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Rockford, Il - Jesus Heals You Meatings
April 19, 2004

JESUS HEALS YOU MEATINGS with Hamilton Filmalter - Rockford, IL

Report & Testimonis Feb. 29 - Mar. 5, 2004
"What I Learned the Time Hamilton was Here!"

1. How fixed I was, how intellectual I approached the supernatural.

2. How I had to be able to accept his ways (Hamilton's Ministry) without judgement or fear of what others thought, to get to the same place with Jesus! To allow The Holy Spirit to tell me to raise my hands, to dance, to be slain, to give, and to simply obey!

3. What a loving fun group we have and yet brought great unity to us.

4. The difference between praying for someone and laying hands on for healing. The latter involved having the authority and the anointing to tell a condition to "go", or a system of muscles to grow or function and to know that it is happening.

5. Dealing in the supernatural was so different from the natural.

6. The failure of my not experiencing the manifestation of the healing of my degree of deafness, or my diabetes, lies in me, not with Hamilton or with God.

7. It is impossible for me to understand why Hamilton continues to progress toward blindness. This helps me deal with the lack of healing in me.

8. Numbness in my feet is gone! Praise God!

9. Emotion is not necessary as a sign of the presence or action of the Holy Spirit, but it is great when they are associated. False emotion is possible.

10. Much non-believing was evident in some of those that I was associated with. They received little or nothing as far as I know from their experience with Hamilton.

11. The group and healing room is so much better off now then before Hamilton came in ways of new techniques, increase in anointing, in confidence.

12. To look forward to great things for Jesus in the future.

13. To look for opportunities to receive anointing form others.

14. To look forward now to loving others more.

15. I had the opportunity to watch other team members exorcise a woman of multiple evil spirits giving me much experience in dealing with demons and giving me great confidence in our team's ability to handle any spiritual problem.

16. The great strength of and that we are doing what should be done in Rockford.

17. I need to want more anointing, more of Christ, more, more. I am shameless for Jesus, for healing like He did. I am bold, fearless, for Christ. He raised my level of desire.

18. Use Jesus as my guide, what He did, I do through His power, His anointing.

19. Continue for contention; for the manifestation of healing. Go to Jesus, first when sick, then to the doctor. -Dr. Ed Sharp
[and the team says, "AMEN!"]
We were truly blessed by the words that were brought forth. We have truly been illuminated even more concerning healing. Some of the things that impacted us:
• Become intolerable to sickness
• Sickness is evil, an injustice, a lie from the pit of hell
• Hate sickness with a vengeance
• Sickness makes a mockery of the cross and what Jesus died for
• Don't pray for sickness, take authority over it
• Jesus had compassion not sympathy
• Learn to operate in authority
• I am anointed, know what you really have
• Can't separate Jesus from healing or healing from Jesus
• It's my birthright to be healed and to pray for others We have been changed by this last week and never to be the same!!

We prayed Saturday night for a girl whose hand was hurting. I felt it was carpal tunnel. We took authority over it and she could feel the difference. Still felt a little pain so we sent after it again. She e-mailed me the next day and said her hand was so much better. She had no strength in her one finger, but now she had strength in it. I told her that we would go after it until it was all gone! - love, Earl & Linda Stroud

"What We Know to be True . . . " -- TOSSED TO THE WIND!

She entered our lives on March 3, 2004, during Hamilton's seminar. We had to carry her out prior to the meeting because of her demonic writhing, flailing, and cursing. God operated through some very exhausted human beings that evening with three of us coming in late and tired, missing the pre-pray-time, only to have Hamilton "feel" that "this one is for you."

She described herself as a walnut -- two halves with many compartments, one side dark, one side light. All was demonic, but a sweet person named Celie. She has a long history and is well known at the local psychiatric wards. The first demon was spouting (and spewing on us) that she had TB and to stay away. The stunned unclean spirit was ordered to leave. God's Authority and Power miraculously took over in us that night in a way unknown before. Demons were cast out by the dozens! She finally was able to accept Christ as her personal Savior and Lord, and finished off the night in the meeting, sitting quietly. In that first night, God's Power and Authority was supernaturally demonstrated.

In the weekly meetings afterward, three of us became the primary team to work with her merely because we had some dealings with the demonic oppressed/possessed before. Whenever possible other team members would be in the room with us praying for us. While in the natural we felt unqualified because of her mental state, but the Power and Authority of God displayed through us encouraged us to win her freedom totally. Because of previous work with Multi-Personality-Disorder, we committed to work only with the "core" person, although our previous training was to work with each "part" that an individual demonstrated. There was a repeated prayer for her wholeness.

With the second meeting, God's Power in Love permeated. The third night brought more of God's Love, complete with God's supernatural kiss. The fourth, surprisingly gave us verbal encouragement by her. Each night brought a new release for her, but a taunting from an evil force that lingered, claimed "You're so close!" Questions arose. If Jesus healed in a word, what is blocking the healing? Is it our own misbelief? We turned to Jesus, The Word and fasting. God challenged what we each had "known to be true" from the past. Hamilton, in a phone conversation confirmed it as well. Those beliefs needed to be given to God, so that He could RENEW OUR MINDS.

After a day of fasting, the fifth night, April Fools' Day, brought no Celie. This became a time of prayer and encouragement as her friend brought good news to us concerning her. It also was a time of sharing what God was showing us individually, solidifying us as a team. We no longer viewed her as a person suffering from Multi Personality-Disorder, but viewed her "parts" for what they were, demons.

The sixth night, we went after the demons, finally with the key, freeing her from "The Dark Side" in the name of Yeshuwa. God's Supernatural Peace replaced it. This brought instant healing from Freemasonry and beliefs of reincarnation as well. It was evident our previous prayers of wholeness had brought all demons together. Previous nights had shown them back but in weakened states, under the guise of "other parts." Addressing the total "Dark Side" evacuated them all!

Night seven brought rest and praise as she came in, demon free, with testimony of her doctor's shock of her healing ("You're 150% better"). Her whole belief system had been changed and she testified of amazing others by quoting scripture to them which she had not known previously. We had the privilege of continued prayer, but this time for the physical. We rejoiced together, communed together, and affirmed God's renewing of her mind, and ours as well. Praise God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Our Faith and Authority have skyrocketed and many doors have opened!
-Team Warriors for Christ

(see Celie's testimony below)

I was oppressed [possessed] by some dark entity which woke me at 12 midnight, 3 a.m., and often in the afternoon. I had sores, impure thoughts, and no knowledge or desire to continue in life. I came to the healing rooms and prayed for Jesus to come into my life. I had wonderful believers in Christ pray for me. They went up against the oppression [demons] and set me free. I now and always will give my complete self to Christ. I owe my immortal life and the wonderful hereafter -- The Christ and all, to the Lord. My work for him has just begun!!!! - Celie, 4-15-04

Hamilton Filmalter

Location: Rockford, IL, United States