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Subject Topic: THE MOUNTAIN AND THE CITY - Kriston Couchey Post Reply Post New Topic
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Sherry Mohr
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Posted: 05/28/2014 at 9:26pm | IP Logged Quote Sherry Mohr

This prophetic revelation began as a literal verbal interaction with Father, and then this article flowed as a "parabolic understanding”.




Kriston Couchey



Dangling from the edge of the cliff, I struggled once again to pull myself up unto the level plain before me which capped the top of the mountain. At least one hundred times in the last 10 years I had come to this same place in my climb only to lose my grip and fall back down with bumps and bruises to a ledge far below the cloud line. Many times I had passed above the clouds in my journey into a place of clear vision only to slip and fall back down again confused.




This time, as I inevitably began to slip again, a voice rang out to me, "Do you trust me?" It was Him! He appeared in brightness before me with an outstretched arm. I knew in my heart now why I fell so often. I felt fear! Fear of losing my own life. The same fear the Israelites in the desert felt when the clouds and smoke covered the holy mountain and they ran because they feared to die. This fear was really unbelief in Father’s ability to take care of me if I let go of everything; even my own life!




I then realized that letting go of my own life was His goal all along, and the struggle to save my life must end now. Fear did not leave, but I made the choice, like a little child I reached out to His outstretched hand and surrendered to the unknown, Trembling I reached out and said, "Yes, I trust you..."




I wept as His presence surrounded me and I was swept up in His arms of love. Fear vanished and what overtook me was peace. I no longer had any need to worry, I was standing in a broad place with His love and peace overshadowing me and I was safe, but more importantly, He was my God. He had told me years ago that He would be my God, and now I knew He was. He said, "It's not that you tried, it's that you died!  Your trying and finding only failure led you to the end of yourself, trying was never going to get you unto this level plain.”





It was my Father who held me dear and spoke tenderly to me. I was wrapped in His continual presence that drove out all my fears and blanketed me with peace. I had been here before, but only as a revelatory experience to help me press on to seek out this place with Him. I began to realize that what I had seen and experienced as divine revelation in the Spirit had now become a reality.




“You have been a witness to the truth”, He said. “Up till now you have been given revelation as a witness to others of the truth I have been speaking to them. By the mouth of two or three is something established; My Spirit and the revelation given to my many witnesses have helped establish my kingdom in the hearts of my children who have been seeking me. But, the day of simply being a witness of revelation alone is coming to an end, and the day of the manifestation of that revelation is beginning.




The brightness of His glory kept me from seeing His form clearly, but I could now see His eyes; eyes of love that were swirls of fire. I then asked the question, “But, what about those witnesses who have not made it here yet? What will become of them?” He replied, ‘There are still more that will overcome and meet me here. But, at this time many of my witnesses have themselves been overcome.




He then stretched out his hand and pointed to the plains below the mountain. “Behold Babylon!” He said. As far as my eyes could see on the plain below, there was a mass of humanity as the sea, churning, moving, and crashing together in confusion. In the midst of this sea of humanity was a large city set upon seven hills. I realized that much of the churning and motion was from the movement of people and beasts bearing burdens in and out of the city. They were bearing these burdens to and from the four corners of the plain which seemed to have no end.



The city itself was sprawling, and it was hard to see where it began and ended. It was built as a mass of confusion with no regular pattern to its towers and buildings. Yet all of its structures were made out of worthless material; shards of broken wood, hay, and stubble.


And as I looked more closely I saw that the burdens borne by beasts of burden and men were the same worthless materials, yet men were hoarding and trading these “treasures” as if they were precious.




My eyes then followed a trail of traders to the base of the mountain upon which I stood. To my shock I saw that much of the mountainside was covered with small enclaves of buildings made out of the same worthless materials. Most of these people milling about the structures below the level of the clouds, yet I could see through these clouds without difficulty. A few who had traveled above the clouds were busy climbing. The numbers of people on the mountain were not as numerous as those on the plain, but the trading of the goods of Babylon back and forth among the separate enclaves had the same effect of confusion that dominated the masses on the plain.




“Who are those people?” I asked, pointing to those on the mountain. He replied,“Some of these are journeying their way to the top of the mountain as you have already done. Others who have built and settled on the mountainside have been overcome by the lure of Babylon.”



In horror I began to recognize some of the people and places that on my journey that I had once tried to become part of and left in dissatisfaction.  At the time of my travels, these places had seemed so elegant and alluring. But from the top of the mountain their appearance was that of disheveled and appalling shanty towns, fashioned together with wood, hay, and stubble.




“These places were built by those given my revelation and gifts to help men come to the top of my mountain,” He said. “Many of these like you also had revelation of the top of the mountain, and gathered men unto themselves to share that revelation. They have built their shanty towns of wood, hay, and stubble around the very revelation and gifts they were given to bring people here.”




I then noticed some of the enclaves had signs that read “The New Jerusalem” He continued speaking, “Many of these have had a revelatory vision of the New Jerusalem, but have settled for the praise of men, and have believed the delusion that they are building the Holy City.”




I noticed that some dissatisfied people were leaving the larger enclaves and beginning to make the trek up the mountain. Others, who had also recognized the bankrupt state of the shanty towns, began to gather themselves in smaller groups and began building their own disheveled shanties apart from everyone else. To my amazement they began building again what they had just left, only smaller. Everything built by man on the mountainside was simply an extension of the nature of Babylon; in fact every structure on the plain and on the side of the mountain looked like Babylon.




Then He spoke, “When Satan offered the nations of the world to the Son he offered the Babylon you see. Satan thought these manmade glories were a treasure the Son could not refuse. But, the Son saw the works of men’s flesh for what is was; wood hay and stubble, and so has everyone who has made it to the top of My Mountain. These shanties are the works of men, built by the wisdom of men, in order to make a name for themselves.”




I queried again, “If this is your mountain, how is it that these are building upon your mountain with wood, hay, and stubble?”


He answered, “They remain because I am merciful and patient.  I have sent prophets to warn these of the dangers of their mixture. These places also serve the purpose of causing those truly seeking me to recognize Babylon for what it is and move up higher in their journey. ” 


The Day will reveal all men’s works for what they are, and that which is not of me will be burned up, and that Day is now come upon men. In the days to come, Babylon will then serve as gathering places for the tares to be gathered and burned.




I had one more question, “So what is this mountain?” He replied, “This is the place where heaven meets earth, where the divine becomes one with creation. This is the mountain spoken of in the book of Daniel which dashes to pieces the nations of the earth and covers the whole earth. It is My Unshakable Kingdom!”





He continued, “You have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God.” I dared to ask, “If this is mount Zion, then where is the heavenly Jerusalem? I don’t see any city.”  It was then that I began to see His form clearly, and to my surprise Jesus Himself stood before me, I looked to His eyes and saw they had not changed; it was the same eyes of love swirling with fire. To add to my recognition He said, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father. I AM one with my Father.”




It was then I saw others gathered in robes of white on top of the mountain singing praise to God. Companies of angels surrounded these worshippers unified in worship to God. He said, “You can only see the New Jerusalem clearly when you see me clearly. These gathered here ARE the New Jerusalem. These are the city prepared as a bride for her groom! This is my bride, the one whom I have chosen to become one with!  I will dwell in and with her forever and my glory shall be seen in her and upon her.” The contrast of what I had seen of the nature of the city below and the nature of the city above made me speechless as it sank into my being the meaning of what I just heard.




He said, “These are my witnesses who have overcome by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimony, and have not loved their lives unto death. These are my brothers, the sons of God who have chosen the narrow way and made the same journey of death to self you have made. The number of overcoming witnesses is reaching completion. Just as at Pentecost 120 persevered until my coming, so I have a remnant that have persevered and overcome to bear witness with My coming Glory. I have been gathering unto my self the firstfruits that shall bear witness that the King has come and the Day of the Lord is here.”



He then disappeared, but the sense of His presence and peace within me and around me was palpable and I knew He had not left me, I turned to behold the wonderful scene of complete unity of worship and adoration to God with the accompanying angels and my heart wept in praise to God!  His Spirit spoke from within me, “Go and join them, you have a place among them!”




I stepped forward led by the Spirit to an open space between two worshippers, and for a brief moment looked around and noticed a few I knew and loved, but fewer then I expected. It seemed people from every race of men were joined together in a song of praise that rose higher and higher. I wept with joy and love toward my Father at the sound of it. I began to sing the deep crying in my heart and it began to form into a song that fit in perfect harmony with those around me. Joy and peace like a river flowed from our hearts as the song continued. 



Suddenly the Spirit spoke within and said, “Look around you!” I looked around me at the others worshipping and saw a resemblance to Jesus in each one that I had not noticed before. I then looked into the eyes of these and saw the same eyes of love swirling with fire that I saw in both Father and Son.




Suddenly from within me the Son began to speak, “The top of this mountain is the heavenly place where heaven has already come to earth, where My will is done on earth as it is in heaven; it is the merging place of these two realms. These who have overcome and abide on this mountain ARE in heaven and on earth at the same time; and are even now ONE with heaven and with each other, even as I am one with my Father. But their oneness is founded upon a greater truth; they have become ONE with Me and my Father. It is in this oneness with My Father and I that the people below will know that I have been sent of My Father.”




Then Father himself began to speak within me, “The day of My Son’s coming is here, but it is beyond the scope of men’s understanding or ability to grasp as to how He is coming to men. The Holy City descending out of heaven comes as ONE with the Son and one with Heaven, He is coming in and among the Holy City, the Bride, My sons, My witnesses, as they descend to the valley below bearing witness WITH the Presence of My Glory in and upon them. They will bear witness first to those who are on the mountain, and then to all the earth. All that is wood, hay, and stubble will be burned as Babylon falls in the face of My Glory. Even those who have seen by revelation what is about to transpire cannot fathom what is happening, it is beyond the ability of men to comprehend.”




“As my sons go forth, this mountain will cover all the earth, for it is my kingdom, and all the earth shall be covered with My Glory as the waters cover the sea. The earth itself will be renewed as heaven and earth merge and become ONE as a result of My coming in and among my sons, and all that is not of me will be removed.”




Suddenly, as if by silent command, the sounds of worship ceased as the host of those in white stood side by side in perfect alignment prepared in silence ready to move out. An angel put a trumpet to his lips and prepared for a blast. The Spirit within me cried, “Behold He Comes!!”




Revelation 3:11-12 (JB 2000)Behold, I come quickly; hold fast that which thou hast, that no one take thy crown.12 He that overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more, and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God which is the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from and with my God, and I will write upon him my new name.



Kriston Couchey

While contemplating the revelation of oneness I had been receiving the last few weeks, I found myself back on top of the mountain I had been on in the vision I had published called THE MOUNTAIN AND THE CITY .  I returned to a host of angels and worshippers standing in perfect alignment waiting to move out at the blast of the trumpet.


Father spoke to me, “Son, you received the revelation oneness with Me to prepare you to do My will when the trumpet sounds. You have begun to embrace oneness with Me as Christ IN you. But, Christ in you also teaches you to abide IN Me. My abiding in you changes your nature into Mine. But, your abiding in Me exchanges your authority for Mine. To truly be one begins first by a change of nature which enables a change of authority. Those who are One with Me rule and reign with Me.” 

“Oneness with Me is like the wings of an eagle. One wing is My Abiding presence in you, and the other is your abiding in Me in the place I have prepared for you from the foundation of the world. As I am in you and you are in Me you soar like an eagle caught up in the wind of My Spirit. This oneness causes you to soar above the limitations, impossibilities, and circumstances of life.  Everything changes as you are caught up in a place of vision far above all principalities and powers that blind and bind mankind.  It is time for My eagles to take their places in Me and fly higher and see more clearly than they have ever seen before“.


Father continued, “You have already seen the plain of humanity and its confusion from your own perspective. But now, as one with Me I want you to see it with My eyes.”  As I turned my gaze to the plain of humanity I could see one thing on the chaotic plain below: DESPERATE NEED! People were busying themselves with activities in an attempt to fill their inner need; the need for love, security, acceptance, belonging, approval, etc. But the most glaring need driving people was the need for identity; knowing who they were. Men and women were drawn by their unmet needs into perversion, reckless lifestyles, and the pursuit of fame, wealth, power, influence, etc. 

The great need of mankind crashed upon me like a wave that took my breath away. Through tears of grief I observed how men continued to build Babylon and trade with its goods and treasures in an attempt to fill their need.  Father then said, "Babylon is built upon the unmet needs of men. Needs that can only be met in ME." As I contemplated the desperate plight of mankind, I shut my eyes and turned aside. The scene below me had completely changed from when I first stepped on the top of the mountain. 

Father spoke in great tenderness, "The condition on the plain has not changed, you have changed. When you first observed the chaos of the plain and the side of My mountain you held within your heart judgment, offense, and anger toward these. In your pride you harbored offense towards the world and those who claimed to know me who wounded and opposed you out of their own unmet needs. This pride, judgment, and offense were the very things that kept you from oneness with Me. These also kept you from seeing people the way I do. When you died to your pride, judgments, and offense, you were then able to see things through My eyes."


His words impacted me deeply; I would never see things the same way again. Determined to see what He saw, I turned my gaze again to the plain below. Unprecedented turmoil began to erupt as I now could see demonic spirits everywhere enticing and compelling people in their unmet needs to engage in wicked activities and lifestyles. Those who gave themselves over to wickedness became inhabited by evil spirits. Many of these were placed by the spirits into positions of influence and power within Babylon. They were being inserted into politics, religion, economics, education, entertainment, etc.

Father then spoke “The enemy’s goal is very much like Mine. He is seeking people who will express his nature on the earth. When those enticed into perversion and self-seeking become the dwelling of evil spirits; they begin to express and take on the nature of the evil one, and then they are given authority to spread their wickedness to others.” I took His words in and continued to look on as a black hazy fog was forming across the plain. Those inhabited by evil spirits were gaining more power and influence and the atmosphere of the plain began to change. Men were deceived into thinking that the darkness was light, liberty, and self-fulfillment. But as the darkness increased so did chaos and violence.

It was then I heard the cry! Under this oppression of darkness a cry going out that went beyond inner need. It was a cry of bondage and suffering. The cry caused my very being to convulse in grief. The grief overwhelmed me and I sobbed in agony over the plight of man. "Oh Father!" I cried, "DO SOMETHING!! These your children are being oppressed and destroyed, do something, send me! I will go!"

Father spoke, “My final preparation for you has been for you to see with My eyes and love with My heart. The evil one’s ultimate goal is killing, stealing, and destroying everything of Me. He desires to destroy mankind and the earth on which they live. I have heard the cry of My children, and have seen their oppression and suffering.  I am sending judgment that will bring deliverance, cleansing, and redemption."


I asked, "How will You send judgment?" Father replied, “Behold My judgment!” I turned to look behind me at the host waiting with the fire of God in their eyes. He continued, “Here is the Bride, the New Jerusalem. She is My instrument of judgment on the earth. As the New Jerusalem descends to the plain below, she is not leaving this mountain. She is bringing it with her. Wherever she goes My rule will be established and My glory upon her shall cleanse and judge the inhabitants of the earth."

Jesus now began to speak, "Just as I was sent by My Father into the world to save it and not condemn it, so I am sending My Bride with redemption for whoever will receive it.  My Bride comes to freely offer the water of life to whoever will let Me quench their need.  I also came to destroy the works of the evil one; and so I am sending those who are one with Me to execute on earth the sentence of judgment I have already pronounced from the heavens upon the evil one. You will release upon the earth what is already released in heaven, and you will forbid on earth what is already forbidden in heaven. In this way heaven is coming to earth.”

Father then spoke again, “I have gathered these on this mountain as the first-fruits of the unfolding age, the initial mature harvest. You are My laborers being sent out to work in the harvest; My messengers of power. You are not going forth to harvest only, but to plant the incorruptible seed of Christ that bears fruit after its own kind. You in fact ARE the seed; the sons of God!


I continued to gaze at the mighty army assembled. Father spoke, "Write down what you have seen and experienced here and declare it to those assembled here. You are not speaking on your own. As I began to speak another man came and stood beside me and together we began to share the vision with people. Father then spoke, "By the mouth of two or more is the testimony established. You are witnesses to what I am already speaking to these."  Other witnesses were also sharing the same vision among the people. The teams of witnesses began moving among the people declaring with authority and clarity the revelation of the coming kingdom.

The unified vision brought clarity and purpose and began transforming these on the top of the mountain. The Glory of the Lord appeared over the congregation and the countenance of each began to change as the glory inside began to radiate outside. As we each then stood silent in our assigned places in complete unity, the ensuing trumpet blast shook the ground... 



Kriston Couchey

I am excited to share the continuation of Revelation that began with an article called THE MOUNTAIN AND THE CITY.


The blast of the trumpet was still ringing in my ears as we began to move out as one mighty army. We descended from every side of the Holy mountain. As we continued descending we began to form into small companies of friends whose hearts shared the same desires and dreams. After descending for a time the small company I had become knitted with began to see the first encampments constructed closest to the top of the mountain.

Father spoke, "Son, I am sending you first to these who have built closest to the top of the mountain. All of these camped on the side of My Mountain are captives. Most of these are born of My Spirit, and all born of My Spirit were born on the top of this mountain. Yet, almost all have been taken captive by what religion has built, just as you were at one time. Many were taken captive by religion the day they were spiritually born by well-meaning men and women who have built these encampments on the side of My Mountain with man's wisdom and works. All born of Me have been longing for their true home.

I am sending My sons as deliverers; even as Jesus Christ was sent to destroy the works of the devil and set the captives free. I have told you that you are instruments of judgment; judgment first to My house and then to all of creation. I have given all judgment into the hands of the Son Christ Jesus, and you are His hands and feet upon the earth. I am now going to show you what His judgment looks like. Turn around and see where you have come from."


I turned to look where we had come from and with amazement realized that even after descending for a time we were still standing on the level plain on top of the mountain. We were nearly to the first encampments and were closer to the sprawling plain below then before, but we had never left the mountain top. The mountaintop and the Glory of the Lord resting upon it was expanding to every place we set our feet.

Father again spoke, “Every place you set your feet I have given you. As I have told you before, ‘This (mountain) is the place where heaven meets earth, where the divine becomes one with creation. This is the mountain spoken of in the book of Daniel which dashes to pieces the nations of the earth and covers the whole earth. It is My Unshakable Kingdom!’ You have now come to dwell always in this place, and that place dwells in you. Judgment has now come to My house. Go forward to the first encampment and behold the judgment of Christ in His house. The angels have gone before you and prepared for your coming.”

As I turned again to observe the encampments before us, a lady who was drawn to the atmosphere of heaven in which we stood approached and invited our small company to come to the gathering place where she and others were meeting.

We approached the encampment and entered the building where these gathered. The heavenly light of God’s mountain was dim and obscured by the enclosing structure that these had built. I was about to declare to those gathered there that what they had built was keeping the light of God from shining upon them. Suddenly Father spoke and said, "That judgment does not belong to you, it belongs to the Son."

Without warning, one of our company stood up in the dimly lit gathering and began singing a song of worship to Father. Without hesitation our company joined in the worship of Father in Spirit and truth, lifting hands high and focusing our hearts upon Him. Most of those in the gathering quickly joined in with grateful hearts and the darkness began to subside. The light of God's glory began to emanate from within the worshipers as the Spirit of God began to move among the people.

The goodness of God began healing the souls, bodies, and spirits of those worshipping; causing all to shout for joy and weep. All demonic oppression lifted and the room began to take on the heavenly glow of the Mountain of His glory. The walls and ceilings began to shake as this light increased and continued to surround and emanate from the worshipers. With a mighty crash and a shout of joy the worthless structure fell to the ground and burst into flames completely consumed. Yet, it’s fall did not harm any of the worshipers. All of the trappings of Babylon and its mixture were gone.

The heavenly light shone unhindered, and the place we were standing was now Holy Ground; the mountaintop.  We were filled with great joy, basking in His light and praising Him for His mercy.  The sudden crash and ensuing glory caused some great terror as the reality of the presence of God shone a light in dark places and exposed the futility and smallness of men’s thoughts and deeds.  Some who refused to enter into worshipping were angry and outraged over the loss of what they had built. These fled when the walls began to shake. They scurried down the mountain like the Israelites in the desert fleeing the mountain of God’s presence. They did not stop until they were far from the mountain top. Some left the mountain altogether and wandered unto the broad plain below where Babylon sat enthroned. Judgment had come.


Father again spoke, “Son, as you have observed, judgment is a good thing. Judgment is My love shining the light of My presence in darkness. This is the judgment, the light has come and there is nowhere to hide in the face of My presence. What is in man is made manifest in the light of My glory. If a heart is full of My love it will worship in My presence. If it is full of fear, condemnation, judgment, anger, hatred, etc., these will also be made manifest. When it is brought to light, men must then choose to either face the truth to be free, or run from the light. In My mercy the removal of all mixture and darkness is made available to any willing to come into the light. The light of My love will remove the mixture in the hearts of those who call upon Me.  It is My glory revealed in the Son that judges and set all things right.”

I wept at the goodness of My Father. What love and grace! His judgment was not condemnation of men in their deception.  I had condemned, accused and attacked men in their deceptions many times. His judgment was to shine the light of his goodness upon men and reveal Himself to them and in so doing reveal their own hearts. He had cast down the wisdom and works of men with His presence only to free them from their captivity.

When I had completed my pondering He continued, “Son, you have wasted much time and effort opposing the religious systems men have built. I never called you to fight or defeat Babylon. I called you to come out from Babylon. What men have built in My name is being judged and tried in the fire of My glory. If what is built is of Me it will stand. If it is the wood, hay, and stubble of a religious system, it will fall and be destroyed. Each person must answer to Christ alone for the quality of their work. All the doctrines, opinions, traditions, and systems of operation sourced in men’s wisdom and strength will end.”  

At the mention of the wisdom and strength of men, I turned my gaze to the sprawling plain beneath the mountain and the city built upon the wisdom and strength of men enthroned upon seven hills. I knew the Mountain of the Lord we stood upon was going to bring the demise of that wicked city. And then I asked a question, “What are those seven hills…”

The Mountain and the Seven Hills

By Kriston Couchey

Continued from the prophetic article: Instruments of Judgment

For who are you, O great mountain [of human obstacles]? Before Zerubbabel [who with Joshua had led the return of the exiles from Babylon and was undertaking the rebuilding of the temple, before him] you shall become a plain [a mere molehill]! Zechariah4:7

The Seven Hills

Father responded to my question concerning the seven hills on the plain, “Son, those are the hills referred to by many as the seven mountains. They are spheres of influence among men that affect the life, culture, society, and future of mankind. From man’s perspective they are mountains. But, from My perspective they are only hills.

I am placing My throne in the midst of the plain of humanity upon those seven hills. Even now My Holy City is descending out of heaven to take Her place as the ruling city over all the earth enthroned upon those seven hills. My people are that city, which is the New Jerusalem, the bride made ready for her groom dwelling in oneness with Him for eternity. That plain and the hills upon it are your inheritance as joint heirs with Jesus Christ. In this transition of ages you, the City, has already begun to descend and expand His rule.

My eyes quickly turned again to the plain of churning humanity spreading out below the mountain. In the midst of this sea of humanity was that large city already enthroned upon seven hills; Babylon. There were skirmishes breaking out for the control of those seven hills as diverse groups of every distinction had interest in controlling them. But, it was the dark spirits that inhabited Babylon that determined who controlled the hills. These spirits positioned people on the hills to speak lies and deception into the world’s politics, religion, economics, education, entertainment, etc. As people came under the influence of these puppets of evil, the dark hazy fog hanging over the plain became thicker and darker; clouding men’s vision. And now the dark spirits pushed their subjects with a fury, for they could see the light on the mountaintop had begun to expand and descend.

Fear, Anger, and Offense

As I observed the valley falling into greater darkness, fear seemed to spread out over my head and fall down around my shoulders like a blanket. I began to wonder if anything could stop the fury of the evil one and the people who gave themselves over as instruments of wickedness and deception. Then a rage over the unfairness and wrongness of it all came mixing with the fear. The thought screamed in my mind, “Something MUST be done!” Fear of the schemes of the devil and rage over what was being done to creation began to war with the Rest of God within me. In desperation I turned to Him in the place of peace within and cried “Father, help me!” The peace and joy of My Father burst forth and the fear and rage dissipated like a cloud of mist blown away by a strong wind.

He spoke, “Son, when you focus upon the evil works of the enemy and what he is doing you become vulnerable to the dark fog of fear and anger. If you allow the fear and anger to find a place in you, you will be compromised and your rest in Me will turn to warring. You cannot remain on this mountaintop while in that state of unrest.Moses allowed man’s fear and wrath to overtake him and its offense kept him from entering the Promised Land. Man’s wrath CANNOT accomplish My purposes. Do not be offended by the world and its wickedness, for if you do so you leave MY mountaintop. Keep trusting in Me and do not allow the offense of wickedness to take you captive.

Many of My own have taken offense at the world and have in their fear, anger, offense, and presumption taken up the weapons of the world to fight for those hills of influence. Look again with faith.”I turned my eyes to the plain again and to my surprise spotted a constant stream of warriors carrying weapons marching from the side of the mountain of the Lord to engage in battle for control of the hills. Father continued, “Some of My children have determined to ascend those hills and take control of them in their own strength, and by extension control the whole earth. They will not succeed this time.

At one time Christianity took control of these hills and plunged much of the earth into the Dark Ages. At that time many left My Mountaintop for the lure of Babylon and the control of life on earth. Later on, the reformation marked a time when blood stained those hills as those who claimed to be Mine killed each other to be king of those hills. The resulting offense and mixture of the world in the church caused men to build the dwellings of Babylon on the side of this mountain you see today; exchanging the authority of heaven for a place of power over men. But, I never called My children to control those hills. I have a better plan; My Mountain upon which My city rests is coming to the plain. The authority of heaven is coming to all the earth.

The Basis of Authority

Control is the basis of the power the world wields. In contrast, the basis of authority on My Mountain flows from My Love.I have told you before; in My kingdom the measure of your love is the measure of your authority. Before the foundations of the world the Lamb was slain; in this sacrifice of love, Jesus Christ established His authority over all creation. The basis of the authority of Babylon enthroned upon these hills is the power of control, and comes from man's wisdom and strength. But, the foolishness of the cross is wiser than men's wisdom, and the weakness of the cross is stronger than men's strength.

Sons Revealed

In the same manner I sent Jesus to reveal Me to My people, so I send My sons to My own house to reveal Me as I am to them. I have not sent you to judge men, but to be a resting place of My presence which shines the light of who I am in darkness. It is this light of My presence in you that reveals the hearts of men and scatters darkness. I am sending you to the plain of humanity in the same way; revealing Myself in My sons to all creation. It is the light of My goodness and love revealed in and through you that will drive away the dark clouds of wickedness. The wicked City that sits enthroned upon the hills will fall with a mighty crash; but not at the hand of man, but at the glory of My presence in you.And upon those hills My city will shine the light of My ever increasing kingdom without end.

I have shown you these things that you might have faith in the face of this offending darkness and encourage your brothers and sisters when men full of wickedness prosper and enforce their will upon the peoples of the earth. You cannot fight a battle against these with the weapons and wisdom of men or you will be soundly defeated. But with me ALL things are possible. I go before you and every place you set your feet I have given you. Do not fear, trust in Me! Jesus the Christ has already overcome the world.



 Kriston Couchey

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