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Subject Topic: Digest February 05, 2015 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 02/05/2015 at 3:34am | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Love Dissolving Limitations - (The Next Move of God)
2. Awaken To The Season At Hand
3. A Storm is Coming
News Headlines


1. Love Dissolving Limitations
    (The Next Move of God)

By Ron McGatlin

For some time now many of God’s people have been expecting another great move of God. Prophets have been proclaiming it, often with an accompanying statement something like this, “A great move is coming that will bring great transformation, but we don’t know what it will look like.” Some have heard clearly by the Spirit that this move would not be like past moves that came like a wave and then later ebbed away. Each move seemed to drift back where it had come from. However, each wave left its mark upon the world. A fresh layer of restored truth and change was left with the people of God.

The Next Move is Here Now

This anticipated awesome move of God that will never end has begun. It is here like a mustard seed not like a stick of dynamite. It is very small and mostly underground but growing steadily mostly out of sight like yeast in dough. It is totally consuming lives and changing everyone who it invades.

However, this everlasting move of God that will not end looks so very different from previous moves that most people are not yet seeing it. They do not recognize the small beginnings of this great move of God largely because they thought it would be similar to the past moves of revivals and outpourings.

It is very hard, if not impossible, to adequately describe this move of God to others. It seems that it must be experienced rather than just hearing about it. When someone attempts to tell others, they usually don’t seem to get it. Often they feel like and may say something like, “Oh yes, I experienced that at (some time or place), and it was really great.” Yet they are still looking for more of God and dealing with strife, limitations, and such in their lives. And, yes, we may have had a fleeting moment or taste of this. Yet, it was not totally consuming and everlasting as it is in this work of God that has come upon us.

This invasion of God’s love into the hearts of his people is devastating to our past secular and religious ways. There no longer remains a desire for receiving more of God. We are completely satisfied in His continuing presence. Our lives are completely given away to Him, and truly we are not our own in any way.

It seems people cannot know that they do not have it until after they get it. Then they know it was never like this before.

Simply we are translated to a different place, and we are no longer where we were or where we have ever been before, and there is no way back to where we were before.

Beyond Passover and Pentecost is Tabernacles

Beyond Passover’s wonderful salvation revivals, beyond Pentecost’s glorious charismatic Holy Ghost revivals and outpourings, is Tabernacles’ – God within and among His people.

Passover’s revivals were characterized by God’s mercy and grace, the cross, the ascension, and being born again.

Pentecost’s charismatic Holy Ghost outpourings were characterized by God’s power, healing, deliverance, hearing God, and the resurrection life of Christ in the Holy Ghost.

Tabernacles, the move of God that will never end, is now coming upon the earth. It is characterized by God within and among us. His presence within us and among us is pure, holy, all-consuming love beyond explanation and description. Our past life is dissolved in the fire of His love consuming us. In an instant we are changed and are fully aware that it is Christ now living in us by the Holy Spirit in this new place where we abide. Pure holy love tabernacles or abides in and with us changing everything. 

Relationships change, situations change, what we could not do before now seems to do itself. God’s love is power flowing into and out from us dissolving walls and limitations. Barriers and boundaries are dissolved effortlessly. Our hearts and minds are cleansed as love dissolves every need that once drove us. All strife, bitterness, fear, and any other negative emotion or stress is dissolved in the power of His love. In the unavoidable interactions with the abrasive and tragic fallen world around us, we are strengthened to endure and come through unscathed in His love.

This move of God is completely from God inside of us. This is not a platform or pulpit move. It is a Spirit move inside the hearts of God’s people that is totally changing us from within.

In the past moves, we may have thought that we were in great shape with God and even did great works displaying natural and supernatural gifts ministering powerfully to the people. However, in this new move, only after this pure, holy, all-consuming love came in and cleansed us did we realize that we had been still contaminated with stuff. When we became cleansed in His love, we sensed the absence of all need in our lives. This was the first time we saw what had been remaining in us. After the stuff that had caused strife, disorder, and weakness amongst the people left, we were able to then see that it had been there and love had washed it away.

Our hearts are melted with the realization of His perfect love for us and in us.  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we are totally washed clean by His purifying love. His pure holy love gushes into our spirits, souls, and bodies. We are captive in His love.

False or outdated established structures within our hearts and lives are dissolved instantly. Man-made structures of religious, social, and political order around us will also be eventually dissolved in this never-ending move of God’s all powerful love. His pure, holy, all-consuming love is transforming His people to transform the world into the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. The perfect law of love fulfills all law and all prophecy. All these structures will pass away, but His love and His kingdom will never end.

In this pure move of love, trust and faith are abundant – the heavens are truly opened as we truly experience what it means to live and walk in the Spirit. Access is opened to enter spiritual heaven and commute there and back receiving of the resources of heaven to fulfill the work of establishing God’s kingdom on earth in the hearts of His people first and then into all aspects of the created world. All things are possible to the pure holy sons of God abiding in Christ and Christ in us as one.

The word and the reality of God’s kingdom on earth are further opened and unveiled to us. Mysteries are revealed as our spiritual senses are fully opened to experience the reality of life in the Spirit with God continuously.

All pretension and veils are removed from our hearts and lives. We can only speak the truth in love. We can only do and say what we see and experience God doing. Our minds are at perfect peace and function with greater clarity of understanding that derives its life from the one source of the wisdom from heaven.

Brothers and sisters, we are in this world at this time in the providence of God to become a part of the great move of God that will never end – the move of His love transforming us and eventually this world to His pure, holy, kingdom of heaven on earth.

Be consumed and lose your lives now for the sake of the love of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the gospel of His kingdom. Truly when we seek only His kingdom, all things are added to us far beyond what we may have thought that meant in the past. As we seek His kingdom, heaven is opened to us in this season of the ushering in of this great move of God on earth that will never end. There will truly be no ebb.

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. (Mat 10:39)  

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35)

Love never fails, and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

2. Awaken To The Season At Hand

By Clay Sikes

It is one thing to know 'about' God, yet quite another to 'know Him.' We have come to an hour where the superiority of 'knowing Him' has replaced the desire to simply know 'about Him.' Intimacy and oneness cannot be replaced with knowledge, as the restlessness in today's church attest. While I am always interested to hear those who know much 'about Him,' my real love is fellowshipping with those who ‘know Him.'

Occasionally, those who know the most about God are those who know Him the least. They approach 'knowing Him' through their minds (intellectual realm) at the expense of engaging Him by their spirit. Performance (outward acts) can never replace intimacy (knowing Him personally).

Amazingly, Our Father is willing to open this door with nothing more than a simple knock from us. When our priority shifts from knowing 'about God' to 'knowing God,' our spirit is now engaged rather than our intellect. It is here, the spirit realm, where our Lord wants to meet us. This is 'how' His Kingdom comes to earth as it is in heaven. It is all very simple by its very design, but man has complicated it as a religious intellectual endeavor rather than a spiritual one.

I have sought to understand this for many years, and only now see the fullness of what it is to live in the spirit rather than the flesh (intellectual realm). I am able to understand why some in leadership know much about God, but lack intimacy and oneness with God. Intellectual impartation lacks the power and contagious nature of spiritual impartation, and in fact, limits the depth of intimacy with God.

The current season of "The Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven," requires we make the mighty shift from intellect to spirit. We are to train ourselves in receiving direction from God's Spirit, rather than from the arena of logic and reason. And when we make the mind subject to the spirit, rather than spiritual matters being limited to what the mind can comprehend, our real journey begins.

Make the shift, the season in which you now live requires it. Tabernacles is here (the fullness of times), but to live in this fullness we must make the shift from mental to spiritual - it is here that we will experience the greatest love ever known to mankind. It is here that we see God's favor, and realm of the miraculous as we never have.

I share this word not as conjecture or another biblical theory, but from the depths of my heart backed by a testimony provided by my wonderful Father.

Clay Sikes

3. A Storm is Coming

By Lisa Great

The year 2015 according to the Gregorian calendar, or 5775AD according to the Hebrew calendar is the Year of the Whirlwind. It is a year when everything is about to change, there is acceleration of events, for some it is going to be very exciting times, for others it is going to be very challenging times. The line is being drawn in the sand and you will be on one side or the other, when the winds blow.

I live in the Midwest and here we have a warning signal that goes off on the first Wednesday of the month at 1pm, as a test to make sure the signal is working and so people know what the warning signal sounds like. I believe God is sending warning signals to His people all over the world right now, telling them a storm is coming. We see it on the news with the rise of various terrorist organizations, we see it in our falling gas prices, we hear about it through events in Fergusson, MO; Paris, France; and Malaysian airplanes. Jonathan Cahn wrote about it in his book called the Harbinger, Mark Biltz speaks of it in his book called Blood Moons and the Bible is talking about in Luke 6:46-49.

The Bible tells us that we are to be able to understand the seasons we are living in. I believe we are living in the best of times and the worst of times. I also believe our choices determine which of these times we are and will be living in. But, God is giving us plenty of warning signals that the storm is coming, so we can make adjustments in preparation for the storm. If we can see the dark clouds forming, the wind picking up and can smell the rain, it is time to prepare for the storm.

I have known for a while and have been speaking that a storm is coming, but I never could pinpoint what it was going to do. Some people speak only judgment, while others speak only glory and good things, I was torn between the two thoughts, knowing it was both and, but unable to discern what the purpose of the storm was. Then today as I was reading my Bible, the Lord revealed to me that the storm is coming to reveal our foundation. Luke 6:46 says, “Why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?” This is not a rhetorical question, Jesus is making a statement of truth, many call Him Lord, Lord, but very few actually do what He says. Jesus is asking us, right now, today, why do you call me Lord, Lord, (master, owner, authority) and not do what I say?

As I was meditating on this question, the Lord spoke to me and said, “It takes courage to follow Me”. Many people follow leaders, Pastors, other people they can see, but very few are following the Lord, for to follow Him takes courage. Jesus went on in this passage to describe 2 houses, one was built on a foundation, and the other was built on the ground. To lay a foundation, you have to dig deep down to the rock, but to build on the ground, no digging is required, and all you have to do is start building. Both are houses, both look the same on the outside, but when the storm hits, one will stand and the other will collapse.

A storm is coming, what you have built your house on will be seen, for the storm is coming to expose what is under the house, which most cannot see. Without discernment you cannot know what something is built on for it looks like a house to the naked eye, but the storm is coming and some houses will stand and others will collapse.

The foundation that will withstand the storm is relationship. Love relationship with the Lord, casts out fear (I John 4:18), builds trust, and produces obedience. The only foundation that will withstand the coming storm is one of love, for if you have not love, you are nothing (I Cor. 13:1-3) Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) and faith works by love (Galatians 5:6), so you have faith, hope and love, but still the greatest of these is love (I Cor. 13:13). A storm is coming, but Love Wins!

Lisa Great

4. News Headlines

Swift Justice: Jihadis Executed after Pilot's Death - 2/4/2015
The Jordanian government made good on its pledge to kill two terrorist captives if the Islamic State harmed Air Force pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. The move comes after a gruesome video appeared on the Internet this week showing the caged Jordanian pilot being burned to death by ISIS jihadists. The graphic video sparked outrage and protests throughout the Jordanian kingdom.

Veteran entertainer, Pat Boone, knows all about the power of prayer - 2/4/2015
14 years ago Pat Boone and his wife, Shirley received the shocking news that their eldest grandson, Ryan Corbin, then 25, had fallen through a skylight. His skull was crushed as he fell three floors to a cement floor below. Boone spoke about the extraordinary recovery of Ryan Corbin who was not expected to live, “Ryan continues to get better." Prayer is vital.

Japanese journalist beheaded by ISIS was a Christian - 2/4/2015
Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, beheaded by ISIS in a newly released gruesome video, also happened to be a devout Christian. Goto accepted Jesus in 1997, which was somewhat rare considering only two percent of the population of Japan is Christian. Christ’s call to reach the poor and broken in sprit seemed to motivate his journalism.

More than a Million flee from Boko Haram Attacks in Nigeria - 2/4/2015
Incessant attacks from Muslim militants in north-eastern Nigeria have caused over a million people to flee their homes. Christian villages, residents are killed and houses are razed. Christians are also attacked by ethnic Fulani Muslims. January 25, the strategic town of Maiduguri was attacked. the same day, militants rampaged Monguno town burning houses to the ground.

Caliphate: Islamic World's 'Dream Come True' - 2/4/2015
The so-called Islamic State became the first caliphate in nearly 100 years. "This dream holds together some kind of feeling that under the caliphate there is going to be a wonderful Islamic world. There's going to be a world power that could not be matched." "In Arabic caliph is successor, someone who takes the place of." A long line of caliphs have ruled in 1,400-years of history.

Extraordinary revival in L.A. and Orange County high schools - 2/4/2015
After a stirring message, “she came running up to the front. She was weeping. She asked Brian to pray for her. She was going to commit suicide that day, but instead she found God.” About 2,500 students at 15 high schools hear the gospel each week through campus Christian clubs. Kids have been saved from drugs, violence, sexual sin, and hopelessness.

Kingdom work continues despite Boko Haram - 2/4/2015
Boko Haram continues its reign of terror in Nigeria, with threats to expand terrorist activities into neighboring countries. Attacks by the Muslim group in northern Nigeria are causing immense suffering. A violent campaign is being waged against innocent civilians who are being killed, chased, enrolled, or enslaved. Gospel is impacting their receptive hearts.

Meager support to flood victims in Malawi - 2/4/2015
Aid is finally arriving in Malawi, where communities were cut off by the country’s worst floods in half a century. So far, over 170,000 people have been displaced, while an estimated 116,000 households have lost their crops and livestock. In Mozambique, there were 11,000 homes destroyed and 88 deaths. For impoverished Malawi the tragedy is beyond devastating.

Misson Mongolia: Jesus and the Final Frontiers - 2/4/2015
Amid the rugged beauty and fascinating culture of Mongolia, there is a spiritual awakening taking place. People there are coming to Christ because people have prayed, worked and given to make Him known in a place where Communism once forbade the practice of religion. “there are about 40,000 believers worshiping in some 600 churches across the country.


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 02/05/2015 at 9:21am
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