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Posted: 04/19/2010 at 7:28am
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I spoke at a Conference in Tennessee recently and afterward, Bob Jones, a brother long-acknowledged for his prophetic gift, asked that I minister deliverance to those in the congregation suffering from depression. When I gave the opportunity more than 100 people came forward. The Holy Spirit moved in power and some of the same demonic manifestations recorded in the New Testament took place. This large number who experienced new freedom in Christ re-enforced a fact I have strongly suspected:
Many Christians suffer from long-term crises which pass unhindered from one generation to the next. These include such problems as depression, disease, explosive anger, alcoholism, lying, domination, manipulation, and numerous other destructive habits. Few realize these are not unavoidable ancestral "traits" or that they can be stopped. Since demons and curses are spiritual in nature they can only be corrected by spiritual means. Medical, psychiatric, or other forms of therapy, excellent as they are, may relieve symptom but not touch sources of spiritually-based problems. Such depths can be penetrated solely by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Years ago, a Christian psycho-therapist who understood only the psychological nature of such problems sat in my office and said, "I have often wished I could reach inside my patients and pull out the offender." I looked him straight in the eye and said, "You can."
The foremost question regarding Deliverance Ministry is this one: Did Jesus intend that the modern church continue His work of casting out demons? The answer is found in numerous Scriptures--but one in the Great Commission is primary. Read it carefully:
“Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” Matthew 28:18-20.
Jesus clearly expected believers “to the end of the age” to be taught “all things,” maintain the same disciplines, and do the same works, He gave to His original followers. There is no way to avoid the clarity and directness with which He spoke: “Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you.” Language cannot be more explicit. Yes. Jesus intended that the modern church do the same works as the ancient church. This includes exercising authority over demons and delivering believers from their power. The modern church’s refusal to obey Christ on this point is as inexcusable as disobeying Him on any other.
30% of Jesus recorded ministry was spent in direct conflict with unclean spirits. The modern Church, in contrast, has a near “zero” percent involvement. In consequence, thousands of Christians suffer from problems affecting them mentally, financially, physically, personally, domestically, and in countless other ways. Christians who fail in their commitment are frequently accused of “backsliding” when that is not the problem. The real problem is that the Church oftentimes never gives them the full benefits of the Cross--specifically, deliverance from demons. Jesus never said there would be an “Apostolic Church and a “Post-Apostolic Church” with different practices, teachings, expectations, and achievement. He established one Church; not two, which was to continue unchanged to the “end of the age.” Whether ancient or modern, Christianity must retain the same love, truth, and power.
A young Assemblies of God pastor came to me at a Conference in Florida once and asked if I would minister deliverance to him .I agreed and we went to a private room. This gentleman was a well -groomed college graduate with a successful ministry and family life. That was on the surface but there were other problems underneath. "My ancestors have practiced Druid worship and psychic-powers for generations," he explained, "I am not participating in any way with witchcraft but I experience torment from its presence in my family. Its darkness constantly hovers over me." He paused. "I explained the problem to my Presbyters and asked them to minister deliverance to me but they refused. Our doctrine denies that Christians can have demons in their minds or bodies." I reminded him that none of us have yet been through the Resurrection, our mortal has not yet "put on immortality," nor our corruptible "put on incorruption." I Corinthians 15:53,54. Demons can go anywhere sin and disease can go. If Christians are immune to demons they are also immune to sin and sickness. Like it or not, we are still vulnerable to powers of darkness and must fight as Jesus taught. Spiritual warfare is a constant, on-going battle. Ephesians 6:10-18.
When I brought the authority of Jesus against his ancestry of Druid worship, astonishing things happened. Demons began speaking out of him in guttural, dog-like growls, contorting his body, changing his appearance into something ugly and grotesque. Mark 1:26; 9:26. Four major spirits were identified. One of those was the spirit of "idiocy." When we challenged it, the man's eyes suddenly crossed, his hands became spastic, jerking rigidly, his tongue thickened, turned sideways in his mouth, and be began slobbering with senseless jabbering. In a split-second, he became a full-blown idiot.
The good news is that he was totally delivered; the mental pain was gone forever. But please be aware of this frightening truth: Had this young pastor not received deliverance, the spirits hiding in him would ultimately have destroyed his sanity, ruined his family and ministry, and had him locked away in an asylum. Could that happen to a born-again pastor? Yes. Absolutely. I have no doubt that asylums needlessly contain many such Christians.
These Questions Are Frequently Asked:
Question 1: Can Christians be possessed by demons? No. Christians cannot be possessed by demons. But, Christians can be oppressed by demons. Obviously, that is not true. The New Testament Greek word diamonidzomai, or its English equivalent, “demonized,” has no connotation of the devil’s ownership; it speaks only of one’s susceptibility to demons and their assault.
Question 2: Who should receive Deliverance Ministry? Christians need to be aware that health problems, emotional instability, aggressive or retarded behavior, persistent failures, etc., may be effectively helped through Deliverance Ministry. Wrong attitudes, ideas, habits, are changed and tragedies sometimes averted.
Question 3: How do demons enter a person? Sinful acts, ancestral curses, traumas, participation in occult organizations, occult rites, superstition, are some of the ways demons gain access. Hate-groups, uncontrolled anger, mysticism, provide openings.
Question 4: How is one delivered? Repent of all sin. Forgive everyone. Renounce every occult influence. Surrender to Jesus Christ. Hands should be laid on the person in the Name of Jesus. Rebuke the unclean spirit and command it to go. “Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7. Demons respond to authority. Acts 3:6; 4:10. Mark 1:23,24. They do not obey emotion and noise, only authority. Fasting helps. Matthew 17:21.
Question 5: Who can provide Deliverance Ministry? Jesus said, “These signs will follow those who believe. In My name they will cast out demons ...” Mark 16:17. While every believer is potentially capable of ministering in this authority, not every one is Scripturally informed and prepared.
Question 6: Can demons re-enter a person after they have been cast out? Jesus taught, “ When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came. And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first ...” Matthew 12:43-45.
Question 7: How does a person protect himself from demonic re-infestation? Demons can only return to an empty, unprotected “house” (person). They cannot enter someone by mere choice. A wilful act of sin must allow their re-entry. If fear replaces faith, it becomes sinful and provides the demon that needed opportunity. Following deliverance, the person must be filled with the Holy Spirit (and remain so), develop a godly lifestyle, become a student of Scripture, and maintain active, worshipful relationship with the Body of Christ.
Question 8: Are demons able to attack those working in Deliverance Ministry? Jesus said, “Nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19. Demons cannot enter someone by choice; they must have an opening through sin. It is important for those ministering in Deliverance to ask the Holy Spirit’s protection and the covering of Jesus’ blood.
Question 9: Besides Deliverance, what else does a person need for healthy development? Deliverance from a spirit is usually an immediate, instantaneous experience. Renewal of the mind is not. Following deliverance, it is absolutely essential that the person’s mental attitude be corrected, made healthy, godly, and normal. Patterns of pessimism and skepticism must be broken, negativity replaced by positive, constructive, affirmations of faith. The person’s tongue must be brought under control of the Holy Spirit. Follow-up ministry is vital in every case.
Question 10: Is there proof of benefits of Deliverance Ministry in people-groups and individuals? Yes. In Latin America more than 90% of people saved in public crusades stay committed to the Lord. In North America,more than 90% of people saved in such crusades fall-away. The reason for Latin American success is this: Most people saved in Latin meetings are given immediate Deliverance Ministry. Demons are cast out, family curses are broken, attitudes are changed. Hands are laid on new converts to be filled with the Holy Spirit. These go home aflame with the power of God. As a result, 25,000 to 30,000 people are saved in Latin America every day.
Demons are noisy, Mark 1:26, Acts 8:7, and attempt to intimidate their victims and those involved in ministry against them. Many churches prefer to leave their members in such bondage rather than endure the embarassment of demons ugly manifestations
Testimonies About Deliverance Ministry
Dear Pastor Carrin, We lost our 4 year old daughter in a boating accident in 1993 but knew nothing of the deeper workings and the healing power of the Holy Spirit. My husband and I were both very depressed and angry at God. When you ministered deliverance to us we were “slain in the spirit” for the first time. The Holy Spirit began a healing work in us that has given us a reason to live and worship His Holy Name. A hunger for more of God began in us that summer night--and praise God--the hunger has never been satisfied!! Since that time, we have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit operates in our lives. Thank you and God bless you ...”
Dear Pastor Charles, I grew up in a home filled with alcohol, hatred and abuse. I cannot remember ever feeling loved or wanted. I attempted suicide twice as a teenager. I have had two failed marriages and have lived forty-three years without one ounce of self-confidence or self-respect. My mother told me God didn’t want someone like me ... The night you said for those wanting deliverance to line up at the front my feet got up and took me ... As I stood there, while you spoke, my insides began to tremble. But it was a very strange and different feeling. It was like it wasn’t my insides that were trembling but something inside my insides that was trembling. The more you talked the worse the thing in me shook ... It felt like a tornado ... very, very angry. I could barely hear you say, ‘In the name of Jesus I command you to go!’ That tornado lifted up out of the middle of myself and ripped out of my body with hatred, anger, and despite beyond belief. As it left, I passed out. Brother Charles, let me tell you, by the grace of God, I woke up as God’s little girl who is loved! This thing is so overwhelming to me. Each day I love Jesus more than the day before ...”
“Dear Charles, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free! Thank you for being my ‘Ananias.’ I have received my miracle! For 34 years I have been in bondage to a curse of homosexuality and rejection placed on me by my Dad. I had begun to contemplate suicide because I could not handle it any longer. I prayed one last time for God to send me the person that could help me get a ‘break through’--and the rest is history. No one could imagine the pain and suffering I've endured in my life but thank God it has been ‘Swallowed up in Victory.’ Charles, the church is so ignorant in this area. The homosexual behavior may be a choice but not the curse. I was five years old when my Dad threatened to castrate me and make me into a girl. I endured this abuse all during my childhood. I had forgiven my Dad years ago but I never could break the curse until now. I not only experienced deliverance but also an inner healing. I now can begin the ministry God has intended for me. I could go on for days! To me my miracle is as great as the lame man walking or the blind seeing ... You are free to use my experience to help others ..."
“Dear Brother Charles, The first time I came to your meeting in the Spring of '96 I weighed 86 pounds, suffered from bulimia and anorexia, and vomited as much as 30 times a day. The first night I shook so violently that I could hardly sit there. The next night I left early and went home with fierce thoughts of suicide. Thank God, I returned to the service again. That third night when I met you at the door I tried to speak but my body froze like a pretzel. I could not talk. You took me to a private room with several other women, put your arms around my head and prayed. When you did that, I felt something like hot oil pour down my head and body. One of the women gave me a ‘word of knowledge’ about my suicidal anger the night before. That final, wonderful night I was delivered! After you left, I went to the rest room and looked at myself in the mirror. For the first time I did not see myself as big and ugly. I not only looked normal--I was normal. I want you to know that I have been free ever since.”
The Believer's Authority Over Demons
1. Matthew 10:1: "And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease."
2. Mark 6:13: "And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them."
3. Luke 10:17-19: "Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name. And He said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you".
4. 1 John 4:4: "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
5. Acts 16:18: "Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her." And he came out that very hour.
6. John 14:12: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
7. 1 Peter 5:8-9: "Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion ... Resist him, steadfast in the faith ..."
8. Matthew 17:18-22: "And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him ... Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not cast him out?" So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief ... However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
9. Acts 8:7-8: "For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city."
10. Ephesians 6:10-13: "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
11. II Corinthians 10:3-5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name, let angels prostrate fall!
Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all.
O that with yonder sacred throng we at His feet may fall,
We’ll join the everlasting song and crown Him Lord of All
Charles Carrin CarrinMin1@aol.com
View This Helpful Video Testimony of Nick Griemsmann's Supernatural Deliverance. Click Here
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Posted: 04/19/2010 at 7:29am
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Warning: Psychic Premonitions Can Bring Disaster
Charles Carrin
Last month’s subject, Deliverance Ministry May Be Your Answer, brought the greatest response to any article I have ever published. Many wrote seeking help. Not only are Christians beginning to identify the true source of their problems but are accepting God’s remedy. If you are one of the many needing deliverance I suggest you take that information to your pastor and ask his aid. If he refuses, ask him again. He needs to learn. Should he continue to decline, find some true believer who will come to your rescue. Get free and stay free! Additional help is available on my website at www.CharlessCarrinMinistries.com. Unfortunately, I am no longer available for private counsel. The international breadth of this ministry makes that impossible. God bless you!
"My People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge"
When I ended pastoral ministry and began my traveling work nearly 20 yeas ago I quickly discovered that many believers could not distinguish between the Holy Spirit’s authentic "word of knowledge" and the occult world’s"psychic premonition". To the uninformed these two look much alike–but their difference is gravely critical. One church in my community even scheduled a psychic-medium to "minister" at congregational gatherings. The spiritual damage of such an event is inestimable.
One of the first to respond to my warning about psychics was a young man who came to my hotel room. He had received a frightening "spiritual" message that on a specific day his wife and baby would be killed in a car wreck. He was even told the city where it would occur. The message which claimed to be from God warned him not to tell anyone--not even his wife. When he reluctantly shared that frightening information with me, I immediately explained that he had received a psychic-prophecy. It was not God's "word of knowledge" but a demonic counterfeit such as fortune-tellers and clairvoyants experience. I showed from Scripture that genuine "words of knowledge," I Corinthians 12:8, are always in harmony with the Covenant of Grace. No where does the Covenant provide for car wrecks, mangled bodies, and broken homes. Read it for yourself. Jesus came to "heal ... liberate captives ... restore sight ...free the oppressed, etc." Luke 4:18,19.
Psychic-initiated disasters as this young husband was told come from powers of darkness.. Ephesians 6:12. I Peter 5:8,9. Satan comes to "kill, steal, and destroy" and does that most often through deception. John 10:10. Jesus brings life "more abundantly." Since this young man was uninformed about the treachery of such a message, his wife and baby were in very real danger. As with most of us, he had probably read horoscopes, played with a Ouigi Board, had his fortune told, or done other things that left an occult shadow over him. Without wasting a moments time, I laid hands on him and took total, absolute, unconditional authority over that prophecy in the Name of Jesus Christ.
As a believing disciple, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and speaking the Word of God from my mouth--and not in any ability of my own--we canceled the devil's forecast. We declared it null and void, powerless and impotent by the blood of Jesus. Do I actually believe disciples have that power? Absolutely. Jesus taught it, the Apostles confirmed it, you and I had better learn it. Mark 16:17,18. Luke 10:17-20. James 4:7,8. II Corinthians 10:3-5. Matthew 10:1. Mark 6:13. Revelations 12:10,11.
As this young man talked, I remembered my own wife's tragic automobile wreck in which she had 13 broken bones and fractures, a collapsed lung, concussion of the brain, and so many injuries she could not be moved. That disaster followed a month-long “message” I received which was identical to the one threatening this young husband and father. But, unlike him, no one told me how to stop it. Nothing in my church background or Bible training alerted me to this possibility. I told him of a Baptist pastor in a similar hotel room several years before who wept out his tragic story. A father in his congregation dreamed that a certain individual would be killed. A short time later the person died tragically. Soon after that, the man dreamed again; this time it was his son who would be killed. He was told to warn the boy about his impending death. The father ignorantly submitted to everything the dream demanded and two weeks later his son died in a tragic automobile wreck. The church and family were spiritually devastated. Worst still, they wrongly blamed God for something the devil had done.
During our visit, I recalled the time in Atlanta when another precious Christian brother was killed in a car wreck within ear-shot of my house. A few hours before, his wife foolishly obeyed a "message" to make his funeral arrangements. At the time, he was in robust health. Obediently, she carried out every detail of notifying the pall bearers, selecting the soloist and songs, informing the two ministers who spoke--I being one of them--and choosing the funeral home. She left nothing unfinished. Without realizing it, she cooperated with Hell and in-effect told the devil, "Go ahead." He immediately did. That was before my baptism in the Spirit and my enlightenment about such messages.
Another Christian family came to mind; a mother, father, two grandmothers, who were swept away in a flash flood after a relative ignored a psychic "warning". Nothing was done to resist the disaster. As a result, lives were lost and children orphaned. That absolutely is not the will of God. It violates every provision of the Covenant. Later, the person, who had the "warning," received another. She dreamed that her daughter called in the night, shouted her husband's name into the telephone and said, "He's dead!" Again, the omen was unheeded; no authority was taken in the Name of Jesus. Soon afterward, the mother's phone rang in the night–exactly as she had been fore-warned. The daughter shouted her husband's name into the receiver and said, "He's dead!" The man had just been murdered. He was shot in his office, behind his own desk.
Again, there had been no exercise of Jesus' authority against the psychic prophecy. As I stood at that man's casket, I wondered, "God! What does it take to wake up people to the reality of spiritual war?! How long will the church continue its’ fight against spiritual gifts?!" I am still waiting. But I am not waiting silently. When God took me from pastoral work and sent me into the evangelical field His specific command was "Go wake up my church!"
Before her death in the Paris car-crash, Princess Diana was told by her psychic that "Happiness will always be snatched away from you." In submitting to that horribly-oppressed medium instead of God, Princess Diana surrendered her life to Hell's agenda. The night of the crash, her new engagement ring lay beside her on the floor of the bloodied automobile. It was not even on her hand when she died. Instead, "happiness had been snatched away" from her. "Life and death are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21.
Soon after my return to Delray Beach, Florida, in 1978, a friend and I went to a Psychic Fair at the local Mall, set up our own booth, and distributed tracts entitled Is It Dangerous To Consult Psychics? The leaflet contained Scripture quotations expressing God's warning against those who practice and those who receive divination. Understandably, the psychics were outraged, they called the police, reporters and photographers descended on the scene. My friend and I were portrayed by the newspaper articles as the real villains.
Later, the man in charge of the Fair approached me privately. He had read the tract, was genuinely concerned, but defensive for the fortune tellers. "I've worked with these psychics for eighteen years," He said, "and I know what they say frequently comes to pass." I agreed. Pointing to the parking lot, he explained, "Suppose a psychic tells you that tomorrow at this same time there will be a green car in that spot, a white one next to it, and a red truck speeding by." I listened. "She tells you that a child runs out from between those cars and is killed. You come here tomorrow and it happens exactly like she said ..." I stopped him. "I know what you are saying is true. Psychics frequently tell things that really happen," I said, "But you don't understand--the psychics are not merely predicting them--they are causing them. Through their evil prophecies, they fulfill the devil's will."
When I said that, truth stabbed him like a knife. He slumped, turned slowly toward me, wide-eyed, mouth open. I will never forget his stare or the terror in his eyes. "How do I get out of this?!," He asked. "You need to be saved," I answered. "How?!" "Ask Jesus to forgive you. Tell Him you want to be born-again," I explained, "Commit your life to Him." Standing there in the entrance to the Mall he did exactly that, humbly, sincerely praying the salvation-prayer. Someone asks, "How can sincere Christians, such as the ones I have described, experience such dark dreams and devilish messages?" The answer is that our minds and bodies have not yet been through the Resurrection. Demons can go anywhere sin and disease can go. Our "corruptible has not put on incorruption, nor has our mortal put on immortality." I Corinthians 15:53,54. Until that happens, we are engaged in constant, unending spiritual war. Ephesians 6:10-18. Our regenerate spirit is immune to demons, yes, but soul and body, mind and flesh, remain their public battleground. If unprotected, these areas can be penetrated by powers of darkness. Scripture and common sense confirm this fact. Luke 9:55. II Corinthians 11:4. People with histories of psychic premonitions need deliverance. Such patterns frequently exist for generations in a family.
Someone asks: Does not the Holy Spirit’s "word of knowledge" warn us about dangers? Absolutely. Several years ago, a visitor at Central Baptist near Chattanooga, Tennessee, warned me about a tragedy awaiting my airline flight that afternoon. I was instructed to "take authority" over the problem when I boarded the plane. Believe me, I did that! I laid-hands on the aircraft as I entered, spoke the power of Jesus’ Name on the equipment, personnel, circumstance, and everything relative to it. Later, when we tried to take off, an engine failed, the flight was canceled, and everyone ordered out of the plane. But the devil wasn’t through. Within days after that, on a different flight, we were ready to take off when a passenger saw fuel spilling from a broken gas line. Again, at the last minute, the flight was canceled and tragedy aborted. Our battle with powers of darkness is ongoing, endless.
The difference between a psychic premonition and the Holy Spirit’s word of knowledge is that God’s message always provides grace for a way of escape. His word comes with love and mercy; Satan’s word always demands unchangeable, inescapable death and disaster. Even when disguised with the promise of good fortune and favor there is an incredibly high price to pay. If you ever receive a dream or message such as those I described, do not accept it. It may destroy you or someone you love. God gave you the authority to cancel its effect in your life. Romans 16:20. Luke 10:17-19. Mark 16:17-20. I Peter 5:9. Revelation 12:10,11. Be alert! Be informed! Most importantly of all, be victorious! Know the difference between God's "words of knowledge" and the devil's "psychic deceptions." Your life depends on it! Don't become another victim of Hell's deceit!
Finally, remember the words of Jesus who said, "I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." Luke 10:19-21
Bible References
"The person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people." Leviticus 20:6
"Do not let your prophets and your diviners who are in your midst deceive you, nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed. For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent them, says the LORD. Jeremiah 29:8-10
"The diviners envision lies, And tell false dreams." Zechariah 10:2
Old Testament references: Deuteronomy 18:10-12. II Kings 17:17,18. Isaiah 47:12-15. Ezekiel 12:24. I Samuel 15:23. II Chronicles 33:6. Exodus 22:18.
New Testament references: Mark 16:17,18. Luke 10:17-20. James 4:7,8. II Corinthians 10:3-5. Matthew 10:1. Mark 6:13. Galatians 5:19-21. Acts 16:16.
The believers authority over demons: Romans 16:20. Mark 16:17-20. I Peter 5:9. Revelation 12:10,11.
Charles Carrin
Dr. Benjamin Rush, 1776 Signer of the Declaration of Independence, first Surgeon General of the Continental Army, gave this warning: "Unless we put medical freedoms in the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship ... to restrict the art of healing to one class of men or companies and deny equal privileges to others ..."
In March I was one of several Conference speakers at Christ The Rock Church, Boca Raton, Florida. That evening I felt impressed to teach on the subject of deliverance from unclean spirits. At the conclusion of the message two young men wanting deliverance from drug addiction responded. As the congregation watched both were set free. One month later at another church where I spoke one of the two men reappeared. He wanted additional ministry–but the greatest proof of his deliverance was in his face. He literally "glowed" in the anointing and joy of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
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Posted: 04/19/2010 at 7:31am
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DELIVERANCE MINISTRY -Discerning and Casting Out Demons or Evil Spirits!
Mark 16:14-20 (Good News Bible) “Last of all, Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples ......He scolded them, because they were too stubborn .......He said.....”GO throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to the whole human race. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues; if they pick up snakes or drink poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on sick people, who will get well.” ........The disciples went and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and proved that their preaching was true by the miracles that were performed.” Isaiah 61:1-6 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all those who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion -to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore places devastated; ..............And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God.” John 14:12-14 “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
One third of Jesus’s earthly ministry was exposing and casting out evil (demon) spirits. He trained and commissioned all of his disciples to perform this ministry before sending them out. Casting out evil spirits is a working of miracles (Mark 9:38-39), it is a healing ministry, a power gifting of the Holy Spirit, it is a normative calling of a disciple, it is a benefit for the believer (Matt 15:22-28), shows that the Kingdom of God is present on earth (Luke 11:20).
What are demons or evil spirits? They are fallen spirit beings without bodies, who are part of the kingdom of Satan. Some theologians believe they are fallen angels, some believe they are another type of being. This last view holds that there are both fallen angels and demons- all are evil spirit beings . This issue is not definitive in scripture; demons do appear to have different characteristics than angels, who do not appear to desire to dwell in human bodies. They have: personalities, names, emotions, knowledge (the word demon means: the knowing ones), hierarchy, languages, supernatural abilities, they walk (angels can walk or fly). They are evil and condemned, they intensely desire to inhabit human beings so they can “find rest” (fulfill their evil nature/desires/control humans). They fear but resist God and resisted and attacked Jesus. Their mission and effect on humans: they deceive, torment, make sick, bind, hinder, confuse, teach, distort, pervert, tempt, steal/kill/destroy, lie, defile/ make unclean, blind, establish strongholds, drive/compel, give supernatural abilities, magnify fleshly nature (Gal 5:16-21). They desire to be worshiped openly as gods, 1 Cor. 10:14-21; demons are behind all idolatry and pagan worship practices. They also go to great lengths to remain unseen and undetected, behind human nature, in order to obtain influence and power over mankind and society. The marks of their evil workings in the human race can be seen throughout history in every culture and era. One of the hallmarks of Jesus’s ministry was to expose and overthrow the nature, work and character of demons hiding within the human race. Deliverance ministry is primarily the targeting of evil spirits that indwell individual humans. Intercessory spiritual warfare (strategic prayer) is the targeting of ruling evil angelic/demonic forces. These oppress and rule over human organizations, cities (principalities), regions, nations and the earth and it’s atmosphere (Eph 3&6), to oppose God’s Kingdom on earth.
How demons gain entrance and control: we can be born with them due to sins of parents; shock, trauma or illness can lower spiritual immunity; Satanic curses/witchcraft/sorcery; false religion/idolatry; exposure to demonic/occult environment/things/practices; ignorant or willful sin/rebellion; curse brought on by sins (iniquities) of fathers; agreement/seeking supernatural experience/power; eye/ear/ mouth gate sins; unforgiveness. (Note: Unforgiveness and bitterness are major open doors to demonization and unless there is repentance, will prevent deliverance. Jesus warned that his Father would turn unforgiving servants over to the tormentors (demons) -see Matt. 18.) Demons cannot gain entrance at will, there must be an “open door”, where a person is victimized by their own or others’ weakness, sin or rebellion. Demons are not fair, they are evil, but God has placed limitations on their activities that cause them to end up being unwilling agents in the plan of redemption. For example, consider the end result of their efforts to use men to destroy Jesus on the cross. Demon activities end up driving mankind to consider the Cross, they help the unwilling be willing. Note that Jesus did not come to judge demons even though they feared that. God is good and totally sovereign and has strategic reasons for allowing demonic activity on earth. (A prophetic vision given to an incredulous evangelist (Howard Pittman), was that of a bar scene where a man drank himself into an alcoholic stupor and just as he passed out, an evil spirit waiting there entered into him. An angel countered the evangelist’s declaration that this was unfair and hopeless, saying No! Do not interfere!; you do not see the end result as God foresees it. The resultant eventual brokenness from this demonization, will in the end bring him to the Cross!) Of course not all such cases end with salvation. Men are evil and free to reject Christ, but on the day of judgement, no man will have an excuse and God’s wisdom will prevail. God is at work employing every redemptive means to enable mankind to freely choose salvation in Jesus Christ, all this without violating man’s free will.
Can a Christian be affected by or indwelt by demons? Answer this question first: Can a Christian have sin in their lives or walk in serious deception or rebellion, etc.? Yes, Christians can have demons - as many as they “want”.Yes, obedient believers have been given authority over every kind of evil spirit. There is no blanket scriptural immunity granted to believers, but rather a declaration that deliverance from demons is for the household of faith (the children’s bread). Generally it is unwise and impractical to minister deliverance to anyone who is not a believer, or unwilling to commit to Christ, because they are not able to retain deliverance without the empowerment and protection of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:14-28). This applies to carnal or disobedient believers who grieve or quench the Holy Spirit as well. There are scriptural requirements for deliverance including faith, repentance, forgiveness, humility, etc. and these are the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer. The Holy Spirit may in certain evangelism situations, call for casting out demons that are binding and hindering an individual’s conversion and salvation. Such a situation is not uncommon, but not the majority situation -the end result is a believer. This situation is commonly found where the occult and false religious systems have strongholds in communities and families. Such demons intensely hinder and bind people from hearing the Gospel and being able to respond freely. Unfortunately, unbelievers will often seek deliverance from inconvenient oppressions and bondages, only so they are freer to pursue an independent and sinful life. Demons in the process of afflicting mankind, end up serving God’s redemptive purposes by driving humans to seek God and salvation in their broken condition. Demons bring consequences and judgement to sin and rebellion. The church is admonished to turn unrepentant and rebellious believers over to demons for correction (1 Cor 5). Becoming born-again does not automatically cause demons to leave their “house”, although God can and does sovereignly deliver new-born believers. Many have testimonies of being instantly delivered from longstanding demonic bondages such as addictions. Others go through painful and prolonged steps of overcoming and deliverance subsequent to their conversion and discipleship. This is a matter of divine wisdom and sovereignty. Some new believers are not ready to hold on to new and instant freedom and require discipleship. Therefore, God wisely causes them to grow into freedom. When do you clean fish? Before or after you catch them? Spirit warfare, deliverance and discipleship are essential in the process of transformation (Rom. 12, Eph 6) Deliverance is part of the process of discipleship and transformation of the believer. It’s part of a step-by-step walk, where one enters into and possesses the “promised land” - this requires faith, obedience, overcoming and destruction of strongholds in a believer’s life. A major obstacle to freedom found in most humans is pride and failure to come into agreement with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. There are those in the church who teach against deliverance ministry for believers. They expound against the possibility that a true believer could have an indwelling evil spirit or that the Holy Spirit and an evil spirit could dwell in the same body. A convenient explanation given for demons being cast out of believers, is that they either weren’t really saved or that they “lost their salvation”. Such propositions are not truly supported by either exegesis or real world experience, but rather only by false rational thinking. The tragedy of this position is that it denies believers the personal salvation, healing and deliverance offered by the Cross and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Untold numbers of believers live in bondage and pain in ignorance of this important beneficial ministry that is theirs in Christ. These believers have often been told their problems are caused by lack of discipline, lack of faith, immaturity, hidden sins, scriptural ignorance, or other spiritual inferiorities. Those who oppose this ministry have little if any actual experience in discerning or casting out evil spirits. So this becomes a litmus test: if a person says definitively that Christians cannot have demons, you can be sure they have limited or no real world scriptural understanding or experience in this critical ministry. “I’ve never seen ...” is not proof of this position’s truth. Those who understand this ministry, operate in it regularly and with proven real world scriptural testimonials of changed lives. Sadly, relatively few believers are willing to enter into deliverance ministry due to persecution and personal cost- even though they may have had life changing benefits from it in their own or family experience. Often, it is easier for unbelievers to discern and believe in the reality of demons, even to the point of seeking deliverance, than believers who have been theologically neutered.
Demonization (possession is not an accurate scriptural term): demons do not “own” or have title to people, they are invaders and trespassers seeking to steal/kill/destroy - they are spiritual predators and parasites, spiritual cockroaches that should be discerned, resisted and thrown out. Pastor Frank Hammond, a Baptist minister, who wrote the all time best selling charismatic book, Pigs in the Parlor, says God gave him a vision of pigs rooting around in a parlor (living room) in answer to his questions about Christians having demons. God told him, pigs don’t belong in people’s homes and living rooms and demons don’t belong in Christians, but Christians can actively open the door or passively allow them in and then continue to allow them to mess their lives up!
Some signs of demonization: fleshly nature strongholds; tormented mind or soul; restlessness or no peace; “baditudes”; dark thoughts/memories; fears/phobias; hearing voices; compulsions or addictions; troubled childhood/ family history; chronic illnesses/afflictions; sexual sins/perversions; chronic confusion/unbelief; false doctrine; chronic conflict; suicidal thoughts/actions; communication problems; procrastination/indecision; seeing spirits; cult/ occult involvement/contact; authority issues; supernatural abilities. NOTE: not all sicknesses, human abnormalities, or behaviors, or problems are the result of demonization. Because demons can cause blindness, for example, does not mean that all blindness is caused by demons. Anyone can have momentary anger, fleshly behavior due to provoking incidents that come our way. We all need to crucify anger (the flesh). However, if this anger becomes a regular part of our daily lives and seemingly resists normal spiritual disciplines, we become known as an angry person. Thus a stronghold or sin structure of anger exists. An evil spirit of anger can gain entrance and hide behind our anger, exacerbating it, even opening the door to further demonization such as violence or even murder, taking advantage of our ignorance. Discernment, word of knowledge, and testing is required in every situation. Probing and trial by error testing of a ministry case is better than being deceived and missing an opportunity to set a captive free. The dilemma facing the disciple in rightly framing this issue is balance. We are caught between over emphasizing and under emphasizing the scope and reality of demon activity. It is wiser to err somewhat in the direction of over emphasizing, in order to not miss reality and liberating those who are suffering and in bondage. Reality only sets in when you or someone you know and love is set free and discovers new life and you experience the fruit firsthand. The balancing factor is that there are no substitutes for normal Christian disciplines, the practice of which produce a Holy Spirit filled life and the pre-conditions for personal transformation,deliverance, healing and freedom in Christ. Deliverance ministry is not a “quick fix”, nor a substitute for crucifying the flesh nature, obedience, or repentance; nor does it buy a believer a “pass” from discipleship. Crucify the flesh, cast out demons; you cannot crucify demons, you cannot cast out the flesh. James 1:19-27 Galations 5:13-6:10
Some names/types of demons: They are known or called by their function and behavior. Many believers are prepared to accept the concept of evil spirits at a strategic level, such as those that might be behind idols or paganism, etc. Where the rubber meets the road, is in the understanding and discernment of how and what demons do in the human body, soul and personality (mind, will and emotions). The following information often comes as a shocking revelation to those first learning about demons and their far reaching activities and persona. Every human has had close experiences with the kingdom of demons and has failed to recognize or discern their activities. The Four R Spirits: Rejection, Resentment, Rebellion, Religion (false). Rejection: fear of rejection, self-rejection /hatred, inability to give or receive love, fear of man, insecurity, hopelessness, despair, depression, suicide, self-pity. Resentment: unforgiveness, bitterness, bitter roots, hatred, revenge, murder, violence, back-biting, jealousy, envy, critical spirit, strife. Rebellion: independence, resistance, stubbornness, pride, arrogance, strife, selfishness, confusion, manipulation, control, witchcraft (Jezebel Spirit). Religion: anti-Christ**, cults by name, Islam, tradition, legalism, Masonic lodge, secret societies, idolatry, false religious systems by name, spiritism/animism, paganism, atheism, false gods by name, shamanism, occult practices by name.
** anti-Christ spirit: substitute, false or different Jesus Christ, watered down or stripped of divinity, different gospel that is no gospel at all, see 1 John 2:15-27, 2 Cor. 11:3-4, Gal. 1:6-9, 1 Tim. 6:3. This is the true spirit behind cults such as: Christian science, Mormons, JW, Islam, Masonic lodge. These all deny that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh. They deny the Jesus that the Gospels, NT and Apostles preach and teach -they have their own “jesus”.
Some other types of demons: Fear (2Tim. 1:7), any type of fear by name, cowardice, timidity, shame, embarrassment, shyness. Sexual Immorality, lust, perverse, effeminate, homosexuality, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality, masturbation, adultery, fornication, rape, incest, molestation, sexual confusion, aversion, frigidity, vile affections, trans-sexuality, sado-masochism, etc. Lying Spirit, deception, error, confusion, doubt, unbelief, inability to come to the knowledge of truth, denial. Legion, Leviathan, Prince of Persia, various Old and New Testament names for evil spirits. Sickness, infirmity, blind, deaf, dumb, paralysis, mental illness by name, depression/oppression, death, addiction by name, drugs by name, pain, crippling, scholiosis or other medical condition by name, heaviness, etc. Occult, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, magic arts, spiritism, fortune telling, levitation, water witching, hypnosis, so called healing arts by name, idolatry, charms, fetishes, amulets, tarot, fantasy, Kabala, etc. (Again, not every condition is the direct cause of demons- discernment and testing is required.)
If you have a demon’s name, you have increased power over it to cast it out. Often, demons will speak out their names proudly, boasting of their work; other times, the minister can force them to reveal their names by demanding it in the name of Jesus. In other cases, the name will come by word of knowledge, by discernment or observation or the victim will describe it by what they feel or know. Demons respond to their name (which is usually their specific function such as: Spirit of Fear of ______. etc.) Demons can be cast out by describing them in terms of their effect on the person as well (You spirit that causes _________.) Demons can and often do speak out of the host either using a slightly different voice or even with a distinctly different voice such as a male voice coming out of a woman, etc. Demons can seize control over a person causing them to fall, become violent, run away, exhibit bizarre behavior such as writhing like a snake or imitating animals such as barking, biting, clawing, etc. Demons are excellent lawyers and can argue their “legal” rights to stay or be in their host. Often they give away clues as to how they entered, etc., but they always employ lies and bluffing as a tactic to remain in their host. Take and enforce your scriptural authority over them, to bind them, quiet them and to cast them out. Quote scriptural authority and cite the provisions of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus. If demons manifest themselves but successfully resist being cast out, there is usually a legal scriptural ground for them to remain, such as: unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, possession of occult materials, etc. Prayer and counseling usually cause these hidden strongholds to be exposed and dealt with before continuing ministry. Often demons will leave quietly and without any manifestation. The objective is to liberate and not to focus on or force manifestations. The victim will often know immediately that a change or release has taken place and will testify to it. Many will say, “I feel free!”, “I feel so light!”, etc. and will often emotionally ascribe praise and worship to Jesus. Sometimes the deliverance is so powerful and draining, that the victim will be temporarily unconscious or incapacitated, even requiring extended rest to recover a sense of well being, or even complaining of feeling torn or tender inside as a result of the struggle. After a successful ministry, the victim’s eyes should be clear and peaceful and they should feel and testify to the peace of God and if not, there remains additional work to be done. It is unrealistic to believe that any believer, can expel any kind of demon, in any situation, and in any victim, just by a matter of a few words. Some situations require extensive preparatory counsel with the victim to uncover strongholds; this followed by prayer, even fasting. Some of Jesus’s disciples found out that their faith and preparation for ministering deliverance were inadequate and presumptive (Matt. 17:14-21). Team ministry is highly recommended and wise, but the team must have a leader and be in unity or the demons will take advantage.
12 Steps to Deliverance from Demons: 1. Recognize-humble yourself and consider the possibility -pray for discernment and knowledge and wisdom. 2. Repent of all known sin and disobedience -stop it, turn around in your attitude and behavior. 3. Renounce it, calling it what the scripture calls it. Out loud ! (spiritual warfare and deliverance is done audibly). 4. Get rid of and destroy all related sinful objects or materials. 5. Forgiveness is an absolute requirement, forgive everyone! Matt. 5:25-26, 18:21. 6. Confess all sin, resistance and rebellion in thought, action and deed. 7. Confess Christ as both Savior and Lord committing to obedience by the power of the Holy Spirit.
8. Water Baptism by immersion; commit to local church membership and authority. 9. Pray and ask God for deliverance. 10. Take authority in the name of Jesus, cast out, expel, exhale**demons by name! 11. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, keep on being filled through discipleship and worship. 12. Walk as a disciple, help others to be set free, testify!
**((The term spirit in the Greek, implies breath/wind, the Holy Spirit is the Holy breath/wind of God - the HS came into the upper room on the day of Pentecost like a rushing mighty wind; evil spirits or demons are like unclean/unholy breath/wind in the manner of their typical manifestations through humans; when they come out, often there is a breathy manifestation such as a groan, shriek, coughing, crying, sobbing, vomiting, cursing, declarations, even flatulence, etc. One can feel such expelled spirits actually hit or brush up against the person ministering, as they come out. Deliverance requires the victim to cooperate in agreeing and acting to open up the mouth while pushing out the spirit using one’s will, by physically forcing out and exhaling. Demons can cause the victim to choke and gasp in order to resist being expelled. The minister may need to exert authority to stop the choking and force the expulsion. Again, not all demons will manifest noticeably, many will leave quietly, but then there will always be a change. No change, no deliverance.))
Weapons and Tactics: Demons are evil and will resist eviction based on their type, the spiritual condition of the victim and the minister. All spiritual warfare is to be spoken out loud. Shouting is not needed, just firmness based on faith in the Word of God. Jesus sent out disciples in teams for good reasons, so teamwork is a preferred means of ministering the provisions of the Gospel commission. Pray for protection, wisdom, discernment, and guidance. Maintain team unity or lose! Pick your battles, pick your turf, take your time and do not run ahead of the Spirit. Interview and counsel the victim on repentance issues, forgiveness, the provisions of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus. First, lead the victim in prayers that resolve these issues before proceeding; be thorough. It may be appropriate to anoint with oil, lay on hands or not as the HS leads. Be careful of gender appropriateness issues; do not give your adversary any grounds for accusation. Be sure your team is spiritually clean and operating in a spirit of humility and love. Quote scriptural authority verses and verses on the atonement and the Blood. Command evil spirits to be bound and command them to leave by name, persisting until there is a release. If you are uncertain whether demons are present, spend time praying over the candidate, worshiping, seeking counsel from the Holy Spirit. Often the candidate will begin to manifest demons, speak out names or describe them, confess involvement, or the word of knowledge or wisdom will come in response to the anointing flowing from prayer and worship. Sometimes it is appropriate to command demons to give their names or describe their function and how and when they entered the victim. When this happens under authority, demons are weakened. Bind manifestations, deny demonic negotiations, silence their voices! You are not looking for manifestations, you are looking for liberation. Sometimes intercession and fasting is a requirement, it is always advantageous and empowering. If demons persist in their resistance, they know they have some legal ground to stay due to uncovered issues. Stop, back off and pray for wisdom and word of knowledge. Sometimes the victim wants the freedom, but is not ready to repent or confess sin. When you feel confident that the victim is sincerely cooperative and meets all requirements, but the battle persists without release, you may be dealing with a particularly powerful strongman. In this case, it may be better to attack lessor discerned spirits and undermine the strongman, cleaning out the “house” and reducing his power and help. Team members can exert powerful support by quoting scriptures and worshiping while the leader attacks. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will give the leader a “warfare tongue (language)” that addresses the demons in powerful authority, demolishing their will to resist. It is rare to find someone needing deliverance from one demon. They almost always have established a network of related demons in order to gain control over the victim by manipulation - one sin leads to another. All ministry must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit, but not all believers have the same faith and anointing and experience. Therefore, it is unwise to be over confident and unprepared in spiritual warfare. Count the cost first, then win the battle under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit! Some victims need prayer for healing and or additional scriptural counseling and discipleship follow-up in order to keep their freedom and resist the enemy. The enemy always waits and tries to return to his now cleaned “house” - “Shut de door, keep out da devil”!
Inner Healing: Concerted prayer and counseling ministry where we ask the Holy Spirit to bring revelation and atonement to a person’s memories and consciousness. This is the ministry of reconciliation (Rom. 5:1-11, 2 Cor. 5), where we ask the Holy Spirit to show (vision) how Jesus Christ has been present in all the events of our lives. Often the person being prayed for will experience the presence of Christ in the painful and dark events of their past. This reveals his sovereign care and love, bringing understanding and restoration. Sometimes this kind of prayer is needed for breakthrough to precipitate repentance, which will open the door to deliverance. Many times it is a follow-up ministry needed to close the door (wounds), to prevent the enemy from re-gaining entrance in a person’s soul. This has been called “emotional or soul healing”, because the Holy Spirit brings great release and peace to a troubled soul by demonstrating God’s sovereign love and redemption. Hidden -dark things, wrong beliefs, roots, are revealed; iniquity is destroyed, fear is replaced with faith and the person is made one with their savior in a new and fresh relationship. Embracing God’s forgiveness and giving forgiveness is a key factor in this kind of breakthrough. Key Book: Rita Bennett: How to Pray for Inner Healing for Yourself and Others (www.alibris.com)
What is the Occult?
The Occult is defined as knowledge and enablement from a source beyond natural human ability and perception: mysterious, secretive, concealed, supernatural beliefs, practices, or phenomena, but not from God. From a Biblical world view, there are only two sources of supernatural abilities and perception: God or Satan (demons/fallen angels). These include powers, hidden information, knowledge, wisdom (application of knowledge), help, guidance, healing, provision, the experiential. One source brings life, one source brings death. “The secret (true) things belong to the Lord our God; but those things that are revealed (by God) belong to us.” Deut. 29:27. Mankind seeks to obtain these things and subsequently can fail to discern their source and ultimate cost by ignoring Biblical boundaries posted by God. Many drift into occult territory because they are willfully or ignorantly disobedient to God’s life giving Word and will. There is no such thing on earth as a spiritual vacuum, an empty soul. Man will either fall prey to control by Satan or chose to surrender to Christ. So the occult is fundamentally a control issue, a war of control between Satan and God in the souls of men. The former seeks to entice, overpower, coerce, deceive and ensnare the souls of men, thus obtaining control, causing eternal death and destruction. The latter seeks to win the souls of men by the means of truth and love and produces liberation, eternal life, righteousness and well being.
The occult is the foundation of all false religious systems and idolatry. It is the source of false revelation and thus false worship and distortion of God’s true person and nature. Man being created with the need to worship and have fellowship with God, can fall prey to false religion due to his sin nature which is independent in character. Seeking to fill the spiritual void within his soul, man often resorts to finding assurance, peace and harmony through rational or intellectual pursuit of God or other means and in the process is often deceived and ensnared by the occult and false religion. The modern era occult movements (New Age) are only the age-old process of do-it-yourself religion. Although God has placed an inner witness in all men of his existence as clearly seen in his creation and has revealed himself to mankind in the person of his Son Jesus Christ, mankind still chooses other ways. (Rom. 1&2). The Bible warns us to know and seek God and his help, guidance and power, only through the scriptures and the help of the Holy Spirit. This door of providence is open to all who will enter through humility, obedience and surrender to Jesus Christ. This is the narrow gate, the narrow path, the only true supernatural path that leads to eternal life and peace and fellowship with God. Scriptural evidence of salvation: Romans 10:8-11, 1John 5:1-21, Galations: 5:13-6:10.
There is another open door to the supernatural, a virtual freeway known as the occult. Down this road is Satan’s kingdom and the path of separation from the one true God. The powers of darkness work to ensnare and deceive humans with false revelation and guidance, supernatural abilities and alternative solutions and provisions. Included in this is demonization, the control of demons over men’s lives and souls causing alienation from God. Mental and physical sickness, fear, torment, darkness, bondages, oppression, poverty, confusion, violence and destruction, are just some of the symptoms suffered by those who enter into contact with the occult. Such contact is a major source of hindrance to a person being able to receive the truth of the Gospel message and to respond affirmatively to receive Christ. The scriptures forbid any contact or agreement with occult practices, seeking supernatural experiences, or knowledge, or help from any other source other than God. To do such is an abomination and a violation of the 1st Commandment: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20: 1-20. Such occult contact is a form of idolatry and the apostle Paul warns that idolatry is “fellowship with devils and provokes the Lord to jealousy.” 1 Cor. 10:20. In the end-times, some will abandon the faith (obedience to Christ) and follow deceiving spirits that teach false doctrines (demons teach) 1Tim. 4:1. Seeking help from the “god of this world” (Satan - 2Cor. 4:4) is the end reality of man’s curiosity and pursuit of help or guidance or power from sources outside the Bible. Deliberate pursuit of these things in direct rebellion to known scriptural warnings is especially dangerous because of the principle of agreement, which grants demons permission to establish legal strongholds in the offender. Pursuit of or contact with these things in ignorance, even as the result of deception, still results in serious consequences. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. Hosea 4:6.
Have you or anyone in your family line been directly or indirectly involved in any occult practices? Warning: the only way to satisfactorily resolve this question is to ask the Holy Spirit to give you specific revelation and remembrance. How many of us can answer this question with accuracy, especially three generations back in our family line, where sins of our fathers (curses) may continue on to affect our lives? Oppression and on-going effects can roll on from generation to generation. In the absence of direct revelation, the next question is: Am I or my family line suffering on-going symptoms of contact with the occult? If so, deliverance ministry is called for. One particular aspect of this occult contamination is personal resistance or aversion to the Word of God or the Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ, including difficulty reading and understanding the Word, confusion, inability to surrender or commit to Christ or tolerate being in the presence of worship. Further possible symptoms can be (remember not all such symptoms are necessarily demonic - discernment, wisdom and testing is called for): protracted depression or gloominess, unpredictable behaviors or passions or sexual lusts, inordinate affections or appetites, temper or rages, defiance, compulsions or obsessions, suicidal compulsions, fears and anxieties, restlessness, religious deceptions, seeing spirits, hearing voices, chronic ailments that defy diagnosis or treatment, blasphemies against God, chronic poverty and failure, violence, glazed empty eyes, speaking with other voices, contortions of face or body, trances, and chronic confusion.
Detestable practices: “When you enter into the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in a fire,
who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or cast spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so.” Deut. 18:9-14. In the Old Testament, the death sentence was in effect against anyone who committed these kinds of occult practices: witchcraft, spiritism, wizardry, sorcery, divination, clairvoyants or psychics, mediums and consulting the dead, astrologers, stargazers and monthly prognosticators (horoscopes). See: Exod. 22:18; Lev. 20:27, 19:26-31, 20:6; 1Sam. 15:23, 28:3-7; 2Kings 21:5-6; 1Chron. 10:13; 2Chron. 33:6; Isa. 2:6, 8:19; Jer. 27:9-10; Zech. 10:2; Mal. 3:5; 1Tim. 4:1; 2Tim. 3:8; Isa. 47:13.
Listing of some common Occult Practices: Astrology, Sorcery, Divination, Seances, Ouija Boards, Fortune-telling, Satanism, Spiritualism, Parapsychology, Numerology, Table Tipping, Clairvoyance, Great Seal, Alchemy, Voodoo, Talismans, Telepathy, Fetishes/charms, Witchcraft, Black arts/magic, Materializations, Tea leave reading, Levitation, Palmistry, Scientology, White Magic, Colorology, I-Ching, Yin Yang, Black Mass, ESP, Kabala, Automatic Handwriting, Clairaudience, Pendulum healing, Psychic portraits, Dream Analysis, Rosicrucianism, Yoga Meditation (Hinduism), Reincarnation, Pentagram, Personal Programming, Transcendental Meditation, Astral Projection, Masonry, Mormonism, Christian Science, JW, Secret Societies and Fraternities, Hinduism, Animism, Ancestor Worship, Shinto, Buddhism, Mediums-consulting the dead, channeling, counterfeit gifts, idolatry, praying to the dead, any form of worship of the creation, etc. Remember that the term occult implies subtlety and hidden origins. This means that wisdom from God is often needed to see what is behind the “fronts” of these practices. We need to see the root as well as the fruit - what is the “doctrine” underlying these practices?
The story of King Saul shows a man who appeared to start out right, serving the Lord, but ended in judgement and tragedy due to independence, rational thinking and disobedience: he did it “his way”. When he could no longer hear from God or God’s prophet Samuel, because of his disobedience and pride, he turned away from God and sought help and counsel from a witch. The end result: “Saul died for his transgressions which he committed against the Lord; asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit; therefore the Lord slew him.” 1Chron. 10:13-14. Many Christians assume that they have immunity from the consequences of occult curiosity, contact or possession of related materials; this is not true. Anytime one opens the occult door, there is oppression. This includes generational involvement were the sins of the fathers cascade oppression down upon following generations. To allow occult related items into one’s home or possession brings darkness. Examples can be books, music, videos, handicrafts including jewelry, carvings, decorations, etc. related to occult practices. Native handicrafts can often be associated with occult practices, paganism, and witchcraft and their craftsmen often dedicate these things to evil spirits/idols as a means of securing prosperity in their craft. So called harmless games such as the Ouija Board, the Eight Ball, Spin the Bottle, Pendulum, etc. are based on unseen powers and many can attest to supernatural experiences and subsequent oppression as a result. Dwellings can become contaminated with oppressive occult spirits producing a “haunted house” from either current or previous occupants’ involvement with the occult - some symptoms: noises, motions such as footsteps, doors opening, chains rattling, fear and anxiety, no peace, illness and depressive atmosphere, seeing shadowy figures or movement, odors, nightmares and terror, children seeing monsters, etc. Such dwellings (including motel rooms, etc.) can be cleansed and consecrated by believers in Jesus Name (must be done out-loud by command and in faith). Villages, Regions, and Nations can be given over to occult spirits -example: Haiti vs. the Dominican Republic. Both countries are on the same island, but there is a radical difference in the spiritual atmosphere and conditions in Haiti, due to having given itself over to Satanic control (voodoo) - read Deuteronomy from a spiritual warfare perspective on paganism, occultism, lawlessness, for further understanding.
Kerry Slattery (kslatte @ msn.com) 11/3/05 Resources: (new/used books): www.alibris.com or www.abebooks.com , www.arsenalbooks.com
- Pigs in the Parlor, Frank Hammond, www.thechildrensbread.net , www.impactchristianbooks.com
- Teaching: www.greatbiblestudy.com , www.tbm.org , www.logoschristian.org , www.cleansingstream.org
- Derek Prince Ministries (books/CDs on deliverance) www.derekprince.org
- The Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson 5. Spiritual Warfare, Dean Sherman 6. The Adversary, Mark Bubeck
7. Power for Deliverance, Bill Banks 8. Ellel Ministries: www.ellelministries.eu
Spiritual Warfare Prayers:
Lord Jesus Christ, I receive you as Lord and Savior! I believe that you are God the Son, come to earth in human flesh! You came to destroy all the works of the devil. You came to atone for my sins, to bear my sins in your body on the cross, that I might be set free from death and the curse of the law. I hereby ask you to receive me as your child and to cleanse me from all my sins and iniquities. I turn away from sin and rebellion and ask that you give me your Holy Spirit, that I may receive new life, eternal life. Please cleanse me by your blood from all my sins and remember them no more. I believe that you brought me to this confession because you have loved me from before the foundation of the earth. I receive your salvation by the gift of your love and grace and not because I am worthy in any way. It is the free gift of God to me through Jesus the Christ. I believe now that you have received me and your blood has cleansed me from all my sin. Thank you for loving me, redeeming me, cleansing me, giving me eternal life and adopting me into your eternal family! (It is appropriate at this point to take time to make specific confession of sins by name if or as the Holy Spirit brings conviction and remembrance to you. By confessing and renouncing these, you are humbling yourself, agreeing with God’s Word and breaking the power of these specific stronghold sins and thus silencing your enemy: Satan. It may also be appropriate, to agree to make restitution or make specific steps of obedience or repentance such as: Committing to baptism by immersion if not already done.)
Because you have forgiven me all my sins and I do not deserve it, in obedience and surrender, I chose to forgive all persons who have ever hurt or sinned against me in any way. (Wait, ask the Holy Spirit to show you their faces or cause you to remember their names or situations). I do now forgive the following persons: ______________(living or dead, by name or situation). I do now release them from owing me in any way. I tear up all I.O.U.s! I release them from all debts! I turn them over to you sovereign Lord. I ask you to forgive them. I ask you to save them, heal them, deliver them and bless them! If at all possible, please help us be reconciled and restored in our relationship in accordance with your will and pleasure. I repent of pride and self-righteousness, revenge, anger, hatred, judgement, bitterness or resentment. I humble myself before you Lord and accept your forgiveness with gratitude and thanksgiving. I do also forgive and release myself since you have forgiven me and taken my sins away. I renounce any prideful attempt to atone for or do penance for my sins. I rely alone on your sacrifice for my sins. My salvation and righteousness are a free gift of love from you to me and I cannot earn it or work for it in any manner. I repent of any unforgiveness ,or bitterness, or judgements that I have harbored in ignorance toward you God - Forgive me please! I choose to be reconciled with your Holy Word and your sovereign goodness and grace and redemption. Your ways are excellent and beyond my judgement. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ!
I confess and renounce involvement in any occult practices. (Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if and what occult practices you have been be involved in.) I renounce the following occult practices and sins (one by one) ___________. (You must destroy all occult related materials or objects.) I confess to having sought from Satan the help that should only come from you God. I have allowed other gods that are opposed to you to come between us. I do now set my will against Satan and renounce all his evil workings! I choose life and not death, I choose obedience and surrender to the only true and living God and savior! I renounce any occult involvement that my family and forefathers have practiced . (Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation.) I break and annul all Satanic curses of witchcraft, sorcery, or occultic practices placed on me or my family line! I ask you Lord, to cleanse me and wash me from all such occult contamination of body, soul or spirit committed by me or my forefathers. I renounce and break and loose myself from all hereditary curses, demonic bondages, psychic or occult powers or mantles, or familiar spirits. I do now rebuke, renounce, break and loose myself and my family from all evil curses, charms, hexes, spells, omens, psychic powers, mind control, witchcraft or sorcery, fears, debts or covenants. I renounce my involvement or my family’s involvement in any cult or false religion, including _______________. I renounce and break the power of false doctrines, the spirit of anti-Christ, deceptions, lies, the worship of other gods. I break and renounce the mediation of any other person or religious group in my salvation -there is only one mediator between God the Father and myself, Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God! I break all powers of control or domination or subjugation over me to anyone living or dead or to any organization. I break and renounce all unscriptural vows _____________.
I confess and renounce sins of sexual immorality (by name) _______________. I break ungodly soul bonds with ____________ (former sexual partners). I renounce all lusts, obsessions or inordinate or perverse affections I have had for (things, pet, deceased person, practice - ask the Holy Spirit to reveal). My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! I command all unclean spirits in me to leave me now in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ! Satan you have no place in me -get out! I command the spirits of _____________________to leave me now and do not return!
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Posted: 03/02/2011 at 3:15pm
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Satan is like a dead Dog! By Daniel Garza
Luke 4:18-19 --- 18: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19: To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Satan is like a dead dog. He is defeated and powerless. However, when you speak that he has power over you, your words energize him, and he is able to move against you. He actually absorbs the power of your words and turns it against you. God has showed me how to use HIS power against the devil instead of allowing the devil to use my power against me. - Sunday a woman came to the front of the church. When they got in front of me, the lady started slobbering and acting like a mad dog. Instead of openly rebuking the demon, I quickly shut off my microphone and looked squarely into her eyes. Then with the authority of Jesus Christ Himself, I commanded, "In the name of Jesus, shut your mouth, you devil! Come out of her, and don't say a word!" It took only a few words in the name of Jesus, and immediately the young lady was calmed and the demon was gone. - As soon as you put your foot down in the name of Jesus, the devil cannot continue with his plan. Just stop energizing him with your words about his strength, and start rebuking him with God's Word about your strength over him. People of God, wake up! Jesus has given the devil a knock-out punch! Drop that defeated mentality you picked up by speaking of how powerful the devil is. Move up to the overcoming mentality and confess how much power you have over the devil. - Jesus says the Holy Ghost has come to convince us that Satan is broken into pieces. While the Holy Spirit is telling us that Satan is defeated, literally broken into little pieces, well-meaning Bible teachers are telling us that the devil is alive and well, going about killing, stealing, and destroying. - If you read from John 16:11 to the end of the Bible, you will never again find a word about the devil's judgment. That is, until you read of an angel with a big chain and a set of keys in one hand putting him into the bottomless pit. Notice that it takes only one angel, and he does it with only one, free hand. Revelation 20:1-3 --- 1: And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2: And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3: And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. - Forever, Father - We are inviting everybody to come to River of Life Church, location: 1110 Eidson Road, Eagle Pass, Texas Phone Number: 830-773-5580: Sundays at 10 am English Service and Sundays at 6 pm Spanish Service. Come feel the Holy Ghost fire and be part of what Jesus is doing: Matthew 11:28 --- 28: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Blessings and Love, Rev. Daniel Garza White Wings Int'l Healing Ministry Eagle Pass, Texas Church Website: www.epriveroflife.org
Edited by Moderator on 03/02/2011 at 3:16pm
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Posted: 01/16/2012 at 8:36am
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January 2012 |
"For unclean spirits crying with a loud voice came out of many who were possessed and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city. But there was a certain man called imon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished (bewitched) the people of Samaria ..." Acts 8:7-9.
Years ago, I received an urgent call from a young Church of Christ pastor in Tennessee who wanted time with me. He was in great distress. We met at the Nashville airport and went to his home where he shared his crisis: "The only power in my ministry was argument and debate," he explained, "There was no manifestation of God's presence like the early church experienced. I became so despaired with my spiritual deadness that I turned to other sources. And I made wrong choices--I went into Eastern Mysticism." I listened as he continued. "I found real power--but power that soon became dark and frightening. The problem was that having invited it into my life, I could not make it leave. It began to dominate, control, and in a merciless way, forced its' will upon me." His story was familiar. The "spirit-guide" that had invaded his life, harassed his sleep, affected his family relationships, and succeeded in separating him from those he loved. In time, it destroyed his ministry. As we talked, depression clung to him in a merciless way.
When he finished, I explained that he had "touched the unclean thing," Isaiah 52:11, which God forbad. The good news was that his repentance and the power of Christ could free him. I reminded him that there is no power of darkness that can successfully stand against the authority of Jesus. Philippians 2:9.
He sat on the end of a sofa, I stood beside him, and as I laid-hands on him in the Name of Jesus, he began growling, curled into a tight ball, and rolled head-first onto the floor. I knelt beside him, kept my hands on him, and commanded the spirits of witchcraft and Eastern Mysticism to go. As I did, he started wrenching, gasping for air, and experiencing tremendous pain in his spine. A few minutes later, he was free. The darkness, pain, and oppression, that had hovered over him were gone. I then prayed for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
As he sprawled on the floor beside me, I thought of a Sunday School teacher who had studied parapsychology, palmistry, automatic handwriting, and other occult teachings. At the time of her deliverance, she had such severe back pain that she was several days recovering. There were others who came to mind. Looking back over years of this kind of ministry, I realized that many had undergone painful spasms in their vertebrae during deliverance from psychic-spirits. When I shared that with the young pastor on the floor, he answered, "Oh, I can explain that!" What he told was shocking. "I was instructed to invite a serpent-like spirit to enter my body and coil at the base of my spine. As I progressed in psychic-power, it rose up, wrapping itself around my back-bone." We sat silently for a moment. He then explained, "When you cast it out, it wrenched my back."
I had no difficulty believing his explanation. When Paul cast out the "spirit of divination" in the young woman at Phillippi, Acts 16:16-18, the Greek text says she had a "python." This serpent kills by strangulation, wrapping around the victim. It is not coincidental that Jesus used serpents as symbols of demonic power. He said, "I give you power to tread on serpents ..." Luke 10:19. Mark 16:18.
Not long after that a young Assemblies of God pastor came to me at a Conference in Florida and asked if I would minister deliverance to him. I agreed and we went to a private room. This gentleman was a well-groomed college graduate with a successful ministry and family life. "My ancestors have practiced Druid worship and psychic-powers for generations," he explained, "And I experience torment from its presence. I am not participating in any way with witchcraft but I feel that darkness constantly hovering over me. It torments me." He paused. "I explained the problem to my Presbyters and asked them to minister deliverance to me but they refused. Our doctrine denies that Christians can have demons in their bodies or minds." I reminded him that none of us have yet been through the Resurrection, our mortal has not yet "put on immortality," nor our corruptible "put on incorruption." I Corinthians 15:53,54. Demons can go anywhere sin and disease can go. If Christians are immune to demons they are also immune to sin and sickness. Like it or not, we are still vulnerable to powers of darkness and must fight as Jesus taught.* Spiritual warfare is a constant, on-going battle. Ephesians 6:10-18.
In the next few minutes, astonishing things happened. Demons began speaking out of him in guttural, dog-like growls, contorting his body, changing his appearance into something ugly and grotesque. Mark 1:26; 9:26. Four major spirits were identified. One of those was the spirit of "idiocy." When we challenged it in the Name of Jesus, the man's eyes suddenly crossed, his hands became spastic, his tongue thickened, turned sideways in his mouth, and be began slobbering with senseless jabberings. In a split-second, he became a full-blown idiot.
The good news is that he was totally delivered; the mental pain was gone forever. But please be aware of this frightening truth: Had this young pastor not received deliverance, the spirits hiding in him would ultimately have destroyed his sanity, ruined his family and ministry, and had him locked away in an asylum. Could that happen to a born-again pastor? Yes. Absolutely.
Soon after my return to Florida in 1978 I received a frantic call late one night from an Episcopal priest. A teenage boy in his congregation was undergoing a horrific demonic attack. The youth was out of his mind and having to be forcibly restrained by three men. Unknown to his parents their son had been reading sorcery books and participating in witchcraft rituals. When I arrived, the yard was filled with police cars and fire trucks. Paramedics wanted to straight-jacket the boy, sedate him with drugs and take him to the hospital. The mother refused and was guarding the door to the boy’s room. Hear this: After ministering to him in the power of the Holy Spirit the youth walked out of the room completely normal and free. The Boynton Beach police officers who were present returned to their station and in a written report told that they had witnessed a “successful exorcism”. The National Enquirer and other tabloids discovered the story and published it nationwide. Christian publications kept a deathly silence. Why the difference? Most of the current church does not want to acknowledge that Jesus’ power to cast out demons is still here. As a consequence, many Christians have been wrongly locked away in psychiatric wards because their pastors failed to exercise the power Jesus gave them. Oddly, many Christians believe that God removed the power of the Holy Spirit from the church but let the devil and demons remain here in full possession of their’s.
I have a reason for quoting the specific Scripture at the introduction of this article. It mentions Simon the Sorcerer, demons, and victims in Samaria who were lame and paralyzed. Hear this carefully: Though the townspeople held Simon in high regard, he was actually the source of much of their ills. Without realizing it, those who sought his sorcery received far more than psychic-predictions. They became infected with crippling spirits that brought muscular deadness and twisted limbs. Simon's presence acted like a magnet that attracted these spirits to himself and then projected them upon the people. Jesus had earlier identified this same "spirit of infirmity" in the woman with the crooked. Luke 13:11. While spirits of infirmity cause a variety of ailments, it is significant that leprosy, blindness, deafness, and other diseases common to the day, were not mentioned in regard to Samaria. Hear me carefully on this point: Simon's variety of witchcraft was uniquely accompanied by demonic-problems related to the muscular and skeleton system. Why is that so? The young Church of Christ pastor gave the explanation. Read it again.
In 1933, my family moved into a two-story house in Miami, Florida, and a neighbor came immediately to warn my mother. "You will always regret having lived in this house," she said. When mother asked why, the woman explained, "Everyone who has lived here has had horrible tragedies. I know you want to stay--but I warn you to leave before disaster strikes." At the time, I was three years old, my brother Van was five, and our oldest brother, Jimmy, was temporarily with our grandmother. Unfortunately, we stayed.
In a short time, strange noises were heard, a phantom-like image appeared in the house, and then tragedy hit. My father was stricken with total paralysis. Soon after his illness, I fell head-first from the second floor and was completely paralyzed on the left side of my body. My brother Van escaped for a few years but then suffered a leg injury that has harassed him all his life. Daddy partially recovered but lived the rest of his life as a cripple. Though I finally regained use of my arm and leg, I have been handicapped by a paralyzed eye-lid more than sixty years. Today, I am convinced that our house had been used as a site of witchcraft, and, like Samaria, was under a curse that brought lameness and paralysis. We had moved onto demonic territory and did nothing to protect ourselves. My parents were committed Christians but their church taught them absolutely nothing about spiritual warfare.
That day with the young pastor on the floor beside me, I suddenly could see the parallel of demonic work in Samaria, my own family history of paralysis and spinal problems in others. I also realized the reality of "territorial" curses and demons who work through them. At a recent group-ministry in Atlanta more than a dozen people were healed of spinal injury and pain. While I am aware that much illness is not spirit-related, I have no doubt that some of these people had a "Simon the Sorcerer" standing in the shadows of their past.
A final observation: Though Simon believed the gospel and was baptized, he was still not delivered from all the witchcraft-influences of his former life. Acts 8:13-24. That fact was not immediately apparent; even the Apostles did not recognize it. In some cases, that failure is true of people today. Demons never leave voluntarily; they must be cast out. Many believers assume that because they have been born-again, their minds and bodies are also clean. That is not necessarily so. Christians who battle addiction, depression, compulsive anger, religious pride, etc., are proof of what I say. If these people "backslide" we criticize them for their failure; frequently, it is the church that failed to provide them with the full benefits of the Cross. Jesus never suggested that the church cast out demons; He commanded it. My recommendation for everyone who has had the slightest contact with ouija boards, palmistry, psychics, or occult family-ancestry, is to receive deliverance ministry. If you have medical or emotional problems that cannot be diagnosed, be aware, you could be dealing with a demon. Where do you go for help? Go to your pastor! If he refuses, show him the Scripture's teaching on the subject. Mark 16:17. Insist, that as a believing servant of God, he is obligated to minister deliverance to you. You need cleansing and he needs to learn. Do it. If he resists, find someone who will. Don't repeat Simon's failure. Life depends on it.
Here Are Testimonies From People Who Benefited From Deliverance Ministry
Dear Pastor Carrin, The first time I came to your meeting in the Spring of '96 I weighed 86 pounds, suffered from bulimia and anorexia, and vomited as much as 30 times a day. I want to tell you what happened to me the three nights I came. The first night I shook so violently as you preached that I could hardly sit there. The next night I left early and went home with fierce thoughts of suicide. Thank God, I returned to the service again. The third night when I met you at the door I tried to speak but my body froze like a pretzel. I could not talk. You took me to a private room with several other women, put your arms around my head and prayed. When you did that, I felt something like hot oil pour down my head and body. One of the women gave me a ‘word of knowledge’ about my suicidal anger the night before. That final, wonderful night I was delivered. After you left I went to the rest room and looked at myself in the mirror. For the first time I did not see myself as big and ugly. I not only looked normal--I was normal. I want you to know that I have been free ever since!”
“Dear Brother Charles, I grew up in a home filled with alcohol, hatred and abuse. I cannot remember ever feeling loved or wanted. I attempted suicide twice as a teenager. I have had two failed marriages and have lived forty-three years without one ounce of self-confidence or self-respect. My mother told me God didn't want someone like me ... The night you said for those wanting deliverance to line up at the front my feet got up and took me ... As I stood there, while you spoke, my insides began to tremble. But it was a very strange and different feeling. It was like it wasn't my insides that were trembling but something inside my insides that was trembling. The more you talked the worse the thing in me shook ... it felt like a tornado ... very, very angry. I could barely could hear you say, "In the Name of Jesus I command you to go!" That tornado lifted up out of the middle of myself and ripped out of my body with hatred, anger, and despite beyond belief. As it left, I passed out. Brother Charles, let me tell you, by the grace of God, I woke up as God's little girl who is loved! This thing is so overwhelming to me. Each day I love Jesus more than the day before ..."
“Dear Charles, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free! Thank you for being my ‘Ananias.’ I have received my miracle! For 34 years I have been in bondage to a curse of homosexuality and rejection placed on me by my Dad. I had begun to contemplate suicide because I could not handle it any longer. I prayed one last time for God to send me the person that could help me get a ‘break through’ --- and the rest is history. No one could imagine the pain and suffering I've endured in my life but thank God it has been ‘Swallowed up in Victory.’ Charles, the church is so ignorant in this area. The homosexual behavior may be a choice but not the curse. I was five years old when my Dad threatened to castrate me and make me into a girl. I endured this abuse all during my childhood. I had forgiven my Dad years ago but I never could break the curse until now. I not only experienced deliverance but also an inner healing. I now can begin the ministry God has intended for me. I could go on for days! To me my miracle is as great as the lame man walking or the blind seeing ... You are free to use my experience to help others ..."
“Dear Pastor, I first came across you in 1992 when I was living in Nashville, Tennessee. A friend of mine recorded one of your sermons entitled ‘An Eleven Days Journey That Took 40 Years,’ Deuteronomy 1:2. That was probably one of the best sermons I ever heard. Later, you laid hands on me and my 20 years of substance abuse came to a close. In truth, it was the power of the Holy Spirit that did the healing. You were the instrument of His work. I thank God and I thank you.”
"Dear Pastor Carrin, My children and I visited my mom during the holidays three years ago and one Sunday while attending Grace Fellowship you had an altar call for healing. At that time my son Matthew who was nine years old was having terrible migraine headaches. They were so severe he would have to go to bed. Matt went forward that day, you anointed him with oil and prayed over him. Pastor Carrin, the other day it dawned on me, he has not had a headache for three years! The Lord used you that day and I wanted to bless you and let you know! I thank you again for being such a willing vessel. The Lord bless you ..."
“Dear Charles, I am a medical doctor and was healed of pain and weakness in both hands that has bothered me for seven to eight years --- sometimes hurting all day and night. During your group deliverance, I felt tremendous pressure rise up through my chest that just disappeared with a big sigh ..."
“Dear Brother Carrin, I want to thank you for what you have meant to my life. I brought my daughter to you (she was 17 at the time) and you prayed for her. It was the beginning of a restored life for her. As a child, she was labeled as ‘learning disabled’ and was afflicted with epilepsy, migraines, and numerous other things. She has not had one seizure, nor one migraine since you prayed for her. It is truly a miracle. I believe we are close to complete restoration! The Lord is good ... I love you. The day you prayed for her I saw Jesus His arms around my daughter. I will never ever forget. Thank you!”
Charles Carrin
* Proof texts of Christians vulnerability to demons: Luke 9:55. II Corinthians 11:4. Matthew 16:23. Galatians 3:1.
Charles Carrin carrinmin1@aol.com |
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Kerry Slattery
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Posted: 07/29/2012 at 3:30pm
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In My Name They Will Cast Out Demons! Mark 16:17 kslatte@msn.com
What: The missing one third of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ; the missing one third calling and ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ: Deliverance Ministry - Casting out Demons (evil or unclean spirits). (1) Essential part of the Commission of the Church and Christ’s Disciples - Matt. 10:1-8, Mark 16:15-20. (2) Specific evidence that the Kingdom of God, the finger of God, the Holy Spirit is here - Matt. 12:20, Luke 11:20 (3) Regular public street and church ministry function: preaching/teaching, healing, miracles, deliverance, prayer - Mark 1:39 (4) Both “normal” and “abnormal” people need all of these ministries - most people Jesus cast demons out of were ordinary, respectable, religious people of all ages (5) The World (corrupt system, culture), the Flesh (old rebellious, sinful nature), the Devil (Satan, evil spirits) are sources of mankind’s problems: poverty, ignorance, strife, disease, destruction, death, sin (6) If you love Christ, you hate his enemies - Psalm 139:20-24 if you aren’t an active enemy of Satan, you are not an active friend of Jesus Christ. Discern Christ, discern Satan, discern the Kingdom of Heaven, discern the kingdom of darkness - Matt. 12:22-30, Luke 16:13, Luke 9:54-56, James 4:7, Gal.5:16-25 Demons hide behind/activate lusts of flesh.
Who: Satan title of one person - the arch-enemy of God and God’s people (Beelzebub: Lord of the flies). Demons (also called evil spirits or unclean spirits) are personalities without bodies who are under Satan’s dominion. (Satan is under God’s dominion). They have: (1) Names and Identity (2) Will (3) Emotion (4) Knowledge (5) Self-Awareness (6) Ability to Speak (7) Supernatural Abilities (8) Hierarchy. Demon Assignments: Steal, Kill, Destroy - John 10:10 Demons try to keep us from Christ, from being like Christ, from serving Christ. They are predators, like flies, germs, buzzards looking for an opening, a wound, dead flesh - 1Peter 5:8-9 “critters in the kitchen - spiritual cockroaches-spiritual germs”. Demons: (1) Entice/Seduce/Tempt (2) Harass (3) Torment (4) Compel (5) Enslave (6) Defile/Distort (7) Deceive (8) Physical Affliction/Death. Demons are nearly as prevalent as sin and sickness - everyone has been victimized or encountered them knowingly or unknowingly. God allows demons as a consequence to sin/rebellion. They unwittingly end up working for God’s purposes in driving people to consider repentance and the Cross. Acts 2:38
How: Demons occupy body and or soul and can enter only through an “open door”or by agreement but always under God’s limitation. Some “open doors”: Biblical Curse (Deut. 27-28), Sins of the Fathers (Ex. 20:5), Willful or ignorant Sin or Disobedience, Physical/Soul Shock/Wounds/Trauma. FRUITS of UNCLEAN SPIRITS can be: (1)EMOTIONS - ATTITUDES: Rejection, Rebellion, Resentment, Fear, Hate, Anger, Jealousy, Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Strife, Misery , Murder, Loneliness, Self-Pity, Depression, Despair, Suicide (2) MIND: Fear, Doubt, Unbelief, Confusion, Mental Breakdown /Illness, Procrastination, Double-Mindedness, Multiple Personality (3) TONGUE: Lying, Gossip, Exaggeration, Blasphemy, Unclean/Unkind/Wicked Speech (4) SEX: Lust, Fornication/Adultery, Homosexuality, Masturbation, Frigidity, Molestation , Identity Confusion, Infertility, Predation, Fetish, Abortion, Pornography (5) OCCULT: Witchcraft, Divination , Fortune Telling, Sorcery, New Age, False Religion/Cults (6) PHYSICAL: Epilepsy, Blindness, Deafness, Dumb, Spinal/Skeletal Problems, Tumors, Cancer, Allergies, Various Diseases, Paralysis, Pain, Arthritis, Death. Demons hide behind and can exacerbate the “old nature” issues and many physical problems. This requires discernment/testing: physical/mental/flesh/spirit problem? 1Cor. 12:10 Ask Holy Spirit - deliverance is not a cure all.
Deliverance: Deliverance is the Children’s Bread (belongs to believers/household of faith) Matt. 15:21-28 Can a Christian need deliverance or have a demon? Yes! A Christian can have as many as they want and surrender to. Christians can sin, get sick, have severe problems. How can demons dwell in the same temple as the Holy Spirit? False analogy - spirits don’t take space -you yield body/soul to one or the other- it’s choice. Why would the Holy Spirit dwell in your body with the “sin nature” and corruption? Sin/unbelief sends people to Hell, not demons. Paul’s dilemma: Rom. 7:7-8:39. Only believers have faith/desire to be delivered/stay free. Only the human spirit is immediately “saved”- soul/ body saved by washing with Word of God. No scripture specifically/definitively answers this question. “Possession” is a wrong KJV translation of Greek - correct translation: “demonized” (afflicted/controlled). That Christians can have demons is “good news” because it means there are answers to many of our perplexing problems and needs - we can be set free when deliverance is applicable. When needed, deliverance is the only tool for the job -there are no substitutes! Repent, Discern, Crucify the Flesh, Cast out the Demons! You can crucify the flesh but not demons, you can cast out demons but not the flesh! Listen to testimonies of people who do this ministry scripturally-with proven fruit!
How to be Delivered: Do not listen to naysayers/inexperienced -Listen to Holy Spirit! (1) Submit to God/His Word! Acts 2:38, Rom. 6 - James 4:7 Be Humble - confess truth/ need (2) Be Honest - tell it/call it like it is scripturally (3) Confess and Repent of Sins (4) Break with Sin/Occult/destroy-get rid of sin objects/relationships (5) You must Forgive others! No forgiveness -no deliverance Mt. 18:23- (6) Name it/ Renounce it/Command-Cast it out (like vomiting out poison!) (7) Get experienced deliverance ministry Help (8) Close Doors-quit sin/unbelief/be Accountable- become disciple!
Resources: Pigs in the Parlor, Frank Hammond www.thechildrensbread.net ; The Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson ;
Derek Prince Ministries www.derekprince.org ; www.greatbiblestudy.com ; www.deliveranceblog.org ; www.logoschristian.org ;
www.cleansingstream.org ; www.ellel.org ; www.tbm.org ; www.arsenalbooks.com ; (used books): www.alibris.com 3/90
Edited by Ron McGatlin on 07/30/2012 at 7:29am
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Posted: 06/02/2014 at 6:14pm
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Charles Carrin
Soon after my Baptism-in-the-Spirit I began teaching congregations how to recognize differences between the Holy Spirit miraculous gifts and the occult world’s counterfeits. Almost immediately a young man came to my hotel room seeking advice about a troublesome "spiritual message" he had received. It was this: On a specific, named day of the week, he was told that his wife and baby would be killed in a car wreck. He was even told the location where it would occur. The message, which claimed to be from God, further warned him not to tell anyone--not even his wife. When he reluctantly shared that frightening information with me, I immediately explained that he had received a psychic- prophecy.
What he experienced was not God's "word of knowledge" but a demonic counterfeit, such as fortune-tellers and clairvoyants experience. I explained that genuine "words of knowledge," I Corinthians 12:8, are always in harmony with the Covenant of Grace. No where does the Covenant provide for car wrecks, mangled bodies, and broken homes. Read it for yourself. Jesus came to "heal ... liberate captives ... restore sight ... free the oppressed, etc." Luke 4:18,19. Such psychic-initiated disasters as this husband was told are the works of Satan. I Peter 5:8,9. The devil came to "kill, steal, and destroy," and frequently does that through deception. John 10:10. Jesus brings life "more abundantly."
Since this young man--like many other Christians--was uninformed about the treachery of such a message, his wife and baby were in very real danger. As with most of us, he had probably studied horoscopes, played with a Ouigi Board, had his palm read, or done other things that left an occult shadow over him. Without wasting a moments time, I laid hands on him and took total, absolute, unconditional authority over that prophecy in the Name of Jesus Christ. As a believing disciple, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and speaking the Word of God vocally--and not in any ability of my own--we canceled the devil's forecast. I declared it null and void, powerless and impotent by the blood of Jesus. Do I actually believe disciples have that power? Absolutely. Jesus taught it, the Apostles confirmed it, you and I had better learn it.
As this young man talked, I remembered my own wife's tragic automobile wreck in which she had 13 broken bones and fractures, a collapsed lung, concussion of the brain, and so many injuries she could not be moved. That disaster followed my month-long premonition which was identical to the one experienced by this young husband. But, unlike him, no one told me how to stop it. When the wreck happened it brought total devastation.
People wonder why I am so out-spoken about the Holy Spirit’s gifts. I have reason to be! I know what it is like to "be destroyed for lack of knowledge!" Hosea 4:6. As a minister of the gospel I am now answerable to God and my own conscience. Paul said it--and I am committed to it: "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." Acts 20:27.
It was this conviction that overwhelmed me when I told my visitor about another young Baptist pastor. In a similar hotel room several years earlier he had wept-out the tragic story of a father in his congregation who dreamed a certain individual would be killed. A short time later the person died tragically. Soon after that, the man dreamed again; this time it was his son who would be killed. He was told to warn the boy about his impending death. The father ignorantly submitted to everything the dream demanded and two weeks later the boy died in a tragic automobile wreck. The church and family were emotionally destroyed and theologically devastated. God said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6.
During our visit, I recalled the time in Atlanta when another precious Christian brother was killed in a car wreck within ear-shot of my house a few hours after his wife foolishly obeyed a "message" to make his funeral arrangements. At the time, he was in robust health. Obediently, she carried out every detail of notifying the pall bearers, selecting the soloist and songs, informing the two ministers who spoke--I being one of them--and choosing the Funeral Home. She left nothing unfinished. Without realizing it, she cooperated with Hell and in-effect told the devil, "Go ahead." He immediately did.
Another Christian family came to mind; a mother, father, two grandmothers, who were swept away in a flash flood after a relative had a psychic "warning". Nothing was done to resist the disaster. As a result, lives were lost and children orphaned. That absolutely is not the will of God. It violates every provision of the Covenant.
Later, the person, who had the "warning," received another. She dreamed that her daughter called in the night, shouted her husband's name into the telephone and said, "He's dead!" Again, the omen was ignored; no authority was taken in the Name of Jesus. Soon afterward, the mother's phone rang in the night, exactly as she had been fore-warned, her daughter shouted her husband's name into the receiver and said, "He's dead!" The man had been murdered. He was shot in his office, behind his own desk. Again, there had been no exercise of Jesus' authority against the psychic prophecy.
When I later stood at that man's casket to conduct his funeral, I wondered, "God! What does it take to wake up people to the reality of spiritual war?! How long will the Church continue its’ stupid fight against spiritual gifts?!" I am still waiting. But I am not waiting silently. After my wife’s accident God immediately sent me into the field, and said, "Go wake up my Church!" That has been my constant message: "Church! Wake up!"
Before her death in the Paris car-crash, Princess Diana was told by her psychic that "Happiness will always be snatched away from you." In submitting to that horribly-oppressed Medium instead of God, Princess Diana surrendered her life to Hell's agenda. The night of the crash, her new diamond ring lay beside her on the floor of the bloodied car. It was not even on her hand when she died. Instead, "happiness had been snatched away" from her. "Life and death are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21.
Soon after my return to a pastorate in Delray Beach, Florida, a friend and I went to a Psychic Fair at the local Mall, set up our booth among the fortune-tellers, and distributed tracts entitled Is It Dangerous To Consult Psychics? The leaflet contained Scripture quotations giving God's warnings to those who practice divination and those who receive it. Understandably, the psychics were outraged, called the police, and newspaper reporters came on the scene. Our chief complaint was that the psychics were selling self-hypnosis audio-tapes to children. For half-a-day we were able to keep the Fair shut-down. The newspaper story however portrayed me and my helper as the real villains. The psychics were our innocent victims.
Later, the man in charge of the Fair approached me privately. He had read the tract, was genuinely concerned, but defensive for the fortune tellers. "I've worked with these psychics for eighteen years," He said, "and I know what they say frequently comes to pass." I agreed. Pointing to the parking lot, he explained, "Suppose a psychic tells you that tomorrow at this same time there will be a green car in that spot, a white one next to it, and a red truck speeding by." I listened. "She tells you that a child runs out from between those cars and is killed. You come here tomorrow and it happens exactly like she said ..."
I stopped him. "I know what you are saying is true. Psychics frequently tell things that really happen," I said, "But you don't understand--the psychics are not merely predicting them--they are causing them. Through their evil prophecies, they fulfill the devil's will." When I said that, truth stabbed him like a knife.
He slumped forward, turned toward me, wide-eyed, and mouth open. I will never forget his stare or the look in his eyes. "How do I get out of this?!," He asked. "You need to be saved," I answered. "How?!" "Ask Jesus to forgive you. Tell Him you want to be born-again," I explained, "Commit your life to Him." Standing there in the entrance to the Mall he did exactly that, humbly, sincerely praying the salvation-prayer.
Someone asks, "How can Christians--such as the ones I described in the beginning of this article--experience such devilish dreams and messages?" Please hear my answer carefully: We have not yet been through the Resurrection– our "corruptible has not yet put on incorruption," nor has our "mortal put on immortality." I Corinthians 15:53,54. Until that happens we are still vulnerable to spiritual attack. Demons can go anywhere sin and disease can go. If a Christian is immune to a demon he is also immune to sin and disease. Such a person does not yet exist.
We are now engaged in constant, unending spiritual war. Ephesians 6:10-18. Our regenerate spirit is immune to demons--yes--but soul and body, mind and flesh, remain their public battleground. If unprotected, these areas can be penetrated by powers of darkness. Scripture and common sense confirm this fact. Luke 9:55. II Corinthians 11:4. People with histories of psychic premonitions need deliverance. Such problems can exist for generations in a family.
Another asks: Does not the Holy Spirit’s "word of knowledge" warn us about these dangers? Absolutely. Several years ago a visitor at Central Baptist in Chattanooga warned me about a tragedy awaiting my airline flight that afternoon. I was instructed to "take authority" over the problem when I boarded the plane. Believe me, I did! I laid-hands on the aircraft, spoke the power of Jesus’ Name on the equipment, personnel, circumstance, and every-thing relative to it.
Later, when we tried to take off, an engine failed, the flight was canceled, and everyone ordered out of the plane. But the devil wasn’t through. Within days after that, on a different flight, and after a long-delayed first-attempt to take off, a passenger saw fuel spilling from a broken gas line. Again, at the last minute, the flight was canceled and tragedy averted. Our battle with powers of darkness is ongoing, endless.
Finally. The difference between a psychic pre-monition and the Holy Spirit’s word of knowledge is this: God’s warnings always provide a way of escape. His "word" comes with mercy and grace. Satan’s word is always one of unchangeable, inescapable death and disaster. If you ever receive a dream or message such as I described, do not accept it. It may destroy you or someone you love. God gave you the authority to cancel its effect in your life. Be alert! Be informed! Most important of all, be victorious! Know the difference between God's "words of knowledge" and the devil's "psychic deceptions." Your life depends on it! Don't become another victim of Hell's deceit!
Bible References: Old Testament: Deuteronomy 18:10-12. II Kings 17:17,18. Isaiah 47:12-15. Ezekiel 12:24. I Samuel 15:23. II Chronicles 33:6. Exodus 22:18.
New Testament: Mark 16:17,18. Luke 10:17-20. James 4:7,8. II Corinthians 10:3-5. Matthew 10:1. Mark 6:13. Galatians 5:19-21. Acts 16:16.
Authority over demons: Romans 16:20. Luke 10:17-19. Mark 16:17-20. I Peter 5:9. Revelation 12:10,11.
God Gave Us Three Methods Of Prayer
1. We pray according to human understanding; that is, praying about information that our 5 senses have told us. This prayer is dependent upon knowledge gained by the mind. Information for such a prayer is therefore limited; sometimes characterized by misunderstanding, conflict, and failure. James 4:3. The most perfect prayer we can pray mentally and spiritually is the “Lord’s Prayer.” Matthew 6:9-13.
2. We pray "in the spirit". I Corinthians 14:15. Jude 20. This prayer originates from the specific direction of the all-knowing Holy Spirit. In this prayer, through the gift of tongues, we speak "mysteries" far beyond human comprehension or human language. I Corinthians 14:2,14.
3. We pray as "the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered.’" Romans 8:26.This groaning-prayer (which is not to confused with the gift of tongues) originates with Jesus’ intercession at the right hand of the Father. Romans 8:34. In response to His prayer, all creation is now in a state of travailing birth-pangs, waiting for its own deliverance from the "bondage of corruption," and the simultaneous "manifestation of the sons of God." Romans 8:19-23. The prayer Jesus began at the Throne is now permeating the entire Universe. Jesus revealed this when he spoke of the capacity of the stones to "cry out." Luke 19:40. Some individuals also find themselves drawn into this prayer; in its embrace, they become so far removed from all language, so deep in its penetration into the things of God, so infinite in its breadth, that--like a magnet--they are pulled into its wondrous, universal anticipation. While in such intercession, one feels an overwhelming intimacy with creation’s deepest cry for deliverance.
First of all–the mind by itself, has only five natural sources of information. It receives knowledge from what the body tells it through seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. These are all marvelous senses with which God has equipped mind and body to function together. We thank God for them-- though none of these senses is spiritual. Consequently, the mind, by itself, is a vastly insufficient tool for the spiritual work of prayer. Christians whose prayer-life is limited to mental-knowledge are depending on human abilities inferior to those of most animals.
God had a reason for creating us with lessor sensible-power than other creatures. He provided us with the all-knowing, all-powerful Holy Spirit. Unlike the limited mental capacities of our human body, the regenerate human spirit is neither confined nor limited. It has potentials greater than all the animal abilities combined. Our spirit has access to the gifts of "wisdom and revelation" which equip it to receive and use knowledge directly from the Holy Spirit. This special equipping is the precise function of the "word of knowledge," "word of wisdom," "discerning of spirits," and other gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 12:8-10. While a Polar Bear can smell food 24 miles away and go to it, the Holy Spirit can tell us things happening on the far-side of the globe and enable us to respond. Thank God for the power of prayer! Chas
The Clock: The Pastor's Teacher Or Terror?
While I am committed to giving the Holy Spirit all the time He wants, I personally need the discipline of a clock. It is good training for me to know I do not have all day to deliver my message. Without the clock's reminder, my human nature may become careless and abusive. With the clock, I become much more precise and to the point. Am I suggesting that we put a time limit on the Holy Spirit? Absolutely not! Am I saying that we ministers need the discipline of self-imposed time-limits? Absolutely yes. Without it, the quality of our preaching will degenerate. If I refuse to acknowledge my need of the clock then I reveal another problem: Conceit.
The night I was ordained in 1949, my pastor said to me, "Charles, when your ministry has ended, you will have preached more sermons to more people if you have been considerate of their time." The following year, someone else told me, "Words are like the rays of the sun --- the more they are condensed, the more deeply they burn." Like it or not, the clock is one of the best tools preachers have in achieving that "condensing". Sir Winston Churchill said of another speaker, "He used a gallon of words to express a spoonful of thought." That is precisely what we do not need in the ministry. Preachers are like cooks, some leave the pot on the stove long after the water is gone. The key is not in watching the clock, but in listening to the Holy Spirit.
Years ago I heard comedian George Burns tell an audience, "The best advice for young comedians is 'Leave them while they're laughing'." He was absolutely right. Carnal as that wisdom is, we preachers need it. The sad epitaph to many a good sermon was that the pastor did not leave until "long after they had quit listening." We have all been caught in the painful situation of hearing some pastor ramble beyond the point of endurance and then blame his time-waste on the Holy Spirit. That is an affront to the integrity of God. Under no circumstances should we put a time limit on the Holy Spirit or interfere with His freedom. Equally so, whenever we expect the Holy Spirit to honor our carelessness we need the clock's alarm-bell to ring loud and clear.
The day Abraham Lincoln delivered the two-minute Gettysburg Address, one of the most famous speeches in American history, he was preceded by another speaker who bored the audience with a two-hour message. The people were exhausted when Lincoln came to the podium. But what words he spoke! They were like burning rays of the sun. What made the difference? Abraham Lincoln gave his listeners the blessing of an inspired, disciplined, well-trained mind. The other speaker, whose name and message means nothing today, refused the benefit of his watch.
A few years ago, after suffering through a speaker's painfully long message, I wrote these words:
This is it, The final spot;
Where all lines learned
Are now forgot.
The show is over.
The guests have gone,
But the speaker ---
Bless his blindness ---
Keeps droning on."
As you pray for us pastors to experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit, pray that we will allow ourselves to be disciplined, well trained; pray that we never become insensitive to the Holy Spirit or to the audience. Pray that we will present God's Word with the intensity of sunlight through a magnifying lens. Pray that His words will be precise and burning. And please pray that we will not reject any tool of learning --- including the clock. Chas
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 10/18/2014 at 4:34pm
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Charles Carrin
I was ordained in 1949 in Miami, Florida, and enjoyed a fruitful ministry from the beginning. In 1977, however, I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that intensified my relationship with Him in astonishing ways. Soon after that His powerful manifestations suddenly exploded in my ministry like I had never known before. Not long after my "baptism in the Spirit"--(Acts 1:8)–one of my former church members telephoned me long-distance. Her reason was urgent: For eighteen years she had been a severe alcoholic. Her husband divorced her and her two married sons would not visit–they did not want their children to see the grandmother in that drunken condition. Except for another alcoholic woman, she was abandoned and alone.
That day in a ten minute telephone-ministry she was completely delivered. The demon of addiction was cast out and she never drank again. Not only so, but she was filled with the Holy Spirit. What happened to her became typical of my new ministry. Drug addicts, sexual deviates, depressives, others with life-crushing problems were set free. The same "signs" recorded in the New Testament happened before my eyes. I never asked for this kind of spiritual work–I did not even know it existed–but it began happening anyway.
The Boynton Beach Police Department witnessed my ministry to a violent young man who was completely out of his mind and had to be restrained by four other men. It took all their strength to hold him down. After an hour of spiritual battle he was set free–totally–and walked out of the room a normal youth again. The Officers were astonished and returned to their Station to report full details of the incident. They wrote: "We witnessed a successful exorcism." Years later one of those Officers came to my church office, reminded me of that historic night and said, "That made a ‘believer’ out of me! Ever since then I have been a Bible-thumping Christian!" The down-side to those events was that my Ordination was cancelled and I was barred from the denomination. My only other choice was to leave such wounded people in those horrific conditions. That, I could not do. I have never regretted the choice I made.
Recently I preached to a Church of Christ congregation in Tennessee and many people had dramatic encounters with the Holy Spirit. Without exception, all the Elders experienced the power. The following Sunday, they–and many others–shared their testimonies before the congregation. One of them was a woman who had "an issue of blood" but was healed at the Friday night service. Matthew 9:20. This ultra-conservative church accepted the fact that the Holy Spirit is still doing today what He did in the first century. He has not changed. To better understand this healing/deliverance ministry, I suggest you study I Corinthians 2:1-5; 4:20, I Thessalonians 1:5,6, and Ephesians 6:10-18.
Thirty percent of Jesus’ recorded ministry in the gospels was spent in direct conflict with unclean spirits. The modern church totally ignores the need. My alcoholic friend whom I mentioned above was eventually forced to leave her church. They could accept her alcoholism because it did not challenge their denominational doctrines; her deliverance was a severe challenge. Rather than change, they let her go. Such is the religious bondage that typifies many churches today!
Jesus "called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease." Matthew 10:1. That impartation has never been revoked. Most churches have quit believing in the power but it is still available. The following account from Jewish history is an illustration of how I understand the Ministry of Deliverance to work:
When Titus laid siege to Jerusalem in 70 A.D., and brought Jewish nationalism to crushing defeat, one of the principle weapons he used against the city was a gigantic battering-ram named Nico. In a very real sense, the title Nico was prophetic and still speaks to the church today. It means "conqueror." Nico is the same word used in the Greek text of Revelation 2:15, where Jesus speaks to the church in Pergamos of His hatred for the "doctrine of the Nicolaitans." The word Nicolaitan is a combination of the words, nico, i.e., "conqueror," and laos, meaning "laity," or people under the leadership of others. The message of these combined words is obvious. In the only instance in Scripture where Jesus is described as hating something, it is used here. He hates the doctrines and deeds that enslave the saints. He wants the saints to be free and has fully purchased that freedom for them.
Ancient battering-rams, such as Nico, were usually assembled by invading armies at the battle site and consisted of immense wooden platforms overlaid with iron plates. This metal covering protected the scaffolding from enemy fire. The ram itself consisted of a huge log, suspended horizontally by chains, that could be swung back and forth by squadrons of men holding onto ropes below. As the huge butt-end struck the wall and bounced back, the men maintained a rhythm much like the pendulum of a clock. The slamming of the ram against individual stones was important, but of equal value was the fact that the constant thudding set up a vibration that affected the molecular structure of the whole wall. Though unknown to the Romans, they employed a principle of physics which would not be identified until much later times. It is this: Energy stored in the log by the "rhythm of input" was transferred into the wall at the instant of impact. This sudden impact overcame what is known as the "moment of inertia" in the stone.
Initially, in the log's striking the stone, it appeared that nothing happened. That, however, was not the case. Though unseen, the energy in the log instantly transferred into the stone. This is the same pattern which frequently occurs in the realm of spiritual warfare. The natural eye may see nothing happening when in reality the kingdom of darkness has instantly been shaken to its core. Hear this carefully: The power of the Holy Spirit is often transferred through the laying-on-of-hands in such shattering force that a demonic stronghold is instantly jarred to its center. This may not always be outwardly visible. The believer's faith, as well as the one receiving, must go beyond their sight. Each must realize that the Holy Spirit is working in power in the spiritual realm even if they do not see it.
Some of the stones in Jerusalem's walls weighed 570 tons, were forty-five feet long, fifteen feet wide, and twelve feet high. The fact that stones like these were dismantled and pushed aside by the Roman Army helps us realize the tremendous energy that was released by the battering-ram. Ultimately, it was battering-rams like Nico, mere wooden scaffolds supporting ordinary logs, manned by teams of soldiers, empowered by a principle of physics, that penetrated Jerusalem's walls and brought the city to defeat. Many of the towers which Titus erected against the walls of Jerusalem were over seventy-five feet tall. Some even had wheels and were portable. Such was the ingenuity of ancient warfare; Rome conquered because of its overwhelming military superiority. When the Jewish War was over, not one Temple block was left standing upon another. Titus dismantled everything. This was precisely what Jesus had foretold would happen. Matthew 24:2.
The fact that Jerusalem's stones were larger, heavier, and stronger, than the battering-ram, did not alter the fact that they had to move. Darkness cannot resist light, death cannot resist life, so the stationary rock wall could not resist the movement of the log. Identically, when the authority of Scripture, spoken by a believing disciple, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, is brought against a demonic stronghold, there is an immediate effect. Hell may pretend that it has not happened but inwardly it knows that it has; best of all, the kingdom of darkness panics with the knowledge of the attack. If the saints proceed in faith, believing what their eyes cannot see, and do not quit the battle early, they will win. With believers following God's battle plans, it is impossible for them to lose.
Jesus' gift of divine blood redeemed us from sin, from the hand of the enemy, and from the curse of the law. In addition to these, He made available to us other amazing gifts for spiritual warfare. Here are four:
1. The position of sonship in the Kingdom, 2. The ministry-gifts of the Holy Spirit, 3. The authority of the written Word of God. 4. The anointing of the Holy Spirit.
These provisions are ultimate endowments of power. Not only so, but each contains a plethora of accompanying grace-gifts. It is therefore totally unnecessary that the saints become prey to the devil's attacks. Quite the opposite, it is Jesus' intention that the offensive of warfare be turned against Satan. Three times, in a progressive extension of His own power, Jesus gave authority to the saints. First, He gave it to the twelve Apostles. Luke 9:1. Secondly, He gave it to the seventy evangelists. Luke 10:1. Lastly, He gave it to all believers when He said "these signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons ...". Mark 16:17,18.
Significantly, we find that all whom Jesus sent to preach were equipped with power to cast out unclean spirits. It was because of this established pattern that Paul wrote the Romans that "the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly." Romans 16:20. God always does the crushing. That is absolute fact. But it is equally true that He does it under the feet of the believers. If Satan is not being crushed it is because the church is not carrying out its mission. Demons are forcibly exorcized wherever the Kingdom of God is present. Matthew 12:28.
We have the exact parallel of God and the saints functioning in this cooperative role in the Old Testament account of Israel's victory over the giants of Anak. Moses identified this two-fold aspect very carefully: "Therefore understand today that the Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a consuming fire. (1) He will destroy them and (2) bring them down before you; (3) so you shall drive them out (4) and destroy them quickly ..." Deuteronomy 9:3. Two things were to happen: God would destroy them and drive them out, but, identically, Israel also was to "drive them out and destroy them." Deliverance is a cooperative effort in which God works through men using His Kingdom power. Jesus said, "If I, by the power of God cast our demons, no doubt the Kingdom of God has come upon you." Matthew 12:28.
Though it is not apparent in most of our English translations, the Hebrew language uses two different words in this verse which are translated as "destroy." The first, referring to God's destruction of Anak, means a total annihilation of the enemy's presence and power; the second use of the word "destroy" in regard to Israel, denotes a less violent operation but signifies a necessary part of God's total battle plan. The point is that in the Old Testament as well as the New, God works in cooperation with His people.
Jesus said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy." The analogy of treading upon the enemy implies that the enemy is under the feet of the church. Satan's power is therefore subordinate to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. It cannot and will not be otherwise. Again, the Old Testament gives us the physical example of this spiritual truth when Joshua ordered his captains of war to stomp their feet on the necks of the five heathen kings. Joshua 10:22-26. The number five is significant in regards to Satan's kingdom.
This is identified for us in Ephesians 6:12. 1) Principalities. 2) Powers. 3) Rulers of the darkness of this world. 4) Spiritual wickedness in high places. 5) Satan himself. Significantly, the five-pointed star of the pentagram is used as a power-symbol in Satanism and various forms of witchcraft today. There were also five Philistine kings who withstood Israel, Goliath had four brothers, equaling five giants, Moses destroyed the five kings of Midian. The list goes on.
Jesus forever settled the question regarding the Seat of Power with His declaration to the early church that "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations ... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19,20. There is no mistaking this language: Jesus intended that all nations be taught "all things" which He had given the first disciples "to the end of the age." Theologically, there is no such thing as an apostolic church and a post-apostolic church–with the final one having less of the Holy Spirit, less Scripture, and less power. No! Regardless of the age or nation there is simply the "church," the "gospel," and the "power."
God has entrusted us with weapons of attack and defense far greater than that which Titus brought against Jerusalem. As "Sons," we are "seated with Him in Heavenly places." Ephesians 1:3,20. As anointed disciples, baptized in the Holy Spirit, He is has endowed us with miraculous gifts. Acts 1:8. As lovers of truth, we have the "sword of the Spirit" which is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17.
1. Luke 10:17-19: "Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name. And He said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
2. Mark 16:17,18,20: "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." V.s. 20: "And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs."
3. Psalm 149:5-9: "Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud on their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the written judgment-- this honor have all His saints." Praise the Lord!
4. James 4:7-8: "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..."
5. II Corinthians 10:3-5: "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."
6. 1 John 4:1-3: "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world."
7. Matthew 10:1: "And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease."
8. Mark 6:13: "And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them."
9. Hebrews 2:14-15: "Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."
10. Romans 16:20: "And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly."
11. Psalm 91:13: "You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot."
Finally, God has put the rope to His Battering Ram in our hands! Use it. Hallelujah! Chas
The Early Church Fathers' Experience With Unclean Spirits Tertullian, 160-225 A.D., in his Apology to the Rulers of the Roman Empire said: "Let a person be brought before your tribunals who is plainly under demoniacal possession. The wicked spirit, bidden to speak by a follower of Christ, will as readily make the truthful confession that he is a demon, as elsewhere he has falsely asserted that he is a god. Or, if you will, let there be produced one of the god-possessed, as they are supposed--if they do not confess, in their fear of lying to a Christian, that they are demons, then and there shed the blood of that most impudent follower of Christ. All the authority and power we have over them is from our naming the Name of Christ, and recalling to their memory the woes with which God threatens them at the hand of Christ their Judge, and which they expect one day to overtake them. Fearing Christ in God and God in Christ, they become subject to the servants of God and Christ. So at one touch and breathing, overwhelmed by the thought and realization of those judgment fires, they leave at our command the bodies they have entered, unwilling, and distressed, and before your very eyes, put to an open shame ..."
Justin Martyr, 100-165 A.D., in his second Apology addressed to the Roman Senate, says: "Numberless demoniacs throughout the whole world and in your city, many of our Christian men exorcising them in the name of Jesus Christ who was crucified under Pontius Pilate--have healed and do heal, rendering helpless, and driving the possessing demon out of the men, though they could not be cured by all other exorcists, and those who use incantations and drugs."
Cyprian, 200-258 A.D., declared, "Nevertheless, these evil spirits adjured by the living God immediately obey us, submit to us, acknowledge our power, and are forced to come out of the bodies they possess." These Apostolic Fathers lived into the third century after Christ and ministered long after the death of the original Twelve; none believed the Holy Spirit's power had diminished. Quite the opposite, they continued in the same pattern which Jesus gave. In a very different pattern, the modern Church has yet to comprehend the tragic loss it has forced upon those who trusted themselves to its care. No one is more guilty than I–but no one is more determined to correct the problem than I now am. Chas
2014 ITINERARY Thank you for praying for my itinerary. Appointments are subject to change. Please verify.
OCTOBER Every Sunday evening, Ascension Lutheran Church Boynton Beach, Florida. In Charles’ absence, other Elders speak.
1-4 Kingdom Ministries International Conference Morningstar Church, Lawrence, Kansas rehoward@thegatehd.com
19 Lakeside Assembly 561-880-1859 10am Boynton Beach, Florida
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 30- First Assembly Dec 3rd Winston Salem, North Carolina Word, Spirit, Power, Conference R.T. Kendall, Jack Taylor, Charles Carrin
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Posted: 05/19/2015 at 12:38pm
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Parable Of The Muddy Dog
Charles Carrin
One rainy night, a young man–Bob–heard a scratching at his door and opened it slightly. What he saw was a tiny puppy, cold, wet, needing help. He threw open the door, bent down, but when he did, a vicious dog rushed past into his beautiful house. Bob yelled in terror. How could he have been so wrong?! Through the crack it looked so different! Bob’s house was filled with expensive furniture and valuable gifts his parents had given him. Frantically, he tried to catch the dog but the animal was too quick and too dangerous for him. It snarled at him, baring its fangs, as it leaped onto his bed and tracked filth into the covers. Bob drew back in terror and ducked behind a chair. He did not know what else to do.
The name of the dog was Addiction, and like a hurricane, it tore into his life. Instantly, it began destroying everything he owned. Nothing was spared. His job, his family, his health, seemingly everything was consumed by it. It stole his bank account and wrecked his car. His girl-friend left him and canceled plans for their wedding. He was amazed that so much damage could be done just by opening the door so slightly. But there were the results! Everything was in ruins! He was wiped out.
"It isn't worth it!," he wept. "I don't want this dog ruining my life!" But the dog would not leave. It stayed, fouling every room and fighting everyone who tried to get near Bob to help. It wasn't long before family and friends could no longer see Bob at all. They never saw anything but the dog. It ate with him, slept with him, and totally controlled his life. It made all his decisions. In his dreams it haunted him, and in the daytime it bit and clawed him; still, he submitted to the dog's abuse and stayed with it. Before long, he began looking like the dog. His clothes, his hair, and the color of his skin came to be like that of his new master. They even smelled the same. In time, Bob became ugly, like the dog, with a yellowed, snarling mouth that attacked everyone who came to his door. Even his mother fell victim to the dog.
For months, she tried to get into the house and rescue her son from the dog, but she couldn't come near. Nothing seemed to work. Even if she had a few words with Bob, through the crack in the door, the dog quickly appeared and began snarling. The mother prayed and prayed for help.
One day she was on her way to her son's house when an old Friend approached and pressed a Book into her hand. "I wrote this Book," He said. "It will tell you how to get rid of the dog." "Really?!," she answered. "Will it really help?" "Yes!," the Man replied. "I fought that same dog many years ago and won. He remembers Me well. You will find instructions in the Book on how to conquer the dog." With that, her Friend disappeared, and the woman hurried away. Anxiously, as she read through the pages, her eyes fell upon this important line: "No one can enter into the mad dog's house unless he first binds the mad dog. Then he can safely enter and take whatever belongs to him." Matthew 12:29
"But how do I catch the dog to bind him?," the woman wondered, and frantically continued searching for answers. As she read, she discovered other important facts. The dog was a trespasser and had no right to be in her son's house. The animal was really a thief who came to kill, steal, and destroy. John 10:10.
As she continued reading she felt an unusual anger swelling up in her. But it was more than anger; it was like a powerful authority. Then, wonderfully, her eyes fell on another line her Friend had written.
It said: "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on mad dogs and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing shall hurt you ..." Luke 10:19
That was wonderful news! Quickly, she turned the pages for more help. And it was there! Every page was packed with valuable information. Her Friend had also written: "These signs shall follow those who believe. In My Name they shall cast out mad dogs ..." Mark 16:17,18. A flash of light shot through her mind. She had already learned two important lessons. First, she had to "bind" the dog, and then to "cast" him out. She did not understand how this was to be done but somehow she knew it could be. Her Friend would not have told her to do it if it were not possible. The next line she saw brought her to tears: "For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might destroy the works of the mad dog." Every page was filled with words of powerful encouragement for her son's rescue. I John 3:8
It was then she realized something she had missed before. There was a similarity between the suffering of her son and the Friend who had given her the Book. In His battle against the dog He too had suffered. He was a son also; the Book talked about His Father. And because of his suffering and victory over the dog, the Father had put "all mad dogs under the feet of His Son." It explained that all things were now in subjection to the One who had given her the Book.
The woman got very excited. The Man who wrote this wonderful Book was not a dead author; He was still alive and her personal Friend. Heb. 2:8 Her eyes then fell upon the most amazing promise. It was as if written personally to her. It said: "Forasmuch as your son is a partaker of flesh and blood and is subject to the attack of the mad dog, I also took part of the same, that through My battle with the dog and My death, I might destroy the animal who had the power of death and deliver your son who is now in bondage to the dog." Hebrews 2:14,15
When the woman read that she shouted for joy! Suddenly she understood what it was all about; all of the lines she had read came back in power: "These signs shall follow those who believe, In My Name they shall cast out the mad dog ..." Mark 16:17-18 A fearlessness shot through her body like an electric jolt. Suddenly, she was no longer afraid of that dog. The dog had already been defeated and was really under the feet of her Friend. Another line from the Book leaped from the page at her: "The God of peace shall bruise the mad dog under your feet shortly ..." Romans 16:20. The dog was going to be bruised under her very own feet! That was amazing! But there was another line. It said, "Submit to Me, resist the dog and he will flee from you." James 4:7
That was all she needed to know. She turned on her heel and started running toward her son's house. As she rounded a corner and broke through a hedge, her Friend suddenly appeared before her. She dropped to her knees, held Him by the feet, and wept for joy. "I submit to You!," she cried. "Do what you have read in My Word," He said, "All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth. You go for Me, cast out the dog, and I will be with you always ..." Matthew 28:18-20 The woman did not wait. She leaped to her feet, went running and jumping toward the house of her son. A wonderful sense of authority filled her.
Along the way, she glanced at other homes. Some of them looked dark and foreboding just like the house of her son; she knew a dog was in some of them too. The faster she ran, the more powerfully other messages in the Book began coming to her. This time, however, when she spoke them, she claimed them as her own confession. They became expressions of her personal faith. As she turned the corner and the house of her son came into view, she began shouting to the dog: "The weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of your strongholds! By the Name of my Friend, Jesus, I cast down the imaginations with which you have crippled my son! I destroy every false idea you have exalted against the knowledge of God! I bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ!" II Corinthians 10:4-6.
As she neared the door she realized that her hands had become like hands of steel. There was a power in them like the grip of a vise. With one kick of her foot she shattered the knob, splintered the panel, and burst into the room. Something inside of her roared with anger and authority at the dog. But as he lunged for her she ran toward him and shouted, "You come to me with fangs and a growl but I come to you in the Name of the Lord of Hosts. " Her eyes were blazing. "This day will the Lord deliver you into my hand and I will rescue my son from your control ... In the Name of Jesus I bind you!" I Samuel 17:46.
Before she could realize what was happening her hands clamped around the dog’s throat like a steel trap. She seized him with the fury of a Grizzly Bear. Swinging him overhead she hurled him through the open door and into the street. He hit the pavement with a splatter of blood and dog hair! As she ran toward him a strange thing happened. He suddenly came back to life to the size of a tiny cur-pup. He was the same size as the night Bob first saw him. With his tail between his legs, he went yelping into an open sewer. From deep inside the pipe she could still hear him whining and crying.
A moment later her son came running and shouting from the house. "It's gone, mama! It's gone!" He laughed and cried as he grabbed his mother in his arms, "It's gone! The dog is gone from my life!" The two of them hugged and kissed, wept and laughed together for a long while. Finally they went back into the house and began restoring the rooms. It wasn't easy to do.
Carpets had to be cleaned, drapes replaced, some of the furniture needed repainting, and dozens of garbage bags had to be removed. For a long while a foul odor remained but the young man knew that victory had come into his life.
A month passed and then the strangest thing happened. One rainy Bob was home alone when he heard a faint scratching at his front door. When he peaked out there was the same helpless little pup he had seen before. He looked like an innocent little puppy that needed someone to love and cuddle him. "There is no danger in him now," Bob thought. "He looks so helpless. I will let him in." But as he started to open the door he remembered a passage in the Book his mother had left him. Flipping it open his eyes fell on words that seemed to lift from the page. They said:
"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, I will return into my house from which I came.' And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of the man is worse than the first." Luke 11:24-26.
Bob slowly closed the door, locked it, and went to a near-by window. He was shocked at what he saw. The yard was filled with other dogs. They were everywhere hiding in the hedge, others under his car, and a few peering around the corner of the house. Some were more vicious and evil looking than the first one had been. He knew why they were there. If he had fallen for their deception and picked up the pup, they would all storm into his house. No!, he thought, I've learned my lesson! I'll never do that again. – And he didn't. The dogs lingered around for a long time but they finally gave up and disappeared into the night.
A few days later, Bob was in his yard when a stranger suddenly pushed through the hedge and came toward him. There was an expression of love, kindness, in the Man's face as their eyes met. It was his mother's Friend–the one who had written the book. With tears, Bob grabbed His hand, bowed his head and whispered, "You have done so much for me and I didn't even know You! You saved me from the mad dog. I want to know You as my Friend, too." "You and your mother did not wrestle against the dog," He spoke, "but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:10-17. "Now you go in My Name and set other captives free. And remember," He smiled, "I will be with you unto the end of the world." Hallelujah!
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Posted: 08/22/2016 at 7:03pm
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THE DANGER OF PSYCHIC MESSAGES Charles Carrin The Danger Of Psychic Premonitions, Ouija Boards, And Other Occult
A young man once came to my hotel room
seeking advice about a troublesome, spiritual "message" he had received. It was
this: On a specific, named day of the week, he was told that his wife and baby
would be killed in a car wreck. He was even told the location where it would
occur. The message further warned him not to tell anyone–not even his wife. When
he reluctantly shared that frightening information with me, I immediately
explained that he had received a psychic-prophecy. It was not God's "word of
knowledge" but a demonic counterfeit, such as fortune-tellers and clairvoyants
experience. I explained that genuine "words of knowledge," I Corinthians 12:8,
are always in harmony with the Covenant of Grace. No where does the Covenant
provide for car wrecks, mangled bodies, and broken homes. Read it for yourself.
Jesus came to "heal ...deliver ...set free." Luke 4:18,19. Such
psychic-initiated disasters are the works of Hell. I Peter 5:8,9. Satan came to
"kill, steal, and destroy." John 10:10. Jesus brings life "more abundantly." Since this young man, like many other Christians, was
uninformed about the reality of such an experience, his wife and baby were in
very real danger. As with most of us, he had probably read horoscopes, played
with a Ouija Board, had his palm read, or done other things that left an occult
shadow over him. Without wasting a moments time, I laid hands on him and took
total, absolute, unconditional authority over that psychic message in the Name
of Jesus Christ and cancelled it. As a believing disciple, empowered by the Holy
Spirit and speaking the Word of God from my mouth--and not in any ability of my
own--we destroyed the devil's forecast. It was declared null and void, powerless
and impotent by the blood of Jesus. Do I believe disciples have that power?
Absolutely. Jesus taught it, the Apostles confirmed it, you and I had better
learn it. 30% of Jesus’ recorded ministry was spent in direct conflict with
unclean spirits. Mark 16:17,18. Luke 10:17-20. James 4:7,8. II Corinthians
10:3-5. Matthew 10:1. Mark 6:13. Revelations 12:10,11. As this young man talked, I remembered my own wife's tragic automobile
wreck in which she had 13 broken bones and fractures, a collapsed lung,
concussion of the brain, and so many injuries she could not be moved. That
disaster followed a horrendous, month-long foreknowledge I had which was
identical to this young husband and father. What I experienced was not God’s
"word of knowledge", I Corinthians 12: 8, but the devil’s deceptive counterfeit.
But, unlike the young man, no one told me what it was, where it came from, or
how to stop it. In an almost identical way, I told him of another youthful
Baptist pastor in a similar hotel room several years before who wept out the
tragic story of a father in his congregation who dreamed a certain individual
would be killed. A short time later the person died tragically. Soon after that, the father dreamed again. This time it was his son who
would be killed. He was told to warn the boy about his impending death. The
father ignorantly submitted to everything the dream demanded, warned his son
about the disaster, and two weeks later the boy died in a tragic automobile
wreck. The church and family were both religiously and emotionally devastated.
Such tragedies are needless! God’s people are destroyed for "lack of knowledge",
Hosea 4:6, because denominationalism is more determined to defend itself than to
defend its members. During my visit with this young man
I recalled the time in Atlanta when another precious Christian brother was
killed in a car wreck within ear-shot of my house a few hours after his wife
foolishly obeyed a "message" to make his funeral arrangements. At the time, he
was in robust health. Obediently, she carried out every detail of notifying the
pall bearers, selecting the soloist and songs, informing the two ministers who
spoke--I being one of them--and choosing the Funeral Home. She left nothing
unfinished. Without realizing it, she cooperated with Hell and in-effect told
the devil, "Go ahead." Within hours after the final arrangement was made the man
was killed in a tragic automobile wreck. Another
Christian family came to mind; a mother, father, two grandmothers, who were
swept away in a flash flood after a relative had a psychic "warning" she
ignored. Nothing was done to resist the disaster. As a result, lives were lost
and children orphaned. That absolutely is not the will of God. It violates every
provision of the Covenant. Later, the person, who had the "warning," received
another. She dreamed that her daughter called in the night, shouted her
husband's name into the telephone and said, "He's dead!" Again, the omen was
ignored; no authority was taken in the Name of Jesus. Soon afterward, the
mother's phone rang in the night, exactly as she had been fore-warned, her
daughter shouted her husband's name into the receiver and said, "He's dead!" The man had just been murdered. Shot in his office, behind
his own desk. Again, there had been no exercise of Jesus' authority against the
psychic prophecy. As I stood at that man's casket, I wondered, "God! What will
it take to wake up people to the reality that we are in spiritual war?! How long
will the church stumble on in its blindness?!" I am still waiting. But I am not
waiting silently. Years ago God took me from pastoral work, sent me into the
field, and said, "Go wake up my Church!"
Before her death in the
Paris car-crash, Princess Diana was told by her psychic that "Happiness will
always be snatched away from you." In submitting to that horribly-oppressed
Medium instead of God, Princess Diana surrendered to Hell's agenda. The night of
the crash, her new engagement ring lay beside her on the floor of the bloodied
car. It was not even on her hand when she died. Instead, "happiness had been
snatched away" from her. "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."
Proverbs 18:21. Soon after my return to Delray Beach,
Florida, in 1978, a friend and I went to a Psychic Fair at the local Mall, set
up our own table and passed out tracts entitled Is It Dangerous To
Consult Psychics? The tract contained Scriptures warning those who practice
and those who receive divination. Deuteronomy 18:10-12. II Kings 17:17,18.
Isaiah 47:12-15. Ezekiel 12:24. I Samuel 15:23. II Chronicles 33:6. Exodus
22:18. Galatians 5:19-21. Acts 16:16. Understandably, the psychics were
outraged, the police were called, reporters and photographers came on the scene.
My friend and I were portrayed by the newspaper (with our photographs) as the
real villains. Later, the man in charge of the Fair
approached me privately. He had read the tract, was genuinely concerned, but
defensive for the fortune tellers. "I've worked with these psychics for eighteen
years," He said, "and I know that what they say frequently comes to pass." I
agreed. Pointing to the parking lot, he explained, "Suppose that a psychic tells
you that tomorrow at this same time there will be a green car in that spot, a
white one next to it, and a red truck speeding by." I listened. "They tell you
that a child runs out from between those cars and is killed. You come here
tomorrow and it happens exactly like they said ..."
The Ouija Board
I stopped him. "I know what you are saying is true. Psychics, Ouija Boards, Palm
Readers, and other occultists, frequently tell things that actually happen — But
you don't understand, they are not merely predicting them--they are causing them. Through their evil prophecies, they are proclaiming the
devil's will. If we accept his proclamation as true–submitting to it--we are
giving permission for him to bring it to pass." When I said that, truth shot through him like a bullet. He slumped,
turned slowly toward me, wide-eyed, mouth open. I will never forget his stare or
the terror in his eyes. "How do I get out of this?!," He asked.
"You need to be saved," I answered. "How?!" "Ask Jesus to forgive you. Tell Him
you want to be born-again," I explained, "Commit your life to Him." Standing
there in the Mall he did exactly that, humbly, sincerely praying the
salvation-prayer. But this raises a bigger question:
What about the girl whose husband was named in advance by the Ouija Board? What
about such a marriage. Paul explained that the devil’s worst trick can still be
turned into the saints greatest good: “all things work together for good to
those who love God.” Romans 8:28 People with histories
of psychic premonitions need deliverance. Such patterns frequently exist for
generations in families. If you ever receive a dream or message such as those I
described, do not accept it. It may destroy you or someone you love. God gave
you the authority to crush its effect in your life. Romans 16:20. Luke 10:17-19.
Mark 16:17-20. I Peter 5:9. Revelation 12:10,11. Be alert! Be informed! Most
importantly of all, be victorious! Know the difference between God's "words of
knowledge" and the devil's "psychic deceptions." Life depends on it. Don't
become another statistic of Hell's destruction.
A Pastor’s Wrong
A Church of Christ pastor
in Tennessee called, was in great distress and in urgent need of help. We met at
the Nashville airport and went to his home where he shared his crisis: "The only
power in my ministry was argument and debate," he explained, "there was no
manifestation of God's presence like the early church experienced. I became so
despaired with my spiritual deadness that I turned to other sources. And I made
wrong choices--I went into Eastern Mysticism." I listened as he continued. "I
found real power--but power that soon became dark and frightening. The problem was that having invited it into my life, I
could not make it leave. It began to dominate, control, and in a merciless way,
force its' will upon me." His story was familiar. The "spirit-guide" that had
invaded his life, harassed his sleep, affected his family relationships, and
succeeded in separating him from those he loved. In time, it destroyed his
ministry. As we talked, depression clung to him in a merciless way. When he
finished, I explained that he had "touched the unclean thing," Isaiah 52:11,
which God forbad. The good news was that his repentance and the power of Christ
could free him. I reminded him that there is no power of darkness that can
successfully stand against the authority of Jesus. Philippians 2:9. He sat on the end of a sofa, I stood beside him, and as I
laid-hands on him in the Name of Jesus, he began growling, curled into a tight
ball, and rolled head-first onto the floor. I knelt beside him, kept my hands on
him, and commanded the spirits of witchcraft and Eastern Mysticism to go. As I did, he started wretching, gasping for air, and
experiencing tremendous pain in his spine. A few minutes later, he was free. The
darkness, pain, and oppression, that had hovered over him were gone. I then
prayed for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As he
lay beside me, I thought of a Sunday School teacher who had studied
parapsychology, palmistry, automatic handwriting, and other occult teachings. At
the time of her deliverance, she had such severe back pain that she was several
days recovering. There were others who came to mind. Looking back over years of
this kind of ministry, I realized that many had undergone painful spasms in
their vertebrae during deliverance from psychic-spirits. When I shared that with
the young pastor on the floor, he answered, "Oh, I can explain that!" What he
told was shocking. "I was instructed to invite a serpent-like spirit to enter my
body and coil at the base of my spine. As I progressed in psychic-power, it rose
up, wrapping itself around my back-bone." We sat silently for a moment. He then
explained, "When you cast it out, it wrenched my back." I had no difficulty believing his explanation. When Paul cast out the
"spirit of divination" in the young woman at Phillippi, Acts 16:16-18, the Greek
text says she had a "python." This serpent kills by strangulation, wrapping
around the victim. It is not coincidental that Jesus used serpents as symbols of
demonic power. He said, "I give you power to tread on serpents ..." Luke 10:19.
Mark 16:18. More recently, a young Assemblies of God
pastor came to me at a Conference in Florida and asked if I would minister
deliverance to him. I agreed and we went to a private room. This gentleman was a
well-groomed college graduate with a successful ministry and family life. "My
ancestors have practiced Druid worship and psychic-powers for generations," he
explained, "And I experience torment from its presence. I am not participating
in any way with witchcraft but I feel that darkness constantly hovering over me.
It torments me." He paused. "I explained the problem to my Presbyters and asked
them to minister deliverance to me but they refused. Our doctrine denies that
Christians can have demons in their bodies or minds." I reminded him that none
of us have yet been through the Resurrection. I Corinthians 15:53,54. Demons can
go anywhere sin and disease can go. If Christians are immune to demons they are
also immune to sin and sickness. Like it or not, we are still vulnerable to
powers of darkness and must fight as Jesus taught.* Spiritual warfare is a
constant, on-going battle. Ephesians 6:10-18.
A Demonic
In the next few minutes,
astonishing things happened. Demons began speaking out of him in guttural,
dog-like growls, contorting his body, changing his appearance into something
ugly and grotesque. Mark 1:26; 9:26. Four major spirits were identified. One of
those was the spirit of "idiocy." When we challenged it in the Name of Jesus,
the man's eyes suddenly crossed, his hands became spastic, his tongue thickened,
turned sideways in his mouth, and be began slobbering with senseless jabberings.
In a split-second, he became a full-blown idiot.
The good news is that he was totally delivered; the mental pain was
gone forever. But please be aware of this frightening truth: Had this young
pastor not received deliverance, the spirits hiding in him would ultimately have
destroyed his sanity, ruined his family and ministry, and had him locked away in
an asylum. Could that happen to a born-again pastor? Yes. Absolutely. I have no
doubt that asylums needlessly contain many such Christians. Someone asks, "How can sincere Christians, such as the ones I described,
experience such ominous dreams and devilish messages?" The answer is that we are
engaged in constant, unending spiritual war. Ephesians 6:10-18. Our regenerate
spirit is immune to demons, yes, but soul and body, mind and flesh, remain their
battleground. If unprotected, these areas can be penetrated by powers of
darkness. Scripture and common sense confirm this fact. Luke 9:55. II
Corinthians 11:4. "For unclean spirits crying with a
loud voice came out of many who were possessed and many who were paralyzed and
lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city. But there was a certain
man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished
(bewitched) the people of Samaria ..." Acts 8:7-9. I
have a reason for quoting the preceding Scripture. It mentions Simon the
Sorcerer, demons, and victims in Samaria who were lame and paralyzed. Hear this
carefully: Though the townspeople held Simon in high regard, he was actually the
source of much of their ills. Without realizing it, those who sought his sorcery
received far more than psychic-predictions. They became infected with crippling
spirits that brought muscular deadness and twisted limbs. Simon's presence acted
like a magnet that attracted these spirits to himself and then projected them
upon the people. Jesus had earlier identified this same "spirit of infirmity" in
the woman with the crooked back. Luke 13:11. While
spirits of infirmity cause a variety of ailments, it is significant that
leprosy, blindness, deafness, and other diseases common to the day, were not
mentioned in regard to Samaria. Hear me carefully on this point: Simon's variety
of witchcraft was uniquely accompanied by demonic-problems related to the
muscular and skeleton system. Why is that so? The young Church of Christ pastor
gave the explanation. Read it again. Chas
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