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Subject Topic: Digest May 14, 2015 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 05/14/2015 at 12:07pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Precious Kingdom Seed
2. The Scandalous Reason You Struggle With the Supernatural

3. News Headlines


Precious Kingdom Seed

By Ron McGatlin

Living the “American Dream” has affected many people in the western world with a deep spiritual slumber.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has planted the promise of redemption of this world. Christ Jesus, the promised Messiah, has planted the people of God on Planet Earth with the seed (DNA) of the kingdom of God.

While the sleeping people of the world dreamed of gaining riches and playing games, they missed the precious seed of the gospel of the kingdom of God that had been planted by Christ Jesus.

The so-called “American Dream” has become a “nightmare” as the evil one slipped in and captured the minds of the slumbering people. Their children were enticed and trained by deceiving spirits of darkness that often posed as angels of light. As the children grew into adults, more darkness was spread across the land. Generations of degradation occurred that no longer retained the seed of the kingdom in Christ Jesus.

Today a foreign people possessed by another god are moving into the land of the sleeping dreamers to take over the land and rule over the people. The objective of the takeover is to destroy the precious seed of the kingdom of God by removing from the earth of all who were planted with the seed of Christ Jesus and to establish the throne of another god in place of the one true God.

Awakening the Precious Seed

In recent history God has sent many awakenings to arouse those who slept into a vital life in the Spirit. He has prepared and sent many bold and courageous men and many powerful ministering spirits (holy angels) working with them to point the people back toward the kingdom of God. For the most part these men and the moves they brought are now gone. The men have gone on to heaven to cheer us on. However, the moves of God they brought and the works they did remain as a seed that is seeded into a remnant of people. Their missions have finished, and the season has changed. Their missions have not failed. However, looking at the masses it would appear that they mostly lived and served in vain. However, that is not true.

God has, through all of this, prepared a remnant of seed people fully permeated and formed by the DNA of King Jesus and the kingdom of God from heaven. That remnant is probably much larger than it appears when compared to the masses of people in the world.

Historically, pilgrims and pioneers always carried bags of seeds with them to be planted in the new land where they were to settle. They also carried within themselves the seeds of their culture. The culture is not in the land; it is in the people. The people form the culture that is within them wherever they settle.

The seed of the kingdom culture is in the remnant to fill the land with the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

We are the seed of the kingdom coming forth on earth. Our bag of seed is the gospel of the kingdom planted by Christ Jesus and the first century disciples. Truth is our leader, wisdom walks beside us, and Love is our power. We are the word spoken from God to colonize the earth with the culture of Heaven.

There is no compromise in the precious seed people of God refined in the fires of persecution and hardship, molded and shaped by the hand of the living God, resounding the music of the songs of His heart resonating in every living thing on the earth and in the sea, healing the earth and all that remains, bringing peace on earth and good will toward man.

Establishing the New Jerusalem Colony

Beyond the many tribulations of cleansing judgments coming upon the world that will remove that which God has not planted, the seed pilgrims and pioneers will plant the New Jerusalem culture from heaven in the open land of the burned out world. God will produce beauty from the ashes of the old world. The mourning of the world will be turned to joy. The spirit of praise will replace the heaviness of persecution. The seed kingdom people will be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord to the glory of Lord. They will rebuild the old wastes and raise up the former desolations. They shall repair the waste cities and the desolations of many generations (See Isaiah 61).

“We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22b)

Tabernacles the Late Harvest Festival

The great harvest of the earth is soon upon us. There is nothing religious about the great harvest. It is one hundred percent real in every way. It is not even “Christian” as we have known it. Multitudes coming to God and nobody going to “church.” It is the reality of truly becoming the church, the Body of Christ on earth directly connected to our Head, Christ Jesus. It is the real life presence of God in and among His people projecting His heavenly kingdom into every aspect and facet of this world. It is His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. It is people gathering to worship God in His presence. It is families praying together and sharing the word together. It is men and women gathering is business offices for prayer and worship in His presence. It is fathers and mothers teaching God’s kingdom ways of life to their children. It is extended families and whole tribes gathering in vacant buildings, under trees, or at the beach – in the “garden spots” of God’s provision.

The great cleansing has begun. The tribulation of cleansing judgment coming upon individuals and tribes is not a new thing. Many of us have experienced both the impartation of heavenly life from God and the devastation of desolated lives that brought us to our knees, or more accurately on our faces over and over again in turning from layer after layer of our past life and being progressively purified in our daily lives in Christ Jesus.

Judgment for the children of God is chastening that is part of forming us into worthy vessels to carry the glory of God. Judgment to those who will not turn to God is progressive annihilation unto premature death. Sons whom God loves are chastened. The sons of the evil one that will not turn to Christ Jesus must face the wages of their sin which is death.

Thus the season of cleansing judgments preceding the worldwide planting of the kingdom of God is both purification to the children of God and purification of the earth as the fire of God brings an end of what the enemy has planted and built.

As it is for individuals so it is for tribes and nations.

Any tribe or nation that will not become the kingdom of God will not survive the great culture change from its pagan godless ways to the culture of heaven in the kingdom of God. Great turmoil beyond anything ever seen before will bring forth that which is written in the Bible and nothing that lifts itself against God will survive.


Hear the voice of God within telling us what to do in preparation. God is speaking in part: Humble yourselves now; repent for your wicked religious and secular ways of living according to your own desires and designs apart from Me. Bring your whole life to My spiritual altar and leave it there. I will repay, says the LORD.

Pray with your whole heart the model prayer Jesus gave us. Make every portion of it real. As an example when you say “Heavenly Father” make sure; is He really your Father? What does that mean to you? When you say, “Hallowed be your name,” is His name truly holy and highly respected above all else to you? Meditate each portion of the prayer and examine yourself to make it real and true within you.

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen

If we earnestly from our hearts pray as Jesus said to pray, we are aligning ourselves with the kingdom of God on earth. When we are perfectly aligned with God and His kingdom, He will guide us and empower us to live the life of Jesus establishing His kingdom on earth. We literally become the culture of the kingdom of God planted into the world – the seed that grows the kingdom from heaven into this world.

There is no more worthy life that can be lived on earth. There is no greater significance in life. There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling, more completely joyful and peaceful than being the seed that grows the kingdom of God on earth.

The whole earth is groaning awaiting the mature sons of God.

Thank You, God, for calling and choosing us to be Your willing vessels to become seeds of your kingdom planted in the earth. You are worthy, O God, of our becoming living sacrifices wholly set apart as bond servant sons unto You. Truly, Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen

Ron McGatlin

Would you like to know what the Protestant Reformers really believed about the supernatural? Read my latest article and see what the fuss is all about.

2. The Scandalous Reason You Struggle With the Supernatural

By J. D. King

"Anti-supernaturalism" has so shaped Western thinking that few have been able to escape its grasp. While the Christian faith, in both thought and expression, is miraculous, many within the broader Protestant tradition have attempted to reconfigure it.

One can find roots of this deep skepticism and doubt in the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century.
Martin Luther (1483 – 1546), the Father of the Protestant Reformation, believed that the Gospel and First Letter of John, the Epistles of Paul, and 1 Peter were "the true and noblest books of the New Testament." The reason that Luther believed this was because

"these do not describe many works and miracles of Christ but rather masterfully show how faith in Christ overcomes sin, death, and hell and gives life, righteousness, and blessedness." [1]

Luther was convinced that believers should be much more focused on Jesus' redemptive work than His miracles (as if these could be separated). This was the reason he preferred the Gospel of John over Matthew, Mark, and Luke. John documents many of Jesus' sermons, but only a few of His miracles. Because of this, Luther believed that John was

"the true, genuine, and chief gospel and is to be preferred over and more highly valued then the other three.” [2]

In other words, Luther suggests that the Gospel of John should be more highly esteemed because it has fewer accounts of healing, deliverance, and miraculous works.

Similarly, John Calvin (1509 – 1564), the principal theologian of the Reformation, argued that “a faith based on the miraculous is insufficient.”[3] He firmly believed the supernatural could “not engender authentic faith although men continually claim that it will.”[4] Calvin was persuaded that men are “almost always mistaken with respect to miracles.”[5] This fierce Reformed theologian shied away from the supernatural; focusing instead on the finer points of doctrine.

Luther and Calvin rose in prominence in an era before the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1780). In the ensuing years, miracles were no longer deemed "reasonable." With a concerted focus on "materialism" and the "scientific method," only that which was measurable was viable. Through this line of thinking, truth is always constrained within the bounds of rationalism.

From Sixteenth Century all the way to the present, Protestant leaders have assumed that the supernatural is merely fantasy. They were persuaded that miracles were little more than the foolishness and presumption of the ignorant. They believed this worldview represented a backward, pre-scientific understanding of the cosmos.

What's intriguing is how much our Western mindsets deviate from the rest of the world. While North Americans are unquestionably skeptical, many other tribes and tongues believe in the viability of spiritual realms.

Commenting on the widespread beliefs about demonic forces, Dr. Francis MacNutt acknowledges that

“In every culture except the European (and those influenced by the European, such as our own), I have found that ordinary people have a lively appreciation of spiritual bondage and the reality of demonic forces.” [6]

The acceptance of spiritual realities is prevalent in every non-Western nation. Does the industrial world, with our reductionism and scientific methodologies really comprehend more of the cosmos than others? Could billions be so mistaken?

The major reason why you struggle with the supernatural is because you're the offspring of Western rationalism and its heritage of unbelief. You are your father's skepticism.

J.D. King
World Revival Network us-reason-we-struggle-with.html
[1] Martin Luther quoted in Paul Althaus. The Theology of Martin Luther. (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1966) 83-83.
[2] Martin Luther quoted in Paul Althaus. The Theology of Martin Luther. (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1966) 83-83.
[3] John Calvin. Mark 16:20. Calvin's Commentaries. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1974.
[4] John Calvin. John 4:48. Calvin's Commentaries. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1974.
[5] John Calvin. Deuteronomy 13:3. Calvin's Commentaries. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1974.
[6] Francis MacNutt. Deliverance From Spirits: A Practical Manual. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Chosen Books, 2009) 57-58.

3. News Headlines

Nun: 'Islam Is ISIS. ISIS is Islam. Whoever Says Otherwise Is a Liar' - 5/14/2015
The Islamic terror group ISIS is leaving a trail of destruction across large parts of Syria and Iraq with a specific target in their crosshairs. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been displaced from their homes and countless others have been murdered or enslaved by the Islamic army, with no end in sight. Sister Hatune Dogan has witnessed the devastation.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 5/14/2015
Prostitute found Jesus when she least expected it - Algerian Church growing - Scotland - after the election - Macedonia: a country on the brink? - Gaza: 10,000 teens graduate from Hamas terror camp - Iraq: Three British schoolgirl 'Jihadi brides' flee from husbands - Nigeria: Boko Haram survivors, food shortages - Syria: Ransom rejected for 242 Assyrian Christian hostages.

Refugees sent back ‘home’ - 5/14/2015
There are 1,5000,000 IDPs in Nigeria that have fled from the brutality of Boko Haram. Thousands have become refugees by running to other countries for protection. After Boko Haram massacred thousands, Nigerians sought refuge in neighboring Niger. But now, Niger is deporting them back to the war zone that is their country. These refugees cry out for help.

‘Miracle baby’ for Nepal earthquake victim - 5/14/2015
A pregnant woman who dug herself out of the rubble after the Nepal earthquake has given birth to a healthy boy. 28-year-old Dolma Tamang was buried under her house when it collapsed on top of her on April 25th. She managed to free herself from the debris but was badly hurt and did not know where to go for help. Health workers found her just as she was about to go into labor.

Nepalese leaving gods after second quake - 5/14/2015
Nepalese are afraid to go inside any building. For the second time in less than three weeks, Nepal was shaken by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake, leaving many dead and hundreds more injured. The epicenter, this time, located near Mount Everest, took down buildings already shaken by the April 25 quake. The earthquake is shaking the faith of many Hindus.

Senate Calls Obama to Secure Saeed's Release - 5/14/2015
The Senate is calling on President Obama to secure the release of American Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Americans held by Iran. The congressional body has unanimously passed a resolution to that effect Monday. Abedini was imprisoned simply for trying to start an orphanage. Saeed has been "beaten, denied access.

Ex-Muslim: Koran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like - 5/14/2015
Mona Walter is on a mission. Her mission is for more Muslims to know what is in the Koran. She says if more Muslims knew what was in the Koran, more would leave Islam. Walter came to Sweden from Somalia as a war refugee when she was 19.It was in Sweden that she first experienced real Islam on a daily basis. "In Somalia, you're just a Muslim, without knowing the Koran.

Indonesia: Convicts praise God before execution - 5/14/2015
Strung to a cross and staring down at the weapons pointed at their hearts, eight convicted drug traffickers defiantly sang ‘Amazing Grace’ in the moments before they were executed on Indonesia’s Nusa Kambangan prison island on 29 April. The convicts, citizens of Australia, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil and Indonesia, had converted to Christ while in prison.


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 05/14/2015 at 1:25pm
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