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Fairfield, Iowa - Healing And Signs And Wonders Report!
June 11, 2007

J.I.M. Ministry Base

Fairfield, Iowa


Conference Report June 10th, 2007

"Nameless and Faceless Arising"

Another Conference is now over and you wonder just how deep can you go in God's Glory. This conference was like many we have had with a deepening of what is already flowing in our midst. We have recently experienced supernatural manifestations of oil coming from hands. Little did we know how deep you can go in Gods Glory!

As usual, everything builds to the final point and final word God would give on Saturday night. Prophetic Worship was great as usual as a very unique song of revelation was released. The words were we may have no name and we may have no face and we may think we have no voice, but the name we have is His and the face we have is His and voice we have is His! He brings name to the nameless ones, He brings face to the faceless ones, and He brings voice to the voiceless ones! This is just one of many revelatory songs that came. The message on Friday was about the nameless ones who were used to make great changes and reformation as they engaged the Glory Realm of God. Specifically, the young boy who supplied loaves and fishes to feed a multitude and the young son of the prophet sent by Elisha with a box of oil to anoint Jehu to be king, thus releasing reformation within the earth and the defeat of Jezebel and the full destruction of Ahab's dynasty. The question at the end of the night was two fold. Would you be willing to be carriers of His anointing to bring reformation as you pour it upon others? And what will you do with what God places within your hand? Who would know the implications of this question? God always asks questions first then releases what is related to it. The front of the room filled with almost everyone answering to be carriers of reformation! Afterward we saw what an artist had sketched during the service. Nameless faceless having oil poured upon their heads. It was revealed this sketch came during worship and not during the message, once again revealing the prophetic flow that we were in.

Saturday morning's session was about the afflictions of carrying God's Glory and not to ask for the afflictions removal but to ask for God's strengthening that they would have no affect on us. Q & A followed concerning how we will see reformation occur within the church and how God has worked through the lives of those older and seasoned in ministry as they have dealt with things. Saturday afternoon was advancement for the Ministry Students, ordinations, and the chartering of another school in Indonesia which already has 30+ students signed up to attend!

Saturday night's service began with teaching before worship. Here at J.I.M. Ministry Base we allow the spirit of God to bring the order of things. The subject: Stewarding the Glory of God. The teaching was on portals within regions and how to maintain them, and how the revealing of mysteries occurs as we access within the Glory which is hiding the mystery. People were challenged again about what they would do with what God would put into their hands and being responsible for their influence over regions. We again went into prophetic worship and saw much more creativity released. What happened next is hard to convey. Words are not adequate!

During worship, my fingers began to release oil. This has been occurring for the past 2-3 weeks of meetings. I reached out to two other people's hands and oil starting coming from them as well. The Lord then spoke and said He was about to put something into every person's hand who had answered the call of the previous night, His supernatural oil. I continued to worship and my hands began to swell. They felt as if they were becoming, full and oil was coming out and making my fingers even stick together. I could rub my fingertips and like a sponge applicator the oil would just flow. The Lord then spoke and said "touch nothing not the microphone, or anything but the hands of the people with this anointing within your hands." I went around the room and as I touched hands, oil was released out of the hands of every person who had answered the call the previous night and those who were in the place to receive. People, of course fell under the Spirit, others literally convulsed as if electricity was shot through them. On a couple of people he said "touch their head" and oil started running down. As I walked through the entire room, the only thing I could see was hands to release this anointing into. It was so powerful at times the ushers had to help me as I was almost blinded by the Glory around me that I could not see where to go except the next pair of hands. When we finished with the congregation we also did the worship team in the same manor. Every single person received this manifestation. Since the worship team could no long play, we sat in Gods Glory knowing something unique and deep had occurred. I asked how many had oil flowing out of their hands now and almost 100% said they did.

We then asked for testimonies. One woman had the disc in her back healed, another healed from issues in her life. One had a mystery released to them. But probably the deepest testimony was those who had visions. 3 people had visions of healing people, or doing ministry or the completion of time. At specific key points in the vision, such as one woman praying for a dead baby to come to life in a woman's womb and at the exact moment she laid hands on the woman I laid hands on her hands. She said she did not know if she was caught away or what had happened. Another was putting the final piece into a large clock and at the exact moment it struck 12 and the piece was put in was when my hands laid upon theirs and the Lord spoke and said the timing of this ministry was finished and it was now complete. This timing within the exact moment of the visions each concerning the persons' hands and then here come hands oozing oil and afterward their hands oozed oil. WOW! The oil continued to flow and as people talked on the microphone they reached a point they could not continue and some fell upon the floor again. The microphone reached a place it was slipping out of people's hands!

It is one thing to walk in anointing. It is another level to have anointing and see manifestations. Yet deeper to be in God's Glory and access mysteries (we have been here for 2 years now) and another to see the Glory come into your hands. And yet another level of being in the revelatory realm and being in time with the Spirit as visions are unfolding in other's lives in the same revelatory realm. We as the Church have much to learn about God's Glory!

After all of this we so desire others to have attended. Amazing how so many decision people make can have such affects upon their lives from missing these kinds of encounters. We had people who only came for one meeting or two and left. We had people who came and visited with people and did not attend meetings. And we had some who came for all and received a full impartation from God.

Today, 3 days later, people are still having oil come from their hands. Some have it coming from heads. Others woke up with their hair oiled to their scalps, yet pillows having nothing. What a true visitation we have just encountered! May God receive all the Glory!!! Greg Crawford Apostle

Location: Fairfield, IA, United States