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Lewelling, California Revival Report -- Matt Sorger
July 29, 2004



What a powerful week we had in Lewelling, CA, May 23-26, 2004 during our Healing Revival Conference held at Lewelling Community Church with Pastor Phil Stewart. God is doing something extraordinary there as revival is sweeping through their Christian high school setting the hearts of the young people on fire. Back in February of this year I ministered at Fremont Assembly of God in Fremont, CA. Some of the folks from Lewelling were at that meeting. They were powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit and the prophetic word of the Lord. Not only were they touched but they carried an impartation of the fire of God back to their local church and saw a move of the Spirit fall upon their young people in the Christian high school. They shared with me that the young people became so hungry for God that they didn't want to go to recess. Rather they wanted to go to the chapel to pray and seek God. The Holy Spirit began to move in the class rooms as students and teachers alike became filled with the Holy Spirit.

As I returned to CA in May the fires were still burning. As I ministered in the chapel service of this Christian high school the young people flooded the altars crying out for God, some at the top of their lungs. They truly had a holy desperation for God. We began to pray for the sick. The Lord showed me a young person with a knee condition resulting from a sports injury. Four young people responded. As I prayed for them the healing power of Christ flowed into their bodies. But what was so wonderful about this was that I didn't pray for them by myself. I had other young people come up with me and pray for them. All four were instantly healed! Faith exploded in the room. After I left the chapel the young people continued to pray for one another with many being healed and touched by God's power.


I think back to a prophecy I received from Stacey Campbell during a prophetic conference in Kelowna, Canada last year. She prophesied that I would see the healing power of God released with many miracles during our youth meetings. Not only would the young people be healed but they would receive an impartation of faith to pray for the sick themselves and there would be a wave of healing revival released on mass. What we saw happen during our time in CA was the beginning of the fulfillment of that word. There is now being released a movement of signs and wonders among young people who will be endued with power from in high and released into the great commission to see the last days harvest brought in with the preaching of the word with signs and wonders following. High schools will be flooded with the presence of God as radical Christian young people step out in their God given authority to pray for the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead! Now is the time for a global youth movement. And with that outpouring of the Spirit believers of every age group will be endued with a fresh power from heaven to do the works of Christ. This is not limited to young people. But what is so striking about a move of God is that young people who are normally preoccupied with the things of the world become preoccupied with Jesus and with all of their zeal and energy step out to reach their world for Christ.


Here is a testimony of one of the teachers from this Christian high school along with others from the church and school.

"When Matt visited Freemont Assembly in February it changed my life. That weekend Matt spoke about the forerunner anointing for revival. He prophesied over me and released the gift of prophecy in my life. He said that I would be a "forerunner for revival" and that the light of God would be so bright within me that I would speak revival wherever I went. As he prophesied over me I was taken up in a vision of my childhood to the present. In the vision, my life played out before me. All the things I had gone through and the times I had been hurt or alone played out like the frame of a movie. In each frame the presence of God was there and His heart was breaking for me. I realized that I had been angry with God because I didn't understand why He would take me through all these things. What I didn't know is that it was the grace of God that had brought me out of them.

It was the revelation of Gods love for me that changed me forever. It broke me free from the bondage that had kept me from pursuing the call of evangelism on my life. I got a revelation of God's love for me and I realize that I needed to love myself. I began to passionately seek after God in intimate prayer and the word. He began to peel back layer after layer of insecurity and replace it with an intense passion and joy to reach others who fall victim to their circumstance with feelings of no self worth and who are broken in spirit. I am able to let them know how much God loves them and how important they are and that they are uniquely made for the specific calling God has for each of them. God brought me joy through the revelation of His love for me.

God is using my testimony to spark personal revival in the hearts of children, men and women. As I step out in faith and obedience God is pouring out His blessings all around me. I teach 6th grade and after hearing my testimony my students caught fire. Their child like faith not only blesses me, but has poured out on our elementary and high schools and onto the teachers. God is giving me opportunities to speak more and more and I am watching the Holy Spirit move through me to break others free from the bondage of their heart. As a result of God's love and healing power this has sparked a passion in them to pursue God in unity. We are seeing revival in our school, church, and homes and it is spreading to other churches in the Bay area. We are beginning to see miracles, supernatural healings and instant renewing of hearts and homes.

My 6th graders speak prophetic words, lay hands on the sick, exhort and boldly speak to their unsaved family members. Everyday someone is reporting to me another miracle. Kids give up recess, lunch, and even meet after school to pray for revival in our nation, God is amazing. His love is unconditional and His blessings are extravagant. I thank Matt for humbling himself, stepping out in faith and being obedient to the call God has for him. His ministry awakened an uncontrollable passion within me and I will never stop talking about the goodness of God to as many people God permits me in this lifetime. I can't even put a fair estimate on what that one meeting has done for countless others.

Thank You Matt for setting an example, impacting the world and fulfilling your part of the great commission!"
Lareasa B, CA


"Matt, here are a few more testimonies from my 6th graders. They came in after you left. Thanks for blessing them in our chapel. They are still talking about it and they keep trying to heal everyone who has an injury. It's the sweetest thing to watch. Kids with a passion are contagious. God Bless you and your family."
Lareasa B, CA

"Matt was preaching and he said, "You have to have faith in God to heal people and touch people." That was cool. The next day in class we (the class) prayed for Steven's arm and Alegra's leg and they were healed!"
Anthony D, age 11, CA

"I had suffered with upper back pain. When I was in service I started crying out to God. The devil tried to break my focus by making my back hurt. I started crying out to God even louder and I was healed instantly."
Steven S, age 11, CA

"I had a stomach ache for the longest time. I had problems in my life and have been attacked spiritually. First, Matt brought me up to pray for my stomach and I was shaking uncontrollably. Then suddenly my stomach was healed. Then he just started speaking and it spoke directly to me."
Joanna P, age 12, CA

"I had suffered with allergies and asthma. I used an inhaler for treatment. Matt put his hand on my head and I felt tingles and electric shocks go through my body and I started trembling with amazement."
Midori C, age 12, CA


"I have had suicidal thoughts. When Matt prayed for me I was healed emotionally and spiritually."
Jerome D, age 12, CA

"My daughter has had carpal tunnel for at least 5 years. In the summer of 2003, when Matt came to San Leandro, CA, Candace was prayed for and Matt specifically prayed for her hands. When she returned to school at the University of Alabama where she was a swimmer, the new coach had her completely checked out because she had other ailments. The doctors told her that there was no trace of carpal tunnel. Since then she has transferred to the University of Florida where she is swimming for the Gators. She will be swimming in the Olympic Trials in Long Beach. God continues to bless her. Thank you Matt for being a blessing to her."
Candace W, age 20, CA

"My back has been healed."
Shoca M, age 25, CA

"I had suffered from back pain. I went to pray for someone else and then I played the piano. For the first time I had no back pain."
Tim H, age 16, CA

"I had seen a doctor the day Matt prayed for me. I was sent for blood tests because the doctor was concerned about the goiter in my throat becoming cancerous or hypoactive. Matt called for a woman in her 40's with a goiter condition. As he prayed for me, I actually felt it in my throat, which has never happened before. I feel God has healed me and I believe the goiter is shrinking. I am anxious for the tests results, which I believe will be negative. As the goiter shrinks there will be no more fear of cancer. Thank God!"
Lisa W, age 42, CA

"I had suffered from alcoholism. You pointed me out and broke the generational curse from my mother along with the turmoil that was in my marriage. I thank God for making me whole."
Adelia D, age 25, CA


Healing Revival Meetings

Matt Sorger Ministries
P.O. Box 1648 Selden, NY 11784

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Location: Lewelling, CA, United States