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Subject Topic: Digest May 07, 2015 Post Reply Post New Topic
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Ron McGatlin
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Posted: 05/07/2015 at 12:55pm | IP Logged Quote Ron McGatlin Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Tend His Garden
2. The Indwelling Compelling -
    A Sign Of Personal Kingdom Order.
3. Sexuality Dislocated
4. News Headlines


1. Tend His Garden

By Ron McGatlin

In this moment of history, God is reordering and restoring His plan and purposes into gatherings of His kingdom seeking people. The places of gathering are like spots on earth that are restored to the Garden of Eden way of life, God’s “garden spots.” These purified holy places are to preserve the pure light and life of the kingdom during the season of darkness on earth. Some will be tucked away out of sight and others will be hidden in plain sight. Eventually they are to become bases from which the people of God will spread God’s kingdom to the world around them.

Mercy, longsuffering, and loving kindness have been poured out upon generations of people who had turned away from His perfect plan for His kingdom to reign on earth as in heaven. Other systems and lifestyles were developed after the Babylonian culture of following false gods. The time of the final destruction of Babylon is rapidly approaching. 

Grace is now empowering a restoration for all who will come out of the Babylonian style ways of living and turn to God with their whole hearts. I believe that even in the darkest days of Babylonian style captivity, God had a remnant of holy people that were mostly unseen by the world – a people in history crying out to God for His plan and His ways to come forth on earth. Their lives were incomplete without us as a part of a chain bringing forth a greater fulfillment of their godly hearts’ desires and prayers.

Children of God are again hearing clearly the voice of their Father. They are humbling themselves before God and turning from their training in the ways of the fallen world and religion. They are looking to God with wide open faces to receive the fresh input of restoration of the presence and purpose of God in their hearts and lives.

Return to the Garden

God made Adam (mankind) from the dirt and placed him in the garden to tend and keep it.

Contained in this simple statement is a profound kingdom concept of the reality of the purpose of our lives. Everything that God would have us to be and do relates to this “tend-the-garden” principle. Full satisfaction and significance cannot be attained in our lives without in some way relating to this principle of purpose of our lives.

What does it mean for you and me to “tend and keep His garden”?

In general the garden of God is the place of His uncontested rule and reign on planet earth - a place where all things live in peace to grow and prosper according to His desire and purpose. It is God’s plan that the entire planet be restored as His garden.

The first level of His garden is ourselves, our own spirits, souls and bodies. Our first garden to tend is that which Jesus called the soil of our hearts. The soil that will grow whatever is planted in it. Each of us as mature human beings have the final say as to what seeds are planted in the garden of our hearts. The seeds that we allow will grow into the structure of our lives and bear the fruit of our lives. The soil alone does not determine our lives. The seed determines whether our lives will produce the kingdom of God or the kingdom of man into the earth. If we plant the seeds of the kingdom of man in our hearts it will grow, and we will be led by the kingdom of darkness. If we plant seeds of the kingdom of God, they will grow and we will be led by the light of the glorious kingdom of heaven.

While we were young children, when most of our garden was being planted, we literally had no say in what seeds were planted in the soil of our hearts. All of the people that I know personally, including myself, were not planted with only the seed of the real kingdom of God. There were other seeds of the kingdom of man and darkness planted in all of us. One of the major concepts planted in most, if not all, of us is human competition that always leads to strife and stress.

Therefore our gardens have been or will be plowed deeply, and all that God did not plant removed so that the true seeds of the kingdom of God can be received and grown into the fullness of the fruit of the kingdom.

The seed that is within the fruit that is grown in the hearts of kingdom sons is then sown into the expanding “garden spots” in the world. Eventually the kingdom seeds from the sons will be sown into the entire world in the fruit of many sons.

The kingdom of God governs the world as the mature sons of God (male and female) are planted into the world to grow the kingdom of God in the soil of this world.

At this time every place on earth that God has given or will give into the hands of kingdom sons is to become a “garden spot” that will grow and protect the seed of the kingdom of God on earth. During the dark season of earth-cleansing judgments, the garden spots will protect the seed until the tares are removed and will then spring forth to expand into increasing coverage of the world.

As each of the many kingdom sons brings himself and everything he possesses fully into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God is increased on earth. The gardens grow to occupy more and more of the world. Whatever God puts into our hands is for the purpose of our managing it for Him in accordance with His desires and instructions. As kingdom sons we are never owners but always obedient loving managers of His resources, of His garden on Planet Earth.  

Kingdom Characteristics

The predominant characteristic of God and His kingdom is LOVE. God is love. His pure holy love abiding in us forms our character and determines the ways of our lives. The power of God flows through love. God’s power in us is also focused and directed by love.

To be without love is to be without God. Power without love is tyranny.

In the kingdom of God lifestyle, righteousness, peace, and joy flow abundantly in the Spirit.

In the passing church system emphasis age, religious form and humanistic concepts slipped in among the true word and ways of God. This led to an unhealthy level of acceptance of a mixture of fallen-world ways in the religious systems and subsequently in the people.

The great transformation and recent history of restoration of the gospel of the kingdom has come in three major phases symbolically pictured in the Jewish feasts.

·         Passover season emphasis on the blood sacrifice of the lamb.

·         Pentecost season emphasis on the Holy Spirit power of God.

·         Tabernacle season emphasis on God dwelling with His people.

These have taken us to the time of the revelation of the kingdom of God coming forth in the world through Christ Jesus dwelling in and with His people by the Holy Spirit.

In each of these seasons, God is progressively transforming His people and eventually His world back to His original design and desire. Purification and change of lifestyle is progressively building the life of Christ Jesus into His people. The mixtures of the old Babylonian style living that were tolerated in the past seasons will no longer be tolerated in the season of tabernacles.

One of the most deeply ingrained concepts in western civilization is the Babylonian principle of competition among human beings. Competition was first introduced by Nimrod the great leader of old Babylon. He was the great grandson of Noah. Nimrod left the faith of the patriarchs and some way got in touch with the powers of occult darkness. Nimrod was the first to build battle towers and walls. He was first to train and toughen his troops with competition. Soon he had conquered all of His neighbors and built much of the great civilizations of the old world including Babylon and Nineveh. He also learned to manipulate and control men.

The western world accepts human competition as a very good, if not a godly concept of modern life. All strife ranging from family squabbles to nations at full out war have their roots in competition. There is no such thing as friendly competition. There is always a winner and a loser in competition.

In the Babylonian influenced world without God, competition serves many purposes including limitation of greedy business practices and increasing human mental and physical strengths. Human competition is not a kingdom principle and is only useful in the mixtures of the passing second-day age and all ungodly cultures or among wild animals in the jungles of the world.

In the kingdom it is more about assisting others to grow than to outdo or beat them in competition. It is about complementation and cooperation instead of competition. Everyone is a winner in the kingdom because our dependency is in the reality of God in us and with us powerfully bringing about His will in and through us. There is not room or place for competition in the real kingdom of God. Love and competition will not function together.

We must seek God to overcome even our own flesh and every life situation. It is all by His power and love. In the kingdom, we do not get our “kicks,” so to speak, from competive games, sports, business, or any other competitive activity.

Our competition in the kingdom is with the devil and spirit forces that fight to invade our minds and hearts with lies seeking to separate us from the power and love of God that completely overpowers the enemy and has already defeated him. Our victory and rest is in the Lord who loves us and abides in us as we abide in Him. We have but to ask according to His will, and the power of heaven overcomes.

Our joy and thrill of life is in watching Him do miraculous works among us. It is not in our striving to be “number one” and win over others in the fields of competition. We can live in perfect peace in all circumstances knowing that He is with us and is greater than anything in this world. No stress and no strife, only believe and all things are possible in the kingdom of God. May His kingdom come and His will be done in us today.

Ron McGatlin

2. The Indwelling Compelling -
    A Sign Of Personal Kingdom Order.

By Clay Sikes

God is releasing a new mindset, a mindset that ONLY reacts to the divine government of God. This inward force is compelling beyond any nature man has ever dealt with. The man-child is being strengthened from the inside out, compelled to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth (as it is in heaven). With this inner compelling comes an inner strength to accomplish the task at hand, no matter the odds or circumstances. Within this confidence, there is NO MIXTURE! It is no longer God and man, just God, moving through man. "It is no longer I who lives, but Christ in me..."

Yes, the man-child is walking the earth, as God has specifically chosen this appointed time (Tabernacles) to occupy His Temple. Christ is appearing to those who look for Him, and they are beginning to manifest His Glory through Him (in them). The appearing of Christ, through a many member body, His first fruits, the man-child, is coming through those walking upon earth establishing The Kingdom within their specifically appointed spheres.

Where do such a people come from? God, through His Son and the indwelling Holy Spirit, coming into the hearts of His hungry people - those who seek Him with their whole heart. Our Lord is increasingly preparing a people (a pure church) to not only receive the seed of the Son, but to birth from that seed pure Holy Kingdom Life; all driven and inspired by His pure Holy Love.

The power and authority to reign and rule is upon us.

Clay Sikes

3. Sexuality Dislocated

By David Orton

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Rom 1:24–28 ESV

It has been said, “Whenever we see a ‘therefore’ we must ask what it is there for!”

And so, in the previous verses of Romans chapter 1(v 18-23) Paul has just shown, first, that through creation God is clearly revealed to all humanity—that is, to every individual who has ever lived or is living.

Second, that man’s knowledge of God is so clear and sufficient that we are rendered morally accountable for that knowledge.

Third, that man has suppressed this knowledge of God and become futile in his thinking. Rejecting God as the interpreter of the universe he has contrived an alternate “reality”; therefore believing a lie. In his view, he is now autonomous—the ultimate reference point.

Having explained human rebellion against God and its pretensions of autonomy, Paul now shows the immediate result in the dislocation of human relationships and sexuality (v 24-32). Once man is out of sync with God, he is out of sync with himself. And one of the primary dislocations is in his sexual identity.

Before we deal with the text, the good news is that if we turn to the Lord, there is not only forgiveness but also the power to live a life pleasing to him. He is not unaware of our frailty and failures. With the temptation he will always provide the way out. In Christ there is deliverance!

Nonetheless, while we remain pastorally sensitive to the human condition, we must also deal with the text.

Paul’s letter to the Romans provides the most foundational teaching for Christianity. Unlike the bulk of the Pauline corpus this book is not written to address aberrations, but rather to lay the foundation of Paul’s epochal and unique revelation of the gospel.

The first three chapters establish both the universality of God’s revelation (through creation and conscience) and of the human condition – both Jew and Gentile – so as to prepare the way for Paul’s revelation of God’s answer through chapters 4 to 11, the remaining chapters (12-16) containing practical issues and personal greetings.

And so, to the text at hand—the sequence of it shows that God is revealed, that man responding suppresses this knowledge in moral and intellectual enmity against God, and that consequently his sexuality is thrown out of alignment.

According to Paul therefore, homosexuality is the symptom of a deeper cause rooted in the human condition and God’s dealings with humanity. This is not to minimize the seriousness of same-sex relationships as divinely proscribed (see Lev 18:22; 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:8-11), but rather to show their true significance.

To exclusively focus on the symptoms is to miss the point—that is, that they are a manifestation of a society with a more profound disorder. The contemporary fight for same-sex marriage and homosexual ordination is exactly that. It represents a seismic shift in our culture.

So, what then is our “more profound disorder”? As a culture the West has rejected the creator-God. She has turned, instead, to the false gods of humanism—to man as his own ultimate reference point.

Verses 22 to 24 explains:

Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,

Returning to the opening phrase of our text – “Therefore God gave them up” – we see that humankind is not only morally culpable for the revelation received, but because of their culpability, they are handed over to the consequences of their choices.

This is in harmony with the covenant arrangement God made with man, first in Adam and culminating in Christ. If the commands of the covenant – “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart” etc. – are disobeyed, the covenant consequences will then be applied. To be given up or handed over by God is exactly that. It is a covenant term describing God’s disciplines upon a society that has turned from the true and living God to idols (see Lev 26:25; Acts 7:42).

To cast the fight for the right of same-sex marriage as a “justice” issue can now be seen in its true light. God who is the Judge, through the dislocation of homosexuality, is judging the culture.

According to Paul then, homosexuality is the result of a society’s rejection of the creator-God and his turning them over to the consequences of their decisions.

How does this work? If we reject the God in whose image we are made, male and female (see Gen 1:27), we implicitly reject gender complementarity, leading to gender confusion, and ultimately to not only the acceptance of same-sex relationships, but also their active endorsement as normative (see Rom 1:32)—for example, granting them the same status as heterosexual marriage.

The society that rejects God ultimately becomes narcissistic. Homosexuality is merely the mature fruit of the primeval seduction to become as gods. It is in effect the worship of our own image: male-to-male, female-to-female. And as such is unable to fully reflect the image of God as male and female.

Therefore, while the biblical Christian cannot endorse homosexuality, they must see it as merely a symptom. To resist the move toward the institution of same-sex marriage is necessary so as to stand for biblically orthodox Christianity, but it is not the whole story. It is merely a rear guard action.

The strategic action is through the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God—through calling a people back to God and to covenant faithfulness.

The cultural West – church and society – is under a discipline of God. The vigorous move toward the endorsement of homosexuality as normative is but a symptom of that discipline.

It is in fact, a penal but redemptive judgment on our culture due to our moral and intellectual defection from the creator-God, and thus biblically revealed Christianity.

These judgments will only be rolled back through widespread personal and systemic repentance as a culture—a changing of our ways through a pulling down of every idol and false god; every false belief system and value system that is not grounded in the true and living God!

David Orton

Lifemessage is a regular deeper-life teaching. Subscribe:

4. News Headlines 

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Activists Warn Congress of Christian 'Ethnic Cleansing' - 5/7/2015
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"Never a More Crucial Time for America to Come Together in Prayer"—AFA Reminds Americans ahead of Thursday - 5/7/2015
Millions of Americans will come together for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7, and the American Family Association (AFA) says there has perhaps never been a more crucial time to pray. Americans to pray for the Supreme Court decision regarding same-sex marriage. An announcement of the decision is expected in late June. America needs prayer.

He's Back: Huckabee's Tough Talk a Winning Ticket? - 5/7/2015
A familiar face has joined the Republican presidential field: former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Huckabee, who did well with evangelical voters in 2008, will emphasize a broader populist message this time around. Recent polling shows his likeability ratings are through the roof. Another quality he will need is to show he's tough enough to fight the war on terror.

'Sons of Liberty' Helps Iraq Christians Take on ISIS - 5/7/2015
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News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 5/7/2015
Christian tells UN Assembly, ‘God raised me from the dead’ - Atheist geneticist turned to faith after trying to disprove God - Praying for the next government - Muslim and Gay prayer services in churches - Libya: Now a ‘failed state’ - Australia: Planned closure of indigenous communities - North Korea: Willing to be martyrs for national freedom - Much More>

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It was hoped that the Chibok girls, who were kidnapped by Boko Haram almost exactly a year ago, had been found but the Nigerian military said they are not among those rescued). Nigeria's army has rescued 200 girls and 93 women during a military operation to wrest back the Sambisa Forest from the Boko Haram Islamist militant group.

Niger: evacuations due to Boko Haram threat - 5/7/2015
A regional governor in southern Niger ordered evacuation last week following a deadly attack there by Boko Haram. 60,000 Lake Chad residents were told be gone by Monday. “This governor is taking the threat very seriously, not putting a lot of confidence in the ability of the Niger military to respond or to keep them [Boko Haram] away.” “It’s a very strategic point...

VBB kids safe in Nepal - 5/7/2015
It’s been ten days since a powerful 7.8 earthquake hit Nepal, breaking an 80-year record. With the extent of the devastation still unfolding, hope for finding survivors under the rubble is dwindling. However, there is good news from Vision Beyond Borders. The ministry reports that all of the kids from their children’s homes in Nepal are safe and uninjured.

Douala that 212,980 decision cards were registered during the crusade from the over 370,000 people that were in attendance - Christ for All Nations - 4/29/2015
I’ve just received the report from Douala that 212,980 decision cards were registered during the crusade from the over 370,000 people that were in attendance throughout the four nights! Back in 1987 in Douala with 70,000 made decisions for Jesus. In 1992, in Douala again another 30,000 decision cards! Your prayers helped Cameroon to see a mighty harvest beyond any before.


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Edited by Ron McGatlin on 05/07/2015 at 1:46pm
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