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Fresh Fire Ministries - Crusade In Zambia, Africa Launched With Power
September 11, 2004

Report by Ken Greter
Fresh Fire Ministries

Yesterday (Wednesday) was the opening night of our crusade in Zambia, Africa. Approximately 15,000 to 17,000 were in attendance the first night and a sense of anticipation could be felt in the air. Todd Bentley and a team of approximately 30, from England, USA and Canada, are excited about another great harvest of souls on this trip.

Zambia is noted among one of the most peaceful countries in Africa. It has adopted the motto "one Zambia, one nation." This is a special year for this country, which is now celebrating 40 years of independence as a nation. Zambia received its independence from Britain in 1964. Back in 1980, Reinhard Bonnke came to Kitwe, where our present Fresh Fire Ministries crusade is being held over the next few days.

On the first night Todd promised the crowd that five deaf would hear, or else they could call him a false prophet. The Lord was faithful to this word of faith—shortly after, five deaf and dumb mutes began to hear as he prayed for them. Cheers could be heard throughout the crowd. Also, Todd felt impressed of the Lord to call those forward who had tumors in their bodies. A number of outstanding Miracles took place including:
a woman healed of breast cancer
a man healed of tumor on his chest
a baby healed of a tumor

After the altar call was given, over 2,500 decisions were recorded in the LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE. Obviously this response brought about an ecstatic rejoicing from the more than 70 participating pastors who helped facilitate this crusade. African coordinator Gerald Mwebe is expecting as many as 60,000 to 70,000 on the final night of the crusade (Sunday). More crusade reports to come soon.

More Zambia Crusade Reports Follow ...

Report #2

Crusade in Zambia, the harvest continues!

Report by Ken Greter

Approximately 28 to 30 thousand people attended our crusade this second night in Zambia. More than 3,700 people came running to the altar after Todd shared his personal testimony he called "From Sinner to Saint." There was a sense of unusual expectancy when we arrived on the Crusade grounds. Evangelist Todd Bentley sensed the presence of the healing Angel, which was later confirmed by the numerous miracles that took place throughout the night.

An enthusiastic worship team of approximately 100 African people led the crusade in the high praises of God. When Todd was introduced to the podium he immediately directed the worship leader to lead in a song acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit. Shortly after that, Todd gave numerous words of knowledge and encouraged people to respond by coming forward for prayer.

Here are a number of outstanding miracles that took place:

17 deaf and dumb healed.

A baby whose stomach was enlarged double the size of normal was instantly healed—this miracle was verified by the mother.

Woman with chronic pain in the hips and stomach healed.

Man who had a hernia on his right side for over 20 years felt the heat of the Holy Spirit shoot through his body and claimed he was totally free.

Woman with pain in her neck for many years instantly sent free.

Men with H.I.V. AIDS claims healing after feeling the power of God all over his body.
Woman with a paralyzed right arm for over 15 years begins to use the arm like a windmill for the first time.

Lady healed from final stages of H.I.V. AIDS and TB; she claimed that something demonic came out of her body when Todd prayed for her.

Lady in a wheel chair begins to feel warmth in her legs and after continued prayer begins to move both legs for the first time in years. She was so ecstatic and over whelmed with joy that she could not hold the tears back.

Our African coordinator, Pastor Gerald Mwebe, believes this to be one of the most successful Crusades he has had the privilege of organizing. A tremendous sense of unity is being experienced by the more than 160 participating churches. A special "thank you" to all of the Fresh Fire partners for your faithfulness in prayer and giving. You are reaping this harvest of souls with us.

More Zambia Crusade Reports Follow ...

Report #3

Crusade in Zambia, the Miracle Explosion!

Report by Ken Greter

Tonight was definitely a night for creative miracles. With a greater crowd than the previous night, and with enthusiasm growing from night to night, the atmosphere seemed to be charged with faith. Evangelist Todd Bentley shared a message entitled "Expect your Miracle," citing scriptures from the story of blind Bartimaeus and the woman with the issue of blood. Todd called the large crusade crowd to believe for the supernatural and to step out in faith just like the man in Acts 3 where Peter said to the man: "Arise take up your bed and walk." Some of the words of knowledge Todd received from the Lord included:

A woman with a tumor on her back affecting her spinal cord.

A man's right kidney no longer functioning.
A girl by the name of Sarah between 13 and 14 years old to receive a prophetic word.
A boy by the name of Steven between 6 and 8 years old to receive ministry.
A woman having arthritis in both arms and hands

The people were absolutely amazed at the accuracy of the words of knowledge delivered, as people came forward in response. We give God all the glory as another 2,600 souls came into the kingdom of God!

Here are some of the more notable miracles we observed:

A lady claiming to be healed after having been diagnosed with H.I.V. AIDS for one year.
A male child who could not walk for seven years walked for the first time. The mother was so overwhelmed, tears running down her cheeks and absolutely speechless.

A lady healed of tumors she had for 6 years.
A young lady who came possessed with the devil, unable to talk, and paralyzed on the right side of the face. The team cast the demons out and instantly she began to communicate—she noted that the paralysis was completely gone.

A lady in a wheel chair, who could not stand for eight long years, stood for the very first time after Todd told her to take a step of faith.

A young lady, confined to a wheel chair due to meningitis, walked after a team member broke off the spirit of infirmity and Todd encouraged her to step out in faith.

Numerous other miracles and healings took place throughout the evening as the Fresh Fire team members were encouraged to pray for hundreds of desperate, precious Zambians. Again, thank you for your prayers and faithful support. You, the partners, are the backbone of Fresh Fire Ministries.

More Zambia Crusade Reports Follow ...

Report #4

Zambia Crusade Harvest of Souls -- 23,200!

Report by Diana Mwebe

Attendance at the final crusade night reached 65,000 people and over 8000 souls came to Jesus. At the meeting, Todd began with sharing his favorite message about the Holy Spirit. He explained how that when the Holy Spirit comes, people receive power to overcome sin, sickness and poverty. He explained how that the Father sent the Holy Spirit as a helper and teacher and that God's people can receive a baptism of the Holy Spirit and dunamis power. He told the crowd that this baptism manifests through the gift of speaking in other tongues.

After the salvation altar call, Todd prayed for people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and many people were filled with the Spirit and spoke in tongues.

Then Todd told people that miracles were going to happen. After delivering many words of knowledge, he began to command healing into people's bodies. Many people came forward to give a healing testimony.

Testimony Highlights
Lady with broken ankle for 1 year felt power of God go thru her and was totally healed. She could now even jump on the newly healed ankle.
People delivered of pain in chest, back, arm and stomach.
Man with prostrate condition for 8 years (due for an operation) felt heat and the pain left.
Twelve-year-old girl who was burnt by fire at 6 years of age and couldn't stretch or bend her leg was totally healed.
Girl deaf in both ears was totally healed. (Many other deaf ears healed)
Girl with tumor in stomach is totally healed.
Little girl about 8, deaf and mute since childhood, was healed and began to speak.
Man, deaf since birth, came to the stage when one ear had opened and Todd prayed for the other one and it also opened.
Young boy of 3 began to speak for the first time. His older brother testified that he had never heard him speak.
Woman had severe pain and fibroids in her female parts. During the mass baptism of the Holy Ghost, she started speaking in tongues and the pain left. She got drunk in the Holy Ghost and felt the fire of God go thru her. She says she actually saw the fire, then saw some people in white clothes giver her medicine to take. That's when all the pain left her body and she was healed.


Location: One Zambia, Zambia