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Nairobi, Kenya - Eye On Evangelism - Wesley D. Paul
December 20, 2004

December 10, Nairobi, Kenya.

I am dreaming of a white Christmas, but I don't think we are going to have one here. It is the middle of Summer, the weather is balmy and warm. Doesn't feel anything like Christmas season. Though I have visited some shopping malls and stores, I have not seen the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping as we see witness back in the States. We can all thank God for that. I however spotted automated Santa Claus singing jolly Christmas songs and greetings as people entered Department Stores. While I didn't see much of the commercial Christmas, I did see the real meaning of Christmas as I preached the gospel. The gospel is being preached and people are responding to the message in great numbers. The harvest is truly ripe and plenty. Over 400 people have trusted Christ as their Savior and began a new relationship with Him during our time here in Kenya.

The gospel writer Matthew reminds us of the meaning of Christmas. "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

Preaching here in Nairobi, Kenya has been a great privilege and honor. Bishop Arthur Kitonga of the Redeemed Gospel Churches invited our team (Warren, Wesley and Daniel Howard) to conduct a week of training leaders and another week of crusade evangelism. I preached for two days at the Huruma Grounds (a major slum area in Nairobi), following me Dr. Cecil Stewart from Northern Ireland preached another two days. Together we led over 300 souls to Christ. Every night more than 3000 people attended the meeting. Daniel and I also preached at two crusades in Kisumu the previous week. For Daniel this was the first time to preach in an open air crusade. God also gave us many one on one witnessing opportunities. Here is an account from Daniel on how God used him.

After speaking at a morning meeting Wesley & I and our new friend Lenne went out to a spot on Lake Victoria to see some scenery. While we were there, we were able to show the Evangecube to a local worker. He had many questions so we shared for about 25 minutes. When asked if he would like to receive Christ as his savior, he replied, that if he was to accept Christ it would be the biggest decision of his life, and he first wanted to discuss this with his wife. I said to him "Where is she?" "100m that way" he pointed. "Lets go" I said. 15 minutes later Morris and his wife (mama) Oliwva's names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Amen! Amen! As a result of this we were late (as is usual here) for the daily Lunch Meeting where Wesley was to speak. When we finally got there Jasper(a local Evangelist) grabbed me by the arm & said "Let's go!", "Where?" I asked. He then told me I am speaking at an outdoor Lunch Meeting. It went very well, 12 souls were saved at this meeting. As a result the regional pastor asked if I would speak also Thursday & Friday as well. God is good!!!

Hindu Family Following Christ Against all Odds
Warren and I have been staying with Ravi and Sheela (not their real names), a young Christian family. A year and half ago when I came to Kenya they gave their lives to Christ. They turned from idols to serve a true and living God. It has not been easy for them to follow Christ. The Indian community is steeped in idol worship. The community has put a lot of pressure on them to return to Hinduism. Members of the family have stood in opposition, withdraw financial support and even threatened to take their life. None of the measures taken to stiffle their faith has worked. Recently, one member of the family even offered almost a million dollars to seduce him to give up Christianity. While we were at their home, Sheela's mother came for a visit. She gave her an ultimatum. It is either me or Christ. If you don't let go off Jesus, I am going to drink poison and die. It has been hard for her to see her daughter turn away from the Hindu faith. In addition to that she stated that many members of the community and family were coming to her to complain. They are afraid of the curses and ill will that might result from their idold gods. Against all odds they remain steadfast in Christ. I have heard Ravi say several time, "I will follow Jesus, no matter what. Even if I become a poor man, I will follow him. He is the true and living God!" God is truly working in their lives in a marvelous manner.

Ravi and Sheela remind us that in following Christ there is a price to pay. Many of us in the Western world have no idea of what the rest of the world has to face when they decide to follow
Christ. This Christmas let us remember the believers in Africa, India, Pakistan and the Middle East in our prayers. Let us pray that God will enable them to follow Christ and live as His witnesses in a dark and desolate world.

Let us also examine our faith and commitment to Christ. In light of this testimony how is our commitment? May God help us to be steadfast in our faith and witnesses of his love and grace to a lost and dying world.

Thank you for sending us to the harvest field. It has been very rewarding to see many of the poor in the slums of Nairobi receive Christ as their Savior. As we preached, we felt like we were in good company, for you see 2,000 years ago, the Angels appeared to poor shepherds and announced the birth of our Savior. Your prayers and giving helped us share the story of Christmas. I hope you will share our joy and rejoice in knowing that you too had a part in sharing the good news with the people of Kenya.

From the Harvest Field,

Wesley, Warren and Daniel

Location: Nairobi, Kenya