. What the world is now and what the world shall be is determined by FAITH, specifically by faith within all human beings who were all created by God and given the ability to collectively choose how the world is ruled or governed, whether according to God’s heavenly plan or the devil’s evil plan.

The Devil and Faith

The evil anti-Christ anti-God powers of darkness can only rule in this world by this thing called faith within human beings.

We are accustomed to thinking of faith as “FAITH in GOD.” Even when the word “faith” is used in the Bible, it usually means “faith in God”.

For the purpose of understanding we are speaking here of faith that is the tool built into every human being. Faith is neutral until it receives its object into which it is placed by the choice of man.

Faith by itself is neither good or bad, godly or ungodly. It is a gift deposited within mankind for the purpose of governing or ruling in the world. It is the tool involved in the permanent implantation of authority placed in all mankind through the first Adam.

Faith involves the power to choose. It also involves the reality of believing that leads to speaking, being, and doing. Faith is a gift that determines the fruit of the life of human beings in impacting this world. Faith releases the power of heaven or the power of hell. All accomplishments whether godly or ungodly that are brought about through mankind are done by faith.

Faith is the foundational substance imparted from God to re-create or change the substance of the earth and all that is on it. Every human being has this faith potential that can be exercised in a sphere of influence given to each person. Collectively the power of the faith of many human beings has greater potential to govern greater areas or a larger sphere or domain in the world.

Faith produces what it hears. Faith in God comes by hearing God. Faith in the devil and self comes from hearing the devil and self. Words from either may come directly into the spirit of man or it may come through the spoken or written words through other human beings.

This basic tool is in every person. How or what it will produce is dependent upon what is heard and believed in the heart of the person or group of people.

Boiling down the potential beliefs available to mankind through hearing, there are only two basic characterizations of substance for belief and only two channels on which to hear. One is TRUTH, and the other is LIES.

Truth is that which aligns with the heart of God. Lies are everything else. Christ Jesus is truth, because He is perfectly aligned with the heart of God the Father.

Christ in His people is truth from heaven in the world that by this powerful thing of FAITH within mankind will produce heaven in the world – heaven on earth.

Satan, the father of lies affecting the heart of mankind, will by this powerful thing of FAITH within mankind produce hell in the world, hell on earth.

The heart of man is like good soil that will produce the plant and fruit of the seed that is planted into it. The fruit is not determined by the soil, but rather it is determined by the seed. Faith in the heart of man produces whatever is planted into it. That which grows in the heart of man by faith is subsequently produced into the natural world.

The World Today

At this point in history on earth, you and I are witnessing the powers of evil covering the earth through the hearing of lies in the hearts of people. The gift of the power of faith implanted in all people is producing hell on earth. A vehement spirit of anti-Christ hatred for the light of God is raging on earth. Unbelievable numbers of Christians are leaving this world as martyrs. They are meeting the Lord Jesus in the air and being taken into eternity with the Lord in heaven.

At the same time, under the cover of this overt darkness, a covert body of pure holy people of God are experiencing the glory of the presence of God within and among them. By FAITH, the New Jerusalem Bride/Wife of God is alive and well and producing many sons of God, joint heirs with Christ. The sons are being prepared as a spiritual army of faith to overtake and annihilate the powers of darkness from this earth. All the power of heaven and a myriad of angels are working with the sons of God by faith.

New Jerusalem being formed on earth from heaven is God’s spiritual ruling city from which God’s pure holy light flows outward eventually to the entire world. The kingdom of God characteristics fully abide in New Jerusalem from which the light of the word of God flows out to the world. It is the light of the world, the glorious Bride/Wife of God.

Babylon is the devil’s spiritual ruling city on earth. The darkness flows out from the ruling city of Babylon to all the world. The word of LIES flows out to the entire world. The opposite of the pure Bride is the harlot of the devil his unholy whore ruling in the world. Currently Babylon has captured the systems of this world and though the education and mass media is planting the lies of darkness into the people of this world. The deceived people hear the lies and quickly react to do anything and everything evil they can which will eventually destroy their own lives and others. The devil has only one agenda and that is to steal, kill, and destroy.


The vast ungodly system of satanic darkness with its filthy tentacles entwined in the twisted minds and hearts of deceived people can and will be destroyed from off the face of the earth when the people of God realize who they are and the part they have in the powerful tool of FAITH working by LOVE.

Cast off the deception of twisted darkness in our own hearts and lives. AWAKEN to the reality that the power of God is surging within you and me ready to tear down and destroy every work of the devil in the hearts and lives of His people.

The kingdom of God is manifesting and will not be stopped or held back. Religion, secularism, humanism, materialism, Satanism, and every “ism” or false god planted in the hearts of people will be destroyed. Those who will turn to the one true God and lose their past lives will be kept alive to continue in the kingdom of God on earth. However, those who will not turn to God with their whole hearts and get rid of their false gods will be destroyed with their false gods. The earth will be cleansed, and the kingdom of God will rule.

It is not time to hold back or hold on to past idols and implanted lies of darkness. The light of God has come, and the judgment of God is at the door. It is time for the all or nothing awakening and arising in the Spirit to cleans our hearts of all double mindedness and throw off the distractions of self-oriented life.

Yes, the promised prosperity of life and peace are real and are for you and me but not in the framework of a life carrying the deceptions of the enemy mixed with our faith in God. Yes, the supernatural miracle-working power of God is fully available to the pure hearted people of God. However, the twinge of self-focused impurity that causes us to merchandise or to crave the attention or applause of man will contaminate our hearts and will not stand in this time of cleansing judgment from God.

Remember the choice is ours. There is a real potential for each one of us to completely lose our past lives, to fully gain the pure holy life of Christ Jesus surging forth within and around us to cleanse this world.

Babylon is being destroyed and her smoke rising to heaven (Rev 18). The merchants of earth will greatly mourn and the great whore that has entrapped and shed the blood of the saints is being judged. God is cleansing His earth, and all the kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our God.

Do not fear the great power of God, but embrace the cleansing and become the pure holy powerful son or daughter of God, untethered and unhindered by anything or anyone in this world.

The LOVE from God and for God does not allow us to compromise by letting our human compassion rule over our obedience to God. God does not desire sacrifice to cover our disobedience. He is calling for unbridled powerful love to produce perfect hearing and perfect obedience to Him alone.

The season of fleeing to the mountain of God has come. It is not time to turn back to retrieve anything from our house of the past. We cannot drag dead weight or haul worldly goods and prestigious positions or platforms with us. Nor can we wait for better conditions or better weather.

Luke 9:60: Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.”

Luke 9:62: But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Revelation 22:11: He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

Luke 12:32: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Ron McGatlin

2. What is happening to the virtues of our society?

By Ann Bandini

I know this is going to date me but as a child I never had fears of social changes in the world I was raised in. It was not because I was raised in an obscure isolated community. I was raised in a modest, yet happy, average California family of two parents and 3 siblings. I don’t think we were even classed as “middle” then. At least not to my knowledge. It was a time of innocence!

We were able to play freely as children without fears of strangers. Drug addicts, sex offenders or special codes if some strange person engaged us. We trusted strangers and never thought the worst. The simplicity of our lives was without designer clothes, the competition of the must have toy of the Christmas season, or the elite college we were destined to attend. I actually walked home from kindergarten by myself at age 5. When we went out to play in the neighborhood in summers we just had to be in at dark. My parents had no fear of us being kidnapped!

Because I went to Catholic schools, I was taught that elders where in authority and control. I stood when called upon and we respected leaders in authority. Believe me those nuns could be mean but we would never think of cursing in that day or disobeying even if we didn’t like it.

I did the most despicable, rebellious thing that could possibly happen in my teenage years! I cut school with 2 other students in my freshman year of high school and we were so scared we hid in a gas station bathroom. When we got back (to the Catholic girls school) the whole place was atwitter about our brazen disobedience and the possible consequences on our lives! Can you imagine the whole school knew about it! And there were consequences, our parents were called to meet with us and the principle in her office and we were expelled!

There was never any thought of parental intervention or retaliation through me the other students or our parents. It was called consequences. And we were made and example of rebellion! We were remorseful embarrassed and humiliated!

I have been absolutely stunned to read that there is a rally of solidarity, insightful and brewing called (if you can believe it) Anger! The fact that we as an American people are being fed the media induced darkness of the vomit of degradation on our society that is not all derelict is atrocious.

People of integrity and virtue, need to be just as loud with the power of Godly fear and dependence …on the power of heaven and the walk of love. This needs to be demonstrated and displayed because we have a higharchy of angelic beings who orchestrate the power of the living God in us and through us.
WE should have righteous indignation against crazy anarchy; all of this and say this is enough! Our God is greater than all of the world’s immoral or amoral plans to destroy! In great humility and reverence we need to seek God’s face to set us in order so that we can fulfill the great commission and set the captives free and see this great reformation of Godly power released in these days we live in!

This will work through sanctified vessels of honor, who will not back off of the front line until God is lifted up above the noise and the chaos!

Ann Bandini

3. News Headlines

"Fulfillment of Long-Held Dreams": Tebow CURE Hospital Opens, Bringing "Healing to the Children of the Philippines in Jesus' Name" - 12/15/2014
The Tim Tebow Foundation announced yesterday that the Tebow CURE Hospital in Davao City, Philippines, has received its official operating license and opened its doors this week. The hospital is a five-story, 30 bed facility with 3 operating rooms specializing in pediatric orthopedic surgeries. Tim was born in the Philippines while his parents served as missionaries.

British women running sex slave brothels for ISIS? - 12/15/2014
Last June, British twins Salma and Zahra Halane, 16, fled their family home in Manchester in the middle of the night to join ISIS fighters in Syria. They were brilliant students in the top 10 percent of their class, headed for medical school before their abrupt departure. Young women are persuaded to leave homes by ISIS websites that lend a ‘romantic’ aura to their fight.

U.S. Pastor Facing "Hate Crimes Against Humanity" Charges for Opposing Gay Agenda - 12/15/2014
Lively has expressed support in Uganda and other countries for laws banning pro-homosexual propaganda, similar to the law Russia recently enacted, however he strongly opposed the harsh penalties in the Ugandan bill. The First Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed a lawsuit to proceed against U.S. pastor Scott Lively accusing him of "crimes against humanity."

Victory for Faith-Based Car Dealership in Abortion Pill Mandate Case - 12/15/2014
"It has long been my conviction to run my business according to the teachings of my faith. I am grateful that the court's ruling today allows me to remain obedient to the convictions of my faith without compromising my beliefs to obey government." United States District Court Judge Paul A. Magnuson issued a final order and injunction.

Towards 2015: The World has Changed -- and the Church must rise to meet the challenge - 12/15/2014
DISPLACED & TRAUMATISED As we head into 2015, hundreds of thousands of Christians are struggling to survive as refugees or IDPs. As we head into 2015, people are slowly becoming aware that slavery is alive and flourishing in the 21st Century and growing at an alarming rate. We have entered an age where mission and persecution must be seen as inseparable.

Muslims defend Ahok, the new Christian governor of Jakarta - 12/15/2014
The newly-elected Chinese Christian governor of Indonesia’s capital city, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, is finding new allies in Jakarta’s influential Muslim leaders. “Ahok,” reflects an “acceptance of diversity” agenda being put forth by the newly-elected President and former gubernatorial running mate, Joko Widodo.

Quiet persecution in Vietnam - 12/15/2014
North Korea has been the world’s worst persecutor of Christians for nearly a decade. Vietnam ranks 18th, far above China, which is 37th. Yet, with active harassment, oppression, and persecution of Christians, the prayer vigil for Vietnam has seemingly gone silent. The Bible school last month was attacked and destroyed for the seventh time since June.

An Urgent Need in Crisis Ridden Iraq - 12/15/2014
Difficult, and tragic, conditions face Iraqi refugees. The streets of Kurdistan's largest city are lined with children begging for money, for food. 1,000 people packed into one unfinished building in a mall. There was no flooring, and no privacy. “Two little sisters, 7 and 11 years old, watched ISIS slaughter their parents. Now, they hold each other and cry inconsolably.


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Edited by Moderator on 12/30/2014 at 7:06am
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