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Posted: 11/16/2010 at 2:37pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011 - A Year of Revealed Change and Transition

Garris Elkins

2011 will be a year of great change and transition within the Church. This change and transition has already taken place in the spiritual realm. In the coming year these changes will become visible within the Church in greater measure. I am seeing four areas of change and transition that will take place in the upcoming year which are outlined below.


In the last several decades a broadened understanding has taken place regarding the ministry of the "Apostle and Prophet."  Movements have risen up around these two gifts. A critical linkage will develop in 2011 between Apostle and Prophet with the Evangelist for a three-cord, Spirit-empowered harvest of souls. The government of the harvest will be released. There will be a visible inclusiveness between these three gifts to prepare the Church for a supernatural harvest.


For 2011 many will make a great discovery – in the midst of their failures God will show up to bless them in spite of these visible and obvious failures. There will be a "revival of blessing" in unlikely and unsuspecting places.  A "prodigal blessing" and feast is being planned and released for 2011.

When we stand in the middle of the debris fields of failure that many are experiencing, and when God comes unexpectedly with supernatural provision and blessing, that moment of mercy will produce a depth of humility, repentance and worship, which no successful faith-formula can ever provide.

Our songs of repentance amidst our failures, sung under the blessing of God, will release a deeper understanding of the mercy heart of God.


Recently, a counselor friend of mine spoke to a leader who was burned out. The counselor told the leader to stop studying, stop having daily devotions, stop making plans and simply learn to rest in God's presence. None of these things the leader was asked to stop doing were wrong. They are all part of a healthy Believer's life. The "spiritual disciplines" of his life had become the places from which he had tried to draw life. An orderly life had replaced Jesus as the Giver of Life. My counselor friend wanted this leader to break the rules of religious productivity in order to come back to the simplicity of faith in Jesus.

God is breaking man-made rules of productivity that tell us "doing more is holy." God desires that we lay down the deception of trying to prove our worth to God through religious duty. Productivity is the language of slaves. Inheritance is the language of God's children.

In 2011 God will ask His people to move into the deeper revelation of friendship that Jesus promised His disciples. In John 15 Jesus told these newly-defined friends that a master does not confide in slaves. Slaves are not receivers of revelation – only friends are. Slaves work from a list of duties provided by a slave master. Each day the predictable drudgery of the slave's list produces a defeated heart in the slave. God wants His friends to hear His voice. Some have mentally moved back into the slave quarters of the past and now God is calling them back into friendship and into fresh daily revelation that comes from living in the dwelling place of His presence.


In prayer I saw an image of a large magnifying glass being held over Chicago and the surrounding communities. As a beam of light passed through the magnifying lens and focused its beam on this region, I heard the words, "A burn is coming."

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 burned for three days destroying the city and killing hundreds. In 2011 the coming burn of God will revive the Chicago region and bring thousands to new life in Christ. Hands raised in worship during "normal" worship services will be set on fire. People will literally feel the heat of God's presence in their bodies. A prominent mega-church will experience a work of Pentecost that will challenge the understanding of some. The wise will wait to judge what is taking place. God will raise up an unlikely spokesman from among these burning ones to champion what God is doing.

Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church - Medford, Oregon


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Posted: 11/16/2010 at 2:43pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011 is the Year of Prophetic Transformation and Our Inheritance!
John Mark Pool
John Mark and Sandy Pool

Your Inheritance is Immense!

This is the beginning of many words that will begin to come forth concerning what the Lord has shown me that "2011 will be the Year of the Prophet!" You may take words this year and prophesy them into existence for Kingdom wealth transformation in 2011 and beyond!

And for this cause He is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.—Hebrews 9:15 KJV

2011 is also a year to experience New Revelation! As the Lord gave me revelations for 2011, I had accompanying visions of the treasures of God's Kingdom, and you will surely want to read on!

I was traveling in the Holy Land and walked up to the church at Ephesus and the church of Saint John in our recent travels. As I felt the Lord dealing with me, I paused and looked out at the expanse of the coastal region in which we had just arrived by ship. Just as I glanced out at the expanse, the Lord showed me immeasurable amounts of golden coins flowing down from above and landing all around this area. It was such a treasure, and also included were many precious stones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and so many others that my heart beat with excitement. I glanced and then saw all the ruins again as stones and yesteryear's history of these churches.

My heart yet pounded with what this meant, and I heard the Lord tell me, "The anointing of the sacrifices made from My servants like John and Paul are pulling out of Heaven the earthly abundance that will be for an everlasting memorial in My Kingdom!" I felt the hardships, such as shipwrecks, hunger, beatings, exhaustion and constant intimidations, hurled at their calling to establish this powerful Church and continuing witness for all of Christianity. God said to me clearly, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

I felt tears running down my face as I pondered the resistance from all the forces of evil not wanting the beachhead of God's truth to establish a foundation where others would be transformed in spirit, soul and mind. The Father kept assuring me that the anointing, the deposits of lives through their blood sown in this labor, are never-stopping; the eternal Kingdom treasures will only increase. I put a small pebble from the road in my hand and felt it was more valuable at that moment than any wealth this world could offer!

This was what our Father said about the treasures of this earth: they will only decay, rust and get moth-eaten, but His eternal jewels are from everlasting to everlasting. It seemed lifeless to think at that moment of more "stuff" that we do not need in contrast of the value this Church at Ephesus had upon the Kingdom of God.

Upon further investigation of history, I read that the Church at Ephesus established by Paul was essential in the region because this was also the capital of all pagan worship to the goddess Diana. Paul realized that the vast area of Asia Minor had to legally travel to Ephesus to make sacrifices annually to the heathen gods that dominated this land, therefore even the merchants, who only pretended to worship the goddess Diana, were very adamantly opposed to Paul's new form of "foreign worship of an unknown" God through a resurrected Jesus Christ.

This was a great challenge to have in the headquarters of the pagan gods, both spiritually and financially, for Ephesus. This was not only a risk for their adherents of pagan worship, it was a direct danger to the local government for many to be swayed into freedom of worship of an eternal Savior that did not require paying local alms to the sacrifices of their pagan gods. It was also a huge, impending hazard to the area government's financial structure. This made the entire message change its overall value, as well as the tremendous tenacity to establish the Church and God's Kingdom in Asia Minor – when you are completely unwanted!

But, where we stood, the Word of God is still being preached in that region today. People are still hearing daily the Word of God, the message crying forward from Apostle Paul, disciples such as John and Mark and others, declaring, The value of the Kingdom of God is everlasting!

We who are in Christ Jesus are the very family of God with an eternal inheritance that begins when we say "yes" to Jesus Christ as Lord of our life!

Decree Your Kingdom Increase!

2011 will be a year of "re-ordering" for the Kingdom of God!

Have you ever prophesied, preached, decreed and stayed only to find your fruit seems dead? Do NOT give up, but decree your transformation begin now! God is taking what the enemy hopes as "disorder," and in 2011 is changing it into Deliverance Orders! Begin now to prophesy and decree your disorder is transformed into your New Deliverance Orders! Become re-structured by God's prophetic transformation orders! When the Word begins to turn things around, do not think it strange that you will have to "war" with your re-ordering Words to see them birthed into manifestations of completeness and deliverance from the enemy's plans to rob, kill, and destroy your inheritance! Decree your Kingdom increase now!

Remember when the major prophet Elisha prophesied a new son for the lady who had made a room for the prophet? He was inspired to give the woman a word, which produced to the barren invaluable fruit. Yet just as her son reached the time to grow up as an adult and further his ministry calling (this was indeed at harvest season), then the enemy attacked her in the most valuable place – the heir to her inheritance; her family progenitor was now dead.

Have you ever had someone ask you, "What do we do now after our promise you prophesied has died?" It makes this prophetic calling become more understandable than just being a dispenser of words to others! I so appreciate the faith and the character of the prophet to go on with the Shunammite woman to literally take ownership of this valuable prophetic promise. Elisha taught us, then and now, we must know we have heard from God and teach others that the eternal value of our inheritance is certainly worth fighting for!

We must indeed notice this was more than just the giving of a "prophetic word" and moving onward; this was warring with the establishment of the Kingdom of God over the kingdoms of this world! This lady knew her source was a "Man of God" and not afraid of the conflict that lay on his bed. The prophet knew that God gave him the word, because the family's inheritance was now twelve years old and continuing to witness the value of God's eternal inheritance prophesied in the natural environment.

Thank God Elisha had the calling, the background of steadfast obedience, to learn from Elijah along with the determination to focus upon the mantle of the double portion that would not fail him in this satanic conflict. God was simply demonstrating to the Shunammite woman and the region that when God established this Kingdom with one Word, it was offered to His servants the prophets to continue this Kingdom by decreeing things that be not as though they were!

This is a message of the tenacity of God's Called to demonstrate that this calling is not for the faint of heart yet is for those who will indeed fellowship with the cup of suffering as well as the treasures of blessings! When we listen to hear, to sow, to remain steadfast, we can be the message of God's Kingdom, no matter the location, the circumstance, the difficulty or the occasion. God wants us to press into Him to become His Word to those who will be changed into the everlasting treasure.

Yes, our real treasure is not made with man's hands, but it is the eternal relationship with the Father. The Father will openly reward those who diligently seek and obey Him by setting them over nations and kingdoms in the everlasting Kingdom of God, forever and ever to rule and reign with our Lord on high!

Seek First God's Kingdom and Share the Treasures Now!

But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.—Matthew 6:33 KJV

Now, is it important to seek the Kingdom of God first? I believe this word is a clarion call to bring the Body of Christ back to the basic values of where we place our hearts as to the treasures we will demonstrate to others. As Christians, who are also the very heirs of the throne of God's blessings, we must display to the lost our heart's desire for the correct value of treasures while upon earth. Our examples come from Elisha, John and Paul, who told us not only to follow God and speak His Word but also to share with our families and the lost the eternal inheritance of God's Kingdom.

Hear these words from Apostle Paul: "We also pray that you will be strengthened with His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to His people, who live in the light" (Colossians 1:11-12 NLT).

God is our Creator of all that is created, and for those who know Him as Father, He has laid up eternal treasures as His inheritance for His family!

Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth passes to the godly.—Proverbs 13:22 NLT

You may not have much earthly treasure to pass along in this life to your family, yet God tells us to lay up treasures of eternal value that nothing can destroy! What a blessing to have such a legacy of Kingdom wealth for our children's children!

What is Valuable to You?

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."—Matthew 6:21

God wants our relationship with Him as our invaluable treasure to be enjoyed now and forever! Relationship with God is everything! We cannot value our eternal abode through comparisons to earthly treasures. God did not want us to view this in the natural but the "SUPERnatural."

God does not want His children, His righteous, forsaken in their needs on earth, or have His "heirs" (seed) begging for bread. When we get the priorities of God's Kingdom alignment adjusted, then the things we need will overtake us as blessings of His inheritance – beginning now. It is in the pursuit of the Father that the demand note is placed upon our inheritance, which we already have, and is afforded us now.

As I have been pondering and waiting upon the Lord, He shared with me that this next calendar year, as well as beginning now in the Hebraic calendar, is a year the Lord will begin to show His hand of judgment. Do not take this as something in which to be alarmed but as blessings to those who seek Him with their whole heart. As we do, also realize that judgment of God is aligned with His mercies that are new every morning! Looking to the Father should help us bring others to their everlasting inheritance, not lasting judgment.

John 3:19 says, "Judgment is based upon this fact: The light from Heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil."

However, Jesus came and brought the judgment to sin and resurrection life to us, who can now be the mercy that will always triumph over the judgment! Our mercies are new every morning, and we can indeed display the heart of our Father to those who are in need of being prophetically transformed into heirs of light!

If we seek first the Kingdom of God, not man's ideas of finite fortunes, then all our needs will be met – and abundantly. Our loving Father, who has all the wealth at His disposal, does not want His children living as "mentally or physically poverty-stricken" demonstrations of Kingdom rewards. We do not have to meagerly exist on crumbs, barely getting by, when we are called as the inheritance of the Creator of Heaven and earth! As our hearts are united with the Father's, then we will not only enjoy His abundance in every area, we will also be content with less physically, gaining greater abundance by sharing with others the spiritual treasures that last forever! That is called "spending our Father's inheritance now!"

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread.—Psalm 37:25 KJV

Vision of Restoration of the Wealth of Family Unity!

Remembering the message of the prodigal son in a parable from the teachings of Jesus (Luke 15:11-32), the son had asked and received of his father the amount of his inheritance early. The father divided it and gave it to the younger son who quickly went out and squandered it on the wrong things of this world that did not bring any rewards or blessings. However, this caused the younger son to come to his senses, thinking that his father's servants now enjoyed more than he did in the pig pen of his life.

Like the older brother and others, human nature would judge the younger son's insolence; it would seem a justifiable reward to crawl back and take a servant's role, while groveling his way back into his father's favor. However, God had us view this not in the humanistic view of justifiable actions with accompanying consequences, but with the eternal view of being lost from the Father and now restored to far more of an eternal inheritance than this earth could offer.

Not long ago, the Lord showed me vividly the "better ending" He desires through us to complete the message from the parable of the prodigal son.

I was pondering on the restoration of the unity of faith in the family of God for the increase of God's Kingdom, when immediately I was in the drama of the prodigal son coming home. I was walking beside him as he came down the lane, and his father was looking intently for him to arrive. As he got closer, the excitement was evident that this father cared for his son more than earthly treasures. He immediately hugged and kissed his long lost son, put on the ring and sandals, and began the feast and celebration of the dead son who is now alive.

I was then taken into the room of the older brother who was brooding and fomenting word curses about this celebration. As the father heard it, he explained that his younger brother was dead and is now alive. He told him that all this earthly wealth of his father was always his, but this relationship of our youngest is now home to enjoy.

I then was taken past what we read in the parable into the spirit realm of what I feel the Lord is saying to us today. In my vision, we were all sitting at the table of the feast, and the younger brother came over and apologized to the older brother and gave him a big hug. The older brother, yet a little reluctant to forgive him, was then relieved when the younger brother assured the older that he never wanted any of his earthly inheritance, "For now I have truly found – through a very hard lesson – the immense wealth of the eternal reward of our father's relationship and family restored!"

I wept as I came out of this vision, for so many of us indeed have been one of the characters of this parable. No matter if you had been swindled, were the founding father of your family's business, or the "Jacob of the family who faced off with Esau," what matters is that we know the immeasurable riches of the eternal treasure of the Kingdom of God! As the vision ended, let me tell you the ending was a happy one. The older brother began to weep aloud and then also asked for complete forgiveness for building up such unwarranted animosity over earthly "stuff!" Both began to recount times past and joked together as in their youthful days, while the father and family began to cry with joy as the entire family was again restored to better than before!

2011 is Your Year of Prophetic Transformation!

Wow! God does not want to simply "fix up" broken hearts and messed up lives; He came to restore that which was lost from the sin of one man. He came that we indeed might not only have life, but when we say yes to Jesus Christ, we can begin a new relationship with our heavenly Father now! He says to share with everyone the message of the Good News that your inheritance must be spent now!

OK, so let us start giving away that eternal message and sow eternal treasures into hearts and lives desperate for the endless treasures of everlasting life! Go out and share this treasure with all those God leads you to, and let them know when they ask why you care; you must smilingly let them know you are supposed to be "sharing" or "spending" on them your Father's inheritance now!

John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries


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Posted: 11/18/2010 at 3:31pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011 and Beyond: The Year of the Faith Force Driven by Love!
Munday Martin

In the midst of turbulence, there is going to be a "faith force driven by love" that will consume the lovers of Jesus at this hour. Revivals of the past have always been first marked by men and women who considered their reputations to be crucified with the Lord and rose up with undying love for their generation.

"Turbulence Stop!"

Recently, I was on a flight back from Wales to America. On the flight we began to experience dreadful turbulence. People were scared. Everyone's drinks were shaking, people were looking around, concerned, and the pilot came on the intercom with an alarmed tone, "Everyone be seated now and fasten your seat belts." The stewardesses ran the carts to the back of the plane to brace for safety.

I was immersed in the glory of God, listening to worship on my iPod, when a faith came on me driven by love. I actually looked over at my friend Charles Shamp, who woke up from the turbulence, and I said to him, "We are entering into the Shalom of God," in a sort of inebriated certainty, while the plane was violently shaking. He laughed! All of the sudden in front of 300 passengers who could hear me, I screamed, "Turbulence stop! THANK YOU!"

People at first laughed at me thinking I was a nut case, but then an awe-filled silence filled the plane as the winds immediately stopped and there was no more turbulence for the entire flight for hours. I gave glory to God on that flight as people could hear me testifying about the power of Jesus that stopped the winds after we landed.

The Lord put it on my heart that the lovers of Jesus consumed by God's presence will dictate the times and season we are living in now. The very "winds of fear" that bind nations to living the typical life, will have to bow to the "love force winds" coming on God's people in this hour. Only vain religion can stand in the way of an individual's full surrender to these winds of change.

Faith Force Driven by Love

Oftentimes, even in powerful ministries and churches, men mask behind traditions of men and the spirit of religion, building empires to themselves without the help of the Holy Spirit. Subsequently, outside of those walls are dying souls who feel drawn to the supernatural in media and music, drugs and alcoholism, as there is no perception in their mind of a "love force" blowing in these empires that can be their greatest addiction. Many have not made Christ relevant to this post-modern society. Fortunately, a love war is here and the ones who choose full Holy Spirit possession, combined with character and integrity, will turn the tides and bring change to society, drug culture, media and more.

God's Spirit is going to come and overshadow a Church in limbo between politics or total surrender to triumphant peace and unknown joy in God in His all consuming fire of love. The spirit of religion is being dealt with. We must begin to understand that oftentimes God will move not because of our theology but in spite of it. In fact, many of the early Church saints, even before they had access to the apostle's doctrine, were known to have been consumed in the book of the Canticle of Canticles, or as we know it today, the Song of Solomon. It was like their Bible, because it dawned on them that this was an entire book prophetically written about the Bridegroom's intimate love for His Bride!

Many of these early Church saints walked in such supernatural power and changed the world, while at the same time were fiercely persecuted. Felt persecuted lately? Here comes a time of God's favor on His Church, as a faith force is arising driven by love. Every seed you have planted in the last ten years is about to be reaped in Harvest Glory this decade, along with a justice move of God that will surprise us all! But to find God's justice, there must first be faith that refuses to give up. A Church of the Word and Spirit is arising and believing!

Lovers in the House of God

Jesus closed the parable of the unjust judge in Luke 18:8, saying, "I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

God will move in these days in cities not because of good deeds, but in spite of them. Why? Faith is arising in the Body. Lovers who will transform society are drinking in the house of God's wine. In Song of Solomon 2:4, the literal translation appears, "He brought me into his house of wine and his banner over me is love."

The Message translation of Ephesians 3:14-19 says, "My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all Heaven and earth. I ask Him to strengthen you by His Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite Him in. And I ask Him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God."

Christianity is about to explode out of the textbooks! It is no longer going to be a theory, an ideology, and it won't be a humanistic morality club. Jesus is coming back for lovers. It is time for, "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!"

Father, thank You for letting a contagious explosive supernatural love revolution arise in the Body that will not be predicated, not directed, not assisted, not prepared by any ministerial effort.

When the glory of God shows up, man's efforts to produce revival will be trumped by God's glory that will bring about the restoration of all things before Christ's triumphant return. The cloud is coming into the house of God. Now it will be time for the saints to let Jesus out. Many already think we are crazy anyway, so we might as well let Him out to all cultures in love. If we can embrace what Jesus said, "If they persecuted Me they will also persecute you," we will do fine at this hour.

Also remember, holiness is not a bunch of folks that can pridefully claim they have achieved holiness like it is some Christian elite status like the Pharisees of old, but it will be simply a Body of Believers who celebrate the finished works of Christ's Cross on Calvary. They will manifest what they believe and will fill the earth with the glory of God through the force of faith driven by love.

Weymouth New Testament: "He who believes in Me, from within him – as the Scripture has said – rivers of living water shall flow" (John 7:38).

Don't wait for the Heavens to rent over your church or town, let them out from within you. Yes, Lord, and amen!

Munday Martin
Contagious Love International

Munday and Jennifer Martin are revivalists who are radically in love with Jesus and want to see God's Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. Munday and Jennifer both minister and preach in the glory realm of God, imparting revival fire and miracles to people, regions, and nations they visit, leading many into a life full of the ecstasies of God. With his wife Jennifer, Munday has traveled the globe extensively in 26 nations seeing literally thousands come to Christ through power evangelism, international crusade work, and prophetic street evangelism since 1999.

Munday and Jennifer have a strong burden to make disciples – a desire to see a supernatural Jesus generation rise up who will promote transformation and counter cultural reformation through intimacy with the Holy Spirit. It is their desire to help raise up an army of radical Believers in the Body of Christ who will storm the nations with the love of Christ through signs, wonders, miracles, and compassionate love.

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Posted: 11/30/2010 at 5:53am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

We Have Reached a "Fullness of Time" Juncture in Church History
Paul Keith Davis
Paul Keith Davis

Greetings friends,

Wanda, Natalie and I are just returning from a very fruitful series of meetings in Detroit, Michigan; Seoul, South Korea; and Auckland, New Zealand. One thing we received from each of these meetings is the clear evidence of a remnant company of people who have positioned themselves for spiritual breakthrough and a season of fruitfulness. There is a tremendous stirring that is taking place among various leadership who have been prepared for this season and also a remnant company of God's people who will begin to restore "desolate heritages." According to Haggai 1:14:

"The Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God."

This Scripture is a prophetic portrait of a season of supernatural restoration and the fulfillment of profound promises following Israel's Babylonian captivity. Although the invitation was given to the masses, only a core remnant responded with faithfulness and determination. Daniel's willingness to contend for the fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy unleashed a spiritual visitation that provided a spiritual stirring which provoked the hearts of Zerubbabel, Joshua and the remnant of God's people.

The word used for stirring in this context is "ur" meaning to awaken, arouse or provoke to excitement; to be stirred up. In contrast to sleep, the idea is the opening of the eyes. This is a picture of what the Lord is doing today. Ezra confirmed this reality in his prophecies, saying:

"Then the heads of fathers' households of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites arose, even everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up and rebuild the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem" (Ezra 1:5).

On this past Day of Atonement, the Holy Spirit began to talk to us about promises we have held in our hearts for a number of years. These promises dealt with us personally and corporately as a generation. On that very day, Bob Jones phoned to share with us revelation he received on Atonement. Part of that dealt with the delay that we have experienced over the course of the last several years. In his revelations he was told that the 2008 Shepherd's Rod that we jointly prepared will have much application in the season ahead. In fact, he said there has been a two-year delay in the initiation of these promises because of spiritual, political and economic circumstances we have endured.

Even so, I believe there is a remnant company prepared to move forward with a measure of stewardship of spiritual promises that will begin to provoke our generation to its place in destiny. We are seeing tokens of that in Mobile, Alabama, and other regions experiencing spiritual awakening.

These are indeed the most profound days in Church history. The Lord will display His victory and He will have His harvest. Our cry should be that of Abraham in Genesis 18:3, saying, "My Lord, if now I have found favor in Your sight, please do not pass Your servant by."

The following will include excerpts from the 2008 Shepherd's Rod. We pray the Lord's richest blessings upon you during this season of transition and breakthrough.

Kindest regards and blessings,

Paul Keith & Wanda and the WhiteDove team


Much of the preparatory work that has been taking place within many of God's people will be brought to a place of fullness or completion over this next season in preparation for "crossing over" into the land of fulfilled promises. Nevertheless, although a grooming mode will continue, these days will also be marked with divine visitation and personal impartation.

The Holy Spirit's refining work will continue until the Lord's return. However, there are crossroads in human history marked by divine visitation and spiritual outpouring that generates a harvest of souls and greater measures of truth and understanding in God's Word. This is accomplished through individuals who have yielded themselves to God and become trustworthy stewards of His revelation and power.

We have come to such a crossroad that presently stands before us. We must take every opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to sift from our soul every potential hindrance and encumbrance. Like David we cry:

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24).

Breakthrough with the Young

The initial revelations given for this year's Day of Atonement strategy started with a vision of young adults. Clearly, everything that God is doing today involves the entirety of His Church. Every age group, ethnic community, and demographic is called to their post of duty in this, perhaps the most crucial hour in Church history. Nevertheless, the revelatory insights once again emphasized God's heart to mobilize an army of young people with radical faith and passion.
This is also evidenced by the emphasis given to this age group by our adversary in his attempt to divert and corrupt this young generation. There is presently a battle raging for our children. We must be mobilized to meet this challenge and call for the truest form of Christianity that is filled with both Spirit and power. That is the only answer we can offer to win this generation. As the prophet Joel predicted:

"Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel: I am the LORD your God and there is no other. My people shall never be put to shame. And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions" (Joel 2:27-28).

Again, the Lord's desire to emphasize the struggle for the young stresses its importance. The Lord intends to impart within us a form of faith that is saturated with joy unspeakable and full of glory. First Peter 1:7-8 declares:

"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in Whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory."

Throughout Church history there have been crossroads where children and young adults were used to introduce an entire generation to the manifestation of God's Spirit. One of the most well-known in our generation is the outpouring that took place under the leadership of H. A. Baker as recorded in his book, "Visions Beyond the Veil."

This fascinating story highlights a group of young people visited by the Lord's Spirit who experienced visions and revelations of the Lord that radically transformed them and their community. There have been other examples of this reality, but this one seems to capture our attention and imagination as a prophetic model of God's intent to pour His Spirit out upon all flesh.

Part of the introduction of "Vision Beyond the Veil" states:

"Visions?...In the 20th century? You might dismiss the visions of other people with a shrug. But somehow, when it's a child, it makes you stop and think. Only in this case, it was not just one child – but many.

"Children who had been street beggars before they arrived at the Adullam Rescue Mission asked God to reveal Himself to them. This book records the result of the faithful expectation of these young orphans. Unlearned and unschooled, they experienced revelations and visions of Heaven surprisingly accurate to the Biblical account. A truly remarkable book about the truly remarkable God!

"The Visitation

"The morning prayer meeting was lasting longer than usual. The older children left the room one by one to begin their studies in the school-room, while a few of the smaller boys remained on their knees, deep in prayer. The Lord was near; we all felt the presence of the Holy Spirit among us. Some who had gone out came back into the room.

"Tears began to stream down the faces of all those present as they came under a strong conviction of sin – something we had been praying for a long time – and, with their arms in the air, they cried to the Lord for forgiveness. One person after another fell down under the mighty power of the Holy Spirit until more than twenty were lying flat on the floor. When I saw that the Lord was doing a really unusual thing among us, I slipped over to the school-room and told the boys that if they felt led to come and pray they might be excused from their school work.

"In a short while the Chinese teacher was left sitting alone by the table. All his pupils had returned to the prayer room, and were now enthusiastically praying and praising the Lord. When the teacher realized there was nothing for him to do, he decided to go home. I had not invited him to come in with the children for, although he had been with us a long time, he did not seem at all interested in spiritual things. He went a short distance from the house but then turned back. When he entered the prayer room no one noticed him; everyone was too busy having their own dealings with the Lord. He went to a far corner of the room, and, for the first time in his life, knelt down and tried to pray.

"The meeting went on hour after hour with the children showing no desire to leave. I had nothing to do or say; the Lord seemed in complete control; I just tried to keep out of His way.

"As the children saw, in their visions, the awfulness of Hell, the despair of those who were lost, and the indescribable evil of the devil and his angels, their agonized crying was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. It was all incredibly real to them. In their visions many saw themselves in chains being dragged to the very edge of Hell, which became an awful and terrible reality. As they realized they were sinners in the grip of the devil, who ought to be punished, they were terrified. But the grace of the Lord Jesus to bring freedom was just as real. The joy, laughter and peace they received and the knowledge of what they had been saved from was an experience which I am sure will never leave them...

"In the first few days no one paid much attention to eating or sleeping. Whenever the young people began to pray the power of God would come, causing many to fall to the floor. It was impossible to have meals at regular hours without interfering with the work of the Holy Spirit. As the power of God lifted from them, various ones would go out for a time to rest or eat something, and then they would return to the prayer room soon to be under the power of the Holy Spirit again.

"One thing is certain. All that was demanded of us missionaries during this move of the Holy Spirit was that we keep out of the way and did not interfere with His wonderful work. Our part was to open up our own hearts so that we too might have a deeper experience of the Heavenly blessings that were being showered upon us.

"From the very beginning our experience of the Holy Spirit at this time – the manifestations, the visions and revelations – was so beyond our own experience and knowledge that my wife and I said to one another that the only resource we had was to believe that God was bigger than the devil. We trusted in God's promise:

"'Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!' (Luke 11:11-13)."

There is an all out assault by the army of darkness against the young of this generation. Much of this war is fought in the realm of contemporary media. Nevertheless, where evil is abundant, grace will much more abound (Romans 5:20). Light will always overcome darkness! Our present call as a Body of Believers is to become the light of this world and illuminated with present revelation. Daniel foresaw this generation and prophesied:

"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of Heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever" (Daniel 12:3).

Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory

In Bob's vision of this reality, the young people were very joyous as they were having personal encounters with the Lord. In the experience the youth were shouting, "Joy unspeakable and full of glory," emphasizing this Scripture in 1 Peter 1 and God's intent to manifest this aspect of His plan during this next spiritual season.

In its truest form, joy is a sense of well-being despite circumstances. Those that maintain this position in their hearts, and recognize God's sovereignty, will begin to experience measures of glory in the coming season.

College campuses will continue to be visited by God's Spirit to awaken this young generation to the reality of the true Christian life. Many of tomorrow's champions will be identified in this environment and prepared to be used by the Holy Spirit, even in their youth. This will be part of the restoration of our inheritance that has become desolate. Isaiah prophesied:

"In a favorable time I have answered you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you; and I will keep you and give you for a covenant of the people, to restore the land, to make them inherit the desolate heritages; saying to those who are bound, 'Go forth,' to those who are in darkness, 'Show yourselves.' Along the roads they will feed, and their pasture will be on all bare heights" (Isaiah 49:8-9).

Many of America's universities were initially formed as institutions to prepare people to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the earth. This mandate will be recaptured with modern-day missionaries being commissioned and empowered with end-time anointing. These individuals will not merely carry good theological understanding but an experiential encounter that has transformed them.

The youth of this generation are going to discover exuberance and joy in God for which the spirit of this world has no substitute. They will discover that the greatest journey of all is to walk with the Lord Jesus and know Him intimately. Drugs, alcohol and other addictions will then lose their captivation among this group.

Panel of Seven Judges

The next vision highlighted a panel of seven God-ordained "judges" commissioned to begin judging prophecies to determine which are from the Lord and which are not. He saw six men and one woman serving in this capacity. Presently, there is a flood of prophetic insight being distributed to the Church. Many of the things prophesied are from the Holy Spirit while others are born in the mind and imagination of people, while yet others may be a mixture of both.

During Biblical times, the sounding of a trumpet was crucial. Their lives depended upon the clarity of the sound so that the people would know how to prepare themselves. There was a trumpet sound for war and another trumpet sound for a holy convocation. Our present call is for our trumpet to be clear, concise and accurate. This will begin to eliminate much of the confusion that now exists.

Our generation is desperate for a more sure word of prophecy. We must improve in this area. Thankfully, through these revelations, the Lord is emphasizing His desire to provide the spiritual insight we need to meet this challenge. In essence, the Lord desires to remove the leaven from our prophetic insight so that we see more clearly the path ahead and the necessary preparation to cooperate with Him.

During the prophetic ministry of Ezekiel there were many people prophesying false visions and utterances. The river had been polluted by the agendas of men. Even so, the Lord promised a time of restoration when gallant men and women would stand before God and say only what He is saying. Ezekiel recorded:

"Son of man, what is this proverb you people have concerning the land of Israel, saying, 'The days are long and every vision fails'? Therefore say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "I will make this proverb cease so that they will no longer use it as a proverb in Israel." But tell them, "The days draw near as well as the fulfillment of every vision.

"For there will no longer be any false vision or flattering divination within the house of Israel. For I the LORD will speak, and whatever word I speak will be performed. It will no longer be delayed, for in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and perform it," declares the Lord GOD.'" (Ezekiel 12:22-25).

The number seven is a number of completion and fullness. Seeing the seven "judges" does not necessarily imply that there will literally be seven people charged with this responsibility, although that is a possibility. Rather, we believe it is a commission being given to the Church and a complete release of grace to achieve it.

The entire Body of Christ worldwide will experience this measure of wisdom and understanding to discern His voice and be separated from others. The Lord promised:

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:27-28).

The Spirit of revelation is fundamentally essential for the eradication of spiritual stupor that blinds our eyes and stops our ears from hearing clearly. Without God's illumination, we are doomed to repeating past mistakes and failures. Moses' generation missed their door of opportunity because they did not possess eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand God's purpose (Deuteronomy 29:4).

The Living Word

Separating the clean from the unclean and the precious from the profane can only be achieved by the manifestation of the Living Word. Hebrews 4:12 states:

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

These days will see the Lord returning as the Living Word to separate spirit from soul and judge the thoughts and intentions of men's hearts. Many of our prophetic utterances are determined by the sincerity of our hearts. We simply cannot allow selfish ambition or personal agendas to dictate the flow of prophetic insight.

The prophet Micaiah is a wonderful spiritual type of this ministry emerging today. This man of God lived during the days of Ahab and Jezebel. On one occasion Ahab invited righteous King Jehoshaphat to partner with him in war against Israel's enemies. Interestingly, Ahab's desire was to retake Ramoth-Gilead, a territory that rightfully belonged Israel. However, this fulfillment would not take place under his unrighteous leadership, but at an appointed time.

Jehoshaphat purposed to inquire of the Lord to determine God's will in this endeavor. Hence, Ahab paraded 400 of his prophets before the kings. Everyone prophesied the wishes of Ahab. Something in the heart of Jehoshaphat was not content with this perspective. He asked if there was yet one more who could contact Heaven and declare God's heart. Ahab said:

"There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. He is Micaiah son of Imlah" (1 Kings 22:8).

There was one prophet willing to say just what God was saying, and his name was Micaiah. This courageous prophet withstood overwhelming pressure from the other prophetic camp in order to stand before Israel and Judah as a righteous prophetic voice. First Kings 22:13-14 records that:

"Then the messenger who went to summon Micaiah spoke to him saying, 'Behold now, the words of the prophets are uniformly favorable to the king. Please let your word be like the word of one of them, and speak favorably.' But Micaiah said, 'As the LORD lives, what the LORD says to me, that I shall speak.'"

Micaiah related to Ahab and Jehoshaphat his vision of seeing a deceiving spirit being commissioned from God's throne to rest upon Ahab's prophets. It is important to understand that these voices were Hebrew prophets that were supposed to be trained and equipped to stand before Israel as God's spokesmen. But because of wrong motivations, God allowed a spirit of deception to prevail leading to Ahab's demise.

Micaiah went on to prophesy the failure of this mission and the ultimate downfall and death of Ahab. Clearly, this infuriated the king who vowed to reward Micaiah with incarceration, saying:

"'Put this man in prison and feed him sparingly with bread and water until I return safely.' Micaiah said, 'If you indeed return safely the LORD has not spoken by me'" (1 Kings 22:27-28).

The strength and fortitude of Micaiah is a prophetic model for the panel of "judges" that will bring separation in the coming days. All prophetic voices have the opportunity to allow this sifting and separation to take place within us so that our own voices would be pure and unadulterated.

The Number Seven

Seven seems to be the number with primary prophetic significance for this year. Seven is taken from a root word signifying completion or fullness. It is first used in Genesis 2:2 when God rested after the completion of His labors.

God rested on the seventh day because His work was entirely perfect and complete. Therefore, we can interpret this application to signify this year as a time of measurable completion of God's preparatory dealings within our lives before the next installment of His plan.

God's provision in and through the Lord Jesus is complete and perfect. The life that He demonstrated on earth and the power ministry that He conveyed is one that we can aspire to, but only through submission to the Holy Spirit. Seven is also a symbolic representation of the sevenfold Spirit of God that will rest upon the "sons of the Kingdom" (Matthew 13:38).

In Zechariah 4:6-7, 9-10 the prophet declared:

"Then he said to me, 'This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel saying, "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the LORD of hosts. "What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'"...'The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands will finish it. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. For who has despised the day of small things? But these seven will be glad when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel – these are the eyes of the LORD which range to and fro throughout the earth.'"

The Seven Spirits of God will rejoice when they see a righteous "plumb line" being demonstrated among God's people. That is the function of the seven judges who will begin to separate truth from the precepts of men. This work will begin to prepare the Bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle so that she can become one with the Bridegroom. This season of the Spirit will initiate this process in greater measure.

When a time of completion has arrived, then a day of new beginnings will be birthed. The Lord has "fullness of time" junctures in human history when His Spirit flourishes with fresh understanding of His nature and character. The results will always be a harvest of souls and greater influence in Heavenly places. This time of completion will launch us into such a time as that.

Someone once said that time was created so that everything would not happen at once. Clearly, Church history validates that we have been in a progressive recovery of lost heritage and the maturation of a Body of people to walk as "sons of the Kingdom." We also have a Biblical promise outlining God's ability to redeem lost time and do quickly what we perceive would take a long time.

After 40 years, Israel's wandering came to a completion and a new beginning surfaced. Likewise, our generation saw in 1967 the long foretold restoration of Jerusalem into the hands of the Jewish people. That has also run a complete cycle marking another day of new beginnings both for Israel and the Church.

This reality also has significant implications with the political environment and our involvement in the war on terrorism. The Lord has made it emphatically clear that if His people will pray for our President and our armies that He will do something miraculous that will allow us as a nation to withdraw from Iraq in victory and honor, not in defeat and shame.

A Harvest of Prophets

In the next series of revelations, Bob saw a harvest of individuals coming from the black community, especially the young, who will immediately be thrust into an accelerated training and equipping mode to function as prophets to the nations. God has ordained for significant leadership to emerge from our black brothers and sisters with an emphasis on the revelatory gifting and prophetic worship.

Our counsel is to recognize this spiritual emphasis and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in its fulfillment. I have repeatedly heard the Lord say this season will generate a harvest of harvesters. There is a grace to win souls into the Kingdom during this new beginning with an equal accentuation on training and equipping.

During March, 2007, while doing a conference in England, I received a wonderful confirmation of this truth through Surprise Sithole. Surprise is a black man from South Africa and works with Rolland and Heidi Baker and Iris Ministries. I wrote about this revelation in my book Angels That Gather. The following is an excerpt:

Harvesters Arise

"One final confirmation concerning this generation's promised harvest arrived only days before this book was scheduled to go to print. While in Dudley, England, to speak at a prophetic conference, I met Surprise Sithole, African director of Partners in Harvest. He helps oversee, with Rolland and Heidi Baker, over six thousand Churches birthed through Iris Ministries in Mozambique, Africa. Notable miracles the Lord performed through this man of God are on record. On my behalf the Lord used Surprise to offer the final affirmation that this is the season for a harvest of harvesters.

"In my session, I began to speak about the revelation of the present mandate to entreat the Lord of the Harvest to gather laborers into the barn to be trained and mentored through a season of accelerated equipping for the great harvest. When I shared this revelation, Surprise grew very excited and mentioned that this was the first time a revelation given to him three years before had been confirmed.

"He related to the group how in 2004 he had been in a service and found himself troubled by some of what had transpired. He immediately went to his hotel room and knelt on the floor to pray. When he did, he felt a sensation of ascending, similar to what one would experience in a very fast elevator.

"When he opened his eyes, he realized he was having a Heavenly experience. There before him stood the Ancient of Days with millions of people prostrate before Him in adoration and worship. The transition from the natural to the spiritual realm had shifted so suddenly he was uncertain what had transpired. The Ancient of Days assured him he was experiencing a divine revelation with a strategic purpose.

"Surprise then found himself holding Heavenly fruit. With this realization, he also saw Enoch and Elijah standing at a distance. His first inclination was to share this fruit with them. However, the Ancient of Days informed him that the fruit was not for them but for the people of the earth.

"The Ancient of Days counseled, 'Take this fruit and share it with your brethren in the earth, and tell the harvesters to arise.' Surprise was overwhelmed by that statement's magnitude. 'How?' he asked. The Lord answered, 'The gifts are coming.' Finally, Surprise asked one more question: 'When?' With that final question the millions who had been prostrate before the Lord stood to their feet and simultaneously shouted, 'NOW!'

"I was thrilled beyond description to hear Surprise share this testimony of his Heavenly experience. He heard directly from the Lord's lips the directive for the 'harvesters to arise.' This gave me the final confirmation of our entry into a season that will exhibit both the fruit of the Spirit and the power of God. The purpose of this impartation will be to gather a wave of harvest consisting primarily of harvesters to be used in the great harvest."

Embracing our Opportunity

"We have reached a "fullness of time" juncture in Church history. God's end-time plan is being catapulted in motion with a 'breakthrough' anointing. Naturally, this is not all He is doing, but certainly it is a vital part.
"The LORD has opened His armory and has brought forth the weapons of His indignation, for it is a work of the Lord GOD of hosts in the land of the Chaldeans."—Jeremiah 50:25

End excerpt from "Angels That Gather."

Paul Keith Davis
WhiteDove Ministries

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Posted: 11/30/2010 at 3:57pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011 - A Year and Season of Great Transition for EVERYONE! HEARING God is Certain!
Carol Kelley
Carol Kelley

For over two years now, the Lord has been speaking to me about transition. One of the ways He's done this has been through the number "11." I've lost track of the dozens, even hundreds of times I've seen "elevens" – on clocks and thermometers, in dreams and visions, while reading the Bible, on the Internet and TV news, and even in the daily newspaper! God has used the number 11 to communicate to me that His promises are in the process of being fulfilled; in other words, "almost to completion" or "in transition."

Early in November (another "11" – the eleventh month), I sought the Lord about what He might want to say to and through me about the coming year, 2011. I heard, "2011 will be a season of transition, not just for individuals, but also transition in ministries and in churches. I will move My people to the next level. This will involve a relinquishment of expectations you have set for yourself. Be open to receive My expectations and directions for you!"

Increase of Prophetic Activity, Passing of Mantles of Authority, and Linking of Generations

God also indicated to me that in this coming transitional season, prophetic words and activity will increase and take on more importance in the life of His Church. Along with this, I feel urged to include a reminder that any Believer can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, not just those with the gift of prophecy or office of prophet. The Lord can and does speak to all His people; we just don't always know how to recognize it, perhaps dismissing His leading as mere coincidence.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice" (John 10:27). He is gracious and will confirm what He has spoken to us through His Word, other Believers, circumstances, and a myriad of other ways. We are encouraged in Scripture to not quench the Holy Spirit or despise prophetic words, but to test them, and hold on to what is good and "on target" (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22).

In this next season, many will be passing mantles of authority and leadership on to others. If the Lord calls you to do this, do not assume He's done with you yet! We will see an increasing linking of the generations to bring about a multiplication of God's Kingdom and His work on the earth. He wants to work through individuals of all ages, as recounted in the Bible.

Samuel was a child prophet. Jesus astounded teachers in the Temple with God-given wisdom and insight at the age of twelve. Joseph, David, Esther, Daniel, and Mary were all youth when the Lord called them; they continued to follow Him through their mid-life years and beyond. Moses stepped into leadership and ministry at the age of eighty, and served the Lord with vigor for forty more years.

"Obey Me, Then Rest in Me for the Results"

The Lord has also been showing me that times of rest are critically important during transitional seasons when we are anticipating the fulfillment of His promises to us. On July 13, 2010, He gave me a vision having to do with fruitfulness and harvest, and instructed me that spiritual harvest would be greater when He is allowed to prepare the soil where we will labor.

He said, "Ask, and I will show you strategies. I am preparing soil in order to produce great fruitfulness; your times of resting in Me are part of the preparation. Yes, I will bring a full harvest! You will eat the fruits of your labor and rejoice in Me. Look to Me, believe Me, trust Me, and guiltlessly give yourself 'space' to rest when it is needed! Trust Me that much will be gained, not lost, as you rest in obedience to Me.

"I will bring the full harvest I promised you. Your job is to obey Me, then rest in Me for the results. You can plant seed, but you can't make it grow. You can't provide nutrients for the soil, sunlight to cause growth, or rain to water the crops. I am preparing and nourishing the soil to bring the fullest harvest possible. Trust Me during this time of rest and transition!"

How To Persevere During Seasons of Transition

Several weeks ago I was studying in the book of Ecclesiastes, and the Lord gave me additional instructions about how to persevere during seasons of transition: "Do your work as to Me (Ecclesiastes 1:3). What I have done will stand forever (Ecclesiastes 3:14); I have a time for every matter and deed (Ecclesiastes 3:17). Rest in Me, and cease striving (Ecclesiastes 4:6). Receive My instruction (Ecclesiastes 4:13).

"Enjoy the tasks I have assigned you to, and the work I have given you to do. Know that your work and your call are not in vain, and that I will reward you (Isaiah 49:4). Receive My joy (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20).

"Learn My wisdom; do not dwell on the former things (Isaiah 43:18). I have new things for you now (Isaiah 42:9; 48:6). I will show you how to proceed at the proper time (Ecclesiastes 8:5).

"I hold you, along with your past, present and future, in My hand (Ecclesiastes 9:1). Dwell in My joy, and be confident in My acceptance and approval of you (Ecclesiastes 9:7). Be mighty in word and deed (Ecclesiastes 9:10). You do not know everything your future holds; only I do (Ecclesiastes 10:14). Sow seeds of faith and righteousness in the fields I direct you to, and trust Me for the results (Ecclesiastes 11:6). You shall reap in due time (Galatians 6:9), for your labor is not in vain in Me. My words shall not return to Me empty, but will accomplish My purpose" (Isaiah 55:11).


Lord God, we come before You during this season of transition and new beginnings. We submit our plans and expectations to You, asking for Your guidance, Your direction, and for Your Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). Help us to be faithful in the work You have given us to do.

Enlarge our vision; show us where our thinking has been too limited (2 Kings 6:1). We look to You to inspire us, to lead us, to teach us. We desire the heart of Mary, who took time to sit at Your feet, but we live amidst Martha-like distractions (Luke 10:38-42). Bring our scattered thoughts back to You, for You are the center of our lives and the core of our being. You are both our destiny and our destination.

Thank You for accompanying us on our journey, for You promised to never leave or forsake us (Joshua 1:5; Deuteronomy 31:6, 8; Hebrews 13:5). We seek You, asking for Your balance in every area of our lives. Where we have gone off-track, redirect and reroute us. Take us in a new direction; confirm the steps of obedience we have already taken. Open up new paths of opportunity, and unlock new doors of influence. For You told us to ask, and it will be given to us; to seek, and we will find; to knock, and the door will open to us (Matthew 7:7-8).

Be lifted up and glorified in and through our lives. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen, so be it, Lord!

I pray you will receive His richest blessings, both now and in the seasons to come!

Carol Kelley

About Carol Kelley: Carol and her husband Dave Kelley are both active in prophetic ministry, teaching prophecy classes and mentoring younger prophets. They received a call from the Lord in 1985 to minister prophetically, and have a vision for active schools of prophets to emerge within the Body of Christ. Their passion is to help others hear and recognize God's voice. Carol, a musician, published composer, teacher and sixth-generation Oregonian, has a heart to intercede prophetically for Oregon and the Northwest, as well as cities and nations. Dave is Assistant Vice President of Finance at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon, moving in an apostolic anointing to help God's people become empowered as conduits of financial blessing. Dave and Carol are the parents of two sons and two daughters, as well as a daughter-in-law and two sons-in-law.

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Posted: 11/30/2010 at 4:19pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

The New Movement Is In the Adverse Winds

Tuesday, 23 November 2010 02:30 PM EST Barbara J. Yoder   
barbara yoderLast month adverse winds struck in the most unsuspecting place: Arizona. Tornadoes came out of nowhere in a place no one expects them to come. Tornadoes are whirlwinds, adverse winds. What is getting ready to happen in Arizona?

Several months ago the Lord spoke several things to me, not long paragraphs, just short phrases, to give me hints about the future. One phrase was "fresh winds," another was "movement," a third was "awakening and visitation."

I inquired of the Lord about the phrase, fresh winds. It seemed like all we were seeing were adverse winds. In Michigan we have had several wind advisories for gusts up to 75 mph. The day before Rosh Hashanah, the winds were so extreme in our area that they blew down power lines in the city of Detroit. These power lines hit homes or garages and, in at least five neighborhoods fires broke out. In all, 85 homes were destroyed.

I thought, What in the world was the Lord saying? These were not fresh winds. Fresh winds to me are soft breezes that are refreshing, cooling, gently blowing a sailboat along its course. These winds were violent, destructive and unrelenting as well as recurring. How was I to make sense out of this?

Suddenly I heard the Lord say, “The fresh winds are in the adverse winds. Don’t fear the adverse wind, but head into it.” I began to study winds in Scripture.

In Acts 27, an account of an adverse wind is reported. Paul had warned the centurion not to set sail but because there was a soft south wind, he set sail anyway. Shortly thereafter, “a tempestuous head wind arose, called Euroclydon” (v. 14). This is a destructive nor’easter wind. This wind thrust the ship aground, and it was destroyed. They ended up on Malta.

Throughout the journey, Paul kept his cool by seeking the Lord and His protection for the people. Despite the fact that Paul warned them not to go because this would happen, he did not get angry when they ignored him and the very thing he said would happen, happened. Instead he fasted and prayed for the men on the ship because he cared about them.

In fact the Lord said to him that not one of them would be lost. Paul encouraged the men with this word from the Lord. I wonder how many of us would have prayed for them like Paul after they disregarded his original warning. Not Paul—he hung in there and prayed them all the way through even after they disregarded the word of the Lord through him.

Paul’s stance throughout the journey got the centurion's attention, and he came to respect Paul greatly, so much so that he saved Paul’s life. The sailors were planning to kill all the prisoners. All of their lives were spared.

Now the story begins to intensify and drama breaks out. Having landed by shipwreck on Malta, they made a fire to warn themselves. A poisonous viper was in the wood and leaped out of the fire, biting Paul on the hand. Paul just calmly shook the viper off.

Those witnessing it were sure he was going to die. He didn’t. The reality that Paul lived convinced the residents of Malta that he was a god. Then Publius, the leading citizen of Malta, took Paul and the others into his estate to take care of them.

Now the move of God begins.

Publius' father was sick and dying. Paul prayed for him, then laid hands on him and healed him (see Acts 28:7). Paul did not look at the devastation of the situation. His eyes were on God. Though this was not God’s original plan for them, God never wastes a moment. So, through Paul, God began a healing movement starting with Publius' father. Others noted this, and all the sick were being brought to Paul (see Acts 28:9).

There were fresh winds within the adverse winds. The adverse winds brought destruction. But that destruction caused Paul and the others to land somewhere they never would have landed had it not been for that destructive storm. The fresh winds of the Holy Spirit blew in a healing movement on the isle of Malta.

We are in days of extremely adverse winds. It is within those winds that the fresh winds will begin to blow. They are the opportunities that will arise within the troubled area to release the power of the Holy Spirit in a whole new way. It was a healing movement that was released on Malta. It might be a salvation movement in some other place.

But the message in the story is, look for the possibilities. Don’t be thrown by the loss and devastation. God is going to break out in the most unlikely places and through the most difficult circumstances.

Job experienced a devastating wind that blew down the four corners of his house (see Job 1). He lost everything. It was a horrible experience, one that took time to recover from. Yet his latter days ended up greater than his former. God did not intend for him to remain devastated.

We are in a brand-new day. The enemy will try to overwhelm us with what isn’t happening or with what is going down the tubes. But look up! A movement is about to break out. An opportunity to touch hurting people with the gospel of the kingdom will present itself. Run to the devastated areas. They are setups for a fresh Holy Spirit breakout. They are setups for a latter house that is greater than the former.

Kingdoms are clashing; conflict is increasing. This will cause many to be deceived, lose hope, give up and check out. But here is the message in Acts 27 and 28: Don’t give up; hang on; believe God and pray through. He has not set you up to be destroyed. He is setting you up to be a deliverer—a deliverer of healing, salvation or something else.  Paul did not let the adverse circumstances move his internal compass off course. He kept looking for the Holy Spirit breakthrough and breakout. He kept going in faith.

In the adverse winds are the fresh winds of the Holy Spirit. Sail on! There is a planned Holy Spirit movement within the storm.

About the author: Barbara J. Yoder is the founder and senior pastor of Shekinah Christian Church ( in Ann Arbor, Mich., and is known for her apostolic and prophetic breakthrough ministry. She travels nationally and internationally ministering in churches, conferences and seminars. She is the author of several books, including Taking on Goliath. To order a copy of the book, click here. Visit her blog page at

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Posted: 12/13/2010 at 12:41pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

He Sees the End from the Beginning and He Will Make a Way
Francis Frangipane
Francis Frangipane

Taxes, threat of terror attacks, illness and aging, finances, political conflicts, family relationships, church struggles, fears, insurance issues, air travel impositions, job loss, gasoline prices, war, injustice, death – these are just a few of the enemies most of us face daily. Yet, let me also tell you what the Lord has spoken to my soul:

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

The Lord doesn't want us to simply possess a generalized peace, based on having no particular problems; nor does He plan to give us a slightly spiritual, yet human-sized kind of peace. If we follow the sequence of obedience He presents, His intention is to shelter us in His very own peace: the imperturbable peace of God.

The peace of God is the deep calm that envelops the thought processes of the Almighty. He is never anxious, always in command, never without a remedy. He sees the end from the beginning and views the needs of man from the position of unlimited resources and capabilities. He perceives the needs of His children with both compassion and confidence, for all things are possible for Him.

The peace He gives is not only from Him, it is an extension of Him – it is the very substance of His peace. It is God-sized peace. It is this divine fabric that He says will "guard [our] hearts and...minds in Christ Jesus."


Many Verses Same Promise

Some may challenge my interpretation, but remember the Savior's promise:

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful" (John 14:27).

Again, Paul says,

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful" (Colossians 3:15).

These Scriptures and others reveal that there exists a place of refuge for us, a dimension guarded by God's very peace, where we can abide. As we enter this realm of trust, the God of peace promises to actually crush satan beneath our feet (Romans 16:20).

Give Peace A Chance

Of course, we must decide what realm shall preside over us. Thus, the Scripture says, "Let the peace of Christ rule," and "Do not let your heart be troubled," and "Let your requests be made known to God." The word let speaks of choices we can make with realities that are at hand. Remember, even as circumstances begin to trouble your heart, you can retreat from fear. For the peace of God is also accessible. Take authority over your fretting, worrying attitude, for "it leads only to evildoing" (Psalm 37:8). Stand, instead, in faith upon the promises of God.

Peace is our shield and the Word of God our weapon. Therefore, capture negative, unbelieving thoughts that would magnify problems rather than magnify the Lord. Our Father knows what we have need of before we ask Him (Matthew 6:8).

Cease striving and know that He is God! If you are weary, come to Him and take His yoke upon you. You will find rest for your soul. Finally, recall Paul's words to make our requests "with thanksgiving." Many have been thinking too much and thanking too little. Therefore, let us cast our burdens upon the Lord, for He indeed cares for us. He will make a way.

Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

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Posted: 12/14/2010 at 8:44am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Beginning in 2011 and maturing in 2012 much of the Body of Christ will progressively meet the real Jesus and become fully connected to the true HEAD Christ Jesus! 

Meeting The Real Jesus

By Ron McGatlin

Have we really met Christ Jesus? Is it possible that we have met Jesus the Savior and Healer but yet have not met the fullness of Christ Jesus the King of kings, Lord of lords, and the Husband of the Bride?

Our Lord, as we know Him now, is awesome and supremely life giving. The Jesus we have already met is the source and the focus of our lives. Yet, we long for more. Many of us who have walked with Him in the Holy Spirit are still seeking and desperately desiring greater fulfillment of Christ Jesus and His promises. Our hearts long to walk as he promised in this world. Some of us have wondered why after much seeking we still are not really the mature  sons and powerful disciples we long to become.

John 14:12:  "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”

John 17:18: 
"As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.

Mark 16:20:  And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

Father, why are we so lacking in the love and power to do the works that Jesus did and the greater works He promised?

Recently, in prayer communing with Father in the Spirit, I was speaking to Him about the need and lack in much of His church, especially regarding the uncovering of vile and foolish stuff among notable leaders. A deep sense of disappointment began to be created in my heart because of the unwillingness of many to change from flawed, religious systems while resisting real purity and holiness. All of these things plus the literally explosive current world conditions began to be a heavy weight of concern. “Lord, how are we, how am I going to get through all this and that which is yet ahead of us?”

That is when it happened. Father spoke and told me that I must have a revival again in my heart to deal with all these things and make it through. Wow! I saw it. I cried out to Him to give me revival life one more time. Revival life is a hundred times more than the foundational life of loving Him and being with Him. Bzzzzup!!! In an instant life burst like fire into my chest. One more time I was on fire with life so abundant it seemed I might explode. After I was strengthened and filled one more time with revival fire God spoke again in response to my concerns.

I am introducing My Son to the church. I charge you to meet Him and introduce Him to His Body.

God desires to speak directly into our hearts and not into our heads to introduce us to His Son the most wonderful man you have ever met. There is no other person in all time or eternity that compares to this man.

Body, open your spiritual eyes and meet your Head.

Standing before you today in the Spirit is Christ Jesus, Son of God -Son of man.

The kindest and most gentle Person you have ever seen. You can see the kindness and gentleness in the countenance of His face and in the depth of His eyes. You can sense it in His manner and movements.

He is the strongest and most powerful person in all of time and eternity. There is nothing beyond His strength and power to create or change. It is through Him and for Him that all creation exist. All power rests upon and emanates from His Father’s throne and He is Heir to all things including all the power of His Father. There is not an enemy or danger He cannot overpower.

He is the most intelligent man ever to exist. He embodies all wisdom and all understanding of all mysteries. When He looks at you, you are aware that He sees all and knows all about you. There is nothing hidden from Him and nothing He does not understand to its depth.

He is the most loving caring person you have ever even imagined. His perfect love dissolves all fear in His presence. All who truly see Him are drawn to Him. You are completely  safe with Him.

He is the purest and most holy person. You know there will never be a doubt about His character. You can completely believe and trust in every word He says. Nothing He would ever do or say could be less than sacred.

He is truth, and no lie is in Him. He is always completely honest and trustworthy. You can trust Him with your all.

He is completely real and the foundation of existence.

He is the supernatural spiritual master of all things, the Heir of all creation.

This person is the head of all things spiritual and natural.

This most powerful of all men who has complete authority over all things is meek and lowly. He is the most humble and gracious man ever from the beginning to the end.

He stands before you today with a sincere request, “Will you be my Bride”? Will you forsake all others and become one with Me? Will you have me as your Head and be my Body forever more. Will you allow me to become you, the new you? Will you become Me, the new Me on earth?

This is it. This is the big one. This is what we have been lacking. Only Christ Jesus can do the works of Jesus. He has been courting us and showering us with gifts. He has paid the price to purchase us from slavery to another. This most powerful man of all authority loved you so, and so wanted you as His pure Bride that he willingly gave His holy life to be shamed and His physical body to be beaten and crucified to cleanse and purchase you for His Bride. If you had been the only person in the world, He would have done it all for you.

He has saved us and healed us. He loved us in eternity and continues to love us. We have accepted His gifts and supreme sacrifice but withheld our pure affection from Him while we danced with others. Our religious things our worldly things our rights and our needs have betrayed us. It is this Man Christ Jesus as our Husband and Head that we really want and need. We will do His works when we are one flesh with Him when we are truly Him and He is us, joined as Head to the Body. He will not be joined to a harlot and provide His glory to another.

Do you want this wonderful Man or do you want to continue with what you have had, having only a Savior and Healer and some good gifts. Will you continue trying to date Him or will you become His Bride and walk in the world as He is in the world. If you are genuinely satisfied with what you have and how you have been, then please disregard this message, it is not for you at this time.

I don’t know about you, but it is for me. My God, My Lord, I come to you forsaking all others. I give myself to You fully and completely. I will honor you, love you, and seek to bless you with all that is within me all the days of my life and forever more. I accept you as my Head and my Husband and will keep myself from all others. Jesus, it is no longer I who lives but You who lives in me. The courtship is over, the time has come, my lamp is filled with oil and fully lit. Take me now and forever into your chambers. I am yours, have your way with me. I promise to never again turn away from you to another. I receive all your promises and trust you. I give unto you all my heart and life. Let me be pleasant to your eyes and my words pleasing to your ears.

Col 1:27:  To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is
Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Eph 5:30-32:  For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

"Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Forever His,

Ron McGatlin

Edited by Moderator on 12/14/2010 at 8:46am
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Posted: 12/14/2010 at 2:02pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

The Season of Your Longing is Here
Robert Ricciardelli

Robert RicciardelliA Purpose That is For Now

God is continuing to encourage and re-establish kingly-priestly activity beyond the walls of religious meetings and events. It has always been His desire to manifest Himself through His people in everyday, everywhere, and everyway life. There is a strengthened reality of being a citizen of His present Kingdom that is breaking through paralyzed religious paradigms.

Hopes and dreams are being resurrected in the midst of down economies and doom and gloom eschatology. This is happening by His Spirit as He pours Himself out on all humanity. He is doing a swift work in educating and empowering His servants, mostly outside of formal education, in which faith and love trump denominational and doctrinal stagnancy. Kingdom citizens are no longer waiting for Heaven, but are now activated on earth and being celebrated in Heaven.

People of God are realizing that they have been delivered from darkness into God's light for a purpose that is for the now. They have been freed to set others free, as Christ has delivered them to become deliverers of those in their land and spheres of community. Evangelism is no longer a goal but an outward flow of a life consumed in God, and forged by the fusion of oneness with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are not witnesses guided by a programmatic script, but have become fire-branded by the Holy Spirit to speak the word of God fitly spoken for every person, occasion and season.

The Partnership of God and Man Will Become More and More Seamless

Covenant relationships are founded and fueled by God's love, ordained by Him; and because God put them together, these sons and daughters will not separate. The Body of Christ will learn community and communion with God and each other that make other practices lower realm and obsolete. Through the renewing of their minds daily into seeing the world as Father does, they will influence and lead their specific, assigned spheres in society.

It will not be a take-over as some may think, but a coming under as servant-leaders, which guide others into the Way, the Truth, and the Life. People will be magnetized to the Living God within them as friendship, relationship and trust are established and flourish among them. Eternal fusion of body, soul and spirit will be forged through Father's covenant hands.

It is time for the Body of Christ to say, "It is because of who I am that I live in one accord with Father's heart, and for His glory alone." Mammon cannot penetrate the hearts of these Kingdom sons. They will seek Father's opinion on all matters of life and business. There will be an explosion of vision and goodwill from the workplace that will rattle the systems of religion and shift the Church into Kingdom alignment.

God's people will be thankful from a heart of humility, because only God could do what is being done and no man can steal the glory. There will be no confidence in the flesh but overwhelming and overcoming confidence in a God that provides all the increase for the days ahead. The partnership of God and man will become more and more seamless as dualism and the sacred and secular world-views diminish.

The Season of Your Longing is Here

Brethren, we are at a time where God is truly the God of our lives. This is the time that we all have been waiting for and yet it continues to unfold in marvelous ways beyond what we currently can see. This is the season in our journey where we draw the line and decide that we will not settle for less, we will not compromise, and we will not quit.

As God arises in each of us, the enemies of the Kingdom will scatter as the light of His glory increases. Look for safety in your relationships with each other. It's not a time for being alone and being a lone ranger. The Body of Christ will more fully realize their need for one another and for real authentic community.

Be encouraged, for the season of your longing is here.

Robert Ricciardelli
Converging Zone Network & Visionary Advancement Strategies

Robert Ricciardelli, along with his wife Joyce, are the founders of the Converging Zone Network and Visionary Advancement Strategies. Through their connecting ministry, newsletters and social networking platforms, they bring collaboration to over 100,000 each week in various spheres of society. Robert's 25 years in Corporate America have given him a broad world-view of the Kingdom of God in everyday life. Robert speaks at churches and conferences regarding the Kingdom of God, and practical ways to advance His Kingdom into every sphere and mountain of society. Robert is also a Kingdom business consultant, and a transformational life coach, assisting in the discovery of solutions that advance the destinies of individuals, faith communities and businesses.

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Posted: 12/17/2010 at 8:35am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

A Time of Transition: Open Up Your Heart For Fresh Vision
John Belt
John Belt

In these coming months many are in transition laying hold of fresh vision. We must begin to see ourselves in the role we will be in a year from now, a decade from now and even further. As we see ourselves in the place that God has for us, we need to understand the price we will be paying and the lifestyle we will be living at that time. As we begin to live in this way now, it will usher us into the determined place that God has for us.

Another Level of Transition

Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places.

We are in a time of transition and a time of fresh vision. God is taking things to another level as we press through into a new place in Him. Transitions are healthy and good for us. When we allow ourselves to be stretched into a new place we will experience fresh joys on the other side.

It is important that we open our hearts up to fresh vision from the Lord. It is too easy to go through life without any definite direction. If we allow this to happen we feel like we are in a hurry to head nowhere fast. A life without vision is a life that is destined to be a life without purpose. We must have vision to have purpose. Our number one vision is the Lord.

The Lord is fulfilling in Himself. When we find ourselves engaged in Him, abiding in Him, we should also be awakened to His heart's desires. In His presence He pours out vision, purpose with an accompanying hope that is fulfilling to our lives. We should make the secret place with God our favorite place and out of this place discover a fresh vision and hope.

Practical Steps

Matthew 14:28-29 And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.

There is much noise in the world. The anxiousness, cares of this life and focus on "things" opens us up to noise that chokes out the fruitfulness of His Word in us. Anxiousness kills joy and suffocates the life of God. We are called to live in the present, not in the future. The future is only a second away. Now is present, this very moment. We need not only vision to see the plans that God has for us in the future, but the ability to begin living the vision out right now. Decree and prophesy your future, this is the first step to living it out right now.

We release God's life and plans with our very own tongue. The next step is to put practical legs to what you just spoke. We must begin to move into this next step. Many prophesy and receive prophecies for years but never activate these things because of not knowing the best way to take practical steps of faith. Yield to the Holy Spirit, speak a word of life over yourself then take some kind of step into it in the natural.

Many wait for and expect natural manifestation of their dreams without putting work, responsibility and effort into that dream. We must wholly invest ourselves – spirit, soul and body – into the dreams that He puts in our hearts. It is not enough to dream, get a revelation and vision. Get it, then just do it.

Step Into Your Vision

Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it."

Dream Big. Take a step. A small step is still a step. Don't compare yourself with others. Don't even try to walk the same path that has worked for others. God has a custom-made path for each of us. Don't let others dictate to you who you are, how you are to do things and what things are supposed to look like. Be unique. Be different as you follow what the Lord drops in your heart. No one else will ever do something the way you will do it. We are all originals. Our paths are particular to who we are.

Be content with God's pleasure in what you are doing. Discover the vision God has for you. Allow Him to breathe on it with His Spirit. Find a joyful outlet for what He has put inside of you. Just be who He has created you to be, for no one else can. See yourself in the place He has called you to. Dream on it. Meditate on it. Give yourself to it as unto the Lord. Serve Him and others in the vision He calls you to, making Him Your creative Instructor. The Holy Spirit is the Helper and will help you. He who has done a good work in you will complete it.

Get Your Vision & Run With God!

John Belt
Live In His Presence Ministries

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Posted: 12/18/2010 at 9:40am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

You Will Drink of Victorious New Wine
Luke Holter

2010 was a year of hardships for the Church but lift up your heads, because in 2011 you will celebrate victory over the things that mastered you in 2010. The victorious Believer will arise in 2011 and be as bold as a lion. The power of Love will carry you into victory this New Year and the Church will get a glimpse into who she is.

Recently, I was traveling to speak at a conference in San Antonio, Texas, when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about 2011. I had been searching in my heart as to what the Lord had for the Church this next year; I so desperately wanted to get a word from the Lord on it. I spent several weeks seeking, and at the most unexpected time He gave me an answer that I believe will both uplift and encourage the Church in this hour.

After arriving at the hotel, I could feel the Holy Spirit when I got into the room. I sat down and started praying and inquiring of the Lord what He had for me. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "2011 is the year of Victorious New Wine." I could feel the weight of this statement and began to ask what does it mean?

Victorious Over Your Enemies

The Holy Spirit said to turn to the story of Abram and Melchizedek in the Book of Genesis. As I began to read the story I was astounded at the invitation coming to the Church in 2011.

The story goes something like this: Abram was fighting the armies of Sodom in the valley of Shaveh (the Kings Valley) and was victorious over his enemies in battle. Then the priest Melchizedek came out with bread and wine and offered them to Abram to bless him for the victory. Then the King of Sodom told Abram to go ahead and take the spoils from war and Abram said that he will not – because Abram didn't want anyone claiming they made Abram rich. This was a powerful concept to not take the spoils so your enemies can't boast.

Genesis 14:17-23, And the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley), after his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him.

Abram and Melchizedek: Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said: "Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of Heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand." And he gave him a tithe of all. Now the king of Sodom said to Abram, "Give me the persons, and take the goods for yourself." But Abram said to the king of Sodom, "I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, the Possessor of Heaven and earth, that I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, 'I have made Abram rich'—

In 2011 - We Will Overcome!

I do believe that 2010 has been a hard year for us as a nation as well as for the Church, as an apostolic governing Body. We have seen many hard situations economically, as well as personally. 2010 has been a year of God testing character and the enemy trying to win the war in our minds concerning our destiny, but I'm telling you that in 2011 we will overcome!

I believe even as March approaches that we will start to see a powerful breakthrough and victory over the enemy that devastated our economy, families, and lives in 2010. We must stay strong and fight because we are fighting in the Valley of the King and we will be victorious!

2011 will be a down payment of the Kingdom on earth! The tide will turn and you will see the Lord "Like a FLOOD" smash the works of darkness in your lives. He will show you kindness and will rescue you from those things that overtook you in previous years.

When the enemy reminds you of the struggles of 2010 put your head back and laugh and take a drink of new wine. When the enemies of your past come back to get you off course from your inheritance, remind yourself that the victory is already yours and the Lord alone will cause you to be bold as a lion and crush the head of the enemy!

You will drink of victorious, new wine which is the very Blood of Christ Jesus. It is the Blood of Jesus that the victory is in, and thus the very invitation to overcoming is in the Blood!

Luke Holter
Prophetic Sheep Ministries

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Posted: 12/20/2010 at 7:11pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator


Loren Sanford

(This is the last few minutes of my annual prophetic word delivered at NEW SONG FELLOWSHIP December 12, 2011. To view the entire message in Quicktime video format click HERE.)

I have hesitated to publish this and have pondered carefully how I might word it in order to avoid contributing to the frenzy of fear-mongering that too often passes for the prophetic word these days. Because I value accuracy in the prophetic I don’t like to speak until I am fairly certain of what I’m hearing or sensing.

To the point: We, the United States of America, are headed toward an intense crisis at the presidential level, the outcome of which will determine the direction of this country for a number of years to come. I sense this crisis coming at or before the beginning of President Obama’s fourth year in office. I am therefore issuing an intense call to prayer because the prayers of God’s people, together with the spirit in which we offer them, will shape the aftermath of this crisis for either good or ill. It can be a wonderful and historic turning point for the nation or it can be the beginning of the shattering of our country with depths of division beyond any we have seen since the Civil War. Much depends on what believers choose to do now in the months we have in which to prepare.

Please note that I am making no political statements here. I merely point out that a crisis is coming, whatever form it may take, that it will directly affect our president and that the outcome of the crisis will be either restorative or destructive for us as a nation.

In order to be effective in praying toward and shaping the outcome of this coming crisis, we must first shed the anger that many of us with a conservative political orientation seem to allow to so easily overtake us. James 1:20 teaches that “the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God” and yet I continue to hear growing choruses of anger and bitterness coming from those who should know better.

Many of us will have to learn the meaning of Romans 12:20-21, "But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” We must prepare ourselves to be servants, even to those whose opinions – or sins - offend our sense of what is right.

All of us must plumb the depths of I Timothy 2:1-2 and understand the true heart of Father God in it whose nature is love: “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” No prayer offered in any spirit but His will be heard in heaven.

Even more importantly, we must understand the meaning of our true citizenship. “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20). I love my country and am glad to have been born an American, but I will never allow my love for my country to become an article of faith. I belong to the kingdom of God. America is a place on a map. The kingdom of God is an eternal state of being in which the rule and reign of God are realized. Therein lies my allegiance. When patriotism becomes an item of faith, hatred is birthed and people always get hurt.

We are rushing toward a nexus in time, a very narrow passage in which even small events and minor decisions will loom large in their effect. We will need the intervening hand of God to achieve a good outcome and enter a season of hope. Saints pray! Pray in whatever way the Lord guides you to pray, but above all, pray in His Spirit and with His heart. We can affect the course of history.

I believe it is time for prophetic people to be held accountable for the fulfillment of their words – or lack thereof. If I therefore turn out to be wrong on this one, I commit to publish an apology to the body of Christ.

(Prophetic Moments is an occasional bulletin produced by Pastor R. Loren Sandford, New Song Fellowship, Denver, Colorado.)

Edited by Moderator on 12/31/2010 at 1:34pm
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Posted: 12/22/2010 at 1:14pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011 - The year of the fire of God - The baptism of fire restored the church

Neville Johnson

Another year is about to dawn once again, a year full of promise for those who walk with the Lord. Everyone I meet is sure that time is passing more quickly than it used to, or maybe it’s because we are a lot busier than we use to be. We are living in the evening tide of time; the tide of restoration has been coming in ever since the reformation began and we are privileged to be alive in the hour when the tide of restoration and truth will become full tide. One thing is sure; we will be living in a very different world this time next year. The only constant in this world is that of change and it is happening very quickly.

Expect to see the fire of God to begin to be poured out in the coming year, this is the year of the fire of God, the baptism of fire is about to be restored back to the church. The fire of God will once again fall on the economic structures of the world starting in the USA towards the middle of next year. I saw this as a financial earthquake in which the tremors spread through the whole earth. The fire of God will not only be upon the church to purify, but it will also fall on the Babylonian financial structures of the nations as judgment. Isaiah chapter 60 is beginning to unfold upon the true church.

Isa 60:1  Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

Isa 60:2  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

Isa 60:3  And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

Isa 60:4  Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.

Isa 63:4  For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.

The year of the fire is upon us and we need to welcome, desire, and embrace this visitation from heaven, if you do you will never be the same again.

Neville Johnson

Edited by Moderator on 12/22/2010 at 1:15pm
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Posted: 12/22/2010 at 1:31pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

God Says, "I Want My People to Agree with Heaven"
Sandie Freed
Sandie Freed

Christmas time is filled with much joy, isn't it? I love the lights, the Christmas trees and lovely ornaments. Not to mention the festive gatherings with friends and family.

In between shopping, attending Christmas plays and programs and ministry opportunities, I have been pressing in for God's direction for the next year on our Gregorian calendar. I believe the Lord spoke to my heart about coming into greater agreement with Him and His Word in 2011. I heard Him say, "In 2011, I want My people to agree with Heaven." I am not writing on this subject because the topic rhymes and sounds good to the ear. I believe God is very serious about each of us understanding how important it is that we agree with what God says about us, our future and our relationship with Him, especially in this next year.

To be in agreement with God means that we have the same mind as He does. In other words, we are going to be developing the mind of Christ within us like never before! Some of the definitions of the word "agree" are: "To be of one mind; to harmonize in opinion, to live in concord, or without contention, to yield assent." There are three words in which the Webster's Dictionary uses to define the word "agreement": concord, harmony and conformity.

Unity Releases Life and Victory

I believe that the Lord is asking that we yield to His divine direction for the upcoming year and that we purpose to live in "concord" or unity with His Word. What does that actually mean? Well, if we observe what God says concerning unity, we realize that it brings life. Psalm 133 is a perfect example of how unity releases life to God's people. If only we completely understood that when we come into full agreement with God's will and His Word, He actually breathes life into us, as well as our situations. But, there is so much more concerning agreeing with God. Matthew 18:18-19 explains the principle of the power of agreement for spiritual warfare:

Matthew 18:18-19 (ASV) Verily I say unto you, what things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father who is in Heaven.

In this passage, Jesus was saying that we have the power to bind the enemy if we will come into agreement with Heaven. The word "agree" in this passage is the Hebrew word sumphoneo, which again implies being in unity or being harmonious. However, it is connected to another word, phone, which is described as "noise, sound, (and) voice." So, we can say that Jesus was instructing us to come into unity with the sound of Heaven and the voice of Heaven, which is God's voice! Wow! Now this begins to make even more sense when we are binding the powers of darkness, doesn't it?

I want 2011 to be a breakthrough year. I believe it will be if we agree with God's voice. Whatever God is instructing and whatever His Word says, we must come into unity with it so that we can experience life and victory.

Our Wineskin Needs to Agree with God's Plans!

In another study on "agreement," I came across a passage that leapt from the page. I have taught on the wineskin many times, but I believe there is present revelation in this passage for us now:

Luke 5:36-39 And He spake also a parable unto them: No man rendeth a piece from a new garment and putteth it upon an old garment; else he will rend the new, and also the piece from the new will not agree with the old. And no man putteth new wine into old wine-skins; else the new wine will burst the skins and itself will be spilled, and the skins will perish. But new wine must be put into fresh wine-skins. And no man having drunk old (wine) desireth new; for he saith, The old is good. (ASV, emphasis mine)

Look closely at the first verse which I provided for you. Read this verse aloud. Did you notice that the new will not agree with the old? Looking at this spiritually, we can conclude that as God is pouring out His new wine (new revelation and fresh understanding of His Word) that any "old" understanding or "old revelation, or even "old mindsets," will not "agree" or "be in unity" with the new. In other words, there will be no life in our wineskin if we cannot fully embrace the new. Hanging onto something old (old habits, beliefs, etc) will hinder our ability to fully walk in unity with God. We must come into complete agreement with God so that He can make us a new wineskin – only then can we experience the abundant life.

If you will read the last verse, you will read that many will desire to hang on to the "old" because they believe the "old" is better! There will be a great temptation to remain with what has been familiar. Embracing the new will require change and, therefore, some will resist moving forward in unity with God. However, I believe that if we will agree with all that God says, He will also empower us to move into the new with great confidence.

Overcoming Mindsets Concerning Poverty

I am fully aware that so many Christians are struggling financially during this season. At Christmas, money "pressure" is more difficult. I want to challenge you to not allow depression to hinder your joy during this glorious season. I wrote an entire book as to how to overcome a poverty mentality and walk in victory.

In my book, Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty: Discerning and Defeating the Ancient Powers of Mammon and Babylon, I specifically minister to the heart of Believers who are struggling with finances. Please do not allow your financial disappointments to rob you of opportunities to agree with God concerning your future. Your old wineskin, which is soaked in disappointment and potential bitterness, will not agree with God's divine will to cycle you out of some past challenges. Believer, God wants you to walk in total victory and peace!

It is time for your wineskin to agree with God's Word concerning your future. As you "let go of the old," allow the disappointments of the past to totally die. You cannot carry old disappointments into your future and walk in victory. Every disappointment you carry into your new season will sabotage your new beginning. Take a moment and confess to the Lord your past disappointments and then receive His love and power to move ahead. You will be renewed and refreshed as you also agree with His Word concerning your future.

Allow me to ask you a question: How long has it been since you pulled out your personal prophecies and prayed over them? I believe that before we enter into the New Year we must do this! As we do, we will get fresh vision for the season ahead. So pull out those prophecies and come into agreement with God, okay? This will properly position you for your year ahead!

Agreeing with One Another

I particularly love this passage in 2 Corinthians:

2 Corinthians 13:11-14 Finally, brethren, farewell. Mend your ways, heed my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (RSV, emphasis mine)

When we agree with each other, there is such peace. I am not advocating that we mindlessly agree with anything or any wind of doctrine or opinion. No, this passage in all about living in harmony. When there is harmony, there is a blending. A symphony has many different instruments each with its own unique sound, so when each is played they all harmonize and blend and make one sound. This is to what this passage is referring – one sound. This one sound should fully reflect the sound from Heaven. And when we are in agreement with one another, there is a release of even more life!

The Prince of Peace

Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He came to give us peace. This is not a peace that the world can give to us; it is a supernatural peace. However, we can only fully experience this type of peace when we are in agreement with Him.

I believe that in 2011 that we will experience much joy and peace as we walk in unity with Heaven. We may still be challenged with some difficulties because we live in a fallen world, but if we can agree with all that God says, we will experience hope, peace and abundant life.

I pray for each of you that you have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

In Him,

Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries

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Posted: 12/25/2010 at 7:56am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011: The Year of Opening Doors


Someone had asked me to share on what the Lord has been telling me about 2011.  Honestly had not even gotten that far.  But today in talking to a friend. Prophecy started coming out as I began to type. Then tonight a series of impressions and I got the words, “this coming year will be a year of open doors”  so came to computer to write down what He might say.  This was a different means of the Lord speaking to me in some ways.

He is the Door
   The Way is through prayer, worship, & declaring the promises of God in His Word.  In Acts 15 He says:
Acts 15:16-17 NKJV   'After! this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down;  I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; 17 So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, Even all the Gentiles who are called by My name, Says the Lord who does all these things.' 

In David’s temple there was 24/7 worship and prayer.  The Lord indicated
to have more communion with Him, all the more as the time of His appearing
comes closer.  This means more INTIMACY with Him which we know comes from prayer, reading of the word and meditating on it, and worship brings the presence. 

Susan’s word I read tonight said:

Presence also comes from living the WORD. That isn’t mentioned much but is so true.  When the LORD sends you into the store to get milk and you have a divine appointment and follow through with what HE tells you, THAT also brings presence.  Signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the WORD--However it is preached !  It is HIS compassion moving through you that will bring miracles.  And this will be a year for miracles as His glory increases.

The times will require more intimacy to keep our sanity. Many will have to give up their homes and property due to hardships, but the LORD will restore and we will have what we need. Those in the world will not even have that. 
“Many of you will be used as reservoirs of the Lord’s glory to be poured out upon MANY who will come to us for answers.  Hard times will force many to lawlessness, but others will seek answers in the LORD. There will be more lawlessness this year, due to economic collapses. So be wise oh sons and daughters, do not spend your money on unfruitfulness.  Support one another like the early Christians - you will have to SHARE your means with others. 

It is not a time for selfishness, but it is also not a time for giving in to charlatans and carpetbaggers within the body who are lying to get more money, while they live in 3 million dollar homes. I will call many of them to GIVE up their lifestyle and if they refuse, they will be judged, in order to return their hearts to humility.  Be careful not to scoff. For you know none of you is perfect.  But do not give in to baseless wantonness of false shepherds.”

Doors of heaven will open and blessing of His glory will be poured out
“Visitations will start to cause a stir, and the excitement of His presence and that of His kingdom will not be able to be contained.  A burst here, and a burst of glory there !”  

I had an impression of a sledge hammer in the arms of a woman like when you tear down a wall, only she was tearing down the ceiling.  So I knew it was a spiritual ceiling on our prayers, and that the woman represented the intercessors in the body, prophetically living out their lives of sacrifice, sowing into the body of Christ, and that there was a SUDDEN breakthrough.   

Then I perceived with the breakthrough, rough openings and BRIGHT LIGHT shining through those holes.  Next, the woman was knocked to the floor at seeing the light, a position of humility.  I then got an impression that God was going to humble every high thing, every bit of self exaltation in the body will be removed.  Every proud and arrogant person will be humbled.
[pride vs humility: ]

There is a sense of a fear of the LORD coming that will truly humble those who are always critical, bitter and haughty, in holding on to their sins and making excuses, without seeking the Lord.  Those of course who are seeking Him for freedom will get that which they seek. For blessed are those who hunger and thirst for RIGHTEOUSNESS, for they will be filled !  As has been said before, the last shall be first and the first shall be last in this hour.  And those UNPREPARED in their hearts, who are too busy to pray, too busy to worship, too busy to be in intimacy will regret the lack of time with the LORD.

Doors of Opportunity
The doors of opportunity will not come as many expect in the prosperity movement. They will come at a great cost.
   Evangelism: ministry to victims of disaster and misfortune
   Increasing earthquakes, rioting, violence due to economy and gov’t
   Increase in things that seem like accidents, like fires,
   Destruction of property, businesses, but it will not be an accident.
   Terrorists at home and abroad increasing activity. Some covert will
   become overt !  People will be more frightened, and seek God.

“ I have called you to be salt and light, in a world filled with turmoil and violence.  Great darkness is taking over the earth, and deep darkness it’s people. But I WILL arise over you.  I will set my jewels in primary places of judgments that they may SHINE in that darkness and rebuke the darkness through deeds of kindness & mercy.  My love is to GIVE AWAY. It is not just to keep it for yourself.  It is for the giving.  I am a GIVING GOD.  I love what I create. I treasure you, and will stand with you as you reach out to others with what you have.  You may say to me, ‘but I have nothing’.  ‘I am not rich. I have not stored supplies’  and I will say to you. REMEMBER THE WIDOW AT ZAREPHATH” 
[ 1 Kings 17:8 +]  As we reach out to others, God will reach out to us.

   Impression of many starting to move out, into jobs overseas or other
   nations due to increasing hardships, and the increasing lawlessness.
   Doors of entrepreneurial opportunity, will open through invention of 
   Things that help practical need to live more frugally.  Those called to be
   planted here &  called to help in this time will be given what they need to
   help. Some through natural means, but also through many supernatural
   Impression that we must have GREATER FAITH for miraculous provision.
   That’s a “no duh” for those of us who have been being prepared. But all
   this will be a great surprise for many who have fallen asleep.  They will
   need those with wisdom and who have already seen the LORD do miracles
   in the midst of great affliction.  There was the impression too, the harder
   the times, the more miracles God will do.  [ Now I know this naturally as
   I’ve been overseas, but many who have NOT seen the poverty in other
   nations will be shocked at the great benevolence of the LORD. ]

Doors of hope & reconciliation
    Unsaved family coming to God.  As we gather in homes/church prayer
    groups to pray for the situations at hand,  we will see:
   Waves of grace and glory, with JOY, due to answered prayers.
    Startling miracles, signs and wonders at preaching of the cross!

“The Lord is saying many of those who have been in hiding will come forth into the streets and there will be great miracles just in everyday life situations.  Jesus wants all the glory.  He is not coming to glorify a specific region, area, city or church.  Not that some cities/nations won’t see more of His glory, but that will be because of seeds sown by saints, like little old ladies praying for years, or those who’ve been in training sowing seeds in the opposites as the world, living out death to self.”

That which is coming in persecution will come because of the enemy rising up to oppose the manifestation of the HOLY SPIRIT in our presence. GREAT persecution is coming.  I sense we must be ready to move at short notice, to
be available to the LORD, and to be ready to be hidden in the real sense, just like the Jews had to hide from the Nazi’s in WWII.  This will be most stressful for the unsuspecting.  We must be VERY DEPENDENT on the LORD.  He has been trying to get us more dependent on HIM than our own selves.  He wants us more intimate and alone with Him so that we have the instructions we need. Turn up the WORSHIP because there will come a time
soon enough when we will not be able to do it so boldly as we have. If we are to see the glory, we must have more WORSHIP because WORSHIP brings the presence like nothing else.  But we are not to be religious. GOD is giving GRACE to do what HE wants us to do if we ASK for it !

   More Church scandals will be uncovered with more government interventions due to misappropriated money.   Shocking indiscretions, pedophilia being exposed even more, and homosexual connections in the church overall.  Infidelities of all kinds exposed as government starts investigating more Churches.  [ Reminded of dream of Hitler in the church – see book on Hitler dreams at  ] 

However the Lord warns us to be careful to discern, because there will also be many FALSE accusations against Christians. Pray and don’t ASSUME anything.  The enemy wants to take people out and to rob, kill and destroy. But God will use him to bring judgment on those with false motives.  [ The beast will hate the HARLOT ].

Despite more opposition, God will release the ELIJAH’s in the land to confront the jezebelic church, and to preach on the streets with great anointing that will bring great conviction, and power that will be demonstrated that will SHOCK people into submission.  There is still a little preparation time for this though. The Lord has been so patient to wait on those needing more healing and deliverance.  He will not leave you behind. So don’t walk in self condemnation or stress.  Wait on the LORD and HE will speak. Be serious about asking for the healing and deliverance though.

Isa 60:1-5 AMP  
1 ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! [Zech 8:23.]
2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you [O Jerusalem], and His glory shall be seen on you. [Isa 60:19-22; Mal 4:2; Rev 21:2,3.]
3 And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. [Isa 2:2,3; Jer 3:17.]

4 Lift up your eyes round about you and see! They all gather themselves together, they come to you. Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried and nursed in the arms.
5 Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy [at the glorious deliverance] and be enlarged; because the abundant wealth of the [Dead]  Sea shall be turned to you, unto you shall the nations come with their treasures. [Ps 119:32.]
(dead sea, meaning the people dead spiritually )

Upstream Ministries

Edited by Moderator on 12/26/2010 at 12:26pm
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Posted: 12/25/2010 at 8:43am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Prophecy 2011 and Beyond

John Lawler

On 9-3-10 I asked the Lord, what I can expect to see in the upcoming year of 2011 in America and throughout the world. I believe I heard the Lord say: “My son during the upcoming year you can expect the same thing as what you have seen this year. There will be little or no change in the economy. The weather will not be any different than what you have seen this year. The time of the end is near and what I said will happen in my word will be manifested throughout the earth. The earth will shake in many places and wars will continue to take place in various forms and places. I am about to move upon my people in a very meaningful way and the time has come to bring in the harvest of souls throughout this land. The one thing that will happen that will get a lot of attention will be the economy. There will continue to be a down turn in businesses throughout this land and those who are looking for work will not find what they are looking for. I am always available to those who don’t seek me for their needs for they will have a very hard time providing for themselves in the days ahead. I will not allow man to continue to live their lives without me being their source. The days ahead will be very hard for those who would choose to ignore me and go their own way”.

I asked the Lord again on 9-9-10 if there was anything else that he would like to share with me about the upcoming year of 2011 and I believe I heard the Lord say: “My son during the upcoming year there will be many that will fall by the sword. I am going to allow the war to begin that I spoke of in my word in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Yes my son this war will take place as I have spoken it and all will know that my word is true. Many think that these things have already occurred but I say no they haven’t. In the days ahead, much will be said of my word and many lies will come fourth even as it has in days of old. I will show the world that what I have said in my word is true and all will know for sure as time marches on. I am also going to allow the earth to shake in ways that man has yet to see and much fear will come upon the people as to what is to come. I am no longer going to hold back my judgments as I have in the past and man will now pay the penalty for its sin. Just to let the world know that I am the same yesterday, today and forever and that I do not change. What I have done in the past I will now do on a much larger scale. Look up my son for your redemption is drawing near. Many will try to explain away all that is taking place in ways that will exclude me but when I am through all will know who is in control. Down through the ages man has pretty much done as he pleases but in the future it will not be as it has been., I am in control and man will find this out in a not so pleasant way. I will do as I please when I please and my will, will be accomplished on the earth in the days ahead. Don’t allow all that you see cause you to fear or doubt that I will protect those who are mine for I surely will. No harm will come to my people but for those who oppose me will find out the hard way that I am all that I say I am”.

John Lawler

Edited by Moderator on 12/25/2010 at 8:50am
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Posted: 12/25/2010 at 8:37pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Every year about this time I am impressed of the Lord to record what he is saying right now for the year to come. Of course I do this all year long, nearly every day. I bring what the Lord is saying. Yet a special portal of revelation seems to open at this time of year. Many do as I have done and write what the Lord is saying. I have been careful NOT to read or HEAR anything the Lord is saying right now thru other prophets. It's critical to have an unspoiled fresh word. This is that. I had been waiting and then last night I was told by the Lord to get ready to receive what he wanted to deliver via his servant today. This is that.


This side up.
Subject to breakage.
Handle with care.

Gene Redlin

The Lord is saying: "The world you are living is becoming more and more fragile. More than ever. Things you thought were unbreakable are now breaking. Others will break in the year to come. A slight nudge, a tipping, a push and that which seemed to be solid and stable will shatter. It's not the enemy. It's ME!

Don't consider this judgement, it's refining. I am bringing you to the place where you see ME as the stone rolling down and crushing the kingdoms and false idols in your life. All that will remain is the Rock. The Solid Rock. The Chief Cornerstone rejected of the world. I am immovable, unshakable, indestructible. No matter how anyone, the world, the flesh, the devil, even you handle me, I am not moved. I AM!

Kingdoms, regimes, empires and systems of man have come and gone in my sight, but I am everlasting. Vain philosophies of man have risen and fallen but I never fail. I never cease.

Many wonder at the drift of man made systems of religions. Yet I am not changed. I still fill the temple with my Glory. The temple not built with hands. YOU are the temple. Many are being cleansed and filled to overflowing in the hearts of men. Religion cannot understand that YOU are the temple containing MY SPIRIT. I AM in your temple. This is happening everywhere, in places you did not know. In situations that seem to be hopeless. In places of great darkness, I bring light. Sometimes I even occupy places made of stone..but less than you think. Places of habitation made by human hands can never replace the places I CREATED for my dwelling place. YOU! Some places have been dedicated but the dedication I seek is the heart fully mine, the honor I accept is that dedication. I am sovereignly filling places around the world every hour. Thousands bowing the knee where hearts are being filled with MY Glory. This end time move has no name, no denomination, no title. It is one of I AM".

Words for 2011 in the world:

  • Korea: Leading to ONE
  • Venezuela: Paper Tigers burn up
  • Russia: Drifting to a former state
  • China: Change - Fragile - Stumbles
  • Australia - New Zealand: Turning a new leaf
  • Europe: Backlash and restraint. Re Order
  • Latin America: Pockets of violence, but goodness and mercy follows
  • Brazil: A nation in redemption
  • Africa: Divided and Dark. A pall hangs. Much yet to be done, but MUST be done by Africans. Not all help is helpful.
God's Word for North America:

"I will firm relationships in the Continent. The younger and weaker will teach the older and larger. Terrorists on the border will become so blatant that the other brothers will have to reluctantly enter the war. One single event will trigger this move. It will not be resisted. North is the place of my occupancy. As I look to the south I see increasing levels of evil, corruption and schemes. This Starts where the ice never thaws and goes to where the ice never forms. As the heat increases so does the level of corruption. I shall not suffer this long".

God's word for The United States:

"Much must yet change for my adjustment I began from July 7, 2007 to be completed. Since the day of great light on August 1, 2010 many have fallen. I will shine light in a dark place and reveal the hidden. Many will say even in churches and fellowships, "That's Enough". They will say Peace Peace. Prosperity. Safety. All of these are true IF they are found only in ME. Any found outside of ME is false and fragile. You have drifted far from ME, now I will complete MY work in you. This will mean I am bringing you to a new place in ME. Since your hearts have been so far from me, many will find this new place uncomfortable and unfamiliar. That discomfort is an indicator of how much I need to do in your life STILL.

I will tear down all the high places erected against the knowledge of ME, the I AM, the ONLY TRUE GOD. It will seem like judgement, but it is bringing into captivity everything that has held MY people captive.

I am about to break the education system in your nation that has become a place teaching doctrines of devils. Thesis that are created by the enemy of your soul. Look for changes in this year. It has been going on for a while, but I will accelerate the changes in this year.

I will amplify righteousness in media. You are about to see things change in television and movies. Darkness and Blasphemy has become a stench coming up before ME. It has become a stench in the noses of those called by MY name. Many will turn away from corrupt communication. Exposure of those in media with the Anti-Christ spirit is happening before your eyes.

Music that brings JOY is being returned to you. Too long music has been a source of rebellion and indoctrination of the young. That is changing. Right under you noses I have raised up a generation of artists who carry this Joy. Many are aware of ME. Many have bowed the knee. They are bringing a new sound. It may not be music that is overtly in Honor of ME. I AM the God of Peace, Joy, Love. If it Honors that, it Honors ME. There will be some who will continue to use music to affect the young for evil. I am preparing a millstone for their neck. It is being placed there now. If they cause even ONE of these little ones to stumble...WOE!!! Watch and pray. Be careful of what you hear or allow to be heard. I will be honored. Repent and see the Salvation of YOUR GOD.

Many have placed faith in political systems and movements over faith in ME. Do you not know that I USE these things to move the hearts of kings. Your faith must be in ME to do right. Will not the God of all the Universe do RIGHT? Trust in ME to be established.

A stupor has descended when faith in other than ME come on a people. Faith in a man, faith in a party, faith in a spokesman, faith in a movement; these will leave you adrift. IF you anchor yourself only in ME you will not be tossed about and can watch ME MOVE.

There is great confusion in this nation. I am NOT the author of confusion. I am the God of beauty. The confusion causes people to resort to corrupt ways and live life in compromise. This confusion has rendered you unable to see the result of your slumber and sloth even in your assemblies. This too shall be broken off of you. This too shall be judged".

God's Word over the Chicago Area:

Long ago I spoke thru my prophets that a fire would come out of Chicago that would spread to the whole land. A great Chicago Fire. Many times since that prophecy there have been little fires that have broken out. Camp Fires. Sometimes a Bon Fire. But they were isolated and after a while have been extinguished. The piles of ashes and dead coals are everywhere. If a fire broke out it was criticized as being a false fire. That the real fire what in their movement. In their church. In their ministry. Both eventually burned out.

Because of this lack of unity the Fire I desire has been kept back. If my fire starters and fire keepers would borrow wood from one another, if they would stoke their brothers fire, if they would lend wood, or build their fires close together in fellowship, an unstoppable blaze would result. Instead one claims they have the fire. Another claims he does. An envy of fire builders stops all. Sadly, many who claimed fire had no fire at all.

Others had a fire and now there are just a few glowing embers left. They live in the warmth of remembering when the fire did burn long ago. The place I had declared would be a source of fire for the nations has remained cold, fragmented, dead or dying with only a few firestarters left with hope.

My prophesied fire can only come as the campfires, bonfires and others come together to create the great conflagration I have spoken. A conflagration that spreads like wildfire. One that consumes all the wet wood on the altar. One that burns away the dead wood of false religion exposing it in light and heat. I shall come and consume as a fire. There are places where hearts are right. The day is coming when I shall see the fire of MY GLORY burning bright in Chicagoland as I have spoken shall it be".

The Word of the Lord on the Economy and the Future Fears:

"There will be tidings of great prosperity and a bright future in the year to come. It is fragile. Very fragile. Breakable. There will be a day when that bright fragile future will be so much broken glass and if you allow it, it will cut you deeply.

There will be tidings of great doom. Hopelessness, decline, so it will appear. In a place captured by materialism as a god; will materialism need to be torn down and destroyed. This will result in good, a new normal based on stability, trust and Faith in ME. Do not fear the drumbeat of doom, hope is on the horizon, but it is hope based only in ME.

Some, even men called by my name, will say the good times are here again. While they speak my word, it will be much different from what you think. Everything you see around you is fragile. Many will try to use the breaking for their gain, for advantage, for change that is evil. Do not believe in their lies. This is ME setting things right. The days to come are days in which you MUST trust ME above all for everything because everything you trust other than ME will fail".

Words Specific to situation and people:

"President Obama has been shaken. He is in a vulnerable place right now. His future in completing his full term as President is in the balance. There are evil men who would see him gone. I have instructed you to pray for leaders. President Obama must hear from heaven. He must have the intercession of the saints for his safety and the security of your nation. Evil intends him destruction.

Terror efforts are going to come. Fear will be the result. Do not fear the one who can kill your body, fear only the one who can destroy your eternal soul.

In the year 2010 I have given MY people a new set of instructions. Many have heard. Lead on. A change has taken place. It happened in August. You can trust in these new directions. Now is the time to refocus your affections on ME alone. Any other pursuit is loss.

There will be great upsets in the year to come in the physical. Birth pangs. There will be earthquakes, center of the USA, California, Alaska, far east. The weather will be severe as a norm. VERY COLD. VERY HOT. Abnormal will become normal. The groaning will become audible. Place all your expectations in ME. The world around you is changing fast, it's of ME, yet I change NOT!

Some of this will be as never before. These birth pangs have not been seen before. I will use the pain of this to cause many to cry out to ME. Have you not read MY book, the Last One how I use various circumstances to cause those who will, to cry out to ME?

You were placed here to be my partner in the Glory that is being Revealed. False religions, false philosophies, false governments, false dependencies, will be torn down. They will be shown for the false assumptions and accusations that they always were.

You must not place your trust in any man during this time. I have demonstrated MY power to dethrone false gods in the past year, even those who were considered great in the Kingdom, to be brought down. This will accelerate. Those who carry a great call will be judged more severely.

You will lose by death 8 great leaders of the past move in 2011. Mourn not long. Moses MY servant is dead. Now the Joshua's are coming up. Like a tree stump many will spring up from around them and in their great anointing AND GREATER.

The Glory of the Latter house will be greater than the former".

Fear Not. 2011 is a new focus on the God of ALL the Universe.

Gene Redlin

Edited by Moderator on 12/31/2010 at 8:59am
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Posted: 12/25/2010 at 8:42pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Pawns will overtake Kings in 2011

Fletch Whipp

In 2008 The Lord spoke to me regarding a time where He would be walking down the line inspecting what His body has been doing – in His name. He was inspecting them like a carpenter inspects timber to see if it’s free of knots, and warping, and blemishes that would otherwise make it useless for Building. In the last few years we have heard many large ministries filing for bankruptcy, or falling due to moral failure, or unethical dealings.

In 2011 what you have seen thus so far will increase. Almost everyone will be able to identify with a particular ministry, missionary, or church that will be affected by this sweeping change. Many will say I am judging them and bringing misfortune upon them, yet I tell you that I am motivated by love, not anger. My love for the lost outweighs My ability to remain compassionate with leadership who have become comfortable, and turned a deaf ear to the leading and listening to My Holy Spirit. It is My love for them, to see them reignited by the flame of My Spirit that will remove them, not My anger.

There is a vision of a chessboard representing the church. You will see pawns will overtake Kings in 2011. Many key pieces will be toppled from the board, some will remain and slide into irrelevance. Some will return after a time of searching their heart, and learning to be re-trained in hearing My voice. Sadly, others will depart permanently. I tell you the enormous historic fires in Israel are symbolic of the cleansing fire that is now sweeping through My Church. Cleansing must always begin in My house first. Many of your Churches, Ministries & Missionaries will be challenged.

Many churches will seek to blame their adversary, the devil, for coming against them, yet It is not the Devil coming against them, it is My Holy standard challenging their flesh, and their flesh will not be able to stand. You will be surprised at some, some who you have looked up to and esteemed so highly, whom will fall away because they chose not to be anchored in Me when the storm came. They relied on, and were content to operate with revelation that no longer fits the environment they operate in now. As a result their wineskins will burst. As an appendix that bursts affects the entire body, so to will it be when those burst, that the entire body will feel the shock as it reverberates around the body. I command you, some of you will be raised up to show compassion and provide comfort for those who have fallen. Do not judge, leave that to Me, I command you to show them compassion.

I have already spoken to my Prophets that you will recognize My own by the fruit that they produce. Though my vineyard has shrunk, and disease has plagued those throughout my vineyard, removal of the diseased ones will allow a healthier breeding ground for those that remain. I will supernaturally breathe upon those that remain and they will yield more fruit than the vineyard achieved previously. There will be rapid planting with healthy new ones who will grow quickly in this most healthy environment.

Why must this pain happen to the church? It is essential that healthy leadership are in love with the lost as I am in love with the lost are established before the largest outpouring by My spirit takes place the world will ever see, as the final hour approaches. Can you not sense the groaning in the Earth for.the manifestation of the sons of God to rise?

The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.The fiery furnace that is refining many in this hour is done so that I will truly have a giant of an army mobilized and ready to be activated when the season arrives. (Romans 8:19-22)

Many who have been wandering the wilderness, hiding in caves, run out of churches and wounded by the saints are yet to have their finest hour. The pain of the pit that Joseph felt will soon wash away as my training ground has prepared them to do greater works than their former days. I will move them from the pit to the palace. Their maturation developed through sheer adversity has allowed them to know when to move and when to halt. Many of my horses who were locked in the gate, are no longer chomping at the bit in their mouth, nor kicking to get out. They now remain in perfect peace, and alert for when I open the gate and release them. My horses remain stationary with eyes fixed on Me.

2011 will be indeed a glorious year of triumph, yet also a year of great distress. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose this day to be open to My Spirit. Choose this day to go when I say go, and to sit when I say sit. Choose this day to remove yourself from your titles and positions and think in terms of My body, and your role within it. The day is rapidly approaching where people will be desperate to seek Me in you, and no longer seek revelation through the religious structure. They will say, ‘Do you KNOW Him?’ and you will answer ‘Yes, I know him personally’. And they will say to you, ‘tell me about Him so that I too can be saved’. The highest motivation of love will be fully operational which will allow unity to prosper, and unity will allow My Spirit to move among you in ways that you cannot fathom in this present time. Once again I will display My power in supernatural ways that have rarely been seen in these last two generations, and once again, from My house, I will hear the sounds of unity and love that will bring in My presence says the Lord.

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Posted: 12/26/2010 at 12:16pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Joshua and the End-Times Army

David L Smith

Joshua – the 1st mention of Joshua is in Exodus 17:9.
Joshua was an unknown before this verse; however, by the
use of the name, in its context, you can see that Joshua
was already a trusted person in the sight of Moses – the
Man of God.

In Exodus 17:14, there is an indication that the Lord
sees Joshua as the next in line for command & leadership
for the children of Israel. Indeed, after the death of
Moses, Joshua took over and led the Children of God into
the Promised Land.

This journey into the land (that the Lord had promised
Abraham and Joseph) began with the taking of Jericho – a
stronghold of the enemy. Most people do not realize it,
but the name Jericho is mentioned 12 times BEFORE the
book of Joshua. In the Bible, the number 12 is used as a
perfect number, signifying perfection of government, or
of governmental perfection. It is found as a multiple in
all that has to do with rule.

Jericho must be the one stronghold to be overcome before
the Children of God began to rule in the land that the
Lord had promised. The fall of Jericho sent echoes of
foreshadowing throughout the land. As a result of the
conquest that began with a shout – the Lord’s Army, led
by Joshua, swept through the land with supernatural power
– as long as the commandments of the Lord were kept.

The only setback for the Army of the Lord was when there
were those that chose to disobey the Words of God and lay
hold on the things of the world: fine garments, silver &
gold (Joshua 7). A household of the followers of Joshua
had chosen to seek after the things of the world (much
like Ananias & Sapphira did in Acts 5) rather than obey
the Words of the Lord.

Eternal rewards have much more lasting value than the
temporal rewards of this life. But, when believers of
God see with the eyes of Eve instead of the Eyes of
Christ, the fall will always happen. Perhaps, that fall
will not occur in this life – but there shall be loss
when the ways of the world are chosen over the ways of
the Lord.

This is the time of the year when words are set forth for
the coming of the New Year. In recent days, the Lord has
whispered – multiple times – the name of Joshua.

Hear ye, the Word of the Lord –

Moses, my servant, is dead. Now, therefore, arise, go
over into this river and unto the land which I have
already given to my Army – every place that the soul of
your foot shall tread, I have already given to you. There
shall not be any who shall be able to stand against you –
for as I was with My Mighty Men of God, I shall be with
you. I shall not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Only, be
very strong in the Strength of the Lord – and be of good
courage. Be vigilant & observe to do according to all of
My Word; turn not to the left, nor to the right, that
thou may prosper (have a good journey) whithersoever thou
shall go.

Let not the Word of My Mouth depart from thee; meditate
therein day & night; let it be to thee as the breath of
thy life – that thou may do according to all that I have
commanded and thy way shall be very prosperous and thou
shall have good success.

Now, my Army – Hear ye the Word of the Lord:

“Go; shout & run and take back the land!”

David L Smith

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Posted: 12/29/2010 at 7:49pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

“The New Era and The New Books”

By Susan O’Marra


After our Christmas Family Gathering had finished, I was sitting in our living room relaxing and dwelling on the day’s events and on the fellowship that we had all had together. As I was sitting there, I saw a vision and I saw that there were many of us in the Body of Christ that had gathered in the heavenlies. We were all suspended in the air and we each had a small book in our hand. We all stood facing the Lord. He had a book in his hand. The angel with him motioned for us to give him our books. I reached out and handed him my book. The Lord then said, “You have been given time to heal and time to deal. Now it is time, for there is more I have yet to reveal.” He then handed us each the new book. It was one book, but it was given to each of us from his hand. As I took the new book, I knew that our lives would never be the same anymore. I also knew that what we had lived out up till now, was only a stepping stone to what we would now enter into and would walk out in the days ahead. I did not miss my book. I knew that what was done was done, and that we must move on. I felt a peace knowing that I had accomplished something in my life and that I was now to move into a new era in 2011.


The Lord nodded at my thoughts. He said, “Yes. It is a new era. Many have not yet understood that the hard changes were necessary to push them into the new things I had planned for them. So many of My Children are still bound to their pasts, to their hurts and to their emotions, and to their ideals, and these things cloud their vision and understanding of Me. But I had to bring them out of themselves in order to cause them to see who I truly am, and to see what their destiny is to be in Me. It is time to fully relinquish the old and the former things, and to take on the true identity that now awaits you. All that you formerly used as a reference to your identity had to be purged and destroyed. You could not walk in who you truly are, while looking at yourself through your own eyes. You must see yourself through Me, and in Me, and through My Word. So, now, you have each been given a new task.”


“You must read this new release of the Word through the eyes of your spirit in order to properly hear it. The voice of My Word will be heard, and will be understood as you eat it daily with Me. I have given you a New Era of Revelation and of Truth that will propel you into the years ahead in great liberty and in great clarity. Within these new pages you also come to understand what was written by the former sages. It is time for new understanding to be awakened. I have not allowed much to be revealed until this day, for the things written must be fulfilled each in their season. Many have had a partial revelation in order to cause a deeper pursuit of truth, but not for the fulfillment of the events. Your generation will stand and will fulfill much of what is left in the years ahead. Do not waste the time you have been given, but seek Me, and seek My Spirit, for in the seeking, you will find that which lies in wait for you. Everything is waiting for it’s turn, and you have been brought here in order to learn. You have a destiny to fulfill. Each of My Children has a key to unlocking their destiny. But it is up to you to use it properly and within the perimeters of My council. Keep My Word ever before you, and take heed its voice. For My Word will guide you and My Spirit will illuminate you as you allow it to unfold.”


“Your current era is ending on the earth as men currently know it. You have seen the death of many things and the birth of many things, good and bad. You understand the signs and have made some natural preparations, but you cannot fully prepare for the years ahead in the natural, for that which must be spiritually found is of even more importance. And that which is to be found shall become your solid ground. Only in the light of My Truth, can you stand firmly in this time. For all that you see in the earth right now shall pass quickly and shall be changed. Alliances will change. Borders will change. Laws will change. Heads will change. A new era of revelation has begun, and I am at work in the earth. Know that it is coming forth by My Hand. The shaking will bring greater tumult to many lands, but this is part of the transition and of the repositioning. You are to not judge things by what you see around you unfold. You are to judge everything by what My Word will reveal to you and by what the Spirit will show you to do and to say. Never lose sight of My Word. Value it’s council above all else. For My Spirit is life and it will strengthen you for each day.”


“Your willingness to relinquish your book to Me so freely shows that you have passed fully from the death that had bound you unto new life. You were able to trust Me enough to let go of your past and of all of your accomplishments, and had not held onto your identity of yourself within it all. This is what I seek. I desire for all of My Children to fully follow after Me and to not love their lives more than Me. I desire that My Children would let go of everything in order to gain Me. Even your individuality can separate you from Me, if you do not find your life hidden within Me. This is why this past season was so severe and why you had to fully die within the fires of My Judgements, to now be able to walk into this new era- into the unfolding fullness of My Life. I have waited for this New Year to come. I have waited for you and for My Children to mature sufficiently for this new day. You all shall glorify Me in everyway. My Light shall now increase within you and also without. Great trials and great victories shall signal this day. Rejoice as they come and take delight in Me in them all. Light shall break forth in everyway. ”


“The situations you are also currently in shall change and even more merge with Mine. What I have ordained for you shall bring greater order in your life and also new alignments with the unfolding of your new assignments. Do not attempt to hold onto what is ordained to shortly pass away. But reach forwards believing, reach into what is to now come, and you shall find great joy and great peace as you run. My timing is perfect in all things. I created all things. I sustain all things. I give life to all things. I am the end of all things. Trust in Me, and know Me in a greater Reality. I am the God that walks in the midst of thee. I am also the God that walks inside of thee. A new era I have set before you. Set your face into My Winds, and hear what My Spirit will reveal, and know that you were made ready by My Hand. I am your Seal. Within your hand shall My Book make you understand, and you shall fulfill My every plan. You are to rise up in this New Year and take your stand, and awaken to your new command.”


Era: A period of time marked by distinctive character, events, etc. The period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned: an epoch. A point of time from which succeeding years are numbered, as at the beginning of a system of chronology:


1 Timothy 2:5 There is one God. There is also one mediator between God and humans—a human, Christ Jesus. 6 He sacrificed himself for all people to free them from their sins. This message is valid for every era. 7 I was appointed to spread this Good News and to be an apostle to teach people who are not Jewish about faith and truth. I’m telling you the truth. I’m not lying.


Titus 1:2 My message is based on the confidence of eternal life. God, who never lies, promised this eternal life before the world began. 3 God has revealed this in every era by spreading his word. I was entrusted with this word by the command of God our Savior.


Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.


Psalms 1: Book One 1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law (instruction) of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.


Psalms 119:15 I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.


Psalms 40:7 Then I said, "Behold, I have come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me:

Hebrews 10:7 Then I said, 'Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.'"


Psalms 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.


Isaiah 29:11 And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. When men give it to one who can read, saying, "Read this," he says, "I cannot, for it is sealed." 12 And when they give the book to one who cannot read, saying, "Read this," he says, "I cannot read." 18 In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see.


Isaiah 34:16 Seek and read from the book of the LORD: Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate. For the mouth of the LORD has commanded, and his Spirit has gathered them. 17 He has cast the lot for them; his hand has portioned it out to them with the line; they shall possess it forever; from generation to generation they shall dwell in it.


-Susan O’Marra   12-26-10

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Posted: 12/29/2010 at 7:55pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

The Year of the Open Heaven: Kingdom Building is a Must
Theresa Phillips
Theresa Phillips

I sought the Lord, and He heard me when I asked Him what is in store for 2011. This is what I received:

2011 Will Be a Season of Open Heavens

  • The angelic activity will increase and we will begin to see "pockets" of God's tangible glory in many areas of the world.

  • It's blessing time and it's prayer time.

  • The Lord's royal priesthood (see 1 Peter 2:9) will begin to emerge with higher standards of holiness without legal connotations making people afraid to move forward.

  • Fear will be laughed at by those who have once been timid. They will roar like lions! The earth will shake at the sound of these lions.

Hosea 11:10 They will follow the LORD; He will roar like a lion. When He roars, His children will come trembling from the west.

  • Prophecy will emerge with a focus on the King. Many will prophesy from the throne room, for they will have had audience.

Esther 5:2 When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter.

This will be evident in many spheres of influence. Even the film industry will focus on the royal side. They will produce movies about royalty.

  • America (and the world) will become fascinated with the upcoming wedding of His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales to the to-be Lady Catherine Middleton. "This will be a sign to My American Church the King is coming...the reigning of the Kingdom."

Mark 11:10 "Blessed is the coming Kingdom of our father David!" "Hosanna in the highest Heaven!"

Focus on the King of Glory

As I continued in prayer, I saw in the sky a light brightly shining; it had a trail behind it, a long stream of light.

Acts 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke.

"A new galaxy will be discovered by science and a new sign will emerge in the sky; a fresh excitement of the imminent coming of Jesus will be talked about in the House of the Lord in private and on the Internet. In the public arena, it will be a huge focus in 2011... fresh excitement!

"Souls will come in and many backslidden will come home," says the Lord, "when you focus on the goodness of My Presence. They will come like flies to honey and they will stick!

"Yet, I warn you about the false and the profane, for good and evil are both present so man may make a choice. Do not be consumed with this, but aware. Many will make the right choice if My goodness is allowed to pass before them. Many are asking even now, 'Where is the goodness of the Lord?'"

Exodus 33:19 And He said, I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.

Then I heard the sound of thunder. Thunder coming from Washington, D.C. I heard the Lord say, "I love the nation of America."

I hear Him say, "Beware of the foxes."

Song of Solomon 2:15 "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom."

"Many politicians will try to woo the American Church, and many will say, 'See, it is because I have prayed, and God heard my prayer.' I say to you, be careful of what you declare as your prayer-answered, for many a fox will try to deceive you... I ask you to once again take the position of watch and pray."

Watch and Pray

Colossians 4:2 [Further Instructions] Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

"Be thankful in all prayer and I will move. Be slow to speak and slow to answer."

James 1:19 [Listening and Doing] My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

"I can change the hearts of man, but it won't be in what they say, it will be in their actions; and KNOW them by the fruit of the Spirit – BY THE FRUIT."

Matthew 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.

"The economy will take an upturn for one year; I ask you again to pray without ceasing. And do not decline your giving... it is here I will provide and I will do extraordinary things. Watch Me do this; I want to bless My people. The poor will be with you always. Be givers to the poor and I will take care of you.

"In 2011, many voices will come up – new ones and old ones that have been silent for years. Watch and pray, for keys of Kingdom-building will emerge like lightening on a dark night. Kingdom-building is a must for 2011.

Train The Newcomers Up

"Teaching will explode, for 2011 is a new year of SCHOOLS. Education will be a focus politically and spiritually. Train them up," says the Lord. "Train the newcomers up."

Luke 6:40 The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.

"I shall place godly teachers in the public arena, and My Word will be debated in public schools. Yet, I will have a voice there and freedom will emerge. I will be proclaimed in 2011; this is the year of the open Heaven."

Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice

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Posted: 12/31/2010 at 8:30am | IP Logged Quote Moderator


Stephen Hanson

Dec. 30, 2010

Hebrews 4: 12: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword."

"What is the answer to many of life's problems, would say the Lord?
Many think that they have all the resources to solve their problems.
But I tell you that you only have to look to my servant David, for he
was always inquiring of me.  That is why I called him a man after my
own heart.  So don't go into the new year thinking that you have all
the answers.  Even if you are an engineer, and you have a mind and
even a blueprint to build a certain thing; Is not the final
completions' design something that can change? 
The final answer comes
from my voice, says the Lord.

Many will have new years' resolutions for the new year, but the
greatest resolution you can have is to know me better. For I tell you
that you will need to. For with the new year, I have said that new
doors will open for ministry, but with the new doors opening up, there
will be a greater need for my spirit to help you withstand the
onslaughts of the enemy.

For I give a greater anointing not just for your own benefit. No... I
pour it out that it might be given to aid the body.  For one anointing
is not just given to benefit one but many.

For this will be a year of great things, says the Lord.  But with the
great things, comes a two-edged sword.  For with a sword you can cut
asunder the deeds of the enemy, but it can also prick your own heart
as well.  For those who have gone into battle wage a war that
continues.  For with the battle comes a responsibility.  For once
you've pierced the walls of darkness, then the mist is always there
behind those walls.  But the darkness has never understood the light.
So with the greater anointing comes a two-edged sword.

Fight your battles wisely. Know when to draw your sword against the
enemy.  For I tell you truly, that it would be wise to wear your armor
at all times. Leave it on at all times. For if a war broke out in the
camp at night and you were sleeping, would it not be easier to already
have your gear on?

So in this new year, be always ready. Be wise as serpents and innocent
as doves. Proclaim peace and salvation to the captives. Shun what is
evil, and learn to forgive those who are around you.  For there is a
division amongst the brethren.  There are camps that have already been
These are signs that the enemy has been at work there.

"The coming year will bring new doors of ministry, but it will also
increase the boundary between many in the body. Nations will fall;
more and more upheavals will be seen as earthquakes increase.
The poor
will always need your help, but as the rich get richer, and the
get poorer, many are greedy for their own gain.  "

Stephen Hanson


Dec 31, 2010

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  Eph. 3:20

"As the new year comes into play, what types of things will you be
doing?  Will you go about your business as usual? Will you pretend
that the world goes on as it always has?  For with the new year new
developments will be seen, not only on the political scene but around
the globe as well. You will see strong ties being linked with North
.  For in secret ties are being made with China.  Watch as the
events play out. For the focus of wars and skirmishes will not always
be emphasized with Iraq.  The focus will change.  World dominion and
power is something in secret that she longs to have.  The scorpion
will suddenly strike.

But in spite of these things I stand ready to bless my people. I stand
ready to extend my arm of favor.  No more will my people be begging
for bread.  For the miraculous will be seen in many of your lives.
Money and checks in the mail will come at unexpected times.  For I am
able to do far more than anything you might expect.  Don't expect your
income to just come from a secular job.  And I will take the hands off
the destroyer. He who has come to destroy the lives of many of my
people will be thrown down.   Many of your jobs and employment will
change.  New avenues of employment will be seen.

But the world goes on as it always has.  You live in a world where
greed and power still dominate.  But in spite of the darkness all
around you, you can still be a great source of light to those around

Stephen Hanson

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Posted: 12/31/2010 at 8:34am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

The Lord sings Over 2011


Christine Beadsworth


Precious brothers and sisters in Christ


Early in the morning on 31st December, I was awakened with a song in my heart. It was one that the Spirit had given some time ago. The Lord kept urging me to get up and go to the piano and sing it. As I did, there was a decree that flowed out of that song. I had the sense that I was singing over much more than my own situation. It seemed the Lord was singing through me over the year to come, singing words over the lives of His faithful waiting saints. So I recorded the song and you can listen to it on my podcast page: 0

The words in Hebrew ‘Ki va Moed’ mean ‘the appointed time has come’. There was also a scripture that came to my heart as I sang:


Psa 102:13  Thou shalt arise, and  have mercy upon Zion : for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.


For those who are unable to listen online, please email me and I will try to send you a copy of the mp3 file. Here are the words of the song I awoke with:






AND THE BLIND SHALL SEE                                                             

 AND THE DEAF WILL HEAR                                                              

 AND THE LAME WILL BE RELEASED                                                           


THEY SPRING OPEN NOW                                                       









Here are some of the words that flowed in the Spirit as a decree out of this. (Unfortunately I have not had time to transcribe the whole lyrics but would welcome anyone who is able to do so):



















































Please allow these words to wash over you and sink deep into your spirit. As you look out over 2011, lift your heads for our God is faithful and the appointed time has come!

In His great love

Christine Beadsworth  (

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Posted: 12/31/2010 at 8:38am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

OPEN HEAVEN 2011 (Prophecy)

Elaine Tavolacci

One night back in August I received two prophetic dreams within a couple
 of hours. The Lord brought me back to that Prophetic Word this morning
 and showed me that this word is for the
body of Christ for 2011


Young Eagles Arising

Two nights ago I had an awesome dream. In this dream I was in a huge ancient place. There were surrounding mountains that appeared to be made of ivory. A lady was giving me a tour of this magnificent place but I don't recall what her face looked like, all I could remember was that her temperament was pleasant and loving as an angel. As I walked with her we saw numerous eagles in cages of wood and metal but each eagle was in its own cage. They were not all full-grown eagles but they were all different ages and sizes. As she was showing me around we noticed one young eagle that broke out of its cage by breaking the wood by pushing it up with its beak and simply walking out. Although it was an eagle, its appearance was different from a full-grown eagle because it was still young. When the lady seen this she laughed in amusement and gently put

the eagle back in the cage because it wasn't time for it to be released. There were also some young lions. There was one young lion that I knew was a female because it didn't have a mane. It was on a long leash but I couldn't understand why it wasn't vicious.
As I continued to walk with her I was looking up in amazement at the huge arched cathedral ceilings which were approximately fifty feet high and made of a beautiful engraved stone. I asked her who owned this place and she said two Jewish monks. Then I looked up and saw two gigantic ancient doors made of dark brown brass. Engraved in gold leaf in the doors were the words:
"Tallit and Tekiah".
I looked these words up the next morning and found that the tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl and the tekiah is the sound that a shofar makes.

Two hours after this dream I had another dream where I went back to that place and this time there was anointed music playing. I was talking to a man I believe was Jewish with a long robe.  I seen the two ancient doors again and in front of the man was a podium with the inscription: Isaiah 45

Isaiah 45: 1 - 3
Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held - To subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the Double Doors, so that the gates will not be shut: I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name am the God of Israel.

This is a Prophetic word for the body of Christ for 2011

The Lord says I am raising up many prophetic voices from among you. There are many young eagles in training. As many of them are hidden away, some are in the fields, some are in the market place but each one is spending time in the secret place. They are in intercession and worshipping Me as they are preparing their hearts for what I have for them. These young eagles are being raised up to proclaim My prophetic voice and My Word to the nations. When they come before you, embrace them and do not refuse them because they are being sent forth as My representatives. Do not judge them by their outward appearance, education, inadequacies or lack of stamina. These are My chosen generation that will go forth with great power and anointing. They are warriors and have no fear of the enemies revenge. I will release to them the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places and you will be amazed what I am about to do with their lives says the Lord.

Elaine Tavolacci

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Posted: 12/31/2010 at 8:48am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Sharon Hargrave
The Lord has chosen the people and places for His Glory to dwell in the earth.  He is adorning and beautifying those He has chosen (in the Spirit).  These are the ones who are full of joy, and who continually praise Him for His goodness, even though much has not yet manifested.  However, this company of believers is about to see such an overflow of abundant blessings in their lives, that they will hardly be able to contain all that God will pour out.

There will be such a manifestation of the power and presence of Holy Spirit in these lives, that people will see and be drawn to them.  God Himself will make a name for them.  No self-promotion will be needed.  Wealthy men and women from all nations of the world will be drawn to these believers in the places where God has planted them.  There will be no lack of finances for the work of the Kingdom.  It will be evident to all that the very hand and favor of God are upon these people, ministries, and churches.

Even though the Lord will make a name for those He glorifies, only God will receive the glory for the miracles, signs, and wonders.  As in the early church, these present day disciples will humbly glorify the Name of Jesus, desiring no recognition for themselves or their ministry.

Jeremiah 13:11 - "'For as the waistband clings to the waist of a man, so I made the whole household of Israel and the whole household of Judah cling to Me,' declares the Lord, 'that they might be for Me a people for a name, for praise, and for glory...'"

Jeremiah 33:9 - "And it shall be to Me a name of joy, praise, and glory before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear of all the good that I do for them, and they shall fear and tremble because of all the good and all the peace that I make for it."

Edited by Moderator on 12/31/2010 at 8:55am
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Posted: 12/31/2010 at 12:59pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Our Promised Church


By Daniel Garza


This coming year 2011 Our Promised Church will raise up like never before and upset the religious rituals. Be ready my brothers and sisters for a fresh anointing is falling upon God's people. Get ready for a mighty move of God to take place as you finish reading, the Lord will anoint and use you mightily.


2Peter 3:14: Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.


In the area of repentance many of us have found ungodly things within ourselves. So, too, we are beginning to find things in the institutions we have built. God's patter is to uproot, tear down and destroy before He rebuilds. Before the Kingdom can be further built up, many man made structures have to be torn down. God has been gracious in giving us the opportunity to clean our house and reorder our lives rather than bringing the judgment we deserve.


In the New Testament, we find one of many confrontations between the Pharisees and Jesus. They asked Him, "By what authority are You doing these things?" It was not Jesus' preaching or healing or miracles alone that pushed the Pharisees to take His life, but the fact that He disrupted the established order of Temple operations, overturning the tables and driving out the money-changers. This horrified and mad the Pharisees mad, who demanded that Jesus prove His authority to challenge centuries - old traditions with such a raw and emotional display.


We often refer to this incident as the cleansing of the Temple, but that is misleading. This was no once-over with feather duster; it was not even a spring cleaning. Jesus was giving a living, prophetic-picture-violent, rowdy and entirely impolite-of what God was going to do to the Temple some forty years later through Roman conquest. At that date God would not come and cleanse the Temple; He would cause it to be destroyed.



When God actually destroyed the Temple. He did not go in with paper towels and a bottle of Windex, the entire system went down. The in breaking Kingdom is giving birth to a different kind of church. It is unpredictable, exciting. It is a lot of work. It is spontaneous. When people meet, things happen that can come only from God. Suddenly prayers get results. People break away from lifelong habits and a flood of love is released in their hearts.

The way God is moving in parts of the Church today makes it hard to give any human being glory. This is a revival people did not plan. There is nothing ordinary about it. It was born out of the power of God.


I want to be involved in something that human beings cannot create, and that is what the in breaking Kingdom is. It calls us out of our graves and unwraps us form our grave clothes and sends us back into the world alive. What is wrong with the Church? She is not the one promised to Jesus. We will be a Church not born in the corporate headquarters but like the impossible promise given Abraham by the Spirit of God.


The Church promised Jesus will not lead a double life, and she will not be full of guilt because she is having a secret love affair with the world. Jesus was promised a glorious bride, blameless and holy, without spot or wrinkle. He does not have that bride yet - but He will.

Happy New Year (2011)!


Blessings and Love


Daniel Garza

White Wings Int'l Healing Ministry

Eagle Pass, Texas

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Posted: 01/01/2011 at 1:19pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

2011–"AN UNSCRIPTED AND FORMATIVE YEAR"- A Prophetic Perspective

By Mary Lindow and the Holy Spirit

In the moments of waiting and listening for the insights from the heart of
the Lord for the up and coming year, two words have reoccurred.

The two words are- “Unscripted and Formative”

The following terms defined, set the tone for what I have been given to
share with you Dear Reader, in regard to the Father’s heart towards you
personally, His Bride collectively, and those in rebellious resistance to His

Unscripted - Spoken or delivered without a prepared script; impromptu.

Formative – serving to form or shape something, especially having a
profound and lasting influence on a person's development.

The passing of time is nothing new to mankind and certainly not to God.
The redeeming of time however is a unique and event that can save
someone from error or evil.

The Lord has a tireless passion for redeeming lost year, lost time and lost

“Redeem me from human oppression,
that I may obey your precepts.”
Psalm 119:134

And so the Lord has plans set into motion for this next year that only He
knows about and also which only He can execute. These plans are
formative, they have a purpose within them to form and develop the lives
of those on planet earth. And, the Lord is not going to pass out scripts or
roles to those who feel that they deserve a place on the stage where these
plans will be presented. He Himself will set into motion each specific


When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
But with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2

Many powerful men and women who were in elevated and highly visible
positions of leadership politically, spiritually, and in the sport and
entertainment fields, were uncovered as frauds and vile abusers during
the past year of what appeared to be a virulent year of repeated and
embarrassing exposures.

The Lord is again FIRMLY warning many out in these arenas, large and
small, that there is still an opportunity for you to redeem the time. The
falsifying of your claimed insights from God to manipulate financial
support, fame, notoriety and honor for good deeds will no longer not only
be tolerated, but will in fact be double-stamped with the seal of “liar and
thief” if the appeals for connived support are not stopped. God is not
behind what you have requested in His Name.

Some of you have gorged yourselves upon the offerings of widows and
those who foolishly gave on impulse due to your slick emotional pleas and
contrived media images and heart tugging background musical interludes.
You have robbed and stolen from others whom God has anointed and
blessed in smaller settings, and their cries for help and assistance have
not gone unheard from the Heart of heaven.

The Holy Spirit would have you soberly hear the following words.

"There will be a fresh wave of conviction to "undergird the underdogs"
and a trending back towards smaller, steady, and steadfast ministries and
servants who have faithfully plowed and served in seasons of loss, lack,
and persecution. Rob nor more! You have more than muzzled the servant
who has been plowing, and you will be judged for feigned ignorance
towards their needs and suffering.

To those who feel as if they are more graced, more anointed and who
think that they have a "special and more unique calling" that needs a
preeminent opportunity to instruct and be seen...
... beware of the pride of life, the lust for power, and the wares of selfish
ambition. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in
humility, value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3

You will be found upon the trash heap of loss and sorrow if you grasp and
hold tightly to what was never really yours to begin with. It is mine, mine,
mine! If you cannot accept the terms of what I request, you will be know
as a divider, weak, and immature.

Again, I will not bless your intentions or your ambitions. You rob the Body
of authentic Kingdom service by remaining secretive and destructive to My

James 3:14

But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not
boast about it or deny the truth.

James 3:16

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and
every evil practice.

"You have heeded another voice, one who would put you upon the
pinnacle of the world and promise you all power and wealth if you but just
bow down. The Lord wants you to know, (although I tremble at even
delivering this), that you have already bent one knee downward.

Get up and RUN from deception and self-indulgence, blatant lying, and

You can be sure that using people or religion or things just for what you
can get out of them—the typical indicators of idolatry—will get you
nowhere, and certainly nowhere near the kingdom of Christ.

You have been taken in and spoiled by religious smooth talk. I am furious
with people who are full of religious sales talk but who really want
nothing to do with Me. You groped your way through that murk once, but
no longer. You're out in the open now. The bright light of Christ makes
your way plain.

So no more stumbling around. Get on with it! The good, the right, the true
—these are the actions appropriate for daylight hours. Figure out what
will please Christ, and then do it. If you don’t, you will be one of the next
in line for pubic exposure. Everything you hide in darkness and in deceit
will be brought out into the spotlight for all to see.

Do not waste your time on useless productions and glamor, silly
busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the
sham they are. It's a scandal when people waste their lives on things they
must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those
frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ. 

Wake up from your sleep, 

Climb out of your coffins; 

Christ will show you the light! 

Watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get.

These are desperate times! Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly.

Make sure you fully understand what the Master wants."


“Has not my hand made all these things,
and so they came into being?” declares the LORD.
These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and
contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.”
Isaiah 66:2

You've probably never been marooned on a desert island. But you may
know pretty well how it feels. In a world of bad relationships and
superficial relationships and broken relationships, a lot of people know
the feeling of being emotionally marooned, abandoned, and maybe even
discarded. Because of some of what you've been through, you may feel
like you're the castaway.

But your days on that island may be almost over. In fact, it could be that
all your failed or frustrating relationships have actually been preparing
you to experience the central relationships you were being readied for.

Anyone who has ever felt like an emotional castaway needs to hear the
fabulous promise of Jesus Christ in this word for 2011 from the Word of
God. Jesus says to all those who belong to Him, "I will not leave you as
orphans. I WILL come to you.” John 14:18

This is the same Savior who says, "Never will I leave you; never will I
forsake you.” Hebrews. 13:5

He's the One who promised, "The one that comes to me, I will certainly
not cast out."

John 6:37

And from now on, that promise of Jesus can be all about you,

"The one that comes to me I will certainly not cast out."

The Lord would say these words to you.

“You now understand the pain of betrayal, losses so great that you can no
longer talk about them. You have ached in such agonizing despair, that at
times you have begged me to let you die. Friends have turned and chosen
to see you through blinded eyes of their own making, and have refused to
help you to find your footing again, thinking they are doing you a service
by letting you grovel and weep in painful loss and sorrow. You have been
reduced in the past season to identifying with those who were forced to
make bricks for Pharaoh without straw.

I too was a man of sorrows and endured the shame, in order to be
formed, shaped and made ready for the moment of redemption.

And so shall it be with you. Redemption from the losses will come to
those who choose obedience over pleasure, servant hood over being the
served one, and letting go of the dreams of greatness you cling too, no
longer using my name or gifts as a calling card.

Maturation is the call of the moment. Let the follies of your dim visions
fall away.

I have a more perfect way that I am forming in you and for you.

I have caused you to cease from striving, from worrying, and from being
anxious. You now rest up again my chest, waiting, trusting, wanting only
ME. You have become kinder, a better listener, a more trusted confidant.

I can work well with those attributes. Just Watch Me in this Year.

I WILL Open the Way of Hope and shine Light on the pathway for those
who have ceased from manipulating the moment.”


“The spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and
follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

~ 1 Timothy 4

To have a seared conscience means to cause something to wither. To
make (someone's conscience, heart, or feelings) insensitive.

Without the willingness of heart to fall upon the rock of God’s word,
allowing every strength and support of our being to be fully broken, the
wicked heart of mankind will continue to allow the searing effects of
indifference and insensitivity to the effects of their choices to permeate
more and more of the moral and sacred places of society.

I have been impressed to warn believers that the increase of sexual lures
and smutty language has begun to pay a toll much larger than they
realize. Many women who call themselves a follower of Christ have sadly
joined the ranks of those who bare their deep cleavage and bellies (and
more) as acceptable choices, joining in with “edgy fashions” and have
been lulled into trends that sell away the sweetness and purity of a holy
life. The warning voice of the Holy Spirit has been pushed away in order to
better receive the leering complements from men.

Dear Sisters…
...Redeem the time.

The Lord says, “Wash yourselves clean from the stink of sexual prowling
for validation, and come back to the place of simple beauty.”

Many men who call themselves believers have been equally lulled into
patterns of television viewing that sears their minds into accepting
whorish strutting and teasing to appear attractive and necessary to their

1 John 2:16
For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.

RUN from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside
the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you
not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were
bought at a price. Honor God with your bodies.

Ephesians 5:16
Redeem the time, the days are evil;


Sobriety-The quality of being matured or solemn.

Huge numbers of people are being brought to ruin because they are not
thinking; thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others is the
devastation of thousands, and many a precious soul has been shattered
through carelessness. The Lord is asking you to "consider your ways," and
return to a walk with The Still Small Voice and begin a familiarity with him
yet again. With conviction, it would be the most profitable relationship
you could fall into! While you covet to see the world, you are a stranger at

1 Thessalonians 5:8
But since we belong to the day, let us be sober.


Colossians 4:2
“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

As I close this word and insights for the year, I will share the last whispers
the Lord spoke clearly to me.

“Each day, upon waking, where does your heart and mind wander to? Is it
the plans and lists of things you must accomplish for the day? Is it the
meal you are about to eat? Is it worry and the bracing yourself for another
grinding day of dealing with the pressures of life?

Return to those early awakening moments where you and I share in the
dialog of my plans for you. Each day you have to live and to give, you have
been given the opportunity to impact someone and to do a kindness or
act of training for another. Where has your thankful heart wandered?
Without it, evidence of bitterness and drudgery will manifest and sour
even the brightest flower of hope.

Return to the heart of the issue and clean away the rusty decay of
treadmill thinking. Each day can be a fresh adventure into Kingdom
purpose or, a continual repeating of a dreary existence. Choose ever so

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,

let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and

Hebrews 12:28

Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed

as long as the complete message and website information

for Mary Lindow is included.

Thank You! Copyright © 2010-2011

Mary Lindow

The International Prophetic Mentoring Council

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser, Mentor a righteous man, and he will increase his learning.” Proverbs 9:9

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Posted: 01/03/2011 at 7:25am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

The Manifest Presence of God 
Steve Porter

I was awakened to an audible warning siren. I was jolted out of my sleep but heard nothing and saw no physical evidence of this warning. I felt a quickening in my spirit; that this was a spiritual warning. I heard this through my inner ear but it had an audible sound so loud it woke me up. Even now I don't know if this warning siren was an outward sound or an inner sound. I did know it was the sound of the Lord." My good friend Joel Killion said it best, there is a particular sound which inherently, yet quietly, vibrates within the subtle stillness of God's tangible presence."


And let it be, when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the LORD go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines. 2 Samuel 5:24 (King James Version)


This going is the sound of the Lord at work, moving in His purpose in our midst. This warning was indeed the sound of the Lord at work and was given to me for a special reason.


Hot Spots of My Glory


I heard the Lord say there will be hot spots of my glory.  He than asked me to pray for the west coast, in particular California. I sensed that trouble could be brewing for the state, but the Lord wanted to stop it and bring hot spots of His glory there. California does not stand-alone; many places will have open heavens where His manifest Presence will dwell. I believe a holy visitation will come to California!


I have never heard the term hot spots of my glory, until that morning. I once had a vision of a grid with several lights on it. The Lord said, "In the last days many will be my lighthouses that will reflect my glory." I could plainly see the towns and cities that were represented by a light on the grid. The Spirit will hover over the face of the deep this time we will reflect His glory like the beautiful reflection of the sun rise coming up over the glistening fresh waters of the great lakes. The first time he hovered over the darkness of the deep. Now the Son dwells within us we have the light of God shining through us. He will use His City on a Hill to be a light unto all the world." We will be carriers of God's glory.


God is Pouring out His Spirit


Can we experience the same atmosphere as from the throne room? Does God desire for His manifest presence to invade these hot spots? Yes! God is pouring out His spirit upon the spiritually thirsty and the spiritually discontent. This is the pre-qualification to be a hot spot." He is creating hot spots connected to the throne. These are ones that live and that seek Him full heartily. Many hot spots are already forming. The manifest presence is building.


There are deeper dimensions in God (John 14:2) we have not yet entered. Places in the spirit we have not seen. The Manifest presence of the Lord is on those that desire the deeper realms of the spirit. A direct connection to the atmosphere of heaven is being granted to those who fully have submitted to loving Him. The Lord wants us to know He is preparing a place and a people to be that hot spot they will be the reflection of His very Glory.  


Steve Porter
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Posted: 01/04/2011 at 8:36am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Prophetic Insights for 2011 by Paulette Reed
By Paulette Reed
For the past several years, at Christmas time the Lord has given me prophetic insight for the new year. Below are some of the ways the church will be walking in 2011. It's going to be an amazing year for believers!
        1. We will see hundreds of women and men operating side-by-side in ministry unto the Lord. The lion and the lioness will frequently travel in pairs. As we prepare for the Harvest, the Commander and Chief is demanding 100% of His army, not 50%.
  1. Many will begin to realize they have been faithful to their God, but not to His promises. There will actually be a season of repentance when eyes are opened to the fact that we have not believed that ALL of the Lord's promises are yes and amen. "Believe" will be taught, caught and shouted in the streets. It will be a year of faith, faith, faith.
  1. The Lord will continue to raise up a great company of women to proclaim good tidings (Psalm 68:11). He is about to bring true revelation to the fact that all are commanded to go. Some key Christian leaders who have opposed, or not supported, women in ministry will publicly apologize, honoring women and launching them into their God-ordained assignments.
  1. Will see tremendous clarity of vision and increased revelation and angelic activity.
  1. The Lord will call His people to prioritize - to be about their Father's business and serve only where He has given marching more, no less.
  1. The Lord will lead many back to the basics of His Word. The Greatest Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40), the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17), the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), and the Great Harvest (Matthew 9:37). Childlike faith will open up the miraculous.
  1. "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22). Healing laughter will become very real to thousands. There will be new waves of joy and laughter throughout the church, and it will be contagiously taken into hospitals, orphanages and poverty stricken areas.
  1. Wealth will continue to come to the righteous. Sermons, books and articles regarding financial miracles will fill the earth airwaves.
  1. The realigning/repositioning will continue in the army of God. A key verse will be Ruth 1:16, "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." The entire book of Ruth will be highlighted, stressing obedience even when, especially when, the outcome is unknown. We'll learn how crucial it is to be in the right place at the right time. Due to the obedience of many, including Naomi, Ruth became the great grandmother of David, resulting in her being in the lineage of the Messiah.
  1. Proverbs 3:5 will be prevalent. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." We are incapable of determining God's thoughts through human reasoning.
  1. We will see more and more miraculous healings of cancer as the supernatural becomes natural and people no longer fear it, knowing the source is the Lord God Almighty.

Paulette Reed

Prophetic Arrow Ministries

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Posted: 01/04/2011 at 2:20pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Kingdom Capacity Increase in 2011

By Stacey Yerian 1-1-11


He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30) NKJV.

Of the increase of His government and peace

There will be no end (Isaiah 9:7) NKJV.


             Can you feel expansion in your Spirit?  It is increase.  It is My Kingdom within you.  It is My strength within you.  Just as My government will increase and have no end, I am causing your capacity to receive the Kingdom to increase in this season.  For as I increase in you, My Kingdom will increase around you.


             All that has been familiar to you in your identity of who you were in this world will continue to decrease.  This is My will for all who have sought the Kingdom and chosen to walk in it on this earth.  Rejoice in this, for I am answering your prayers for more of Me.  Have you not called out for more of Me?  Your true identity in Me will be ever more realized as you relinquish the old and embrace the new. 


             I have given you the keys to the Kingdom and what I open no man can shut and what I shut no man can open.  More doors have closed and more doors have opened.  Walk through the open doors of My Kingdom.


             Worship will expand and increase among all who have been willing to lay down their lives for Me.  An extraordinary sound is now being birthed through the true worshipers and will penetrate the forces of darkness that would oppose My Beloved Bride in this season.  This sound is birthed by the Spirit, heard by the Spirit and received by the Spirit.  This sound will not be recorded on earth but it is resounding in the heavens.  This worship will not be defiled by vain glory and ambitions of men.  This sound will be rejected by the religious spirit but do not fear for this zeal in worship will be backed by the power of My Kingdom and will lay bare the schemes of the enemy.


             Liberty bells have been ringing.  Have you heard them?  Announcing freedom to the captives, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and in this place of liberty, My glory shall be revealed.  But do not look to find My liberty within the boxes and boundaries of your buildings or familiar surroundings.  I am speaking of the liberty that comes from within a people who know their God.  Wherever they go, so I will be with them and in them, and together, we will release many captives


             The seven fold Spirit of the Lord, particularly, the fear of the Lord in increasing and you will see it firmly established in My Bride in the coming season.


             So become as little children and embrace and receive by faith the increase of My Kingdom within You.         


Capacity from WNWD

1.  the ability to contain, absorb or receive

2.  all that can be contained; volume

3.  ability

4.  maximum output

5.  position; function.



– Isaiah 9:1-7



– Matt 6:33, John 3:30



– Isaiah 22:22




-- John 4:23-24, Matt 10:28, Isaiah 62:5



-II Cor 3:17-18, Isaiah 61




– Isaiah 11:2



– Mark 10:15


Isaiah 9:7  Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom.  To order and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.  The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.  (NDJV).


Increase from the Hebrew and Chaldee in Isaiah 9:7:

4768.  marbiyth, mar-beeth’; from 7235; a multitude, also offspring; spec. interest (on capitol); – greatest part, greatness, increase, multitude.

7235. rabah, raw-baw’; a prim. root; to increase (in whatever respect); - [bring in] abundance (x –antly-, + archer [by mistake for 7232], be in authority, bring up, x continue, enlarge, excel, exceeding (-ly), be full of, (be, make) great (-er, -ly x –ness), grow up, heap, increase, be long….


John 3:29  He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice.  Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled.  30  He must increase, but I must decrease. 


Increase from the Greek in John 3:29

837.  aveav  auxano, owx-an’-o  a  prolonged form of prim. Verb; to grow (“wax”), i.e. enlarge (lit. or fig., act. Or pass.): - grow (up), (give the) increase.



Isaiah 9:1-7

Nevertheless the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed,

As when at first he lightly esteemed

The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,

And afterward more heavily oppressed her;

By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,

In Galilee of the Gentiles.

The people who walked in darkness

Have seen a great light;

Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,

Upon them a light has shined.

You have multiplied the nation

And increased its joy;

They rejoice before You

According to the joy of harvest,

As men rejoice when they divide the spoil.

For You have broken the yoke of his burden

And the staff of his shoulder,

The rod of his oppressor,

As in the day of Midian

For every warrior’s sandal from the noisy battle,

And garments rolled in blood,

Will be used for burning and fuel of fire.

For unto us a Child is born,

Unto us a Son is given;

And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Of the increase of His government and peace

There will be no end,

Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom.

To order and establish it with judgment and justice

from that time forward, even forever.

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

From glory to glory,
Anastasia Lee

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Posted: 01/05/2011 at 10:49am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Fresh Life in 2011

By Ron McGatlin

My heart rejoices at the increasing swell of God’s people awakening to the reality of Christ in us.  This is indeed a great mystery that will release the very life and power of Christ Jesus within us and eventually upon this planet. Multitudes can be transformed as a firm nucleus of God’s people becomes a living reality of Christ Jesus by His indwelling Spirit. The grace empowerment of Christ increasingly manifesting the love, power and wisdom of God in His humble people will impact masses of people who are hungry for reality. Many have been greatly discouraged by a vain empty life of religiously striving and selfish pleasure seeking.

Frustration, fear and folly have combined to discourage the hearts and lives of good people who are seeking God but without understanding. Always seeking and never finding the settled reality of Christ within.

A surge of fresh exciting life is beginning to flow as our inabilities are giving way to His possibilities bubbling up within us.

The Possibilities of Christ in You

The fountains of living water are flowing as fresh revelation of the reality of Christ in His people is being received by faith (John 7:38). As Christians, the things we sought to become or do have again and again proved our inabilities to perform. Yet, we have stubbornly clung to our efforts and religious routines striving to measure up to the expectations of a godly life.

Visitations of God in supernatural revivals or Holy Spirit outpouring have, for a season, introduced a portion of the Body of Christ to the manifest presence and power of God. For the most part these were glorious external or temporary experiences with the reality of God that to some degree faded in time. Some have felt they are in an in-between state of existence unable to return to their old pre revival religion but also unable to find again the joyous and glorious life they once new in the spiritual outpourings.

That which was external and seemingly present only in spiritual outpouring among corporate gatherings is becoming manifest within our hearts and lives even while in the relative isolation of wilderness living. The deep wells of the life of Christ within are increasingly flowing fresh life filling us and flowing out to those around us. Excitement of the stirring waters of the Spirit are producing righteousness, peace and joy in an atmosphere of true holiness.

Those things that were impossible for us due to our inabilities are beginning to be performed by the power of Christ in us. It is not even a little bit by our effort. Our only part is to be willing and believe. It is completely the work of Christ Jesus living in our bodies working the works of our Heavenly Father on earth as it is in heaven. The possibilities are limited only to the desire and plan of Father God. Christ Jesus in us is the power that can and will do all the works of love and holiness. This is the grace of God completing salvation of our lives now and forever by His power and not our own. Deliverance, healing and everything needed to complete the plan of God for us is provided by the grace empowerment of God through Christ in us by the Holy Spirit.

A Vast Life Potential

Our time here on earth contains the greatest life potential of all created beings. Only redeemed human beings have the potential to flow the resurrected life of Christ Jesus into existence in the natural world. The great demonstration of Spirit God in the natural world is the huge unthinkable potential of Christ in His people. The fulfillment of this great mystery is in view in the vast places of the spiritual realm now. This hidden mystery of the ages is coming into view. The glory of God filling the earth presenting the glory of God to all creation and eternity is now revealed in the Spirit. Christ in you is the hope (confident expectation) of glory – God’s glory fully manifest on natural earth as it is in spiritual heaven (Col 1:26-27) (Mat 6:10).

We cannot help but set our affection, our minds, on things above and not on things on the earth, if He lives in us and we know Him as He knows us (Col 3:1-2). Our human frailties and lack fade away in the spiritual glory of His loving kindness and ultimate power abiding within us as we abide in Him (John 15:4).

There is no greater love than laying down one’s life for another (John 15:13). His great love is mirrored in us as we lay down our lives that He might live in us (John 10:15) (1 John 3:16). The greatest exchange of all time is our weak inabilities for His holy life of power, love and wisdom in the atmosphere of His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

We are blessed among all people that the hope of the ages past are manifest in us today in this Day of the Lord that is upon us. God is good and His mercy endures forever!

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

Edited by Moderator on 01/05/2011 at 10:53am
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Posted: 01/05/2011 at 10:51am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

A Strategic Year with an Invitation to Go Deeper
Doug Addison

In one word, 2011 will be strategic. We will begin moving into more clarity about our destinies as God has been shifting our assignments. Similar to 2010, we will see a major increase and thrust in March of 2011 at the beginning of spring. During April our time of waiting will be turned into a time of action. New life will come in June, and by September of 2011 things that many have longed for will take more shape.

We are heading into a strategic time as God is sending out invitations to go deeper and experience more of Him. This will require that we streamline and be flexible. What we do this year will set the pace for the next several years. We must find our uniqueness as individuals, ministries/churches, and businesses. We will need to go beyond the things that we are good at doing and focus on what we do the best.

The Internet is Going to Play a Greater Role

God is opening up the new "Gates" and is using the Internet to reach the world with radical love. At the same time there will be an increase in Internet terrorism to try to scare people from using the Internet to impact the world for good. We will need to develop a global Kingdom mindset so that we impact the world without having to travel.

New Sounds and Music from Heaven are Taking Form

There was an anointing on a particular rock group from the 1960s that was intended to be used by God. It was used instead to bring Eastern religion into the U.S. This anointing has now shifted and is available right now to a new music movement that will appear strange and even irreverent to the previous generation. 

End Times Marriages will Increase

God is strategically bringing together individuals, churches, and businesses for the purposes of the Kingdom. As these marriages come together there will be new synergy that will be released to bring about amazing things and catapult us into our destiny.

The Watch of the Lord will be Reinstated (Ezekiel 22:30)

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

A new level of intercession is happening right now. Specific targeted intercession groups will form that will reveal strategies from Heaven. There will be Prophetic Intercession Groups that will be networked in the Spirit. Many of these groups are already in place and like sleeper cells, God will begin to activate these groups at the right time to prevent some major terrorist attacks and save people from disaster. Prophetic intercession will be a key this year.

A New Strategy for Business

There will be the forming of unusual communities through work and business. God is releasing a new level of creativity to earn money this year. In the midst of downturn and negative economic reports, there will also be some of the greatest abilities to make money.     

Pray for President Obama

God is going to speak to President Obama this year. There is a new level of wisdom to handle world affairs that will be released to him. We need to pray for godly counsel around him as he begins getting revelation through dreams and words from God. We also need to continue to pray against any assassination attempts on our President. It is not God's will for him to die in office, but instead to be part of shaking the U.S. awake.

Exciting and Challenging Times

Overall, we can anticipate some very exciting and challenging times ahead. God's destiny and purposes for our lives must become our reality. This will be a key principle for us so that we will not be shaken when things start to shake.

Blessings for 2011,

Doug Addison
InLight Connection

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Posted: 01/06/2011 at 8:55am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Word for 2011

by Adam Larson

As we come into the new year of 2011. I have asked the Lord what to expect, what is on His heart to reveal to His people.  These are some of the things He has shown me.


First, to clarify a few things.  I believe the Lord reveals things that we may see as good and bad.  I believe "prayer and petition " should be the result of both whether good or bad.  I believe God warns us of things that may seem bad so they can be fully stopped or at least diminished by our prayers, actions and obedience.  Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.


I do believe this is a word for 2011 and that we will see the beginning and "possibly" fulfillment of these things revealed below sometime in the coming year.  I pray by reading this the Lord ignites your spirit and shows you more and gives you more depth and clarity, and even a "CALL TO ACTION." Amen!!!


This is the scripture God showed me for the year 2011.  This is the year to be led by the Spirit of God.  Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 


This is a year for Victory.   This is a year for financial positioning.  This is a year for great opportunity for those who are willing to listen to and be obedient to the Spirit of God.


This is a year for many to be relocated. Many who have wanted to move, but couldn't will finally be able to move.   The Lord is positioning His people strategically, many for ministry and business opportunities.


As the climate changes drastically yet again financially and politically, Aggrandizement" is a word I hear.


Because of policies I see some riotous acts; however the Spirit of God will be moving in with power to overtake the enemies of Christ and the Cross.  Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.


Many fires of revival and awakening will be seen.  As Apostolic and Prophetic companies come together in small town U.S.A.  Signs, Wonders and Miracles will be seen breaking out in many small towns and meetings Nationwide, on a scale that we have not seen in the near past.


As the stock market declines I see something happening around the month of May. "Troubling"


I see more media people speaking out for Jesus Christ instead of against Him.


I hear it is time for a realignment of the body.  This is a year for exposing many in leadership.  In all of the mountains.  They have been given time to repent and turn to the Lord.  Those that have refused will be exposed and removed.  The Lord has those who will act with His character and He will entrust the responsibility to them.


"The White wash is being exposed."


Those who have lived on credit will be exposed without "Covering" as the debts are called in and most will be lacking.  The world for many will be turned upside down so to speak.  


Government activity will slow as they see how the people react to the woes of the economy.


As the call for unity of Christian values goes out over the airwaves there will be a government led campaign to silence the popular media voices.


Sadly I see the resurgence of violence at our schools in this nation resulting in many fatalities.  A call for God back in our schools and nation will result.


The power and presence of God will be seen in everyday life like we have not seen before. "A New Level Is Arising"


I hear many more court cases about Islamic rights.


I see the weather turning very violent on a new level; however I see Christians understanding they have the authority to speak against the wind and the wave just as Jesus did.  As many catch the revelation and act on it.  People will be amazed as the testimonies spread.


May the Lord greatly bless you this day.


Adam Larson 
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Posted: 01/07/2011 at 10:25am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

A Year of Prophesying Your New Seasons

John Mark Pool
John Mark and Sandy Pool

And God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."—Genesis 1:14, KJV

With the Light of God ever increasing, we must take the authority to transform our atmosphere both physically and spiritually into the Kingdom of Heaven, now on earth and in our lives!

2011 Will Be a Year of Making Good on the New Seasons of Our Life

Never think for a moment that, whatever your circumstances, God has ever left you alone to fend for yourself or your destiny. When God placed mankind upon the earth, His creation, He did so after creating light. This light was not the sunshine to mark daylight from darkness; this light was the brilliance of His glory presence dissipating all darkness which Hell has never wanted your heart to perceive!

In Genesis 1:14 above, when God decreed light, the word used in the Hebrew here is maor.

maor (maw-ore'); also (in plural) feminine mpowrah (meh-o-raw'); or morah properly, a luminous body or luminary, i.e. (abstractly) light (as an element): figuratively, brightness, specifically, as a brilliant increasing luminous source.

Upon further examination, this light is also from the root word, owr (pronounced as "ore"). This word literally is like the "break of day," yet more emphasis upon a glorious, kindled illumination of the Spirit than the natural eye. Interestingly enough, it is also the word selected to mean "to set on fire" and to increase a fire into a huge light.

God is telling us to shine like never before. As the physical backdrop seems darker, that will only serve to cause our lights to be the light of life the desperate world is searching for. What is that light leading them to? Great light of ever-increasing grace! When we see this light that God first created, we must realize it has not only never ceased shining, but has also never stopped increasing! This is the year to focus upon the greatest brilliance of the grace of God for the world to see since creation! Great grace is coming in an illumination the world has never seen!

How? Through those who love Him and seek the Light of Life that Jesus offered the world.

We Are into a New Season of the Light of Life!

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."—John 8:12, KJV

This light that Jesus spoke of was only mentioned once in the Bible, and comes from an obsolete word, phao (to shine or make manifest, especially by rays), yet, it has the overlapping words God decreed in Genesis meaning luminousness (in the widest application) as a brightly burning fire light. This is a season of demonstrating the growing brilliance to the world of the fiery light of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.—Matthew 5:16, KJV

As we move into this new season of 2011, know your authority comes to you from the Father of Light through the Son, the Light of Life for all those who now grope in the darkness of the enemy, hoping for God's brilliance of great grace!

2011 is a Season of Great Grace!

When you think of grace, you must realize it is only from God, not a gift that can be administered by man, whom God created to be His light of His grace! Men may show mercy, yet only God can administer grace. As we move into this season of the great grace of God, it is indeed time to dispel the religious myths that we "must be like" what men expect and move into the image of the Son, through the grace of God. That will release such freedom many have been searching for that people will be set free in a moment in this great grace.

This is a season to break the shackles of "performance evaluation" from religious mindsets. Great grace will allow us "to BE," rather than to simply "appear to be like" the Father. In the heart of our Father emanates the desire for genuine intimate relationship with His own, not a fear-based lifestyle that doesn't know HIM in Spirit and in Truth!

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."—Ephesians 2:8, KJV

In this new season of great grace, we are not only demonstrating this is how we became intimate in a relationship with a Holy God, we are yet maturing as Believers to love this relationship more than any other gift, ministry, works, signs or wonders, or the outer demonstrations that will serve to be following those who believe He is our Father.

You will never have to live under any performance to accept the fact you are in a loving relationship with Abba Father! Just remember, relationship is not the same as communion and intimacy. The latter two will indeed require more participation for more development through our obedience. This desired communion leads to the innermost sanctuary of intimacy. It never comes without a sacrifice or a greater price required, yet blessings of abundance can only then be enjoyed. Relationship is our base, and the ultimate goal for His children should be abiding in the secret place of the Father's intimacy!

2011 is a Season of Spiritual Awakening

• This next year and for at least eight years following, from 2011 into 2020, will be the greatest spiritual awakening in America that we have ever experienced.

• God is adjusting the vision of His Church to live in the prophetic 20/20 vision the early Church was birthed in. We will see apostles and prophets begin to establish the new visionary Church on the foundation of the five-fold ministry it was born from. Ephesians 2:20 "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone."

• America is about to experience the great awakening of knowing the Father through the Son! This is the season of a super brilliance of grace to be seen by the world – the Sonshine of Jesus, the hope of glory, through His family!

• There will be a beginning of fiery pentecostal outpourings that will rage even hotter than the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will demonstrate a new understanding of "baptism by fire"! This will also be initiated from the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government from Washington, to show that as the head goes, so goes the nation!

God is now demonstrating that we, His family, must pull into our now, the season of spiritual awakening in America and the nations. 2011 is that "set time" to be ready for 2012 to 2020!

This next year and for at least eight years following will be the greatest spiritual awakening in America that we have ever experienced. This will become the NOW TIMING GATE for our nation to go into and never look back!

2011 is a Season of God's SET TIME

Acts 3:1-6 "Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, "Look on us." And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."

This Gate Beautiful is correctly detailed from the original language as a "Timing Gate." The Hebrew word for this gate is hora, (pronounced "ho'-rah") and is apparently a primary word, as we would now use for an "hour," thus we can see that instead of a "pretty" gate, we have a much more decisive word for our timing, that represents exact time from God, such as the day, hour, instant, or season of His time.

Because the Bible translated in English the inclusive truth as "beautiful" however, we must now take in the complete definition, and it must be viewed as God's proper setting for the season of the birth of the Church with signs, wonders and miracles accompanying. Today, we must understand this season as the hora, as "a now timing" gate for the Church's hour of breakthrough.

We are in the infancy of the "Timing Gate" of God for our nation to return our hearts to that of Abba Father's. This is undeniably a very powerful and critical "Season of Now Timing" to march into Zion. We will need every person who pursues this time of God to be relentlessly passionate to grab our "lame brothers and sisters" who are laying around asking for mere alms, to give unto them the miraculous timing of God. In doing so, Kingdom citizens will now go leaping, dancing and praising God through a beautiful Timing Gate of God. Yes, we will do this in 2011 and beyond! This is a new season of a "Timing Gate" we call the Great Awakening of America!

2011 Will See an Increase of Great Shakings in the Buildings!

And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.—Acts 4:31

As we come together in the correct timing of God to begin filling the houses with desperate prayers, we will then incorporate prophetic words of God overflowing with His Holy Spirit, creating a shaking of God as a great sign to those around our places of worship. The Lord of the harvest is now ready to shake the nations with His Living Word, which will not be viewed only as a book of study, yet a demonstration of powerful signs, wonders and miracles. America is at the gate of the timing of God to produce an outpouring as an Awakening that we have awaited for centuries. This is a critical season of God's Set Time!

2011 is a Year to Decree, to Be and to Receive!

We have had an "identity crisis" beyond proportion in the family of God for so long that God is now opening up the revelation of "Who we ARE in the Father."

LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him? Psalm 144:3, NASB

When we view even the way the Psalmist asked this of God, it is now a new way to consider this revelation. As we view this in another portion of Scripture in the New Living Translation, you will see how the Father views His own creation, made by His hands into His image.

Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything You made, putting all things under their authority – the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. O Lord, our Lord, Your majestic name fills the earth!—Psalm 8:5-9, NLT

We will become His Word as the light and life of the world, and this will be a demonstration to others who have been cheated into living out less than God's best – it will turn the average, even the ones who have accepted the crumbs of God's table as food, to now arise as a new person. They will arise and be the ones that now live and move as the way the Father sees them and not what the accuser of the brethren indicts them as ("insignificant") in God's master workmanship plan. This is the year to not appear like, but to BE HIS WORD!

When a person begins to know who they are in the view of the Father's eyes, then the Father, who is wanting to pour out great gifts of revelation upon His family, will certainly do just that! As we become familiar in our new identity of the Father, we will then live out the new workmanship God made us as from the beginning, and no devil ever wanted us to realize this! New and powerful revelations can be distributed to those who know their Father and who they are, in view of Him! We will see new revelation coming to the most unlikely sources that we have seen in the natural as God is transforming the naturally-minded into the supernaturally-living!

Yes, we have so much to enjoy for this new year of 2011, and without a doubt, we will begin to experience the Great Awakening now as all the prophets of old had lived and hoped for. We are marching on to Zion, Zion that beautiful city of God!

2011 is truly your year of prophetic transformation of abundant inheritance of God's best!

John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries

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Posted: 01/07/2011 at 10:53am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

God is saying for 2011
by Martin Vanderpuye

-     2011 is a year of No Limits Through Faith in God.

-     Cultivate the habit of Praise in 2011. God avenges His enemies by putting praise in the mouth of babes.

-     In the year 2011, if only you believe, nothing will be impossible

-     2011 is a year of Surprises

-     There shall be shiftings occurring in all areas of society.

-     In the year 2011 do not be led by men or by yourself but by the Spirit of God.

-     Any contrary wind released against you will be re-directed. God says “I will shield my people from every contrary wind”.

-     In this year pray for a change of your mindset if your mind limits you about the greatness of God.

-     Some people will be sore displeased with you in 2011 but Jesus took upon flesh to give you victory.

-     Great things will happen in 2011. Things that will blow your mind will happen and it will happen to those who exercise their Faith.

-     In 2011, people will lay traps but it will take only Faith and a non-complaining attitude to make you overcome it all.

-     Do not complain in 2011

-     In 2011, learn to sow, learn to give. It takes faith to give if you don’t have it, but cultivate the habit of giving in 2011.

-     One key thing – that every single obstacle that has stood against you will be overcome when you rise up in faith, speak against it and do not complain.

-     “Little” people will turn around situations “big” people could not in this year.

-     Startling miracles shall occur in the year 2011

-     Great wisdom shall come upon the people of God in 2011

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Posted: 01/12/2011 at 9:33am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

The Word of the Lord for 2011 - A Shifting Has Begun: A Time to Advance!

byDr. Mario Maxwell

As we embark upon the dawning of a new decade, we are moved ahead and moving forward with a progressively increasing momentum; pressing us into position and preparing us to stand for greatness.  Not only have we come to the end of a decade, but the end of an era.  As we embark upon 2011, collectively, we must gather ourselves and prepare for the changes that are ahead.  2011 will be a year that is marked with the greatest life transitions that we have ever witnessed.  It is the responsibility of the company of prophets to ready the Body of Christ for what is ahead so that we are prepared to navigate through the undulations of life, the times of crisis, and the times of rejoicing.  This Word of the Lord for 2011 is to give God's people foresight, insight, and wisdom on the upcoming year so that you will emerge victorious as we break forth into a brand new day!  This is one aspect of the prophet.  Prophecy is given so that people can be forewarned.  Being informed ahead of time gives you the opportunity to align yourself in accordance with the moves of the Spirit of God so that you can stay in sync with Him through the transitions of life.  Like secrets shared between close friends, the mind and the will of God is revealed through prophecy and it enables those who will hear the word and grab a hold of it to prosper. 


This is going to be a year full of possibilities and opportunities.  Great power and opportunity will be released to those who, like Ruth and Esther, understand the importance of preparing themselves and positioning themselves in expectation of the King's favor!  Being informed ahead of time enables you to seize the opportunities that life presents and maximize them to their fullest potential!  As we embark upon the dawning of a new decade, we are moved ahead and moving forward with a progressively increasing momentum; this momentum is pressing us into position and preparing us to stand for greatness.  Not only have we come to the end of a decade, but the end of an era.  As we step into 2011, collectively, we must gather ourselves and prepare for the changes that are ahead.  Now, more than ever, it is important for the Body of Christ to understand that we are approaching God's expected end (Jer. 29:11)!  While situations and world events may be dark and chaotic, the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel" is closer than ever before!  We cannot ignore the fact that 2011 will be a crisis time for the world.  Jesus Christ warned that there would be times where we would find ourselves in crisis; but what will set us apart, and set us up for prosperity in 2011 is the choices that we make during these times. 


A Time of Shaking so that the Kingdom Emerges


2011 will be a time of great shaking!  The Spirit of the Lord says "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and what shall remain shall be the emergence of My Kingdom"!  There will come forth a great shaking to our penal system, because of all the injustice that has been committed on the behalf of men.  There will be a shaking of law enforcement and in the media.  The Lord says, "Don't be alarmed when everything starts to shift around you"!  We will literally see the shaking of nations and the shaking of governments. 


A Time of Great Transition


In 2011, we will witness the greatest life transitions that we have ever seen.  2011 will be a time of great shifting and great shaking.  Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines a shift as "to change the place, position, or direction of; to go through a change, to assume responsibility of; to change expedients (what is suitable to achieve a particular end in a specific circumstance)".  Biblically, the number eleven represents both the number of transition, and the number of that which stands to oppose the Godhead!  In 2011, there will be the full manifestation of that which will raise its head to defy the living God!  As power begins to change hands, there will be a shifting in the nations and a shifting in different realms (such as media, government, and economics) as leaders will rise up and will oppose the agenda and purposes of the Kingdom!  People will begin to "cast-off restraint" (Ps. 2:3) and forsake the call of righteousness!


Like no other time, 2011 will be a real manifestation of a transition!  There will be shakings and there will be shiftings in the U.S. and in many countries across the globe.  2011 is a year of preparation as God prepares to take over in the realms and spheres that He will commandeer in 2012 to establish His agenda.


There will be a changing of the guards in 2011.  These changes will be evident in the different spheres in the world, and especially the Church.  Dan. 2:21 says that God changes the seasons, sets up kings, and remove kings.  We will be witness to the most divinely orchestrated changes in leadership as God removes individuals from power to set up others.  Already, we have witnessed the precursors of this change through our most recent gubernatorial elections.  Change is coming to this nation and the nations of the world and it is needed indeed.  Those areas that will embrace this divine shift will experience a level of breakthrough like never before as they emerge as models of the type of change that the Lord will usher in in 2012.  Like never before, we must intercede and pray that our communities, cities, and regions embrace the move of God and the leaders that He will use to administer it. 


The Spirit of the Lord says that "Giants will fall in 2011".  We must understand prophetically that these giants must fall in order to create room for God's chosen leaders to ascend to power.  In Scripture, Goliath's defeat not only liberated the Nation of Israel, but it catapulted David into prominence and set him on the fast track to becoming king.  Giants in the area of business, media, government, and certain economic structures will fall and God will raise up Davids in their place!  Not only will there be a transition in leadership, but there will also be a linking of generations as a younger generation of leaders begins to rise up!  Specifically, in the Body of Christ there will be a powerful release of a generational anointing like that of Elijah to Elisha and the mantles will begin to connect!  In 2011, God will even begin to cause certain younger ministers to begin to pick up the mantles of the "Fathers of the Faith" and begin to take the anointing to the next level with a greater impact!


Every realm will be impacted by the emergence of His Lordship as vessels of honor are sent forth in to every facet of life to initiate reformation!  As the dawn breaks and His light begin to shine forth, there will be a breaking forth of a new governmental authority through the Church and through His Apostles and Prophets!  More than anything, it will not be denied that this year will be the year of Christ and the year of His Kingdom! 


Yours for Advancing the Kingdom,


Dr. Mario Maxwell

Mario Maxwell International Ministries
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Posted: 01/15/2011 at 6:49am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

We Must Remain on the Carpet of Covenant with God
Paul Keith Davis with Bob Jones

Greetings friends,

I trust this first communication of 2011 finds you encouraged and vigorously contending for personal and corporate destiny. That certainly is the mandate we feel emphasized for the season.

For us, the last few months of 2010 were filled with many encouraging indications that we are entering a time of profound spiritual conflict and outpouring with the "sons of light" emerging with substantial anointing and authority.

It is the issue of spiritual authority that is being emphasized the most. The radical remnant will discover great authority in their words, decrees and proclamations as we prophesy our future and shape the destiny of this generation through spiritual impartation. Numbers 11 was given to me as a Biblical outline to emphasize the Spirit being taken from one to anoint many. It will be as it was in the days of Moses when the Lord's Spirit was also placed upon the 70 elders to help provide legitimate leadership to a needy nation.

In the days of Israel's deliverance from Egyptian bondage, Moses was also instructed to first "strike" the rock as a demonstration of God's power. Later, he was directed to "speak" to the rock to illustrate God's authority through the spoken word. Although Moses did not follow the instructions to the letter it still outlines God's intent to highlight this aspect of His redemptive nature. This will be especially evident in the lives of those emerging as mature "sons of the Kingdom" (see Matthew 13).

This is a season in history where the "sons" will be profoundly taught by the Lord as we hear the Spirit saying:

Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left. –Isaiah 30:20-21

Also, as promised this newsletter will include part two of the messages we delivered in the 2008 Shepherds Rod that has present pertinence and relevance (for excerpts from Part 1 click here). We pray and trust it will be a blessing to you as we contend for 2011 to be an amazing and fruitful year.

Love and blessings,

Paul Keith & Wanda and the WhiteDove team

Excerpts from the 2008 Shepherd's Rod – continued:

The Emerging Modern Day Ruth's

Bob saw many spiritual "Ruth's" taking their eyes off of themselves and their circumstances that have been like bondage and prison. Now is the time for this company of women to "breakthrough" their desperate situation and return to follow the Holy Spirit's leading. It will be a notable time of personal and corporate breakthrough. The Book of Ruth will become a living book to women this year and a prophetic outline for the Bride of Christ.

The Book of Ruth is primarily a story of redemption, devotion and love. It outlines the forsaking of meaningless traditions and harsh circumstances in order to embrace truth and a new beginning. Ruth said:

Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. —Ruth 1:16

Naomi is a spiritual type of the Holy Spirit. When Ruth made the decision to follow her unconditionally, it catapulted her into a place of fruitfulness and honor. She actually became the great-grandmother of King David and is in the direct lineage of the Lord. Ruth came to a crossroad requiring that she either turn back to the familiar or press forward into fresh new territory that led to her union with Boaz, who is a type of Christ.

The harsh environment and failures from which Ruth emerged prepared her for destiny. Although our past and present circumstances have been difficult and seemingly overwhelming, nevertheless, the Lord has allowed it for a fruitful end. It is a time of God's favor for breakthrough and break-out with God's blessing saying:

May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem. Moreover, may your house be like the house of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah, through the offspring which the LORD will give you by this young woman. —Ruth 4:11‑12

This next season will see many women emerging from times of oppression into supernatural encounters with the Living Word. 2 Samuel 5:20 declares:

So David came to Baal-perazim and defeated them there; and he said, "The LORD has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters." Therefore he named that place Baal-perazim.

The name Perez means breakthrough, denoting this coming season as a time of victory and favor – especially for women prepared for this purpose. Then the way will be made clear for the next leg of the journey. Strong intercession will then be sounded with unity and authority. There will be many conferences in certain areas devoted to women and this mandate.

The Righteous Heard in Heaven

In his revelation Bob heard the phrase, "The righteous shall cry out to God and He will hear and answer them." In God's scheme of things there is a principle of sowing and reaping. For a season we have been sowing tears and we are going to reap joy; we have been sowing prayers and we are going to reap answered prayer. Psalm 34:17 declares:

The righteous cry, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

A higher level of righteousness is being imputed to a Body of people who will hear from God and provide clarity and insight. When we cry out to God from a position of righteousness in this season, He will answer us with discernment and provision communicated through Psalm 25 and 26, the Psalms of the righteous.

These Psalms carry our provision for the coming season. Authority, power and anointing, essential for this next interval of the Spirit, can be found and emphasized in the truths of these Psalms. They will become a blueprint for the next season and opened for the righteous.

In Psalm 25, King David submits himself in totality to God. As a result, it is his anticipation that God will now deal with his enemies and not allow him to be overrun by them. That is a present promise for this time. God's quest has been for us to submit ourselves completely to Him. When this is achieved, our spiritual tormentors will be dealt with by the Holy Spirit. He will release from Heaven strong angels to neutralize the principalities and powers that have been withstanding the destiny of God's people.

This will also open up greater insight into God's ways. His ways are much higher and we must ascend to a greater height to appropriate them. David penned:

Make me know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day. Remember, O LORD, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesss, for they have been from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to Your lovingkindness remember me, for Your goodness' sake, O LORD. —Psalm 25:4-7

This promise also emphasizes our present opportunity to bring certain things to completion and experience commissioning for new beginnings. For many years the Church has been attempting to accomplish its mandate through the ways of men. Now we are being given the opportunity to comprehend God's ways which are always fruitful. There will be a continued emphasis in the area of teaching and mentoring in the coming days. This is part of our calling to arise into maturity and the fullness of the stature of Christ.

In Psalm 25, David also asks for God's intervention in his life to promote righteousness. We are incapable of achieving that within ourselves. We need God!

Psalm 26 outlines David's noble prayer and commitment to harbor no falsehood or deception. He prays for purity of heart and motive in order to be God's instrument during his generation. That is precisely the emphasis for today. To be used most fruitfully during this outpouring, we must ask for and insist upon the purity of God's Spirit resting within and delivering us from our own selfish ambition and agendas.

Tremendous Fear

This will be a season of unparalleled fear, especially to the unsaved. The greatest fear will be that individuals will not get their desires. It is much more important to receive what we need than what we want. There is a rampant anxiety that is being released in the unredeemed that economic shaking and financial meltdowns will not allow them to achieve all of their personal desires. This can range from jobs and salaries that provide personal hobbies, access to certain people groups and other things promoted by the spirit of this world.

Our society is being driven to achieve position and status that have no lasting spiritual value. Instead, our council is to fix our eyes on things above where Christ is in the eternal realm. The things of this earth are temporary and fading, yet much emphasis is being placed in our society to achieve those very things.

The wicked will not get what they crave and it will cause tremendous anxiety. The wicked desire their way while the righteous desire God's way! In many aspects the righteous will not get precisely what we expect or desire but we will get God's way and the things that we need in this next installment of His plans. This will also be a time of great deliverance for Christians suffering from panic attacks and rampant fear.

Much of what will be transpiring today has not yet been seen or heard nor has it entered into the hearts of man. Therefore we cannot desire what we have not yet seen. It will be the literal fulfillment of 1 Corinthians 2:9:

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

What He has for the righteous is greater than our minds can presently perceive. Conversely, the wicked's greatest fear will be their lack of ability to support their lifestyle of sin and self-serving pleasure. This is part of the shaking that will be taking place in this nation and around the world.

The righteous will have a focus and attention on Heaven that provides a Godly fear that existed in the life of Christ. We are told in Hebrews 5:7 that:

In the days of His flesh [Jesus] offered up definite, special petitions [for that which He not only wanted but needed] and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him Who was [always] able to save Him [out] from death, and He was heard because of His reverence toward God [His godly fear, His piety, in that He shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the Father]. Amplified Version

This form of Godly fear or piety identifies the heart of the righteous as exemplified in the Lord's earthly ministry. We are told in this Scripture that He was heard because He shrank in horror at the mere thought of being separated from the bright presence of His father. The righteous fear that they will do something that would separate them from the unimpeded flow of God's Spirit.

This also denotes greater access to the manifestation of His presence individually and corporately. In essence, we must become good stewards of God's grace to walk with Him as Enoch did and obtain the testimony that we are pleasing to Him.

Corrupt Money Lenders

Our admonition from these revelations is to be careful where we borrow money. There is a shaking that is going to be taking place in the banking community that can have far reaching implications on the Church. Presently, great emphasis is being placed by the various lenders to distribute finances and facilitate greater measures of debt.

The counsel given to God's people is to continue to be removed from heavy debt and be in a position to take advantage of the shaking and transfer of wealth when the time is appropriate. Though many lending organizations promote the image of helping people, in reality it can be a snare promoting more debt at a time when getting out of debt should be our priority.

Greed is a major stronghold that must be overcome in this hour. Much of this world's economic system is built upon principles of greed without regard for the consequences. Although there are pockets of charity and goodwill demonstrated in our nation, especially during times of crisis, there remains a powerful spiritual influence of ambition and greed that drives the economic leaders. Our admonition is to be separated from this snare and warned not to fall victim to its plans.

Clearly there are some circumstances where borrowing money from financial institutions is mandatory. However, much of the credit card debt is the result of our easy access to this form of credit. It can easily become a form of bondage. There is going to be a collapse in this market at some point. We still have a space of time to position ourselves for it.

Sanctify Your Food

Food poisoning will be a major problem in the days ahead. In our enemies increased effort to promote fear in our society, food poisoning and tainted provisions are going to escalate in the coming days. Bob saw many areas reaching crisis mode in relationship to the purity of our food banks. Thankfully, we have the Biblical admonition that:

Everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the Word of God and prayer. —1 Timothy 4:4-5

We will come to know the importance of sanctifying our meals with the Word of God and prayer. Even so, we must also use common sense to wash produce thoroughly and avoid exposure to the elements. This concern will also facilitate greater measures of fear for those who do not have faith in Christ and His Biblical principles. Greater knowledge and awareness of potential hazards that exist in our worlds food supply will also promote greater measures of fear and caution.

Prophetically speaking, this analogy is also highlighting the importance placed upon what we consume spiritually and from what table we dine. The Lord has given us the invitation to dine at His table. In fact, He has promised to prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies.

In last year's Shepherd's Rod we talked about dining at the Lord's Table saying:

In his vision Bob found himself at the Lord's Table with these three items set before him. Initially, he was allowed to partake of the fish, which symbolically depicts our present position of experiencing supernatural grace. Then he was allowed to reach for the bread, which is the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Our grace in this day is to begin to apprehend the full measure of Heaven's revelation of the Lord as the exalted Overcoming King. Furthermore, we will begin to experience the promise of Isaiah 30:26 saying:

The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter like the light of seven days, on the day the LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.

The bread and wine are typical of communion. This prophetic expression is highlighting the Lord's desire to "bind the fracture of His people" and produce a common-union or spiritual unity among many within the Church. Clearly, unity of the brethren is a fundamental aspect of the 21st century Church model.

True unity is discovered when we become Christ-like. Christ being formed in us is the true forum for spiritual unity among brethren. To the extent we reflect the Lord's nature and character will we experience spiritual unity.

A Carpet of Covenant

Next, Bob saw a carpet of many colors laid in the desert about eight feet wide. It was completely straight and provided a direct path to the "bank of the Jordan" in preparation for crossing over. There are two paths set before us, requiring that we choose wisely in the days ahead. The Lord is setting a course before us with a beautiful multicolored carpet of covenant to make the journey favorable.

On the other hand, there will be an angel of the Lord withstanding the other paths and even speaking through "burden bearers" like Balaam's donkey in order to turn the misguided back to the place of God's provision. Numbers 22:24-28 declares:

Then the angel of the LORD stood in a narrow path of the vineyards, with a wall on this side and a wall on that side. When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she pressed herself to the wall and pressed Balaam's foot against the wall, so he struck her again.

The angel of the LORD went further, and stood in a narrow place where there was no way to turn to the right hand or the left. When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she lay down under Balaam; so Balaam was angry and struck the donkey with his stick. And the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?"

These prophetic images portray God's provision to take us from our present position to the place of our greatest fruitfulness. If we remain on the path the Lord has orchestrated for us, we will discover fruitfulness, favor and a direct path to our destination. If we divert from it, we will encounter difficulties and delays.

This next season will require sensitive discernment and a willing heart to follow the Holy Spirit's leadership. As contrasting as a beautiful soft carpet is with a hot, barren, rocky desert, so is the polar difference we will discover in doing things God's way as opposed to our own. One will be easy and direct while the other harsh and overbearing.

This time will provide greater opportunity for all saints to hear His voice more fluently, not just the prophets and seers. To fully participate, both personally and corporately, in the fresh outpouring, we must follow carefully the bearing God sets before us and not waiver from it to the right or to the left. The prophet Isaiah foresaw a future day declaring:

Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left. —Isaiah 30:20-21

Many of the "burden bearers" will be individuals who have encountered the Teacher and identify God's way and the beautiful carpet He has provided. The carpet is a symbolic indication of personal and corporate covenant. The Lord has promised to hold us by the hand and watch over us and bring us into the bond of covenant in order to restore the land and cause us to inherit desolate heritages.

In Bob's vision, it was important to remain on the carpet. Those who did had the appearance of an army in perfect order and alignment. They were like a stream flowing through the desert with living water. All of our essential provisions needed for personal development and maturity were allotted on this path. It was also evident that we would have to make a conscious decision to leave the path to pursue another alternative if we so chose. However, this would be a fatal mistake. Isaiah 35:7-8 declares:

The scorched land will become a pool and the thirsty ground springs of water; in the haunt of jackals, its resting place, grass becomes reeds and rushes. A highway will be there, a roadway, and it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks that way, and fools will not wander on it.

The importance of remaining on God's path stems primarily from our need for greater development in personal character. This path is a highway of holiness! A grace is being provided for cleansing of our failures and the extraction of strongholds withstanding our highest calling.

This imagery highlights our path for the future. As already outlined, this next year will see the completion of many aspects of God's plan and the introduction of new ones. It will be a time of completion and a time of new beginnings.

From God's path many people will be sent to the various nations with the message and ministry of the Kingdom. This path leads to the nations and a harvest of souls who will be equipped as harvesters. The awakening of the dawn will be the crossing over into a fresh new day. As one day is culminating a new one is dawning.

Prior to the Day of Atonement, Bonnie Jones also had a confirming revelation. In a dream she was on a journey. She was told that the destination was the Jordan River. When she looked at her ticket that gave her access to the train, she recognized the number on it as 888. This could be highlighting a certain season of the time around August 8, 2008 as a time of significant importance for this transition.

The most important aspect of these revelations is the bringing to completion of our preparation and the commissioning of authority and power essential to introduce the next installment of God's plan. Furthermore, this will not be a season for observation but participation. All of our essential provisions have already been provided according to His riches in glory. Calvary has supplied every need for the Kingdom to be demonstrated in our generation along with the perfecting of the Bride without spot or wrinkle.

New Tools for the Journey

In the revelatory experience Bob saw a large stockpile of tools and implements that had been discarded at the beginning of the carpet. This represented our willingness to lay aside various spiritual tools we have used in past seasons in order to prepare ourselves for the fresh and unprecedented. That is not to imply that we discard the elementary principles but build on them in order to move forward into maturity.

God has something exceedingly powerful prepared for us. We must be willing to cast aside the good in order to implement the best. We have utilized various tools and spiritual weapons over the last season of time but now many of those tools are outdated and obsolete. The Lord is opening His armory to provide new tools and equipment. The Lord said through Isaiah 48:6-7:

You have heard [these things foretold], now you see this fulfillment. And will you not bear witness to it? I show you specified new things from this time forth, even hidden things [kept in reserve] which you have not known. They are created now [called into being by the prophetic word], and not long ago; and before today you have never heard of them, lest you should say, Behold, I knew them! Amplified Version

Formerly, we have had measures of success with various gifts and techniques that worked for a season. However, to be most fruitful in the coming days, we must remain spiritually sensitive to receive plans and strategies direct from Heaven. Bob observed a stockpile of old tools and weapons at the beginning of the carpet, and new ones given as people walked along this uncharted path.

If we insist upon holding on to the familiar, it would be like attempting to fight a modern-day war with Civil War era weapons. To say, "this is the way we have always done it," would be a fatal mind-set that could lead away from the carpet of covenant into the desert, which is a dry and water-less region. We will be given the opportunity to obtain fresh manna each day as long as we remain in His ways. In some cases, the Lord is only going to give us enough trust to take the next step without seeing the totality of His plan. This will indeed be a faith journey!

The carpet ran through the desert leading us to the "Bank of the Jordan" to the precise place He has chosen for us to breakthrough and crossover. This next spiritual season will be both a time of completion and a time of commissioning. Many individuals that have been in a preparatory mode will see this season culminating and a new commissioning transpiring on this straight and narrow path that God has provided.

Even when mantles of individuals manifested in prior generations are captured by today's leaders, they will function in that anointing with a fresh new perspective. Joshua received the Spirit that rested upon Moses but displayed it in an entirely different way. Elisha wore the mantle of Elijah but utilized it with an altogether unique ministry.

Although we are still in the wilderness and haven't yet crossed over, we have a wonderful provision through the desert, which is a place of His voice. Everything we need will be provided on that carpet. It is a multicolored rainbow type carpet illustrating the Seven Spirits of God and covenant.

There is a new way being provided for this season. Each step will be a step of faith and dependence upon God's leadership. Only the righteous can walk this path and remain on it. The good news is the path was smooth and clear. If we continue in God's ways over this next season it will become very fruitful.

Restoring Desolate Heritages

Interestingly, many of the most significant things that transpired in the last generation took place in desert regions. There were numerous important visitations and revelations given in the 1960s in the Arizona desert with direct application to our present mandate.

We have a short season left in the desert but it will actually be a very good time for the righteous. Our grooming will be brought to completion and a new commissioning imparted to prepare us to apprehend our desolate heritage. It will be a time for the literal fulfillment of Isaiah 49:8 saying:

In a favorable time I have answered you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you; and I will keep you and give you for a covenant of the people, to restore the land, to make them inherit the desolate heritages.

The Lord has been holding us by the hand and watching over us in preparation to become a covenant to the people and a light to the nations in order to restore the land and cause the people to inherit the desolate heritages.

It is a straight walk and one that we will continue for the remainder of this year until the next Rosh Hashanah in anticipation of what lies beyond. Although it would be wonderful to prophesy that we will walk in the fullness of our inheritance over this next year, we believe it is more accurate to identify this as a season of finalization in preparation and also commissioning for the crossing over; Joshua was commissioned on this side of the river in anticipation of leadership for advancement.

In this next season many people will be commissioned with the "mantles" of others who have gone before us. There is presently an emphasis on honoring our spiritual fathers and mothers who provided leadership in the last great outpouring of God's Spirit. They were pioneers who overcame great difficulties to manifest God's Kingdom in their generation.

Although some experienced failures and made costly mistakes, the foundation they provided is our platform to launch the next major outpouring. This opens the door for the deposit of God's Spirit they carried to be appropriated to individuals in this generation.

In our own ministry, we have been emphasizing the importance of honoring healing revivalist such as A.A. Allen, Alexander Dowie, John G. Lake, William Branham and others. Some of these have been the most dishonored individuals of the 20th century Church yet used most notably in soul winning and the miraculous. Our adversary has effectively attempted to neutralize the testimony of these individuals as forerunners by overly emphasizing their shortcomings and weaknesses. Even so, the Lord is allowing a Body of people to recognize the pioneering influence these individuals conveyed in order to position us to carry forward the unfinished commissions.

Spiritual gifts are the result of supernatural grace purchased at Calvary's Cross. Nevertheless, personal spiritual maturity can be costly requiring that we buy from Him:

Gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. —Revelation 3:18

It is always been the Lord's intent that we progress from Glory to Glory, but unfortunately, the Church has historically failed in this responsibility. Children should always start on a higher plain than their parents. That is the entire Biblical principle of heritage and inheritance. Proverbs 13:22 states:

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

We are once again presented with an opportunity to apprehend our desolate heritages and appropriate them to our generation. Mantles of revelation and power that were introduced in prior generations are accessible. We must pay whatever price is necessary to achieve this place in God. The important aspects of this revelation are to highlight the "open door" opportunity set before us for this purpose.

The Lord has clearly demonstrated through these revelations that individuals will be visited by His spirit over this next season for the purpose of "mantle" impartation. Many of the people soon to emerge in leadership are not presently known or recognized in broad public forums. Nevertheless, they are known in Heaven and have been prepared to carry notable deposits of revelation and power.

Therefore, this prophetic promise is to initiate our desperation to contend for this heritage. Our council is to position ourselves before Him so that His Spirit can be released to us in much the same way that Elisha captured the anointing that rested upon Elijah.

Part of the revelations I had on the morning of Atonement dealt with our desolate heritage. In the experience, I found myself in a desert and mountainous region excavating an archeological site in hopes of finding treasures of great value. As I did I uncovered ancient books containing revelations that were started by leaders of the past that are to be finished in our day. I considered these books of greater value than gold or silver. Some were older than others but I knew this would be the completion of all mandates, commissions and promises.

This revelation speaks of our opportunity and responsibility to carry forward the task initiated by individuals of the former generation. Even as Joshua completed the commission of Moses so also will we facilitate the fullness of unfulfilled promises.

Paul Keith Davis
WhiteDove Ministries

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Posted: 01/15/2011 at 8:12am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

We Are Facing Unprecedented Change and Transition

Mark Chironna

As we continue to press forward in this new decade, having crossed a threshold from warring for survival to warring for inheritance, we now face the battle for possession of inheritance in this generation. Each of the generations of the Body of Christ alive at this moment on the planet are facing unprecedented change and transition.

Things are unfolding; yet at the same time the need for perseverance is more essential now than ever. Each generation is processing different issues within this time of transition. It isn't simply the prophetic voices amongst the elect that are sensing transition; secular voices are also uttering the same thing, not aware that they are speaking God's intentions as we move forward.

New Wine in the Marketplace

It is as it was in the days of Joshua when the spies were sent to spy out Jericho. Upon arrival in the city they chose to seek refuge in the house of Rahab the harlot, which was part of a divine strategy, and was a wise choice on the part of the spies. The irony lay in the fact that Rahab the harlot knew more about what was going to unfold for the elect – more than the elect did themselves. The Spirit is moving in places that the Church has yet to enter. For that reason, there are many God has sent into the marketplace to "spy out the land."

While some seek to hold to the comfort zone of the wilderness, there is a generation rising on the planet that has heard a clarion call:

There is new wine and it is found in the cluster. That cluster is not in our comfort zone; it is in the zone of convergence and confluence in apportioned spheres and measures out in the marketplace where lost souls like Rahab are tapping into the need for new wine and are already prepared to identify with the God of Israel. With the new wine of necessity there will begin to emerge the talk of a new wineskin.

A new day of the Spirit is dawning, and we are transitioning towards a new awakening. While it will have all the necessary components of that which happens when God is released to move, it will not be a repeat of the old wine, nor will the old wineskin serve to handle the potency of the new wine.

Hold On and Persevere - A New Day is Dawning

The Church is in the midst of a transitional period, feeling the unrest of not being completely out of transition, yet wanting it to end quickly. The Spirit is inviting us to hold on and persevere. There are major challenges within the rank and file of the elect that are being faced as it relates to the authority of Scripture, the work of the Cross, the work of the Holy Spirit, the power of the resurrection, the mystery of the Kingdom, and much more.

However, there will be a greater falling away than what we have already seen. The dividing lines are being drawn at even greater levels. While the lines are being drawn, the elect are being tested in more ways than they have anticipated. It is to the elect that the Spirit is saying, "Hold fast to your confession – stay the course."

The Spirit is testifying that a new day is dawning. The stage of the world is being set for a fullness of a harvest and a genuine apostolic reformation in a new way. It will behoove apostolic and prophetic leaders from all the various streams to come together and speak to one another in order to truly come to terms with what it means to be apostolic and prophetic, and what genuine reformation is all about, which is nothing less than radical.

Whether things present or things to come, life or death, Paul says they all belong to the elect and the elect belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God. There is an order that is unfolding related to the elect that is essential if the "many-membered man," the one new man of Ephesians 4, is to come to the measure of the stature of the fullness that belongs to Christ.

There will once again be heard in the land the cry of Jeremiah for "the burden of the Lord." There will also be the evident hand of favor on those who hearken to the voice of the Spirit, and like Daniel, make the most of the moment they find themselves in within a pagan culture. The earmarks of the Presence of the Spirit with all His gifts and endowments will be present in a way that the elect have not fully anticipated.

The Spirit is already softening up the secular culture to the Person and Presence of Jesus Himself, even while the culture is growing disillusioned with those in the Church who have not been relevant to the times and to the Gospel. Unprecedented opportunities will manifest in this hour of unprecedented change and transition.

The Move will be Great as well as Terrible!

A major global shaking by the Voice of the Lord is coming in the next few years as prophesied by Haggai, and there will be cosmic disturbances that will have profound effects on the cycles of nature. There will indeed be signs in the heavens and wonders in the earth. There is a new day coming, a day of the Spirit, yet the Church of necessity is to hold fast, because she is enduring an essential crucifixion for the sake of an "out-resurrection" from dead things which do not serve the eternal purpose.

The water of the Word will become the Wine of the Spirit in the coming days in both power and potency, and will be delivered to the masses not by celebrities, but by a Kingdom culture of servants who lead the way. Where He is, there will His servants be!

The move will be "great" as well as "terrible!" The shift we are experiencing is as radical as the shift that took place after the invention of the Gutenberg Press and the Copernican Revolution that challenged the false view of the Church that the sun revolved around the earth. These are radical days, requiring a radical Christ and a radical Church.

There are the Josephs and the Daniels that are being shaped for a confluence of events and a convergence of gifts and callings for a culture that has lost its moorings. Within the meeting place, there are apostolic and prophetic leaders that will function like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who will prepare the BODY for transition from burial to resurrection! A new apprehension of the power of the CROSS is coming to the earth – through a Body that has been and is being PREPARED!

Dr. Mark J. Chironna
Mark Chironna Ministries

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Posted: 01/15/2011 at 12:38pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin Bill & Marsha Burns

Prophecy by Bill Burns - January 2011:

Twenty-eleven will bring periods of divine visitation. If I were trying to be poetic, I would say, "Heaven in Eleven." This would mean that Heaven's glory will be the sign of these visitations from on high. The Lord in His glory will visit His people in 2011:

Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: "You have both heard and seen the opening of My glory statement. I am in charge; not flesh and blood. I Myself will lead you into the next move of My Spirit. It won't be engineered by your own good ideas or sense of religiosity, nor will it be patterned after any other move. You will not only see My glory, but you will experience My glory in every aspect of your life and being. Yours is only to yield and let Me take you into the realms of glory," says the Lord.

As stated, this visitation and the glory that comes with it will not be controlled by men. It shall be as it is written:

1 Kings 8:10-11 And it came to pass, when the priests came out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the LORD, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD.

Our part in this visitation must be the same as that which David spoke of:

Psalm 26:6-8 I will wash my hands in innocence; so I will go about Your altar, O LORD, that I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Your wondrous works. LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house, and the place where Your glory dwells.

The purpose of this visitation is to bring God's people into His glory and, thereby, establish Kingdom reality (the atmosphere of Heaven).

Our desire in this season should be like the desire that Moses had when he said in Exodus 33:18: "Please, show me Your glory."

And God said in Exodus 33:19: "I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."

I prophetically spoke of God's goodness in The Trumpet on December 27, 2010:

"Come and see, in the season that is before you, the goodness of the Lord in the land of those who are living by faith; who are trusting Me; who choose to walk in Spirit. I encourage you to allow yourself to be driven by the wind of My Spirit and to be carried by the water of My Spirit. My blessings will not be withheld in this coming year, which shall be a year of blessing to those who have been faithful. So, My faithful ones, get ready for the manifestation of multiplied blessings. Even though the world itself will be in disarray, even though the economic conditions of this world are not good, you will live within the confines of My blessings. Lift up your heads and let your worship ascend," says the Lord God Almighty.

The glory of God will bring His blessings:

The Trumpet, December 13, 2010: "Have you not read that I am the Lord of Glory? I am the King of Glory! My glory I share with no other because it originates with Me, but that glory that I am speaking of I will bring upon you. If you will walk with Me in the place of My glory, the path that is before you, which is already been set ablaze for your journey. My call to you today is come and walk in the glory. Come and abide in the glory, for all things are manifest in My glory. Every promise is received in My glory. Again, I say, come. Come and receive. Come and participate," says the Lord.

The glory of God will bring forth the sons of His glory.<p> Romans 8:18-19 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

And the sons abiding in His glory will become the glorious Church.

Ephesians 5:27 ...that He might present her to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

The Prophetic Book of Numbers

God has used and still uses numbers to communicate with His people. The numbers He uses are prophetic. The book of Revelation is the book of sevens. Seven is God's number of spiritual perfection and completion.

The number of the first-born is found in Numbers 3:46: "And for the redemption of the two hundred and seventy-three of the firstborn of the children of Israel, who are more than the number of the Levites."

In the book of Acts we find 120 in the Upper Room who were the firstborn priests of grace. In John chapter 21, the 153 fish caught, was a symbol of all Christians whose inheritance is that of the firstborn. One hundred, twenty plus 153 equals the 273 firstborn found in Numbers 3:46.

And, 2 Chronicles 5:12-13 tells us that 120 priests were blowing the trumpet and then the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.

I have said all of this to confirm the fact that God uses numbers to reveal Himself and to confirm His works.

The Psalm for 2011 is Psalm 65 (6 + 5 = 11).

Psalm 65:9-11 You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; You provide their grain, for so You have prepared it. You water its ridges abundantly, You settle its furrows; You make it soft with showers, You bless its growth. You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.

This Psalm is a promise of visitation, the glory and anointing of God's river, provision, spiritual growth and His goodness this year. He will crown this year as a year of abundance.

Let this word be ours to embrace and receive His goodness.

The Number Four

We are prophetically living in the fourth watch of the Church Age, and it is a time of visitation when Jesus comes, walking on the waves to His people.

Matthew 14:25 Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea.

And, in this fourth watch His glory will come:

Ezekiel 44:4 Also He brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; so I looked, and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD; and I fell on my face.

Also, the number four represents an open door in Heaven:

Revelation 4:1-2 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in Heaven. And the first voice, which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this." Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in Heaven, and One sat on the throne.

The Vision

The Trumpet, November 9, 2010: I see seven doors opening in the heavenlies. And the Lord is saying, "Come up here; the doors are opening. Spiritual perfection will flow from these doors to My people. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation will come forth in floods of glory from these places in the heavenlies. Christian life is no more to be normal," says the Lord. "You are to become supernatural as you were meant to be." Flow, river, flow upon Your people, and let that golden oil run forth and bring Your power and tangible presence alive among Your people. Amen.

When I first saw this vision, I only knew that one of the doors related to wisdom. I have since seen the names of the seven doors, which are gifts of the Holy Spirit.

1. The Word of Wisdom, which brings revelation (1 Corinthians 12:7-10).

2. The Word of Knowledge, which gives understanding.

3. The Gift of Faith, which gives us the faith that Jesus had (Galatians 2:20, KJV).

4. Gifts of Healings, which the Body of Christ must have.

5. The Working of Miracles are especially necessary in these last days.

6. Prophecy, so that God's voice may be heard.

2 Samuel 22:10-14 He bowed the heavens also, and came down with darkness under His feet. He rode upon a cherub, and flew; and He was seen upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness canopies around Him, dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. From the brightness before Him coals of fire were kindled. The LORD thundered from Heaven, and the Most High uttered His voice.

7. Discerning of Spirits so that the Church can know which spirits are working against it.

Ephesians 6:10-12 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Greater Access to the Gifts and Power of the Spirit Will Come in 2011

The key of David is required to open these doors:

Revelation 3:7-8 And to the angel of the Church in Philadelphia write, "These things says He who is holy, He who is true, 'He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens': I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name."

Jesus has the key of David and opens these doors for us when we become those who worship in spirit and in truth like David did.

John 4:23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

Worship in Spirit

1 Corinthians 14:15 What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding.

I will pray and sing with the spiritual gift of tongues, the eighth gift of the Spirit, and I will be given interpretation of my songs and prayers, which is the ninth gift of the Spirit.

Heaven's songs will be played by today's psalmists, and we shall interpret the meanings of those songs - this is the key of David that will open the seven doors that we can then enter into.

Worship will position us to go through these seven doors as the Spirit of God wills, and He will bring us through the door of whatever gift is needed at the time. A fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit will help this process of accessing Heaven's doors.

The Upper Room

Again, the number eleven comes into play for our understanding regarding the Upper Room and the fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit that the Church needs. Eleven apostles entered the Upper Room (Acts 1:13).

In the year 2011 the same power that the apostles demonstrated in the book of Acts will come upon God's people. A fresh baptism that produces the gifts of the Holy Spirit is necessary. As a Church, we will be redefined by this fresh baptism of apostolic power so we can become one with Jesus in His works.

John 14:11-14 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."

This baptism will bring about a great transition from the Church Age into the Kingdom Age.

The Equipping Continues

In 2008 the Lord told me that the years 2009, 2010, and 2011 would be years in which He would equip His people to live in the power of His divine government of 2012.

The Body of Christ has been afflicted in 2009 and 2010 because equipping takes place in adversity. But, because of the fresh baptism of apostolic power that is available to us, we will begin to rejoice in our victories over the adversity. Satan is not going to be happy about the favor of God that is coming upon the Church in 2011.

In early December, for about a week, I kept hearing in my spirit the term "slumdog millionaire." All I knew about this phrase was that it is the title of a movie which I had not seen, and that it is a rags-to-riches story. I announced this to the congregation on a Sunday, and one of the dear ladies at our church told me that in the storyline it came out that the young man was equipped to be a winner by the adversity found in his life's circumstances.

I believe God wants us to know that He has been with us through our many trials and we have been equipped to win. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

Jesus taught (equipped) His disciples for roughly three years and then He empowered them for service on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). So, in like manner, we are also being equipped so that we can be empowered. His glory in this year will both equip and empower us. Even so, Lord Jesus, come and do your work in us.

God's Economy

Luke 21:25 tells us that one of the signs of the end of the age is the "distress of nations." The distress of all of the nations of the world right now is the economy. Banks and businesses are failing in record numbers. Unemployment will continue because of these failures. The credit debt is huge, and sooner or later the bubble will burst.

So, it is time for God's people to learn to live in God's economy. Position yourselves by faith to receive His blessings.

Final Thoughts

2011 is going to give us a wild ride, so fasten your spiritual seat belts and hang on. An earmark of this season will be acceleration; things will be moving fast. Opportunities will come and go very quickly, so be ready - instant in season.

Get out of debt and stay out of debt if at all possible. Trust in the Lord for your provision, and lean not on your own understanding. Fight the good fight of faith. Embrace the adversity and overcome it by the power of God's name.

And, I pray that you will indeed see God's goodness in 2011.

Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.


The Great Release

Prophecy by Marsha Burns - January 2011:<p> Twenty-eleven! The number 20 symbolizes expectation in this century, and eleven symbolizes disintegration and transition. The eleven faithful apostles after the disintegration were released to build the Church.

Twenty-eleven corresponds with the Hebrew year 5771: Israel was held in captivity 70 years and released in the 71st year.

In Hebrew, Ayin is the word for 70, which names the decade: Ayin means eye: to see, understand and obey. Ayin is described as having two eyes, representing the choice of good or evil; optimism or pessimism. Ayin can also mean fountain - the fountain of wisdom and the ability to perceive. This is the decade of enlightenment to the Church and prophetic insight.

Aleph in Hebrew is the word for 1, which names the year. Aleph is the symbol of the ox, which means strength and leadership. It represents the breath of God and the revelation of the mysteries of God through His leaders who have been sent to equip and prepare His people.

Aleph has two arms, one above and one below, connected in the middle by a hook, which represents humanity. The humanity that connects Heaven above to earth below is Christ. Expect heavenly reality to invade the earth in greater ways this year.

Genesis 46:27 And the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt were two persons. All the persons of the house of Jacob who went to Egypt were seventy (who became captives).

Jeremiah 25:8-12 Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts: "Because you have not heard My words, behold, I will send and take all the families of the north," says the LORD, "and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and will bring them against this land, against its inhabitants, and against these nations all around, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, a hissing, and perpetual desolations.

Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones and the light of the lamp. And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Then it will come to pass, when seventy years are completed, that I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniquity," says the LORD; "and I will make it a perpetual desolation."

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.

We are now in the 71st year, which presumably represents the release from captivity and punishment.

We are Now in the Position to Rebuild

Nehemiah 1:1-3 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. It came to pass in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the citadel, that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. And they said to me, "The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire."

This is somewhat reminiscent of the cleaning of our own spiritual foundation and the burning of the wood, hay and straw - or the works of the flesh.

2010 has been a year of change on every level as God has swept the foundation clean. Our good ideas for ministry and our American religious traditions have been challenged and found lacking. Our focus cannot be people, church growth, and finances; our focus must be God Himself and no other.

We are now in the position of Nehemiah to rebuild that which has been torn down. And, this time, we must build only as led by the Holy Spirit of God.

We can probably expect opposition such as Nehemiah experienced as he went forth by the mandate of God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and Ezra in rebuilding the Temple.

Nehemiah 2:17-20 Then I said to them, "You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach."

And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me. So they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work.

But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard of it, they laughed at us and despised us, and said, "What is this thing that you are doing? Will you rebel against the king?"

So I answered them, and said to them, "The God of Heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem."

Nehemiah 4:7-9, 16-17 Now it happened, when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed, that they became very angry, and all of them conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion. Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night... So it was, from that time on, that half of my servants worked at construction, while the other half held the spears, the shields, the bows, and wore armor; and the leaders were behind all the house of Judah. Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon.

We also, will watch for the enemy to stop the work and to create confusion. And we will pray to our God and be ready to fight against every attack.

Jeremiah 20:11 But the LORD is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten.

Words of Knowledge and Words of Wisdom from the Lord for 2011

I see in a vision the engine of an automobile that needs to be adjusted and tuned up so that it can run better. Expect to make some adjustments as you are being fine-tuned to fulfill your purpose in the overall scheme of things. Things that once sparked your interest will be replaced by that which better suits your level of spiritual maturity.

"As you continue to draw close to Me, you will see My creation from a new perspective. The sky will seem bluer and the grass greener, yet worldly interests and the satisfying of your flesh will become a secondary pursuit at best. And your knowledge of the written Word will combine with your experiences to produce fresh, life-producing revelation.

"Just when you think you've lost your edge, spiritual clarity will come forth like a picture coming into focus. You will be able to see and discern with greater depth and lucidity than ever. Expect to be more decisive with issues and concerns where you have been duplicitous. Instead you will be focused and more efficient."

I kept hearing in my spirit the term "quantum leap." You will broaden your spectral lines. This means that you will move beyond your normal limitations into a new realm of understanding and activity. You will no longer allow circumstances or people to hold you back or keep you from achieving your spiritual and natural potential.

"I have torn, but I will heal. What has seemed like destruction has only been a good house cleaning to remove from your life the things that were no longer relevant. You have been released from the things that have held you back or created spiritual stagnation, and you can now move forward with a greater sense of freedom.

"Do not concern yourself with thoughts of what you cannot do. Refuse to be a 'Jack in the Box' confined by old mindsets. Instead of focusing on your inabilities, let Me reveal your possibilities. I am with you to take you beyond your perceived restraints.

"I am taking you to new heights. You will be delighted in what you see, but you must wait for Me instead of striking out on your own in presumption. This will be a time when you will begin to know the difference between the leading of My Spirit and the impulse of your own soul. I will lead you in perfect timing if you will wait on Me and trust in Me," says the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Bill & Marsha Burns

Edited by Moderator on 01/15/2011 at 12:41pm
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Posted: 01/19/2011 at 5:59pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator


By Abraham George

Bridge is for crossing over to a destination or for crossing over obstacles. It means to move on. Every human has bridges of life to cross for connection to fulfilled destiny. Your bridge is to connect you to achievements in life. Promotion, success, honor, favor and power are not caged or beneath, they are ahead to be reached by efforts. Educational steps of success from one level to the other are bridges to climb and cross to a destination of carrier success. The advancement of prosperity in your business is by crossing the bridges of life with diligence. No one come this world without bridged to cross to reach a destination. Bridges have steps and there are stages of life to success. You must cross bridges. The step of advancement in life is progressive by crossing bridges. God’s purpose for you in life is fulfilled by crossing bridges of life.

A bridge may collapse, or be dismantled, or destroyed by the enemies There are many people in life that the enemies have destroyed the bridges of their glory and connections. Many are the people, Christians that the enemies have placed stumbling blocks on their bridges of connection and destiny. In Isaiah 57:14, after Israel crossed the bridge of exile in Babylon, God knew there are still many bridges to cross on their way of progress, He commanded Isaiah to decree preparation and removal of stumbling block out of the way of His people. I decree stumbling block be removed out of the way of your greatness in Jesus name.

In Isaiah 45:1-3, God promised to go before Cyrus His anointed and:-

* Subdue nations (demons and contrary spirits) before him

* Loose loins of kings to favors him

* Open gates of possessions for him

* Destroy hindrances on his ways to possessions

* Give him possessions.

I decree, may the Lord subdue the power of darkness, remove hindrances on your way of success, and usher you into a place of glorious destiny this year in Jesus name.

Are you there? All your life is full of disappointments, your glory has been tampered with, nothing seems to be working well for you because of demonic oppressions, self invited afflictions or disobedience to God’s order. Every move towards success in your life meets failure. Whether is demonic oppression, self invited afflictions in disobedience to God’s order and ordinances, or by your sins that has taken hold of you for years in times past. I have a “Good News” for you this year - that to many “Year 2011” is “The Year of Restoration”, “Restoration of lost Glory and Destiny of God, of lost Health, lost Finance, lost Power and Authority, lost of Dignity, lost of Favor and Honor, lost of Business, Materials and Financial connections”.

This year for your real restoration, the Lord will first take vengeance on the oppressors of your life, and restore your health physically, materially, financially and spiritually. “Therefore, all they that devour thee shall be devoured, and all thine adversaries every one of them shall go into captivity: and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey”

“For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD, because they called thee and Outcast, saying, this is Zion, whom no man seeketh after” (Jer 30:16-17).

Every wicked oppressor of your life, demonic powers, fowling spirits, spirits of delay, hindrances and disappointments will receive the wrath of God from this moment. I decree the release of God’s whirlwind and His fierce anger upon your devourers and adversaries in Jesus name (Amen) – Jer 30:22-24; 23:19-20.

Has sin dominated your life or responsible for the state you are today? Simply ask God for his mercy. Your heart of sincerity is the power to effect your restoration this year. “If I shut up heaven that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land or if I send pestilence among my people: if my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”(2Ch 7:13-14).

God may breakdown one’s bridge of connection to glory if sin rules in such person’s life. No matter how we grieved God before now, He hears prayer from an humble, repentant, and trusting people. God has conditions of restoration, and every condition must be met by believers without exception for God to heal our lives, our families, our denominations, our land, and our nation. In 2 Ch 7:13-14, God invites us- believers to seek His face, that is to ask for His presence and revealed will in our lives. This many believers and denominations have done in their December 2010 conventions and retreats and not late for others to do this January. It is not an end of every year syndrome; it is basically a call for all times, periods, and moments of our lives. For Christ will return like a thief in the night not honoring human and church mentality. He may not even come on church worship days (Christmas or Easter period), but on the day, hour minute or seconds unknown to any one. Therefore God’s people-who are called by His name, are called to repent and forsake their old sinful ways. This is a perfect key to restoration. We all as believers are entitled to restoration of what the locusts had eaten in our lives at all times in the previous years of our existence on earth.

Finally, therefore, who shall receive the fullness of God’s blessing this year?

“He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart: who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that SEEK HIM, that seek thy face, O Jacob” (Psalm 24:4-6).

In 2011, May you be restored into the fullness of God’s blessings in Jesus name (Amen). GOD BLESS YOU.

Note; Watch out series of God’s Restoration (for example - Restoration of Joy) with prayer tips every month-this year under this topic.

January 2011 Prayer Tips: (Psalm 51:1-12)

1.      Acknowledge your sins and present them to God in deep repentance forgiveness (vs. 3-6)

2.      Ask for God’s mercy according to His loving kindness (vs. 1a). Tell God to consider the gift of Jesus Christ to you (Jn 3:16)

3.      Ask for God’s mercy according to the multitude of His tender mercies for the blotting out of your transgressions (vs. 1b)

4.      Ask God for the washing – cleansing-purging of your sins by the blood of Jesus (vs 2,7,9; Heb 9:14; 1 Jn 1:7,9)

5.      Ask God to create in you a clean heart (vs. 10a)

6.      Ask God to renew a right spirit without you( Vs 10b; Ez 18: 31)

7.      Ask God to restore you into the fullness of His presence by the endowment power of the Holy Spirit (Vs 11; Lk 11:13)

8.      Ask God to restore unto you the joy of your salvation (Vs12a)

9.      Ask God to grant you the fullness of the Holy Spirit liberty (Vs 12b; 2 Co 3:17)

10.  Ask God to restore you soul  and lead you in the paths of righteousness for His name sake (Ps 23:3; 5:8)

11.  Pray and excommunicate the workers of iniquity from your life, decree and stop  their operations in your life (Ps 6:8; Jas 4:7)

12.  Ask for the Spirit of humility from God for Him to lift you up in 2011 (Jas 4:10).

My prayer to you this year is that God should grant you sufficient grace to forge ahead.

Put a stop to your suffering. make you prefect. establish you, strengthen you, settle you for real. “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you” (1Pe 5:10)


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Posted: 01/19/2011 at 6:02pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Ready for 2011! Part 1

Andries van Heerden

At the turn of every year we seek the Lord and draw close to Him to hear His heart and instruction for the coming year. Our goal is to follow and please Him thus the ultimate necessity to hear His purpose and call for us in this new season. The prophetic words contained in this writing are what I have received from the Lord over the last few months as I waited on Him for 2011. We are excited to start this year and reach that which God has planned for us (Eph. 2:10). We are very thankful for 2010, and all that the Lord has done for us. The specific call for 2010 was to be “Full of Power” which we have been preaching and teaching much on last year and I believe we experienced in part and are even now beginning to experience more and more. We are entering a time in human history where the revelation of the Sons of God (Rom. 8:14) are at hand. That is why the Holy Spirit is step by step preparing us through the Word for our Ultimate call- to come to the Fullness of Christ in everything and every way! (Eph. 4:11-16)

So, we have been and continually will be empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) to become His children (John 1:12); that means to literally become like Christ to this world, this will continue through 2011 and beyond. That said we come to the Prophetic word God gave for 2011.

Arise and Shine!

Isa. 60:1-3

1 “Arise, shine, for your light has come,
   and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
2 See, darkness covers the earth
   and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the LORD rises upon you
   and his glory appears over you.
3 Nations will come to your light,
   and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” TNIV

The word we feel that encompasses God’s call for 2011, for us as a body and we believe the broader Body of Jesus Christ is to:” Arise and Shine”! We are empowered to make a difference in our world. This is only possible when we take our place and start to shine the glory of God. When people will see that Glory, they would not be able to resist the love of the Father and change! This Transition to full maturity and full son ship will be gaining much momentum in 2011. We will see many believers arising, becoming men and woman of note as they take their place and stand! We have a great opportunity to arise and impact this generation!

To Arise and shine denotes a very specific action- that we position ourselves and start to take a stand in our homes, places of work,  and wherever we may be. As we do that, I believe we will start to experience a manifestation of the Glory of God and the Lord will rise over us with power! This also denotes that we stand in the Authority that Jesus gave us! It is simply not enough to know we have authority; we have to act and stand in this authority! There will be many challenges giving us the opportunity to arise and shine, but this will have to be done in the Authority we have in Jesus Christ.

I believe that many believers will have to watch themselves and not compromise with the world as it will ultimately keep them from taking a stand. Many are so bound because of compromise; and this year there is a specific grace released to be set free from all forms of it. We are either rising or falling and we can’t do both. So beware of the trap of the devil to dilute your resolve to stand for the Lord by pulling you into sin or compromise.

Heb. 12:1:”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” TNIV

The Rider on the White Horse


While praying for 2011 I had a very specific vision. I saw a White Horse that seemed to have wings; it flew from right to left in the heavens and on it sat a man dressed in brilliant white and a radiant and glowing face as the sun. It was His radiance, and not the sun that illuminated the heavens.


Rev 21:23:” The city has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God shines on it, and the Lamb is its lamp. “GNB

On the side of the horse was written “2011”. In the Book of Revelation John saw twice a vision of a rider on a white horse and in both instances in had to do with overcoming or conquering.

Rev. 6:2:” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. “ TNIV

Rev. 19:11-16:” I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:



Throughout the last 2000 years the Lord has revealed Himself in and to the Church as our Redeemer, Healer, Savior and Provider and much more, these are still true and very important to us today. But I do believe that in this year there is a new and fresh Revelation being birthed through the Holy Spirit; revealing to the bride- Jesus our Champion!   

I believe that the Holy Spirit is brining a change in focus. The Church has reached a pivotal point in history; the Lord is revealing Himself afresh to the world but not as a servant Savior, but as the King of kings! And as the Church embraces her Champion we will experience His Victory!

2010 has been a very hard and challenging year for believers worldwide. We ourselves experienced and also have seen many believers go through hardships and difficulties economically, as well as personally. 2010 has been a year testing character and building into us the nature of Jesus Christ. The enemy used this opportunity to bring many into a place of disappointment and heartache, trying to win the war in our minds concerning our destiny. We are called to walk in the fullness of the Victory that Jesus has established for us! I believe that the Lord is releasing Supernatural Grace for us to overcome, that means coming in the Spirit of Christ who is our Champion! Walking in His victory in 2011 will enable us to be the victorious ones who overcome!

I believe even early in 2011 that we will start to see powerful breakthroughs and victory in our finances, families, and lives. We must stay strong and focused, do not allow fear or anxiety because the battle is the Lord’s and He has given us the Victory!

I Believe Psalm 118 is a Prophetic Psalm for this year, it reads.

Psalm 118

 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
   his love endures forever.

2 Let Israel say:
   “His love endures forever.”
3 Let the house of Aaron say:
   “His love endures forever.”
4 Let those who fear the LORD say:
   “His love endures forever.”

5 When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD;
   he brought me into a spacious place.
6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.
   What can human beings do to me?
7 The LORD is with me; he is my helper.
   I look in triumph on my enemies.

8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
   than to trust in human beings.
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
   than to trust in princes.
10 All the nations surrounded me,
   but in the name of the LORD I cut them down.
11 They surrounded me on every side,
   but in the name of the LORD I cut them down.
12 They swarmed around me like bees,
   but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns;
   in the name of the LORD I cut them down.
13 I was pushed back and about to fall,
   but the LORD helped me.
14 The LORD is my strength and my defense;
   he has become my salvation.

15 Shouts of joy and victory
   resound in the tents of the righteous:
“The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!
 16 The LORD’s right hand is lifted high;
   the LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!”
17 I will not die but live,
   and will proclaim what the LORD has done.
18 The LORD has chastened me severely,
   but he has not given me over to death.
19 Open for me the gates of the righteous;
   I will enter and give thanks to the LORD.
20 This is the gate of the LORD
   through which the righteous may enter.
21 I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
   you have become my salvation.

22 The stone the builders rejected
   has become the cornerstone;
23 the LORD has done this,
   and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 The LORD has done it this very day;
   let us rejoice today and be glad.

 25 LORD, save us!
                    LORD, grant us success!

26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.
   From the house of the LORD we bless you

27 The LORD is God,
   and he has made his light shine on us.
With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
to the horns of the altar.

 28 You are my God, and I will praise you;
                    you are my God, and I will exalt you.

 29 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
                   his love endures forever.” TNIV

Specifically verses 13-16 which says:’ I was fiercely attacked and was being defeated, but the LORD helped me. The LORD makes me powerful and strong; he has saved me. Listen to the glad shouts of victory in the tents of God's people: "The LORD's mighty power has done it!

                  Verse 16:  His power has brought us victory--- his mighty power in battle!" (CEV)

It will be the Lord who brings victory to His people and not their own efforts although much work and effort might be required but He will ultimately fulfill His word and promises His people.

 2011 will be characterized by many breakthroughs in the Kingdom. Many testimonies will be heard of God saving, helping, healing and delivering His people.

A New Sound Arising

Another key scripture from this Psalm for 2011 is;

Psalm 118:15:” Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: “The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!” TNIV

I believe that much joy will be released in the lives of believers not only as their breakthroughs manifest but also as we will start to experience a greater manifestation of the Kingdom of God. This joy released by the Holy Spirit will become a major source of strength in the Church and give many believers the perseverance needed to overcome difficult circumstances through faith. It will be followed by great peace and righteousness as the kingdom’s manifestation will increase and we will see the Church fulfill her call in even greater capacity than before to disciple the nations.

Rom. 14:17:” For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,” TNIV

There will be a wonderful sound emerging in worship as a flow of songs of victory and breakthrough will be sung in worship services. The songs of yearning for the Bridegroom will still remain but new song of His victories and greatness will emerge with shouts of joy! These songs will stir the hearts of the lost to turn to Jesus the Author of our Salvation.

In this time much darkness will come also to the world, as the financial securities of many will be shaken the Church will become a beam of light to those in darkness and difficult times. Much greater fear will characterize the nations as the Muslim threats will be increasing, terrorism or the fear of it will bind many as satan’s purpose is to steal the joy God intended for man and His people.

The Body Will Arise


During the last couple of years we have seen a major increase in persecution against Christians on a global scale. This will increase during the next year and there will be serious pockets where some of our brothers and sisters will lose their lives for the sake of the Kingdom. As the Church it is our call to intercede for these men and women whose lives are at risk because of their faith.


That said, in my time of prayer, praying for 2011 the Holy Spirit said that 2011 will be the year of the Body (Church) of Jesus Christ to position itself in society as the vehicle that God uses to manifest His Kingdom. There will be a clear division between the Church that is following Jesus and those who follow traditions, for the latter 2011 will be trying year as the Lord calls His body to Himself and free it from the bondage of traditionalism.

For the living Church it will be a time to prosper.  In the past the secular world has largely disregarded the church but there will be a major return to the church for guidance and wisdom in the times we live in even from Governmental and National leaders. There will be much acknowledgement for the True Church of Jesus in this year!  Specific Scriptures the Holy Spirit gave for the Church at this time are;


Isa. 62:10-12:” Go through, go through the gates; prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway; clear it of stones; lift up a signal over the peoples.  Behold, the LORD has proclaimed to the end of the earth: Say to the daughter of Zion, "Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him.  And they shall be called The Holy People, The Redeemed of the LORD; and you shall be called Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken.” ESV


Eph. 3:10:” so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.” ESV


It’s now time for the Church to prepare for the people that the Lord is sending, many will start to come to the living Church and for them the way needs to be prepared.  It’s the year of Godly Reward.


 Psalm 118:26-27:”

26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.
   From the house of the LORD we bless you

27 The LORD is God,
   and he has made his light shine on us.
With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
to the horns of the altar. ‘TNIV

The world will be blessed by the Church in 2011, and those truly coming in the name of the Lord will be received with much honor. We will see and hear of many miraculous manifestations of the Kingdom happening- where people will come under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ and His dominion manifests in their midst.


Harvest will Continue and escalate


We will be experiencing many diverse people come to Christ and the continuation of the Harvest we have seen in the last couple of years. It will accelerate in this year as many more will come to Christ and desire to follow Him.  Much Preparation has taken place and will have to take place to effectively minister and accommodate these people as they will come with diverse needs and need specific help. I believe that part of preparing the way is by building up different ministries ministering from felt needs to the specific age groups.


Financial Shakings


This year we will see and experience a continuation of great shakings in the Global financial world, as all who trust in money and wealth will be disappointed. But those who trust in the Lord will see His greatness and supernatural provision. The Holy Spirit said that we will see nations shake and their currencies come under severe pressure, much talk of change of currencies will be heard because of the financial shakings.  The strategy of satan is to make us fear, fear of lack, failure and disappointment. There will be many rumors causing people to we react in fear, be careful not to make decisions in business and finance on these rumors. But if we wait on the Lord for His direction we will prosper in 2011.


 I also do not believe that we will have a major Eskom power crisis although there are rumors of a looming power shortage. I asked the Lord about it and distinctly felt that there will in 2011 not be another series of load-shedding as we saw in 2008.


For Christian Businessmen and women it will be crucially important to hear the Lord’s voice and be directed by His Spirit. In all these shakings God’s hand will be seen upon the men and women who honor Him in their business.


Natural Disasters


Natural disasters will seem to increase globally as the earth “Groans”. Rom 8:22:” For we know that up to the present time all of creation groans with pain, like the pain of childbirth.” GNB

Great floods and earthquakes, storms and droughts will seem to strike the earth, but in all this the Lord’s hand of favor and protection will clearly be seen on His Children. This will become a testimony to the righteous.


For 2010 the warning the Holy Spirit gave was specifically against earthquakes of which there was in 2010 187 individual earthquakes killing a total of approximately 250,000 people and injuring many more.  Secondly the Holy Spirit warned about train or railway accidents of which there were 51 serious railway accidents causing the deaths of 503 people and injuring thousands.

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The Holy Spirit clearly warned against floods for this year, as we already can see happening worldwide. Please pray for the souls of those in danger.

Being Holy Spirit Led


There has never been a more crucial time for the Children of God to really be Spirit led!


Rom. 8:14:”For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” TNIV


 We have taught much about it in the last year and it will be one of the deciding factors for many in 2011. In every sphere of life, business, family, work and especially your walk with God it will be very important to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit! The difference between having a prosperous and Christ filled year and having a devastating year will rely on the decision we make and made. If we are or will be directed by our senses, the media and even people we will make the wrong decisions- we have to be directed by what God and His word says and through leading of the Holy Spirit! 

And so I pray for you all in this year the closing words of Psalm 118 especially verse 27.

Psalm 118:27-29:”

27 The LORD is God,
   and he has made his light shine on us.

With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
to the horns of the altar.

 28 You are my God, and I will praise you;
                    you are my God, and I will exalt you.

 29 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
                   his love endures forever.” TNIV





In The Fellowship Of The Son
Andries van Heerden

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Posted: 01/19/2011 at 6:14pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Prophetic Word for 2011

By Becky Porter

I have been seeking the Lord the last few days about what He has in store for us in 2011, and He has been showing me many different things – I will post each Word separately that He has been giving me.  I want to activate the following Word in your life, so I am going to decree it over you:

I decree and declare that 2011 will be one of your best years yet!  I decree and declare that your deepest heart’s desires are about to unfold, and I decree and declare that there will be an “unfolding”, and also a “folding” of things in your life.  God is going to unfold, unwrap, and unravel those things that need to be revealed and restored.  I see a vision of a white bird being released out of His hands and flying upward - it has now been released - set free to fulfill its destiny.  I also see a vision of a towel that has just been taken out of the dryer – it is clean and freshly scented, and I see it being folded – it has been prepared and is now ready to be used.  On the flip side, God is going to very carefully and neatly fold those things that need to be completed, finished, fashioned, sealed, and put to rest.  I see a vision of Jesus folding the burial cloth that He left in the grave.

I see a vision of a caterpillar that is coming out of its cocoon - it has been transformed into a beautiful butterfly and it is now able to soar and do that which it was created to do – no longer will the caterpillar have to move slowly and awkwardly in a very encumbered way, no that butterfly is going to soar in the heavenlies in a new way, a fresh way, a way that has been dreamed about and desired for a very long time!

I feel that God is saying that He has had you in a place of deep sleep while He has been doing a deep work in you, and as I write this, I am reminded of when a person is under anesthesia and in a place of deep “sleep” while the surgeon is doing the necessary work.  God has had you hidden away while He has been doing a very deep work on the inside of you – it has been a time of preparation for things to come – just as Esther went through beauty preparations for the king, but your time for coming out of the cocoon is close at hand!  I see this “coming out” as a door that is being opened to you.  Again, I am reminded of how Jesus came forth out of the grave in resurrection life and power!  You are going to walk in a place of new authority and new freedom.  I see that He is giving you a mantle of authority and I hear Him saying, “Wear it well.”  I sense that He is also saying that with this mantle comes new responsibility, but He trusts you and knows you are ready and able to handle it – the mantle will fit you well – it will not be a heavy burden, but it will fit you perfectly because He created it just for you.  I hear Him saying “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”  Isaiah 60:1

I hear Him saying that you have been faithful with little, and therefore He is going to give you much – great is your reward.

Matthew 25:23 (New Living Translation)

The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’


He wants to have a “coming out party” for you – it is a time of celebration, merriment and rejoicing! The "grave" – the "cocoon" can no longer hold you.  I am reminded of two prophetic songs He gave me many years ago – here is the first one:


I’m no longer bound, in Christ I’ve been found.

I’m no longer bound, in Christ, I’ve been found


Here is the second one:


You’ve touched the hem of My garment

And I will deliver you. 

You’ve touched the hem of My garment

And I will see you through. 

Though the road be rough

And the path be steep,

Do not worry and do not weep,

For I will see you through. 


I know the road has been very long and at times very dark - I see a vision of dark and stormy skies, but I also see a very bright ray of sunshine blazing through those dark clouds and shining directly on YOU!  It is a very bright light that is full of hope and promise.  It is a new day.  I am reminded of a prophetic song He gave me in 2008:


Something new has begun.  Something new in your life…

Can you feel it, can you feel it?

The bright morning sun dawns on a new day…

Can you see it, can you see it?

All of those things that you’ve been crying out for…

Can you hear them, can you hear them?

For they are knocking at your door.

It’s a brand new day… can you sense it? 

Do you “know” it?

Does your faith, with action, show it?

Many blessings are headed your way…

Just know it, believe it, and receive it.


I can hardly wait to see all the many wonderful things that God is going to do in all of your lives this year!


Becky Porter

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Posted: 01/22/2011 at 2:27pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

"No Paddles or Jell in 2012 "


Traci Carson:

You’re thinking, “Hello? – its 2011 Traci; where are you?!”  Yes it is 2011, and I want to talk with you about this paramount year as preparation for 2012. 

There are greater dimensions for those who are grasping the Tree of Life. Those who are pressing into Christ and beyond their present understanding (tree of knowledge) will move dimensionally beyond and into a deeper, greater, spiritual capacity that will quite honestly shake the religious devils to the point where we will have to be resolved in who we really are in Christ. There is so much here that I will be touching on in the near future, yet I sense a need to start with the prophetic word the Lord spoke to me 10 years ago.  

The sound of the trumpet is a type of God's prophetic voice proclaiming the Word of the Lord.  In 1 Cor.14:8, Paul said, "For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?"  

 We must have a spiritual ear to hear and understand the sound of the trumpet.  Ask the Lord to open your spiritual receptivity, and then be willing to have your understanding and knowledge expanded beyond your realm of comfort (Is.50:4-5). 

 On June 24, 2001 the Lord spoke to me saying, "Like the wind, My Spirit shall blow over you, like the wind of trumpets."  This word is for the Corporate Body of Christ.  The last ten years have been that of testing, trial and setting in order. The meaning of this Word given is the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing upon the members of Christ’s Body in resurrection power, and the Prophets must speak forth. 

We will see in 2012 governmental order arising on the scene within the Corporate Body like we have never seen or heard in Church history.  These men and women have removed their head, allowing Christ to rest His head upon their shoulders (Is.9;6; Lk.9:58; Eph.4:15). He is the Head, and no other; He is the covering for His Body of believers, and whoa to those who attempt to touch and straighten the Ark of His covenant. The brain in the physical body typifies the Throne of God or the Ark which controls and dictates to the body. Please, this does not mean we throw out our brain – Father has blessed us with a brain thank God; although we must align our thoughts and intent of our heart with our Lord. Daniel (Dan. 7:9-10), Ezekiel (Ezk.1st & 10th chapter), and Apostle John (Rev. 4th chapter) describe His heavenly throne in their visions.

Prophet Ezekiel saw something profound and life changing if one will allow their spiritual receptivity to be opened and grasp it.  In the first chapter of his writing we read about the cherubs and clearly see they have spiritual bodies. They go wherever the spirit wants to go. Where the spirit went, they went because the spirit went there.

You and I are spirit beings with a soul, and we live in a physical body which is the Temple of God (1 Cor.3:16; 6:19; 2 Cor.6:16; Heb.9:11). A spiritual body is directly motivated by the spirit, not the soul. We have been given a soul (mind, will and emotions) which is the mediator in making a choice whether to go with the flesh or the spirit. The natural man will not receive this, but the spiritual man will grab hold of it because they have, are, and will continue to exercise their spiritual senses (1 Cor.2:14,15). The soulish person cannot be in one accord with the Spirit of God because they constantly must have ample reasoning to every happening. He is unable to receive the things of the Spirit because he cannot understand them (Mark 4:13-20).

 What I am about to share with you is the Lord's vision toward His Church.  This vision came through John Kelly in 1996, a founding apostle of the International Coalition of Apostles and the founder of Antioch Churches and Ministries, an apostolic network.  The vision here is copied from his book “End Time Warriors” forwarded by Chuck D. Peirce.  Gary and I read his book in 2000, recommended it; however it was not well received by some because the Church seemed to be doing just fine according to all the fluff and stuff, parties and flairs here and there throughout the land. Then September 11, 2001 happened and suddenly people were awakened and alarmed, clamoring and calling out for all the instruction and direction they could find. Refreshing broke out here and there which gave encouragement and hope to the longing and desperate soul.

“Repent therefore and be converted (Change your mind and purpose; turn around and return to God), that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19).”

 “I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers, hearing of your love and faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints, that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother (Phm. 4-7).”  

How thankful we are for brethren who call the gatherings wherein refreshing and hope is once again stirred within the saints. However, with this stirring it would be a tremendous blessing to see folks mature beyond the “Outer Court

 There is a Corporate resurrection coming where no longer is there need for paddles and jell to jumpstart what has become flat-lined off and on over the decades. The Body will once and for all be resurrected by the very breath and life of Christ through those who allowed themselves to be infiltrated by His Spirit!

 The vision given to John Kelly is a confirmation to my husband and I.  Our God is faithful and will always back up a vision that He has given.  Just about the time you think you’re the only one on earth that believes a certain way, He will back it up with others who have been given a similar vision (2 Cor.13:1).   

 There are a people who have allowed the Lord to prepare them - they are coming to understand what He is doing within this hour.  He is preparing an army of people to arise in the image and likeness of Himself.  These people have, are and continue to pay a price and are passionately driven to do whatever it takes to see the ultimate intention of God released in the earth as it is in heaven. 

 The content of the vision given to John Kelly is relevant and worthy to be apprehended.  What God showed him is a victorious group of warriors.  What follows in this message is a mosaic of three dreams and three visions that he received over a three-month period. God gave him these dreams and visions in multiples of three, which he believes is significant, because God often does the important things in multiples of three:  For example the Trinity of God – Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and the trinity of man – spirit, soul body which is to be manifested in the present day Temple of God not made with hands - the outer court (body), the Holy place (soul), and the Holy of Holies (spirit).  

 When John Kelly had the last dream, he was given the revelation and clear understanding of what God was trying to tell him.  God was revealing to him the present condition of the Church.  The Lord was giving to him an end-time warfare strategy for His body.  This message is revealing His battle plan - a war we can and will win in Jesus name!

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The Vision ~ by  Apostle John Kelly

 As the vision began, I was walking in a field where the grass was not very high.  There I saw lush green hills and felt a refreshing cooling breeze touching my face.  Then I felt the Lord lift me up.  As I was being lifted into the air, I looked over to my right where I could see a field glistening with gold.  A figure appeared before me.  I couldn't quite make him out, but it gradually became clear to me that it was the Lord, dressed in the fashion of a mighty warrior.  The Warrior spoke to me and said,"That is the field ripe for harvest, and what is glistening gold in your eyes are souls."  Then the Warrior said,"Now I will take you to that field ripe for harvest." But when He took me to the field, there was nothing there.  I could see only fire and smoke in the clouds hovering over the field

 I asked, "What is going on here?"

The Warrior said to me,"Underneath the clouds where the battle is raging, there is the field ripe for harvest."  He paused, then said, Things are happening here in the air."  

I looked to my left, beyond an open field to a series of valleys.  In the first valley there gathered a huge fighting force of warriors with all kinds of armament and in all kinds of battle gear ranging from ancient to modern.  The Lord took me closer, and I could see that the warriors were, in fact, small, hideous demons wearing uniforms.

 Then He said,"This is the battle line."

 Then the Lord took me over the hill and into the next valley, where I saw battalions so numerous I couldn't count them.  The Lord said,"Each of these battalions represents men and women in My ministry." Each battalion had a banner, and that banner was their identification.  It was who they were; it was the banner they fought under.  There was the discipleship banner, the faith banner, the deliverance banner, the holiness banner, the Calvinist banner, the charismatic banner, the shepherding banner, the Pentecostal banner and so forth.  The battalions were groups and denominations in existence in the evangelical Church today.  Off in the distance, I could see a very small battalion, but I could not see it clearly.

The Warrior said, "Do you want to have some fun?" 

"Yes," I said, perhaps a bit tentatively.

"Watch this." 

The Warrior blew His trumpet, and all the Lord's troops rose from their camps and marched into the field.  They swarmed over the hill, heading toward the enemy camp, but before they reached the battle line, they all stopped.  Each battalion then formed a circle and began to walk in precision.  One of the battalions was very precise.  Another was holding hands and dancing.  Another danced in various ways, turning and twisting to music only they could hear. another just stood in their circles, but all the battalions were in this formation.

The little group that was over by themselves didn't even respond to the sound of the trumpet.  It was as if they never heard it.  I assumed that these men had no ears to discern what the trumpet was saying.

Meanwhile the enemy soldiers had come out of their camp and were waiting for God's Army to engage them in battle.  When the Army of God formed their circles, showing no signs of engaging the enemy, the little enemy warriors went to the battalions of the Army of God and began to pelt them with small daggers, arrows, sticks and stones.  The demons cursed and laughed at them, mocking the Lord's Army.  Three enemy platoons surrounded the circles that the Army of God had formed.  From the midst of the fray, I could hear the soldiers of God screaming,  "We're at war!  We're at war! This is war!  We are the Army of God!" At first it was thrilling to see the Army of God on the battlefield with their corporate anointing.  Then the Warrior brought me close and I could see the enemy mocking them.  Then the Army of God turned around and went back to the valley they had come from.


I apologize if this part of the vision offends some readers, because this is not my intention.  This vision is merely a word picture of what is going on in the Church today and it is central to what God has shown me.  This vision can be compared to Genesis 38:8-10.  The truths in this segment are applicable to both men and woman though the content is set in a male orientation.

What I saw next horrified me.  I said,"No, this vision is not of God.  I rebuke it in the name of Jesus!" The vision then stopped.  Then on another night, I had the same dream.  I was in the same place as in the first dream and I saw the same vile happenings. Again I said,"I rebuke this in the name of Jesus.  This dream is not of God." This happened three different times when finally the Lord said to me,"If you rebuke Me, the Lord your God one more time, I will rebuke you!  You will speak this vision!" I was appalled at what I saw then!  The men from the battalions had formed circles, and they were spilling their seed on the ground.  I said,"God, what is this foul, lustful, sexual thing I am seeing?" God said,"Its none of that.  Get your mind out of that place; that's not what I am talking about.  What you see are men and women in ministry wasting the seed of My anointing by not producing spiritual sons and daughters.  Yes, they preach, prophesy and exercise spiritual gifts over My people, but they are not building into My people.  They are wasteful!  Doesn't the Word speak of My incorruptible seed and the corruptible seed?  What I am showing you is that My incorruptible seed can be corrupted by the wasteful use and dissipation of My anointing."  As I looked again, the people in the circles were cheering about how far certain individuals could cast their seed.

Now the Lord blew His trumpet and the Army of God got up and went back to their encampment.  Then the Lord said to me, "Now, listen."   The soldiers were exclaiming to one another,"Man, we were attacked!  We've been persecuted!  What opposition!  What warfare!  We were tearing down strongholds.  Now we can go have a breakthrough conference.  Everyone will be changed from now on." And they began organizing breakthrough meetings and celebrating a victory such as had never before happened.  The people thought they had been on the battlefield, but they never had been.  The Warrior said to me, "They are mocked because of the vanity of their flesh and they interpret that as persecution." I fell to my knees, saying, God, I repent!  I repent!"

Speaking of the men spilling their seed, the Lord said to me, "My son, they know not what they do. Take your criticism and put it at the foot of the Cross, and you weep for these men.  Cry for these men; have compassion for these men; have mercy for these men." The Lord continued,This is a warning against mixing with nonvirile, nonproducing breeds; it is a warning against mixing incorruptible seed with corruptible seed.  This is a warning for all the battalions in My kingdom."

  I said to the Lord, "At least those ministers made an effort.  When the trumpet blew, they went over the hill."  The Warrior rebuked me, saying,Are you thinking of the small group in the distance?  Would you like to see what they were doing?" 

"Certainly," I said, because I would like to preach against that kind of behavior." So the Lord took me to where the small group was waiting.  Then He said to me, "Watch!" He blew the trumpet and the small group never moved.  Suddenly they turned and went backward.  I said, "I can't believe it; they are retreating on the day of battle!" In fact, the group had set about building houses.  At least the other group had made an effort to go to war; this group was content to construct houses. The Warrior said to me,"Watch this!"He blew the trumpet and out of the houses came young warriors.  Again He blew the trumpet and the young warriors turned around and built houses themselves.  Again He blew the trumpet and out of the new houses came younger warriors.  He blew the trumpet again and the younger warriors built houses.  He blew the trumpet again and out of the houses came even younger warriors.  Then He said,"Come back with Me as I blow the trumpet again." Frustrated, I said, "Wait a minute Warrior, what's wrong with these ministers?  When the trumpet blows they turn around and build houses."

"They are properly discerning the sound of the trumpet," the warrior explained. "For they are building My habitation. They are building My house. Shall we go back there again since you did not properly discern this yourself?"He asked.

"Yes," I said, chagrined.

The Warrior took me back to see the small group again, and I was amazed at what I saw!  The young warriors were larger, more muscular and more fierce looking than the older warriors.  In fact, each generation of warriors was more muscular and fierce than the generation before them.  I was about to ask how the warriors got so strong, but the Lord knew the question I was about to ask.  He said,"Because each one works out harder in the house where he trains."  The Lord then said to me, "Are you ready to see the corporate anointing on the day of battle?" The trumpet sounded a long, loud call.  All the troops moved out of their camps and went to the top of the hill.  There they stopped.  The Lord said,"Look at them!" I could see that each group carried a different banner and wore a different-colored uniform from other groups.  The Army of God was once again preparing to attack the enemy.  The Lord said, "This group is going to attack them through faith.  This group is going to attack them through discipline.  This group is going to attack them through deliverance.  This group will attack through personal ministry.  That is the prophetic battalion.  That is the evangelist." The Lord said, "Let us go and inspect that small group." I went with Him to see the small group.  They were not in a group like the other battalions I had seen, but were arrayed in rows.  Nor did they all wear the same uniform.  In the first row there were men in the discipleship uniform, the holiness uniform, Pentecostal uniform, charismatic uniform, faith uniform - every kind of uniform that you could imagine.

 I said,"They look like a ragtag militia."

The Lord said,"These are My special troopers.  They were seen as misfits when they were in the larger battalions.  Their vision went beyond what My Church accepts as normal.  They were misfits because they had something stirring within them;  they could not tolerate standing around in circles spilling their seed.  Look at the uniforms of the troops behind them."  When I looked beyond the first row, I could see that the remainder of the troops wore uniforms of many colors, much like the mental image I have always had of Joseph's coat of many colors.  The collars of their uniforms were made up of every color.  The soldiers represented every race, every group, every theological persuasion.

I asked,"Why have they stopped here?"

The Lord said,"Because they are surveying the battlefield."

From where the armies of hell were gathered for battle, I could hear the fierce screaming of demons.  From among the Army of God, a large battalion named Faith began approaching the armies of hell, but they turned back because they had no faith.  They kept believing that the battlefield would change, but it did not.  The armies of hell remained fierce and intimidating.  The Army of God launched an assault on the enemy camp while Faith trailed behind.  The small group had yet to move.  A great slaughter was taking place on the battlefield;  the Army of God was being defeated by the enemy.  Then I saw the small group begin to form a wedge.

"What are they doing?" I asked.

The Lord said,"This is the wisdom that was given to Moses.  Some have said it is an elitist principle, some call it hierarchy, but to form a wedge is a tactic of warfare.  The captains over thousands are going first, not last." The captains were at the front of the wedge, and I could see that every generation behind formed a new wedge.  (There were actually four wedges in all.)  The battle raged with new intensity as the wedge entered the enemy camp.  The second wedge was even more aggressive than the first.  They were literally pushing the older warriors through the battlefield.  The older warriors were strong enough to do the fighting, but the force of the ministers behind them was such that the first wedge was powerfully driven through the heart of the enemy's camp.  Finally they broke through and surrounded the entire enemies army. 

The Army of God began to slaughter them;  blood was running in the field.  Then, suddenly, God's warriors, both old and young, began running to the field I had seen at the beginning of the vision, the field where there was smoke and fire.  Suddenly the sky was filled with objects flying overhead.  These things were coming from the houses that I had seen being built.  I realized that these flying objects were in fact the prayers of the saints, who were doing spiritual warfare and tearing down powers and principalities. 

Down on the field where there was fire and smoke, warriors who were evangelists went into the field.  There they began reaching under the fire and smoke and pulling out golden souls.  As they were doing this, baskets of golden souls began to form in the midst of the battlefield.  A line of these baskets formed, leading all the way back to the houses which had been built.  Some men came running out from the midst of the battle.  At first I thought they were cowards, but the Lord said, "Those are My platoon of pastors going back to gather the harvest into My house and raise up generation after generation until I come."  Then I saw apostles and prophets in the harvest field, on the battlefield and back at the houses.  The prophets were prophesying and the parts of the Body began coming together in power.  The apostles were giving strategies and tactics.  I could see a mighty fighting force being formed and taking shape under guidance of the apostles.  A harvest was taking place and, simultaneously, the harvest was being formed into a fighting force.

Then everything stopped.  Nothing else came to me in vision or dream.  Then the Lord said to me,"I will not show you the rest, because that is for no man to know.  There are men in My ministry who want a guarantee of the end time.  They want to know beforehand what is going to happen.  Tell them it is a battle, but there is a corporate anointing for the battle." The Lord showed me that the other group was also anointed - the group which had been so easily defeated by the enemy. "Theirs was an individual anointing;  it was every man for himself on the battlefield.  Because these lacked the corporate anointing, when one warrior was attacked, there were no other warriors there to help them fend off the enemy.  They were not fighting back-to-back!  However, when one has the corporate anointing and the enemy attacks, it is like they are attacking all of My Army.  Victory will not come through the ferocity of a single warrior, but through the ferocity of the brothers and sisters who join him in battle."

End of vision. 

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 The enemy has attempted to come in like a flood; nevertheless – the Spirit of the Lord has lifted a standard against him (Is.59:19)

“…when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him (Is.59:19).”

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity (Ps.133:1)!"

The Lord is blessed by us when we "dwell" in real covenantal commitment.  We are to dwell together as a unit, joined and compounded together as we make up Christ - the Anointed One- the fullness of His Body. We are to strive at keeping "the unity of the Spirit" until we come into "the unity of the faith." (Eph. 4:3,13)

Corporate unity baptized in the Love of Christ is the strongest force alive today.  Our Lord Jesus knew this and prayed; "that they all be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also maybe one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which you gave Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me." (John 17:21-23)

The word for "perfect" found here in our Lord's prayer is teleioo and means "to complete; to accomplish, or to consummate (in character)."  It also means "to bring to an end, fulfill." It comes from the Greek word teleios, which is translated as "of full age, man, mature, perfect" in the King James Version.  So we are expected to grow up (Col. 1:28; 3:9; 2 Tim. 3:17) – praise God!

The Lord’s Body is one of all races, nations, classes, genders and age who have received Him as Savior, Lord and King (Gal.3:28).  He finished the work that He was sent to do, and it rent the veil that separated man from God and broke down the division between us. However, what the Lord tore down, over the decades has managed to reconstruct.  Greed for "self" created such traditions that have attempted to almost totally eliminate the power and life of His Word. Nevertheless the standard He has been raising up (setting them apart from traditions of man) has steadfastly set their forehead like flint towards His ways and purposes. This remnant of people who are called forerunners are overcoming what seemingly has attempted to come in like a flood.

"And the glory which You gave Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one." John 17:22

To be a "joint supply" means we must be joined (accompany, adjoin, affiliate, attached, bound, connected, entered into, linked, married, tied, unified).  A joint must be joined.  The hand, arm, foot, etc. cannot survive without the body – although the body can survive without the hand or foot, which spiritually speaking it has done for decades; it is challenging to fully accomplish the purpose set before the body.

The corporate anointing is a powerful Love force that shows the lost world the glory of God through a body of believers with every part functioning.  It’s through this action that the glory of God outshines the ugly ego of man.  But, we cannot do this alone - we need each other, and we definitely need the Lord as our Head covering.  He is with us if allowed, and now is the time to be faithful and true in the fulfillment of God's purpose and destiny - Individually as well Corporately.

A Year of Fruition and Positioning

Gary and I received a personal word by an apostle from Tennessee in June of 2007 that said, “… sometimes you feel like, “Oh man, we’re just being battered,” but You’re the one battering, you’re going to be used to break down barriers, to break down walls, to break down barricades, to break down these check points that the enemy has placed all over this land. There is all these check points and God says I am going to use you to destroy the check points of the enemy. To destroy the devices of the enemy and this will not all be done by things that seem like warfare – you’re very life will be, the weapons of our warfare, warfare is the word – Apostolic…”

This prophetic word I believe is also Corporate for those who have laid down their lives, kept their hands on the plow as they sliced through soil that never seemed to break and loosen so the crops could grow (Jer.4:3-4a; Hos.10:12; Lk.9:62).  The ground (the ministry, region and city) where He put them was hard, preventing seed sown from penetrating, germinating, and growing to maturity. Even in the midst of what seemed like little strength, barely able to keep their hands on the plow, their vision straight forward as they cast down the voice that said, “Hath God really said…?  - They knew deep within, they heard their Lord and He would bring them through into rich fulfillment (Ps.66:12).

In part one of this message I addressed 2011 as a year of favor; let me correct and change the word “favor” to “fruition”. What we have sown in the past years will begin to come into fruition this year and position us for 2012, and the years to come. This year especially we need to be careful what we plant because the harvest will reap next year as a “bumper crop” referring to an unusually large harvest of good or bad.  This does not mean that sowing good things will result in no trials or persecution – what it does mean is our God has given us the means to move through them in His grace and power.

As I was studying Ephesians Chapter Four, I came across a personal revelation that I believe is worthy to consider if you will.  In verse eleven we read about how Christ Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. These gifts are being restored and recognized as they unite in Spirit and Truth, and will relate and honor each other as the expressions of Christ to equip and impart into His Body of believers. Those presently within the five-fold that are about glorifying themselves will not realize or fulfill their full calling and will begin to be set aside, and those who have a false mercy gift calling themselves a pastor or shepherd of the flock and working as a under-tow will either be changed by the fear of the Lord, or also not fulfill their calling and be set aside by reason of deception.

The Ark which I mentioned in the first part of this teaching is Christ who is the embodiment of the Ark of the Covenant – all the fullness of the Godhead (Col.2:9). Like the Ark, He has been crowned with glory and honor (Heb.2:9) – He is King and Priest after the order of Melchisedec (Heb.4:15-16; 6:20; 8:1-6). He is the Head, and no other; He is the covering for His Body of believers, and whoa to those who attempt to touch and straighten what He has purposed in this Day.

Uzza was King David’s servant. He was a good man, but it was made clear by God that no man was to touch the Ark.  When the oxen stumbled, Uzza reached out to steady the Ark and was instantly killed for touching it. This may seem harsh, but he was told and warned. Symbolically speaking in this present day, we are about to learn what reverencing the Lord’s Headship is. False pastors will find themselves in a place they do not want as they attempt to reach out and straighten that which God is commanded.

Unity of the Faith

Regarding what I beheld in Ephesians Chapter Four, and I believe like Apostle Paul that I have been given judgment as one whom the Lord in His mercy has made trustworthy (1 Cor.7:25, 40); I’m not saying this is “thus saith the Lord” but I do believe I have the Spirit of the Lord on this.

There is, we believe, a numeric growth that will be happening between 2011 and 2016. The last five years have flown by leaving many of us wondering where time has gone, the next five will be even faster.  The following is only speculation – I’m not putting a time limit or extension in what God is doing. He is God, and He will do what He will do through a people who are willing and yielding to His Spirit.

1.) In 2011 the governmental ministry being positioned and governed as He purposed them (Eph.4:11).

2.) In 2012 an enormous and powerful movement from the saints who have submitted to the Lordship of Christ (verse 12).

3.) In 2013 a unity of faith (this will not be faith in a denomination, it will be faith in Christ), experiential knowledge, maturity, and the express image of Christ (verse 13).

4.) In 2014 the substantial unyielding solid foundation within Christ’s Body, where the people of God are no longer tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine and the trickery of soulish men (verse 14).

5.) In 2015 and 2016 the manifestation of our God’s love in and through a people who release Agape Love. This Love will move through them with such power and grace, those around them will feel Love and experience Love Himself.  Our God does not have love – He is Love. We will see a people die for their enemies with such passionate love that their enemies will turn to Christ (verses 15 and 16).

In this unity of faith we must understand that each one of us sense things from different positions, although if in the Spirit of Christ, it is a correct revelation. If we don’t understand, can we be like the Bereans with the apostle Paul searching out the matter to see if it be true (Acts 17:10-12)?

Perhaps you have heard the tale of a group of blind men who touch an elephant and then describe what they sense. Each one feels a different part, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then compare notes and learn that they are in complete disagreement.

The tale goes like this:

The king asks them to determine what an elephant looks like by feeling different parts of the elephant's body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe. The stories differ in how the elephant's body parts are described. They come to a violent conflict amongst themselves.

The king explains to them, "All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently is because each one of you touched a different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all the features you mentioned."

Sometimes we can be stubbornly blind to the diverse functions and gifts within the Body of Christ. The spiritual indifference is caused by lack of understanding of the giftings and functions within the Corporate Body. Those in Christ are correct in their revelation, gifting and function. Their function may not be familiar to us, but it still remains Christ.

“2011 a Year of Fruition and Positioning for 2012”

Part Three of “No Paddles or Jell in 2012” – By Traci Carson


Part 3


Part one and two of this series has shown where the Corporate Body has come from, the preparation for this present day and the future to come. During the trying times there were many leaders who were misjudged because of their circumstances. In Exodus Chapter six, we see where the children of Israel would not listen to Moses because of the anguish and cruel bondage that was put upon them. They blamed Moses for their hardship, and here it was God the whole time testing their hearts. The only time they truly worshiped God was when He did signs and wonders through Moses. Then they believed in Moses as Gods vessel. But the moment hard times came they looked for other leaders and other gods.


In order to be effective at increasing muscular strength and endurance we need to have the resistance sufficiently large enough that our strength is increased - and so it is in the spiritual. We (Corporately speaking here) have gone through a long intense dry season, a season where we felt we were the only ones hearing God and/or missing God. These times were intended by the Lord to cultivate and strengthen our spiritual senses. We should no longer be looking for signs and goose-bumps to hear or know the Lord is speaking; He has raised up a people who have willed to move, live, and have their being in Him (Acts 17:28; Ps.103:7). Not only does Christ dwell in them, but they dwell in Christ (Jn.15:4).


There is a wave of the Spirit that is coming at us like a tsunami. We have seen in past moves a series of waves demonstrating God’s glory, but have not yet seen the enormously large volume of all those moves plus so much more, things we have not yet seen, come together in one great big mass/tsunami of Glory that is about to manifest upon and through the Lord’s people, we will see the power of the enemy displaced like we have never seen in times past. This move of God will not take place in one place or another place, it will be world wide.

As I mentioned in part one of this teaching series - there is a Corporate resurrection coming where no longer is there need for paddles and jell to jumpstart what has become flat-lined off and on over the decades. The Body will once and for all be resurrected by the very breath and life of Christ through those who allowed themselves to be infiltrated by His Spirit! The walls of denominationalism will begin to crumble through this glorious spiritual tsunami that is motivated by the wonder of God’s unyielding love for not only His people, but the world (Jn.3:15)!


Where the enemy has attempted to come in - like a flood the Spirit of the Lord has lifted a standard against him. The words Gary and I have spoken as well as many other ministers within the Corporate Body is coming to pass. We are hearing and seeing from others and our selves the fruition of years in sowing God’s Word. I want to encourage you that while this is a year of transition and positioning, it is also a year of tremendous testing in what we do with God’s favor.  If we are upright and righteous with the favor given, we will see great and wondrous things manifest in our lives.


You and I have been chosen for such a time as this. The days are growing darker and gross darkness is falling upon the people; they are looking for answers – answers that only you and I have. They will find the answer when they see the son’s of God reveal and shine forth the Glory of the Living Christ (Is.60:1).

The following message by Dorothy Lee could not have bore a stronger witness with my spirit and I would like to share it with you. 

2011 WHAT’S HAPPENING?  by Dorothy Lee, called to be an apostle

His Magnificence Christian Ministries


It used to be that I would read end-of-the-year prophetic words to get an idea of what would be coming in the next year, and then at the end of that year, often feel like “I somehow missed it” because I didn’t see any of the fulfillment of the prophecies in my life - only reading about it and having to have faith for another year.


But this New Year, it has been different.  As I am reading the bountiful volume of Words for 2011, I find the Words to be confirming of something having already begun and not just imparting vision for future fulfillment.  


Amos 9:13  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. 


I believe this is a prophetic picture of what is happening in 2011. Time is much more HERE and NOW - not just in events, but in spiritual maturity, experience and manifestation.  We don’t have to just obey to “get ready” but we are being made more aware that He “has readied” us in a great measure - in particular, the lives of those who have been walking in His Ways and paying the price.  The prophetic words are being experienced and beginning to be manifested now in a more corporate sense.  The sweet wine is coming forth and the hills actually are melting. The more mature five-fold ministers are stepping forward and taking their place to help align and perfect the Body of Christ.  Not only are the five-fold ministers stepping forward, but the Body itself has been brought to a place of greater hunger and greater grace; evidence of how He has been working in us “to will and to do of His good pleasure”.


As stated In Malachi 3:18, we can more clearly “discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not” - because while it is growing darker and darker in the world, there’s a brilliant light beginning to shine forth in the Body of Christ.


Malachi 4:2  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. 


Years ago in Vancouver, my husband and I were given a hotel suite situated right on the bay (with a cruise ship docked directly beneath our window), and because I was so excited about the panoramic, expansive view we had, I decided to get up in the middle of the night and just gaze out at it.  I was staring for hours into the darkness of night, looking at the lights in the city, the stars in the sky, the serenity, the  stillness---but towards the dawn, I observed the stars gradually disappearing, and the “blackness” of the night very slowly and gradually “lightening” -  where I could begin to see details of the city more clearly.  


At some point, the SUN seemed to be coming forth at a more rapid pace, and though the city still had a grayness, the features were getting clearer.  At a later point, it felt like the Sun was racing! - like it would cause its presence to forcefully invade the darkness. I was actually getting nervous from anticipation of this powerfully approaching sunrise ... It was so dramatic. ... and THEN the SUN actually SUDDENLY AROSE above the horizon, and it became SO BRIGHT that EVERYTHING was bathed in light!  I was staring at this whole drama with my mouth literally agape with awe.


It was so startling that the long darkness of the night could be so completely swallowed up by the SUN’s appearance in just a moment seemingly.  As I stared at the city, and all that was before me, I could hardly fathom how there was no more trace of the darkness.  The sun was so intensely bright that it lit up everything!  


Many times over the years I have recalled this memorable night because I believe the Lord allowed it so that I would understand, when the time came, just how SUDDENLY things would change when the Sun of Righteousness began to arise.  And just as on that morning that I was gasping with amazement, so I have that sense today.  It’s COMING, it’s HAPPENING, get READY! -  There’s going to be a rapid change, a rapid growth, a rapid breakthrough and we will clearly “see” God coming forth in a new and powerful way at the dawning of this New Day.


On our earth we know that “dawn” occurs at different times around the globe, depending on our time zone, and so it is in the spiritual.  Forerunners are arising first, even when it still feels “dark” to others, but the SUN will keep ‘rising”, and no one, and nothing, will be able to ignore the brilliancy of that light.  Those who hate light will be scurrying to hide, but many will come forth with rejoicing and with new found liberty.


Psalm 126:6 (KJVS) He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. 


Psalm 36:8 (KJVS) They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.


Isaiah 30:26 (KJVS) Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. 


In looking up this verse that expresses how the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, I had forgotten the part about the moon being so bright.  Last summer, as I was awakened around 5 a.m., I was so startled by a perfectly-framed view of a brilliant FULL moon from my window.  It was positioned at the point where I frequently saw the sun setting, and for a moment I was confused thinking I was looking at the sun because the moon was so brilliant, and wondering how the sun could be in the west when it was supposed to be dawning.  But I believe this full moon is a picture of what the church is becoming.


In my own life and in others around me I see it’s happening, the Sun of Righteousness is arising, and it is bringing the promised healing in His wings. We are coming into the fullness of Him and people will see our light. 


Isaiah 60:1-3 (KJVS)  Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. 




Beloved, fill your hearts with expectation! Rise up and let your light shine forth - rejoice for the earth has eagerly waited for the revealing of the sons of God, and it has begun (Rom.8:19)!

 - Traci Carson

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Edited by Moderator on 01/26/2011 at 6:37pm
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Posted: 01/22/2011 at 5:52pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

It's a Great Year for Breakthrough, Clarity and Promise
Cindy McGill
Cindy McGill

Exciting Stuff Ahead!

The face of the Church is changing. The way we have been doing things is most likely going to change. God is defining His Church to fit His heart and His purpose. We will be totally blessed and surprised when His purpose is our purpose. God is giving us ways to communicate Him to those who need to know His love. Simply, Acts 10:38: " God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him."

Hidden Things Coming to Light

God is blowing all the smoke screens away. Things will be seen as they really are and we will be able to make decisions with accuracy. The acceleration we are experiencing now in the Spirit will only increase. Signs, wonders and miracles are becoming common now as God is advancing His Kingdom.

Listen to the Kids

God is speaking through the children. Dreams, visions and clear voices from the kids are helping direct us in these days. Their vision is not obstructed with over-analyzing thoughts, and they are telling what they see. This will certainly confound the wise, but the purity of what they communicate will be proven to be of great value.

Depression and Despair Will Turn into Joy and Celebration

The very things we have been agonizing over will soon turn around this year. God is with us in trouble to deliver us from it. Hope that has been deferred, making our hearts sick, will be turned into the "tree of life" this year and bring life and joy back to us again. The seasonal difficult times are changing. God is restoring us again to hope and promise. The prolonged pressure has only brought about purification and will begin to show up in the coming days. Preparation through the process makes a landing strip for the promise.

Acting in Faith is HUGE This Year

Faith works by LOVE, and is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. When we activate and operate in faith, mountains move. We pray in faith, believing, and a very pleased God answers with above-and-beyond results. We will find that we have not because we ask not. God is downloading faith-filled prayers for those who will completely sell out to Him and walk in faith and love. These are prayers that will change the course of nations and lives of people everywhere.

Worship is a Lifestyle, Not a Song

Living our lives in obedience to God is worship to Him. Remaining teachable, flexible and humble will offer us a great reward. A "worship" focused lifestyle is a catalyst for power and revelation. God is searching for people through whom He can show Himself strong. The sky is not the limit, Heaven is. Pure hearts see God. Lots of surprises for us this year if we will follow Jesus and let Him take us where He wants to use us.

Creativity Explosion

The Creator is giving creative ideas to His creation. Art, movies, plays, music, comedy and all kinds of new ideas are being downloaded to His kids. Entrance tickets are being given to us as we invade all walks of life and arenas we have hesitated to go into. He is giving us blueprints and strategies as we consider the field we are being sent to. Get ready for new God-focused shows to appear on TV, cable and the Internet. God is causing the world to hunger for the new expressions He is releasing. Networks are searching for such programming, and people will be tuning in to get messages that will transform their lives and give them hope and life.

Financial Increase for Kingdom Projects

God is opening the "bank vault" of Heaven and pouring out financial provision on those who are faithful with it. God will give us money when we don't love it. Deuteronomy 8 is a "now" word for prosperity. These finances are necessary to get out of debt and to finance projects and events for Kingdom advancement. But there is a condition with this outpouring of wealth: TO BE FAITHFUL WITH IT. To whom much is given, much is required. When we freely receive, we must freely give. If greed or the love of money becomes our focus, we will most likely see it evaporate like a mist.

"2011": It's a great year for breakthrough, clarity and promise.


Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest


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Posted: 01/24/2011 at 10:53am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Seven Components of a Great Life this Year and Some Celebrities will Prophesy
Brian Simmons
Brian and Candice Simmons

One of the things that we keep hearing for 2011 is AWAKENING is COMING! God is prophetically speaking to His people telling them to arise, awake, and accept the light of a new day! Day Breakers are coming who will pull up the dawn, bringing the light of the "Day of the Lord" to the earth. It will make the wicked tremble and the truth-seekers humble. God will begin something powerful this year that will open doors of evangelism with signs and wonders.

I recently had a dream-encounter where I saw stadiums filled with prophets speaking with such power and confirmation that fireworks actually exploded in the meetings! It was like Fourth of July and New Year's Eve times 10!

A New Wave of Prophets

Here's the amazing part of what I saw...

The prophets were not the prophets that are accepted now in certain streams, known for startling accuracy with their declarations. Instead, the prophets were television stars and movie stars that had come to Christ and were actually prophesying with such power the stadium was shaking! Get ready for a new wave of prophets to arise from the most unlikely and perhaps controversial places.

There were many well-known men and women that would normally have no problem gathering a crowd, and that's exactly what they did! Stadium meetings for the purpose of prophesying to a troubled land are soon to break out in North America led by "stars" who became prophets almost overnight! (Don't forget, God calls His pastor/prophet leaders of last day churches "stars" which are held in His hand in Revelation 1:20).

There is a great joy coming even as there is great distress in the nations. Should the Church buckle under news of murders, mayhem, revolutions and riots? Or should we not, above all others, demonstrate a calm, a peace, even a JOY that the world has never tasted?

Let me say in a way everyone can understand:

God wants 2011 to be the best year you've ever had!!

How could it be with economic distress, waywardness among many, depression and discouragement rampant – how could it be that God is calling us to make 2011 the best year of our lives? Do we really possess the keys to make this year better than the years before? Does the Church, do YOU, have the right to claim and confess that this year will be the BEST YEAR of your life?

I think so, and here's how:

Seven Components of a Great Life for 2011!
(A prophetic word for what's coming!)

Here's my message for 2011! Be encouraged and don't spend one day in disappointment!

1. A Sense of Family

God is going to release this year a new focus on the family. It will be comprised of a love for one another that is tangible! May our love for each other be deeper, more true, more compassionate than we've ever experienced before! God wants you to mend the offenses that still live in members of your family. Ask the Lord which family member God wants you to reconcile with or improve your relationship with. If you will do EVERYTHING in your power to build a bridge with an offended family member (mother, father, brother, sister, etc), this could be the BEST year you've ever had!

2. A Passion for God

Let's all be willing to make a crazy sacrifice for Jesus this year! I do believe we will all end the year in a different place than when we began this year. Get ready to lay it all down for Jesus! He's worth it! The level of love for Jesus that you've tasted so far will dim and pale in light of the passion and extreme measures of sacrifice you will make for Him this year. Pressure will not destroy you, passion will deliver you! If you will do EVERYTHING in your power to give your life over to this King you love, 2011 will be the BEST year you've ever had.

3. An Obvious Grace for Outreach

How could we not care about the lost around us? More depression is coming to this world, but more joy will touch your life. Be ready to be a witness of Jesus' joy to the unhappy and disappointed people around you! More than ever, we need to tell people about Jesus. I know of ministries that are moving powerfully in evangelism and seeing hundreds, even thousands, coming to Christ right here in North America. You will no longer need to go to other nations to see multitudes coming to faith in Christ; the days of awakening are ready to dawn here in North America! If you will ask God for GRACE to reach others this year, it could be the BEST year you've ever had!

4. Empowerment of Others to Fulfill Their Ministry

Non-controlling, equipping, releasing, affirming, fathers/mothers will arise in 2011. Will you be one of them? Now is the time to stop telling people in the Church what they can't do and begin to teach the saints what they can do! The works of Jesus are waiting for a faith-filled people to step out in ministry and do it! I love the legacy of John Wimber who taught our generation that we can "do the stuff." So why would we put so many barriers and restrictions and probations before God's people when He calls us to "do the stuff"? People who really know the power of God are now called to empower the people to know it, too! If you will give yourself like crazy to take off shackles from God's people and empower them to fulfill their ministry, 2011 will be the BEST year you've ever had!

5. A Servant's Heart Modeled by Leaders on All Levels

God will challenge us this year to be a leader of others that loves and leads with mercy. We must become servants in 2011! God is longing for us to model His way of leadership – sacrifice, love, forgiveness, and tons of inspiration for others! To be a leader in this coming move of God means you will learn to "die to self" and lay down the competitive, I can-do-it-better-than-anyone-else mentality. Time to humble your heart, my friend, and God will lift you up. That may not make a headline, but humility will make God's head to turn in your direction. If you give your heart to the Body of Christ in humble servanthood throughout this year, you will look back and say – 2011 was the BEST year I've ever had!

6. Unity

Expect to see more unity among leaders and churches than you've ever seen in your lifetime! Difficulties will bring us together and love will keep us together in the perfect bonds of unity! Will you connect this year? I really believe the pressure is on. Each month of this year will contain problems and difficulties, especially in America, that we've never experienced before. These pressures will drive us together. Unity will unlock mysteries and revelation of secrets that God has for every city and every region. I prophesy that spiritual "Velcro" is about to be placed over your heart, making you connectable with others. If you will purpose to walk in unity with others in your church, your city, your movement – this will be the BEST year you've had!

7. A Positive Expression of Inspiration (Praise and Thanksgiving)

Unbelievable joy in the midst of problems is waiting for you this year. Every difficulty will have a hidden door to move into greater joy! Get ready to be a bucket of inspiration for many to drink from this year. Your praise will go to new levels as a greater gratitude grips your soul with God's goodness! Start now! A NEW YEAR will contain NEW opportunities for the JOY of the Lord to win the battle before us. Let worship and wild praises release our spirits to the awakening of the ages! Glory is coming this year!

Day Breakers are rising who will break open the darkness of regions, bringing a joy of harvest.

Are you ready, my friend?

Love to you always,

Brian Simmons

Brian Simmons
Apostolic Resource Center (ARC) & Stairway Ministries

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Posted: 02/11/2011 at 8:07am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

An 'Appointed Time' for the Body of Christ: A Word to the Global Church 2011
14 Dec 2010

David Orton

You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times (kairos).  Mt 16:3

You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come. Ps 102:13

Not all moments of history are equal. Some are hinges on which a quantum increase of the kingdom swings. We are currently in one of these.

If we fail to discern accurately what God is doing in this moment much will be lost to this generation. It is imperative for us to understand the times, like the sons of Isaachar, that we might know what to do (1 Chr 12:32).

The New Testament has two Greek words for 'time'.

Chronos refers to the general flow of time, from which we derive our English words chronology and chronometer (the instrument by which we measure time - i.e. a clock or wristwatch).

Kairos, however, refers to an 'appointed time' for a specific purpose. As a momentary window it demands an accurate and forceful response for its purpose to be achieved. For example, it was the word used in the weaving process for the momentary opening of the fabric through which the shuttle travels. It was also used in archery for the narrow aperture in space and time through which an arrow shoots to hit its target.

A kairos, therefore, in God, is an opening in time through which God comes to achieve a particular purpose, demanding an immediate and forceful response. Jesus describes this when he explained that the kingdom of God must be taken forcefully (Mt 11:12). Responding to a kairos requires spiritual violence. First, it must be recognised; and secondly, it can only be entered through radical obedience.

The wisdom writer aptly declares that, "Without a vision (or prophetic revelation) the people live carelessly", or as Eugene Peterson puts it,

If people can't see what God is doing,

they stumble all over themselves;

But when they attend to what he reveals,

they are most blessed.

Pr 29:18

We have been stumbling "all over ourselves" for the next best thing in church growth and community impact; and, particularly in the prophetic and larger Charismatic streams, for increased spiritual phenomena, because we have not discerned accurately what God is doing.

With the knowledge that God does nothing except he reveals his counsel to his prophets first (Amos 3:7), I submit the following word for your discernment.

"October 8"

In November 2009 I awoke one morning with the voice of God ringing loud in my spirit with the words, "October 8".

There was nothing more; and so, for the next eleven months I pondered it's meaning, sensing it was significant.

And then, as the date approached, I received a phone call from a particular leadership team inviting me to meet with them on "October 8". I had no other appointments for that date, and so, I knew this meeting was significant. After a five-year journey they were at an impasse, meeting to consider the future of the group.

A season of maturity and harvest

To back up a bit, for several months leading up to this I had seen a phenomenon across the larger body of Christ: that we are in a season of full maturity and harvest. Seeds of character and destiny planted over years, and especially in the last season, are coming to full maturity. Decision by decision, seemingly insignificant at the time, choices have been made, imperceptibly forming characters and destinies. What was not visible in the seed is now made visible in the mature fruit. It is only at harvest that wheat and tares can be distinguished. This explains why, on the extreme end of the scale, there has been a sudden outbreak of high profile ministers being brought to the light for gross departures from the faith, from false teaching to double lifestyles of adultery or homosexuality.

A harvest of two seeds

We are entering a harvest season, but a harvest of what? It is the harvest of two seeds: of wheat and tares - of the flesh and of the Spirit. Our response to the kingdom of God determines whether we sow to the Spirit or to the flesh. It is important to understand that the "flesh" is not referring to our physical bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit, but in the Pauline sense, to our fallen human nature that is predisposed to self-effort and self-will, particularly in our attempts to serve God. These two seeds are within all of us. When yielded to two kinds of Christians result. They are illustrated in Ishmael and Isaac. While both were of the same father, Abraham, Ishmael was conceived by the flesh. With the delayed realisation of the promised son Abraham impatiently resorted to his own plans and power to bring it to pass. Isaac, on the other hand, as the son of promise, was born through Abraham's faith and patience at the 'appointed time', twenty-five years after the promise. 'Ishmaels' and 'tares', therefore, are attempts at achieving the divine purpose prematurely through our own efforts.

We must remember that the parable of the wheat and tares is a kingdom parable addressed to the generation from whom the kingdom was about to be taken. The parable, therefore, as with all the kingdom parables, is not about heaven and hell, but about yielding to the character of the king and his kingdom. Therefore, being a 'tare' is not so much about losing personal salvation, or living in gross sin, but rather about missing the fullness of the kingdom through the dominance of self. Sons will always remain sons. However, the question is whether they will be mature sons. Those who refuse kingdom maturity will be disinherited, losing the kingdom, while those who submit to the maturing process of God's disciplines will inherit Father's business.

A sifting & sorting

The last season has been a sifting and the next will be a sorting. In the sifting we have made decisions, seemingly inconsequential at the time, but with spiritual consequences as they have determined whether we are in reality ruled by the kingdom of God. We may think we are "serving" God, while unwittingly our service begins and ends in self-determinism; that is, we decide when, where, and how we "serve". The call of the kingdom is never convenient. We are being sifted every time there is a clash of loyalty between God and our money, God and our career, or God and our family.  This is not to say these things are not legitimate. However, it is to say that this will play out in small real life decisions, moment by moment, as to whether we will put the kingdom of God first - first in our affections, first in our relationships, first in our schedules, and first in our finances. The high call of God in Christ Jesus does not brook with competing loyalties. For the person who is seeking the kingdom these competing demands will be regularly denied. Others may, but you may not. The way into the kingdom is exceedingly narrow, and few are they who find it.

In the sorting there will be much movement as God's people are realigned. The decisions made in the sifting will determine alignment in the body. Previous loyalties and relationships in the body will come under much tension and even break as Christ marshals the troops in military order for war. Those who have refused to yield to God's authority in the body or in the competing demands of life will be taken out of the frontline. The Lord of the harvest will re-assign labourers according to their obedience in the sifting.

"October 8" -  The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 2011

Returning to "October 8". On checking the Jewish calendar for 2011 I was amazed to discover that it is the date for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).

This has great prophetic significance for the body of Christ in 2011.

By way of background, the corporate life of the old covenant church, Israel, revolved around the three annual feasts: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

They provide a powerful type and shadow of spiritual truths and 'appointed times' in God's calendar for the universal body of Christ.

The typical and prophetic significance of the first two feasts has already been fulfilled: Passover, fulfilled by Christ, our "Passover lamb", in his substitutionary death; and Pentecost, in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the upper room. However, the typical and prophetic significance of Tabernacles remains to be fulfilled.

Unfortunately, with the decline of the church from the second century, the spiritual truths of Passover and Pentecost were gradually lost, needing to be restored. God intervened and through the Reformation (1500s), the Evangelical Revival through Wesley, Whitfield, and Edwards (1700s), and the Pentecostal Revival (1900s) the truths of Passover (justification by faith & holiness) and Pentecost (baptism of the Holy Spirit) have been restored. Each feast restored has been a major kairos or 'appointed time' for the global church.

Nevertheless, this still leaves, Tabernacles, the last great feast to be fulfilled.

The feast of Tabernacles consists of three parts: in order, they are the feast of Trumpets, leading up to the Day of Atonement, followed by the feast of Ingathering.

Mid-twentieth century was an 'aappointed time' - a new kairos for the body of Christ. There was an opening in the spirit and the feast of Trumpets began. This was a shift from the feast of Pentecost (Pentecostal Revival of the early 1900s) to the feast of Tabernacles (present and future moves of God). The feast of Trumpets in the Old Testament was a ten-day period marked by the blowing of trumpets, fasting, and humbling before the Lord, all in preparation for the Day of Atonement.

The blowing of trumpets, signifying the prophetic ministry, announced the feast. Mid-twentieth century saw a new awareness of the prophetic, particularly through the Latter Rain outpouring (various ministries and churches in North America & beyond).  The Healing Revival (William Branham, Oral Roberts et al) and the Evangelical Revival (Billy Graham, Bill Bright et al) also occurred at this time. All of these were sparked in 1948, or thereabouts, coinciding with the restoration of the state of Israel. The Charismatic Renewal (1960s) and Jesus Movement (1960s) followed rapidly on the heels of the Latter Rain and Healing revivals as a flow-on effect, taking the move of God to all nations and denominations. Many of its most influential teachers spoke out of the truths of the Latter Rain and Healing revivals. Subsequent outpourings of the Spirit, the Third Wave (Vineyard, 1980s)), and especially the Toronto Renewal (1990s), have flowed on from the Charismatic Renewal. Through these moves of the Spirit 'spiritual' worship (singing in the Spirit/prophetic song of the Lord/scripture in song), ministry of apostles and prophets, prophecy and the laying on of hands, unity of the body of Christ, maturity, restoration, healing and deliverance, and intercession became common currency in the larger church.

And so, for the last sixty years, in this feast of Trumpets, the call has gone out for the Bride to prepare herself for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There has been a strong Elijah anointing on various prophetic voices preparing the way of the Lord. The call to bridal intimacy, to maturity, to repentance and humility have all been preparatory for a new kairos - the Day of Atonement, and finally the feast of Ingathering.

2011 - a new kairos for the global body of Christ

October 2010 to October 2011 is an 'appointed time' for the global body of Christ.

All that the feast of Trumpets signifies will accelerate and be completely fulfilled. There will be a shift into another dimension of the Spirit and of God's purpose for the church. The Day Atonement and the feast of Ingathering will begin to be fulfilled.

Passover and Pentecost were preparatory for Tabernacles, the last great feast and climax of the Jewish year. The Day of Atonement was the centre point of this feast.

So, what does the Day of Atonement signify for the church?

As Passover speaks of salvation from sin and death the Day of Atonement must speak of something more.

The Day of Atonement speaks of a mature church entering the fullness of all that Christ, as our Passover Lamb, has purchased - entry into the inner sanctuary, that previously inaccessible realm where God manifestly dwells - the Holy of Holies. As the culmination of Israel's year it speaks of the church ultimately attaining to mature manhood, to the fullness of the stature of Christ (Eph 4:13).  And as the one day of the year when the Apostle and High Priest went through the veil into the presence without perishing, it speaks of the church moving into apostolic order and resurrection life - into a fuller experience of the powers of the age to come. Inscribed by the finger of God on the tables of stone, the Ten Commandments contained in the Ark of the Covenant, declare God's holy judgments against humankind - the penalty of death. And yet, the blood of the sacrifice, now sprinkled on the Mercy Seat, allows the Apostle and High Priest, on behalf of the whole nation, to appear in the presence of God's eternal judgements and yet live. The Day of Atonement, is therefore, the fullness of the first-principles of Christ, particularly the final two - eternal judgement and resurrection life:

Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,

and of instruction about washings (baptisms), the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.

And this we will do if God permits.

Heb 6:1-3

The first principles of the doctrine of Christ will be fully restored to the church as she goes on to maturity. Each principle corresponds to the feasts of the Lord as they have been restored or fulfilled in the church:

1.        Passover - Repentance from dead works & faith towards God, restored through Martin Luther and the Reformation - justification by faith (1500s).

Ascension Gift Ministry: pastor & teacher.

2.        Unleavened Bread & Firstfruits (within Passover) - doctrine of baptisms, restored through the Anabaptists - baptism in water (1500s); holiness, restored through John Wesley - sanctification (1700s).

Ascension Gift Ministry: evangelist.

3.        Pentecost - baptism of the Holy Spirit, restored through the Pentecostal Revival (early 1900s).

4.        Trumpets (within Tabernacles) - laying on of hands, fulfilled through Latter Rain Revival, Healing Revival, & Charismatic Renewal (mid 1900s).

Ascension Gift Ministry: fuller restoration of teacher & evangelist; partial restoration of apostle; complete restoration of prophet.

5.        Day of Atonement (within Tabernacles) - eternal judgement & resurrection life, yet to be fulfilled - the next move of God (2011?).

Ascension Gift Ministry: complete restoration of apostle; apostolic alignment of Christ's global body.

6.        Ingathering (within Tabernacles) - maturity - one body of Christ and the harvest of the nations, fulfilled in the coming move of God (mid 2000s?).

Sifting - brokenness before the Lord

As the feast of Trumpets comes to completion 2011 will see an acceleration of the sifting. The call to bow to the government of God, to humility and brokenness before the Lord, will intensify. Additionally, the difference between wheat and tares - between flesh and spirit - will become more visible. There will be a dividing between the holy and the profane.

Sorting - apostolic alignment

This will lead to a sorting of God's people. There will be a major apostolic alignment across the larger body of Christ.  True apostles who have been internally processed and aligned with Christ as the chief-cornerstone will become the foundation of the dwelling that God is building by his Spirit. They will emerge from the willing embrace of obscurity through the fires of suffering and persecution. They will come into a new level of authentic spiritual authority, functioning as true fathers and mothers of the faith. Eschewing titles and positions they will serve through relational and organic networks in humility of spirit, but with great authority. Individuals and groups will be faced with the decision to either accept or reject this new breed of apostolic leader. Those who have baulked at the government of God through the heart sifting of the last season will recoil and refuse this new alignment. They will reject Christ's authority in his body, choosing to isolate and rebelliously dwell in a dry land. Nevertheless, Christ's authority will return to his church and the fear of the Lord will be restored. A new breed of Christian, with a teachable heart, will seek out spiritual fathers and mothers for the wisdom of God. They will lay down their lives for the sake of the body, investing themselves in the redeemed community. As the church comes into apostolic order there will be a quantum increase of the government of God. God's favour will increase, accompanied by miracles, signs and wonders. Even so, the miraculous will be with apostolic purpose; that is, for the harvest. This will be in stark contrast to those who are currently pursuing supernatural phenomenon to engage a constituency and advance their ministries. The apostolic oneness of Christ's body will be restored, with the increase of new citywide organic wineskins. These will be apostolically related and organisationally decentralised, bypassing the institutional system of church. Through these new organic apostolic networks the body of Christ will be prepared and equipped in the supernatural for the harvest of the nations.

How to respond to an 'appointed time'

When the kingdom comes to each of us it comes in a way that is imperceptible to the natural man. Our senses and cognitive capacities are inadequate for the knowledge of God. The natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit. As helpful as book-learning may be it is not adequate, apart from the Holy Spirit, to reveal God. Therefore, I must recognise that without humility of heart and reliance on God, I do not have the equipment or the ability to understand the Christian life, let alone live it.

The kairos, while in space and time, is not of this world and must be spiritually discerned:

However, as it is written:

      "No eye has seen,

      no ear has heard,

      no mind has conceived

      what God has prepared for those who love him" -

but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

1Co 2:9-10

Jesus, in response to the Pharisees' demand for a sign, pointed to the contradiction of them interpreting signs of the weather, but not discerning the signs of the 'times' (kairos):

You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times (kiaros). 

Mt 16:3

Confusingly, various end-time scenarios have used this text to give weight to what they see as the signs of the second coming, usually apocalyptic disasters and social trends. However, Jesus was not referring to the supposed signs of his second coming, but of the actual sign of his first coming.

In fact, he said that the only sign of the kairos would be the sign of the "Son of Man" (see Lk 11:29-30). God becoming man - the incarnation - is the sign of an 'appointed time' - of when heaven comes to earth. I will return to the full significance of this in a moment.

Thus, the first coming of Christ sets the pattern for every future kairos. He does not come from Jerusalem as a positioned leader of a religious institution with man's credentials and endorsement. In fact, he comes with heaven's imprimatur from outside officialdom as an illegitimate carpenter's son from an insignificant town called Nazareth. And so, like the Jews of Jesus' day, we are expecting him to turn up in a particular way. And therefore like that generation we stumble over the visitation of God because it doesn't fit our criteria. Like the Pharisees we develop our watertight theologies to protect the enscripturated truth, but crucify the personification of truth when he stands among us. Or like the crowds we want the miracles - the acts of God, but short-track the ways of God. Or like that generation, we may feel the sting of injustice, expecting him to come as the liberator, but refuse him as the slave-master.

Here is the rub. Christ comes to us incarnationally - that is, in his body. This offends us. We want to relate to him direct, which we do as our High Priest. But Christ the Apostle comes through his body, through those whom he sends as apostles. We are offended at the earthen vessel - it is not the colour or the shape we expect for an apostle - and therefore, we miss the treasure, Christ.

Do you want more of Christ in 2011?

Here is the condition:

You will not see me (Christ THE Apostle) again until you can say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (apostles)'.

Mt 23:39

David Orton 

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Posted: 02/11/2011 at 8:46am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

Patricia King

This is a year of transition. Transitions often are remarkable, wonderful, and glorious, once you are through them. Recently I was helping a friend process some things regarding a transition season they were currently experiencing. The Lord gave me a clear word for her: "You are in a process of metamorphosis."

Many are Experiencing Spiritual Metamorphosis

Over the next 24 hours I received a word of knowledge that many in the Body are currently experiencing this spiritual metamorphosis.

The proverbial example used to describe this process is that of the caterpillar in its cocoon. It enters the cocoon as a caterpillar but exits a butterfly. It is a brand new creature when the process is completed. Everything about it is different. It enters as a crawling creature that consumes and destroys plants and exits a graceful butterfly that deposits life-giving pollen, granting plants and trees reproduction and fruitfulness. The metamorphosis transformed a consumer into a producer of life and beauty.

Liquefied and Disintegrated

During the transition in the cocoon, the caterpillar literally liquefies. In the cocoon, the old disintegrates and the new takes form and shape. When the process is complete, it breaks out of the cocoon and emerges as a beautiful creature symbolizing freedom and new life.

Are You Trapped in the Cocoon of Change?

Are you feeling like you're being liquefied and trapped in a cocoon of change? Do you feel transition all around you and wonder who you are in this season? Do you feel that you cannot go back to where you were yet you do not know where you are going? Guess what? You are in the glorious season of being "metamorphosized."

Receive the grace of God to endure the process, and you might as well choose to be happy as you are going through it too. That will help tremendously! When you are feeling lifeless and without form, substance, or hope, think about the glorious future you will experience when the process is completed.

You are going to be absolutely amazed when you see the end product: new perspectives, new strength, new ease, new realms of freedom, and new opportunities. Trust Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. He has you in His grip and will not let go. It is all good and the end result will be amazing if you trust Him.

A Glorious Outcome

Many individuals, as well as churches and businesses, are going to go through this process this year. Oh, how wonderful the outcome is going to be for you. Look forward to a glorious future and rejoice, for very soon you will be fully and gloriously "metamorphosized."

Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. 1 John 3:2 NASB

Patricia King
Extreme Prophetic Ministries

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Posted: 02/15/2011 at 9:42am | IP Logged Quote Moderator

A Season of Breakthrough and Mobilization of the Sons and Daughters
Paul Keith Davis

Already 2011 is proving to be a pivotal year. Wanda and I had a very fruitful trip to Ireland and England in January. Chuck Pierce joined us in England and we all felt the level of hunger was quite invigorating along with the receptivity of the messages. God is enlarging our capacity for Him and imparting desperation within the remnant company who are contending for His manifest presence. The Lord spoke to me in December and said the more people we can mobilize in agreement with this message the quicker will come our promised outpouring.

I will include a few of the revelatory phrases that were shared in those meetings in hopes of imparting a sense of direction for the next 24 months:

1. For many our paths will be redirected.

2. Now is the time for stepping into our future. Gideon paradigm – prophesying according to our future not our history.

3. Where we are headed is linked with the unknown requiring revelatory insight.

4. Watch for open heavens in 2011.

5. Anointed new songs for breaking old cycles.

6. The heavens are changing and shifting.

7. Now is the time to touch Him and feel His touch.

8. Now is a grace to be healed and made whole for the season ahead.

9. God will mend storehouses to bring in new supply – new troops.

10. Heaven and earth are realigning through the Saints.

11. The Lord is recovering a second time the remnant of His people – there is about to be a new impartation of the revivalist anointing from the 50s.

12. All that we do must be rooted and grounded in love.

13. We will lift up a standard in this day and our tribe will be drawn to the standard. We will know our tribe by common spiritual DNA.

14. Now is a season to plunder the enemy camp. Isaiah 11:14.

15. The lion-like nature of God is our inheritance; His valor, courage and boldness.

16. A time for removal of limitations and ceilings.

17. We must know and recognize our landmark moments.

18. All that we do must be done from a posture of victory.

19. Deliver us from thinking processes that limit the future.

20. Now is a time to arise and shine – dawning of a new day.

Obviously, much elaboration could be added to each of these phrases to give its full meaning. However, I thought it might be fruitful just to provide these prophetic icons in order to give a sense of expectancy and insight to position us to move forward. We anticipate addressing each of these and more at our "Sons, Taught of the Lord" conference in Tucson.

The time has come for the mature sons of the Kingdom to appropriate spiritual inheritance as the conflict between light and darkness escalates. I am continuing to hear the great Moravian prayer resonating in the Spirit, "May the Lamb that was slain receive the full reward of His sufferings."

Richest blessings of favor and grace,

Paul Keith & Wanda Davis and the WhiteDove Team


Loving-kindness and Truth to Awaken His Glory

The desert is a place of visitation and impartation to be established in loving-kindness and truth. Psalm 57:7-11 states:

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises! Awake, my glory! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to You among the nations. For Your loving-kindness is great to the heavens and Your truth to the clouds. Be exalted above the heavens, O God; Let Your glory be above all the earth.

Our present opportunity is to embrace this final segment of our desert experience to be fully prepared for what is to come. The Shekinah glory descended upon the Tent of Meetings and Moses was granted the privilege of meeting with God face-to-face for an extended period of time. Although Israel was not yet in the Promised Land they remained in the desert in order to prepare them to occupy the land of promise. So shall it be in this day. This coming season will be a time of visitation and tokens of God's glory manifested among the righteous.

The righteous will bear the glory; there will be tokens of God's glory resting upon a Body of people that will illuminate them to shine like the sun in the Kingdom of our Father.

Realms of Glory

Corporate meetings will experience realms of glory on a level we have not yet experienced in this generation.

We are entering the season of human history prophesied by Isaiah when he foretold there would be a Heavenly brightness shining upon the righteous in the midst of great darkness. It is by the Spirit of Truth that we will be illuminated as we share in the mysteries of the Kingdom reserved for this hour. Isaiah 60:1-3 declared:

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

There is a "weighty" presence or glory that the Lord intends to place upon His people during these last days as a testimony to the nations of His redemptive virtue. It is truly amazing that sinners saved by grace can be endowed with this commission and responsibility. As Daniel prophesied, "Many will be purged, purified, and refined... and those who have insight will understand." (Daniel 12:10)

The understanding this company possesses will be the mystery of "Christ in us, the hope of glory." It is only through this refining process that we are capable of manifesting His glory in the earth without it destroying us. That is the importance of prophetic material like this one. If we have the understanding that the process we have been in is for preparation, then it gives us the hope of our calling. Without that understanding we would be prone to discouragement, hopelessness and feelings of disqualification.

Another purpose for highlighting this reality is to equip the prayer and intercessory ministries with a key to unlocking this 21st century provision. It will be through prayer, praise, and prophetic proclamation that we will contend for this reality. It will not be accomplished through human soulish striving but by a revelation of the Spirit and the activation of our faith to speak in agreement with God's plans. As recorded in Job 22:26-28:

For then you will delight in the Almighty and lift up your face to God. You will pray to Him, and He will hear you; and you will pay your vows. You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways.

The end result of this expression of God's glory will be a notable harvest of souls beyond anything we have presently experienced in modern Church history. It will not only be a message to our nation but also the nations of the earth; nor will it be administered or controlled by human agency, but by the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

The Glory Separates

Korah's rebellion was judged by God's glory. Numbers 16:19‑21 outlines that:

Korah assembled all the congregation against them at the doorway of the tent of meeting. And the glory of the LORD appeared to all the congregation. Then the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, "Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them instantly."

God's "priests" are to help separate truth from leaven, the precious from the profane; this must be a Holy Priesthood who have dined at the Lord's table. Only from this place are we able to separate the clean from the unclean. In the same way that Korah's rebellion was judged by God's glory, so also will the seeds of rebellion be separated from within us as individuals and a corporate Body!

The stress and turmoil in the world will continually increase as this present age reaches its completion and the Lord's Kingdom is prepared to be revealed. The confrontation between light and darkness will also escalate as evil will become greater. Likewise, the children of light must respond to offer hope and salvation through the Lord's redemptive work.

I recently saw this escalation in a revelatory encounter. In it I saw a door being opened from the bowels of Hell, releasing a horde of evil spirits of a profound nature. I was actually able to recognize the characteristics of some of them. One had an appearance like Adolf Hitler and another like Joseph Stalin. I believe these represented evil spirits that functioned through these historical tyrants.

I watched as these evil spirits began to manifest themselves before people and train the individuals to walk in realms of darkness and evil never before seen in our generation. It was as if individuals were being identified and equipped to carry "mantles" of darkness as foretold by ancient prophets concerning the latter days.

While this was taking place I heard an audible voice say, "The children of Light must respond in like fashion." With that admonition, I saw angels descending from Heaven that were specially prepared for the end-time confrontation. They too were commissioned to meet with individuals through angelic visitations in order to train the people to walk in mantles of revelation and power.

The Lord's Kingdom that is characterized with righteousness, peace, and joy will become more pronounced within an overcoming Body of Believers while darkness runs a parallel course of acceleration. While we are in this world we are admonished not to be a part of this world's spirit. Light shines brightest during times of exceeding darkness!

Those who have yielded themselves to the work of God's Spirit will be developed in righteousness and:

Will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! Matthew 13:43

The last few hundred years of Church history has seen numerous expressions of spiritual "breakthrough" that changed every following generation. God used Martin Luther with a breakthrough anointing to re-establish the reality that the just shall live by faith.

Following Luther, John Wesley and others advanced further with the message of sanctification and a breakthrough anointing that altered present understanding of the Christian life. We then experienced another breakthrough during the days of William J. Seymour and the Azusa Street outpouring; following that came yet another during the days of William Branham and the Latter Rain outpouring.

Presently, we stand on the brink of the most significant breakthrough of all leading to the manifestation of a Body of Believers who function as sons and daughters of God and do the works that He did. This will be the only antidote for the darkness and evil that will permeate the coming years. Our current admonition is to embrace our opportunity for preparation and qualification for this responsibility.

This generation will see the greatest demonstration of grace ever experienced, and every indication points to its imminent reality. This generation will come forth with shouts of "grace-grace."

Vision for the Future

The Bible stresses that mankind will perish when there is a lack of true spiritual knowledge, and without a vision the people are unrestrained and without order. Therefore, the Spirit of Revelation is a prerequisite to cooperate with God in this last day functioning of His plans.

To each of us is given a measure of faith; therefore it requires spiritual vision for us to appropriate our faith towards the things that are of lasting spiritual value. The Lord is granting to us in this season fresh deposits of His revelatory anointing to provide clarity, insight and the true knowledge of Him. This will begin to sanctify us for the coming battle.

Recently I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You can see things as they appear or you can see them as they really are." This admonition is challenging us to begin to see things from Heaven's perspective; that was the experience granted Gehazi when Elisha prayed for his eyes to be opened. When the revelatory anointing was granted, Elisha's servant saw the mountains filled with Heaven's host that greatly outnumbered the enemy. Suddenly his perspective changed from fear to faith because of spiritual vision and seeing things from God's point of view.

Leaders will become increasingly aware of this opportunity and find great grace to train and equip a body of people to live in Heaven's revelatory realm. This also will go hand-in-hand with the functioning of the panel of judges who are being delegated to separate true prophetic utterance from the false.

There is an "occupying" anointing that is being distributed among us. It is one thing to experience breakthrough but altogether another to occupy where the enemy has been displaced. We must be prepared and mobilized with a plan of occupation when we address various cities and regions. We are given the authority and dominion to occupy the areas for which we have spiritual revelation. Jesus said:

When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, "I will return to my house from which I came. And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. Then it goes and takes (along) seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. Luke 11:24-26

This season highlights the importance of formalizing a plan of occupation by mobilizing the Body of Christ. Great grace will be given in this next season for training and equipping leaders who are not afraid to conquer and occupy the land for which they are given spiritual vision.

It is a sad reality to discover that many of the places that once experienced great spiritual victory have now become havens of darkness. Even so, our grace for this season is to take back that ground and remind the Lord of His promise stating:

I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. Joel 2:25

Continued Extremes

Extreme weather patterns will continue in the days ahead in heavenly places, on the earth, and under the earth. It will be contrasting extremes as a prophetic indication of the era in which we live. Volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and droughts will be taking place in various regions simultaneously. While one area is experiencing a drought another will be enduring floods.

One of the primary areas for which we must be mobilized deals with our need to take authority over these extremes. The earth has been delegated into the hands of mankind and the Lord has appropriated His authority through us to articulate His desire. We must learn how to speak to these weather issues from a position of faith and authority in the same fashion the Lord did on the sea of Galilee. Psalm 115:16 declares:

The Heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S; but the earth He has given to the children of men.

There have been numerous instances in recent years where key leaders have been sent into drought stricken areas in order to call for rain. This trend will continue! This will also be true with spiritual as well as governmental leaders.

Wanda Davis: Posturing for Victory - An Exhortation for This Season

One of the more pronounced ways in which the Lord speaks to me is through dreams. I am of the belief that very few of the messages given in this manner are for the corporate Body of Christ. Most seem to be for personal intercession or insight. However, I feel compelled to share the dream I was given November 23, 2010, prior to Thanksgiving. I believe the Lord is emphasizing this insight as an encouragement and admonition for this next season.

The dream begins in a conference setting. As I enter the building I can discern that corporate intercession was taking place. Many who have attended conferences can easily imagine this scenario. As I stood there watching what was taking place, I heard a voice saying, "From this time forth you are to pray from a posture of victory proclaiming and declaring in agreement with the Lord, the 'battle is already won!'"

The voice then continued saying, because He is... and began to articulate all the names of God revealed in the Scriptures. I could only remember the next-to-last name that was given in the dream that said, "Because He is – I Am." At that declaration thousands of voices joined in unison shouting, "Because Jesus Christ is Lord!"

Needless to say, it was an overwhelming and powerful moment. When I awakened I felt undone and stirred by the impact of the booming voices declaring, "Jesus Christ IS Lord!" Since that night I have spiritually processed and contemplated these revelations. I believe it is an exhortation or word of wisdom for this next season of the Spirit that we are entering in 2011.

All of the Lord's redemptive attributes are resident in His names that we proclaim and declare in agreement with the Spirit. He is the victor and because of what He has done the victory is also ours. Even so, this does not mean we can be in denial concerning circumstances that we face nor assume that the enemy will not oppose us on multiple levels. Moreover, it is quite possible that the reason this has been highlighted is because the level of warfare has increased in this season as the Bible predicts will take place at the end of the age.

Our revelation and admonition is to approach this conflict from a "posture of victory." This means we cannot approach it from the mindset of intimidation, fear or anxiety. Instead, God's lion-like nature is given in this season to create valor, courage and an attitude of spiritual victory in Christ Jesus.

Foremost among our enemy's most successful strategies is to emphasize negativity through circumstances in life and amplify them beyond their reality. Nevertheless, the Lord wants us to view them from His perspective which is true reality. We do this by spending time with Him, intercession, meditation on the Word and the apprehension of His heart. As we join His attitude of victory through the warfare, the demonically imposed stress and anxiety will be alleviated.

One of the ways we can enter into this attitude is by not allowing anything in us to have agreement with the enemy and his accusations. When there is agreement in our heart with the enemy's words spoken through other people or when he whispers them in our ear, it gives those words power; unbelief, defeat and hopelessness is then allowed to enter our hearts and rob us of our peace and victory in Christ. The Bible teaches us how to discern the Lord's wisdom from the enemies tainted attitudes. James 3:17-18 tells us:

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

We must not allow our focus to be taken off who the Lord is and His purposes. I believe this attitude will be paramount in catapulting the Body of Christ into the faith of the Son of God. According to Galatians 2:20:

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.

By understanding this we can reach into the unseen realm and call forth those things that are not through agreement with the Lord (Romans 4:17). Even though they may have not manifested in our present circumstance we can approach them from a posture and attitude of victory and maintain that mindset through all opposition of the enemy and his schemes.

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries


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Posted: 02/16/2011 at 3:12pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator

1991,2001 and 2011!

Victor Praise 


When visions Tarry! Wait for it.


"For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because

it will surely come, it will not tarry"

Habb. 2:3


"2011 bares a prophetic similarity with 1991 and 2001! they are ordinary years with a prophetic significance!"


Watchout for the fulfilment of personal and global prophecies!


"Visions are perfected with time;the sightful never waits long enough to see it"


Vision is a deeper picture,it is a revelation that goes beyond sight!


God never forget His promises,though we may count our wait as unbearable and even un-necessary;yet God is very perfect in all His ways!


There's a time appointed for every purppose on earth!


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"



2011 is a prophetic year! and a grand opportunity for all to ask God concerning memorable testimonies or to remind Him of our tarrying promises!


"The year comes with a blank cheque,your possession will be faith based and on the platform of forgiveness"


"For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it"


2011 is a unique year prophetically! destinies shall be restored and redefined!


Prepare for a grand positive change and you'll see it!


The year will throw both the negatives and the positives;but I pray we are prophetically alligned with God's great visions for the year.


There're be definite progressive changes and lives that hitherto counted for nought will once more find relevance in God.

2011 bares a prophetic similarity with 1991 and 2001!


1991 was not reckoned to be memorable when it began,it was not an Olympic year neither was it a soccer world cup year!


2001 was also not an Olympic year neither a soccer world cup year!


But they were the beginning of a new decade and complete with strangeness! even the year 2011!


2011 will throw up some major global challenges too! but we can take advantage now and control the outcome!


We're already having strange struggles in the Middle East,a fight for freedom and return to true democracy!

There'll be a memorable wedding in the UK!


All these events are already struggling to take prominence in the year 2011,but I assure you, 2011 will leave the world with a very memorable land mark aside these.


Just as 1991 marked the beginning of the Gulf war that has tarried until now!


Then 2001 left us with 9/11 that has continued to resonance!


2011 has something in store that will once again challenge the world! let's pray now! It will leave some with negative memories but It is my prayer that our personal testimonies will weigh heavier than any negativies in the year 2011.


2011 is a year of prophecies and revelation!


God bless you,



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Posted: 04/11/2011 at 2:19pm | IP Logged Quote Moderator


Strength through hardship and difficulties

Endurance through overcoming trials

Peace through understanding God’s will for us

Security through knowing God walked with us

Joy through accepting the ways of Jesus Christ


2011 will be a year where My children will grow closer to Me. A year where although their adversary will wage war My children will become more victorious in every dimension of their lives, in their well being, in their families, in the work of their hands, in their pursuit of godliness.

I will meet with My children often in this new year in special ways, at times in great exuberance at other times in solemn reflection and in times of My wonderful joy.

Just as seasons change and give way to new purpose and new life so shall My visitations bring to you My children new purposes and new life. For many of you change will occur this year, change that is necessary, change that is needful and must occur for you to continue in My direction for you. Don’t see these changes as a dreadful thing, nor as punishment, for I change and transform your life to bring forth to Me what I desire for you. Forget not My children I am not only your God, but your creator. I am the one who has decided your outcome. I am the one who determined your end before you began. I am the one who called you! You must not allow your lives or culture to direct My plans for you. Did not My son say to you, “follow Me?”

I will be well satisfied with many of you at the end of this new year, for your growth and surrender to My ways will be evident. For some this year will prove you and be a year of instruction and tutoring because in the past three years you have ignored My leadings and desire to bring you along My way. Some of you are like My children Israel, lacking faith in Me and not believing My greatness; so you shall learn of these ways in this year. You shall learn to follow the Lord your God and to worship only Him. I am asking many of you to put away the distractions of this world so that you may learn of Me and to put away what is not needed to make you happy or what causes you to feel secure.

For three years now I have been testing the nation in which you live to see who is Mine, those who will surrender all if asked to be Mine. Yes, I change not, I still desire your will not just your heart. I am a jealous Father who will reveal His strong arm in this year against those who say they are mine but lead others astray.

This will be a year of exposure for all imposters, all hypocrites and all deceivers. Who’s who shall be known soon among all who call on My name. Before the wheat is separated from the tares, the tares will be exposed.

My children I want you to put all your trust in Me, put your trust in My greatness and the strength of My name. Do not in this year put your trust in the systems of men, the governments of men, the financial institutions of men, nor in the counsel of men. I have given you My Holy Word, My Holy Son, My Holy Spirit to direct your steps and to show you the path.

Soon, very soon the great shaking I have spoken of by My holy servants will begin. The tremors have started in your nation, but soon the full shaking will begin. All that is not upon the rock will fall, all that is not anchored to My Son will sink, all that is not of My Spirit will be blown away by the East Winds. Soon a great deception of the evil one will be spewed upon the vile and wicked who will not bow to My Son and His Lordship, and a great persecution will arise from the sea. Many will be purified, many will be perfected and many will no longer remain among those called by My Name.

Yes, the final hour is now upon the earth and the earthly inhabitants will begin to experience the first stages of My hand of judgments. I have been longsuffering and have tried to correct the course of humanity by various signs, but to no avail.

My children learn the path of repentance, a broken and contrite heart. Did not My Son teach you, Blessed are the poor in spirit? For theirs is the kingdom of heaven! I want to reveal in a tremendous way the kingdom to you so that it will no longer be mere words, but a living experience for you and to all who come near. Did not My son teach you, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness? For they shall be filled! Many of My people are empty and dry because what they have been filled with was only a minor portion of what I want to give them. I want to give them the experience of the fullness of My righteousness, that which drives you to surrender to Me because I am worth it all.

One man was willing to lose it all to gain Me, another man sold everything once he found Me.

Is this where you are willing to come?

Time is short, hear Me, My children darkness is very near and then there will be no daylight in which to learn of My ways. It is time to come to Me now, with all you are even that which you don’t want Me to know about. I am a loving Father, but My expectations have never changed!

My great love is empowering you to change, to leave behind what is not needed, to see what lies ahead.

Don’t allow evil to diminish My Word, My Word is truth, My Word says what is means and means what it says. My Word cannot be explained away. He who loses his life for Me will find life.

In My jealousy you will find My passion for you, My great love for you, My desire for you to be with Me as I accomplish My ways and My plans.

I am making an invitation, won’t you come?

Ken Peters

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