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Several Rio Grande Valley Reports By Joe Cicchino
September 5, 2004

They Danced All Night In The LORD!

It sounds like I'm saying the same things over and over again. But last night was the most incredible night I have ever witnessed, in my short life on earth. The presence of God, was so strong and powerful, people were being healed and set free standing, in His presence. The whole church, was in the front most of the night. At times they were all laughing, at times they were all crying, and at times they were on there knees, praising the Lord. Ministering, was continuous from the first song, that was song. The praise and worship went on all night, in the spirit. There was an open heaven over the church. Angels were all over the place. Then it turned into a fiesta with the Lord, with everyone and I mean everyone, singing and dancing in the Lord for hours, without stopping.

Bodies, at times were all over the floor, as people were being healed emotionally and physically. Many people and I mean many, were healed of depression. Totally set free, and dancing in joy. This is not a small church and hundreds were ministered, more than once. Then a demon possessed man came to try and destroy what God was doing and He had no power over what was happening.

Many things have been happening the last 2 1/2 weeks that we have been in this area. It is just getting stronger and stronger as we go from place to place. His presence is everywhere. It is tangible and you can feel it soon as you walk into the churches. God is so real and I don't know what to say or do, except be obedient, to His word and His spirit. Because the spirit of the Lord is our strength. The Glory of God is so real when you let go and go with Him. The more we let go, the more He can move through us. I really have no idea how to explain to people in the natural, what God is doing in the spirit. But we all need to get out of the way and let God be God. He wants out of the box and He wants to move His way, not our way. We need to let go and be free in Him. God wants His church back.

Last night when you looked at the hundreds, who were dancing, all you seen were little children, being free with their Father. They danced with freedom, they cried with freedom, and the sang with freedom of a little child. That is all, He wants from us, is for us to be free in HIM!!!!

God Bless,
Joe Cicchino
Vision of Love
Coweta, OK


The Fire Is Spreading In Brownsville, Texas

By Joe Cicchino

When we let go of who we are,then God can do what he wants in us. We are dead, but have we ever died completely? Have we truly ever let go of our part. Our future is with Him completely in Him.

We have now been in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas for more than 2 months now. We are finishing our second week at Camino Del Rey in Brownsville Texas. True revival is here. The people are letting go of who they are and becoming who they are in Christ. People are being set free of every bondage that they ever har in the natural and they are starting to live in His peace, love and joy.

Freedom is of God. Freedom to serve him in confidence and security. You can see the transformation on the peoples faces, as God changes their lives from broken people to people, who know who they are in Christ.

Every night, we have new people coming, because, as people get set free, they have the boldness of the apostle and are asking people to come. The unsaved, the broken, the addicted are coming and being saved and set free in Him.

The church has used quite a few boxes of tissues, because of all the crying that has taken place, as people let go of all the burdens that they still carried, True revival is not running and jumping. It is when you , repent, regive and forget the past and can only see your future we have in Christ.

It is all abut Gods love, like it says in scripture. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you can't love those who you can see how can you love Him, who you have never seen. Revival is of the heart. When you can love who you are, you truly love God. Because, God is true love, and that love cast out all fears. Fear to bring people to the Lord and tell them the Good News. Salvation is revival, healing of the heart is revival. Healing of the body is also revival.Because, when He revives you, He brings you back to a love that you had the second that you received Him. With true revival, you have true healing of the body, soul, and mind because your complete in Him.

Every night we are having testimonies in Spanish, because this is a Spanish speaking church. People are telling how they have been healed physically and Spiritually. Every night salvations without an alter call. People walking up to me saying they want to accept the Lord, or me going to them saying do you know Jesus and they start crying and accept Him as their savior.

The presence of the Lord is getting stronger each night. Yesterday, we went to the church to pray with the pastor and about 20 people came. What started out as prayer turned into a deliverance service, as people started to die to themselves and let go of things, that Jesus had already taken from them when they were born again. They finally laid their burdens down.

God is real, when we are real with Him. He can only do for us, what we need from Him, when we let go and let him be God. The Lord said to come to my light, my light is a bright beam when your with me. He says that your are fee to be with Him. He is the bright ness of your heart. He is the victory in you which is through HIm. Let your heart burn for Him. Because when you are in His light there is no darkness to keep you from being free in HIm. Move with Him and be with Him, and you will work with Him to set the captives free, from all the bondages that are not of Him.

When the word of God is spoken, signs and wonders must follow. What is the word of God? It is God's love for us. So when you preach God's love, with love and compassion, signs and wonders will be present. There has been no form of advertisement of these meetings and new people have been coming every night. Because people are saying that God has changed their lives and you can go and have your life changed also by Jesus.

God Bless
Joe Cicchino

vision of love
Joseph Cicchino

Freedom from who we are in Brownsville TX

This is the beginning of our 3rd week at Camino Del Rey church in Brownsville TX. His Glory is getting stronger each week. The other day we had over 100 visitors to the meeting who have never been there before. This was the second time in two weeks that we had over 100 people get filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Every night there has been new people because they are hearing what God is doing. There has been no publicity about the meetings. In fact , I was not suppose to be even at this church to minister at all. The person who was suppose to do the meeting on the Sunday 3 weeks ago, got sick and went to the hospital. Some one, who we know mentioned to the pastor, that I could come and be there for the revival. It was a miss understanding because, the pastor was going to do the revival, but instead He said yes, and Ellen and I came and the rest is history. God does things His was not ours. All we have to be is obedient to what He wants done not what we want to do or expect to do.

We are also starting our 10th week in the Rio Grande Valley, and God is doing what He wants when, He has been welcomed. His Glory is here, His victory is here and we are trying to stay out of the way, so that He can be who He wants to be.

Every night we have seen salvations. Many teenager's have been coming and accepting the Lord and have been feeling His presence in there lives. They have been going home and telling there friends and that they must come and they have been coming. With nose rings, eye rings, tattoos and every form of dress, and the power of God has been touching them and their lives have been changed. One big guy who has been hurting all his life and hated himself and he wanted to punch me out, because of the guilt he has felt in his life. After battling himself and who he is. He finally accepted the Lord and has been one of the catchers for us since. Another tough guy accepted the Lord and then was filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. They have been coming every night. The most interesting part of this all, is that this is a Spanish speaking church and I don't speak a word of Spanish. But it hasn't mattered at all. The language being spoken is the word of God. Yes we have had an interrupter but most of the time we have been walking through the people and praying and ministering to them. Also we still have not had an alter call, these people have been being led to the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. After being in His presence they just want to know Him and don't want the pain that is in them anymore.

Every night people are being healed of many things, both spiritually and physically. Ellen has been ministering to the broken heart continually during the service. She is just walking around and the Lord is showing her, the brokenness in someone and then they are being set free by the power of Jesus. Some demon possest people have been set free. They has received complete deliverance from being possest by demons. Ellen has been using some of the people who we have met and trained here in the valley to work with her and Jesus to help set these people free. It has been a complete team effort working to be more obedient to Jesus and the direction of the Holy Spirit. It is all about Him and no one else. God is the Glory and the honor of our obedient lives in HIm.

God Bless
Joe Cicchino
vision of love

The level of intimacy in the meetings with Pastor Joe and Ellen Cicchino are doubling in intensity here at Iglesia Camino Del Rey in Brownsville TX.

The longer Vision of Love remains here in the Rio Grande Valley with us,the deeper the Glory of God takes us into His healing presence. This night the first time Joe layed hands on me during worship I experienced an open heaven the moment I touched the floor.. There was no distance at all between the floor and Jesus heart to me from the very throne room of God. He spoke to me of the commissioning of Angels on our behalf in the meetings and in our homes and more of my calling before Him.

The Glory of God appreared on my face after interceding for an open door in Brownsville TX in fine silver and gold dust. During the services I have smelled burning candles.
Louise Hendricks
Brownsville TX

Pastor Joe
I writing to Thank God for allowing you to do his work here in the Rio Grande Valley. You came to our church a dying church whose traditions were more important than God, but the prayers of God`s people never go unanswered God sent you our way to stir up an anointing of the Holy spirit within the church. A fresh anointing Where it`s all about God... the way it should be not a man, denomination, but about God. Our church is being blessed with new members and our praise and worship team has doubled with people Hungry for more of God. I want to thank you Pastor Joe for being sensitive and ready to what God wants you to to for his people. God is igniting a consuming Fire in the Rio Grande Valley and we want More and more of it

Mark Anthony Pinon
Praise and Worship Leader
Iglesia Cristiana Emmanuel
San Benito, Texas


4th week at Camino Del Rey in Brownsville

Joe Cicchino
Sep 4, 2004

When the power of the Holy Spirit is in the place, all you have to do is be obedient to what He wants not what you want to do. Just being in His presence night after night is the most humbling thing that could ever happen to a person. This last few years have been the most humbling and rewarding time of my life. God is so real to me now like I have ever known. Each day I change more and more to be like Him. The more I have changed the more that He has revealed Himself to me. It was about me at one time and now it is all about Jesus. I know that I walk in His victory when I let go and go with Jesus completely. God is so Glorious and wonderful and precious to me is such a different way as I work to become closer to Him. God is real and He is all that it is about.

We will be starting our 4th week at Camino Del Rey in Brownsville TX. We are now in our 10 week in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

The testimonies of what God has been doing in peoples lives and what has been happening to them and their families have been totally humbling in understanding the power of God. Since we have been here at Camino Del Rey there has been well over 200 people filled with the Holy Ghost, with evidence of speaking in tongues. Every night there have been salvations and on Wednesday we had again over 200 rededicate there lives to the Lord and forgive those who have hurt them. There are visitors each night and there lives are being changed. This is a Spanish speaking church and the Lord has been teaching me to speak in Spanish is a supernatural way. Each day I have been understanding more what is being sung and what is being said. This has touched the people very much because God is showing them in another way who He is. God is just being so real

The healing have been many and just a few of them have been, one woman who was suppose to have her back operated on because of a ruptured disk, and was in much pain but she knew that she had to come to the service and came. God gave a word that He was healing backs and she and many more were healed instantly. Then there was one lady who was started on treatments by her doctor for a bad thyroid problem. She went to one treatment and was prayed for by my wife Ellen. She went back to the doctor the next day and he could find nothing wrong with her thyroid and stopped the treatment. Every night there are testimonies given about what has been happening with their families and themselves and how has been setting them free.

God has been showing all of us how we are dead in the natural and alive with Him in the spirit. The people are getting the revelation of what is happening when you walk with God and not with man. The freedom that comes when He is in control not us. It is not an easy walk to walk in the spirit, but when you do, you are rewarded with the victories in your life from God. His way is the way of peace and understanding with a fuller knowledge of what He wants from us. Which is go throughout the world and preach the God News that we are free and that others can be free also. It is all about that He died for us and that we must die for our neighbors everyday like He died for us.

On Thursday night, the Holy Spirit visited the church in a very special way. All everybody who was there could do was worship Him and praise Him and get on there knee. I just sat in the back and could only pray in tongues and nothing else. People started to fall down under the power of God and were being touched in a different way. It was a special night that I will always remember, Then different people started to give words from God in the spirit and they were being interpreted. One woman who I have never heard speak English since I have been here started to speak the interpretation in English. The Lord was saying it is time to go and do His work and go to the highways and tell the people what you have learned about Him. Then a special anointing fell on everyone and people were changed and could feel a difference in who the are.

Then last night the Lord had me anoint everyone who wanted to be anointed to come up and he had me anointed there wrist and palm of their hands with oil and that He was giving them an anointing to go and lay hands on the sick and they will be touched. Well over 200 people came up and went out under the power of God when I touched them with the oil and then touched their hands. God is just moving in a different way each night. Not one night for the past 3 has been the same. Each night He has been revealing Himself to us in a different way, but we can find how He is moving in scripture and we are seeing the Word and the Spirit in operation in our lives. Because it is all about His word and His spirit.

God Bless
Joe Cicchino
vision of love

Joseph Cicchino:


We just finished our 5th week in Camino Del Rey in Brownsville, now we have moved over to their sister church in Medamorso in Mexico, which is just over the border.

When we walk with Him and not by ourselves the Glory of God is so real. So many things have happened since the last time I sent an e mail out. I have seen things with God that I only read in the bible in this last week, His strength and His Glory is so real when you let him be God and don't try to control Him.

We had morning prayer every day and lhis past thursday a man came in who is the step brother of a member of the church. Her name is Rosie his is Mario. He had been suffering for 20 years with depression and has not been out of his house at night for 8 years. He lost his job and just sat in a room at home. Well she got him to come and the Lord showed me some things in his life and I told him about them. He asked God to forgive him and He then accepted the Lord. All the demons that have been torturing him for years were gone instantly and he was a different person. He would not let any one hug him at all. Well he let me hug him. He asked his sister how I knew so much about him and she said it was the Lord. Well since then he has been coming to church each night and brought his wife and son and they also accepted the Lord. He is free and free indeed in the Lord. He is a completely different man in Jesus.

Then on Saturday, he told me to read scripture over everyone who was sick, and as I went to each one and said exactly like the scripture that they were healed. The person fell down without anyone near them and we had many reports of instant healing. Quite a few of them said that they actually saw the Glory of God come towards them and when it reached them it over took them and they knew that they were healed. Many salvations and healings have been taking place since we have been in the Rio Grande Valley. It just continues and continues as we get out of the way and let God be God.

Sunday the Lord told me to have two people sing Free in Spanish and in English at the same time. When they started you could feel is presence get stronger and stronger as every one started to worship Him. Then the started singing Jesus in English and Spanish and then people started to weep and fall to their Knees. I could hardly stand up at all. It got stronger and stronger. Some people told us that they went to the throne room and could see him their in all His Glory. Every one said that what was being heard was Angels singing to the Lord. It was so powerful. This whole service is on video tape and I have yet to see it, but I know something happened in that service to many people.

So much more but it would be too long to write at one time and I will send another with more reports of what has happened recently here in Texas.

God Bless
Joe Cicchino
vision of love

Location: Rio Grande Valley, TX, United States